Eilat water temperature by month. Rain-free Eilat - weather by month

To describe in a nutshell what the weather is like in Eilat – either warm or hot. This city does not know negative temperatures.

It's always sunny and warm in Eilat. Hot and dry in summer, winter minimum temperature at night around + 9. The best time for a holiday in Eilat, determined by the weather, is at the end of October - November, and in the spring the end of March - April. Rain on the Red Sea in Israel is very rare and only occurs in winter months.

Eilat is a city where it is almost always sunny. Best time for holidays October, November, March, April, May. Tourists are attracted to Eilat by its mild climate, warm, pure water Red Sea and the opportunity to see the sights of the city and interesting places in its vicinity.

Weather in Eilat by month

In the diagrams on the left you see how from the city of Haifa, located in the north of the country, to the city of Beer Sheva, the number of precipitation and growing temperature .

With further movement to the south there is a sharp jump in the increase in average temperatures and decrease in precipitation in Eilat.

This is explained by the fact that between Beersheba and Eilat there is the Negev Desert.

Of course, the weather on the Red Sea is of interest to Israeli guests from the point of view of comfortable swimming in the sea. Therefore, a few words about the period from September to April.


September in this city is the same summer month, like August. The city is filled mainly with Israeli tourists, and the beaches are crowded. Many people in the country are celebrating New Year, and he is in Israel just in September, precisely in Eilat. This month is not very popular among Russian-speaking tourists due to the heat. If this reassures anyone, then in the south of Israel the weather is about the same as in Hurghada or Sharm el-Sheikh.


The weather in October until the middle of the month differs little from September. Temperature within 30-34 degrees. Even at the very end of October, the public in the resort town prefers shorts and a T-shirt, including late at night.

After the holiday of Sukkot in the middle of the month, when there are traffic jams in the city and hotels raise prices by 2 times, Israelis leave for their cities and the best time comes to visit beaches and excursions.


November on the local coast is velvet season. When in Russia it is windy and damp, and sometimes the temperature is below zero, in Israel on the Red Sea it is warm, calm and comfortable. Average temperature about 24 degrees, but people in swimming trunks and swimsuits are still trying to take a place under the umbrella in the morning. A protective skin cream will definitely come in handy in November. At the same time, it’s easy to freeze in the evenings without a good jacket.

Weather in December

The temperature is about 20 degrees. December for locals is the beginning of autumn. Swimming in the Red Sea is possible, but entering the water, much less getting out of it, is not entirely pleasant. There are cold days, but sometimes there are also warm days.

Weather in January

On forums where the weather in Eilat is the subject of discussion, you can often come across the statement that in January you can swim in the Red Sea. This cannot be confirmed and cannot be denied. At the same time, there is a high probability that a person, having believed and understood this in his own way, having bought a tour, will fly to Israel in the confidence that the warmth and sea are waiting for him there. Such a tourist will most likely be disappointed.

Of course, the climate sometimes brings surprises, but if you are deciding whether to go to Israel to the Red Sea in January, know that you have very little chance of enjoying sea swimming.


In February, Eilat is cool, the weather is reminiscent of the winter month, sometimes with winds and very rarely with rain. But there are exceptions here too - on one of the pages of the site there is a photo taken on the beach in mid-February. It depicts one of the northern beaches with women and children on the beach and in the water. The second photo shows the street a few hours later - late evening, a dark cloud and a street wet from rain. The weather in February is unpredictable.


The weather changes quickly in better side. The average temperature is about 20 degrees. By the end of the month, the most impatient tourists appear on the beaches.

Let's sum it up. The weather in Eilat by month demonstrates that guaranteed beach holidays continue until the end of November and resume in early April.

The winter months are not cold and even at night the temperature does not drop below +9, and during this time it rains 2-3 times. However, at this time of year, you will most likely have to admire the Red Sea from afar, from the embankment or at the Underwater Observatory.

Temperature in Eilat by month during the day (at night)

January 18 (10), February 20 (10), March 24 (14), April 28 (17), May 32 (22), June 39 (28), July 42 (30), August 43 (32), September 37 (26), October 32 (20), November 24 (15), December 20 (11).

