What goals does the Liberal Party of Russia set for itself? What parties are there? What parliamentary parties are there in Russia?

List the Russian political parties that you know. Find out what political goals they have for themselves. What is your attitude towards these goals? Explain your position.


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Today there are 76 registered political parties in our country. Before that there were 77 of them. More recently, by decision Supreme Court The all-Russian political party “VOLYA” was liquidated. Now there are 76 of them. Each party has its own program, its own goals. Of course, they are all worthy of attention. The preponderance is made up of those parties whose program and policies are more relevant today. The State Duma currently includes four main political parties: 1) “ United Russia» 2) Communist Party of the Russian Federation – communist party 3) LDPR – liberal democratic party 4) “A Just Russia”. I will give the political goals of the United Russia party: A strong state, a strong presidential power as a guarantee political stability and the inviolability of the constitutional order; carrying out administrative reform, improving the country's governance system and optimizing the functions of government bodies; increasing citizens' trust in the state, creating a transparent and understandable public policy; increasing the political responsibility of deputies at all levels. Developing civil society - public control over power through parties and public associations; development of self-organization of citizens, public self-government; involving citizens in the management of public affairs; improvement of legislation regulating activities public associations and their relationship with the state. A country of free people, the implementation of the principle of equal rights, freedoms and opportunities, although different social groups, nationalities and religions; formation of effective mechanisms for the protection of rights and freedoms. A just society is the formation of conditions in which the majority of the population will be able to independently solve their socio-economic problems; social partnership; efficient system social guarantees, redistribution of benefits in favor of those who really need it, targeted social assistance, formation unified system social insurance and health protection. Prosperous country promoting the development of high-tech branches of science and industry; improving the quality of state property management; rational taxation natural resources; improving the business climate in the country, structural reforms, development financial market; de-bureaucratization of the economy, development of small and medium-sized businesses; uniform rules of competition between participants in economic life. Safe country increasing the country's defense capability, forming a professional army; improvement of activities law enforcement agencies; consistent implementation of judicial reform. Modern Federation promoting a clear delineation of economic, social and tax powers of the Center and the regions; comprehensive development of local self-government, creation of its stable and independent financial basis - while increasing the responsibility of leaders for the situation on the ground. A country of great culture, the growth of the spiritual potential of society and each person, the development of national cultures and the preservation of the identity of peoples and historical regions; Creation state system search, selection and support of talents; building up the country's scientific and technological potential, targeted government support for fundamental science. Great Russia in a changing world, the formation and support of international policies aimed at increasing Russia’s role in the world; Russia's participation in international systems collective security protecting the world from international terrorism and extremism; development of economic benefits beneficial for Russia international relations; active participation of Russia in the processes of European integration; protection of the rights and interests of Russian citizens and compatriots abroad; strengthening international public and humanitarian ties. A responsible party is maintaining social stability; formation of a personnel reserve for nomination to bodies of representative and executive power; active participation in elections at all levels; accounting public opinion when preparing and making decisions.

In the article we will tell you what political parties exist in Russia today, what are their features, what are their views, etc. Of course, it will not be possible to cover the list of all available parties, but we will consider the main parliamentary parties and the largest of the others. We will present others in the form of a list for your reference. Well, first, a short introduction, thanks to which we can then easily classify any game.

What types of games are there?

According to their origin and main methods and forms of activity, parties are divided into mass and cadre. In relation to power, parties are divided into 2 main groups: ruling and opposition. In addition, there are legal and illegal parties, that is, approved or not approved by current legislation. According to the methods of achieving their goals, parties can be reformist and revolutionary. Parties are also divided according to social class orientation: into class, inter-class parties and parties of individual social groups. What other parties are there? According to their place in the political spectrum, parties are left, right and center. Based on ideological principles, parties are divided into: conservative, liberal, social democratic, communist, socialist, national democratic and so on. By organizational structure There are centralized parties and decentralized ones. In relation to religion, as well as to the church, parties are divided into secular and clerical. What political parties are there to participate in the legislative activities of the state? On this basis, parties are divided into parliamentary and vanguard (non-parliamentary). And it is with the parliamentary parties that we will begin.

