Apartment insurance is mandatory or. Where is the best place to insure an apartment? Ways to save on your insurance policy

There are several options for obtaining an insurance policy for an apartment from two companies at the same time:

Insuring an apartment in two companies for the same risks for the same period, when the amount of insurance exceeds the insured value of the object, is prohibited by law.

This operation is called double insurance.

Upon the occurrence of an insured event, the amount paid by insurers will be more than the amount damage caused, which leads to illegal enrichment. Through the courts, insurance companies can invalidate these contracts.

But if they decide to pay compensation when an insured event occurs, they may reduce the amount of compensation so that it does not exceed the value of the object.

Additional insurance is carried out for the same object during the same period, but against different risks. Moreover, the amount of insurance under two policies should not exceed the value of the object. This type permitted by law.

A Question of Choice

You need to find a reliable company. Which insurance company is better to insure an apartment with? Reviews can partly help. You can also refer to the rating to select it. Better choose the insurer that is at least 15th on the list.

You should consider the timing of the insurance company. A company that has been operating for over 10 years is the most acceptable to choose.

Necessary familiarize yourself with the main type of insurance of the selected company. If it is auto insurance, it is better to look for another company, since auto insurance poses a big risk.

An analysis of payments and fees should be carried out. Low payout percentages and high fees indicate that the company is reluctant to pay out insurance. We'll have to go to court. On the contrary, with large payments and small fees, the company may soon go bankrupt.

Where is it more profitable?

Apartment insurance may vary. It can protect the apartment itself from an accident or it will be the responsibility of third parties: you are responsible to your neighbors if an insured event occurs.

If you take each item separately, it will cost more than comprehensive insurance.

Also, more favorable prices for issuing policies are offered by companies that are far from being in the first positions in the rating of insurers. Therefore, when searching for the best place to insure an apartment, reviews play an important role.

Apartment insurance: rating of insurance companies

There are many insurers in the insurance market. When choosing, you must be guided by such parameters as reliability and insurance cost.

You can insure your apartment, property and liability to third parties. Insurers offer each insurance separately or issue a policy for all types of damage at once.

Basic real estate insurance options:

Let's look at the main companies that are leaders in the insurance market.


When insuring an apartment, Gazprombank offers its clients to issue a policy without a preliminary inspection of the residential premises.

The insurance includes options such as fit-out and engineering equipment, property and public liability.

The policyholder is given the opportunity to choose the amount for which he wants to secure his property.

It is proposed to assign a minimum amount of 230 thousand rubles and the cost of the policy will cost 1150 rubles.


This insurer is the leader in the number of collected awards in the rating of similar companies for 2016, it has a reliability level of A++, which characterizes the highest degree.

The payout rate is 53%. It offers a choice of different types of policies and the assignment of an independent amount of household property; it is also proposed to include civil liability in the policy. Moreover, when setting the insurance amount for an apartment in Sogaz, there are both upper and lower restrictions.

For options such as decoration and property, the amount should be from 200 thousand to 5 million rubles, and for civil liability - from 100 thousand to 2 million rubles. Options can be selected individually or in any combination. The advantage of Sogaz apartment insurance is the combination of price and quality. Founded in 1993.


The company is the oldest among insurers. It was created in 1947 and has large number branches throughout the country. The level of reliability, according to reviews, of Ingosstrakh A++ apartment insurance, the level of insurance payments is high, amounting to 56%.

You can insure an apartment with Ingosstrakh using five types of insurance:

Insurance benefits vary by region. For Moscow and St. Petersburg they are higher: the initial level is 100 thousand, for other regions - 50 thousand rubles.


One of the young companies in the real estate insurance market. Offers type of insurance:

This service is provided by the insurer Alfastrakhovanie. To insure an apartment with Beeline, you must be a Beeline mobile client with the “All in one” tariff.


Quite a young organization: founded in 2013. Tinkoff offers apartment insurance online.

To do this, you need to select the insurance elements yourself or enter a convenient payment amount for the month, or the amount of the insurance repayment.

The minimum insurance amount is 230 thousand, the payment for the policy will be 1220 rubles per year.

Alfa Bank

Offers ready-made options insurance “Though there is a flood!”

When insuring an apartment with Alfa Bank You can only select the insurance amount; it includes interior decoration, property and civil liability insurance.

