The best Christmas fortune telling: for the betrothed, for marriage, for wealth. All about Christmas time and fortune telling

Prophetic dreams have not yet been fully studied. Many consider them magical and mystical. There are special practices that allow you to find out answers to questions of interest or future events with the help of dreams. These can also include Christmas fortune telling, special rituals and conspiracies that allow you to see the image of your betrothed in a dream and even talk to him. You can also use complex rituals performed at night, which will help you look at your future husband in a mirror or water.

Rules for telling fortunes about your betrothed

Christmas fortune-telling has always been very popular, because they were considered the most accurate. The fortune telling period continues from January 7th to 19th. At this time unmarried girls cast a spell on the betrothed every day, wanting to know his appearance, character, profession, wealth, etc.

Christmastide rituals are usually performed at night or late in the evening.

Despite the high reliability of the predictions received during this period, in order for the answers to intimate questions to be the most truthful, several simple conditions must be observed:

  1. 1. You cannot take fortune telling lightly, otherwise the result will be incorrect.
  2. 2. Particular attention should be paid to choosing the place where the ritual will take place. In Rus', so-called “unclean” places were used for them - a bathhouse, an attic, a basement, an abandoned old house, any other room where, according to legend, otherworldly forces can dwell.
  3. 3. You can only light a room with candles.
  4. 4. Remove all icons in the fortune telling room.
  5. 5. You need to cast a spell in complete solitude. Neither people, nor animals, nor extraneous sounds or noise should distract from the process.
  6. 6. You need to fully concentrate and concentrate on your question. It needs to be formulated briefly and clearly so that it is easy to answer.
  7. 7. You must remove your cross, rings, bracelets and other jewelry.
  8. 8. It is advisable to let your hair down.
  9. 9. You cannot cross your arms and legs.
  10. 10. You don’t have to tell anyone about what you saw for the predictions to come true.

The most true fortune telling to sleep - how to see your betrothed?

What should you do to have a dream about your betrothed?

Marriage is considered important point in the life of any woman. There are a lot of simple and accessible rituals and methods of divination to make you dream prophetic dream about your future spouse.

The following points are worth considering:

  • the fortuneteller must sleep in the room absolutely alone;
  • after saying the magic words before going to bed, you should not talk to anyone else;
  • to receive accurate prediction you need to go to bed in the opposite direction from your usual one;
  • turn the sheet and pillow upside down;
  • nightgown put on inside out.

Easy fortune telling for dreams

Christmas fortune telling based on prophetic dreams about your future spouse is extremely diverse. Most of them are very simple and are done at home at night before going to sleep. Among them are the following:

  1. 1. Place a mirror and a comb under the pillow with the words: “Come, come. Comb it, comb it. Look at me, show yourself."
  2. 2. Make a well of matches and say out loud: “Betrothed-mummer, come and drink some water.”
  3. 3. Make a bridge out of twigs, put it under the pillow and say: “Whoever is my mummer, whoever is my betrothed, will take me across the bridge.”
  4. 4. Place a carafe of water and a cup at the head of the bed. Before going to bed, say the following words: “You’ll get tired from the road, my betrothed, I have some water, come, I’ll give you a drink.” Sign yourself with the cross and lie down to rest.
  5. 5. Before going to bed, without first combing your hair, you need to place a clean comb or comb under the pillow and say: “Betrothed-mummer, come comb me.”
  6. 6. At night, mix a thimble of salt with the same amount of water, swallow the mixture without drinking water, and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink.”
  7. 7. Before going to bed, remove the twig from the new broom, hide it under the bed, and put a horseshoe or horse bridle under the pillow. After this, whisper: “Betrothed, my sir, go to my home, shoe a horse, put me on it, take a rod, drive the horse, kiss me.”
  8. 8. Shortly before going to bed, braid your braid, put a small new padlock through it, lock it with a key and say the magic words: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me to ask for the key, to unlock the lock.” Put the key under the pillow. In a dream, the groom will ask him to give it away.
  9. 9. Place a saucer with jam near the head, which should be cooked in advance. Before going to bed, say: “I have all the sweets.” In addition to the groom who appears in the dream, after this simple ritual the girl will have many suitors.
  10. 10. Read three times at night: “Monday with Tuesday, Wednesday with Thursday, Friday with Saturday. Sunday-widow, what dream will I have? Let me, God, see the one with whom I will live forever.”
  11. 11. When going to bed, put on new stockings, then take off the left stocking and hide it under the pillow. Say the spell: “Betrothed-mummer, come take off my shoes.”
  12. 12. Soap and a comb are placed under the pillow, and the girl must say: “My betrothed, mummer, come, wash and comb me.”
  13. 13. So that the mother-in-law can see her future son-in-law in a dream, the following ritual is suitable: before going to bed, you need to place a frying pan with pancakes under the bed. Say: “Betrothed, come to your mother-in-law for pancakes.”
  14. 14. If a fortuneteller sleeps for the first time in someone else’s house, when going to bed in a new place, you need to whisper: “In a new place, dream about the bridegroom.”
  15. 15. At night, put four kings from a playing card deck under your pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream about me.” The king of spades in a dream will show that the spouse will be older, the king of clubs will be a widower, the king of hearts promises a handsome and rich man, and the king of diamonds will be a loved one.
  16. 16. From the festive Christmas feast, you must leave a crust of bread, put it under the pillow and say: “My betrothed, come to dinner with me.”

Complex rituals performed at night

To find out the name of your future husband, you can use this proven method:

  • take several sheets of paper;
  • cut them into small pieces of paper;
  • write on each one different male names;
  • put it under your pillow at night;
  • in the morning, without looking, take out the first piece of paper you come across.

Whatever name is written on it is the name of the betrothed.

Another method of fortune telling for a future spouse with candles, which is carried out at night:

  • place three candles in a row one after another so that they merge into one;
  • light them and sit opposite;
  • while reading the plot, gradually move the candles to the side one after another so that all three are visible at once;
  • say the magic words: “Candle flame, show me your betrothed! Show me his image! Let me at least see my fate in a dream”;
  • let the candles burn out completely;
  • go to bed.

In a dream, the fortuneteller will see her future husband.

Fortune telling for the coming sleep:

  • collect a bouquet of twelve different dry herbs in advance;
  • at the same time, wish for a specific meaning for each, for example, get married, receive a marriage proposal, etc.;
  • place the bouquet at the head of the bed before going to bed and whisper a spell;
  • At night you will dream about the groom, and in the morning you should take out any twig at random and from it you will receive a prediction about your relationship with him.

By branches:

  • break off one branch each from poplar, birch and aspen;
  • tie them with a thread pulled from your own clothes;
  • put a bouquet of branches under your pillow before going to bed;
  • say three times: “Balideff, Asalbi, Abumaleff.”

Whoever dreams is the betrothed.

Rituals with a mirror and a ring

Fortune telling with a mirror is carried out strictly at midnight alone:

  • take two mirrors of the same size;
  • install them with their front sides parallel to each other;
  • light a couple of candles and place them on the sides;
  • look intently into the resulting mirror corridor;
  • after evil spirits appear in the form of your betrothed, quickly say: “Forget me.”

You should also guess on the ring at 12 o'clock at night:

  • prepare a regular glass glass without edges or patterns;
  • fill it one third with water;
  • put it in wedding ring, which must first be cleaned;
  • look into the water through the ring to see your future husband.

It should be noted that fortune telling does not always give a 100% accurate answer. Do not worry if the result is not favorable for the fortune-telling girl. You can always change it to better side.

Christmas fortune telling for the betrothed, his financial situation and the future that awaits soon were very popular among our ancestors. From this article you will learn how to guess correctly during winter holidays.

