Intellectual game "brain ring" for children of senior preschool age. Scenario for the Brain Ring “Visiting a Fairy Tale”

Ecological brain ring in kindergarten

(held at the kindergarten site)
Target: Raise children in game form environmentally literate people.
Tasks: Develop intellectual abilities in the field of ecology, creative potential and ecological culture of preschool children. Foster feelings of collectivism. Develop children's speech and cognitive activity.
Equipment: Benches, emblems, sun and cloud hats, pictures of insects and birds, 2 trash bags, a wonderful bag with barrels, a tape recorder, audio recordings, cocktail straws, flower preparations, vases.
Progress of the game:
Organizing time.
(Calm music sounds, children take their seats, the presenter reads a poem)
Is on earth huge house
Under the roof is blue.
The sun lives in it,
rain and thunder,
Forest and sea surf.
Birds and flowers live in it,
Spring ringing of the stream,
You live in that bright house YOU
And all your friends.
Wherever the roads lead
You will always be in it.
BY NATURE native land
This house is called.
Leading: Hello guys!
We welcome you to the educational and entertaining game “Ecological Brain Ring”. The name of the game Brain Ring comes from the English. brain - brain. As you know, any game has rules, and brain-ring is no exception. Listen to the rules of the game.
Rules of the game:
1. 2 teams take part in the game.
2. Team captains present the name, motto, emblem.
3. The game consists of 5 rounds, which contain general issues on ecology.
4. The correctness of the answers is assessed by the jury
5. For the correct answer, the team receives points, they are awarded according to the system:
Full correct answer -5 points
Incomplete answer - 3 points
Incorrect answer - 0 points, the right to answer goes to the team that raised the sign after it.
The team that scored large quantity points, within the allotted period of time becomes the winner of the brain ring, takes 1st place.
Today there are members of the jury present here, they are the ones who will determine the winners of the game.
Jury presentation:
The jury will evaluate the answers of team members and record score sheets results of the game and monitor compliance with the rules of the game.

Leading: So, we have two teams participating. I ask the captains to introduce their teams.
Team No. 1. “Greens”;
Our motto: “Let's take care of the planet, there is no other like it in the world!” Nature has friends, it’s us, you and me!”
Team No. 2. "Pathfinders";
Our motto:
“We, pathfinders, are native experts and lovers of nature.
We protect the forest and its inhabitants,
And we ask each of you,
At any time of the year, whenever
Enter the forest with a kind heart,
Take care of everything that is in it!”
Let's greet each other with Applause! The acquaintance has taken place, and now it’s time to start playing. We wish everyone success in the competition. May the best man win!
Leading: First round. “Insect Country.” (Children solve riddles and show a picture with the correct answer)
Guys, solve the riddles...
Riddles for the Green Team
1. It flutters, dances, and waves its patterned fan over the flower. (butterfly)
2.From branch to path, from grass to blade of grass
A spring jumps, a green back. (grasshopper)
3.The buzzer sits on a flower to enjoy the nectar.
He is as furry as a spruce. Looks like a bee... (bumblebee)
4 Because of him they beat themselves, because of him they beat you.
His nose is long and his voice is ringing. (mosquito)
5. Walks over us upside down, dines with us - he tastes everything.
If you start driving, it will start buzzing. (fly)
Leading: Well done, the “Green” team, you solved all the riddles. And now riddles for the Pathfinders team
1. She sits on a flower, not tired of working in the morning.
She gave wax and honey to people, restless... (bee)
2. Who in the forest, without axes, builds a hut without corners. (ant)
3. I weave thin lace, you won’t notice it on the fly.
Anyone caught in my net will remain hanging in it. (spider)
4. A blue airplane landed on a white dandelion. (dragonfly)
5. She eats aphids from the branches and helps us in the garden,
Having settled deftly on a leaf, this is... (ladybug)
Leading: Well done boys! All the riddles were solved. While the jury is evaluating the first competition, you and I will play the game “Sunshine and Rain.” Listen to the rules of the game: now you will turn into insects, when the sun shines, you will dance and have fun in the clearing. As soon as it starts to rain, you will need to take your places in your houses.
Leading: Second round. “Forest Troubles” (questions are asked to teams in turn, using a wonderful bag and barrels from lotto)
1. What trees do you know?
2. What animals sleep in winter?
3. Who wears his own house?
4. Who gnaws nuts and dries russula?
5. Which animal has a snout?
6. Reeds grow by the river, and a baby lives in the reeds. He has green skin
and with a green face?
7. Walks around in a red fur coat, plays cunning and bares his teeth?
8. Which animal has a bush on its head?
Leading: Well done team, they guessed all my tricky questions. People often litter nature, leaving garbage in the forest or on the river. Yes, and on our site, someone littered. Let's get things in order. Let's play the game "Who will collect the most garbage" while the jury deliberates.
The game “Who can collect the garbage the fastest” is being played.
Leading: Third round: “Captains Competition.”
Go as far as possible, without stopping, for each step of the name (animals, birds, fish, trees, flowers, etc.).
The captain who goes farthest wins.
A soundtrack of bird voices sounds.
Leading: Fourth round. "Bird Bazaar"
Guys, how much do you know about birds?
Children: Yes!
Leading: We'll check it now. (questions are asked to teams in turn)
1. What is the name of the bird's house?
2. What are the names of the bird’s “hands”?
3. What are bird children called?
4. Bird's "mouth"?
5. When do people hang out birdhouses?
6. What do birds eat?
The game “Guess the Bird” is played (children must guess the name of the bird in the picture)
Leading: Fifth round. "Rules of friends of nature."
– Remember the rules of friends of nature? (Name the rules one by one).
Well done boys. I hope when you relax in nature, you will remember how to behave so as not to harm nature.
Leading: Our game is over, well done! You showed good knowledge about the nature of your native land. And now, while the jury is summing up the final results, I invite you to take part in making flowers to decorate the kindergarten.
Jury: Guys, we see that you have become true friends of nature. Our game ended with a score... We congratulate you and appoint you as the main ecologists on the planet. (Young Ecologist medals are awarded). Environmentalists are friends of nature. These are those who protect, protect and preserve nature.
A living thread connected everyone forever: a leaf, a snail, the Earth and a person.
They live in the world like one family. The earth cannot do without an ant.
Water without fish, forest without animals, and man without all nature.
And you hold on to this thread so that this life of nature does not end!