The minimum amount is 200 thousand rubles, the contribution is 1490 rubles.

If the apartment is insured, the insurance will cover damage from the most common insured events that can happen in the apartment, for example:

  • fire and its consequences (including fire extinguishing), even if it did not start in your apartment;
  • an explosion for any reason other than a terrorist attack, even if it did not occur in your apartment;
  • flooding of the apartment due to an accident in the heating systems, water supply, sewerage, internal drains, even if the accident did not occur in your apartment;
  • wind over 20 m/sec - hurricane, tornado, squall, accompanying rain, snow or hail.

If, as a result of an insured event, your apartment is destroyed or becomes uninhabitable, the Moscow Government, at your choice, will provide you with housing or compensation for losses in accordance with the Regulations on the insurance system in the city of Moscow for residential premises (Appendix 1 to the Moscow Government dated October 1, 2002 N 821-PP).

2. Who can insure their apartment?

Almost any owner or tenant of housing in Moscow can insure their apartment or room. apartment building. There is only one exception: you will not be able to insure your apartment or room if the residential premises are recognized as unsafe or unfit for habitation.

3. How much is insurance?

The city's home insurance system provides two insurance options - basic and with an increased amount of coverage.

Basic insurance

Insurance premiums can be paid immediately for the year, or monthly, according to the tariff:

  • 22.44 rub. for 1 sq.m total area apartments - per year;
  • 1.87 rub. for 1 sq.m. of the total area of ​​the apartment - per month;

Payment limit: 42,000 rubles per 1 sq.m. of the total area of ​​the apartment.

Insurance with an increased amount of insurance coverage

Insurance premiums are paid for the entire year at once at the rate: 37.68 rubles. for 1 sq.m. of the total area of ​​the apartment.

Payment limit: 63,000 rubles per 1 sq.m. of the total area of ​​the apartment.

4. How to conclude an insurance contract?

The city's insurance protection system is designed to make it as convenient to use as possible.

In its basic version, it works as follows: the State Government authorized by the Moscow Government budgetary institution of the city of Moscow, the “City Center for Property Payments and Housing Insurance” annually organizes the mailing of “Insurance Certificates” to bearer (without indicating the full name of the homeowner or tenant) - in fact, this is an offer to conclude an insurance agreement with monthly payment of premiums with an insurance company selected at a city competition . As a rule, special receipts from the insurance company are sent along with the certificates, which can be useful if you pay for housing public utilities not according to a single payment document (UPD) or you want to pay for insurance at once for the whole year.

If you are eligible to participate in the city's home insurance system, but have not received a Certificate of Insurance or receipt for payment, you can contact an authorized organization or insurance company

For the insurance contract to be valid in the basic version, it is enough to pay monthly insurance premiums for the next month. For example, in September you can pay the insurance premium until September 30 inclusive, and then the insurance will be valid throughout October. However, if you do not pay the premium or pay it later (for example, pay the premium on October 1 or later), the insurance will not be valid in October. However, this does not mean that the insurance contract is no longer valid - the premium paid on October 1 or later will ensure insurance of the apartment in November.

5. How to pay insurance premiums?

Most residents of Moscow houses receive payment documents to pay for housing and communal services in the form of an EPD, which contains the column: “Amount including voluntary insurance.” It is enough to pay the invoice taking into account this column for current month until the beginning of the next month, and your apartment or room will be insured for the next month.

If you pay for housing and communal services not according to the EDP, but according to other documents, you can pay insurance premiums using receipts from the insurance company, which are usually sent out along with insurance certificates.

6. How do I pay insurance premiums if I want insurance at an increased rate?

If you want to increase the amount of insurance coverage in the event of an insured event or simply sign a contract for a whole year to pay for insurance for a year at once, contact the insurance company serving your administrative district.

By contacting insurance company, you will be able to conclude an individual contract for a period of one year.

7. What to do if an insured event occurs?

Upon the occurrence of an insured event:

  • immediately notify the fire service, emergency services or other competent authorities;
  • within three business days from the moment you learned about the incident, report it to the insurance company.

To register losses, provide the following documents to the insurance company:

  • a statement describing the insured event and damage to the residential premises;
  • a document confirming the fact of payment of the insurance premium;
  • document proving the identity, citizenship and place of residence of the policyholder, for example, a passport;
  • title documents for residential premises;
  • residential premises insurance certificate or policy;
  • a document from a competent organization establishing the date and cause of the event that resulted in damage (destruction) of the residential premises;
  • bank details for receiving insurance compensation.

