Homemade angel eyes for a VAZ 2106. How to make angel eyes for a VAZ yourself? Options for ready-made modules

Used as daytime running lights, they have become a very popular decoration, emphasizing the image of the car owner. But unfortunately, not all models and brands of cars are equipped with them at the factory. Today we will look at how you can make and install angel eyes on a VAZ 2106 yourself.

DIY angel eyes for six

There are many options invented by car enthusiasts for making angel eyes for installation in VAZ 2106 headlights. Let's start with the simplest and most budgetary.

How to make angel eyes with two LEDs

To make this design you will need the following materials:

  1. 8 any super-bright LEDs with a diameter of 5 mm with radial leads.
  2. 4 resistors with a resistance of 2 kOhm each and a power of at least 0.25 W.
  3. 4 round sticks made of transparent organic glass, 50 cm long and 8-10 mm in diameter.
  4. Sealant.

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

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The voltage in the on-board network when the engine is running can reach 14.5 V, which will greatly reduce the service life of the “eye”. That is why it is advisable to include a stabilizer in the circuit that maintains the optimal voltage on the LEDs. For example, the integrated stabilizer KR142EN8B, which costs around 20 rubles, is suitable.

Materials needed to make simple angel eyes

Prepare the following tools:

  1. A hacksaw or a blade made from it.
  2. Two pliers.
  3. A round mandrel with a diameter of 104–110 mm (a 200-gram tin can of instant coffee is ideal).
  4. Large frying pan or pot of boiling water.
  5. Hot glue gun.

If everything is ready, then you can start. Dip the stick into boiling water and, as soon as the glass softens, use two pliers to wrap it around a pre-prepared mandrel.

After the stick has cooled, remove it from the mandrel and saw off the ends with a hacksaw so that there is a 5 mm gap between them.

Curved blanks and finished ring for angel eyes

Now we drilled two holes at the ends of the stick with a diameter of 5.5 mm and a depth of 7-8 mm. To install LEDs in these holes, use any transparent nitro varnish - it will not only securely fix the semiconductors, but also make the walls of the holes smoother, and therefore more transparent.

Solder the LEDs in parallel and solder the wires to them different colors: this will make it easier to maintain polarity when connecting the structure to the on-board network.

Find out in advance the polarity of the semiconductor terminals and glue them in so that after installation the anode and cathode terminals can be easily soldered.

The hole in the end of the tube and angel eye with installed LEDs

The final touch remains: shallow (0.5 mm) cuts along the entire length of the ring at intervals of 5-7 mm. If you do all the above operations 4 times, then we can assume that the angel eyes are ready for installation in the headlights.

Creation of cuts and finished angel eyes for VAZ 2106 at work

To do this, the headlights will have to be removed, and the glass on them, wrapped in rags, will be broken - this is easier than tearing off the glass from a durable sealant.

Before you break the windows, don’t forget to look at which ones were for high beam and which were for low beam.

Place the finished angel eyes into new glass with cuts to the glass and glue them using a hot glue gun or sealant. At the same time, we drilled holes in the upper part of the reflectors: this is where you will lead the power wires. When the sealant has set, coat the ends of the reflectors and glass well, then press them tightly together until the sealant has completely set. The rings can be glued not to the glass, but to the reflector, but in this case, use a sealant, since a heat gun is powerless in front of large, cold metal.

Assembly of the headlight with angel eyes (rings glued to the reflector)

All that remains is to install the headlights in place, without confusing the high and low ones, and assemble simple diagram:

Connection diagram for angel eyes for VAZ 2106 to the on-board network via the KR142EN8B stabilizer

The microcircuit must be equipped with a small radiator or mounted directly on the car body.

Angel eyes on LED strip

These angel eyes look much more effective than the previous design, but, oddly enough, they are not more difficult to make. For this version of DRLs (daytime running lights), the following materials will be required:

  1. LED strip (SL) white glow (2 m).
  2. 4 plexiglass sticks of rectangular cross-section (8x10x500 mm).
  3. 4 new glasses from VAZ 2106 headlights - 2 high beams and 2 low beams.
  4. Sealant.
  5. 12 V voltage stabilizer for powering LEDs.

