Natural and recreational resources of Mexico.


Mexico is a country rich in fuel and mineral resources.

Note 1

The country is actively producing oil. This is one of largest states In terms of oil production, it ranks seventh in the world and third in the Western Hemisphere.

The main oil fields include:

  1. Cantarel. Supergiant deposit located in the Bay of Campeche. The complex includes several deposits: Chak, Nooch, Akal, Kuts, Ikstok, Siil. Oil reserves are estimated at 5.7 billion tons.
  2. Noxal. It is located on the shelf of the Gulf of Mexico, one hundred kilometers from the state of Veracruz. The depth of oil occurrence is about 1 km. Initial oil reserves are estimated at 1.6 billion tons.
  3. Chicontepec. Supergiant deposit located on east coast Mexico. Total oil reserves are estimated at 2.6 billion tons, natural gas - 1.1 trillion. cube m.

The most important resource is natural gas. Total gas reserves amount to more than 13 trillion. cube ft. Natural gas is produced in the same regions as oil. The main gas fields are located in the north and south of the country (about 60% of the total volume), the remaining 40% are in the Bay of Campeche.

The largest mineral deposits are located on the territory of the state. The main production is carried out in four states:

  • Sonora. It is a leader in the extraction of gold, graphite, wollastonite, copper, and molybdenum. Extraction is important coal, iron, bismuth, celestine and silver.
  • Zacatecas. Mining of gold, silver, copper, zinc, iron, mercury, tin.
  • Chihuahua. Gold, silver, mercury, uranium, and lead-zinc ores are mined.
  • Puebla. Deposits of silver, gold, copper, iron, and lead have been developed. There are mineral and thermal springs.

Copper is mined in the northwestern regions of Mexico (the Cananea, Caridad, Mariquita, Milpillas deposits), and coal is mined in the northeastern regions. In the west, reserves of gold (El Sauzal, Ocampo, Dolores, Mulatos), silver (Fresnillo), lead and zinc (Charcas, La Negra, Zimapan) have been discovered. The Pacific coast is rich in iron deposits (Las Trujas, Las Enquinas, Pena Colorada, Aquila). The largest manganese deposit in North America is Molango.

A gold belt passes through the states of Oaxaja and Guerrero (Cero Limon, Filos, Ixuatlan deposits).

Note 2

Mexico occupies a leading position in the world in reserves of gold, silver, copper, molybdenum, and zinc.

Water resources

Mexico is home to about 150 rivers of varying sizes, most of which flow into the Pacific Ocean, and the rest into the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. About 80% of the flow is generated by 39 rivers, whose basins occupy 58% of the country's mainland territories. Distribution water resources unevenly across the country.

Most of the rivers are located in the southeastern regions of the country. 65% of the flow is formed by the largest rivers: Panuco, Coatzacoalcos, Papaloapan, Grijalva-Usumacinta, Balsas, Tonala and Santiago. The total drainage area of ​​these rivers is 22% of the entire territory of Mexico. The central and northern regions of the country have access to less than 10% of all water resources.

Southeast of Guadalajara is largest lake countries - Chapala. Large lakes also include lakes: Quiceo, Patzcuaro, Yuriria, Catemaco, Tequesquitengo, Set Carillo.

Groundwater plays an important role, accounting for 64% of the total water supply.

Note 3

Feature Mexico (Yucatan Peninsula) - the presence of cenotes, natural wells that were formed when limestone rock was washed away by sediments.

Soils. Flora and fauna

The presence of soil diversity in Mexico is predetermined by the terrain features.

In the north and northwest of the country are the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts. Primitive gray soils predominate here. In more humid areas there are gray soils, chestnut and gray-brown soils, which are more suitable for agriculture. On such soils grow: creosote bush, mimosa and acacia, cacti, agaves, sedums, yuccas, dasylyrions. A characteristic feature is chaparral, subtropical hard-leaved shrubby vegetation.

In the northern regions of the Mexican Plateau, a secondary center for the formation and distribution of cactus vegetation is observed. The cactus succulent desert occupies the northern Mexican Plateau, the Sonoran Plateau and the California Peninsula. There are up to 500 species of cacti. Cereus are characteristic - giant cacti up to 20 meters high.