In the article:

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed

Yuletide and many other fortune telling for the betrothed were in great demand. In the old days, it was difficult to find a girl who would not try to find out how soon she would get married and what her life would be like. future spouse. If you are not yet married, you can follow the example of our ancestors.

In the old days, Christmas fortune-telling was a very fun pastime. Some of them required complete solitude, but some of the fortune-telling, on the contrary, provided for the presence large quantity people.

One of the most popular methods for Christmastide was throwing felt boots on the road. Each of the girls took turns throwing a felt boot behind their back, and then checking where its toe was pointing. They believed that the future spouse would be from that side. Nowadays felt boots have become a rarity, but you can try throwing in your usual winter shoes. However, try to choose a place so that they do not fall into an open hatch or other similar place.

This is also considered the best time for or.

One of the most terrible Christmas fortune-telling for your betrothed is fortune-telling with a mirror. Mirrors have always been attributed with various mystical properties, including the ability to show the future. In order to see your betrothed, you need to put a mirror on the table and light a candle on both sides of it. After this they say:

My betrothed, the mummer, show yourself to me.

This fortune telling has many variations, for example, with two mirrors that create a mirror corridor.

During Christmas time, many girls tried to spend the night in someone else's house, for example, with a friend. The fact is that if you go to sleep in a new place, where you have never slept before, you can see your future groom. To do this, before going to bed you should say:

I sleep in a new place, I dream about the bride and groom.

After this, you cannot talk to anyone until the morning, and enter into dialogue only after you remember your dream. The man you see this night will be your spouse.

In the past, fortune telling was very popular among girls, which made it possible to find out who would marry first and who would not marry at all. To do this, you need to cut each of them a thread of the same length and set it on fire at the same time. The one whose thread burns out faster will get married first. The order of burning of the threads was associated with the order of marriage of each person participating in this fortune-telling. And if the thread has burned less than half, you will have to wait a very long time for marriage, and perhaps fate has prepared the fate of an old maid.

In the old days, girls were often deprived of the opportunity to choose a husband on their own. Perhaps that is why they tried, at least with the help of fortune telling, to find out who they would have to live with. At midnight they took a knife and went out into the street with it. They cut snow with these words:

Damn, damn, don’t be silent, damn, damn, tell me what kind of husband I’ll get, will I have to laugh or cry?

After this, you should listen in anticipation of the sounds that dogs usually make. Angry barking or growling says that the husband will be an angry, strict and gloomy person. Deaf and hoarse barking - will be much older than you. Voiced- younger than or around your age. Shrill barking foretells that your spouse will have an unpleasant character. Cheerful and bubbly barking - he will be a cheerful person with a light character. If you hear howl This means that you will outlive your spouse, and you will become a widow quite early.

Christmas fortune telling for the future

People have always strived to find out their future. During Christmas time this is easiest to do. Such fortune telling, for the most part, does not imply adherence to strict rules and can be not only a way to find out what awaits the next year, but also an interesting pastime for you and your friends. Fortune telling is usually done in the dark after sunset.

In order to find out, you first need to select a container. Based on how many people are telling fortunes and the size of the objects that will be important in fortune telling. This could be a boot, a cup, a basin covered with a cloth, or a bag.

The meaning of fortune telling is to eyes closed select an item from the container. For example, sugar portends good year, A stove ash- bad, full of troubles. Ring falls to marriage onion- to tears. Glass or glass hint at addiction to alcohol or other problems associated with alcoholic beverages. Gold or silver mean that you will live richly. You can add any items to the bag, guessing their meaning in advance.

There is a similar fortune telling with glasses. Take identical glasses or glasses. There should be as many of them as the girls are going to guess. In each glass, place an object that will have meaning. As mentioned above, it can be sugar, onions, jewelry. Nowadays they often use keys to apartments and cars, money and other attributes. modern life. You can pour water into one of the glasses; it will mean the absence of changes or any significant events.

