Fortune telling with two dice. Fortune telling with dice: how to roll one, two or three dice

Fortune telling with dice or dice is an old and accurate witchcraft way of predicting a person's future. Mention of divination on bones occurs repeatedly even in Old Testament– the first and oldest part of the Bible, which was partially taken from the ancient Holy Scriptures Jewish people- Tanakha.

Subtleties of the ritual

Typically, fortune tellers and sorcerers use one, two or three dice to perform a ritual. There are often cases when, when fortune telling with a cube, six or even all twelve cubes are used for prediction, then the specifics of the answer are significantly blurred, but large number questions allows you to give general characteristics one or another life situation. To tell fortunes, you don’t need any special skills, and what is predicted will most likely come true.

To carry out the ritual, it is advisable not only to know the basics, but also to decide on the period of time for which the forecast of the ritual is calculated. This could be one day, a week, a month, a year, several years or even a lifetime. In the latter cases it is required great experience in witchcraft predictions. After a question about the future is conceived, the fortune-telling cubes are taken in the palm of the hand, and then they must be thrown into a specially prepared container (for example, a glass or case) made of leather, wood or clay. After several shakes, the dice are thrown onto any smooth surface.

In the case when a fortuneteller threw several dice (during the fortune telling process, 2 or more dice are used) for fortune telling with dice, then for interpretation, the sum of all indicators is taken into account, and they also delve into the meaning that each individual die carries. If during witchcraft ritual if two dice fall out with the values ​​four and two, then this is not just the sum of two numbers equal to six, but also a combination of four and two, which differs from the combination of threes or one and five. Accordingly, each existing combination requires a separate interpretation.

Prediction by one die

To conduct fortune telling with dice, you need to know the peculiarities of interpreting the meaning of each dropped side.

  1. The unit is responsible for stability. She falls out strong personality, which is able to decisively achieve victories where it thinks, and also maintain these achievements. Typically, this meaning falls on those who have already achieved what they want, but are careful with plans for the future. This figure assures that there is no need to beware, because... the person is not in danger, change is not necessary. In the near future, i.e. within two weeks, favorable news is possible. The forecast for the year is also good, a change of environment is desirable. However, cardiac and ophthalmological diseases are possible.
  2. A two signals an unstable life situation, so in this situation the questioner is obliged to intervene in what is happening, finding a compromise: forceful methods are not welcome. In the next period of time it is worth paying attention to spiritual, scientific research and creative work, because there is a problem with financial issue. Big changes should happen no earlier than in 2-3 months. Some significant new information. Your income will increase throughout the year. Among the diseases, you should be wary of pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. If fortune telling with dice gives a three, then this is good sign for those who are engaged entrepreneurial activity. Any previously started business will be completed successfully. For a person who cannot relax, physical and mental disorders caused by constant stress. This is a good time for a pleasant break from work in family circle that will bring about change. It is better to transfer new ideas and activities to coming year. The long-term prognosis depends on the person himself. On the health side, dermatological problems and joint diseases are possible.
  4. Four patronizes creative people. Your inspiration will bring the desired results in the form of a successful exhibition, presentation, or concert. It is useful for military personnel and businessmen to experience family changes: a wedding or the birth of a new family member. You can expect a trip in the near future, and the year will be filled with troubles. Be careful with your health: kidneys may fail, and headaches and back pain are common.
  5. Five is often associated with risk, so the person asking is an adventurous or adventurous person who values ​​his money. A detailed and well-developed action plan for the future will help. This applies not only to money, but also to love: jealousy and the thought of cheating on a beloved man or woman are groundless.
  6. Fortune telling with dice predicts harmony if a six is ​​rolled. A person is absolutely confident in himself, no unpleasant little things lead him astray. Rethink a lot of things for yourself and get rid of excess self-confidence, which will lead to irreversible consequences. Impulsively decision made in this situation is wrong, it is important to carefully consider the next step.

Prediction based on the sum of two dice

Two (1 1). If you get this combination during fortune telling, then this means success in love relationships and money matters. Change is inappropriate now.

Three (1 2). For a woman, the answer will be a selfish marriage, and for a man, entertainment. It is possible to obtain a high position. A trip is expected.

Four (1 3). Extreme caution is required as... will happen conflict situation.

Four (2 2). Success in all areas of life. Income increases significantly. The initiative is welcome.

Five (1 4). Any activity and movement guarantees an increase in profits.

Five (2 3). If success is expected in work or personal matters, then communication with children will lead to conflict, so you should give the child the opportunity to decide and do things on his own, but if necessary, listen.

Six (1 5). The combination of numbers suggests that there will be a lot of troubles and reasons for joy, but in financial sector complexity. The next trip will become a decision on a new place of residence.

Six (2 4). Any changes are definitely welcome.

Six (3 3). In the near future, it is possible to purchase a large amount of money. Serious conflicts not expected.

Seven (1 6). This is a period of active work. Those around you need help, you shouldn’t refuse them. Love relationships also require attention.

Seven (2 5). Calmness and tolerance will be indispensable assistants for business people. There is no point in getting married.

Seven (3 4). The most important skill in at the moment- This is entrepreneurship.

Eight (2 6). Difficult and troublesome work requires conscientiousness, otherwise success cannot be expected.

Eight (3 5). At this time, it is useful to engage in learning new things, reconsider your views and values, and relax.