The tools you will need are the same as for the previous design: a hacksaw for metal, two pliers, a mandrel with a diameter of 104–110 mm, hot water, glue gun.

Make rings in the same way: heat the sticks in boiling water and bend them on the mandrel using two pliers:

Making rings for angel eyes

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in repair and maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

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In the version shown in the photo, the master used a glass salad bowl as a setting, but this is not the most the best option. When heated and subjected to simultaneous mechanical impact, the glassware may break. In my opinion, it is still better to use a metal coffee can as a mandrel.

Trim off the excess stick. As a result, you should get something like this:

Finished angel eyes rings for VAZ 2106

Now you need to attach the LED strip to these rings. Any width up to 8 mm with a 12 V white light will do (colored DRLs will cause problems with the traffic police, but more on that below). For example, a tape assembled on 5730, 2835 or 5050 is single-color, but the latter will cost a little more.

Cut 4 pieces of the required length from the tape (it is sold in 5 m reels), but do not forget that you can cut the SL along the areas marked on it (every 3 diodes). If the pieces turn out to be slightly longer than needed, it’s okay - the tape can be secured to the rings with a slight overlap. An open circle will create the unpleasant effect of incomplete angel eyes.

Prepare a heat gun and apply the SL to the ring with the LEDs facing the glass. Slightly bending the tape, glue it with dots to the ring. You can apply dots anywhere between the LEDs. As a result, you will get something like this:

5050 tape glued to the ring

In the photo it looks like the SL is glued into the groove, but this is an optical illusion. In fact, the tape is glued to the bottom of the LED ring to the glass.

When bending the tape, be careful and work without fanaticism. It doesn't bend well laterally, but it still bends. If the SL swells somewhere, then let it - it will not affect the quality of the eyes. Otherwise, you may damage the conductive paths and the piece of tape will be damaged.

Solder the wires to the SL, observing the polarity (marked on the tape near the contact pads). All other operations are the same as in the previous design (see above). Take out the headlights, remove the glass, glue the ring with a gun or sealant, assemble the headlight and put it in place. The connection diagram for these eyes will look like this:

Connection diagram for angel eyes assembled on an LED strip

And this is what the result of the completed work will look like:

This is what angel eyes look like on an LED strip during the day...
...and at night

Options for ready-made modules

If you don’t want to bother with making angel eyes, you can use ready-made rings that are on sale. The most popular of them:

  1. Gas discharge (CCFL).
  2. Cluster.
  3. LED.

Gas discharge

They are ordinary fluorescent tubes made in the shape of a ring. Since such tubes require high voltage and ignition, a boost converter with a starting system (inverter) is included with the rings.

Gas discharge angel eyes


These eyes are a solid base on which an LED matrix (COB technology) is applied, made in the form of a radial spiral. These eyes are powered by 12 V, and often come with a 12-volt stabilizer.

Cluster angel eyes using OWL technology Angel eyes on SMD LEDs

Legality of installation

How legal is it to install angel eyes yourself and will there be any problems with the traffic police? Angel eyes are a type of daytime running lights, and therefore the requirements for them are the same:

  1. DRLs turn on with or instead of low beam headlights and turn off when switching to high beam.
  2. The color of the front lights, except fog lights, must be white of any color temperature - from warm to cold.

So it turns out that you can have white angel eyes? But there is one more nuance. There is a provision “On the inadmissibility of operating a vehicle with installed light diffusers and lamps that are not provided for by the design of lighting devices and their optics” and the phrase: “The operation of vehicles with changes made that are not provided for by the design is prohibited.”

So it's impossible? It is possible, but only if the changes are made by employees of specialized service stations that have the appropriate license. Thus, by installing homemade angel eyes, you risk losing not only them, but also the right to control vehicle for a period of six months to a year.