Team awards. Circle of honor.

Of great interest to preschoolers and their parents was our brain ring. The hall was decorated accordingly. On the wall there are posters with the name of the event “Brain Ring” and the program motto “Nature is Our Home”, as well as signs depicting the rules of behavior in nature . The tables are covered with a red and green tablecloth, each with light bulbs of the corresponding color. Nearby there are boards with labyrinths and stands on which visual aids are displayed during the game. Children from two kindergarten groups take part in the game. Before the start, the presenter introduces the teams “ Green World" and "Red Book", the jury and introduces the participants to the rules.

  • If the child knows the answer to a question, he raises his hand and the captain presses the button.
  • The question is answered by the team whose captain turned on the light first.
  • Penalty points are awarded to the team whose captain pressed the button before the end of the question.

Leading. Our brain ring is dedicated to nature. Nature - Ours Common Home. It must be protected as much as possible! From a pointlessly plucked branch or flower, from a caught butterfly, or from not picking up trash in the forest, its destruction begins. Always remember this and take care of nature!

The Brain Ring consists of three rounds.

First round. Inanimate nature

2. There is a place on Earth where, wherever you turn, there is south on all sides. What is the name of this place? (North Pole.)

3. Where do day and night come from? (Does the earth spin like a top and expose one side to the sun, then the other?)

4. Attention: black box! What's in it? “There is one object in the world in which a white light is hidden; you can boldly turn the arrow and get home without difficulty.” (Compass?)

5. How to determine the cardinal directions by the sun? (If you stand with your right side to the sun, then there will be east on the right, west on the left, ahead- north, behind- south. But this is true only for the morning hours - in the evening the sun points to the west.)

6. Name the months of the year (on the scoreboard they put pie chart, whose multi-colored sectors symbolize the seasons and months) (photo 3).

7. List the types of precipitation. (Rain, snow, hail, dew, fog?)

8. What are clouds made of? (From water droplets or ice crystals?)

9. Why do we hear thunder after we see lightning? (Does sound travel slower than light?)

10. Name the rules of behavior in nature (signs are placed on the board that symbolize the rules of behavior in nature, and the answerer describes each of them). While the jury is deliberating, a physical education session is held “What grows in native land?. The presenter lists plants that grow in the Belgorod region and do not grow in Russia. Children should clap their hands when they hear the name of a species that is not found here.