Eavesdropping is very interesting way find out the future. You need to do this one at a time, even if you are going to guess with your friends. You should choose a house, go to the window and listen to what is happening inside. If you hear swearing, your year will be full of quarrels and troubles. If it is quiet, the year will be calm. Pay attention to everything you hear. You can also listen at a crossroads by asking a question and drawing a circle around you.

Other methods of fortune telling for Christmas time

With the help of fortune telling at Christmas time, you can find out what fate awaits your relatives. This was often done by those who had sick and old people in their families. To do this, they went to the neighbors' house while they were having dinner and looked into the window of the corresponding room. If you were able to see the heads of your neighbors, it means that everyone in the family will be alive; there will be no funeral in the house this year. And if you couldn’t see the heads, it means someone will die or get sick next year.

Fortune telling from a book can answer any question, the main thing is that you are able to correctly understand the quote. To do this, they usually take books of spiritual content or classical literature. You can guess in this way by asking any question that can generally be answered with a quote. You should think of it, then name the page and line number, and then read the answer to your question.

With the help of paper, they get answers to questions, especially about desires. Cut strips of unlined paper and write your wishes and questions on them that need to be answered. There can be any number of them, the more the better. Place the strips in any wide container and fill with water. At first they will swirl randomly, but then they will begin to float upward. You need to notice the strip that pops up first. What is written on it will come true, and if a question is written on it, then the answer to it is positive.

Who hasn't wondered at least once? Who wasn’t interested in looking into the future, lifting the veil of secrets and mysteries? Today we will tell you how to tell fortunes on Christmas and Christmastide.

Having previously googled and asked our grandmothers, we armed ourselves with all sorts of “sacred” things to try out the ancient rites of fortune-telling.

Since ancient times, it has been customary to tell fortunes in January. Starting from Christmas Eve and ending with Epiphany, our ancestors asked the Christmas spirit about their future.

The most favorable time for fortune telling was considered Christmas Eve (before Christmas), Vasilyevsky Evening (New Year's Eve, now falls on January 13) and Epiphany Evening (from January 18 to 19).

We chose Christmas Eve to look into our future. It is clear that we did not find a chicken and felt boots for fortune-telling, but candles, mirrors, water, basins - any modern girl has these items at hand.

So, we are sharing the most popular ways of predicting the future.

Fortune telling first. On wax

It is believed that fortune telling with wax is one of the most faithful and accurate. Not only village girls, but also ladies from high society. The purpose of fortune telling is to find out your future for the year, find out the nature of your relationship with your husband, and predict your fate.

How to guess

For this fortune telling, you need to prepare a bowl of water and melted wax. We used a paraffin candle.

There are two methods of fortune telling. You can light a wax candle over a bowl and simply drip the wax into the water. Or pour already prepared molten wax or paraffin into water. In the second case, the figure turns out to be more intricate.

The figures can be considered as separate predictions - on the principle that what I see is what will happen, or you can refer to the decoding of the meanings, which can be found at the bottom of the article.

Fortune telling second. In subjects for the future husband

Fortune telling by objects is one of the simplest and easiest fortune telling to perform. Various objects are laid out on the table, by which you can find out future profession husband. In the old days, bread meant a peasant, a book meant a priest, coal meant a blacksmith, and keys meant a merchant.

How to guess

Now they use modern things, but among them there must be a wedding ring, which means marriage, but who exactly the husband will be remains a mystery. Symbols of objects can be designated independently.

The girl is blindfolded and she chooses any of the objects lying on the table. Or the second option - the objects are covered with a scarf, and the one who is being told the fortune puts his hand on the covered object.

Item Meanings

Glass - will drink
Scissors - tailor, fashion designer
Engagement ring - get married
Ash is a worthless person
Tablet - doctor
Keys - with the apartment
Candle - electrician, priest
Flash drive - geek
Mirror - dandy (reveler)
Coin - generous, rich

Fortune telling third. Subjects for future life

Another variation of subject fortune telling. Only now the girl learns not about her husband’s fate, but about her own. Usually fortune tellers place objects in bowls or cups, then make their choice.