Damage caused as a result of an insured event is calculated taking into account damage to all structural elements, finishing elements, engineering equipment, elements of internal communications related to the insured residential premises.

8. What is home contents insurance?

Homeowners are required to pay only the costs of maintenance and current repairs of the house and make contributions to the fund overhaul. But if you need an unplanned repair of something that has broken down, you will have to raise money for it separately.

However, if the general contents of the home are insured, the insurance may cover these costs. Insured events covered by insurance:

  • fire and its consequences (for example, if the house was damaged by flame, smoke, high temperature, or in the process of extinguishing a fire);
  • explosion for any reason, with the exception of terrorist attacks;
  • accidents of heating systems, water supply, sewerage and internal drains;
    • one of the owners of the premises;
    • persons authorized by the decision of the general meeting of premises owners;
    • homeowners association;
    • housing cooperative;
    • a consumer cooperative created by premises owners for the purpose of managing common property;
    • house management organization chosen by the owners of the premises.

    To conclude a contract, the policyholder or his representative must contact the insurance company serving your administrative district.

Question: should I insure the apartment or wait a little longer? for a long time hung in the air. And although the internal readiness had been there for a long time, something constantly prevented me from completing this task. But it turned out, as always: unexpected and sad. An accident that befell us in the form of a pipe break with hot water, accelerated this process.

After eliminating all the consequences of this terrible flooding and catching my breath a little, the first thing that was done was finally taking out insurance. Moreover, literally 10-15 minutes and a little money were spent on this entire procedure. A mere trifle compared to the moral and material costs that the family faced after the flooding of not only their own, but also their neighbors’ apartment.

The insurance was arranged with an insurance company via the Internet and paid for by card. The insurance policy also came to email. There was no need to go anywhere. Why did I decide to talk about this? Yes, simply because, perhaps, some of you also cannot decide whether you need to insure your home or whether this is all a waste of money.

The question, of course, is something everyone decides for themselves. But this is what I understood in connection with all the events that happened. If such a thought arises, you shouldn’t just throw it away. Perhaps it is the Universe itself (intuition or call it what you want) sending you signs and warning you of danger. I ignored these “messages”. For which I paid.

In our country, home insurance is voluntary and not mandatory. And, in fact, this process is just gaining momentum, being practically in its infancy. Compared to European countries, where 80-90% of the population simply cannot imagine a situation where their home would not be insured (as well as other aspects of life, such as health, life), then only 5-7% of Russians use insurance protection for their home . However, many insurance companies develop and offer a variety of programs related to home and property insurance.

The first question that arises is: where to insure an apartment and how to choose an insurance company. Before concluding an agreement, you need to, at least superficially, familiarize yourself with different offers on the market, study the ratings and reputation of insurers. An indirect proof of the company’s reliability can be the variety of insurance risks, various types insurance, the ability to create insurance programs to suit individual needs.

And already, based on your priorities in choosing risks, paying attention to the cost of insurance and the proposed tariffs, you can look for the most suitable offers. It should be taken into account that the final individual tariff, due to the existence of various increasing factors, may differ from the base rates.

When purchasing an insurance policy, a corresponding agreement is concluded between the insurer (an organization that provides insurance services and undertakes to compensate for damage in the event of an insured event) and the policyholder (a person who insures his home against certain misfortunes chosen by him).

In addition to the insurer and the insured, third parties may also be involved in this transaction: those from whose actions you suffered (for example, neighbors who flooded your apartment), and those who, on the contrary, suffered as a result of an accident that happened in your apartment and suffered material damage (for example , it’s your fault that your neighbors’ renovations have been ruined).

Objects of insurance

You can insure a house, apartment, any real estate against anything: from fire, lightning, from flooding with water from heating, water supply, sewer systems and when extinguishing fires, from leaks from the roof, from robbery and theft, from the risk of using household appliances, from an explosion of domestic or main gas, when natural disasters and even such very exotic risks as falling meteorites. It may also be a civil liability for the exploitation of housing by apartment owners.

At the same time, you need to understand that you won’t be able to insure yourself against everything at once. But after carefully studying the list of risks offered in standard policies, it is possible to supplement and adjust it.

