Spider in the house: we rejoice at good omens, we turn away bad ones. Why do you dream about red spiders: interpretation of the dream

Representatives of the genus Loxosceles from the family of brown recluse spiders are also known as reaper spiders and violin spiders, some of which are dangerous to humans. The most famous is the brown recluse spider, Loxosceles reclusa, which is one of the 3 most poisonous arthropod species in the United States. He shares “prize places” with his “brother” the Chilean hermit (Loxosceles Laeta) and. They are only more poisonous, but they do not live in North America.


Hermit spiders are inhabitants of warm regions in the Old and New Worlds, although this is a relative concept. The areas where representatives of the genus Loxosceles live include states with continental climate. Frosts in the range of brown recluse spiders can reach -38°C.

Loxosceles Reclusa was introduced by humans to the African continent and South America. Therefore, today representatives of this species can be found on 3 continents.


Under natural conditions, spiders hide under stones and snags. But in populated areas crawl into human houses, where they build nests in basements. You can even meet a recluse spider in the bed under the pillow if it crawls there. The brown spider Loxosceles reclusa can only bite a person in self-defense if you try to catch or pin him down.


Color can vary even within the same species and depends on the surrounding area. The color is:

  • brown;
  • gray;
  • dirty yellow.

There are even dark green individuals.


Brown with long paws spider is a Chilean species of hermit.

In terms of toxicity, the “Chilean” is somewhat inferior to its brown counterpart. In many bites, the Chilean recluse was blamed unfairly, since the “culprit” was some other spider or insect. But there are claims that a “Chilean” bite leads to death in 3 out of 10 cases.

Among the “American” hermits there is a red-colored spider (loxosceles rufescens), living in Hawaii. It is also inferior in toxicity to brown.


In Russia, hermits are found as having been brought along with fruits from warm countries, except Mediterranean type Loxosceles rufescens. The Mediterranean hermit is found in warm regions of Russia, and has also spread throughout the world with the help of humans. Arthropod of small size. It has a red-brown color. Sometimes the color of an individual of this species can be yellow-brown. Toxicity has not been confirmed.


The brown recluse spider is often called another species belonging to the genus Coelotes from.

190 species of the genus Coelotes are distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Europe, but their bite does not pose a danger to humans. Arthropods hide in natural shelters, and it is difficult for humans to cross paths with them unless they specifically catch the animal.

Hermit lifestyle

The brown spider prefers to settle in secluded corners where it can catch small insects. But he prefers active hunting. For this reason, it often ends up in human homes. Males spend a significant part of their time hunting, leaving the web. Females prefer to hunt close to the nest. Lead night look life.

The lifespan of most species is 1.5-2 years. The brown recluse lives for 7 years.


Arthropods of the genus Loxosceles breed from May to July. Over 2-3 months, the female makes several cocoons with 5 eggs in each. She places them in her web. The presence of cocoons with eggs is the reason why the female can bite on her own initiative.

The spiderlings hatch 30 days after laying. Young animals reach puberty only after a year of life.


Brown recluses can live without water or food for about 6 months. In the laboratory, a specimen of this species existed for 5 years.

Because of global warming Scientists have expressed concerns about the expansion of the range of Loxosceles Reclusa. But spiderlings of this species do not use webs to disperse through the air over long distances. Therefore, the world is threatened only by the increased density of spiders in their ancestral territory.

Consequences of a bite

What happens after a recluse spider bites depends on how effectively it hunted. That is, from the presence of poison. If the hunt was successful and the poison was used to capture the victim, the attack may go unnoticed. If the spider is hungry and has a lot of poison, the consequences of the bite can be much more severe. At large quantities poison, a necrotic ulcer forms on the affected area.

Since these spiders are often confused with other species, there is a serious discrepancy in the sensations of a person during a bite. Some people feel it like the pain of a wasp sting, but for others it goes unnoticed.

The effect of the poison appears 2-8 hours after the bite. The victim appears:

  • fever;
  • nausea;
  • malaise.


Further hemolysis and thrombocytopenia develop. A gangrenous scab appears at the site, which subsequently develops into a necrotic ulcer. The size of the ulcer can reach 25 cm. Healing takes from 3 months to six months. At the site of the ulcer, a depression remains forever in the muscles.

If the body is weakened, due to internal bleeding after a bite, death is possible.

Help with a bite

First of all, you need to try to catch the object so that the doctors in the hospital can determine which serum to inject. If it is not possible to catch, ice is applied to the bite site to slow the spread of the venom. After which, or simultaneously with the search for ice, emergency assistance is called. But more often, bites either pass without consequences or go unnoticed.