Eight (4 4). The opportunity to start something over with a new leaf, severe stress is possible. The result will exceed expectations.

Nine (3 6). In a relationship with a loved one, the desire of both will help to understand each other.

Nine (4 5). This combination of numbers promises difficulties in the financial sector, and losses are likely to occur. There will be a test in a love relationship.

Ten (4 6). The scale of the work will be large, as will the success. Expect to receive power big money And significant influence. We need to remember about family.

Ten (5 5). In the sphere of work and business, the situation is ambiguous; it is important to be able to plan and not take risks. New offers should not be accepted.

Eleven (5 6). Despite past difficulties, you need faith and optimism, because soon everything will get better. There is no need for change now.

Twelve (6 6). The news is favorable, it will only get better. Change is not necessary.

Gypsy divination with bones

Gypsy divination with bones has special power. Gypsies have a different opinion on the ritual, so they prefer to tell fortunes on the bones in their own way. The ritual requires a leaf in the shape of a circle, which is divided into 12 sectors; 3 dice are rolled on it. Then interpret the value of the sum, which will be the answer:

  • 3 – wish fulfillment;
  • 4 – disappointment;
  • 5 – the wish will come true;
  • 6 – spiritual enrichment;
  • 7 – stupid gossip;
  • 8 – injustice;
  • 9 – forgiveness;
  • 10 – family harmony;
  • 11 – separation;
  • 12 – letter;
  • 13 – sadness;
  • 14 – reliable friend;
  • 15 – temptation;
  • 16 – travel;
  • 17 – guest;
  • 18 – great benefit and good position.

Fortune telling! Fortune telling with dice.

TIBETAN FORTUNE MO. MO cubes. Meaning of fortune telling. School of Tarot

Fortune telling with dice (forecast for the day). Part 1


Fortune telling with bones is a simple and effective way find out about the near future for yourself or another person. There are fortune telling with dice based on desire, fortune telling with dodecahedrons and mahjong according to the principle described above.

Fortune telling with dice is as old as time. Even the Old Testament repeatedly mentions predicting the future using dice. Dice were popular all over the world and were found in one form or another literally everywhere.

The use of dice for predicting fate probably comes from divination by casting lots, and the original instrument of such divination was the immediate “ancestors” of modern dice - astragals (the vertebrae or ankles of a sheep). The astragalus has four clearly visible surfaces, they were convenient to throw, each surface had a certain meaning. Astragalus were popular in Ancient Greece and in Ancient Rome; they were used along with other generally recognized types of bones until the 10th century. n. e.

Man-made bones differed not only in material, but also in the number of faces and inscriptions on them: these could be points in the form of dots, or letters, or magic symbols. Ancient methods of fortune telling suggested that letters were written on the edges of the dice, which, after being thrown, formed into words.

According to legend, before crossing the Rubicon, heading to Rome at the head of the legions and seizing power, Julius Caesar exclaimed: “The die is cast!” In many languages, Caesar's words sound slightly different: “The dice are cast.” The future dictator was referring to fortune telling with dice, with the help of which the ancient Romans often tried to predict the future. Apparently, it was precisely these cubes that predicted the success of Caesar’s campaign against Rome.

Dice have various shapes and sizes, sometimes they have up to 20 sides. Previously, they were mainly made from wood, bones or ivory, sometimes from more valuable materials, which supposedly enhanced the latent strength of the bones. Modern dice are cubes made of plastic. Nowadays, the most common type of dice has become cubic dice with points on the faces in the form of dots - from one to six. The standard Western marking die has points on opposite sides, giving a total of 7: 1 and 6, 2 and 5, 3 and 4 points.

Cubes cut from animal bones were used by priests various peoples for divination long before the ancient Greek and Roman cultures. Even today, many believe that they can tell a lot about the foggy future if you can correctly interpret their language.

In principle, anyone can do fortune telling with dice; they just need to follow certain rules and rituals:

First: it is believed that the throw should take place in complete silence.
Second: it is believed that it is a bad omen to roll bones for yourself.
Third: cold, windless weather is considered the most suitable for fortune telling. Fourth: you shouldn’t test your fate. You should ask the same question no more than once during the lunar month.
And finally: under no circumstances should this be done on Fridays and Sundays: for some reason the dice tend to lie on these days.

Fortune telling with one bone.

One bone is taken, and before fortune telling begins, the period of time for which the forecast is made is selected, for example, one day, week, month or year. Next, you need to formulate a question, the answer to which is the goal of your fortune telling. Try to relax and fully concentrate on your question. It does not have to be said out loud, but it is better to formulate it as specifically as possible. The answer to the question depends on the number rolled on the top face of the die.

– Stability. One, two, and especially three units mean an emphasized “I,” a person capable of not only winning, but also maintaining its results. As a rule, this number falls on people who have already achieved their goal, but have concerns about the future. There is nothing to fear, this number says: if you stick to your chosen course, nothing threatens you. You don’t need any changes (change of residence, change of job, change of partner). Forecast for the near future (up to two weeks): good news. The forecast for the year (counting from the date of the request) is favorable. Trips, incl. abroad, useful. Possible health problems: heart, eyes, hypertension.

