How to understand that a love spell has worked. The whole truth about love spells

Only for the sacrifice. However, this is not true.

If you delve a little deeper into the mechanism of a love spell (any magic), then it will become clear that energy exchange cannot be unidirectional, it is, as in elementary physics, obeys certain laws.

Simpler - it works both ways.

Before considering the question of how to understand that a love spell has worked, you need to understand one simple rule.

Regardless of who performs the ritual, at least two energies are involved in it: the customer and the victim. (The third is for the performer). And this is immediate.

There are many more people around these two who are affected by the ritual in one way or another. These are relatives and friends, that is, those people who have sincere feelings for the “persons involved”.

First things first.

The first and most powerful blow is carried out on the victim. The purpose of the love spell is for her to change her behavior.

But people are different. Some rush headlong into the maelstrom of new sensations. Others keep their emotions more carefully than the Central Bank keeps their money.

No matter how these cunning people hide, there are signs that the love spell has worked. You just need to watch.

A person changes his behavior in the presence of a customer. Moreover, the “degree” of change depends on the individual.

It happens that he (she) simply avoids communication. Especially if the victim already has a cordial commitment to the other person.

Changes are usually visible to the naked eye. The victim is literally drawn to the customer. He cannot live without the latter.

If the first sign is not too obvious, this does not mean that the ritual was unsuccessful or that love magic does not work. The person affected by the love spell changes his interests.

What previously worried or attracted him ceases to evoke emotions and becomes indifferent. (Imagine a fierce fan who indifferently walks past the TV screen during the broadcast of a match.)

This is quite possible. Understand that the personality experiences enormous, profound changes. He only cares about the customer of the love spell, his hobbies and direction of thought.

It is in that direction that it turns (gradually).

The next sure sign that the love spell has worked is changes in mood. They are so sharp that it is simply impossible not to notice.

At the first stages of the program’s impact, the victim is in a state that can be described by the famous fable “The Swan, the Crayfish and the Pike.”

There are only two directions: your own goals and the imposed program. They constantly conflict with each other, which leads to inappropriate behavior.

A person allows harshness where he can laugh it off, and so on. It's not his fault, it's just that the tension is very high.

There are some other subtleties of the process. For example, someone who is able to resist will most likely get sick immediately after the ritual.

It is common for men (unless they are teetotalers). That is, an event occurs that knocks the victim out of the usual channel.

After it, changes in likes and interests are not so noticeable for the bewitched person.

The customer himself is energetically tied to the ritual. When his field begins to put pressure on the victim’s energy, he cannot help but feel some kind of “reaction”.

Often, it is expressed by a cold or poisoning. That is, a weakening of the energy background (part of it goes to “enslaving” the victim) leads to a mild illness.

In addition, at first the customer may experience a weakening of his own desire. That is, the passion for which he turned to magic will fade.

This doesn't mean she's gone forever. It’s just that for a while the customer’s feelings will stop tormenting him. This happens for the same reason.

Energy goes into fighting someone else's will. Only crumbs remain for their own purposes.

Everything described is a temporary phenomenon. In these first days, it is necessary to communicate more with the victim, to be close. Then the energy exchange is more intense, which is good for the customer.

This behavior helps to enslave the victim for sure. For the person who performed the love spell, all unpleasant signs disappear after the first physical contact.

How to understand that a love spell has worked: indirect signs

Observant people can notice the first signs that the ritual worked and was a success - from the relatives of the bewitched.

The fact is that part of the energy impact falls on loving people. Most often, inexplicable troubles happen to them. They can have absolutely different character and consequences.

Only one thing is indicative: a love spell acts like damage on the victim’s loved ones.

With a weak love spell, they may not feel the effect. That is, . And when a black ritual is carried out, there can be trouble.

Thus, loved ones may get sick, get into accidents, lose money or other valuables. Most often, it all starts with scandals, the reasons for which neither side can understand, and neither side is looking for.

It must be said that the manifestation of the symptoms described above should be expected in approximately thirty days. Only after this can it be stated that the ritual was done in vain.

Some people wonder what to do if the love spell does not work. Here are some tips to give.

First and most important: before looking for a recipe for a stronger ritual, analyze the situation. Most likely, the customer chose a victim “too tough.”

If he persists, he may be “covered” with such an answer that life “before magic” will seem like the greatest blessing.

The victim may be strong, protected, or have such specific tasks from the Higher Powers.

Only after this can the ritual be repeated. A good “test” for the safety of the second round of a love spell is the customer.

If he does not experience any difficulties, then most likely the ritual was performed incorrectly, which means it can be repeated.

We talked about what a love spell is and why it (a love spell) is a negative energy-informational influence. The main conclusions we came to:
1. A love spell is an energy-informational program, the purpose of which is to tie a person to the desired object, to force him to do something that he himself does not want to do.
2. Every love spell is violence, subtle, invisible, but violence. Therefore, by definition, a white, harmless love spell does not exist.
3. Love spell has nothing to do with Love (Love is not violence, and violence is not Love). The lover will never “step over” the will of the Beloved. Therefore, one should not confuse the Bright feeling of “Love” with the egoistic base desire to possess someone, despite his reluctance. It's like putting a knife to a person's throat and saying: "Come on, love me." Try to try this situation on yourself - how do you like the prospect of loving such a person?
4. A love spell is a momentary “benefit”, it is an unnatural connection with the desired object. And, like everything unnatural, it will die, sooner or later.

Now, let's look at what there are consequences of a love spell. Moreover, we will talk about the consequences of a love spell both for the bewitched (the one who was bewitched) and for the bewitcher (the one who bewitched).