Water temperature in the Red Sea

In December-January the water is +22°C, in July-August +26°C.

As you can see, in Israel the water temperature in the bay does not change significantly throughout the year. This happens due to great depth seas.

It rains extremely rarely. According to statistics, the weather presents an average of 7 rainy days a year. Such days occur only in the winter months - December, January, February.

The air temperature in January ranges from +9°C (minimum) at night to +18°C (maximum) during the day. The air temperature in early August ranges from +25°C (minimum) at night to +43°C (maximum) during the day.

Speaking about the weather in Eilat, it is important to note that the air humidity in the resort is very low, about 20%. That's why summer heat relatively easily tolerated.

However, from May to October the weather in Eilat is not something to joke about. In order not to spoil your vacation, always wear a hat, drink more water and use sunscreen.

Due to low air humidity, the human body quickly becomes dehydrated. Therefore, make it a rule to take water with you when going out into the city or to the beach. It is especially important to follow this rule if you are going to the mountains. Buy a special case at any supermarket for plastic bottle. It is comfortable to wear and the water will not heat up.

If we talk about spring months The weather in Eilat in March-April is wonderful. Very warm, but not hot yet. At this time of year it is about 30 degrees Celsius during the day and about 22°C at night.

The weather is similar in October and early November.

Weather in Eilat January, February- during the day about +20°C, at night +10°C.

Even at this time Sometimes you can swim in the sea.

Water temperature in the Red Sea in December-January +22°C.

The weather this season is not stable. It can be windy for a week. And getting out of the water will be very unpleasant. Or it may be sunny and warm for several days in a row.

As you can see, during the day the weather allowed swimming in the sea, and in the evening it rained.

And after another 3 hours everything was dry again.

This is how unpredictable the weather is in Eilat in December, January and February. Perhaps in reviews of your holiday in Eilat you will find necessary information about the weather.

One of the most prestigious resorts in Israel, the precious pearl of Eilat - ancient city, located in the south of the country, on the eastern shore of the Red Sea. Find out on the Tour Calendar why the most favorable time The months considered to visit it are March-May and October-November.

Eilat is a precious pearl in the “diadem” of Israeli resorts, where people come to relax both in summer and winter

Tourist season in Eilat

Eilat is an eternal summer, where the sun has received a permanent residence. Half a century ago there were solid sands here, on which Moses once walked. Everything changed in the 80s, when new hotels began to be built on the site of the British border post and the coastal area was improved. Today the resort has developed and secured the title of an elite and luxurious holiday destination. It works exclusively in the niche of expensive tourist destination, and this is completely justified. The tourism industry is focused on high level: guests can expect well-trained service, world-class hotel chains, 12 km of amazing sand and pebble beaches, unlimited opportunities for activities aquatic species sports, a huge amount of entertainment and developed excursion routes. But the main “trick” of Eilat (read: its dignity) lies in its unique location - the resort coast is officially recognized nature reserve, which guarantees fresh air, the cleanest sea, as well as the diversity of flora and fauna of the underwater world. Thanks to hot summers and mild winters tourist season lasts here all year round.

High season

Tell exactly when in Eilat high season, is very difficult, since periods of increased demand for a given resort are regulated not only by seasonality, but also holidays. Roughly speaking, the local airport is busiest in the fall, on Christmas and New Year's Eve, in the spring (except for May), as well as during Jewish and Christian religious holidays, regardless of weather conditions. It must be said that hotels are crowded at this time. Europeans (Germans, French, Italians, Russians and Ukrainians) and Americans vacation mainly from October to April, while Israelis vacation in July and August. During the high season, the cost of hotel accommodation increases by 30% - 100% (maximum on holidays). However, you can use the service early booking, allowing you to avoid large overpayments. You should take care of this no later than 2-3 months before your expected arrival date. As for air tickets, the main carriers also raise prices, and sometimes, when going on vacation on your own, getting a ticket at an adequate price sometimes becomes not an easy task.

