Insurance insurance rating. Ratings of insurance companies

Casco is not only an insurance policy, but first of all taking care of yourself. Many instructors joke that correct driving is based on the three D rule: “give way to the fool.” But even an experienced driver cannot foresee everything. Therefore, in order not to be afraid of unnecessary expenses, you should pay attention to insurance.

Casco insurance can cover all scenarios: from theft of a radio and scratches on the fender to the complete theft or destruction of a car. In addition, most companies offer favorable discount systems. And also a simplified version of Casco for those who want it cheaper. In our rating of the best Casco insurance companies, we have selected the most profitable offers that you can trust. The top is compiled based on reviews, policy characteristics, and ratings on a national scale. Remember that when choosing, you should first check the Casco calculator for each of the offers - depending on the model and other parameters, the cost will vary.

TOP 10 best Casco insurance companies

10 Zetta Insurance

Professional Casco
Rating (2019): 4.1

At first glance, the company may seem unfamiliar or unfamiliar. In fact, it has been operating on the Russian market since 1993. Previously, Zetta was called "Zurich". The company is serious about working with domestic clients and providing the highest quality services. Compared to the best companies in our rating, it can be called an average company. But this did not prevent her from receiving a rating on the national scale ruA+, which means “stable and with prospects for development.” And “Zetta” takes full advantage of this prospect. The company does not have the highest level of insurance payments - only 39%. But the convenience and quality of service make it comfortable and profitable, especially given the active development of the company.

Auto insurance occupies a key place in its activities - it accounts for 62.5% of all company cases. Therefore, the company may be more experienced in this matter than larger “universal” competitors. The Casco policy is based on a basic rate. The client chooses whether he wants to protect the car from everything or only from the most common situations. Also, the price of a Casco policy can be reduced by 50% by careful driving. Zetta is a promising company in the insurance market.

9 Renaissance Insurance

Renting a “replacement” car against insurance
Rating (2019): 4.1

It can rightfully be considered one of the most advanced companies. The company's system is so convenient that Renaissance Insurance is a leader in selling insurance online. Moreover, this does not prevent it from being one of the largest insurance companies on the market. The company's national scale rating is ruAA-. That is, Renaissance Insurance is considered an organization with stable creditworthiness and quite reliable financial stability, albeit not ideal. According to professionals, it does not leave the TOP 20 best. In reviews, customers already note the company’s system as convenient. They like that they don’t have to spend a lot of time on decoration. The company’s statistics are encouraging: the payout rate of 52% and the number of refusals of 1.83% of all applications allow the company to be one of the most reliable.

Initially, the company offers a basic package, which includes what the client chooses. Among the special conveniences, it is worth noting the opportunity to rent another car at the expense of insurance while your own is being repaired. There is also delivery by taxi at the expense of the policy from the scene of the accident. The price of services is appropriate. But the company provides many opportunities to save money. The list of such options includes everything from a careful driving system to the ability to reduce risks.

8 VSK insurance house

Policies for different customer needs
Rating (2019): 4.2

One of the leaders in the insurance sector on the Russian market. Consistently included in the ranking of the best domestic companies. Operating since 1992. Auto insurance has become a key element for the company, accounting for more than 50% of all policies. Official analysts place it in the top ten. The level of VSC can also be confirmed by a national reliability scale. For the insurance house, the assessment was ruAA. This means that creditworthiness and financial reliability indicators are at an excellent level. In reviews, clients note high professionalism in consulting and assistance. The number of refusals is not the most rosy - as much as 5.81%. But the payout level is decent – ​​41%.

The company can offer four main packages of insurance services: “Casco Classic”, “Casco Compact”, “Casco Compact+” and “Confident”. In the first case, you independently choose what you need to protect in the car, but the price comes out accordingly. The regular “Compact” will save 75%, but only applies to the most common problems. And “Compact+” is a full-fledged road accident policy that covers all possible risks. The “Confident” package, in turn, allows you to save up to 30% of the cost of a basic Casco policy and provides full insurance when the first insured event occurs. Separately, you can buy the services “Road assistance” and GAP insurance, intended primarily for credit cars.