- Changeability of Fortune. One or more twos indicate an unstable situation. The person asking is required to take initiative, to intervene in the course of events, but not forcefully, but diplomatically: try to find a compromise, give in on something, and they will also give in to you. Now it is better to devote yourself to spiritual work, scientific or creative activity: material (financial) success is not yet guaranteed. Change of place of residence or place of work no earlier than after three months. Forecast for the near future: important information, learning new things. Forecast for the year: increase in income. Possible disorders: liver, digestive tract.

– Contact. A good number for entrepreneurs. A business started recently will end successfully. However, the questioner, apparently, has a habit of overestimating his strength, he does not know how to rest. Meanwhile constant stress can cause nervousness and even physical impairment. Now it’s better to give yourself a rest, spend more time with your family than to embark on new adventures. You should only change your area of ​​interest or place of residence if they offer you a win-win chance. It is better to start new things only next year. The forecast for the near future is favorable, for the next year it depends on the person asking. Possible disorders: joints, skin.

- Labor. A number favorable for creative people - artists, writers, musicians. Successful performance, exhibition, concert: your inspiration finally receives public recognition. For employees or businessmen - a time of family changes: a wedding (your own or one of your relatives), the birth of a child. Forecast for the near future: trip (tour). Your job (area of ​​interest) most likely should not be changed for now. Forecast for the year: troubles, worries. Possible disorders: kidneys, back pain, headaches.

– Risk. The person who asked the question is prone to adventure or is going through a period full of adventure. First of all, he is tormented by the fear of losing money. To get rid of this fear, he needs to make a plan or stick to an already drawn up plan of action, regardless of his own feelings and moods. This applies to both business and personal spheres: jealousy in this case is groundless, it is better to overcome it and be more attentive to your partner. Forecast for the near future: the period of luck is ending, so don’t look for new adventures, live quietly for now. The forecast for the year is favorable. If you didn't get anything done this year, don't worry: next year will bring you long-awaited luck. Traveling abroad is risky, you're better off staying home for the next few months.

– Harmony. The state of your personality does not cause concern: you are confident in yourself, and no little things can unsettle you. However, the objective situation requires reflection. So far everything is going well, but excessive self-confidence can lead to a loss of control over the situation, and then any surprise can be unpleasant. You should control your temperament and make decisions not immediately, under the influence of emotions, but after thinking carefully. Forecast for the near future: everything will end even better than expected. Forecast for the year: everything will not happen as expected, but not bad either - if you don’t expect too much. When it comes to travel, only trips to well-known places are recommended.

This fortune telling uses only numerology, the next fortune telling is a little more complex and geomancy plays a role in the interpretation.

Take one dice. Make a wish, clearly formulate your wish. Roll one die 4 times. Write down or remember only the odd numbers you roll. Even numbers are not taken into account in this fortune telling. To get the answer, you need to add the odd numbers written down.

For example, you threw a die 4 times, but of them there were only three odd numbers: 1, 3 and 5. So, adding them up, the answer reads number 9.

Interpretations of the results:

1. Ambiguity of thought or poorly formulated question. In any case, the oracle bone finds it difficult to answer. Throw again (but for today - for the last time).
2. You are melancholy or depressed. Don't take everything so dramatically. Don't talk too much about your problems. Analyze them honestly with yourself. Be practical. Take action.
3. This is not the time to act. Moderate your desires, do not insist, take your time. Try to make your relationships with others more relaxed, without pressure.
4. The moment has come to express everything you think, live actively, act, try to change the situation. Courage and determination are required.
5. Good omen. This is success, prosperity, well-being. If your ideas are constructive, they will lead you to great achievements. Bravo!
6. A wonderful omen. Happiness, luck, success... You got the most lucky figure!
7. An opportune moment to grab luck by the wing, but remember: it is fleeting, do not create illusions.
8. You are in a phase of development, progress, in particular in the material field. Success at work, promotion, improvement, satisfaction...
9. Unfavorable moment. You are not in control of the situation. You are in the phase of an unfortunate combination of circumstances. Wait before taking action or solving the problem.
10. Union, association, exchange of ideas. You will meet someone, and this will be a very positive event in your destiny.
11. Coercion, violence, imprisonment, performing complex, uninteresting work. If you are confident in yourself, act; if not, refrain from acting.
12.Very good prediction. Good changes await you. Any undertaking will bring you good luck. Go for it.
13. Your destiny is developing in a positive direction. You take everything to heart. Your trump card is your charm. Act calmly, but firmly and decisively.
14. Attention is passion! Time to act, react, conquer. Don't remain passive.
15. Unfavorable prediction. This is sunset, breakup, separation, this is a lie (about you or someone close). Achieve clarity of thought, and only after deep analysis and reflection proceed to action.
16. Your destiny is leading you to a period of change and very soon you will see everything in a completely different light.

Fortune telling on two bones.

Fortune telling on two bones is the most common version of fortune telling on bones today. Therefore, there are quite a lot of options for such fortune telling. So:

Method No. 1

If you want to try your luck, make a wish and place two dice in a glass, mix and throw on the table. In this case, it is important to hold the glass in your left hand and rotate the dice counterclockwise. Throw the dice on the table and look at the result. The resulting combinations mean:

Your wish will surely come true soon

Most likely it will come true

Yes, it will come true

It's unlikely to come true

The wish will not come true

It will come true, but not as quickly as we would like

Your wish will come true without any doubt

No, it won't come true

Unfortunately, there are very few chances

Most likely it will come true

Fifty-fifty chances

The wish may come true, or it may not.