Item Meanings

Beads - to tears
Ring - get married
Threads - to the road
Coin - to wealth
Tablet - get sick
Empty glass - nothing will happen
Pacifier - to the child
Pen - to ease in solving problems
The key is to new housing

Fortune telling fourth. On the water about future life with a spouse

It's no secret that water has magical properties, healing and predictive power. Therefore, it is not surprising that water began to be used in predictions, fortune telling, and magical rituals.

One of the most popular and easy to perform fortune telling is fortune telling with glasses of water. This method allows you to find out how a girl will live with her future husband.

How to guess

You need to prepare 4 glasses of water. Put salt in one of the glasses, sugar in another, a wedding ring in the third, and leave the fourth glass with fresh water.

If a girl draws water with sugar, the relationship with her husband will be harmonious, “sweet,” warm and kind. Salt water- means an unsuccessful marriage, there will be a lot of quarrels, arguments and tears. Water with a ring means quick marriage. A glass with plain water can indicate an empty short-term relationship or the absence of a relationship in the near future.

Fortune telling fifth. On the water about the future life

Most likely, this fortune telling was modernized at a later time, but my grandmother, born in 1911, along with fortune telling using a live chicken, with a felt boot on the gate, already used this method of predicting fate.

How to guess

You need to take a basin, fill it halfway with water, attach pieces of paper with a breakdown of events to the walls in a circle - wedding, pregnancy, theft, death, winning, career advancement, illness, money, etc. After this, take half of the shell walnut, in which a small candle is placed. And such a “boat” sinks into the middle of your pond with predictions. Wherever the shell floats is what we should expect next year.

There is another option for this kind of fortune-telling.

Papers with questions are placed at the bottom of a basin without water, then water is poured, whichever paper floats up will come true in the near future. At the same time, so that fortune telling has a reliable magical power, you should prepare 13 pieces of paper.

Fortune telling sixth. On strings

Since ancient times, the thread was considered a talisman among the Slavs. Therefore, it is believed that fortune telling using threads is very powerful and truthful.

How to guess

Girls should take threads of the same length and set them on fire at the same time. Whoever's thread burns out the fastest will be the first to get married.

If the thread goes out immediately or burns out by less than half, it means that the girl either will not get married or will get married very late.

Another fortune telling with a thread. You need to take three steel needles, three threads - red, black and white flowers. Thread the threads into the needles and stick them into the pillow so that only the needles stick out. The needles should be inserted in a triangle. Then you should make a wish and pull out the needle. A needle with a red thread means that a wish will come true. With a black thread - it will not come true, with a white thread - it will come true partially, or not this year.

Seventh fortune telling. On the book

Previously, it was customary to tell fortunes using the Bible. Exactly at midnight it was necessary to open the Scripture and read the prediction. Now the Bible can be replaced with another book, while wishing for a specific page, line or paragraph. Interesting fortune telling is obtained if you use the “Rubai” of Omar Khayyam or any quotation book. In our hands was “The Alchemist” by Coelho, in which we read: “They don’t drink wine in this country,” he answered. “Faith doesn’t allow it.” We were a little upset.

Fortune telling eighth. With mirrors

Fortune telling on mirrors is considered scary and dangerous. The thing is that a mirror in many cultures is a devilish gift and has the property of reflecting not only the physical world, but also the other world.

How to guess

At midnight, place two mirrors opposite each other and light candles. With the correct arrangement of mirrors, a mirror corridor is formed. You should say the spell: “Betrothed, dressed up, come to me dressed up.” Then you need to concentrate and look intently into the corridor. After some time, the figure of the future husband may appear in the depths. If you see some scary figures or feel discomfort, you should say “Cheer me!”, this will drive you away. evil spirits back to where she came from.