7 Ergo

European quality of service
Rating (2019): 4.3

The Ergo company came to Russia from Germany. It occupies one of the leading positions in the European market. He has been working in Russia for 27 years. During this time, it has proven itself positively due to its stability. According to the national scale, Ergo received a rating of ruAA+. The insurance company has high creditworthiness and stable financial reliability. The rating is slightly below the maximum, but this is not a big problem - the reliability is enough to cover all insurance claims. According to official ratings and customer reviews, it is among the 25 best insurance companies with a minimum of negativity from customers. Ergo's payout level inspires confidence: the company provides this figure at 58%. Although the level of payment refusals may be alarming - 9.9%.

Initially, the company's Casco is based on the basic package. In this case, no special conditions are required for maintaining the car at night. Separately, the company includes payment for glass elements. For those switching to Ergo from another insurance company, there is a discount that allows you to save 20%. But only if there is a certificate stating that the driver has not had any accidents before. And if you are confident in your experience, then you should turn your attention to TeleKasko. The better the gauge tells you about your driving style, the less you pay. It’s nice that the sum insured under the Casco policy will not change during its entire validity period, even if the company makes several payments to the owner.

6 RESO-Garantiya

The best set of insurance packages
Rating (2019): 4.4

Universal profile insurance company. It is one of the largest and has shareholders in Europe, which allows it not to depend so much on the Russian market. Despite its high status, it is still developing steadily. An example is the change in the stability rating - from ruAA it increased to ruAA+. The financial stability and reliability of the company has increased and is almost approaching the ideal indicator. Professional analysts mark the company in the top ten. It is also often mentioned on the positive side in customer reviews. RESO-Garantiya provides a decent level of payments - 49%. At the same time, the company has few refusals - 3.47% of the total volume of applications.

The company's Casco policy is called "RESOauto". The list of insured events in this policy is especially pleasing: it includes all standard incidents, as well as the actions of animals outside the car, sinkholes, and so on. But in addition to the vehicle itself, insurance may include additional equipment, accident or civil liability. You can expand your capabilities with the help of add-ons from RESO. For example, the “RESOautoGAP” policy allows you to preserve the value of a car in the event of its theft or total damage. This will help cover all unexpected expenses. Also for self-confident drivers there is “Casco-Profi” - under this policy, for a small amount, a guarantee of payments is added if the client is not to blame for the accident.

5 Liberty Insurance

Best price-quality ratio
Rating (2019): 4.5

In terms of insurance premiums, it occupies a confident place in the middle. The main area of ​​work is Casco and OSAGO. They are the ones that bring the company the greatest income at the end of the year. Despite the fact that Liberty is not the leader in finance, the company was rated on the national scale ruAA+. This is almost the highest score with the prospect of gaining the maximum. But in any case, this means that the company is creditworthy and financially reliable, so it will definitely pay the insurance. Clients especially love the company; according to their reviews, it rarely leaves the top three. Also, the conditions of Casco from Liberty were recognized as one of the most favorable in terms of price-quality ratio. A small percentage of refusals (3.86%) with a payout rate of 49% inspires confidence in the company.

One of Liberty's Casco features is a convenient calculator. During the calculation, not only the car’s parameters are taken into account, but also the driver’s history: his experience, marital status, credit history. This is what allows you to issue the most optimal policy option. Also for those who want cheaper options, there is MiniCasco. It is designed only for major troubles with the car, but does not take into account or evaluate minor ones.


Independent selection of options
Rating (2019): 4.6

Among universal insurance companies, SOGAZ takes first place, as it is the largest company. By most indicators and fees it is considered a recognized leader. Its financial position is confirmed by the assessment of the national scale ruAAA - the highest possible indicator of financial stability and creditworthiness. So you don’t have to be afraid that the company will suddenly run out of money. In official ratings it traditionally remains in the TOP 5 due to its excellent performance. According to reviews, the company is only included in the TOP 25 due to the fact that in most cases it resolves all customer issues in the branches, and not through the website. There are noticeably fewer negative reviews than competitors, which indicates a higher quality of service. An average failure rate of 4.79% with an excellent payout rate of 68% allows you to trust SOGAZ to insure your car.

The initial cost of Casco is determined through a special calculator - the calculation can be done independently on the SOGAZ website. Additional insurance conditions are taken into account during registration. The main convenience is that you can independently choose the services you need from those offered. The list begins with the usual theft of something and ends with a full set of “theft, theft, accident, damage, civil liability” and so on. Also, at the request of the client, various combinations are possible.