Dream Interpretation offers wide range predictions about what a red spider dreams about. The symbol foreshadows wealth and bankruptcy, ups and downs in interpersonal relationships, slippery situations and brilliant prospects. Everything is decided by the details seen in a dream.

Miller's dream book is one of the few interpreters in which killing a red spider is a good omen. What such a symbol means in a dream means social rise, popularity and respect from others. And all this thanks to a single trick.

However, do not rush to be upset if the attempt fails and the potential victim escapes. In this case, financial success lies ahead.


In Adaskina’s dream book there is an explanation of what the main spider attribute—web—means. If the hero of the dream appears at work, peace and prosperity await the sleeping person’s family. The sorceress Medea believes that anyone who happens to see a suspiciously large specimen risks ending up like a fly, caught in the net of an insidious enemy.

When a patient dreams of a spider crawling up its creation, the state of health will noticeably improve; if it goes down, this means good news. If you had to see how he decided to sway, the dream book calls for vigilance.

Special features

Often, a red spider in a dream has special markings or has certain skills. The dream book will tell you why this or that sign is dreamed of.

  • A golden hue portends such a large income that you will not be sorry to leave your previous job;
  • Seeing a bright orange creature happens to those who do not develop their talent in vain;
  • Dark, almost brown, promises financial difficulties;
  • Light redhead in a dream portends changes for the better;
  • Spotted and colorful ones promise good news;
  • If you dreamed of a red spider that can swim, you will receive a lucrative offer;
  • Seeing someone jumping happens shortly before a sharp turn of fate;
  • If these creatures fight among themselves, in reality the enemies will neutralize each other;
  • If you dreamed of a flying red spider, your enemies are powerless.


There are many interpretations of why a hostile red spider appeared in a dream. A frightening image and the dreamer's reaction in a dream can tell a lot about future events. If you dreamed poisonous bite, in reality you should beware of deception in any form: both from the outside and from your own side. There is a high probability of getting caught in your own networks.

If you are lucky enough to see the attacking aggressor, but wake up a moment before the bite, the enemies will only be able to harm you indirectly. For example, spreading bad rumors.

When the arachnid can be destroyed, the immediate problem can be solved easily, but not for free. Chasing him portends a love affair. Severe fear in a dream indicates indecision in business and personal life.


It’s interesting to know why you dream about a kind little red spider and how you interact with it. If he is so kind because he is a toy, the lovers’ dream book believes that the one sleeping point-blank does not notice the falseness in the relationship.

When you have managed to feed and pet this creature, in reality someone will try to gain your trust, but will be successfully exposed.

Closer to the body

The dream book of the healer Akulina considers what a pregnant woman dreams of seeing a red spider crawling on her as an unkind sign, a harbinger of health problems.

When in a dream the arachnid was on its back, in reality cover your rear. Once on the head, the symbol warns of the appearance of a traitor or energy vampire. Its presence in the mouth encourages you to think twice before speaking.

On the love front

The Islamic dream book contains an instructive interpretation of the dream of what a red spider dreams about. A relationship with a married person puts your reputation at risk. Finding an uninvited guest in the marital bed in a dream happens shortly before a family conflict.

An unnaturally large specimen warns that seemingly harmless flirting threatens to go too far. Vanga's dream book believes that you dreamed of the image on the eve of a fateful conversation.

Brown recluse spider, whose name in Latin is Loxosceles reclusa, is a highly poisonous arthropod.

The consequences of its bite can be extremely dangerous to human health. In this article we will look at what a recluse spider looks like, the dangers of its bite, and how to help a victim of its poison.

Appearance and dimensions

Recognizing a recluse spider is relatively easy:

  1. Despite the name, the body of Loxosceles reclusa is not always brown in color - it can be gray or brownish-yellow. The size of females in this species is slightly larger than the size of males.
  2. Representatives of this species of spider have an unusual marking - a brown spot in the shape of a violin. This is a feature of adult hermits, but sometimes it is also present in younger individuals.

    Did you know? Arachnophobia is the fear of representativesa squad of spiders. This phobia is one of the most common in the world and affects approximately 10% of men and 50% of women. The severity of the phobia can vary in one direction or another.

  3. Clear difference brown recluse from other arachnoids in the number of eyes. He has only three pairs of them, while other spiders have four, i.e. 8 pieces.
  4. In a calm state, the hermit’s paws are placed on the sides of the body, but in case of alarm, he immediately takes a protective position: he pulls his front legs under him, raises his pedipalps and straightens his hind limbs.
  5. The back color of adult Loxosceles reclusa varies from tan to dark brown.
  6. The belly and legs are evenly colored, without stripes or spots. The legs are long and thin, without noticeable spines. The abdomen is covered with fine, short hairs that, when viewed without magnification under a microscope, may appear like soft fur.
  7. The joints of the limbs are slightly lighter in color than the legs.