Yes, everything will probably come true

It's unlikely to come true

There are many chances that your wish will come true

If you act thoughtfully, your wish can come true

Will come true anyway

Alas and ah, there is practically no hope

You don't have the slightest chance

The wish will come true

Fate is silent

Method No. 2

The method is used when they want to general outline find out what lies ahead. For this fortune telling, two dice-shaped dice are used with points ranging from one to six. The dice are placed in a glass and, after mixing, thrown onto the table. The resulting points are then interpreted using the table below.

Very favorable bones. A good, stable situation with a tendency for further improvement. Changes are possible - it's your will, but they won't actually change anything. And on new job, and with a new partner only the same awaits you. So is it worth changing?
It’s a difficult life situation, but in the end everything will get better and life will get back on track. You will have new friends and new opportunities.
Large scale of activity, major success: power, money, influence. However, behind political and social ambitions, one should not forget about the family: it is better to behave more simply with loved ones, children, and friends and still think about them first.
Home, family - or revealing secrets (the work of an investigator, space exploration, occult studies). Perhaps your partner is a citizen of another country or has a different religion. During this period, you will finally be able to understand each other. For the student of mysteries - advice: try not for the sake of money, but for the sake of knowledge.
You have a very responsible and difficult work: Treat it with all possible care, otherwise the result will not be in your favor.
Period of active activity. You are needed, do not refuse those who turn to you. You should also behave towards your partner (spouse): meet him! Otherwise, in a few years a serious crisis may occur in your relationship.
Success and money, but the situation is unstable. To maintain success, you need to settle down and plan: don’t look for happiness just around the corner, don’t take unnecessary risks. It is better to continue the business you started without accepting new offers.
Difficulties, financial problems. Possible losses. In marriage (union) and/or occult science - a serious test, an exam. Don't demand too much from others, demand more from yourself.
A period of rest, as Chinese astrologers say. A good time for learning, learning new things, developing new views and discovering the Americas. It can also be used for relaxation. Improving a bad situation and maintaining a good one.
Now you are required to be calm and tolerant of other people’s opinions. Take your time! This especially applies to business people. In personal affairs, this is a difficult period. Bad time to get married.
A lot of troubles, worries, but also a lot of joys. It is possible that a child will be born to one of your relatives. Financial difficulties. It’s a difficult, conflict situation at work, but don’t rush to change jobs: changes will happen soon. If you intend to go abroad, then your departure will most likely be on permanent place residence.
One more try. Something starts again. The condition is common for scientists or artists, but stressful for others (wedding, adventure vacation). However, the result of the attempt will be even better than you might expect.
Don't miss your chance - delay can ruin everything. You are required to have initiative and entrepreneurship.
A period of change is coming for you. What do you want to change? Place of work, apartment, partner? Think and get ready. Everything that is done is for the better.
For you now great value have money. The more activity and movement there is in your life, the greater your income will be. Take action!
Income, profit, money. You are going through a period of stability. Conflicts are unlikely in the near future.
A good combination for your own affairs and an alarming one for relationships with children: conflict is possible. Children set out on their own path; there is no need to lecture them or provide them with valuable advice. But you should always be ready to listen to them.
A quarrel is brewing, a showdown, a conflict, perhaps trial. Be careful. The future is unfavorable.
Success in business or matters of the heart; for family people - the success of children. Income growth. And yet, advice: do not wait, but act, take the initiative to consolidate and deepen.
For a woman, marriage is for money; for a man, it is entertainment that can be bought with money. In the professional sphere: leadership role. The prognosis is favorable. Short distance travel.
Happiness in love and marriage, as well as in financial matters. For now, it’s better not to change anything in your life: both you and your partner should adapt to the existing circumstances.

Method No. 3

This is very ancient way get an answer to the formulated question. It also uses two dice-shaped dice with scores ranging from one to six. It allows you to find out the answer to ONE question per day. Focus on the question, then, after mixing the bones in a glass, throw them into the center of a circle, about 30 cm in diameter. Calculate the sum of the points on the dice remaining within the circle and determine the answer using the table below.

If both dice are outside, the day is considered unsuitable for fortune telling, and it will be possible to return to it only tomorrow.

1. Yes
2. No
3. Be careful and attentive
4. Be wise
5. Luck
6. Of course
7. Believe
8. Be patient and meticulous
9. Definitely
10. Doubtful
11. Nonsense, this makes no sense!
12. Only an accident... But there is a chance.

Method No. 4

This method is used to predict fate. The period for which you can look into the future with the help of this fortune-telling is short - only 9 days.

Draw a circle and divide it into 12 equal sectors. Number them from 1 to 12, starting from the upper right sector.

Each sector is some kind of certain part your life:

The first sector is events of the distant future;
the second is money matters;
third - travel;
fourth – family, household affairs;
fifth - business;
sixth - health;
seventh – intimate and friendly relations;
eighth - losses;
ninth – spiritual development;
tenth - work or profession;
eleventh - friends;
the twelfth sector is enemies.

Roll the dice so that both dice land on the circle segments. If one of them rolls out of the circle, throw it again. Do the same when two cubes fall into one sector. The latter does not need to be done only if the same numbers fell on the dice in the same sector. The number on the top of each die shows how much the corresponding aspect of your life will change.