3 AlfaStrakhovanie

Smart insurance for careful drivers
Rating (2019): 4.7

Alpha company provides more than 100 insurance products. And it honestly takes its place as one of the largest companies in this field. At first glance, the rating on the national scale may be a little upsetting, since they do not have the maximum rating, but ruAA - a high level of financial stability, not the maximum. But this should not be considered a disadvantage, since the difference in translation into numbers is not that big. On the other hand, reviews always evaluate the AlfaStrakhovanie company positively. The level of trust among the population in her is quite high. With a fairly high percentage of payments (41%), we are pleased with the low refusal rate (2.71%).

Like all insurance companies, to determine the exact Casco you need to carry out calculations in a special calculator. But for careful drivers of cars under 7 years old, there is the “Very Smart Casco” service, which allows you to save up to 55% on the policy price. Its essence lies in the fact that a special device is installed on the car, which monitors the accuracy of driving. And the company gives a discount for 3-6 months of careful driving. Driving style can be tracked through a special application and adjusted if necessary. The procedure itself takes no more than half an hour with the signing of papers and installation of the device. You can also insure your car for 50% of the cost against major troubles (theft or complete destruction) under the AlfaCasco 50x50+ program.

2 Rosgosstrakh

Best insurance reliability
Rating (2019): 4.8

A large and old insurance company in Russia, which provides a high level of insurance reliability. Confidently remains in the TOP 10 best companies in terms of reviews, responsibility and convenience. Received a rating of ruAA-, which is only slightly short of the highest level. Rosgosstrakh has a high level of payments - 64%, which is practically the highest number in our rating. Even 6.9% of refusals to pay are not confusing, since only 0.82% of the transactions rejected were passed through the courts.

Rosgosstrakh offers several Casco insurance programs that are suitable for both beginners and experienced drivers. There are five programs in total: “Nothing Extra” and “Anti-Crisis Offer” for beginners, which offer high-quality protection, as well as “Economy 50/50” and “Accident Protection” for professionals who want to insure themselves against unforeseen situations. The general “Protection” program makes it possible to select only the options you need, so as not to overpay for unnecessary things. If you wish, you can reduce the cost of your Casco policy even more by signing up for a deductible. The past history of accidents under compulsory motor liability insurance is also taken into account: if it is clean, then the price for Casco will be lower.

1 Ingosstrakh

The company has been on the market since 1947, during which time it has managed to conquer both national and foreign insurance spaces. It is one of the largest and best among domestic organizations. The credit rating agency gave Ingosstrakh a rating of ruAAA, the highest possible. The company has virtually no chance of bankruptcy; it will remain on the market for a long time. We are pleased with the high payout rate (albeit not the highest in our rating) - as much as 48% with the prospect of constant growth. Especially considering the minimal number of failures (only 2.71%).

When purchasing Casco, an extensive system of discounts is provided, which will make payments much more pleasant for your wallet. For example, if you switch to Ingosstrakh from another company, and at the same time provide a certificate stating that there are no accidents in your driving history, then the price of the policy is reduced by 20%. The system is also beneficial for those who extend their relationship with the company. If you did not have any accidents during the validity of your previous policy, then upon renewal Ingosstrakh will provide a 10% discount. You can save up to 60% of the policy cost if you issue a maximum deductible, or up to 30% if you activate the “Telematics” option and install a monitoring system on your car.

Russian car enthusiasts consider the official rating of insurance companies 2017 OSAGO out of curiosity or out of habit. The compulsory nature of a mandatory policy affects all aspects of the insurance process, and the ranking becomes formal.

Principles of compiling official and independent ratings, difficulties of an objective approach

Of the four parties to the insurance process, the controlling and arbitration body (the Russian Union of Auto Insurers) does not have the right to interfere in the compilation of ratings and influence them. The official website of the RCA is of interest to policy buyers only with a list of insurance companies whose licenses have been revoked or limited and excluded from the union.

The most interested party, those injured in an accident, does not in any way influence the process of purchasing an MTPL policy; the opinion of the victims is reflected only in “popular” ratings. For a car enthusiast purchasing a compulsory policy, the only important points are the stability of the company, the speed of acquisition and the price of the policy. At the same time, the legislative framework of minimum and maximum prices neutralizes the interest of car owners in finding a cheaper (by 200-300 rubles) policy.