In wet southern territories Central Mesa has fertile brown-red, red-brown, and reddish-black soils. The local population grows tomatoes, corn, legumes, peanuts, sesame and other crops. Previously, coniferous-hard-leaved forests dominated here.

Around the plateau on the mountain ranges grow coniferous and mixed forests subtropical type. Up to an altitude of 1200-1400 meters, low-growing oak forests are common, consisting mainly of evergreen species. At an altitude of 1700 m and more, pine trees dominate. Up to a level of 4000 meters, cypresses, fir trees, and long-coniferous Montezuma pine grow in coniferous forests. On volcanic cones, above forests, alpine meadows predominate.

Figure 1. Nature of Mexico. Mexican cactus. Author24 - online exchange of student work

The best preserved forests are on the plains and mountains of Yucatan, located east of the Isthmus of Tehuantelec.

The mountain forests are inhabited by lynx and black bear. In the southern woodlands and forests, mainly non-tropical animals are found: jaguars, monkeys, anteaters, tapirs, marsupial possums, porcupines and raccoons, kakimitsli, many reptiles - snakes, serpentines, turtles, iguanas. Cactus and thorny bushes northern regions countries are excellent havens for prairie dogs, wild cats, hares, kangaroo rats and other rodents. Sometimes there are coyotes, wolves, cougars, pronghorn antelope and wild boars.

Rich avifauna: parrots, hummingbirds, toucans, vultures, umbrella birds, etc.

The entire coast abounds in lobsters, shrimps, oysters and crabs. Among the fish you can mainly find sardines and tuna.

Mexico ranks sixth in the world in terms of area, on its territory there are high mountains, deep depressions and plains. But it is not only remarkable for this. Amazing country called the cradle of civilizations: at a time when Europe was still far from many scientific discoveries, the Mayan Indians already applied their knowledge in the fields of astronomy, mathematics, alchemy and other sciences. Until now, many mysteries of this amazing and wise tribe have remained unsolved.

The Indians knew about the rich mineral resources of their state; at that time it was not yet called “Mexico”; they extracted minerals by open-pit mining, processed them and used them in their farming. The conquistador conquerors were amazed at how many local residents had items made of silver and precious stones, as well as iron.

Mexico's mineral resources are very diverse. This is due to the fact that the country has volcanoes (both active and extinct). During an outpouring, magma enters not only the surface, but also inside the earth, where it occurs. various processes and intrusive rocks are formed.

Geological structure

Why Mexico is rich in mineral resources cannot be briefly discussed, since on the territory of the country there is large number various geological structures that influence the formation rocks.

The territory of Mexico is located on such large geological units as:

  1. Folded zones of the east, west - Sierra Madre.
  2. Paleozoic folding of the southern Sierra Madre.
  3. Baja California Peninsula block.
  4. Sonoran block.
  5. Mexican trough.
  6. Yucatan plate.

Fold zones of the eastern and western Sierra Madre

These are the largest structural elements in Mexico. The eastern folded zone of the Sierra Madre is located on northern latitude between 19° and 20°. Between the folds there are structures of the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt, where many active volcanoes are located. They were formed by Neogene-Quaternary volcanics. In this area, Mesozoic-Early Cenozoic folds can be distinguished, which lie on crystalline schists and Precambrian gneisses. Unmetamorphosed Paleozoic sedimentary deposits are represented by the Lower and Middle Paleozoic. Triassic and Jurassic multi-colored sandstones, evaporites, mudstones, clays and limestone form the Mesozoic complexes.

The western folded zone of the Sierra Madre extends from northern border Mexico to the volcanic belt. This folding is composed mainly of volcanic Late Cretaceous, Cenozoic rocks, which include basalts and andesites. Deposits of copper, silver and lead-zinc ores can be associated with outcropping volcanic rocks of the Cretaceous period.

Paleozoic folding of the southern Sierra Madre

This folded structure is located within the Trans-Mexican and shelf zone Pacific Ocean. Early Paleozoic intrusive and metamorphic rocks, as well as Early Jurassic continental sedimentary strata and Jurassic marine deposits are distinguished here.

Baja California Peninsula block

In the west of the block there are rocks of Mesozoic age, and most of it is occupied by granitoid batholiths. On top of these formations there is a layer of clastic volcanic and marine sediments. The Gulf of California rift is formed by complex fold-and-thrust structures.