The question arises: why are they being sold then? They sell a lot of things: cellular jammers, wiretapping, stun guns capable of knocking out a brontosaurus... It’s just not prohibited to sell and buy, but you will use them at your own responsibility.

That's probably all about angel eyes. If you carefully read this article, you can easily do your own headlight tuning by making and installing this original type of daytime running lights.


Today, tuning domestically produced cars has become quite commonplace. Pumped-up VAZs can be seen in almost any area, in every city and region of our country. However, car enthusiasts often limit themselves to installing new body kits. On the one hand, it’s beautiful, but on the other, it’s no longer interesting, and it’s simply impossible to stand out from the crowd in this way. But there is a way that will really transform your VAZ without significant technical changes. And it consists in installing such illumination as “angel eyes”. How to install them, read further in our article.

How to make LED angel eyes? Preparing materials and tools

Unfortunately, ready-made kits of such optics for this model are difficult to find in stores, so you have to do everything with my own hands. In order to make “angel eyes” for the VAZ-2106, we only need a few plastic sticks. Their length should be equal to the size of the optics on the “six”, that is, for work we need to have 4 such sticks, each 40-45 centimeters long.

We will also need 4 for optics (if you are making LED angel eyes). As for the choice of color, it all depends on your imagination. You should purchase 4 new glasses as a reserve (it is very difficult to pick out the old ones intact).

Let's get started

To bend the sticks, we need some kind of cylindrical container. For cars like the VAZ-2103 and -2106, a coffee can would be the ideal choice. But before this, the sticks need to be heated over an open fire or in the oven. In the latter case, they are placed on an inverted frying pan lid. After a little heat treatment, the sticks are subject to bending. To do this, we prepare a pair of pliers, a pattern in the form of a jar and a chair. The parts are removed from the oven using the first tool (one is taken by the end, and the other is wrapped around the can).

Now we wait until the plastic cools down. When it hardens, remove the already formed rings from the tin can. We cut off the excess ends of the sticks (they will definitely be visible) using a hacksaw so that we get a perfect circle.

We connect the LEDs and connect the wires

Next, we move on to the most complex and responsible operation - installing LEDs. Holes are drilled at the two ends of the products strictly to the diameter of the purchased light bulbs, and their legs are cut off with a length margin of 5 millimeters. Then the LEDs are soldered parallel to each other. They are connected separately, each wire goes to its own track. It is important not to confuse the polarity, otherwise the entire work will have to be redone. In order not to confuse where the “plus” is and where the “minus”, use multi-colored wires (preferably red and black). The length of each should be approximately 15 centimeters. At this length we cut the wire that leads to the “plus” and solder the resistance here.

Now we buy some (the cheapest possible) transparent nail polish and apply it drop by drop into each hole (there are 2 in total). Before it has time to dry, we insert diodes into the holes. In time, the entire structure should stand in the open air for about 30 minutes.

Why is it better to use this particular varnish?

The fact is that after drilling, the inner surface of the parts will be scratched; accordingly, the plastic does not have normal contact with the diodes. From here we get a bad glow of the rings, which we don’t need at all. The varnish fills all these voids and makes one whole from two elements.

For reliability, it is recommended to make small notches on the rings (but not along the entire circumference). The distance should be at least 10 millimeters, and the depth should be about 0.5 millimeters. That's it, at this stage the “angel eyes” on the VAZ-2106 have been successfully manufactured. Now it remains to do the second part of the work - installing parts into the car's optics.