First, the consequences of a love spell for the one who was bewitched. First of all, a constant struggle begins to occur within a person. Two people live in it, two opposing forces. The first Power is the person himself, the second is the love spell program. The person himself wants to live freely and independently decide who to love and who to be with. The love spell program, on the contrary, 24 hours a day pulls him towards the “object” to which he was bewitched. The consequence of this constant internal struggle is, first, depression, headaches, and out-of-nowhere (seemingly causeless) aggression. But these are just flowers. Further - more. The human condition is not just similar, it is almost identical to the state of a drug addict in the withdrawal stage, when he needs a new dose and is ready to go very far to get it. Believe me, I am not exaggerating; I have seen this with my own eyes many times. The person is literally torn to pieces. What's next? Further, the consequences of the love spell begin to manifest themselves in the form of mental disorders and physical illnesses. And the most diverse, each in its own way. A person is trying to be treated, but modern medicine does not have a diagnosis of “love spell”. And heart disease, kidney disease, impotence, etc., are just consequences of this constant internal confrontation. As a result, some become drunkards, some end up in a “psychiatric hospital”... But! The effect of a love spell is not endless, even if the one who casts the spell constantly updates it. AND Always potentially the person is stronger than the love spell. How much he will be able to take advantage of this potential is another question. There are cases when a person dies without having figured out a love spell. But, as a rule, a person eventually defeats the love spell within a given incarnation.

What about the other side? The one who bewitched. Maybe there won’t be any negative consequences for her from the love spell? She seemed to want happiness and love... But she, too, will not receive either happiness or love from the love spell. Quite the opposite. Target doesn't justify means. And retribution will not take long to arrive. Mental disorders, physical illnesses, infertility (in both men and women) are far from full list disastrous consequences for the one who bewitched. After all, when a person said that he wanted Love, he actually wanted a slave, a zombie. As a result, he himself will pay the price, through loneliness, illness, and slavery. Don't dig a hole for someone else...

Some people say that I cast a spell and nothing happened, I live normally, everything is fine. With such statements, these people deceive themselves and mislead other people. Remember how Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn expected that immediately after Injun Joe lied about the murder, the thunder of heaven would immediately fall on his head and wondered why the blow was so slow. It's the same here. When a seed goes into the ground, it will not bear fruit immediately. It needs time and conditions to grow, bloom and bear fruit. Moreover, different plants The timing of flowering and fruit ripening is different. Everything has its time, and if the negative consequences of a love spell did not appear immediately (or even after some time), this does not mean that they will not appear at all. They can manifest themselves tomorrow, in a month, in a year... They will manifest themselves when needed (in each case individually), but they will manifest themselves in any case, there are no exceptions here and cannot be.

And I will now explain why. The Law of Retribution has acted, operates and will operate on Earth. In different teachings and religions it is called differently - the Law of Karma, Cosmic Justice, God's Court, fate, the law of the boomerang. The names are different, but the essence is the same - what goes around comes around. If you sow something good, you will receive a good result; if you sow something bad, you will reap the corresponding result. In a different way doesn't happen. Therefore, bad is born from bad, good is born from good. In a different way doesn't happen. Good cannot come from bad and bad cannot come from good. This rule must be understood and learned. After all, in life we ​​constantly sow what we will reap tomorrow, and reap the fruits of what we sowed yesterday. And often a person cannot see and correctly establish relationships. And, knowing the rule “from good - good, from bad - bad,” this is much easier to do.

But let's get back to the love spell. As I already said, there is no need to hope that by doing a bad act you can get a positive consequence; this is basically impossible. Love spell is no exception here. Violence begets violence, it cannot be any other way. And everyone who says the opposite either does not understand what they are saying, or deliberately misleads other people, pursuing their own selfish goals. They look for “simpletons” who believe that he will do something nasty, and nothing will happen to him for it. (When the law of conservation of energy was taught in physics at school, they were probably absent and sick). I sincerely wish you not to fall into the ranks of these “gullible Buratins” and cripple your Life with your own hands.

Please, everyone who has encountered a love spell, write about it in the comments or send me your stories, I will publish them on the site. Let's work together to ensure that people better distinguish good from bad and the world around becomes better and brighter.

Andrey Korolchuk.

Before we begin to carry them out, we make it quite clear: A love spell is always violence against a person, it is always bad, it is always something that will have negative consequences.

IN lately You often ask questions related specifically to love spells:

  1. What is a love spell really?
  2. How to remove the notorious love spell?
  3. What are the consequences of a love spell for the victim and the client?

We have already paid attention to the first two questions, to one degree or another, but we didn’t have to talk about the consequences of a love spell. Well, today, we have gotten our hands on this.

So, let's start by debunking all kinds of horror stories that say that “all sinners will burn in the fiery hyena.” By the way, what may be considered a sin in the culture of one nation will be an everyday reality in the culture of another nation. Here, as they say, it is important from which particular bell tower to look at the world.

Despite all this, the fact remains obvious that if a love spell is performed by a person who knows absolutely nothing about magic, then one single parallel can be drawn - in front of us is a monkey with a grenade from which the pin has already been pulled.

We specifically omit the moral component; we hand it over, so to speak, to you; moreover, the moral and ethical side has already been discussed more than once.

What initially goes wrong?

When a person goes to a master or decides to perform a love spell ritual himself, it is always worth remembering that something can go wrong, and even more so, you should not discount what is ALREADY going wrong.