Most important is the official expert rating of OSAGO insurance companies in 2017 for leading insurers. Apparently, the position in the ranking for large companies is of an image and prestige nature. It is difficult to talk about the struggle for buyers and the advertising component of ratings when the Internet is full of reviews about queues lasting 4–5 months and refusals to purchase a policy, unthinkable for foreign insurance companies.

The methodology for compiling ratings also raises doubts. Formally, all expert organizations base ratings on the definition of:

  • reliability of the insurer (determined by length of service, quantitative indicators of fees and payments);
  • number of clients (formally indicates the popularity of the company);
  • speed of compensation of losses;
  • number of court cases;
  • level of service (based on customer reviews).

OSAGO is a compulsory insurance system. This system is practiced in all CIS countries. The main purpose of such insurance is to protect the property and health of vehicle owners. A distinctive feature between CASCO, which performs the function of compulsory insurance and applies to the car and the driver himself, and OSAGO - protects the health of passengers and property. Only those companies that have official permission, that is, a license, have the right to carry out such insurance.

It should be noted that Every year the insurance market is replenished with new companies, which rarely stay in this segment. Most often, they go bankrupt or lose their license to engage in such activities. To prevent car owners from falling for the tricks of scammers, ratings of the most reliable insurance companies are compiled every year.

Insurance company ratings

  • Exceptionally high levels of reliability are designated A++;
  • Very high is the designation A+;
  • Tall - A.

If the insurer is included in this list, then it already deserves attention among car enthusiasts. And those who occupy leading positions have every chance for further cooperation.

So, let's start with the insurers that have earned a place in the “Exceptionally High Level of Reliability” rating:

All these insurers deserve the highest ratings from experts. This makes them the most reliable.

Now consider insurers who have received a rating"Very high level of reliability":

  • Helios;
  • Guta-Insurance;
  • ZHASO;
  • Liberty Insurance;
  • Surgunteftegaz;
  • ERGO Rus.

It should be noted that Guta-Insurance and MSK received a rating of insurers who have just embarked on the path of development in the field of compulsory motor liability insurance. All others are considered stable.

  • BIN Insurance;
  • Hayde;
  • D2 Insurance;
  • Intouch Insurance;
  • Yugoria.

It should be noted that all Insurers represented in the rating are reliable, according to experts. Now it’s worth looking at the opinion of the users of this type of insurance themselves. What do they think?

Top insurance companies according to people:

If compare ratings of experts and people, then you can see that some insurers are favorites in both the first and second lists. Moreover, AlfaStrakhovanie is the most reliable in the opinion of citizens and, according to experts.

Which insurance company is better?

For several years, experts have been working on to identify the best insurer on the market. Every year this list is updated, new companies appear. But, there are a number of insurers that were able not only to remain in the ranking of the best, but also managed not to leave this list.

It should be noted that every insurer has its admirers and envious people. Every insurer has negative reviews. After all, it is difficult to find such a person, especially in Russia, who can admit that he is wrong in this or that situation.

So, now let’s find out who can bear the honorary title “Best OSAGO Company”:

The second half of the top compulsory motor liability insurance

  1. The fourth place is occupied by MSC. This MTPL insurer was founded in 1993. The authorized capital is 16.1 billion rubles. The insurer is part of the Spasskie Vorota group. There are 52 branches.
  2. In fifth place is the insurer – VSK. It was founded in 1992. The number of clients is about 10 million individuals and 100 thousand legal entities. The company's authorized capital is 3.2 billion rubles. There are more than 600 branches in Russia. The advantage of the insurance company is that it guarantees the return of losses within 5 days.

So, in this article ratings of insurance companies were analyzed from experts who issue compulsory motor liability insurance policies. It was also found out which insurers are the favorites, both among experts and citizens. Moreover, we found out which company is the best in the insurance market. The best insurance company for compulsory motor liability insurance is AlfaStrakhovanie.

Registration of compulsory motor insurance is mandatory for motorists - the absence of a policy will be detected at the first inspection and will entail a fine. The following is presented rating of MTPL insurance companies by reliability which will help you make the right choice. The review also provides general recommendations for the selection of insurance companies.

Which insurance company should I choose for compulsory motor liability insurance?