Where does it live?

Loxosceles can live almost all over the world in warm, tropical regions. This species is common in some areas of the United States of America (Southern California, Colorado, New Mexico).

The appearance of these spiders in other countries can happen by accident - they are transported along with cargo by air or across the ocean. They have not yet been seen in Russia and Ukraine. In nature, brown recluse spiders live outdoors under rocks, logs, and woody debris.

The spider can also live in the same room with people. Hermits are resilient enough to survive winters in unheated basements or stifling summer heat in attics, going for months without food or water.

During the daytime, brown recluse spiders usually hide in dark, secluded areas, living up to their nickname. Adult females rarely travel far from their shelter, while males and young females are more mobile and prone to long-distance travel.

Video: about the recluse spider They are the ones who often get into shoes, clothes or beds at night and bite people when accidental contact between the spider and a person occurs.

Sometimes Loxosceles reclusa can be seen during the daytime - they move along the floor, walls and other open surfaces. This behavior may be caused by hunger, pesticide use, or other factors.

How to hunt and what to eat

Loxosceles reclusa hunts at night, catching insects. It does not use a web to capture prey - webs on walls, ceilings, bushes or trees almost always belong to harmless spiders.

Their presence in the house is also unpleasant for many people, but these spiders also prey on brown recluses, thereby bringing benefits.

Loxosceles reclusa is a small spider, does not produce hunting nets, so it hunts its prey in the classic way: it catches up, attacks, injects poison and immobilizes it, killing the victim with poison.
The venom of the brown recluse is lethal to insects - it is very toxic substance, the nature of which is not fully understood. Loxosceles reclusa hunts only small insects whose size is much smaller than its own.

Did you know? With the exception of one family (Uloboridae), all spiders are poisonous. They use venom to obtain food and when they bite their prey, they squeeze their venom glands, sending the venom through their fangs into the victim's body. Spider venom paralyzes prey.


Spiders lay their eggs on a bed of silk, which they prepare immediately after mating. As soon as the clutch is finished, the female covers it a large number cobwebs, which makes the cocoon dense and waterproof. Cocoons look like whitish round bags, the size of which does not exceed 7–8 mm.

Each cocoon contains about 40–50 eggs. After hatching, the baby spiderlings grow, gradually increasing in size, molting five to eight times as they mature before reaching sexual maturity.
Loxosceles reclusa become adults about a year after birth and live from 2 to 4 years. Females lay up to 5 egg cocoons throughout their lives. Infestation levels of these spiders in homes vary greatly, from the presence of one or a few specimens to several hundred.

Consequences and help with a bite

Like other spiders, the brown recluse is not aggressive. The majority of accidents occur if a person accidentally crushes the spider and the arachnoid comes into contact with bare skin.

Some people can be bitten in bed, other bites occur when moving things and pieces of furniture, or when a person puts on clothes that the spider has recently chosen for its daytime hiding place.

Loxosceles reclusa have very small mandibles and cannot bite through clothing. Initially, the bite is painless. Often the victim does not become aware of the bite until the bitten area becomes red and swollen 3 to 8 hours later.
Most spider bites remain localized and recovery occurs within 3 weeks without serious complications or the need for medical intervention.

In other cases, the victim may develop a necrotic lesion, which appears as a dry, bluish patch on the skin with jagged edges, a pale center, and peripheral redness.

Often there is an ulcer within the lesion. As the venom continues to destroy tissue, the wound may grow larger over several days or weeks.

If subcutaneous fat necrosis has begun, it may take up to three years. Complications include local nerve damage and secondary infection. A necrotic ulcer leaves a deep scar after healing.

Often bites in the early stages (in the first 72 hours) cause people to:

  • fever;
  • chills;
  • dizziness;
  • rash;
  • vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • myalgia;
  • arthralgia;
  • maculopapular rash and leukocytosis.

Sometimes hemolytic anemia, hemoglobinuria and renal failure develop, which can lead to death. The wound must be washed, a sterile bandage and a cold compress applied.

Important!Severe reactions to Loxosceles reclusa venom are more common in children, the elderly, and patients in poor health.

The affected limb should be immobilized, it should be given an elevated position, and if necessary, analgesics and antibiotics should be administered. Anti-spider poisoning serum is effective but not approved for use in all countries. The drug can be used only after the inflammation has subsided.