Sonoran block

The block is between and western part Sierra Madre. It is composed of granitoids and metamorphic rocks of Precambrian origin, as well as Ordovician-Carboniferous carbonate rocks.

The Sonoran block is characterized by the fact that chalk stocks of granites and hypabyssal rocks, where deposits of porphyry copper ores are located, were found here.

Mexican trough

The Mexican foredeep lies in front of the Cordillera fold belt. Most of it is Paleogene and Neogene. Gently sloping structures in the Cretaceous reef limestones accumulated hydrocarbon minerals.

Yucatan Plate

It is entirely composed of Neogene and Paleogene carbonates. Oil fields are confined to the Cretaceous rift deposits in the west of the plate.


Mexico's topography and mineral resources depend on geological structures. The country's topography is quite complex: it contains mountains, plateaus and plains. Most of the country is occupied by highlands and inland plateaus. In turn, the plateau is divided into two parts: Mesa Central and Mesa North. The name "mesa" comes from the Spanish "table".

Central Mesa is surrounded on all sides by mountain ranges. It is almost completely covered with volcanic products, and on this flat plain there are many basins of ancient lakes. Central Mesa reaches an altitude of 2600 meters to the south.

The Sierra Madre Occidental is a powerful mountain range cut by deep river canyons. The Sierra rises sharply as it moves toward the Gulf of California, but toward the interior plateau the elevations change gradually. Such sharp changes in elevation in the relief can be explained by the fact that there are numerous faults with a crystalline foundation exposed to the surface. The tops of the mountains are smoothed by sedimentary rocks.

The California Peninsula is a narrow and mountainous landmass. The ridges reach 3000 meters above sea level.

The Sierra Madre Oriental is a collection of mountain ranges with altitudes from 1000 to 3000 m. The Sierra is covered with a thick layer of sedimentary rocks. Towards the coastal lowland when moving east (the mountains drop off steeply.

Along the southern edge of the Central Mesa from east to west is the Transverse Volcanic Sierra - the largest and highest mountain system Earth. One of the largest volcanoes, Orizaba, is also located here. Its regular cone rises 3000 meters from its base, and its height is 5700 m above sea level, which is slightly higher than the Elbrus volcano.

Further, moving south, the Transverse Volcanic Sierra ends in a deep trench of tectonic origin. Beyond the Valsas River lies the Sierra Madre Sur. It runs parallel to the Pacific Ocean. Unlike other mountain systems, there are no active volcanoes here; it is composed mainly of sedimentary rocks.

The Isthmus of Tehuantepec is relatively low, its height only in some places reaches 650 m. Behind it lies the Chiapas mountain system. This complex mountain range occupies the entire southeast of Mexico. Chiapas is conventionally divided into two parts: the highlands of the same name and the Sierra Madre range.

The largest lowland in Mexico is Tabasco, it is located near the Gulf of Mexico and is covered with marine sediments.

Having examined in detail all the structures and topography, we can answer the question of why Mexico is rich in minerals. This mainly depends on the processes taking place in the territory modern state thousands of years ago: plate movements, volcanic eruptions, glacial movements, etc.

How rich is Mexico? Minerals

It can be said that the country has almost all the mineral resources. Why is Mexico rich in mineral resources? This is due to the diversity of the terrain. There are significant reserves of such minerals as iron, mercury, gold, silver, ores of antimony, copper, zinc, graphite, bismuth, etc. In addition, the country produces oil and gas. The following will briefly describe Mexico's economically important mineral resources.

Oil and gas

About 350 oil fields and about 200 gas fields have been explored on the territory of the state. Most of the reserves are concentrated within the Gulf - the Mexican oil and gas basin.

There are quite a lot of fields in the territory, but they are all relatively small, only a few have oil reserves of more than 100 million tons, gas reserves of more than 100 billion m³. In terms of reserves of this valuable raw material, Mexico is second only to Venezuela in Latin America.

In the Mexican oil and gas basin, five areas can be distinguished:

  • North-Eastern region. Located in the Rio Bravo del Norte trough.
  • Tampico Tuxpan. Previously, this area was the richest in reserves. The area of ​​Poza Rica with its Upper Cretaceous reef limestones was especially notable.
  • Veracus.
  • South. Located near the coast of Tabasco-Campeche. Now it ranks first in oil reserves.
  • Yucatan.