It seems that she thought it all over, calculated everything (yes, yes, the strong half of humanity also does not hesitate to cast a love spell), but still something went wrong. There can be a lot of errors:

  • Excessive confidence that events will develop only one way and no other way. Why? Yes, simply because I want it, because this is how I see the world and this is how I see the situation. This is quite enough. Isn't it?
  • The belief that your beloved lives with his hateful wife solely for the sake of the children or only because she is sick (again, from his words), and he, like a true gentleman, cannot afford to leave her. But if something happens to your wife or children, then this will be a wonderful reason for two loving hearts to immediately unite.
  • “If something terrible happens to him and no one needs him, then I still won’t turn my back on him, I will love him forever and then (if something happens to him and he, for example, becomes disabled) we will always we'll be together." There are also those... Not all the bad ones were killed by the war.
  • Excessive idealization of the object of one’s adoration. “Yes, he’s good, he just came across a bitch who took him away from his family (or “the bitch who beat him off on the eve of the wedding”). Otherwise, he is kind and generally better than everyone else.” These kind of ladies tend not to notice the obvious - the object of their love is a real asshole. The young ladies shed pink snot and crystal tears to the last, dreaming of being next to someone who, to put it mildly, has nothing in common with the picture that is stuck in the girls’ sick heads.
  • “He loves me, I know! They just gave him a love spell and that’s why he left me. I know this for sure, I know this for sure! And now, since things are like this, you urgently need to cast a love spell yourself in order to return your loved one to the bosom of the family. Instead of looking for reasons within ourselves, in our behavior, many of us strive to simplify everything as much as possible. We don’t want to see the obvious - he left only because you bothered him, you drove him crazy, he left only because he is much better off without you than with you. And the love spell you make will not help, rest assured! He still won't come back.

So, if you find yourself in this generally short list, know that the consequences of a love spell will be truly terrifying. Your life will be ruined, the only valuable thing you have today.

The consequences of a love spell for men

Let’s face it, men suffer from the love spell cast “on full blast" The very first thing that comes out is energy, which pulls everything else along with it.

  1. Insomnia and constant fatigue;
  2. Irritability and behavior about which they say: “If you have it, you would kill it, if you don’t have it, you would buy it”;
  3. Depression and inner devastation;
  4. Lack of emotions (except negative ones) and unwillingness to live (thoughts of suicide);
  5. Touchiness and dissatisfaction with oneself and everything that surrounds a person;
  6. Use of alcohol, drugs;
  7. Aggression and destruction of everything a person had (loss of job and livelihood, loss of friends, etc.).
  8. Impotence;
  9. Frequent and groundless mood swings and mental disorders.

The consequences of a love spell for women

Actually, the list here will be the same, with the only difference being that instead of impotence, the woman will have problems with reproductive function. For example, she cannot become pregnant or bear a child; at the same time, diseases associated with the female genital organs may worsen. Among other things, a woman can become frigid or, on the contrary, she will experience “uterine rabies.” Here, as we see, the “palette” is somewhat richer than that of the stronger sex.

Judge for yourself when you loved a person, but then you yourself (personally or with the help of someone) turned him into a zombie. After all, now all he has is thoughts about you. no psyche can withstand this. After all, life is a diverse thing, and for a person to be healthy and happy, he must have friends, a favorite job, hobbies, travel, a lot of friends and relatives to visit. But you are depriving him of all this. Now all this is no joy for him! And this is your love? Is this her price?

It is known that many victims of love spells end their days in a mental hospital. Of course, there are those who were luckier - they were able to get rid of the negativity that the “in love” side bestowed on him. People remember the experience gained in the process of such influence for the rest of their lives.

In addition, the person on whom the love spell is cast is most often subject to the squeak of dying a death other than his own. Surely many of you know a lot of such examples, when a love spell - so harmless - ended like that by accident.

It has been noticed more than once that when a bewitched person is told that he has been bewitched, he begins to get angry and does not believe in “all this nonsense”; moreover, such conversations often end very sadly. There have been cases when a person trying to shed light on a situation was simply killed in a fit of rage. What's surprising here? After all, the one who is bewitched lives as if crawling on his knees. His will is suppressed, his feelings are confused. And love, as it seems, and jealousy, and at the same time aggression, and incredible disgust. And all this in one single bottle!

These are the consequences of a love spell for the victim. But what happens to the one who cast the love spell? By yourself or with the help of someone else. This is not the point.

Consequences of a love spell for the customer

Everything here is also quite prosaic. When it seems to you that you love, but he (she) is not around, you are sure that you would give your life for your loved one, that you would sell your soul to the devil, if only the object of passion were nearby. Then, in fact, the love spell itself follows, and after it the real gray everyday life in which one has to live.

Alas, but a lot of things initially seemed completely different. The tragedy is that ideas and the real picture have nothing in common. It's like two different Universes.

History knows a lot of examples of how a bewitched person laid hands on himself after the one who bewitched him abandoned him. Well, yes, it happens. The feelings have passed. It's like a toy. At first I really wanted it, and then it appeared. At first there was a lot of joy, but then, after playing a lot, it became obvious: there was nothing good in this stupid toy. And why was it needed at all? Hmm... it's not clear.

Both the bewitched person and the one who cast the love spell have a strict interdependence. We hope that this phenomenon does not need to be explained. So, in the first moment, when it “works”, euphoria begins, which, I must say, passes very quickly. It is replaced by disappointment, and then by depression. Yes, the most common depression, from which there is no escape either day or night. And the point is not at all that you will be tormented by remorse. No. After all, perhaps you don’t have this same conscience at all, you’ll just understand that this is again “not that”, but where is it, that same “that”?! What did you put so much effort and time into?! Where?! Aw!

And here, I must say, it begins to cover full program. You got what you wanted, but you made a slight mistake, and now everything has gone completely wrong. You yourself don’t know what you should do to get rid of the one whom just recently you so passionately loved and desired.

Your energy is already at zero, you understand that everything is meaningless, that everything is in vain, that there is no happiness in life at all. And the realization of all this “bouquet” makes you want to go and hang yourself on the first branch. And I don’t want to go home at all, because He (She) is there.

But these are still flowers. The berries begin at the very moment when the bewitched person finally removes the love spell. At this moment, everything that you have created is returned to you as the only recipient. That's it. And rightly so.

