Christmas fortune telling. Christmastide fortune telling

Before fortune telling for your betrothed, it is important to get in a serious mood. If you take the process lightly, the result will be distorted. The fortuneteller lets down her hair, removes her belts, any jewelry (bracelets, earrings), pectoral cross. The room should be quiet and dark. When telling fortunes about your betrothed, it is not recommended to cross your arms or legs. Following the rules will allow you to get the most reliable result. For a prediction to come true, you cannot tell anyone about it.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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    Fortune telling on an ordinary day

    You don’t have to wait until Christmas time or other holidays to cast a spell on your betrothed. On these days, fortune telling is the most truthful, but you can resort to the sacraments on an ordinary day. The optimal time for fortune telling is the full moon. Days that are traditionally considered women's are well suited - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

    According to papers

    Suitable for those girls who would like to know the name of their future husband. Various men's names are written on several small pieces of paper. Notes are placed in a hat or container. The pieces of paper are thoroughly mixed, and one is taken out at random. The name written on it indicates the future husband.

    On rice grains

    Rice is poured into a glass glass. The left hand is held above the container, palm down. Then the fortuneteller says the question that interests her and takes a small handful of rice from the glass. The grains are poured onto a napkin or paper. If their number is even, the answer is “yes”. If it’s odd, “no.”

    On the bulbs

    Take several bulbs. The names of the gentlemen are written on them. The bulbs are placed in water. The one that takes root faster than others indicates the future spouse.

    Button up

    Several buttons are placed in an opaque bag different colors. It is recommended to take buttons of the same diameter, similar to each other to the touch.

    Then you need to mentally tune in to fortune telling, ask the question: “My dear, where to look for you? ", and take out one button. Its color will indicate the place of meeting with your future spouse:

    • Regular black - at work.
    • Green – at the market or in a store.
    • Brown - among friends.
    • White - in distant lands.
    • Yellow - on the road.
    • Metal - the spouse will be a military man.
    • With rhinestones or shiny - in the cinema, club, disco.
    • Blue - indicates a chance meeting on the street.

    Fortune telling on things

    Several things are placed in a felt boot or bag, symbolizing different aspects of life:

    • A piece of sugar - coming year will be happy, financially secure;
    • Ring – wedding;
    • Shawl - a handsome guy;
    • Rag - poor husband;
    • Coin – rich husband;
    • Onion - grief and tears.

    Shake the bag and immediately, without looking, take out the first object that comes across.

    Find out the name of your betrothed by cards

    The classic deck is shuffled and then cards are drawn one at a time. For each of them is called any male name. When the king of hearts appears from the deck, the divination ends. The name said by the fortuneteller belongs to the future husband.

    The girl puts kings from a regular deck of cards of four suits under her pillow. Before going to bed, the words are said: “Betrothed-mummer, appear to me in a dream.” Depending on who dreams, the future husband is judged:

    • The King of Spades is an old man, a jealous owner.
    • Chervonny is a young and wealthy man.
    • Krestovy – military man or entrepreneur.
    • Bubnovy is the man of dreams.


    You can tell fortunes about your betrothed using a Tarot card layout. You need to shuffle the deck and pull out 7 cards, each of which will tell you about the future:

    1. 1. The first card personifies the sorceress, her condition and mood to find a husband and find family happiness.
    2. 2. The second card will tell you when the girl will meet her husband. It indicates precisely the time, perhaps the period of life.
    3. 3. The third talks about the circumstances under which the meeting will take place.
    4. 4. The fourth will describe the personality and sometimes appearance of the future husband.
    5. 5. The fifth card indicates whether this person is destined.
    6. 6. Sixth - how life will develop after the wedding.
    7. 7. The seventh card will give advice on marriage and relationships with your future spouse.

    By hand

    For this fortune telling you will need the help of a friend. Fortune telling is similar to the children's game "nettle". The friend takes the fortuneteller by the wrist of her left hand and gently twists it in opposite directions. At this time, you need to take a closer look at the folds of the skin. You can see the outline of the letter in them. It will be capitalized in the name of the future husband.