Angel - harbinger of change
Car - hit the road
Arch - transition to a new level
Butterfly - big changes
Tower - wedding
Letters - important news
Bull - danger
Question mark - uncertainty
Head - new position
Mushroom - an unexpected event
The house is very auspicious sign
Castle - something new awaits you, for example, a new relationship
Star - your wish will come true at this stage
Fireplace - home and home comfort. Emotional warmth
The key is a sign that predicts that everything planned will come true, all goals will be achieved
Book - gaining knowledge
Wheel - this figure always means life cycles: one ends and a new one begins
Ring - engagement, marriage
Staircase - the circumstances of your life are changing for the better. Possibility of advancement through the ranks
Face or faces - a smile on the face indicates happiness. An unpleasant face indicates enemies or rivals
Medal - your efforts will be rewarded
The man is a visitor. If his hand is set aside, he will bring a gift or a new opportunity.
Knife - very soon disagreements can lead to alienation and breakdown of relationships
Monkey - someone is deceiving you
Window - you need to look at a problem or relationship differently
Horseshoe - an extremely happy fate!
Bird or birds - good news awaits you
A child is the start of a new business or creative project. May sometimes indicate the birth of a child
Airplane - travel. If the nose of the plane is pointing down, this can indicate disappointment and dashed hopes.
Heart - indicates long-term affection and love.
The sun - happiness, creativity, success. Possible birth of a child.
Ear - listen carefully to what others are saying. You may hear very important information.
Fruits mean prosperity and good fortune.
Numbers - they indicate time.
A cup - happiness and a feeling of emotional satisfaction. An overturned cup can mean the end of a relationship.
Apple - these fruits represent health, life itself.

The time after the first star rises on Christmas (the holiday of Kolyada) and before Epiphany among the pagan Slavs for centuries was the time of Christmas fortune-telling. How many exciting and memorable moments happened to our ancestors during this period! Someone learned the name of their betrothed, someone wished to receive wealth, and others even waited for prophecies regarding their entire fate.

The tradition of fortune telling at Christmas time has not died out even today, although it is officially prohibited by Christianity as well as by most other religions.

Do you believe in Epiphany fortune-telling? For example, that you can see your future in a bowl of water or in a dream?

For a long time in Rus', girls used to tell fortunes on the so-called holy nights, and almost all their questions were related to marriage...

Usually, for those who sincerely believed in Christmas fortune-telling, the “ghost”, as they said then, came true. Generally in Epiphany fortune-telling everything is very relative and requires a vivid imagination; without it, it is almost impossible to see bizarre images and symbols anywhere.

So, 6 of the most proven Christmastide fortune-telling stories told by our grandmothers.

It's simple

Fortune telling for the future, for a new meeting

All you need is an ordinary boot, which you will need to throw over the fence. Hide and see who will go first: a woman - to her friend, and if a man - then go out and look where the toe of the boot is turned - on that side and wait for the groom. After all this, you, of course, can take the boot home, you will still need it.

Not for the faint of heart

Fortune telling for the betrothed

This divination on the future spouse, perhaps, can rightfully be called the most terrible. You will need 2 mirrors, 2 candles and considerable endurance. On one of the holy nights at midnight, let your hair down. Place mirrors in front and behind you so that they are reflected, place candles on the sides. Then all that remains is to peer for a long time into the mirror standing in front of you. In theory, you will see your future groom there, but you must immediately cover the mirror with something or lower it face down before your betrothed sees you and turns around. If he sees you, don’t expect any good, because mirrors are a passage to the other world... and you never know what can happen there. They say that the image of the betrothed is taken by the devil himself.

Not difficult and not scary

Fortune telling

As always, it happens at midnight... You only need 3 things: a glass of water, protein raw egg and someone's wedding ring. Pour the egg white into a glass (or transparent cup) of water, then throw the ring in there. And we leave everything until the next morning. Having woken up, we begin to peer at the figures that have turned out in the water. No one can help here except your imagination. They say that some people see, for example, the dome of a church - this is a sign of marriage. Well, what you see is your destiny.