Installing "angel eyes" on the "six"

First, we will have to completely remove and disassemble the headlights (don’t forget to turn off the power to the car’s on-board power supply before doing this). Next we have to remove the glass surface of the optics. If we cannot do this on the spot, we try to slightly heat the headlight over the same gas stove. Sometimes even after these manipulations it is not possible to remove the glass. In this case, the only way out of the situation is to break this part of the headlight unit. Fortunately, optics for the “six” are not very expensive, so you don’t have to worry about financial expenses. If debris has formed on the reflector, be sure to remove it from there. Here you need to be extremely careful. Remember that under no circumstances should you touch the surface of the reflector with your hands, much less use special alcohol-containing substances, powder, gasoline, etc. for cleaning. We clean the dirt only with a cotton swab or a piece of rag with coarse lint. Otherwise, the illumination range of the headlights will be no more than 5-10 meters.

How does the installation of “angel eyes” proceed? The edges of the glass are treated with sealant. After this, the ring with the diodes facing up is placed in the headlight. In this case, the notches should face the lamp. To be safe, apply silicone sealant to the remaining edges of the glass. Remember that the headlight must be sealed, otherwise it will constantly sweat and become cloudy. We wait 30 minutes for the sealant to harden, then connect the wires. Those that come from the “eyes” must be connected with the old ones that come with the headlight (low beam).

If desired, you can connect in another way. First, we disconnect the plug of the wires that go to the dimensions and turns. We connect the minus of the former with the plus of the latter (that is, two into one). The freed “+” from the dimensions will be used to connect a pair of “angel eyes”. The minus can be attached to the signal mount. In this case, the “angel eyes” will turn on not as low beam, but as dimensions (from the outside it looks very impressive!).


So, we found out how to install angel eyes “angel eyes” on a VAZ-2106 with our own hands. As you can see, with just 8 LEDs you can radically change appearance cars without installing any body kits or spoilers.

If you have the desire and not so expensive materials, you can make “angel eyes” yourself like on a BMW in just a couple of hours. This is true for all machines with round optics. In the case of VAZs, this primarily applies to 2101, 2102, 2103 and 2106.

To make the “eyes” we will need: transparent plastic sticks. Usually we use rods from blinds, but we need ones that are not hollow inside (i.e., not tubes) and not faceted. Length - slightly larger than the circumference of your optics. For VAZ 2103 and 2106, 4 pieces 45 cm long will be enough. You will also need heat-resistant sealant for headlights, 4 yellow light bulbs (if the dimensions and turns are transparent, if orange, ordinary ones will do), 8 diodes and 4 resistors for 2 Kom. Well, most likely 4 new glasses because... You can’t pick out the old ones whole...

In order to bend the sticks into a ring you need something round. Usually they use everything round that comes to hand. For the small headlights of the VAZ 2103 and 2106, a Nescafe coffee can has an almost perfect circle, the one that holds 200 grams, or 125 cups, who measures what :)

Now, in order to bend our sticks, they must first be heated. This can be done in different ways: over an open fire or in the oven. In our case, we will consider the last option. The plastic stick was placed on the lid of a large frying pan turned upside down.

Now, while the stick is “preparing” for bending, we prepare 2 pliers, a chair and a pattern in the form of a jar. We watch the plastic, as soon as it heats up enough that it bends under its own weight and barely touches the bottom of the lid - open the oven, grab one end with pliers, pull it out and use the second pliers to wrap it around the jar. It should look something like this:

We wait a few minutes until the plastic cools down and hardens back, after which we remove the resulting ring from the jar. Now you need to do this with the remaining sticks

Now take a hacksaw for metal and cut off ONLY the extra ends so that you end up with a ring, or the most round shape possible :)

Now, in order for the ends to be clearly one opposite the other, you need to slightly heat the middle of the ring (for example, over a gas stove) and align it. You can check how even it is by simply placing it on a flat surface.

Now the most painstaking part of our “craft” - we drill holes at both ends strictly to the diameter of the purchased diodes:

Now we cut off the legs of the diodes so that they are approximately 5mm long (!!!). Where there is a large boss, this is a plus. Now perhaps the most difficult thing is that you need to solder the diodes parallel to each other and solder a wire to each of the legs. To avoid getting confused in the wires when connecting, we recommend using different colored wires. Now, having stepped back about 10-15 cm, we cut the wire leading to the plus of the diode (large boss) and solder the resistance there.