We would like to put an end to this very positive note. Whether to bewitch or not is up to you to decide, because this is your life, your experience and your mistakes. And, probably, no one has the right to judge you for this or that action, except you yourself. But you must agree that before you stick your finger into a socket, you need to understand basic things: after flirting with the current, a big “bo-bo” always comes.

What love spells can lead to. Is it possible to avoid the consequences?

Magic is a delicate area, the use of which must be very careful. Incorrectly performed love spell rituals have consequences that are quite difficult to overcome.

In this article:

Nothing can be worse than unrequited love. Some girls and boys use a variety of methods, including magical rituals, to win a loved one. At that moment, few people think about what they will have to pay for using a love spell. However, the consequences of the ritual can be very dire.

Love spell - magic ritual, perfect to change the feelings of a loved one. The main purpose of imposing a love ritual is to make the loved one constantly think about the person who ordered the ritual, strive for him and, most importantly, fall in love with him.

The desire for power over another person is in all cases considered selfish, so the consequences manifest themselves quite quickly.

Don't get what you want

By performing various love spells, the customer (or the performer himself, if the ritual is performed independently) forcibly influences a specific person. In most cases, such influence goes against the will of the victim. For example, a love spell can connect two people, but at the same time make them unhappy.

A person under the influence of magic begins to change, to do what he recently did not like, to love someone who is unpleasant to him. Often a bewitched person loses himself, his former appearance, ceases to enjoy life, he may begin to have thoughts of suicide, etc. And as a result of all this, the customer did not achieve what he wanted, but only ruined the life of his loved one and his own.

Fulfillment of desire, BUT

Even if the magical ritual affected the beloved exactly as the customer of the love spell wanted and the relationship really became warm, and the union brought only joy to both, however, there is a small BUT. Such an outcome is possible, but only if the customer and the victim have one common channel.

However, having accelerated this process, the initiator and his victim still cannot avoid the consequences of magic, albeit not immediately, but after some time. The consequences for the couple can be very serious tests in the relationship that threaten to end in separation.

In love spells, many families live quite happily and calmly.

What can happen after a love spell

In the best case scenario, the consequences of love spells are solvable for the couple. These could be minor quarrels, threats to relationships from others, etc.

Having passed all the tests, both the customer and the person bewitched by him will pay for the perfect magical ritual. In addition, the relationship will only strengthen in this case. Magicians claim that this kind of consequences is a test of whether the newly formed couple is worthy of happiness.

In the worst case, the consequences of magical rituals, for example, through monthly blood, from photographs, etc. may become intractable and dangerous to health and life. To soften the terrible magical blow, it is better for the customer to give up what he wants and contact a magic specialist to remove the love spell.

Love spell from a photograph

A love spell from a photo is a fairly popular method of influence in magic, but at the same time it is also one of the most dangerous. The consequences of the ritual are serious for the victim - his fate is reprogrammed. As a result of strong energetic influence, the will of the bewitched person is blocked, he quickly weakens, gets tired, and health problems appear.

Before performing a love spell, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

In addition, the object of the love spell experiences gradual mental destruction, which is accompanied by a decrease in the emotional background, irritability, depression, contradictory actions and thoughts. At first, a person resists the sudden energy impact, and when he has no strength left, he falls into an apathetic and depressive state.

Psychological and physical consequences of love spells

Love spells are associated with the subjugation of a person’s personality and feelings, and as a result of this, the victim of the ritual, instead of love, may develop hatred for the person who ordered the magic ritual. All this leads to the fact that the customer, bewitching a full-fledged person, receives a broken person, experiencing a feeling of disgust, depression, anxiety and hatred of the “slave”.

The victim of a love spell cannot be close to the one who ordered or performed the ritual, but he is also unable to leave him. This condition, caused by magic, over time leads to impotence, alcoholism, neuroses, depression, and significant changes in appearance and character. As a result, the customer (or performer) of a love spell receives a beloved person with a tormented soul as a “reward”. Of course, in this case you should not expect calm family life filled with love and respect.

The consequences can affect both the victim and the performer (customer) of the ritual. As a result of the action of magic, the bewitched person and the customer himself seem to be connected with each other. The ritual of a love spell is aimed at the emotional suppression and physical weakening of the bewitched person.

During the ritual, the energy paths through which the victim had lived until that moment are blocked, and instead a new way connecting "slave" and "master". In turn, the customer gives his energy to the one who was subordinated. It is these circumstances that explain the emergence of such a strong connection between the new couple.

Of course, a love spell should not be carried out simply because you want to. This must be a carefully considered step.

The division of vital forces threatens the customer with the same consequences as the victim - chronic diseases, irritation, neuroses, infertility, etc. As a result of turning to magic, two human destinies turn out to be broken - the initiator of the ritual and its victim.

Another characteristic consequence of a love spell is the occurrence of financial difficulties. This is explained by the fact that the object of the magical ritual does not have enough energy to implement previously set plans, he loses interest in everything that interested him, and gradually this leads to constant failures in all endeavors.

Love spell on blood

Special conversation about love spell using period blood. A woman, wanting to get her lover in this way, has no idea what terrible torment dooms him and himself.

A man under the influence of a black love spell quickly loses male strength, becomes impotent, constantly gets into bad situations and accidents. In this regard, he develops aggressiveness and hatred towards the person who ordered the ritual (he subconsciously understands who is to blame for what happened).

Love spell is different from love spell, this should also be taken into account

The consequences of the ritual on menstruation are very dangerous for both, since damage through blood is the only magical seal that has the power of cursing the male line. Often a man who receives a love spell loses his mind, and such people do not live long. For a love spell through menstruation, a woman can get a serious cancer disease, a crown of celibacy, the inability to give birth to children, etc.