For example, if a “5” or “6” is rolled on the 10th segment, you can safely expect a promotion. If “1” or “2” - expect changes for the worse. “3” or “4” - small changes will occur.

If two or three dice with the same numbers fall in one sector, this means that the likelihood of change increases significantly. Fate warns: this will surely happen.

Fortune telling with three bones

For this fortune telling, three dice-shaped dice are used with scores ranging from one to six. On the table at which fortune telling takes place there is a circle with a diameter of 30 cm. It can be drawn on a sheet of paper, whatman paper, or cut out of cardboard or other material. The dice are placed in a glass and, after mixing, thrown onto the table on behalf of the person for whom you are telling fortunes.

You must throw three dice at the same time, and they all must lie within the boundaries of the circle. If all the dice have rolled out of the circle, they should be picked up and thrown again. If, after the first two attempts, all three cubes are outside the circle, fortune telling should be stopped immediately, otherwise misfortune cannot be avoided.

In the event that all three dice remain inside the circle, determine the sum of the numbers on their upper faces and use this result to find an interpretation in the table below. The dice rolling out of the circle do not mean anything, but remember that there is some mistake in your plans for the future. If two dice do not fall into the circle, you have problems ahead. Fallen to the floor indicate upcoming troubles and complications in life - difficult times lie ahead. Two bones falling on the floor portend a very serious problems.

If a number appears more than once, this means that you need to expect important news to arrive. If the dice fall on top of each other, which happens very rarely, this is always a warning about the need to exercise the greatest possible caution in all commercial and love affairs, however, at the same time this is a guarantee that you will soon receive a gift.

If you want to get a more detailed prediction, divide the circle into 12 equal sectors and enter numbers from 1 to 12 into them, which will mean:

1 - the whole next year,
2 - money,
3 - trips,
4 - household chores,
5 - present,
6 - health,
7 - love and marriage,
8 - legal issues,
9 - state of mind,
10 - work and career,
11 - friends,
12 - enemies.

Three dice should be thrown again, but their points should not be interpreted in total, but separately on each dice. With this version of fortune telling, glasses mean the following.

One - good prospects (however, pay attention to the readings of sector A).
Two - your success now depends primarily on the help of friends.
Three - you have excellent chances.
Four - problems and disappointments await you.
Five - things are going well.
Six - this number means uncertainty.

For clarity, let's look at a specific example: Let's say a die on field E (health) shows four points. This means the disease is approaching. A six on field D (present) increases the likelihood of illness, as it indicates some uncertainty in your life. But a two on field A (all next year) predicts good luck if your friends help you.

Fortune telling with poker dice.

Fortune telling is very simple and has its origins in the game of Poker with Dice. . Used to prioritize the distribution of time, money, attention and other resources between areas of personal life. This is almost the only fortune telling that is appropriate to do for yourself.

To get the result, you need to write on a piece of paper the current areas of your personal life that are most involved in your life. There should be no less than six and no more than twelve such spheres.

As an example, you can use the following list:

Family (parents, relatives)
Children Housekeeping (household chores)
Job or profession
Business or hobby
Study or advanced training
Finance (savings, savings, investments)
Vacation (planning vacations, trips)
Travel and business trips
Friendship and friendships
Spiritual development, faith
Enemies and hostile others
Self-development and self-realization

After this, having written these areas in the sequence in which they came to your mind, you need to take turns, trying to think about what happened in each point at a time. last year, try to throw Four of a Kind - four dice with the same pattern on the top side. To do this, the fortuneteller is given the opportunity to make three throws. In any of the throws, you can leave or reroll any die. The main thing is to get four identical values ​​after three throws.

If you managed to collect Four of a Kind, the result is written next to the sphere, thinking about which the throw was made. If Kara failed to collect, then a dash is placed next to the sphere about which the fortune-telling was carried out.

The results are interpreted as follows:

Four aces, as well as four tens, denote the fulfillment of desires, with tens more related to material desires, and aces to intangible ones. If during fortune telling you get both four tens and four aces, be sure that in the near future, at least for one moment, you will be infinitely happy. This is one of the most successful combinations when fortune telling with poker dice, but it occurs as rarely as moments of happiness are rare in our lives.

The Four Kings talk about upward mobility, positive deeds and pleasant incidents in the area about which we're talking about. If this combination appears in fortune telling for an outsider, then this shows his position in society: he is a person from a good society.

Four ladies are undesirable in fortune telling for a woman: they gossip about you in direct connection with the sphere of fortune telling. When telling fortunes for a man, remember that a bob of ladies indicates that he is surrounded by ladies and generally loves ladies’ company.

Four jacks - upcoming troubles. Difficulties in this area cannot be avoided and you need to prepare for them in advance. If not a fall, then at least a decline is predicted.

Four tens - the fulfillment of a desire, but not a heartfelt one. A square of ten in the sphere of family or love will speak of the intervention of naked pragmatism in the area of ​​feelings.

Four nines - surprise: whether it is pleasant or not will be shown by the color of the fifth bone. Joy is promised by a red or green suit, grief - by black or blue.

The areas of your life, near the names of which you drew the symbols of a Four of a Kind, need additional attention on your part. In the near future, they should become a priority so as not to drag your life back. Between these areas, priority is distributed according to the seniority of the Caret.