Low season

According to hotelier rates, the low tourist season in Eilat is winter period, as well as June. From December to February the weather becomes significantly cooler and the water temperature is almost identical to the air temperature. With such climatic conditions beach holidays, which are the main purpose of the resort, are not very popular. At the beginning of summer in Eilat, on the contrary, it is very hot, the sun burns mercilessly for 13 hours a day. Few people are fans of extremely high temperatures. In July and August, staying here can only be compared to the sensations you get in a frying pan set on low heat, however, the resort is not empty due to the fact that it is visited by that category of Israelis who prefer their native “Penates” to overseas ones. Traveling to Eilat during the low season has several advantages. Firstly, these are competitive prices for tours and hotel accommodations, ensuring, albeit small, stable demand. This area also includes last-minute travel packages, thanks to which you can achieve 40% savings. And secondly, it's moderate warm weather, whose adherents are a huge number of people who are contraindicated for the burden on their health in the form of heat and scorching sun.

Beach season in Eilat

The main treasure of Eilat is its delightful beaches, which satisfy even the most picky lovers of the clear sea. The Red Sea is much warmer than the Mediterranean, so the swimming season here lasts all year round. In winter, the water keeps the temperature within +22..+25 °C, but during the day it is not at all hot, and when the sun hides behind the clouds, it feels a little cool. In addition, constantly blowing winds contribute to greater susceptibility to cold weather. Therefore, a winter beach holiday in Eilat is, let’s say, not for everyone. In summer, a completely different picture emerges at the resort: very high temperatures, the sun heats up to the limit, and the water warms up to +25 °C. In principle, swimming in such a sea is quite pleasant, but given the high level of insolation, being on the beach during the day turns out to be very unsafe. In the first half of autumn, the sea water temperature becomes a couple of degrees higher - +26..+27 °C, but the 40-degree heat subsides, so overall the holiday turns out to be wonderful. You can get real bliss from staying at the resort in the spring, more precisely, in April and May. The weather at this time is a more measured version of calendar autumn.

Diving season

Diving in Eilat will give you a lot of unforgettable vivid impressions, because the Red Sea is famous for its diverse and colorful underwater world. But its main charm lies in the river stretching a few meters from the shore. coral reef. Fans of fins and masks flock to the resort year-round for snorkeling and scuba diving. The diving season lasts all year round. In autumn, visibility underwater can reach 40 m. In summer it is poor, but at this time there is a chance to see whale sharks.

Yachting season

Eilat is a sailing center. Created here ideal conditions for yachting. Thanks to the consistently windy weather throughout the year, you can surf the sea in any season. Another water activity at the resort is mini-cruises along the Red Sea Bay. The choice of routes is quite wide: Dolphin Reef, Coral Island, the Egyptian town of Taba, etc. The navigation season lasts all year round, but the most favorable time for these purposes is from October to April.

Best time for excursions

Most of the attractions and entertainment in Eilat are related to the sea. Judge for yourself - Underwater Observatory, Dolphin Reef, romantic sea ​​cruises with dives. But there are also land-based “things” - like a jeep safari in the Arabian desert, snapping, an ornithological center, the Hai-Bar nature reserve, Timna park, the City of Kings entertainment complex, etc. The main thing when planning an excursion program is to take into account the time of participation in it. Moreover, the climate of Eilat is designed in such a way that the weather is important not only at the time of departure on an excursion, but also at the time of return. After all, as you know, the daily temperature difference in the desert is very large. The best time for all kinds of “activities” and sightseeing at the resort is spring, the second half of autumn and the first month of winter.

It's time for holidays and festivals

Eilat is a city specially built for tourists, so most of the holidays and festivals here take place in a European style. The whole year here is permeated with an atmosphere of general fun and carefreeness. End of July - beginning of August - Jazz Music Festival "Jazz on the Red Sea", autumn (in different months) - International Festival mind games"What? Where? When?”, January - International Belly Dance Festival, January-February - International Festival classical music"Classics on the Red Sea."