Let us consider in detail what a love spell is fraught with for the one who bewitched - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

One of the strongest natural desires of a person is to love and be loved. Unrequited love is always a tragedy. Therefore, many strive to return a loved one or attract his attention with the help of magic.

A love spell by its nature is an energetic influence on a person, aimed at changing his inner world. Violent coercion to love is the goal of this magical act. A love spell turns a person into a zombie, he becomes a slave to other people's desires. And the moment the bewitched person realizes this, a nervous breakdown almost always occurs.

Symptoms of magical influence

The most obvious symptoms of a love spell are:

  • Constant feeling of anxiety;
  • An irresistible craving for a specific person, a constant desire to be with him;
  • Lack of joy after physical intimacy;
  • Constant weakness and loss of strength;
  • Unreasonable mood swings;
  • Loss of interest in work.

In our quest to make ourselves fall in love, many of us become real egoists. But before you turn to magic, remember the possible negative consequences of a love spell. Alien influence on the subtle energy structures of a person violates all life programs laid down by nature: health, well-being, family happiness. External manifestations of the destruction of the personality structure can be expressed in constant bad luck in almost everything.

Characteristic features of love spells

Any person who has been subjected to an energy attack in the form of a love spell will sooner or later notice the deterioration of his own health. At first, the love spell and its consequences are expressed by general causeless weakness. Moreover, even if a person is attentive to his health, traditional diagnostic methods will not detect any pathologies in the body. Most likely, after the examination, a recommendation will be given to rest fully. But against the background of general weakness, the development of serious asymptomatic diseases will begin, which can only be detected when they become chronic. In this case, as we know, treatment is always a difficult and lengthy process, and sometimes hopeless.

The most common violation occurs:

  • Cardiovascular system;
  • Musculoskeletal system.

A love spell and its consequences lead to noticeable disturbances in the victim’s psyche. Such changes are always more obvious than deterioration physical condition. A person becomes unrestrained, and any mood swing leads to the fact that he can start swearing and even hit. After such an outburst of emotions, deep repentance always follows. But after a while nervous breakdowns are repeated, and they become more acute and dangerous. Cases have been recorded where people who were subjected to love spells became patients in psychiatric hospitals after a certain time.

After a love spell, the consciousness of the bewitched person also changes. And this is quite understandable, since he can no longer perceive as before. the world around us and develop fully, due to the fact that his thoughts are occupied only by the person who bewitched him. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the person next to the performer will not be the person he dreamed of. In addition, thoughts only about being with another person will interfere with the love spell victim’s work and, most likely, serious troubles will begin at work. It is very dangerous that with such a change in consciousness, the bewitched person’s sense of self-preservation degrades and the risk of getting into dangerous life situations that can pose a threat to life increases significantly.

General changes in the character of the victim lead to a deterioration in relationships with those closest to them. This is explained by the fact that for a bewitched person the world around him narrows and all the people in it cease to interest him. And if one of the previously dear people begins to suspect a magical attack, then it causes aggression on the part of the victim. And if an outsider does not act wisely and carefully, then the victim of the love spell will simply erase him from life forever.

Consequences of rituals

The consequences of a love spell depend on many factors. Very often, the consequences of a love spell overtake not only the person being bewitched, but also his relatives. At the same time, very often intractable problems arise in children.

If the person who has been bewitched has a strong will, then sooner or later he will subconsciously feel someone else’s influence. Consequently, the realization will come that he is next to the supposedly “loved person” not of his own free will. He will begin to resist, which is very dangerous. After all, any resistance to the love spell takes a lot of vital energy, which means it weakens the body. Moreover, as a rule, all attempts remain unsuccessful.

Depending on the strength of the energy impact, the resistance of the biofield and the situation as a whole, the person subjected to the action of a love spell suffers very much.

So, he can:

  • Become an alcoholic;
  • Become seriously ill;
  • Get involved in gambling.

Psychological and physical disorders after a love spell

We must also remember that a love spell is always aimed at subduing a person’s feelings. But at the same time, it is not always possible to do this even with the help strong magic or with the participation of an experienced magician, not to mention the fact that such influence is often beyond the capabilities of beginners. Due to the confrontation with the person on whom the influence is directed, a magical love spell ritual can lead to the fact that in the soul of the person being bewitched, hatred arises for the person to whom they are trying to bewitch him. As a result, the consequences of a love spell are that next to the person who ordered the love spell is not a happy person in love, but a broken slave whose soul is filled with hatred.

The person whose love was sought through magic has a split personality. And these are very dangerous consequences of a love spell, because the victim cannot leave the performer or customer of the love spell, and on the other hand, living together brings unbearable torment. It is this condition that leads to depression or alcoholism, as a way to hide from oneself.

It should also be remembered that a love spell connects the performer and the victim with each other on an energetic level. Therefore, if the psychological well-being of the bewitched person deteriorates, then this will certainly affect the health of the performer. Subconsciously, he gives part of his vital energy to his bewitched loved one, weakening himself more and more. This state of partners cannot but affect their health, therefore, as a rule, this is reflected in the state of the genitourinary sphere of people who are kept close only by magic. Men often develop impotence, and women are at risk of infertility.

Consequences of a black love spell

Particularly dangerous are black love spells, which carry a pronounced violent component. Such an impact makes a person defenseless, completely destroying his natural energy aura. Under the influence of a black love spell, the victim begins to break down all the structures of his life. Such an influence will be especially dangerous if the person being bewitched resists it on a subconscious level. The consequences of a love spell are very dangerous for the performer of the ritual. In the female line, such an impact can cause a family crown of celibacy, which will be passed on through many generations.