Home insurance programs

Insurance is presented on the market in the form of classic products and in the form of “boxed” programs, in which sets of risks are individually selected for each object. For owners of typical real estate: dachas, middle-class apartments, inexpensive cottages, according to experts, “boxed” programs are well suited, in which the conditions, insured amounts and risks are already predetermined. Depending on the specific situation, a ready-made “box” is selected.

This insurance program is convenient for the client in many ways:

  • Low cost
  • Pre-determined (fixed) reimbursement amounts presented to choose from
  • There is no need to pre-describe the property
  • Possibility to apply for insurance on the insurer's website online.

At the same time, when choosing a product, of course, you need to take into account the risks that are covered by this product. For example, “boxed” options often lack such an option as insuring an apartment against leaks through the roof of a multi-storey building (relevant for residents of the top floors).

The classic insurance program is an equally popular option. Its advantages - best service and wider coverage. The cost of a policy with classic insurance is always calculated individually and is determined by the number of included objects of insurance and depends on the amount of insurance coverage. At the same time, an inventory of the property and its preliminary assessment are carried out.

When taking out a policy, its owner is provided with additional options. This includes payment for hotel expenses during the restoration of housing damaged as a result of an insured event, compensation for losses from rent, the opportunity to insure valuable property, non-residential space, self-propelled vehicles, and landscaping elements.

Specific insurance products include insurance of real estate purchased at the construction stage (financial risks are insured when construction is delayed or the contractor goes bankrupt), purchasing an apartment on the secondary market (contract) or under a mortgage.

There is another type of home insurance - voluntary insurance, with which we can automatically insure our property. To do this, you just need to pay the fee included as a separate line in the utility bill. This contribution is small. But, of course, in this case the set of insurance risks, as well as the amount of compensation, are very modest.

To conclude a contract, each insurer develops its own list of documents:

  • Statement. If the policy is issued by a representative of the policyholder, he is also paid insurance compensation upon the occurrence of an insured event (therefore, to conclude an agreement, it is necessary to present a power of attorney certified by a notary). When drawing up a contract online, this document is also required upon the occurrence of an insured event.
  • Passport
  • Documents confirming ownership of housing and property (invoices, checks, assessment reports).
  • In addition to presenting the required documents, you may need to inspect and evaluate the property, and a preliminary inventory of the property conducted by an insurance agent.

How much does it cost to insure an apartment?

To get an idea of ​​the price, you need to study the insurance rules of different companies and assume that the price corresponds to the quality of services. Experts advise contacting large insurance companies that are known for their business reputation and high financial rating.

Depending on various factors and risk package, for apartments the insurance rate is approximately from 0.15% to 0.45%. For example, the annual cost of insurance for a small standard apartment (coverage of 1.5 million rubles) will be approximately 2.2 thousand rubles.

For suburban real estate - the insurance rate is from 0.45% to 1.5%. For a house insured for a million rubles, you will need to pay approximately 4.5 thousand rubles per year.

The market is in demand for “boxed” products with insurance coverage up to 500 thousand rubles with average rates - from 0.25% to 0.45% (depending on the size of the insured amount). For such a policy, its owner will pay approximately 1.5 thousand rubles per year.

When calculating the cost of a mortgage insurance policy, it is taken into account what the external walls, ceilings and partitions are made of, as well as the age of the house. Insurance is more expensive if the house is older. Its cost increases due to the presence of a gas water heater, fireplace, and sauna in the house.

If you have any difficulties determining the sum insured, you can contact an independent appraiser or insurance agent. When declaring a significant insurance value, you must be prepared to confirm its amount with documents.

Owners of large country houses. While for inexpensive suburban properties (dacha buildings in gardening associations), express insurance programs are quite suitable.

For how long can you insure your home?

As a rule, housing is insured for a year. Although other options are possible. For example, it is possible for some other period when the owner will not live in the apartment or, say, for the period of renovation of a neighbor’s apartment located on a higher floor.

But can this option be considered a savings? Insurance experts say this is not always advisable. On short term insurance, the cost of insurance is calculated according to the short-term insurance scale. And as a result, compared to the cost of annual insurance, the client will purchase more expensive insurance. Since monthly insurance is more expensive.

It will be much more profitable to reduce the cost of insurance by selecting more probable risks for each object. Why insure, for example, the interior decoration or structure of an apartment against theft?