Coking coals

The main production site is the Sabinas Basin. Almost everything large deposits confined to deposits of the Cretaceous period.


The deposits are confined to the sulfur-bearing province of the Gulf of Mexico. Native sulfur was formed due to gas emissions volcanoes located near the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. In terms of reserves of this mineral, Mexico ranks one of the first places in the world.

Gold, silver, polymetallic ores

Mexico's minerals such as gold and silver are always found together. The belt of skarn metals stretches from northwest to southeast. It begins with large deposits of copper and silver (Cananea region). Next come the “nodes” of deposits of gold, silver and polymetallic ores. These are deposits such as El Potosi and Zacatecas.


Metal deposits were discovered in zones of modern volcanism. Deposits: El Oro, Taxco, Mineral del Monto, Huinzuco.

Iron Ore

This type of mineral is usually found together with antimony and titanium ores. There are not many areas rich in intrusive minerals, but they play an important role in the country's economy. Deposits: Manzanillo, Durango.


It is mined mainly in the state of Sonora. It was formed due to the impact of granitoid intrusions on coal seams.


Mexico contains 11% of all reserves of this mineral. Deposits: Sacualpan, La Barra, Guadalajara, Paila, Aguachile, San Marcos and others.

The main minerals of Mexico are not only the above types, but also such as gypsum, opal, strontium.

Why is Mexico rich in mineral resources? The short answer is: due to the presence of various geological structures on the territory of the country, the manifestation of intense volcanism. Therefore, here you can find in different quantities almost all minerals. Some of these minerals and rocks play an important role in the country's economy. For example, silver, sulfur, fluorite and petroleum.

The huge area of ​​such a state as Mexico, relief features, minerals, rich history- all this makes the country unique and inimitable.

Picturesque Mexico is located in the central part of America. Her total area is 1,964,375 km2 and occupies several climatic zones: tropical to desert.

Mexico is a country with rich people natural resources such as gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, natural gas and oil. Mexico's mineral industry is an economically profitable sector and a major source of government revenue.

Browse Resources

The main oil producing areas of Mexico are located in the eastern and southern parts countries, and gold, silver, copper and zinc can be found in the north and west. Recently, Mexico has become the world's leading silver producer.

Regarding the production of other minerals, since 2010 Mexico is:

  • second largest producer of fluorspar;
  • third in the production of celestine, bismuth and sodium sulfate;
  • the fourth producer of wollastonite;
  • fifth largest production of lead, molybdenum and diatomite;
  • sixth largest producer cadmium;
  • seventh in terms of production of graphite, barite and salt;
  • eighth in terms of manganese and zinc production volumes;
  • 11th in the ranking of gold, feldspar and sulfur reserves;
  • 12th largest producer of copper ore;
  • 14th largest producer iron ore and phosphate rock.

In 2010, gold production in Mexico accounted for 25.4% of the total mineral industry. The gold mines produced 72,596 kg of gold, up 41% from 2009.

In 2010, Mexico accounted for 17.5% of global silver production, with silver mines producing 4,411 tons of the material. Despite the fact that the country does not have significant reserves of iron ore, its production is sufficient to meet domestic demand.

Oil is the country's main export. Moreover, according to statistics, Mexico's oil industry ranks sixth in the world. Drilling rigs are located primarily along the Gulf Coast. Sales of oil and gas account for 10% of total number export revenues to the treasury.

Due to the decline oil reserves, state in recent years reduced oil production. Other reasons for the decline in production are the lack of exploration, investment and development of new projects.

Water resources

The Mexican coast has a length of 9331 km, and extends along the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. These waters are rich in fish and other marine life. Fish export is another source of income for the Mexican government.

Along with this, increased industry and dry climate have depleted both above- and underground reserves. fresh water states. Today, special programs are being created to preserve and restore the country’s hydrobalance.

Land and forest resources

A truly rich region is rich in everything. Mexico's forests cover an area of ​​about 64 million hectares, or 34.5% of the country's territory. Forests can be seen here:

  • tropical;
  • moderate;
  • foggy;
  • coastal;
  • deciduous;
  • evergreen;
  • dry;
  • wet, etc.