The fifth bone also plays a significant role. If the fifth bone is the same as the bones that make up the square, then this area of ​​your life requires urgent and increased attention. In other cases, the fifth bone, specifying the Four of a Kind, gives the following meaning:

An ace with its point towards the fortuneteller traditionally means a state house, with its point up - the smile of fortune or the “house of clubs” (the house of respectable or elderly people). With Kings or Tens, regardless of position, success is promised.
- The king promises unexpected help from an as yet unforeseen ally.
- The lady promises envy, rumors, quarrels, bad circumstances, possible litigation. With Jacks - troubles of an emotional nature (neuroses).
- Jack speaks of competitiveness, competition or rivalry that lies ahead in the implementation of plans in this area.
- Ten talks about money, gifts, mercenary dates, bribes. Tuzov promises a quarrel with Kare over money.
- Nine with the point up promises a quarrel, tears, frustration. During the Punishment of Kings, immodest desire for a woman. With Kara Dam - the loss of a friend. In general, complementing any Kare is a warning, a reminder of mistrust in your attitude.

One of the variants of this fortune-telling is an attempt to collect poker combinations for each area of ​​your life and, by analogy, arranging the spheres according to the seniority of the combinations thrown in them.

Of course, not everyone will believe in such predictions, but whatever you say, divination on bones still helped Julius Caesar to conquer Rome.

Kan Victoria Vladimirovna

Specialist in fortune telling and spiritual practices. For 2 years she traveled in Tibet and India. Conducts free fortune telling sessions for readers of our resource.

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Fortune telling with dice is one of the oldest fortune telling, which has come down to this day from ancient Rome. Initially, in ancient times, they used the vertebral bones and ankles of livestock, which had four relatively smooth planes. All sorts of signs, hieroglyphs, and letters were applied to the bones. Predictions were obtained by drawing lots - they cast and deciphered the meanings of the inscriptions on the planes, comparing them.

Fortune telling with dice

Fortune telling with dice is popular for its unpretentiousness and clarity. Guessing so that the prediction of a yes/no answer is accurate, more convenient and faster with dice. But it’s also easy to get more detailed answers: fortune telling with dice for betrayal, about infidelity, what he thinks about me, whether he needs me, whether he’s waiting for me, fortune telling with dice for a loved one - what he is doing now, etc. Using two cubes it is possible to “look” into the near future.

Fortune telling using two dice: concentrate, throw two dice into the outlined circle (radius - 15 centimeters), see the result. The numbers are adding up. If one cube is outside the circle, it is not taken into account; if both are outside the circle, there is no result. In this case, try again in a couple of days.

Fortune telling value with 2 dice:

  1. be careful
  2. reasonableness in decision making
  3. the way is open
  4. consistency
  5. everything is being decided
  6. be careful
  7. undoubtedly
  8. unlikely
  9. pointless
  10. what you want will come true

The same fortune telling with dice can be used for divination: likes-dislikes.

No less popular is fortune telling using dodecahedron dice. These dice are intransitive (twelve sides), they give the most truthful answers (especially if there are a pair of them) and guessing on them means getting accurate prediction. There are seventy-eight variations of answers. It’s not easy to remember, and therefore it will be more convenient to look into the online fortune telling cubes and easily find out the thoughts of the person you are interested in: what he thinks about me, what we will have with him, or fortune telling for a loved one - what he is doing now.

Fortune telling with bones

Fortune telling with dice/dice can be used to obtain answers regarding any area of ​​life: home, work, family, finances, love, relationships, travel. As a rule, the beautiful half of humanity, for the most part, is interested in relationships with the opposite sex: what he thinks about me now, what he wants to say, does he love me, will his wish come true, what is he doing now, and what are his intentions for tomorrow. Fortune telling with cubes/dice will give you an accurate answer.

You can try fortune telling on the bones yourself. The probability of fulfilling your plan with one cube: put the cube in a cup, shake it, throw it, watch. Odd numbers– will come true, even numbers – will not come true.

Tell fortunes for love: three fortune-telling cubes are placed in a cup, shaken, and thrown one at a time onto the floor. Meaning: the first cube is the fortuneteller herself, the second is your lover, the third is your relationship.

Interpretation of fortune telling with dice:

  1. loneliness;
  2. harmony;
  3. love triad;
  4. constancy;
  5. barriers;
  6. dreams come true.

There are not many attributes for prediction: one or a pair of dice/dice and a mug or jar. Before starting fortune telling, focus on the question that interests you. Then shake the cube in the container, drop it onto the table surface and see the result by the sum of the numbers. Whatever method of prophecy you choose, do not forget the main thing: the expected result of divination or answer caused you disappointment, but everything depends only on you. There is always a choice to do one way or another and, thereby, influence the course of events and change predestination.

Rules that should not be ignored:

  • Throws must be made in complete silence.
  • roll dice for yourself - bad omen(karma spoils).
  • The best time for divination is when it is cool, twilight and there is no wind.
  • Do not ask the same question several times.
  • You cannot do fortune telling on Friday, Sunday and Monday.
  • if there is a thunderstorm, postpone the fortune-telling event (the answers are not correct).
  • The right time is after sunset.
  • the same number appears several times in a row - significant news.
  • one bone ended up on another - treason.
  • decide on the forecast period - for a day, for a week, for a month.