Subtleties of insurance

When applying for an insurance policy, experts recommend:

  • contact reliable insurance companies
  • do not hesitate to ask questions and find out everything that is not clear
  • do not make the cost of the insurance policy the main criterion when choosing a company (savings can result in large losses)
  • If possible, try not to eliminate the consequences of an insured event before arrival insurance agent so that the assessment of the scale of damage caused is more fair
  • carefully read the insurance rules, paying attention to such aspects as:
  1. Mechanism for assessing damage caused (the amount of compensation depends on this parameter)
  2. When, where and how to report an insured event?
  3. List of risks provided for in the contract
  4. Conditions and procedure for payment of insurance, terms during which damage is compensated, after submitting all required documents
  5. Reasons for refusal to pay compensation for losses.

Let's dwell on this point in more detail. Imagine that you, having insured against various misfortunes, regularly paid insurance premiums, and suddenly, when that very unforeseen event occurred, you did not inform the insurance company about it in time or did not find the time and effort to collect the required full package of documents.

What will happen in this case? They will simply refuse to pay you for your insurance. Because failure to timely submit a statement about the event to the company is one of the reasons for refusal. The contracts clearly state the clause on immediate contact with the insurer, who must promptly conduct an examination before compensating for the damage. The only excuse for a sluggish policyholder is good reason, for example, business trip, illness. In this case, it is possible to restore the term, but in court.

The second common reason is incorrectly completed documents or incomplete ones. At a minimum, an inventory of the damage caused must be attached to the claim for an insured event and this must be documented.

The third reason is fraudulent activity. You should not try to deceive the insurer and extract a larger compensation from him by providing false information about the scale of the disaster and inflating the cost of damage. A worse than that, initiating an insured event or resorting to any illegal actions. This may not only cause failure, but also lead to criminal liability in some cases.

You can be left without payment due to the negligence or carelessness of the policyholder and the owner of the property (a common example: the owner of the home fell asleep with an unextinguished cigarette, which caused a fire), if this is proven by an expert examination. Another reason is that due to inattention when signing the contract, your case may not correspond to the risks specified in it.

Take care of yourself and your property!

I want to insure my grandmother's apartment. Do I have the right to this if I am not the owner? Can I be a beneficiary under an insurance contract for someone else's apartment? Near the apartment three owners, they are all my relatives.

What can be insured in an apartment? What am I entitled to when concluding an agreement with an insurance company? What is a franchise? In what cases should you agree to it, and in what cases should you not?

I will be grateful for your answer.

You can insure the property of another person, including real estate. No need for this family ties. You can insure almost everything and against almost everything, but, as usual, there are nuances. Lots of nuances.

Evgeny Shepelev

insured someone else's apartment - and my own too

Basic terms

Before studying the features of real estate insurance, it is worth explaining the most important terms in normal human language.

The policyholder is the one who purchased the insurance policy.

Insurer - insurance company.

The beneficiary is the one who, upon the occurrence of an insured event, will receive compensation from the insurer.

Insurance premium is the cost of the policy, that is, the payment for insurance.

Sum insured - maximum possible size insurance payment upon the occurrence of an insured event. The sum insured is always specified in the policy.

Deductible is part of the damage that is not subject to compensation by the insurer, if this is provided for in the contract. If available, indicated in the policy.

Is it possible to insure an apartment that is not your own?

This is completely legal. The policyholder and the beneficiary can be different people. At the same time, according to Art. 930 of the Civil Code, the beneficiary must have an interest in preserving the property, based on law or contract. This is usually ownership.

In the insurance policy Tinkoff Insurance in the “beneficiary” column it is indicated “at the expense of whom,” but a specific person is not named. The beneficiary will be the one who has an interest in preserving the property and presents the policy.

The insurance option “at the expense of whomever is due” is provided for in the same article. 930 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In your case, all three owners of the apartment will be the beneficiaries.

If an insured event occurs, compensation for damage will be made taking into account the share of ownership of the property. Owners will need to provide the insurer with documentary evidence that they are the owners.

What can you insure in an apartment?

Almost everything can be insured: from walls to household appliances and other property. Including, you can take out insurance for:

Insurance companies usually do not insure cash, precious metals and stones, documents, medicines, food, plants, animals and some other categories of property located within the insured home. The list of exceptions can be found in the property insurance rules on the insurance company’s website or checked with an employee.