Often black love spells are performed using menstrual blood. These are very strict black rituals. And those who decide to make a love spell in this way must understand that in this case it will not be possible to awaken sincere love in the chosen one. After all, this influence is done solely for the purpose of strong sexual attachment. The man being bewitched will experience sexual satisfaction only with the performer of the ritual. But without love, this can, to a large extent, negatively affect his psyche. And every time, after intimacy, he will become aggressive. After a certain period of time, hatred for his partner will awaken in him, which he cannot explain in any way. In most cases, the whole thing ends in severe depression, which awakens a craving for addictions.

Remember that it is not difficult to make a love spell, but at the same time it does not guarantee the emergence of a bright, cloudless feeling that we call love. It is impossible to force yourself to love, but you can tie someone to yourself with energetic bonds. How much such love is needed is of course up to you to decide, but in any case you should be prepared for very unpleasant consequences.


In the previous article “Love spell” we talked about what a love spell is and why it (a love spell) is a negative energy-informational influence. The main conclusions we came to:

1. A love spell is an energy-informational program, the purpose of which is to tie a person to the desired object, to force him to do something that he himself does not want to do.

2. Every love spell is violence, subtle, invisible, but violence. Therefore, by definition, a white, harmless love spell does not exist.

3. Love spell has nothing to do with Love (Love is not violence, and violence is not Love). The lover will never “step over” the will of the Beloved. Therefore, one should not confuse the Bright feeling “Love” with the egoistic base desire to possess someone, despite his reluctance. It's like putting a knife to a person's throat and saying: “Come on, love me.” Try to try this situation on yourself - how do you like the prospect of loving such a person?

4. A love spell is a momentary “benefit”, it is an unnatural connection with the desired object. And, like everything unnatural, it will die, sooner or later.

Now, let's look at what there are consequences of a love spell. Moreover, we will talk about the consequences of a love spell both for the bewitched (the one who was bewitched) and for the bewitcher (the one who bewitched).

First, the consequences of a love spell for the one who was bewitched. First of all, a constant struggle begins to occur within a person. Two people live in it, two opposing forces. The first Power is the person himself, the second is the love spell program. The person himself wants to live freely and independently decide who to love and who to be with. The love spell program, on the contrary, 24 hours a day pulls him towards the “object” to which he was bewitched. The consequence of this constant internal struggle is, first, depression, headaches, and out-of-nowhere (seemingly causeless) aggression. But these are just flowers. Further - more. The human condition is not just similar, it is almost identical to the state of a drug addict in the withdrawal stage, when he needs a new dose and is ready to go very far to get it. Believe me, I am not exaggerating; I have seen this with my own eyes many times. The person is literally torn to pieces. What's next? Further, the consequences of the love spell begin to manifest themselves in the form of mental disorders and physical illnesses. And the most diverse, each in its own way. A person is trying to be treated, but modern medicine does not have a diagnosis of “love spell”. And heart disease, kidney disease, impotence, etc., are just consequences of this constant internal confrontation. As a result, some become drunkards, some end up in a mental hospital. But! But Always a person is stronger than a love spell. And the effect of a love spell is not endless, even if the one who bewitches will constantly update it. The will of a person is stronger and, in the end, he (the person) defeats the love spell. Exhausted, with a crippled psyche and fate, but still victorious.

What about the other side? The one who bewitched. Maybe there won’t be any negative consequences for her from the love spell? She seemed to want happiness and love. But she, too, will not receive either happiness or love from the love spell. Quite the opposite. Target doesn't justify means. And retribution will not take long to arrive. Mental disorders, physical illnesses, infertility (in both men and women) - this is not a complete list of disastrous consequences for the one who bewitched. After all, when a person said that he wanted Love, he actually wanted a slave, a zombie. In the end, he himself will pay the price, through loneliness, illness, and slavery. Don't dig a hole for someone else.

Some people say that I cast a spell and nothing happened, I live normally, everything is fine. With such statements, these people deceive themselves and mislead other people. Remember how Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn expected that immediately after Injun Joe lied about the murder, the thunder of heaven would immediately fall on his head and wondered why the blow was so slow. It's the same here. When a seed goes into the ground, it will not bear fruit immediately. It needs time and conditions to grow, bloom and bear fruit. Moreover, different plants have different periods of flowering and fruit ripening. Everything has its time, and if the negative consequences of a love spell did not appear immediately (or even after some time), this does not mean that they will not appear at all. They can appear tomorrow, in a month, in a year. They will manifest themselves when needed (in each case individually), but they will manifest themselves in any case; there are no exceptions here and cannot be.

And I will now explain why. The Law of Retribution has acted, operates and will operate on Earth. In different teachings and religions it is called differently - the Law of Karma, Cosmic Justice, God's Court, fate, the law of the boomerang. The names are different, but the essence is the same - what goes around comes around. If you sow something good, you will receive a good result; if you sow something bad, you will reap the corresponding result. In a different way doesn't happen. Therefore, from bad comes bad, from good comes good. In a different way doesn't happen. Good cannot come from bad and bad cannot come from good. This rule must be understood and learned. After all, in life we ​​constantly sow what we will reap tomorrow, and reap the fruits of what we sowed yesterday. And often a person cannot see and correctly establish relationships. And, knowing the rule “from good - good, from bad - bad,” this is much easier to do.

But let's get back to the love spell. As I already said, there is no need to hope that by doing a bad act you can get a positive consequence; this is basically impossible. Love spell is no exception here. Violence begets violence, it cannot be any other way. And everyone who says the opposite either does not understand what they are saying, or deliberately misleads other people, pursuing their own selfish goals. They look for “simpletons” who believe that he will do something nasty, but nothing will happen to him for it. (When the law of conservation of energy was taught in physics at school, they were probably absent and sick). I sincerely wish you not to fall into the ranks of these “gullible Buratins” and cripple your Life with your own hands.