Climate in Eilat

Eilat is in the grip of hot food desert climate, which is characterized by severe aridity. The annual precipitation does not exceed 50 mm, which is the equivalent of about 8 rainy days. The sun shines for 350 days a year. The resort is characterized by hot, long summers and mild warm winter. The range of day and night temperatures is very large. The coldest evenings occur from November to April. During this period, up to 1-4 rainy days per month are expected.

Eilat in spring

The period from March to April is the most preferable for traveling to Eilat, as it is characterized by fairly moderate temperatures by local standards. During the day, the thermometer usually fluctuates between +26..+31 °C, but in the evenings it gets colder - the air cools by approximately 12 °C-13 °C. Precipitation at this time is rare, but still possible - approximately 1-2 stormy days. The rest of the time the sky above your head is clear, filled with gentle sunlight. Although sometimes news reports broadcast flight cancellations at the local airport due to dust storms. As a rule, “non-flying weather” persists for several days, after which everything returns to normal. In May, the level of insolation increases, and at midday it becomes not entirely safe to be outdoors. The daily temperature recorded by meteorologists is approximately +35 °C, but often the thermometer “creeps” upward and reaches +37..+38 °C.

Temperature and weather in Eilat in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilWeather in May
Temperature average+19 +24 +27
Temperature during the day+24 +30 +34
Temperature at night+13 +17 +20
Water temperature+21 +23 +24
Rain2 days1 day1 day
Humidity50% 45% 40%

Eilat in summer

In the summer it’s really hot in Eilat. Moreover, the heat attacks begin already from the first days of June, so you shouldn’t hope for any relief at the beginning of the season. According to climate reports, the delta of daytime temperatures is +38..+40 °C, but the realities are much more “rosier” - everything is +42..+43 °C. Fortunately, the resort is not burdened by such weather with high levels of humidity, otherwise it would be empty at this time of year. The condition of the water can only be compared with fresh milk, so swimming in it does not bring any refreshment. However, cool sea breezes have a slight cooling effect. Real active life begins at the resort only in the evening, when temperatures drop and long-awaited relief comes in the form of +23..+25 °C.

Temperature and weather in Eilat in summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in August
Temperature average+31 +33 +33
Temperature during the day+38 +40 +40
Temperature at night+23 +26 +26
Water temperature+23 +25 +26
Humidity40% 40% 45%

Eilat in autumn

Autumn in Eilat is an improved version of summer. The weather still generously bestows bright sun rays, but not so aggressive. However, the level of UV radiation is still slightly increased, so being under open air Without sunscreen is not recommended. Daytime extremes are slightly lower, which has a positive effect on a person’s well-being. October and November are especially good in this regard. The sea, on the contrary, behaves diametrically opposite: in autumn season it is much warmer than in summer. As for the evenings, they become much cooler, especially in November. This month, with the onset of twilight, warm clothes will come in handy - environment cools down to +15 °C.

Eilat- an elite and luxurious holiday destination where wonderful weather reigns all year round and the tourism industry is at a high level. This resort is visited to relax on a carefree basis. best beaches the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba, get acquainted with ancient sights or engage in active sports.

Eilat Climate

The real pride of Eilat is always excellent climate, significantly different from other resorts in the country. Here 365 sunny days a year, and rain is perceived as a miracle, so it is almost impossible to get caught in it.

Compared to other resorts, the climate of Eilat is very different for the better.

The weather here is the driest compared to other cities, but this heat is easily tolerated thanks to the sea breeze and winds.

Similar comfortable conditions for relaxation associated with features geographical location resort. Eilat is isolated from other cities by a wall of mountains, a hot desert and the Gulf of Aqaba. Summers in Eilat are long and dry, and winters are mild and warm. IN winter time The variation in day and night temperatures is very noticeable. It can be up to 15 degrees.


Even in winter Eilat does not know low temperature. The weather here is beautiful, and tourists, taking advantage of this, come to the resort every day.

    The rest of the coastal area belongs to hotels, so free service is available only to guests. In similar coastal areas sand predominates, and also has all the infrastructure necessary for vacationers:

    • Cafe;
    • Equipment rentals;
    • Playgrounds for children;
    • Awnings.