What parliamentary parties are there in Russia?

There are four such parties in total:

  • United Russia (ER);
  • Communist Party Russia (or Russian Federation) - Communist Party of the Russian Federation;
  • LDPR - Liberal Democratic Party of Russia;
  • A Just Russia - SR.

Well, now more details about each.

What party "United Russia"

This is the party in power. The leaders are the current president and prime minister - Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev, respectively. Main ideas: centrism, pragmatism and so-called “Russian conservatism”. Initially, the party was created with the goal of centralizing power and the entire political and party system in the country. And it must be said that United Russia has significantly succeeded in matters of centralization. Today this party is the most influential in the country.

What parties exist in parliament

The second most important is the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - the Communist Party. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation preaches the ideas of patriotism and communism in the spirit of Marxism-Leninism. The party considers itself the direct heir of the CPSU - the Communist Party of the USSR, and its permanent leader since the early 90s has been Gennady Zyuganov. The next party in our review is “A Just Russia”. SR positions itself as a party of social democrats, therefore, from an ideological point of view, the party’s position can be assessed as democratic socialism (for example, as in Sweden). The leaders of the party are Nikolai Levichev (formal) and Sergei Mironov (actual). And the last party represented in the State Duma is the LDPR. Liberal Democrats adhere to such views as the unity of the Slavs under the leadership of Russia (Russian nationalism) and neo-imperialism, that is, the revival of Russia as an empire. In fact, the LDPR is the brainchild of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who to this day remains the undisputed leader of the party. Well, now let’s talk about what other political parties there are in Russia, that is, about those parties that are not represented in parliament, but, nevertheless, play a certain role in political life countries.

Other Russian parties

This list of non-parliamentary parties also includes new ones founded less than a year ago.

  • The Yabloko party dates back to 1995. It was founded by Grigory Yavlinsky (the permanent leader to this day), Yuri Boldyrev and Vladimir Lukin. This is social democratic liberal party, which also fights for environmental safety.
  • The Agrarian Party of Russia is a conservative party advocating agrarian socialism. The leaders of the party are Vladimir Plotnikov and Olga Bashmachnikova. Founded in 1993.
  • The Democratic Party of Russia (DPR) is a party with liberal-conservative views. The current leader is Andrey Bogdanov. Founded in 1990.
  • People's Party "Green Alliance". Liberal party, whose main goal is to improve the environment in the state. Leaders: Oleg Mitvol and Gleb Fetisov. New batch. Registered in 2012.
  • Civic Platform is a new liberal party founded by famous entrepreneur Mikhail Prokhorov. Registered in 2012.
  • The civil force is liberals, the leader is Alexander Ryavkin. They also advocate for environmental safety. Founded in 2007.
  • The Democratic Choice is a liberal-conservative party with a bias towards civic nationalism. It is headed by Vladimir Milov. Founded in 2010.
  • CPSU - Communist Party social justice. Socialist party led by Yuri Morozov. New batch, registered in 2012.
  • Communists of Russia. Leader - Maxim Suraikin. Founded in 2009.
  • A monarchist party with monarchist views. Leader - Anton Bakov. New batch, registered in 2012.
  • People's Party of Russia. He has moderate centrist views. It is headed by Stanislav Aranovich. Registered in 2012.
  • Patriots of Russia is a social democratic patriotic party. The party is headed by Gennady Semigin. Founded in 2005.
  • The right cause is the Liberal-Conservative Party. Leader - Andrey Dunaev. Founded in 2008.
  • RPR-PARNAS - Republican Party of Russia. "ParNaS" stands for People's Freedom Party. The party that stands for liberal democracy, human rights and federalism. There are three leaders: Vladimir Ryzhkov, Boris Nemtsov and Mikhail Kasyanov. Founded in 1990.
  • Russian Party of Pensioners (RPP) - also known as “RPP for Justice”. Social conservative party led by Mikhail Zotov. Founded in 1997.
  • PME - Peace and Unity Party. Internationalist Social Democratic Party. The leader is Sazhi Umalatova. Founded in 1996.
  • ROS - Russian All-People's Union. Social-patriotic, conservative party with elements of nationalism. It is headed by Sergei Baburin. Founded in 1991.
  • ROT-Front - Russian United Labor Front. Marxist-Leninist Socialist Party. Leader - Viktor Tyulkin. Founded in 2010.
  • REP "Greens". REP - Russian Ecological Party. A center party whose main goal is to fight for the environment. It is headed by Anatoly Panfilov. Founded in 1993
  • SDPR - Social Democratic Party of Russia. Leader - Viktor Militarev. New batch. Registered in 2012.
  • Labor Party of Russia, whose main ideas are social conservatism and liberalism. Headed by Sergei Vostretsov. New batch. Registered in 2012.