What are the risks?

The most common troubles that happen to apartments are floods, fires and illegal actions of third parties, such as theft or vandalism. This is a basic set of risks, which is usually included in “boxed” solutions - ready-made standard policies offered by insurance companies.

Some insurance companies allow you to design your own policy, where you can add additional risks to the basic ones. This could be the set of risks in a paranoid policy:

  • fire, explosion, lightning strike;
  • bay for various reasons;
  • illegal actions of third parties;
  • natural disasters - from very strong winds to earthquakes;
  • mechanical damage - fall aircraft and their parts, falling trees, collision vehicles, animal actions;
  • harm to health if there were people in the insured object and they were injured when the insured event occurred.

It is also possible (and necessary!) to insure civil liability. For example, if a pipe in an insured apartment bursts and the apartment on the floor below is damaged, the damage to neighbors will be compensated by the insurance company, taking into account the limit according to the policy. “Boxed” policies usually provide for civil liability.

You can find in the insurance rules detailed description every risk. There are some exceptions: for example, a terrorist act is usually not considered a risk, even though it is an illegal act.

On insurance payments it should not be calculated if the property was damaged as a result of military operations, civil unrest or a decision of the authorities - for example, during the demolition of an illegally erected structure by a court decision. Nuclear explosion also not a reason to demand compensation.

Sums insured and policy cost

In the case of “boxed” solutions, the insurance company sets the insurance amount. Usually there is a choice from 3-4 sentences with different options for sums insured and insurance premium.

If you design an insurance policy yourself, then the insured amounts must be indicated independently - separately for each type of property (structure, decoration, movable property, etc.) and for civil liability. The higher the sum insured, the more expensive the policy.

Please note that if an insured event occurs, you will be compensated for damages, the amount of which is assessed by an expert. There is no point in insuring an apartment for 20,000,000 rubles, the cost of which with all the property is 10,000,000 rubles. You will not receive more from insurance than the expert estimates, because insurance is compensation for damage, and not a way to make money from trouble.

The cost of the policy is also affected by the deductible. There are three main types of franchises:

  • conditional - the insurance company does not compensate for damage if its amount is less than or equal to the amount of the deductible, but compensates it in full if the amount of the loss larger size franchises;
  • unconditional - the deductible amount is always deducted from the compensation amount;
  • temporary - the insurance is not valid for a certain period.

For example, a client has flood insurance for an apartment with an unconditional deductible of RUB 5,000. His apartment was flooded by his neighbors and the actual damage was RUR 45,000. The insurance company compensates 5,000 R less, that is, 40,000 R. And if in the above example the deductible was conditional, then the insurance company would pay the entire 45,000 RUR.

The benefit for the policyholder is that the presence of a deductible makes the policy cheaper. Again, for a 2000 loss, you're unlikely to call the insurance company. Try it different options in the policy constructor on the insurance company’s website to decide what is more important: full compensation or a cheaper policy with a deductible.

Finally, the cost of the same set of risks and sums insured differs among different insurance companies. It is worth comparing offers from several insurers. You may be able to save several hundred or even thousands of rubles without harming your insurance.

In short

You can insure an apartment or other real estate, even if you do not own it. The beneficiary is usually the owner.

Almost everything in an apartment is insured, but there are exceptions (money, jewelry, documents, some other types of property).

The cost of insurance depends on the insurance company, the set of risks, sums insured, and the presence of a deductible.

Insurance does not save you from disaster, but it allows you to compensate for damage caused by it. It is unlikely that you will be able to make extra money from an insurance event: the insurance covers the damage according to the examination and nothing more.

Before taking out an insurance policy, read the insurance rules very carefully, because this is what it says

If you have a question about personal finance, luxury purchases or family budgeting, write to: [email protected]. For the most interesting questions We will answer in the journal.

Useful tips for those who decide to insure an apartment: what risks can be insured against, what the price of the policy depends on and other nuances

Fire, water and malicious actions of third parties are a direct threat to the safety of any home. An apartment owner can count on financial support from the state in the event of a fire, flooding or break-in only in exceptional cases.

However, you can insure your apartment against all these risks and ensure that you will receive compensation in the event of a loss from the insurance company.