It couldn't be simpler

This is fortune telling for the groom

All you need is matches and a glass of water. Before going to bed, we make a well out of matches and place a filled glass next to it. Then we go to bed, and before going to bed we say: “Betrothed, come and drink some water from the well.” And now you can go to bed with a feeling of accomplishment. The one who dreams is the future groom.

A little mysticism

Fortune telling

This kind of fortune telling will take up some of your time. Take a sheet of newspaper and knead it well so that it becomes soft. Large ceramic plate turn it upside down, put newspaper on it and set it on fire. By this time, there should already be a lit candle behind you and its reflection should fall on the wall, on which you, as if on a screen, will be looking at the patterns from the smoldering newspaper. Actually here, as in the case of protein, your assistant is imagination.

And finally

Fortune telling by wish

You write 20 of your wishes on 20 pieces of paper. Place them under your pillow at night. In the morning you pull out 3 - the ones you pulled out should come true.

Despite the church ban on magical rituals, Christmas fortune-telling for the betrothed is of interest to the majority young girls. Sometimes curiosity and the desire to look into the future at least with one eye turn out to be stronger than religious prejudices. In addition to studying popular types and features, knowledge about the origins of magical fortune-telling will be no less useful.

The history of Christmas fortune telling

Christmas time evokes associations with fun, caroling, sleigh rides, and, of course, with magical fortune-telling.

It is not without reason that the imagination paints a vivid picture, because the description of festive evenings is well known from the stories of great writers. As a prototype literary heroes Gogol, Pushkin, Tolstoy, served the Russian people, knowledgeable in a fun way to celebrate the winter holidays.

Ancestors began celebrating Christmastide in ancient times. Exact date The appearance of the holiday, like fortune-telling, is difficult to name. However, it is known that the custom took root during the reign of Vladimir the Great.

In the pre-Christian era, people believed in the pagan deity Svyatovit. The ceremonial winter festivities are probably named after him.

Unfortunately, little is known about this character. Modern historians believe that Svyatovit is one of the variations of the name of the ancient Slavic supreme god Perun. On holidays, it was customary to throw some tasty dishes into the oven to appease the celestial being. In the hope of a good harvest, farmers presented gifts to their patron. It was believed that these days you can ask higher powers fulfillment of one wish. There were no problems with this, because they always helped to make sure of what we wanted.

With the advent of the Christian religion, people increasingly began to practice Christmas fortune-telling for the future. In order not to anger the Almighty, on Epiphany the villagers plunged into an ice hole in the shape of a cross, thereby washing away their sins.

Over time, pagan traditions began to be forgotten or supplemented by new changes, mixing with other religious ideas:

  1. Celebrating Kolyada, children dressed up in costumes of animals or fairy-tale characters, then walked around the village and read carols. Years later, the birthday of the Sun was replaced by Christmas, but the custom of the carol continues to be practiced today.
  2. People began to cook kutya and go to dinners. In the courtyards at Christmas, a bonfire was lit, symbolizing the Star of Bethlehem. With the appearance of the first star on the holy evening, you need to make a cherished wish, and then it will definitely come true.
  3. From the first day of the celebrations until January 14, housewives did not sweep dirty linen from the hut in order to collect it in a heap and burn it on a fire near the house. The tradition symbolized parting with old adversities and the transition to a new, pure life. Gradually the ritual began to be forgotten.
  4. In ancient times, women of the older generation passed on the methods of divination for Christmastide to young women. Thanks to this, fortune telling has not sunk into oblivion and is still popular to this day.

There are two magical weeks in the middle of winter. They begin on January 6th on Christmas Eve; it should be noted that the ancestors chose this date for a reason. The people sincerely believed: on this night the evil and good forces invisible to the human eye.

During the Christmastide period, evil spirits weaken, from this divination, unlike ordinary days, becomes not such a terrible sin. Predictions are considered especially accurate on the “prophetic” Vasilyevsky evenings on January 13 and.

Last night Christmas fortune telling is coming , the day before the baptism of the Lord.