Explanation of single throws.

  • Constancy.
  • It's a precarious situation.
  • Contacting.
  • Business, work, creativity.
  • Riskiness.
  • Harmony.

Summing numbers: two units - well-being, love; one/two – finance, acquisitions; one/three – bad luck, squabbles; two/two – initiative, determination; one/four – drive, aspirations; two/three – a lucky coincidence; one/five – worries; two/four – change; three/three – inheritance; one/six – partnership; two/five – self-control; three/four – fraud; two/six – responsibility; three/five – peace; four/four – additional features; three/six - the secret will become apparent; four/five – difficulties, obstacles; four/six - time to act; five/five – losses; five/six – problems; six/six – ideas, plans, implementations;

If you want to receive a more specific prophecy, then draw an even circle on a piece of Whatman paper, draw twelve proportionate sectors on it and sign them with letters:

  • A – the coming year;
  • B – budget;
  • B – roads;
  • G – home;
  • D – current;
  • E – health;
  • F – feelings, marriage;
  • Z – jurisprudence;
  • And – soul and thoughts;
  • K – affairs, business;
  • L – friends;
  • M - enemies.

Throw three dice at a time, look at which sectors they fell into and determine the points you got. But you no longer summarize them, but interpret each one separately and in accordance with the sector:

  • one – excellent prospects;
  • two - your success depends directly on the help of friends and partners;
  • three - you have every chance to achieve your plans;
  • four - problems and failures are on the horizon;
  • five - everything is getting worse;
  • six – indecision, stagnation, apathy.

The priests practiced Ancient India and Egypt, later the Romans and Greeks learned about it. Mentions of such a prediction can be found in the Old Testament. To find out the will of the gods, soothsayers used sheep vertebrae or cubes cut from animal bones, on the edges of which it was carved different quantities points - from 1 to 6. They tossed the dice and, depending on what number came up, announced the result. Modern cubes are made from wood or natural stone, but most often they are made from plastic.

How to tell fortunes using dice

Anyone can perform fortune telling with dice if they fulfill certain conditions during the ceremony.

For divination, one, two or three cubes are used. Before starting the ritual, a circle with a diameter of 30-40 cm is drawn on the table. The dice are thrown from a dark, opaque cup; if there is none, this is done by hand. If the bones roll out of the circle, fortune telling is performed again. If the dice fall out again, it is better to postpone the ritual. If there is only one cube left within the circle, then the answer to the question is determined by the number of dots on the opened face.

By existing signs fortune telling with dice cannot be done on Friday and Sunday, and also during church holidays. It is better to carry out the ritual in complete silence on days when the weather is cold.

Sometimes during divination one face opens several times. This means that important news is expected. If the cubes fall on top of each other, then you should be careful in love affairs and in business.

General fortune telling for the future

The answer to any question can be given by fortune telling with dice. The value of the drawn numbers should be added up, and the result should be looked at in the table. In order to find out fate, use 3 dice. If one of them does not fall into the circle, and the sum of the remaining numbers is less than three, then the ritual is considered failed.

What do the cubes say?

  • 3 - fulfillment of desires and a successful coincidence of circumstances;
  • 4 - dissatisfaction, business failures;
  • 5 - new friends will bring good news, wishes will come true;
  • 6 - material losses are expected, disappointment in partners or friends is possible;
  • 7 - conflicts and scandals due to gossip, you cannot share information with strangers;
  • 8 - undeserved accusations, perhaps negative impact from the outside;
  • 9 - reconciliation and conflict resolution, changes in personal life;
  • 10 - the number promises a successful deal, a prestigious position, well-being in the family;
  • 11 - parting with loved ones, melancholy, possible illness;
  • 12 - good news or a letter will come to which you need to respond;
  • 13 - meaningless chores, pessimistic attitude towards the future;
  • 14 - the appearance of new friends and fans;
  • 15 - new squabbles, there will be a temptation to enter into a dubious deal;
  • 16 - there will be a long journey or short trips that will bring positive emotions;
  • 17 - cardinal changes in fate, changes in personal life, change of place of residence;
  • 18 - the lucky ones will have a streak of luck and complete success.

Simple fortune telling “Yes/No”

There are situations when you need to quickly make a decision. In this case, fortune telling with Yes/No dice is practiced. To do this, you need to focus on the problem and roll the dice. If it falls out even number, means the answer is “yes”, the edge with means “no”. This fortune telling is the most the easy way get the result.

The peculiarity of prediction is that it does not take much time, it does not consider any options other than specific answers, so before throwing the die you need to ask a very precise question.

Fortune telling with Yes/No dice can be done with two objects. To do this, you simply need to determine the sum of points rolled on both dice. If one of the dice does not fall into the circle, the prediction can be considered invalid.

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment

Dice can tell you whether a wish will come true or not. This was used even before our era. Since then, the technique has not changed. In order for fortune telling with dice to give a truthful answer to a wish, it is best to formulate it a simple sentence. After this, two cubes are placed in a clay cup and shaken thoroughly counterclockwise with your left hand. The answer is determined by what numbers are revealed on the faces of the cubes.