Who can insure an apartment

Any person can act as an insured, regardless of the right to own the property. You can be the owner or renter of an apartment and expect to receive insurance compensation.

You also have the right to insure those belonging to another person. square meters, indicating the owner as the beneficiary. In this case, he will receive compensation.

If there are several owners of real estate, then all of them become beneficiaries. Accordingly, the compensation will be divided equally between these persons or depending on the share of ownership of the property.

To receive the money, they will have to provide documents confirming their rights.

What can be insured

The policy can be issued for movable and immovable property, in particular:

  • walls, arches, ceilings, partitions, stairs, balconies and other structural elements;
  • wallpaper, parquet, suspended ceiling, stucco and other interior finishing options;
  • water pipes, heating system, meters, electrical wiring, CCTV cameras, other utilities;
  • household appliances, furniture, carpets, clothes and other things.

Not all movable property falls under the protection of the insurer.

The list of such exclusions may include items stored in the insured home.:

  • money,
  • jewelry,
  • documents,
  • house plants,
  • animals,
  • medicines,
  • products.

What can you insure your home against?

The list of risks that standard policies usually protect against includes:

  • fire,
  • bay,
  • theft, vandalism.

If you wish, you can expand the list of risks against which you want to insure your apartment.

For example, the main risks can be added:

  • earthquake, hurricane, other natural disasters,
  • falling tree, drone, animal action and other causes of mechanical damage,
  • harm to the health of people in the premises.

Civil liability insurance related to the operation of the premises can be a useful service.

If a pipe bursts in your home and the neighbors living below you suffer, the insurer will pay for the damage instead of you. Often this insurance option is included in the standard contract.

You will find detailed descriptions of the risks in the rules that you will receive upon concluding the contract. Pay attention to these descriptions and exceptions.

For example, damage caused by terrorist attack, is not covered by insurance, although it is an illegal act.

Also, compensation will not be paid if the property was damaged due to:

  • conducting military operations,
  • during mass unrest,
  • decisions of the authorities (for example, the building was demolished as illegally erected),
  • from a nuclear explosion.

Review the list of exclusions in advance to avoid any misunderstandings in the future.

How much is insurance

The insurance amount is most often set by the insurer itself. The company offers several amounts to choose from and announces the contract price in each case.

If you want to receive insurance coverage for several risks and different types property, you have the right to design your own policy.

To do this, you indicate separately the insurance amounts for the selected types (structure, communications, decoration, personal belongings) and, if desired, civil liability.

The total insurance premium will directly depend on the number of selected types and the established limit.

The amount of damage will be assessed by experts, which means you will receive compensation after the fact and will not be able to make money on insurance. For example, if your entire property is worth 10 million, there is no point in insuring it for 20 million.

Experts will still estimate the damage within the actual cost.

Is a franchise necessary?

The price of the policy may be lower if you agree to a deductible.

There are 3 types of franchise:

  1. Conditional. If the amount of damage is less than the deductible, you will not receive anything; if it is more, you will be paid the entire amount of the loss.
  2. Unconditional. For any payment, it is deducted from the total compensation amount.
  3. Temporary. With such a deductible, the policy is not always valid. The contract specifies a specific period of time when insurance is not valid.

Let's look at a specific example. The policyholder buys a policy and sets a deductible of 5 thousand rubles. The damage after an insured event amounts to 45 thousand rubles, but the owner receives only 40 thousand minus the deductible. If he had chosen the conditional option, he would have received all 45 thousand.

Whether you need a franchise or not, you must decide for yourself. On the one hand, it will reduce the cost of the policy. On the other hand, it can reduce the amount of insurance compensation.

Before signing a contract, go to the website of the selected company and use the designer to calculate all the options.

What to consider when making a decision

Let's summarize the above.

Any person can insure a home, even if he is not the owner of the property. The beneficiary in this case is most often the owner himself.

Almost everything in the apartment is covered by the policy: communications, walls, decoration and personal property, with some exceptions.

The cost of insurance depends on the number of risks selected, the sum insured, the availability and type of deductible. It is better to make a decision on concluding an agreement with a specific company after comparing prices and insurance conditions from different insurers.

Remember that insurance only covers damage to your property. But it is impossible to make money on this, since the loss is estimated by experts.

However, having a policy guarantees you significant financial support in case of an unforeseen situation and loss of property.

How to properly insure property?