Second round. Mammals

1. What is the name of an animal that feeds its young with milk? (Mammal)

2. Why does a squirrel have such a bushy tail? (To glide and steer when jumping from branch to branch and from tree to tree)

4. Why do mice chew everything? (Their teeth are constantly growing - they must be constantly ground down. If this is not done, the teeth will grow so large that the mouse will not be able to close its mouth, and therefore will not be able to eat.)

5. Who is the odd one out in the row and why? (Drawings depicting a wolf, a hare, a squirrel are displayed on the board. The child answers: in this case the wolf is superfluous- he is a predator and eats all the other animals drawn.)

6. Is a dolphin a fish? (This is a marine mammal)

7. Where is whose trace? (A drawing depicting traces of a bear, deer, wolf, hare is displayed on the board.)

8. Who says what? (Images of domestic animals are displayed on the board: pigs, cows, horses, sheep, dogs, cats. The child shows them and calls the “speech” of the animals, for example, a cow moos, a sheep bleats...)

9. Why does a dog stick out its tongue when it's hot, but a horse doesn't? (A horse has sweat glands on its body, but a dog does not. Therefore, to cool itself, the dog sticks out its tongue)

10. What is the Red Book? (It includes species of plants, mammals, birds, insects that are endangered)

While the jury is deliberating, game with parents.

Exercise 1. Who will guide the butterfly through the labyrinth to the flower and then home faster?

Task 2. Whose team will guess the most jokes and riddles?

  • In which fields does grass not grow? (On the brim of the hat)
  • What branch does not grow on a tree? (Railway)
  • How many apples are there on a birch tree if there are eight branches on it, with five apples on each branch? (There are no apples on a birch tree)
  • What comb can you use to comb your head? (Petushin)
  • Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't talk)
  • How do day and night end? (Soft sign)
  • Name five days without using numbers or names of days. (The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow?)
  • When is the sky lower than the earth? (When reflected in water)

Before the third round there is musical break "Don't hurt the ant" during which children dressed in insect costumes read fragments of poems, dance and sing.

Third round. Birds and insects

1. When do the last ducks fly away from us? (When all bodies of water freeze: lakes and ponds)

2. What do pigeons feed their chicks? (Milk, which is produced in the crop of an adult pigeon; chicks stick their heads deep into the throat of the parent to get to the milk)

3. Why do flamingos have pink feathers? (They feed on red crustaceans)

4. What can you give your bird for lunch? (Images of grains, bread, lard, rowan berries, etc. and images of birds are displayed on the board. The child connects the food with the corresponding image of the bird with lines.)

5. Indicate the name of the bird with a number. (Images of birds are displayed on the board: rook, rooster, duck, swift, bullfinch, woodpecker, crow, eagle owl, colored circles below, numbered names of birds next to them. The child puts the number corresponding to the name of the bird in the circles)

6. What is the name of a birdhouse made by man? (birdhouse)

8. How do insects warn animals that they are inedible? (Brightly colored, like a ladybug.)

9. What does a grasshopper eat? (Plant leaves, caterpillars, adult insects)

10. What happens if insects disappear? (Plants will disappear: insects pollinate them; fish, frogs, birds will disappear: they feed on insects)

At the end of the brain ring, the results are summed up and the winners are announced. Children are awarded prizes - books on environmental topics.

T. ZERSHIKOVA, associate professor,
Belgorod State University,

T. YAROSHEVICH, teacher,
Preschool educational institution No. 12, Belgorod

Basic concepts: environmental education of parents, environmental game, brain-ring

Zerschikova T., Yaroshevich T. Ecological development in the process of getting acquainted with the environment // Preschool education. 2005. No. 7. pp. 3–9. Brain ring. pp. 6-8.

Organization: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 253 for supervision and health improvement"

Locality: Kazan

Intellectual game “Brain Ring” “I want to know everything”

for children of the preparatory group.

Goal: to systematize and clarify children’s ideas about natural phenomena. Develop curiosity and cognitive activity.

Objectives: to systematize children’s ideas about natural phenomena; consolidate children's knowledge about the water cycle in nature; develop cognitive and curiosity; develop logical thinking, ability to analyze situations, express an answer on behalf of the entire team, prove your statements; cultivate honesty, truthfulness, responsibility; cultivate the ability to listen to the answers of comrades without interrupting each other.

Progress of the game

Presenter. Good afternoon to everyone present in this room. We are glad to welcome you as our guest!

Today will take place intellectual game"Brain Ring" -

"Want to know everything"

In order to start the game, a team is invited to the ring at the gaming table "Znayki".