Having a compulsory insurance policy is a mandatory legal requirement and a guarantee of protection against significant expenses in the event of an accident. Under compulsory motor liability insurance, the insurance company pays in an accident, not the culprit of the accident. The question is which insurance company to choose in order to purchase a policy on favorable terms and be guaranteed to receive payment in the future.

The price of services is an important parameter, but it should not be decisive.

The insurance market in Russia is still unstable - therefore, before taking out insurance, you need to study the list of MTPL insurance companies having a license, blacklists, reviews and ratings. The rating of the best auto insurers in terms of payments shows which companies can be trusted - they service obligations in full.

SC reliability criteria:

  • class occupied in the rating of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, an international agency;
  • volume of local market share;
  • number of signed contracts;
  • refusals to pay (in percentage).

Almost all large companies are reliable MTPL insurers- they have been working in the market for a long time, have a good reputation and access to foreign financial resources. These factors allow organizations to replenish working capital with minimal interest rates, staying afloat even in difficult economic conditions. Regional companies with a small number of branches sell policies at reduced prices, but are inferior in reliability to large insurance companies.

Top 10 insurance companies for compulsory motor liability insurance in 2020

Calculate your insurance with our free calculator and get quotes from the most trusted insurers.

The official rating of the best insurance companies for compulsory motor liability insurance is compiled by RA experts. Analysts constantly monitor the performance of companies and evaluate the data received. In addition to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, NRAs - independent rating agencies - take part in the assessment. They audit companies on a number of parameters, after which they assign reliability criteria. Some media outlets working with finance also do market analysis. Often their estimates are the same as those of the NRA, but there may be differences.

Based on the results of an expert analysis, the insurance company is assigned a reliability class - it consists of letters and signs “+”, “-”:

  • A++, AAA+ - the highest indicators, they are received by the largest market players;
  • A, A+ - indicates a positive financial balance, absence of serious debt obligations, claims from the regulator;
  • B - satisfactory level;
  • C - this category includes companies whose license will soon be revoked;
  • D - technical default;
  • E - SK at the stage of liquidation.

The reliability rating must be taken into account when looking for an answer to the question of where it is better to insure a car. The leading positions belong to large market players; small and medium-sized regional firms with a small network of branches are also included in the rating.

List of the best insurance companies for compulsory motor liability insurance:

  • "RESO-Garantiya";
  • Ingosstrakh;
  • "Helios";
  • "VSK";
  • Renaissance Insurance Group;
  • "Agreement";
  • "AlfaStrakhovanie";
  • "Rosgosstrakh";
  • "SOGAZ";
  • "MAX";
  • "Intouch Insurance";
  • "Inter";
  • "Energogarant";
  • Liberty Insurance;
  • Tinkoff Insurance;
  • "SK GAYDE";
  • "Bet";
  • "Ekaterinburg";
  • "ERGO";
  • "VTB Insurance".

This list shows not so much the reliability class as the number of signed contracts, and therefore the popularity of a particular organization.

People's rating of insurers

The public rating is based on consumer reviews - many car owners do not know where it is better to get a policy and look at the ratings of other drivers. This choice is subjective because it does not take into account financial indicators.

  • "VSK" (69/31)";
  • "RESO" (64/36)";
  • “Consent” (65/35)”;
  • "Alliance" (64/36)";
  • "Ingosstrakh" (61/39)";
  • "Rossgosstrakh" (60/40)
  • "Megaruss" (58/42)";
  • "Nasko" (60/40)";
  • "VTB" (56/44)";
  • "UralSib" (58/42)";
  • "Guta" (56/44)";
  • "Alpha Insurance" (53/47)";
  • "Renaissance" (50/50).

Where is it cheaper to buy OSAGO?

Cheap compulsory motor liability insurance - myth or reality? Reality, but you need to understand what you are paying for. The following factors influence the price of insurance:

  • length of service, age of the parent;
  • geography of movements;
  • participation in accidents;
  • motor power;
  • terms of policy issuance;
  • insurance statistics.

The cheapest car insurance will be profitable only if there is a guarantee of payment. For this reason, you need to take out a policy in trusted insurance companies. You can buy an MTPL policy cheaply online from the following companies (the base rate in rubles is indicated in brackets):

  • Rosgosstrakh (RUB 4,118);
  • "SOGAZ" (4118 rub.);
  • "RESO" (3604 rub.);
  • "Alpha" (RUR 3,432);
  • "MAX" (RUR 3,432);
  • "Ingosstrakh" (RUR 3,432).