The combinations of numbers that open will show:

  • “2 + 6”, “4 + 5”, “1 + 3” “2 + 2” - there is a high probability that the wish will not come true;
  • “6 + 3”, “4 + 2”, “5 + 3” - the situation is controversial and may change, but the probability of “yes” is low;
  • “6 + 5”, “4 + 1”, “2 + 5”, “1 + 5” - very big chance fulfillment of desire, but it all depends on many circumstances;
  • “6 + 4”, “6 + 6”, “4 + 3”, “5 + 5” - the wish will come true.

When fortune-telling is carried out on dice, the value of the desire of two “4” or a pair of “3” indicates that the chances of its fulfillment and failure are equal, the combination of two “1” and “2 + 1” indicates that the dice cannot to give an answer, you need to try again after a while. The combination “1 + 6” indicates that the desire will come true after some time.

How to tell fortunes with two dice

You can find out the voice of fate in different life situations if you do fortune telling with dice using two dice. You need to formulate a question; when throwing the dice, they should fall into a circle. If this does not happen, the procedure is repeated again. The dice cannot be rolled a third time. If one cube falls out of the circle, the result is taken into account one number at a time. The number of points rolled is summed up and then the answer is obtained:

  • 1 - of course, yes;
  • 2 - of course not;
  • 3 - you need to be careful;
  • 4 - you should act wisely;
  • 5 - waiting for luck;
  • 6 - undoubtedly;
  • 7 - you need to maintain hope and believe;
  • 8 - you need to be patient;
  • 9 - definitely;
  • 10 - unlikely;
  • 11 - don’t pay attention;
  • 12 - unforeseen events.

You can learn about the future from others using cubes.

Simple fortune telling - simple answer

Fortune telling with dice can be done with one dice. You need to focus on the problem that worries you and throw the dice so that it falls into the circle. The number drawn will show:

  • 1 — the result is positive;
  • 2 - the situation needs to be intervened;
  • 3 - it’s better to rest and solve the problem later;
  • 4 - changes are coming in life;
  • 5 - you need to be careful, you can’t take risks;
  • 6 - everything will be fine.

Other dice divinations

The history of divination with bones goes back many centuries. During this time, priests and soothsayers different nations they came up with new ways to communicate the will of the gods and made their own changes. In the Middle Ages, pirates found their own way of determining fate. The symbol of the bandits was a skull and crossbones, so they used them to determine the outcome. The die was thrown 4 times, each time the even number was marked with a cross and the odd number with a zero. By the combination of crosses and toes one could judge the favor of fate.

On the bones is still popular today. It is most often resorted to by those who are interested in amorous affairs, love, meetings, infidelity. For fortune telling, 2 dice are used, the combination of numbers of which gives the answer to 10 questions regarding marriage.

You can carry out fortune telling on yourself or your loved ones, even if they are not nearby. The result of any dice prediction depends on the ability to ask the right question, to which the dice will give the correct answer.

In ancient times, when “telling fortunes for the future” was as common as for us turning on the TV to find out the weather forecast, many issues were resolved without unnecessary red tape using lots. The ancient Jews distributed plots of land in this way; the Greeks forced candidates for public positions to draw lots.

The lot originally served as bone, namely the coffin bone of the leg of a cow or bull, "grandmother", in Greek astragalos. It has an almost cubic shape and different edges: one is smooth, the other with a notch, the third, on the contrary, with a convexity, etc. The ancients believed that this shape was not accidental, that it was with the help of this bone that the will of the gods could be most accurately known.

We will try to apply a modern intuitive method to bones. After all, the numbers printed on their edges are numerology almost in pure form, that is, numbers, each of which has certain associations. And we offer you several fortune telling with dice.

select a question

In the 11th century, astragalomancy developed in Byzantium - the art of predicting the future using dice. Letters were written on their edges, which when thrown formed words. They also continued to play dice - even more actively than before. The Crusaders brought the bones to Western Europe like a new game of chance.

From here it was not long before dice acquired their modern form. In 1453, Constantinople fell, and the Renaissance began in Europe. Church and royal prohibitions on gambling lost their force, and Europeans began to gamble. It was then, by the way, that Tarot cards (not without the influence of Byzantium) began to turn into ordinary playing cards. In the 15th century, the Italians, followed by the French and German nobility, began to play dice with six numbers (dots) on their edges.

Separately, I would like to draw your attention to an interesting love fortune telling on dice. The answer is given in the form of several rhymed lines depending on the sum of the numbers rolled on both dice.

To begin, select a question. Say it mentally in your mind and press the cubes. After this, you will be given an answer depending on the total number of numbers rolled on the dice. If there are two sixes, which indicate an uncertain situation, you will have to roll the dice again.

The other two fortune tellings, using one and two dice, are very good if you want to know more about your current situation or likely future. The numbers that appear on the upper edges will serve as the answer to the question asked.

If you roll two dice rather than one, your interpretation should take into account not only the numbers rolled on each individual die, but also their total sum. So, if you get 3 and 2, then this is not just a combination of three and two, but also the sum of these numbers. It is important to note that the interpretation for the amount will only appear if it is no more than six. This interpretation was taken from fortune telling with one die, and six is ​​the maximum number that can appear on one die.

All you have to do is choose a method and proceed directly to fortune telling. Before starting fortune telling, it is advisable to determine the period of time for which the forecast is being made, for example, one day, week, month or year. Try to relax and fully concentrate on your question.