    These beaches include Hanesiha, Isrotel Yam Saf, Club Med, Leonardo Plaza Eilat, Queen of Sheba And Meridian.

    It's time for holidays and festivals

    In Eilat, as throughout the country, both national and European events are traditionally celebrated. So, for example, in winter in January they meet New Year and Christmas, and also hold sports competitions.

    In the spring, more precisely in March, they celebrate Purim- a holiday during which colorful processions are held around the city, and in April Passover- an ancient Jewish holiday associated with the beginning of the history of the Jewish people.

    Eilat is quiet in the summer, but in September Jews celebrate the national New Year - Rosh Hashanah.

    The National New Year is spent with family, so it will not be possible to witness the magnificent celebration.

    Thanks to the pleasant climate and rich recreation, I never want to leave Eilat, especially in high season, when the resort is conducive to memorable events.

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Weather in Eilat by month in summer, autumn, winter and spring. Air and water temperature, precipitation – useful information from “Travel The World”.

In January

The Israeli “winter” continues. In the middle of the day it is +18 °C, but in the morning and as evening approaches the temperature drops to +14 °C. At night around +6 °C. The water temperature is at +22 °C. Short periods of rain are possible. Although you can swim in these conditions, January is still more suitable for excursions.

In February

Daytime temperatures begin to rise gradually, reaching +21 °C. At night around +9 °C. The sea is warmed up to +21..+22 °C, which makes swimming invigorating. The sky may be slightly cloudy with occasional light rain.

In March

In Eilat, spring manifests itself with small clouds and short-term rain once a month. The climate here is so dry that rare drops do not distort the overall picture. In the middle of the day about +23 °C, at night +12..+13 °C. The sea is warmed up to +21 °C. You can swim, but there is a high risk of catching a cold.

In April

During the day up to +29 °C, at night +15..+16 °C. The sea managed to warm up to +22 °C. By the end of April its temperature reaches +23 °C. At this time the high season begins. Precipitation in April is very rare, everything is limited to slight cloudiness and rare drops from the sky.

In May

This month the tourist season is already in full swing. There is no rain on May days. During the day +30..+33 °C, at night about +21 °C. Warm clothes will no longer be needed in May. sea ​​water managed to warm up to +24..+25 °C.

In June

Although in June it is already very hot in Eilat, people come here from all over the world, taking advantage of the opportunity to swim and sunbathe before the attack low season, caused by the same heat. In the middle of the day up to +38 °C, in the morning over +30 °C, and at night about +20 °C. For many years June days the sun managed to heat the water to +25 °C. There is no rain in June.

In July

July is very solar month, but the peak heat will only come in August. During the day in Eilat it already exceeds +40 °C. In the morning at the resort there is also no relief, the temperature reaches +33 °C. It is hot even at night, when the air temperature reaches +26 °C. The sea heated up to +27 °C.

In August

In August, Eilat is as hot and dry as the previous month. On some days the thermometer in the sun can reach +45 °C. The water temperature reaches a record high of +28 °C.

In September

The air temperature is barely starting to drop, but the sea is still heated to +27 °C. During the day in Eilat up to +37 °C, at night about +24 °C.

In October

Like May, October is considered the peak month for the influx of tourists. The wild heat went away, and the weather began to favor rest. During the day the temperature reaches +33..+34 °C, but on average it does not exceed +27 °C. At night in Eilat +18..+20 °C. Sea water is still heated to +27 °C. In October, short periods of rain are possible.

In November

During the month, daytime temperatures drop from +28 °C to +22 °C. At night about +15 °C. The water cools down to +24 °C, which allows you to swim normally again.

The harsh climate of Eilat has significant influence to the tourist flow. The second half of autumn is considered the most favorable time for relaxation. Suitable conditions also develop in April and early May.

Weather in Eilat now

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Eilat is a famous Israeli resort located in the south of the country on the shores of the Red Sea. This is a popular tourist center, which attracts not only fans beach holiday, but also lovers of underwater sports: in its waters there are picturesque coral reefs.