The tariff corridor is set by the Central Bank, and many insurance companies set maximum rates. The basic tariff may be different for different regions; it will be cheaper to insure a car with an insurance company in the capital, since highly competitive working conditions encourage organizations to look for the most favorable terms of cooperation.

To reduce the cost of the policy:

  • choose a company with a minimum base tariff;
  • use CBN for accident-free driving;
  • get a discount by signing two or more contracts;
  • register the car in the region where the territorial coefficient is minimal.

Which insurance companies issue OSAGO policies online?

Online auto insurance is increasingly in demand as saves time. You can apply for E-OSAGO at any large company. Ordering an MTPL policy online with delivery is offered on standard terms; companies can set different rates, provide remote registration only to old or both old and new clients.

List of insurance companies issuing electronic MTPL policies:

  • "Alfastrakhovanie" - registration of e-OSAGO is available only to current clients of the company;
  • "Renaissance" - online insurance for Moscow, Moscow Region, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk regions;
  • “VSK” - nominally e-OSAGO is available for all regions of the Russian Federation;
  • "Zetta Insurance" - there are geographical restrictions;
  • "INTACH Insurance" exclusively offers extension of the current insurance policy;
  • "Liberty" - works with clients from Moscow, Leningrad Region, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Oryol regions, Perm Territory;
  • "Reso Guarantee" - services are available in all regions of the country;
  • “ENERGOGARANT” - you can only extend the contract online;
  • "HOSKA" - restrictions by region;
  • “Moskovia” - services are not available in all regions of the Russian Federation;
  • “Parity SK” - renewal is done online;
  • Tinkoff Insurance issues electronic policies throughout Russia.

Blacklist of insurance companies for compulsory motor liability insurance

The black list includes those insurance companies that do not fulfill their obligations in good faith, or have certain problems with reporting and payment of funds. It includes:

  • "Aibolit";
  • "ASTO-Garantiya";
  • "Arbat";
  • "West Acras";
  • "Garmed";
  • "General SK";
  • "ASOL";
  • "Avest";
  • "ASOPO";
  • "BORK";
  • "General Insurance";
  • "Gorstakh";
  • "Trust";
  • "Euro-Asian IC";
  • "ZHASO-M";
  • "Granite";
  • "West Siberian Transport SK";
  • "Innogranate";
  • "CONDA";
  • "Continental"
  • "Crown";
  • "Zenith";
  • "EMPIRE insurance";
  • "Investstrakh-Agro";
  • "Leader";
  • "Metropolis";
  • "Our Hope";
  • "National quality";
  • "Nika Plus";
  • "Pyramid";
  • "Support-Guarantor";
  • "Nature";
  • "LK-City";
  • "Interregional Insurance Agreement";
  • "Industrial-Insurance Alliance";
  • "Rosmedstrakh";
  • "Rostrakh";
  • "PCT";
  • "TPSO";
  • "UNICUM";
  • "Ural AIL";
  • "Uralkoop-Polis";
  • "Rukso";
  • "Russian SK";
  • "Russian World";
  • "RussoBalt";
  • "RASO";
  • "Recon";
  • "Sever Polis";
  • "SK KG";
  • "SCM";
  • "SOLO RT";
  • "Rosinvest";
  • "REDD";
  • "North-Western SK";
  • "Sports Insurance";
  • "Insurance Company of the CIS";
  • "Transgarant";
  • "URALROS";
  • Fidelity Reserve;
  • "Finist-MK";
  • "Queen";
  • "ESCO".

Problematic organizations may have a license or operate without one, but policyholders have problems with them many times more often than with others.