Please, everyone who has encountered a love spell, write about it in the comments or send me your stories, I will publish them on the site. Let's work together to ensure that people better distinguish good from bad and the world around becomes better and brighter.

Is a love spell dangerous and what could be the consequences?

IN modern world Many people are interested in magic. Love spells are especially popular. That is why the question of why a love spell is dangerous is very relevant. First of all, it should be understood that the love spell involves a certain violence against a person at the energy level. Therefore, you should be aware that there are no absolutely safe love spells.

There is a huge variety of love spell rituals, they differ in strength and method of influence. Rituals that belong to the means of white magic are considered relatively safe, but they should be used only for good purposes, for example, in order to return a confused spouse to the family or attract the attention of the person you like.

It is very important to know how dangerous a love spell is if you plan to use a black magic ritual. Such a ritual involves an appeal to dark forces and, if performed incorrectly, can seriously harm not only the person being bewitched, but also the performer or customer of the ritual.

The danger of a love spell for the victim

The negative consequences of a love spell concern, first of all, the victim. This is due to the fact that his natural energy metabolism, which is very dangerous for overall health. Initially, this is expressed in general weakness and malaise, after which existing chronic diseases may worsen.

In severe cases, when a bewitched person begins to resist external foreign influences, the following develops:

  • Insomnia;
  • Nightmares;
  • Problems with potency in men;
  • Gynecological problems in women.

The moral state of the bewitched person deteriorates immediately after the ceremony. Internally this is manifested by spiritual emptiness, and externally by apathy and complete indifference to the world around us. Over time, if sincere love does not begin to awaken in a person’s soul, then the person begins to subconsciously look for a way out of the current situation, which, of course, he does not find. Therefore, the victim of a love spell becomes irritable and suspicious, and against the background of this state, aggressiveness often develops.

Persistent internal devastation can even lead to suicide. It is at this moment that the bewitched person needs the help of loved ones who will recognize the love spell and help remove it. Also, against the background of suppressed will, a bewitched person often develops a craving for alcoholism and drug addiction or other harmful addictions arise.

A love spell is very dangerous for a person with strong natural energy. His consciousness will constantly fight with the imposed external influence desires, and this can lead to mental disorder. When you are around such a person, you need to prepare for frequent changes in his mood. He can carry you in his arms and idolize you, and after a while hit you, and a little later sincerely ask for forgiveness. In severe cases, if a person is not given timely help, he may end up in a psychiatric hospital.

After a love spell, the consciousness of the victim changes. This is due, first of all, to the fact that mentally a person is always close to the person who performed the ritual. Therefore, it is quite difficult for him to keep track of all the things he has done previously. In this regard, problems often arise in the business sphere. Victims of love spells quite often lose their jobs or go bankrupt having their own business.

Altered consciousness leads to a dulling of the sense of self-preservation. Therefore, a bewitched person often finds himself in dangerous, life-threatening situations. And the longer the love spell lasts, the more the victim’s energy field is destroyed. But in any case, even if the love spell is removed almost immediately, the victim will never be able to fully recover. The love spell leaves an imprint for life.

The danger of a love spell for the customer

A reverse energy strike always occurs during any love spell ritual. But it can be stronger or weaker depending on the type of ritual chosen. In addition, there are ways to minimize negative consequences and they should never be neglected. It should be remembered that by interfering in the fate of another person, the customer assumes enormous responsibility.

The customer’s retribution for violence against another person can be:

  • Sudden deterioration in health and the occurrence of serious illnesses that cannot be treated with traditional methods;
  • Problems in the financial sector;
  • Nightmares and insomnia.

In addition, the customer of the love spell suffers greatly even if the love spell is diagnosed and removed in a timely manner. This leads to the fact that the rejected negative is completely returned to the one who purposefully sent it. The consequences of black magic rituals, in particular blood love spells, are very dangerous for the customer. In this case, the genetic memory program begins to work. Negativity is inherited and as a result future generations may suffer.

You should understand that life with a bewitched person can turn into hell. He will strive, he will always be nearby, and jealousy will overwhelm him without any reason. Love spells aimed at sexual attachment become especially difficult for living together.

In addition, one should take into account possible side effects any love spell that no one, not even the most experienced magician, can predict. For example, a cemetery ceremony, if something goes wrong, can open a permanent channel between the customer and the other world. This will lead to the fact that gradually the strength of the person who ordered the ritual will fade away and this will lead to death.

Also dangerous are demonic rituals that involve the help of demons in solving love problems. These creatures of the other world are unpredictable, and only a professional magician who always puts up the necessary protections can control them.

Despite all of the above, quite often the negative consequences of a love spell ritual end in slight illness for the victim and the customer. This is due to the fact that in the modern world, magical rituals are often performed independently at home. But not many people can make a strong, energetic, targeted message. And, as a rule, love spells performed independently can attract the attention of the person you like, but do not force him to be nearby all the time.

Powerful rituals that can have negative consequences Even the most experienced magicians do not recommend this. After all, artificially created love attraction will never replace real, sincere feelings. If you like a person and you need to attract his attention, then it is better to visit the temple, light candles for health and turn to the Lord God with a prayer for help. The Holy Mother of God also helps to connect destinies. Remember that you can turn to magic only if all the methods of attracting a person to you have been used, and your soul continues to be torn apart.

what does a love spell mean for the one who bewitched

Magic is a delicate area, the use of which must be very careful. Incorrectly performed love spell rituals have consequences that are quite difficult to overcome.

Nothing can be worse than unrequited love. Some girls and boys use a variety of methods, including magical rituals, to win a loved one. At that moment, few people think about what they will have to pay for using a love spell. However, the consequences of the ritual can be very dire.

A love spell is a magical ritual performed to change the feelings of a loved one. The main purpose of imposing a love ritual is to make the loved one constantly think about the person who ordered the ritual, strive for him and, most importantly, fall in love with him.