Eilat lies in the area subtropical climate. It neighbors Egypt Saudi Arabia and Jordan. All this ensures ideal weather conditions, and you can relax here even in winter.

The water temperature in the sea undergoes slight fluctuations: in winter +22 °C, in summer +26 °C.

This is the driest area of ​​Israel. There are only 12 rainy days a year, and that's impressive. Relative humidity air fluctuates between 20-30%. In the summer months the air can warm up to +40 °C…+45 °C. The heat is helped by low air humidity and wind.

In winter in Eilat it is warm and it rains (rarely-rarely), and there is as much sun as in summer period. The water and sea temperatures are almost identical.

Climate and weather in Eilat by month

To view detailed information for each month, go to the appropriate page from the list below.

Weather in Eilat in winter

Winter Eilat pleases tourists with sunny skies, warm days and the opportunity to plunge into amazing story Israel.

IN December comfortable for summer. During the day +15 °C…+20 °C, at night up to +10 °C. There are still tourists on the beaches. There is a little more precipitation, but not critical. The sea is warmed up to +23 °C.

The coolest winter month is January. During the day +14 °C…+19 °C, at night +9 °C. There is little rain: 4 mm of precipitation, the figure is not critical. The water is cold, +22 °C. January, like all winter months, is suitable for walking around the city and sightseeing trips.

WITH February Warming begins: during the day +16 °C…+21 °C, at night +10 °C. Rains are short-term, insignificant. At the same time, the water is the coldest: +21 °C.

Weather in Eilat in spring

Spring is the optimal time to visit Eilat, when peak summer temperatures are still far away.

March marks the transition to spring: it is no longer as “cold”, but not yet too hot, as it will be in the summer. Daytime temperatures range from +19 °C to +24 °C, often rising to +26 °C. At night +13 °C…+17 °C. For evening walks, you should stock up on a sweatshirt. The sky is always clear, rain is a rare exception. The water temperature is still at +21 °C.

IN April It’s already heating up with all its might: it’s warm and comfortable like summer. During the day from +24 °C to +29 °C, at night up to +17 °C. The Red Sea, being very small, quickly warms up to +23 °C. There is no precipitation.

Similarly in May it doesn't rain. It is hot during the day: from +27 °C to +34 °C, at night from +22 °C to +22 °C. The water temperature in the Red Sea is already +25 °C by the end of the month.

Weather in Eilat in summer

The climatic summer does not coincide with the calendar one and lasts from June to September. Summer Eilat is sunny, hot, sultry, and every shadow is perceived as salvation. All the streets come to life in the evening, when it becomes a couple of degrees cooler.

IN June The full tourist season starts. Daytime temperatures range from +31 °C to +38 °C - very hot. It is better to wait out the afternoon somewhere indoors. Thanks to minimal humidity, the situation is not unbearable, as is the case in European resorts. The Red Sea is heated to +26 °C and is not at all refreshing.

July as hot as June. Even at night +25-26 °C. The much-desired rains are not expected. The water in the Red Sea is very hot: +28 °C. Swimming in such conditions can hardly be called comfortable.

The series of peak months continues August. All temperature indicators are identical to those in July.

Weather in Eilat in autumn

September- also a summer month, although formally it belongs to autumn. At this time, the average daily indicators decrease quite a bit. During the day the temperature ranges from +30 °C to +37 °C, at night from +23 °C to +27 °C. Water in the Red Sea is +27 °C.

IN October Temperatures continue to decline. During the day +26-27 °C (periodically +32-33 °C), at night +20-21 °C. Rain occurs once a month or not at all. The sea water remains the same warm, +27 °C. This great time for a trip: it’s not too hot outside, you don’t have to hide indoors at midday, swimming is still comfortable.

With the arrival November It's noticeably colder in Elite. The air temperature drops from +26 °C to +20 °C by the end of the month. At night +14-15 °C. It rains maximum once a month. The water is just as warm.

Even in late autumn, tourists in Elite enjoy the sun, sea and a great holiday.