    Fortune telling at night

    In the evening and at night, even at ordinary times, the divination will be true. After all, in the dark, mysterious forces that hide in the light of day are released. The connection with the other world is strengthened, which allows you to get a more reliable result. The most accurate fortune telling is carried out from midnight to three o'clock in the morning.

    At the church

    Fortune telling is performed only by girls. On a clear moonlit night they go to a church or chapel that is locked at night. According to popular belief you can hear either wedding singing or sounds funeral service. What you hear shows how the ceremony will be next year: wedding or funeral.

    By the window

    Sitting in their room, they listen to sounds from the street. When all the household members go to bed, turn off the lights and go to the window, saying the words: “My betrothed, mummer, drive past my house.” After some time, passersby will pass by or vehicles will pass by. If they shout, whistle or laugh, this is good sign. The husband will be decent and kind. If they pass quietly, it promises a poor man.

    On a candle

    You will need several candles. One symbolizes the fortune teller, the rest – candidates for the hand and heart. The candles are lit and one is placed in the center. The one towards which the wax flows from its own and points to the betrothed. If the fortuneteller’s lamp burns evenly, the fortuneteller should not make a hasty choice. He will be unreasonable.

    With ring and thread

    The question of marriage comes up. Taken from mother, sister or friend wedding ring. A black thread is threaded through it, and the decoration is lowered into the glass. If the ring begins to touch the edges of the glass to the right of the fortuneteller, there will be a wedding. If it’s on the left, you’ll have to sit in the girls for now.

    Having taken out the ring, it is put on any finger for the whole night. Any dream will be prophetic.

    By patches

    You will need multi-colored scraps of fabric. They all fit into a box or bag. Then, without looking, any piece of fabric is taken out. At the same time they ask: “What color is my fiancé’s hair? “Similarly, you can find out other information - for example, the color of your eyes or even your car.

    Fortune telling in a dream

    Before divination, it is useful to place a pen and notepad at the head of the bed. To prophetic dream you have not forgotten about love, you should write down its details immediately after waking up.

    For the dream to be true, you need to properly prepare:

    1. 1. Remove icons from the room.
    2. 2. Be alone in the bedroom.
    3. 3. Remove the belt, jewelry, and unbraid your hair.
    4. 4. After pronouncing the words, do not talk to anyone (otherwise the betrothed will not appear).
    5. 5. Keep the fact of fortune telling secret.
    6. 6. Sleep the other way around - lie with your head where your feet are.
    7. 7. Turn the pillow over too.

    With a frying pan

    The girl puts a frying pan under her mother's bed, but does not inform her parent about this. Before going to bed, the fortuneteller utters the words: “My betrothed, mummer, come to your mother-in-law to eat pancakes.” If a mother sees in a dream how she feeds some guy pancakes, he will be considered the daughter’s future husband.

    To the bridge

    Several twigs are taken from a household broom, from which a small bridge is constructed. The product is placed under the pillow. Before going to bed, the girl makes a wish: “Betrothed, come to me, take me across the bridge.” In a dream she will see her future life partner.

    On a horseshoe

    This fortune telling uses a horseshoe and a twig from a new broom. Attributes are placed under the pillow. The betrothed appears in a dream in the form of a horseman. If there is no real horseshoe, you can replace it with a symbolic one - for example, by making one out of cardboard.

    On the branches

    Twigs are taken from three trees - birch, willow and apple tree. It is advisable to pick them up from the ground. If there are no dry branches, you should break them off the tree carefully, asking the tree for forgiveness. At home, three branches are tied with thread taken from one’s clothes. Before going to bed, they need to be placed under the pillow, and then the fortuneteller will see her betrothed.

    Advice! If branches had to be broken off, you can hang a satin ribbon on the branch as a sign of gratitude and apology to the tree. Or place a bun at its roots.