We install diodes in the end holes of our rings. But before that, we ask the women (we buy the cheapest one as a last resort) for any TRANSPARENT nail polish and literally drop a drop into each hole (there are two of them). To prevent the varnish from drying, we immediately insert diodes into the holes. It takes about 30 minutes for the varnish to dry properly. As a result you should get something like this:

We used nail polish for a reason. The fact is that after drilling a hole with a drill, the surface inside is “scratched,” which means that the plastic does not have absolute contact with the diode and therefore light will pass less well from the diode to the plastic. And the varnish fills all the “voids” and makes 2 different parts seem like a single whole.

Connect and see the difference

Now let's disassemble the headlights. Although this could have been done before... If the glass does not give in, there is nothing left to do but break it, fortunately it is not so expensive.

After glass removal, debris inevitably remains on the surface of the reflector. It needs to be removed. I used cotton swabs for my ears:

STRONGLY NOT RECOMMENDED touch the surface of the reflector with your hands, and even more so wipe the mirror ALCOHOL CONTAINING cleaning products. Otherwise, you will get light like a flashlight (the surface of the mirror may darken and become cloudy).

Apply headlight sealant to the edges of the glass:

Next (carefully!), we place our ring in the headlight with the diodes facing up. There should be a “notch” on the headlight - it’s perfect for wires. The notches should face the light bulb. For tightness, fill with the same silicone sealant distances along the edges of the glass and headlights so that there is no air at all. We leave the headlights for the time necessary for the sealant to “set” (see the instructions for the sealant). Usually about 30 minutes may be enough for this... Now you can connect the power and evaluate the result

It looks more than impressive.

Now a few words about connecting all this, i.e. about electrics. We install the headlights and thread the wires from the “eyes” along with the old wires to the headlight. Now all the wires are under the hood!

Let's look at one of the options here for how this can be done. If you wish, you can connect it differently... In the same case described, after the alteration, the “angel eyes” will become larger.

We disconnect the plug of the wires going to the turns and dimensions. Connect the “father” from the dimensions and turns with the “mother” from the turns. Those. 2 wires in 1

We use the “+” that is now freed from the dimensions to connect one pair of “eyes”. We do the same on the other side. The "cons" can be screwed under the signal mounts. As a result, standard dimensions become turns. It looks great! Now the turns are flashing with redoubled force- only the deaf-blind and mute will not notice 2 light bulbs. And when you turn on the headlights, the coveted “angel eyes” light up!
During the day:

Of course, installing a peephole in a BMW will not change the “six”, but the view at night changes dramatically.

Having a car today will no longer surprise anyone. Of course, everyone would like to own an expensive and beautiful vehicle, but not everyone, alas, has such an opportunity. This is precisely why the products of the domestic automobile industry are still popular among car enthusiasts. As they say, it may be ugly, but it’s inexpensive and unique. In addition, our car owners do not despair and are constantly coming up with something new in order to somehow improve appearance their iron horses. Do-it-yourself angel eyes for a VAZ 2106 is one of the most popular options, and all because such tuning is affordable for every owner of the beloved “six”.

What materials will be required for tuning.

First of all, you will need plastic transparent sticks (rods from blinds will do just fine). The only thing is that these sticks should not be faceted or hollow.

You will need 4 sticks, each should be at least 45 cm long.

You will also need:

  • 4 yellow lamps,
  • 4 resistances 2 kOhm,
  • heat-resistant sealant,
  • LEDs – 8 pieces,
  • new glass for headlights.

How to make angel eyes on a VAZ 2106 - step-by-step instructions.

Step 1 – creating tuning rings.

You need to make round rings from sticks prepared in advance; you can use a coffee can (200 g) as a template for them.