Abstract on political science

on the topic

"The main political parties of modern Russia"

Part-time students

Faculty of Economics

Groups ES-4F-09

Antonenko Mila Viktorovna

Teacher Kopanev V.N.

G. Murmansk


1. “United Russia”………………………………………………………

2. Communist Party of the Russian Federation………………...

3. Liberal Democratic Party of Russia……………………….

4. “Patriots of Russia”………………………………………………………

5. Russian United Democratic Party “Yabloko”…….

6. “A Just Russia”………………………………………………………….

7. “Just Cause”……………………………………………………….


There are many parties in Russia; democratic, communist-socialist, nationalist, etc. They all protect someone's interests.

Parties are right, left, center. Some defend the interests of a certain class or classes, others are defenders of nations and peoples, there are parties at the top, there are parties at the bottom.

Having examined the main parties in Russia, let's try to understand the ideology and goals of Russian parties.

To better understand the ideologies of the parties, let’s take a few definitions; they will help to more clearly imagine the political orientation of the parties:

1. Political party- special public organization(association), which directly sets itself the task of seizing state power, keeping it in its hands, and using the state apparatus to implement the programs announced before the elections.

2. Centrism in politics - the political position of a political movement or group, intermediate between right and left movements or groups, rejection of left and right extremism.

3. Social conservatism- a policy of centrism aimed at preserving the values ​​of the 1990s.
Social conservatism is analytical in nature, the constants of which are primarily order and freedom. Freedom in the understanding of social conservatives does not imply exemption from responsibility for economic, political, moral and other crimes.

4. In politics left traditionally refers to many directions and ideologies, the goal of which is (in particular) social equality and improvement living conditions for the least privileged sections of society. These include socialism and social democracy. Radical left (or ultra-left) movements include, for example, communism and anarchism. The opposite is the right.

5. Liberalism(fr. libéralisme) - a philosophical, political and economic theory, as well as an ideology, which is based on the position that individual human freedoms are the legal basis of society and the economic order.

6. Democracy(Greek δημοκρατία - “power of the people”, from δῆμος - “people” and κράτος - “power”) - a type of political structure of a state or political system of society, in which its people are recognized as the only legitimate source of power in the state.

7. Statism (statism)(from fr. État- state) - a worldview and ideology that absolutizes the role of the state in society and promotes the maximum subordination of the interests of individuals and groups to the interests of the state, which is supposed to be above society; a policy of active state intervention in all spheres of public and private life.

8. Nationalism(fr. nationalisme) - ideology and direction of policy, basic principle which is the thesis about the value of the nation as highest form social unity and its primacy in the state-forming process. It is distinguished by a variety of currents, some of them contradict each other. As a political movement, nationalism seeks to protect the interests of the national community in relations with state authorities.