Company Expert rating Year founded Agency rating
AlfaInsurance 5 47.8 billion rub. 1992 A++
Important New insurance 57 1.3 billion rub. 2002 B+
VSK 6 37.7 billion rub. 2002 A++
Geopolis 76 0.6 billion rub. 1993 A
Euro-Polis 44 2.2 billion rub. 1992 A+
ZHASO 13 13.0 billion rub. 1991 A++
Zetta (Zurich) 44 2.2 billion rub. 1993 A
Ingosstrakh 20 6.3 billion rub. 1947 A++
Liberty 44 2.2 billion rub. 1993 A+
MAX 44 2.2 billion rub. 1992 A++
MSK 11 16.5 billion rub. 1992 A+
MSC 14 1.4 billion rub. 1992 A
USC 32 2.8 billion rub. 1990 A+
BET 40 2.3 billion rub. 1992 A+
Regiongarant 64 1.0 billion rub. 1994 A+
Renaissance 44 2.2 billion rub. 1997 A++
RESO-Garantiya 10 19.5 billion rub. 1991 A++
Rosgosstrakh RUB 1,129.9 billion 1921 A++
Soviet 63 1.1 billion rub. 1993 B
SOGAZ RUB 2,105.2 billion 1993 A++
Agreement 8 33.9 billion rub. 1993 A++
Surgutneftegaz 27 4.0 billion rub. 1996 A+
Tinkoff 67 1.0 billion rub. 1993 A
UralSib 12 15.8 billion rub. 1993 A++
ENERGOGARANT 16 9.3 billion rub. 1992 A++
ERGO Rus 23 5.2 billion rub. 1990 A+
Yugoria 21 6.2 billion rub. 1997 A

In essence, the rating is a scholastic comparison of particularly important indicators and parameters of an insurance company. The Expert RA agency determines the indicators of insurance companies (the level of unprofitability of the CASCO line, the level of payments, the percentage of refusals for CASCO, etc.) at the moment and in the future.

Based on the data obtained, the ratings of a particular insurance company are confirmed.

Insurance company ratings

The system of compulsory civil liability insurance, or OSAGO, is used not only in the CIS countries, but also in many other countries. The main purpose of such a system is to protect the property of people and the health of drivers and passengers of vehicles. The main difference between the MTPL insurance system and CASCO is just one point: MTPL is voluntary insurance, in which the policy a person receives concerns not only the integrity of the car and the driver himself, but also the protection of other people’s health and property. Such obligations are fulfilled by a number of companies that are licensed and included in its overall system.

In the modern world, very often companies appear and disappear in the insurance market, which in the process of their illegal work are declared bankrupt; it is very important to know in advance the ratings of such enterprises in order not to end up with those insurance companies that do not even have a license for this type of activity. We have provided a rating of insurance companies of the year for both types of insurance for all segments of the country's population.


Before announcing the top payment companies, it is necessary to remind all citizens that within the framework of the insurance policy, 4 entities are united together:
the insurance company or insurer itself;
the citizen who enters into the contract or the policyholder;
persons who suffered damage in the accident or beneficiaries;
The Russian Union of Auto Insurers, which controls the payment of funds, the relationship between all entities and compliance with all the rules that the organization has undertaken.

The official website of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers provides the opportunity to see a list of all insurance companies for which the license has been revoked, limited or the license has been suspended. Based on this information, rating agencies compile a list of the most reliable and least favorable insurers.

Financial ratings of insurance companies

Financial rating compares insurers based on statistical indicators. This rating is based on the official reports of insurers, published quarterly by the Central Bank of Russia. Sales of insurance services to legal entities and individuals are taken into account.

The key indicator being assessed is the level of payments. The payout rate shows the percentage of fees a company paid out during the year as compensation to customers. The optimal payout level on the Russian market is approximately 55-65%.

If the percentage of payments on insurance obligations is too high (for example, 75-85% and above), this indicates that the insurance company does not adequately assess risks or significantly reduces sales volumes. Both situations indicate potential problems for the insurer.

If the percentage of insurance payments is too small (for example, 40% or less), the insurer is likely to save on payments. The company underestimates the amount of insurance compensation, or simply refuses to pay its clients for insurance claims. This can be indirectly confirmed by the judicial rating of insurance companies. If a company skimps on payments, there is a high probability that such an insurance company has a high percentage of litigation in relation to the reported losses.

Class "A++" - an exceptionally reliable reliability rating

Class “A+” - very high level of reliability

Class "A" - high level of reliability

Class "B++" - acceptable level of reliability

Class “B+” - sufficient level of reliability

Class "B" - satisfactory reliability rating

Class “C+” - very low level of reliability

Class "C" - unsatisfactory reliability rating

Class "D" - bankruptcy

Class “E” - license revocation