The captain of this team is Kamila Valiullina.


“Success awaits us ahead, our Znayki are the best!”

(Music sounds, a photo from the life of children in kindergarten appears on the screen. The children walk around the hall at this time the presenter gives brief information about the team, the children say a chant and sit down at the tables).

Presenter. The guys in this team are united by the desire to gain new knowledge every day. They are very fast, funny and friendly.

Favorite game "Learning to count".

Favorite cartoon "Wait for it!".

Presenter. A team is invited to the gaming table "Diplomas".

Captain - Anastasia Polyakova.

These guys are passionate about research and experimental activities.

Favorite game "Twister".

Favorite fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood".


“We are smart, brave, we are eager for knowledge - we will achieve what we want!”

Presenter. So the players took their places.

A gamewill be held under the motto:

“What one cannot do alone is easy for a team!”

The teams' performance will be closely monitored by a respected jury (jury members introduce themselves). All players know the rules of the game, but for us they will be slightly changed, since the game is played in kindergarten, and its participants are preschoolers. I'll just remind you of them again.

Rules of the game.

After the question is asked, you will be given 30 seconds to discuss the answer. Once the time is up, the tambourine will ring. The team ready to respond rings the bell. One participant answers. If you know the answer before the signal, the bell rings immediately. Whose team calls first will answer. If a team gives the wrong answer, the floor is given to the team that was second. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

I wish all the players success.

Let's start our "Brain Ring" with the first warm-up round, let's call it

“He who knows is the one who answers”. It consists of six questions.

  1. – How can you transfer water in a sieve? (frozen)
  2. – Why is the spoon visible in a glass of water, but not in a glass of milk? (water is clear)
  3. – When the water boils in the kettle, what do you see above it? (steam)
  4. – What do water droplets form in the sky? (cloud, clouds)
  5. – What will we see if two clouds collide? (zipper)
  6. -Why do we use a magnet when we mix wooden objects and nails to separate them? (magnet attracts metal nails).

Presenter. The first round is over. You tried your best, but the jury will evaluate your knowledge. The score is announced.

Presenter. Second round. Working with cards. Choose cards that depict natural phenomena. Name them.

Presenter. The jury is given the floor for evaluation.

Presenter. Children, while you and I were playing, the participants of the “Brain Ring” received a question from the audience.

What is the water cycle? (Water from the reservoir, under the influence of the sun's rays, evaporated and rose into the sky, traveled high above in the form of steam and returned to the ground as rain. This is the water cycle in nature).

Presenter. A musical pause is announced. Dance with umbrellas.

Presenter. We rested a little and our game continues.

Presenter. Fourth round.

Children, you all remember the fairy tale “Cinderella”. The evil stepmother, leaving for the ball with her daughters, left a lot of work for Cinderella. I suggest you help her.

The “Knowledge” team will sort through sunflower seeds and millet.

The “Literacy” team will be sorting out beads and carnations.

But the good fairy prepared two black bags for Cinderella to help her. What do you think could be in one bag to quickly separate the seeds from the millet? (Colander).

How about quickly separating beads from nails? (magnet).

Leading. The floor is given to our distinguished jury.

Presenter. Fifth round. Captains competition.

There is an encrypted word on the magnetic board. Solve it.

Complete your answer with an explanation.

Captain of the Znayki team (volcano. The volcano is very dangerous for the lives of people and animals. It is a mountain with pouring fiery lava. Magma from the depths of the earth rises through the vent and pours out through the crater onto the surface of the earth. Along with the lava, minerals and ash pour out. )

Captain of the "Gramotea" team (rainbow. Rainbow appears in sunny summer day during heavy rain. Sun rays refracted in water droplets. The colors of the rainbow are arranged in a certain sequence.)

Musical pause.

Presenter. – Our children know that all substances consist of tiny particles-molecules. These particles are arranged differently among themselves in solid, liquid and gaseous states. They will show the location of the particles in a dance.

Leading. This is where our game ends.

Team awards.

Final song.


  1. Varley K., Maila L. Encyclopedia: Geography. M., 1998.
  2. Gomboli M. window into your world: Earth. M., 1994.
  3. Greshnevikov A. ecological primer. M., 1995.

Brain-ring for 4th grade students “Know! If you don’t know, find out!”

Goals: broaden children’s horizons, consolidate knowledge gained in lessons; develop the ability to work as a team, feel responsibility for your class.