Difficulties in diagnosis

Spider bites are difficult to diagnose even for doctors. It is especially difficult to do this, relying only on appearance wounds.

Externally, a necrotic wound is very similar to the consequences of other diseases:

  • bacterial and fungal infections;
  • gangrene;
  • diabetic or peptic ulcer disease;
  • outbreak of the bacterial infectious disease Staphyloccus aureus.

How to Avoid Bites

If these are still found in the house poisonous spiders- precautions must be taken to protect people from possible bites:

  1. Beds should be kept away from the walls.
  2. Carpets, stripes, curtains, draperies must be temporarily removed.
  3. Shoes and clothing should also be stored in zippered plastic bags or at least shaken well before being worn. Remove clutter from your home and store rarely used items in a plastic containers with sealed lids.
  4. After preliminary preparation, all corners and crevices in the house are treated with poisons against arachnoids.

Important!If there is an assumption that the victim was bitten by Loxosceles reclusa, but this occurs outside the usual territorial habitat of these spiders, then you need to carefully inspect the room and find the individualto pass it on to doctors. Identification and confirmation of its toxicity will help the doctor correctly prescribe a course of treatment.

The brown recluse spider does not live in large numbers in our area, but there is always a possibility that a poisonous guest could be brought into the country along with imported goods.
To avoid trouble, you need to make it a rule to shake your clothes before putting them on and inspect them. bed sheets, before going to bed, and in case of detection of uninvited guests, treat secluded corners in the house with insecticides.

One of the smallest, and one of the most poisonous, perhaps this can be briefly described brown spider- the hermit, which is often called the lone spider. If you meet this baby at the wrong time and in the wrong place, you can pay a huge price for it, because its bite is incredibly dangerous for humans.

Where does he live?

From the midwestern United States all the way to the Gulf of Mexico, and its relative, the red recluse spider, is often found in Hawaii. They are located in cracks under stones, in small holes under tree roots, and other places where there are crevices, weaving there a soft bed of cobwebs. The brown spider really likes it where there is a tree and twilight. It can increasingly be found in basements, sheds, manholes, and adapts perfectly to environment, changed by man.

What does it look like?

Incredibly tiny - the size of the spider, including the span of its legs, can be only 5-25 millimeters!

Females, as often happens, are larger than males. For greater camouflage, nature has awarded them not only a small size, but also suitable color- brown, gray, dark yellow, making the spider impossible to notice immediately. On the cephalothorax you can see a pattern that is somewhat similar to a violin.

However, this is not a distinctive sign of this type of spider; its other brethren also have such marks. Brown lonely spiders have 6 eyes, that is, only 3 pairs, and not 4, as is customary for most spiders.

The life and adventures of a little spider

The brown recluse spider hunts mainly at night. Males willingly leave their “home” and can wander anywhere in search of prey, including human habitation. Females leave their homes reluctantly; they prefer to hunt close to the house, sometimes without moving even a dozen meters.

The lifespan of these spiders is on average 2-4 years. Your eggs, like sacs white, the female stores it in very carefully selected, hidden places. Babies molt up to 10 times as they grow up.

Brown spider and man

The brown spider is incredibly dangerous for humans. Due to the fact that a spider can wander into a person’s house, climb into clothes scattered on the floor or even into a bed, or sit in the carpet, the likelihood of an unpleasant encounter increases significantly.

And the brown spider's tiny size makes it difficult to detect. The brown spider never attacks first; it does so only in self-defense. It bites people if they, without noticing it, sit on it, or begin to deliberately disturb it. You should never pick up a spider; it is better to give it the opportunity to hide unhindered, because curiosity can be very expensive.

The venom of the brown spider has a slightly different effect than that of or. However, it is extremely toxic and dangerous.

Signs and superstitions about spiders 4.43 /5 (7 votes)

Spiders have long been considered one of the mystical creatures. It was believed that they were friends with evil spirits. The Slavs, for example, believed that eight-legged animals were the pets of the brownie, and cohabitation with these insects most often meant a favorable outcome. Therefore, under no circumstances should you see a spider. it was not allowed to push or drive away- luck left home with him.

The ancient Slavs had a belief, that if you swallow a spider, it will lead to pain in the stomach and head, as well as numerous health problems. In Europe, on the contrary, spiders were highly respected and were considered guardians of the hearth and excellent fly catchers.

They were actively used in magical rites and rituals, they were swallowed whole alive and added in dried form to potions. It was believed that carrying live spiders with you in a bag would help get rid of asthma and malaria.

Of course, spiders are not the most pleasant insects, but according to beliefs and folk wisdom, they are the guardians of the house and cannot be killed.