Some rules must be followed:

  1. The most favorable time for fortune telling - midnight. It is believed that demonism awakens at this hour. Dark forces will show the image of the betrothed or tell you what to expect in the future. Evening methods of fortune telling are no less popular; they can begin at sunset.
  2. There must be absolute silence in the room, electric light and the presence of people is unacceptable. The process should be illuminated with candles.
  3. Remove all jewelry, including your belt, and let your hair down. During the session, do not cross your arms or legs; the cross position makes it difficult to transmit information.
  4. During the ritual, the icons should be taken out of the room. Saints should not defend the celebrant of the sacrament.
  5. After completing the ritual at night, it is not recommended to talk to anyone until the morning, otherwise your future spouse will not dream about it.

Before going to bed on Christmas Eve, pour water into a cup. Tear off several twigs from the broom, build a bridge over the water, saying:

Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, let him take me across the bridge

Place the container under the bed at the head of the bed and go to bed. In a dream, the image of your future husband in a wedding dress will appear. The young man in your dream should take you across the bridge; this will promise a future marriage.

You will need a sheet of paper, a frying pan and a lit candle.

Crumple the paper, mentally asking what awaits you in the near future. Then light the paper in the pan.

Bring the burnt paper to the wall illuminated by the fire and look at the picture depicted on it. Twist the decayed piece of paper; the image may change, showing different episodes from the future.

You can interpret the figures you see in one of two ways:

The first is without searching for hidden meaning. For example, a house you see speaks of an upcoming home purchase or a lot of time spent at home.

The second is a metaphorical decoding. For example, outlines that resemble a building can be interpreted in different ways. Do you need to spend more time with your loved ones or is it time to leave your parents’ home and find your own?

This evening, decoration will help talk about upcoming events for the coming year. At midnight take in right hand gold or silver chain. After crumpling it up a little, throw it on the table and see what shape is formed:

  • Circle - in the coming year there will be many challenges, you will have to make an effort to overcome them.
  • Oval means almost the same as circle, but in a softer form.
  • A straight line indicates a readiness to boldly embark on new endeavors; luck is on your side.
  • A triangle or rectangle signifies success.
  • The resemblance of a bow promises an imminent meeting of the betrothed or a wedding with an existing soulmate.
  • A letter appears - a new suitor will appear, whose name will begin with the letter laid out.
  • A figure resembling a snake warns of a vile person in your social circle, be careful.
  • The chain got tangled, creating a knot - coming year will be difficult in all areas.

One of the most famous native Russian methods of casting a fortune on one’s betrothed. At night, go outside and turn the corner of the house. After walking a short distance, stop, take off your boot from your left foot and throw it over your shoulder. In which direction the sock will lie from there to wait for the matchmakers. A sock pointing at you means there will be no wedding this year.

Prepare a wax candle, a tablespoon and a bowl of water. Break the candle into small pieces or grate it until the spoon is completely filled. Then hold the kitchen appliance near the candle that illuminates the room and melt the wax over the flame. Pour into the melted mass with a quick movement of your hand into the water.

All that remains is to observe and interpret the meanings of the figures that appear:

  • A lot of small drops - for money;
  • The wax lay down in strips - there will be a lot of travel in the coming year;
  • A fan has formed - problems in the workplace, conflicts with colleagues are possible. The clearer the drawing, the more serious the problems;
  • Grapes are a favorable sign promising success;
  • The outline of a mushroom means good health;
  • A figure similar to a dragon - one cherished wish will certainly come true;
  • The bell is for news. Smooth outlines - the news will be good, curved ones - bad. Several bells - you will be worried about something;
  • One star or several - good luck will accompany you in your studies and career;
  • Tree leaf - beware, there are intrigues behind your back;
  • Monkey - to betrayal and hypocritical friends;
  • The pants warn that an important choice will soon have to be made;
  • The flower promises positive changes in matters of the heart, meeting a betrothed or a happy marriage;