Materials: scoreboard with numbers from 0 to 6, red cards; 4 cards with numbers 1, 2, 3, 4; recording melodies; 4 whistles; 3 tables with Roman numerals; still life image; 4 paper owls.

Progress of the game

Fanfare sounds.

Leading. Guys, today we have it will be interesting a game. Six of the most erudite and prepared guys will fight for the title of winner. And now, guys, I present to you the participants of the game.

Introducing participants by name.

Leading. Please listen to the rules of the game. They are as follows: until the question is fully asked, the participant has no right to answer. After the question is asked, the participant who has the answer ready gives sound signal whistle and gets the right to respond. If the answer is correct, a point is scored. If not, the right to answer passes to the next player, who must give an answer within one minute. If the answer is correct, he gets a point, if it is incorrect or the participant does not have time to answer in a minute, then no one gets a point. The score goes up to 6 points.

We have experts at the game. These are our respected teachers. They keep score of the game and show it on the scoreboard. They also resolve controversial situations if they arise. Let me also introduce you to the observers. These are our parents.

They have red cards in their hands. If they hear the audience's prompt, they signal us with these cards. So let's begin!

The first game.

Question one:

Complete the proverb: “Eyes - ..., hands - ...”. ("You never know what you can do till you try".)

Question two(literary):

Position literary heroes according to the time in which they lived, starting from the earliest: Chapaev, Ilya Muromets, Harry Potter. (Ilya Muromets, Chapaev, Harry Potter.) Timur with his team, Elektronik, Robinson Crusoe. (Robinson Crusoe, Timur with his team, Elektronik.)

Question three:

Question four(mathematical):

There are 10 fingers on the hands. How many fingers are there on 10 hands? (50 fingers.)

Question five:

What number is written in Roman numerals: XXXIV (show them)? (34.)

Question six(from the field of natural history):

At what time of day is a person taller and why? (In the morning. Since the intervertebral spaces stretch when a person sleeps.)

Question seven(musical):

Please listen to the melody. What is the name of this melody, who is its author and why is it called that?

The phonogram of S. Rachmaninov’s work “Vocalise” is played. (The work of Sergei Rachmaninov “Vocalise”. The melody is similar to Russian lamentable songs, since the composer emigrated to Switzerland at the beginning of the 20th century, then to America, where, out of homesickness, he wrote this beautiful work, and planted Russians in his estate birch trees.)

Question eight(literary):

My years are getting older

I'll be seventeen

Where should I work then?

What to do?

(V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?”.)

Question nine(historical):

What were the names of the historical records kept by the monk?

In a narrow monastery cell,

In four blank walls

About the land about ancient Russian

The story was written down by a monk.

He wrote in winter and summer,

Illuminated by dim light.

He wrote year after year

About our great people.


Question ten(literary):

What were the names of the three musketeers? (Athos, Porthos, Aramis.)

Question eleven:

Guys, do you like dogs? And you’ve probably read a lot of books about them. Find out from the description and name the dog’s name, as well as the work in which it lives: “Black fur, pointy ears and small funny shiny eyes. He was never bored: he jumped barking across the steppe, chased crows and was infinitely pleased with himself.” (Totoshka, A. Volkov, “The Wizard of the Emerald City.”)

Additional questions (asked if the winner has not yet been determined):

Question one:

A bear's winter den? (Den.)

Question two:

A cat with tufted ears? (Lynx.)

Question three:

Five people tried to eat him, but the sixth one succeeded? Who is this? (Kolobok.)

Second game.

Leading. So, in the first game the winner was determined. Let's applaud him. And I invite the next two participants. Introducing the team members.


Leading. Let's start the second game!

Question one:

Complete the proverb: “... - light, ... - darkness.” (“Learning is light, ignorance is darkness.”)

Question two(literary):

Arrange the literary characters according to the time in which they lived, starting from the earliest: Uncle Styopa is a policeman, Matroskin the cat, “thumb-thumb.” (“Little Thumb”, Uncle Styopa - policeman, cat Matroskin.)

Question three:

Which fairy tale are the words taken from and who is it?

Question four(mathematical):

How many minutes are there in a day? (1440.)

Question five:

What number is written in Roman numerals: XXIX? (29.)

Question six(from the field of natural history):

Garlands of small white bells hang between large spiky leaves in spring. And in summer, in place of flowers there is a red berry. But don't put it in your mouth - it's poisonous. What is this? (Lily of the valley.)