The desire for power over another person is in all cases considered selfish, so the consequences manifest themselves quite quickly.

Love spells come in white and black, just like...

There are various love spells for which...

Don't get what you want

By performing various love spells, the customer (or the performer himself, if the ritual is performed independently) forcibly influences a specific person. In most cases, such influence goes against the will of the victim. For example, a love spell can connect two people, but at the same time make them unhappy.

A person under the influence of magic begins to change, to do what he recently did not like, to love someone who is unpleasant to him. Often a bewitched person loses himself, his former appearance, ceases to enjoy life, he may begin to have thoughts of suicide, etc. And as a result of all this, the customer did not achieve what he wanted, but only ruined the life of his loved one and his own.

Fulfillment of desire, BUT

Even if the magical ritual affected the beloved exactly as the customer of the love spell wanted and the relationship really became warm, and the union brought only joy to both, however, there is a small BUT. Such an outcome is possible, but only if the customer and the victim were previously predisposed to love relationships. For example, people were destined to be together.

However, having accelerated this process, the initiator and his victim still cannot avoid the consequences of magic, albeit not immediately, but after some time. The consequences for the couple can be very serious tests in the relationship that threaten to end in separation.

What can happen after a love spell

In the best case scenario, the consequences of love spells are solvable for the couple. These could be minor quarrels, threats to relationships from others, etc.

Having passed all the tests, both the customer and the person bewitched by him will pay for the perfect magical ritual. In addition, the relationship will only strengthen in this case. Magicians claim that this kind of consequences is a test of whether the newly formed couple is worthy of happiness.

In the worst case, the consequences of magical rituals, for example, through monthly blood, from photographs, etc. may become intractable and dangerous to health and life. To soften the terrible magical blow, it is better for the customer to give up what he wants and contact a magic specialist to remove the love spell.

Love spell from a photograph

A love spell from a photo is a fairly popular method of influence in magic, but at the same time it is also one of the most dangerous. The consequences of the ritual are serious for the victim - his fate is reprogrammed. As a result of strong energetic influence, the will of the bewitched person is blocked, he quickly weakens, gets tired, and health problems appear.

Before performing a love spell, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

In addition, the object of the love spell experiences gradual mental destruction, which is accompanied by a decrease in the emotional background, irritability, depression, contradictory actions and thoughts. At first, a person resists the sudden energy impact, and when he has no strength left, he falls into an apathetic and depressive state.

Psychological and physical consequences of love spells

Love spells are associated with the subjugation of a person’s personality and feelings, and as a result of this, the victim of the ritual, instead of love, may develop hatred for the person who ordered the magic ritual. All this leads to the fact that the customer, bewitching a full-fledged person, receives a broken person, experiencing a feeling of disgust, depression, anxiety and hatred of the “slave”.

The victim of a love spell cannot be close to the one who ordered or performed the ritual, but he is also unable to leave him. This condition, caused by magic, over time leads to impotence, alcoholism, neuroses, depression, and significant changes in appearance and character. As a result, the customer (or performer) of a love spell receives a beloved person with a tormented soul as a “reward”. Of course, in this case you should not expect a calm family life filled with love and respect.

During the ritual, the energy paths through which the victim had lived until that moment are blocked, and instead a new path is formed connecting the “slave” and the “master.” In turn, the customer gives his energy to the one who was subordinated. It is these circumstances that explain the emergence of such a strong connection between the new couple.

The division of vital forces threatens the customer with the same consequences as the victim - chronic diseases, irritation, neuroses, infertility, etc. As a result of turning to magic, two human destinies turn out to be broken - the initiator of the ritual and its victim.

Another characteristic consequence of a love spell is the occurrence of financial difficulties. This is explained by the fact that the object of the magical ritual does not have enough energy to implement previously set plans, he loses interest in everything that interested him, and gradually this leads to constant failures in all endeavors.

Love spell on blood

Special talk about love spells using menstrual blood. A woman, wanting to receive her lover in this way, has no idea what terrible torment she is dooming him and herself to.

A man under the influence of a black love spell quickly loses his virility, becomes impotent, and constantly finds himself in bad situations and accidents. In this regard, he develops aggressiveness and hatred towards the person who ordered the ritual (he subconsciously understands who is to blame for what happened).

The consequences of the ritual on menstruation are very dangerous for both, since damage through blood is the only magical seal that has the power of cursing the male line. Often a man who receives a love spell loses his mind, and such people do not live long. For a love spell through menstruation, a woman can get a serious cancer disease, a crown of celibacy, the inability to give birth to children, etc.

Consequences of an incorrect love spell

Magic is a delicate area, the use of which must be very careful. Incorrectly performed love spell rituals have consequences that are quite difficult to overcome. These include:

  • complete absence of the expected result (return or awakening of love passion, sexual attraction, etc.);
  • the opposite result (the appearance of hatred, hostility in the victim of a love spell towards the one who bewitched him);
  • zombification of the object of a magical ritual;
  • the appearance of nervousness, aggressiveness, anxiety, and craving for alcoholic beverages in the bewitched person;
  • deterioration in physical well-being, the occurrence of various diseases in the object of the love spell;
  • consequences for the customer of the love spell, which include health problems, etc.

In ancient times, all love spells were considered types of the evil eye and damage.

One of the subjects of love magic was the study of rituals that protected against the effects of such love spells.

Since then, the mechanism of action has not changed, their goal is still “damage to love,” and their popularity among people is mainly due to ignorance of all the negative consequences.

Our ancestors also knew that love spells act in the same way as damage, and therefore did not dare to use them.

Instead, they preferred to use self-improvement to conquer a loved one, believing that love magic was not only dangerous, but also invented for insecure and weak people.