9. Patriotism(Greek πατριώτης - compatriot, πατρίς - fatherland) - a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the fatherland and the willingness to subordinate one’s private interests to its interests. Patriotism presupposes pride in the achievements and culture of one’s homeland, the desire to preserve its character and cultural characteristics and identification of oneself with other members of the people, willingness to subordinate one’s interests to the interests of the country, the desire to protect the interests of the Motherland and one’s people.

10 . Conservatism(fr. conservatism, from lat. conservo- preserve) - ideological commitment to traditional values ​​and orders, social or religious doctrines. In politics - a direction that defends the value of state and social order, rejection of “radical” reforms and extremism.

11 . Populism(from lat. populus- people) - a political position or style of rhetoric that appeals to the broad masses of the people.

According to the website Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation , as of August 15 2009 , in accordance with Federal law“On Political Parties”, 7 political parties were registered.

1. " United Russia »

Leader: Vladimir Putin

Headquarters: Moscow

Ideology: centrism, social conservatism

Number of members : 1 931 667

Seats in the lower house: 315 out of 450

Party seal: newspaper "United Russia" (closed in 2008)

Website: Edinros.er.ru/er/

"United Russia" - Russian center-right political party. Created on December 1, 2001 at the founding congress of the socio-political associations “Unity” (leader - Sergei Shoigu), “Fatherland” (Yuri Luzhkov) and “All Russia” (Mintimer Shaimiev) as the All-Russian political party “Unity and Fatherland - United Russia”.

The symbol of the party is an inverted walking bear. The party congress, held on November 26, 2005, decided on changes in the party symbols: instead of a bear brown The bear became the symbol of the party white, outlined in blue. Above the image of the bear is a waving Russian flag, under the image of the bear is the inscription “United Russia”. The bear semantics is actively used by the party, including through various allusions. So one of the sections of the party’s official website is called “B er log".

Ideology: centrism, social conservatism.

Goals: 1. Ensuring compliance with government policies and decisions made by authorities state power of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, the interests of the majority of the population of the Russian Federation.

2. Formation of public opinion in the Russian Federation in accordance with the main provisions of the Party Program, political education and education of citizens, expression of citizens' opinions on any issues public life, bringing these opinions to the attention of the general public, state authorities and local governments, and influencing the formation of their political will, expressed by them in voting in elections and referendums.

3. Nomination of candidates (lists of candidates) of the Party for the elections of the President of the Russian Federation, deputies State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, elected officials local government and representative bodies municipalities, participation in these elections, as well as in the work of elected bodies.

Story: The All-Russian Party "Unity and Fatherland" - United Russia" was created on the basis of the unification of the All-Russian Union "Unity" and "Fatherland" and the socio-political Movement "All Russia".

On October 27, 2001, the Third Congress of the Unity party and the second of the Unity and Fatherland Union were held in Moscow, at which the All Russia movement joined this Union.
During the work of the Congress, changes were made to the Charter, which provided a legal basis for the further transformation of the Union into a party.

In parallel with the preparations for the Congress, specialists from Unity and Fatherland worked on two the most important documents, which determined what the newly created Party would be. This is the Program and Charter.

Before being submitted to the Founding Congress of the Unity and Fatherland party, which was held on December 1, 2001 at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, both documents were widely discussed in the regions, including in the Novgorod region.

As a result, on December 1, the delegates to the Congress of the new party adopted the Program and Charter, and also voted for the transformation of the Union “Unity” and “Fatherland” into the All-Russian Party. Also elected governing bodies new party.
The "Unity and Fatherland" party has become a fundamentally new political structure, in which equal conditions three political forces entered. Pursuing common goals and defending common interests, "Unity", "Fatherland" and "All Russia" formed a single party, sharing responsibility for its future.
The main task of the party was “to win and retain power through democratic means.” The requirements for the level of training of management personnel and specialists have changed, the majority of whom have undergone selection and special training. Party building was actively carried out, the ranks of the party grew, and new primary organizations were created. By the end of 2003, as part of regional office There were about 2 thousand members of the Party.