Question seven(musical):

A fragment from the opera “Sadko” by P. A. Rimsky-Korsakov is played. (N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, “Volkhov’s Lullaby” from the epic opera “Sadko”. The composer himself comes from the “Korsakov” - naval officers, graduated from Kadetsky naval corps, traveled the seas and oceans as an engineer of sea routes. He graduated from the St. Petersburg Conservatory and was its director. In the music “Sadko” the author depicted “marinas” - seascapes.)

Question eight(literary):

Once upon a time in the cold winter time

I came out of the forest, it was bitterly cold...

(N. N. Nekrasov “A Little Man with a Marigold.”)

Question nine(historical):

- “...Prince Yuri, going up the mountain and looking from it with his eyes back and forth on both sides of the Borovitsky hills and the Neglinnaya River, fell in love with these villages and soon ordered to build a city called Mal, Dervyans and his name...” - about which event we're talking about? (Foundation of Moscow.)

Question ten(fairy):

What were the names of the three bears? (Mikhail Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka.)

Question eleven:

What was this dog's name? What work is it from and who is the author? “A young red dog - a cross between a dachshund and a mongrel, with a very similar muzzle to a fox.” (A.P. Chekhov, “Kashtanka.”)

Additional questions.

Question one:

What remains after wood burns? (Coal.)

Question two:

A bird that is not afraid of frost? (Penguin.)

Question three(fairy):

What was the name of Ivanushka’s sister? (Alyonushka.)

Leading. And now a short break - a musical pause.

A musical number is being performed.

Leading. And finally, the finale. Congratulations to the finalists.

Detailed introduction of the participants: how old they are, what they are interested in, special achievements.

Final questions

Question one:

Complete the proverb: “... you will catch a sparrow.” (“The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out and you won’t catch it.”)

Question two(literary):

Arrange the literary heroes according to the time in which they lived, starting from the earliest: postman Pechkin, Gulliver, Alyosha Popovich. (Alyosha Popovich, Gulliver, postman Pechkin.)

Question three:

Which fairy tale are the words taken from and who is it?

Question four(mathematical):

Three were playing checkers. Three games were played. How many games did each person play? (Two games each.)

Question five:

What number is written in Roman numerals: XXVII? (27.)

Question six(from the field of natural history):

Which animals can be said to go out of their way? (About snakes.)

Question seven(musical):

Where did the title of this work come from and who is its author?

The work of A. Borodin “Quartet” is played. (A. Borodin, “Quartet” (from the Greek word “quart”, that is, 4 instruments in a quartet).)

Question eight: What genre is this and how is this word translated?

Display of a painting depicting a still life. (Still life - “inanimate nature.”)

Question nine(historical):

- “...Here I am leaving this world, my sons. Have love among yourself, because you are all brothers... If you live in hatred, in strife and quarrels, you will perish yourself and destroy the land of your fathers and grandfathers, who obtained it with their great labor...” Who said these words ? (Yaroslav the Wise.)

Question ten(fairy):

What were the names of the three Russian heroes? (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich.)

Question eleven:

What is the name of this dog? From which work and who is the author? “He had just cut the back half of his torso, which he did every day. The curly fur on the front half of the body was combed, and the tassel at the end of the tail was tied with a black bow. Not a silver watch for the front paw.” (Artemon. A. Tolstoy, “The Golden Key.”)

Additional questions.

Question one:

River crossing structure? (Bridge.)

Question two:

Biggest animal? (Blue whale.)

Question three:

Nickname of a fairy horse? (Sivka-burka.)

Leading. So, congratulations to the winner! Thanks to all the guys who showed their erudition and knowledge!

The winner is awarded a large owl, the rest of the participants are given small owls.

Summary of the parent meeting Brain-ring “Mom - play with me”

Volosskaya Svetlana Yurievna

MKDOU - D/S No. 12

NSO Tatarsk

The teacher invites parents into the hall.

Educator: Dear parents, our parent meeting today will be unusual. And the theme is “Mom, play with me.” First, I suggest we talk about playing with children at home.

What do you think about playing or not playing with children? Someone will say: “What kind of question is that? Of course to play! but let's think about how often we play with children. Using the example of an average statistical family, let’s consider one such average statistical day. So. Morning. Mom got up and put herself in order. She woke up, washed, dressed the children and sent some to school, some to kindergarten. It would be good if parents talked to their children at this time, and did not just repeat every minute: get up quickly, wash quickly, get dressed quickly, and so on. Everything is faster, faster, faster. Then everyone ran off to their own affairs. Evening. Meeting of parents with children. It’s clear that moms and dads are tired. The children were fed and everyone went about their business. At best, children play independently. And so the night and day passed. And so on day after day.