The fertile soil of this region has given the world many cultivated plants. Among them are the well-known corn, beans, tomatoes, squash, avocado, cocoa, coffee, various types spices and much more.

Minerals of Mexico

1. General characteristics

1.2 - 2.5 g/t

Potassium salts, million tons in terms of K2O

2. Certain types of minerals

Oil and gas. Revealed approx. 350 births. oil and 200 - gas, concentrated h.p. in the Gulf of Mexico oil and gas basin. Childbirth. in the main small, 2 genera are known. with reserves of more than 500 million tons (Bermudez and Cantarel) and 12 genera. from the beginning proven reserves of more than 100 million tons of oil and 100 billion m 3 of gas. Oil and gas deposits of the Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Cretaceous and Jurassic. Most limestones are Cretaceous at depth. 350-6500 m. Oil density 778-980 kg/m3, sulfur content 0.1-5.84%.

? ? Minerals of the world

Australia? Austria? Azerbaijan? Albania? Algeria? Angola? Argentina? Afghanistan? Belarus? Belgium? Bulgaria? Bolivia? Botswana? Brazil? Burkina Faso? Great Britain? Venezuela? Vietnam? Armenia? Ghana? Guyana? Gabon? Guinea? Honduras? Greece? Georgia? Estonia? Ethiopia? Egypt? Yemen? Democratic Republic of the Congo? Zambia? Zimbabwe? Republic of the Congo? Israel? India? Indonesia? Iraq? Iran? Ireland? Spain? Italy? Kazakhstan ? Canada? Kyrgyzstan? China? Colombia? North Korea? Cuba? Laos? Latvia? Lithuania? Liberia? Libya? Mauritania? Madagascar? Malaysia? Mali? Morocco? Mexico? Moldova? Mongolia? Namibia? Nigeria?

Mexico is one of the largest countries in the world according to several criteria. It ranks 11th in the world in terms of population and 14th in area. A fifth of the population lives here Latin America.

Mexico boasts rich natural resources that are properly mined, processed and used to benefit everyone.

Water resources

One of the main problems of the country is the difficulty of providing water. Half of Mexico's population lives in cities and villages with terrible water supplies. Despite the impressive area of ​​the country, most of its territory can be used for agriculture only with the help of constant irrigation. The main savior of the northern arid regions is considered to be the Rio Bravo del Norte, the largest river in Mexico.

Also, the country is rich in groundwater. Their number is twice as large as those on land. Availability groundwater greatly facilitates life on the Yucatan Peninsula and the northern part of the country, being the main sources of water supply.

Land resources

Mexico is considered an industrial-agrarian country, despite the fact that two-thirds of the country's territory is occupied by the highlands. The plains are mainly found on the Yucatan Peninsula. Mexico boasts more than 106 thousand hectares under agricultural use. Over the past 40 years, this figure has increased from 97 thousand hectares. However, large territory The central and southern parts of the country are very difficult to cultivate due to problems with irrigation.

Forest resources

Forests occupy a significant area of ​​the country. A fifth of it is covered with forests. These forests are mainly located in mountainous areas and on the plains of the tropical part of the country. More than 55% of forest areas are mixed and coniferous forests, the rest of the space is occupied by tropical ones. Mexico exports oak, pine and red cedar wood. Also, these species are used in the wood chemical and pulp and paper industries. About 80% of chicle juice is extracted directly from Mexico.

Mineral resources

Mexico is rich mineral resources. About 15% of the mineral resource potential of Latin American countries lies in Mexico. Oil and natural gas are produced on the territory of this country, the reserves of which are large and amount to about 50% and 30%, respectively, of the reserves of all Latin American countries.

Coal and iron ore are mined here. Their reserves are quite small, but these minerals are of excellent quality. Also, the following are mined in the country: manganese (ranks second in the region in terms of reserves), lead-zinc ores, copper ores, sulfur and mercury.

Mexico boasts 25% of the region's gold reserves and nearly 50% of the silver reserves. Quite large deposits of uranium have been discovered on the territory of the country.

Alternative energy sources

Their use is not very widespread in Mexico, despite the enormous potential of some regions. Nevertheless, the Green light for 37MW Mexico PV project received government approval for construction solar power plant in San Luis de la Paz, Guanajuato.