And in order for the plastic to become more flexible, it must be preheated, for example, in boiling water. At the same time, you should prepare 2 pliers. As soon as the plastic warms up to the required state, pull it out with pliers and wrap it around the can, this is where another pliers come in handy.

In this way, 4 plastic rings are prepared. But you can remove them from the jar only when the plastic has cooled and hardened.

Step 2 – inserting the electrical component.

A hole is drilled at each end of the ring, corresponding in length and width to the parameters of the LEDs.

For LEDs, the legs are cut off at a distance of 5 mm from the bulb (mark the polarity: where there is a boss, there is a positive contact). Next, the LEDs are soldered parallel to each other, a wire is soldered to each contact: it is better to use different colors, so as not to get confused later where “+” and “-” are.

At a distance of 10-15 cm from the soldered diodes, a cut is made on the positive wire (which leads to the boss) into which the resistance is soldered. Then the LEDs are inserted into the holes prepared for them at the ends of the ring. For a better final effect, it is recommended to drop a drop of any transparent varnish (for women, for nails) into these holes immediately before this action; it will serve as an additional connector.

Step 3 – connecting the structure.

After the required time has passed, notches are made along the entire length of the ring with a hacksaw blade, the notch pitch is 1 cm, but it can vary depending on the quality of the plastic. The depth of the notches is 0.5 mm.

The structure is then connected to electricity. If all the LEDs are functioning and the light is distributed evenly, you can proceed directly to installing angel eyes on the VAZ 2106 with your own hands.

To install angel eyes, you will first have to remove the glass from the headlights, remembering to mark the back side the latter, which of them is near and which is far. Most often, glass is difficult to dismantle and is simply knocked out.

New (removed) glass is coated with headlight sealant.

A ring with LEDs is placed in the headlight so that the lock is located at the top (this will allow the wires to be pulled (hidden) into the notch), and the marks on the ring are facing the light bulb.

Afterwards, the free space between the glass and the reflector along the edge of the headlight is also filled with sealant.

When the sealant dries, the headlights are connected to the on-board network and installed in their place.


I have long wanted to make angel eyes on my VAZ 2106 with my own hands, so I decided, my friend and I were wondering how to do it neatly and beautifully, and through trial and error we came to this option.

So, let's begin!

What I needed:

LED strip SMD 5050 60 diodes per meter;
-Plexiglas (sheet thickness 10 mm);
-Glue gun;
-Great desire and enthusiasm)).

About the manufacturing process:

My friend cut out the plexiglass rods for me, I honestly don’t know how. I had ready-made rods in my hands.

These are the rods. length about 50 cm (with reserve)
I take the rods and place them one at a time in the oven on a baking sheet so that the rod lies on the sides of the baking tray and the middle hangs. This is necessary to see when the middle begins to sag, which means the rod has heated up, you can take it out and bend it, which is what I did.

I used a salad bowl as a form. The diameter of the salad bowl is 105 mm. While the rod is hot, bend it around the salad bowl and cut off the excess with a hacksaw.

I glued the tape with a glue gun at the soldering points. Then we cover this entire creation with aluminized tape, all sides except the front. Next, we drill a hole in the reflector, on top for the cable, and put the eye into the reflector with a glue gun. Then the glass is sealed. That's it, that's the whole point. Everything is elementary simple.

The headlights of the potbelly stove are drying :)

This is how they shine during the day

In reality it shines cold white, not yellow as in the photo. But still, the picture does not convey the same effect as in reality.

I will immediately answer frequently asked questions:

About glue gun: whether it will disappear or not, I don’t know, we’ll see. I heard that the glue can withstand temperatures up to 90 degrees. If it falls off, I'll remove the glass and put epoxy on my eye.
Regarding the rods: dimensions 8*10*500+mm.
In terms of costs: I bought 5m of tape for 145 UAH, shared with a friend. Glue costs a pretty penny. There was sealant. As a result, I spent at most 100 UAH. 🙂
Look like that's it.

I hope it was useful to you in some way. Thanks for reading :)