Of course, you say, she’s so smart, but when she herself last time played? I confess, I missed a lot and now I really regret that I wasted time working at home and watching TV series. You can also ask: “When should I play in the morning?” I will answer, in the process of getting up, washing, dressing. Nowadays you can find many games on the Internet to achieve this goal. You just need to set a goal. And of course evening. You don't have to spend it all with your children. But half an hour, an hour is possible and necessary. This is where fantasy comes into play. There are games that don't require a lot of space or special equipment. There are games that can be played by 2-3 or 4-5 people. Joint games unite the family, make it richer spiritually, foster respect for elders, careful attitude to the younger ones. Games can be: active, low-moving, theatrical, plot-based, didactic (for ingenuity, for attention, for knowledge of a certain subject). Again, someone will say: “We played in kindergarten and that’s enough.” I will answer - it’s not enough. Play is a leading activity in children's development. In play, the child quickly grasps the material, learns, and develops. And no matter how much we play, it’s always not enough. Even adults (although they are afraid to admit it) want and love to play. Remember any wedding, anniversary. Everyone participates with pleasure in dressing up, contests, and competitions. And what can we say about children? And so that it doesn’t just turn out to be a moral lesson, I suggest you play a little today. I invite everyone to the circle.

Parents come out and stand in a circle.

Game "Magic Ball"

Parents pass the ball to each other while saying their negative quality.

Vos: Yes, it’s easy to name your negative quality, but it’s difficult to praise yourself. But let's try. We unwind negative qualities by turning them into positive ones.

Parents pass the ball to each other while saying their positive quality.

Voss: Well, we got to know each other a little. Now choose a bow of your favorite color. Who chose the bow blue color will go to the right at the tables, and whoever is red will go to the left. And so we formed two teams.

First task our Brain Ring - come up with a team name. For each correctly completed task, the team receives a chip.

Second task - Quiz “Do you know fairy tales”

  1. Who ate Kolobok?
  • Hare.
  • Cook from the school canteen.
  • Fox.
  1. What did Baba Yaga fly on?
  • By plane.
  • On a magic carpet.
  • In a mortar.
  • Where was the death of Koshchei the Immortal hidden?
  • In the safe.
  • In a refrigerator.
  • In an egg.
  1. What was Puss in Boots wearing?
  • In shoes.
  • In sneakers.
  • In boots.
  1. What did Emelya use as a vehicle?
  • Mercedes.
  • Horse.
  • Stove.
  1. What did the Bear carry Mashenka in?
  • In the bag.
  • In a suitcase.
  • In a box.
  1. How many nettle shirts did Eliza weave for her brothers?
  1. Who should Little Boy become for Carlson at his request?
  • Brother.
  • Grandson.
  • My own mother.
  1. Who took Brother Ivanushka to Baba Yaga?
  • Kites.
  • Parrots.
  • Swan geese.
  1. What was the name of the boy from Prostokvashino?
  • Grandfather Stepan.
  • Uncle Fedor.
  • Brother Ivanushka.
  1. What did the merchant bring? youngest daughter Alyonushka?
  • Cactus.
  • Palma.
  • The Scarlet Flower.
  1. What was the name of his boy friend old man Hottabych?
  • Volka ibn Alyosha.
  • Petya ibn Seryozha.
  • Volka ibn Volodya.
  1. What did the old woman have left?

At the broken washing machine.

  • At a leaky basin.
  • At a broken trough.
  1. What did the merchants sail past to the kingdom of the glorious Saltan?

Buyan Islands.

  • Treasure Islands.
  • Cossack Island.
  1. What was the name of the goose that Nils traveled on?
  • Ivan.
  • Martin.
  • Charles.
  1. What were the names of the learned ravens who helped Gerda find Kai?
  • Karl and Clara.
  • Ivan and Marya.
  • Martha and Martin.

Third task - conduct a game with members of the other team.