Folk signs: if you saw a spider

If you periodically see spiders in your home, don’t be upset - this speaks of peace and prosperity in the family. It is very good to see a cobweb over a bed or over a workplace, which indicates good luck and happiness. But if a cobweb is woven in the kitchen or above the door, this promises discord in your personal life and troubles in the family, in this case you should general cleaning throughout the house with salt.

Spiders are different in color and move differently. If the spider goes down, then this means that you will soon have guests; if it goes up, then wait for news. Killing a spider, even by accident, is considered a great misfortune. Black and red spiders bring misfortune, while white ones promise joy and satisfaction.

Exist as harmless, so dangerous spiders, for example, the cross spider, whose poison can even kill a person.

Spiders in mythology

In ancient mythology spiders were called arachnids and they were negative characters who sucked all the vital juices out of people. The image of a spider is associated with the house, its protection; here a parallel can clearly be drawn with a cancer, which constantly backs away and tries to sit in a quiet hole, but unlike its brother, it rarely attacks and is a purely peaceful creature.

Spiders and the weather

Spiders are good weather predictors:

  • if they roll up their web, it will rain;
  • if it gets on your face, then it means clear weather;
  • if you see that the spider has not rolled up its web even during the rain, then it will be insignificant and short-lived;
  • if you see a spider weaving a web, then the weather will change;

Spiders in the house

If you see a spider running across or on the floor, then it is possible to move.

If he came down from the ceiling straight into your hands, then expect it from fate.

If there are too many spiders in yours, this indicates dampness in the room.

Spiders actively help rid the house of flies, which is very important in the autumn - summer period, however, then you will have to collect an unaesthetic web with the corpses of all kinds of insects.

Spiders in magic

In magic, spiders are widely used to take away a person’s memory, to force them into difficult circumstances, to scare them, but meanwhile, powder from some types of spider legs can heal a person from ailments. Medieval witches carried dried spiders around their necks or in their pockets, believing that they thereby strengthened their magical powers, luring victims into their networks. But, as a rule, they did not achieve anything by this except the fires of the Holy Inquisition.

Good omens about spiders

When to determine What does an insect bring with it - trouble or joy? Apart from observing his behavior, nothing else is needed. If you don't bother the spider, and if you don't blame him, he's just a messenger.

  • It is believed that when a spider descends its web, the owner of the house is waiting unexpected surprise, good news, a long-awaited guest.
  • An insect landing on your hand warns of imminent profit.
  • Meeting him on the street in daylight means expecting quick love.
  • Accidentally tearing off a cobweb means being rich in the future.
  • When you see a spider, you definitely need to make a wish - if it starts to fall down on the web, the wish of the person who made it will be fulfilled.
  • A spider falling on clothes symbolizes a quick replenishment of the budget.
  • Seeing an insect in the evening means a quick deal, a successful contract, or an unexpected offer.
  • Weaving a web, a spider speaks of imminent profit.
  • Spider white, silver, red, brown promises happiness.
  • A spider crawling upward warns of an upcoming good event or good news.
  • Hidden in things, an insect should not frighten or cause unpleasant emotions. A spider among personal belongings indicates a quick addition to the items in which it was found.
  • Having noticed a spider in their bathroom, the owners of the house should think about their life - whether everything is fine with them.
  • The web has a remarkable esoteric ability: after any quarrels, insults, or misfortunes in the house, it takes all the bad energy upon itself, thus cleansing the house.
  • An insect running across the table foreshadowed a quick trip, a trip, a housewarming party.
  • If part of your face gets caught in a cobweb, it means good weather.
  • When there are a lot of spiders in a house, it means that its inhabitants do not need to worry about the possibility of spiders.

Bad omens about spiders

  • Killing a spider means depriving yourself of good luck for some time, and maybe even your health.
  • When a spider descends the wall, it announces imminent loss, material or spiritual.
  • A spider of yellow, orange and black colors most often informs the observer of impending misfortune.
  • Those who see a spider will be unhappy in marriage.
  • If an arthropod suddenly falls on your head, it portends illness, loss, or personal problems.
  • A girl who sees a spider's web above the door should think about her partner's fidelity; this is usually how a spider warns of betrayal.
  • spiders do not bode well. Especially if there were a lot of them or you dreamed of large black spiders.
  • Meeting a spider in the morning means suffering failures all day.
  • The cobwebs twisted next to the icons carried bad news.

Like all superstitions, signs about spiders have no meaning if you don’t believe in them. However, we should not forget that these insects are somehow connected with other worlds, which means that sometimes you need to listen to popular beliefs.

Video signs and superstitions about spiders