Fourth task - Game of Changelings"Guess the name of the fairy tale."
Square (Kolobok)
Green Slipper (Little Red Riding Hood)
Zharishche (Morozko)
Hundred meters (Thumbelina)
The Beggar's Old Pants (The King's New Clothes)
Palace (Teremok)
Tin Animal ( gold fish)
Sunny servant ( The Snow Queen)
Silver Fox and 3 Giants (Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs)
A goat and five little wolves (A wolf and seven little kids)
A saucepan of cabbage soup (a pot of porridge)
Radish (Turnip)
Slender mare (Humpbacked Horse)
The Cowardly Shoemaker (The Brave Little Tailor)
Hen - silver paw (Cockerel - golden comb)
Dog Without a Hat (Puss in Boots)
As the cod wanted (At the command of the pike)
Ducks-cranes (Geese-swans)

Educator: I suggest you take a little rest and relax. I invite everyone to the circle.

General game “Two stomps, two slams”

Two stamps, two stamps... (we stamp our feet twice, clap our hands)
Hedgehogs, hedgehogs,... (show spread fingers)
Anvil, anvil,... (we hit fist on fist)
Scissors, scissors.... (we show scissors with our hands)
Running in place, running in place... (running in place)
Bunnies, bunnies.... (show ears)
Come on, let's go together, let's go together:
Girls!... (all the girls shout: “Girls!”)
Boys!... (all the boys shout: “Boys!”)

Fifth task - Dramatization of a fairy tale. Each team is invited to independently choose a fairy tale and show it.

Well, our Brain Ring has come to an end, let's count the chips and see whose team was stronger. Friendship has won, and to consolidate it and lift your spirits, watch a few videos.

Watching videos.

And so that you have something to play at home with your children, and as an encouragement, we offer you reminders with home games.

"Help Grandma" Take several balls of thread. A certain length is unwound. All players stand on the same line or sit on the sofa with a ball in their hand. On command, I begin to wind up the ball. Whoever is faster wins.

"Wonderful bag"

During the game, children learn to determine what kind of object it is by its characteristic external signs, that is, in form. It can also be used to develop speech and imagination.

Necessary equipment for games

  1. Opaque bag. For kids it is recommended to sew it from bright fabrics (to increase interest in what is happening), and for older children - from dark fabrics.
  2. Items. They must correspond to a specific theme (vegetables, geometric figures, animals, letters or numbers) and have pronounced differences in shape.

Description of the game “Wonderful Bag”

The meaning of the game is very simple: you need to put your hand in the bag, feel for the object and name it, without seeing what it is specifically. To prevent children from getting confused, you can first put 1 object, and then, when they learn to play like this, several more.

In addition to the main task, players may be given additional ones:

  • describe the object you come across (color, size, taste, material) or animal (what it does, where it lives);
  • tell what fairy tale this object or hero is from;
  • describe it so that other children can guess it;
  • name words starting with a given letter;
  • make up an example where the answer is a given number.

For very young children, you can offer this way to choose a toy with which he will then play. To do this, they are first shown the objects that are placed in the bag, and then each one in turn takes out his own.

This game is suitable for children from 3 years old summer age, when they can already speak and name the object with at least one word. It has no age restrictions, so by complicating the rules, it can be used even in high school.

"Edible - inedible"

The game requires a ball and a group of players.
The children stand in a line, and the leader one by one throws the ball to them.

At the moment of throwing, the presenter pronounces one word, which is an object (for example: pen, milk, glass).
If the word means edible object, then the player must catch the ball if inedible, then you must push the ball away.

If a player catches it or simply touches the ball with his hands on an inedible object, then he loses and changes places with the leader.

"Find a toy"

Hide the small toy. Let the child look for it, and having found it, be sure to determine its location: on..., behind..., between..., in..., at... etc. Then switch roles.

“What’s missing?”

Place ten toys in a row on the table. Invite your child to count them and remember the location. Then ask him to close his eyes. Remove any two toys. After which the child opens his eyes and answers the questions:

Are there more or fewer toys?

What toys have disappeared?

What were they like?


Tell your child that a polite person’s life is easier and more fun. Everyone respects and appreciates him. Check if you know how to give compliments and if your child can do the same. This game can be played by two or a large group. Everyone takes turns saying something nice to each of the participants. There is a prize for the best compliment. (the game develops communication skills)

5. Who's first?

Name out loud everything you see outside the window. (trees, cars, birds, houses, etc.) Encourage your child to point and name different objects, and also look for some notable ones among them (the most a big tree, truck) .Now make a wish for some object that can be seen outside the window. The one who sees the mysterious object first wins. (the game develops attention, expands vocabulary)

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone for their imagination, artistry, and good mood.