    Other options

    There are also alternative options fortune telling in which special attributes are placed under the pillow (their action is similar to those described):

    • Instead of twigs, three bay leaves are placed. With the words “My betrothed, disguised, appear to me in a dream! "The fortune teller goes to bed.
    • A jar of jam is placed at the head of the bed. In this case, the girl will see in a dream young man, who is already in love with her.
    • A well of matches is made at the head of the bed before going to bed. They say the words: “Betrothed-mummer, come and drink some water.”
    • A girl sleeping in a new place says before going to bed: “The bridegroom will dream about the bride in a new place.”

    Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday

    The fortuneteller buys a new castle. From Tuesday to Wednesday, a ritual is carried out: a lock is held and closed over a container filled with spring water. At the same time the words are pronounced:

    “Betrothed-mummer, appear and ask me for a drink.”

    In a dream you will have to visit her future husband.

    Saturday fortune telling

    On a piece of black fabric wax candle Circles are drawn on both sides. Their diameter should be approximately equal to the bottom of the glass. On one side the name “Raphael” is written in a circle, on the other - your name. Four crosses are drawn around the circles in the same places: top, bottom, right and left.

    Before going to bed, the cloth is placed under the pillow. The spell is pronounced:

    “Great Lord, from everlasting to everlasting glory be to You in the highest. I come running to You, Father, Your servant (name). Send down to me Your Angel, whose name is inscribed in the circle of pentacles. Let him show me my betrothed. Glory to You, Lord. Amen, amen, amen."

    Before performing this fortune telling, you must fast for three days.

    On Tuesday night

    Take three bay leaves. The names of the angels are written on them - Ananias, Azarias and Misail. The leaves are placed on the windowsill in the bedroom. Before going to bed, the words are said: “From Monday to Tuesday I look at the windowsill. Whoever dreams of me, let him appear to me in a dream.”

    Christmas and Yuletide fortune-telling

    January 6 is a special day, Christmas Eve. On the night of Christmas, as well as on Christmastide (from January 8 to 18), you can find out your fate. It was believed that at this time mysterious forces rush into the human world. During the period from Christmas to Epiphany, unclean spirits lose their power, and fortune telling turns from a sin into simple fun.

    The most accurate days for fortune telling are Christmas Eve, old New Year(January 13), as well as Epiphany Eve, celebrated on January 18.

    On a towel

    On the night before Christmas, they hang a white towel on the street, saying the words: “My betrothed, mummer, come dry yourself.” If a fortuneteller picks up a completely dry towel from outside the window in the morning, then no wedding is planned this year. If it's wet, it prophesies imminent marriage.

    In the old New Year, an armful of firewood

    On New Year's Eve, girls and boys take an armful of firewood at random and take it indoors. The quantity is counted there. If firewood even number The one who brought the armful will marry or will be married. If it’s odd, he’ll remain single for now.

    With sock

    The girl puts on a sock or stocking on one leg. The second one is placed under the pillow. Before going to bed, the words are said: “My betrothed, the mummer, come to me, come take off my shoes.” Well done, who is dreaming is the future husband.

    With a comb

    Without combing her hair, the girl puts a comb or comb under the pillow. The words are spoken: “My betrothed, the mummer, come and comb me.” In a dream, the fortuneteller will see her future spouse.

    With salt

    This method can cause intestinal disorders. But some fortune tellers still use it. The divination consists of eating a thimble of salt before going to bed and washing it down with a thimble of water, while saying the words: “My betrothed, the mummer, come give me something to drink.”

    Find out your betrothed's name from passers-by

    On the night before Christmas or on the old New Year, you need to go outside and go to the nearest pedestrian intersection. Now you should wait for late passers-by. When the first man appears, they will find out his name under any pretext. This is what the future spouse will be called. Guys can perform a similar ritual on female passersby.

    Traditional fortune telling with a mirror

    Refers to forbidden, terrible fortune telling. Unlike other methods, it is carried out exclusively on Christmastide. For divination you will need two mirrors and two church candles. This is done as follows:

    1. 1. Mirrors are placed on the table opposite each other.
    2. 2. Candles are placed and lit at the same distance from them.
    3. 3. The girl asks her betrothed to come to her.
    4. 4. Next, you should look at the reflection in the mirrors. The image will be blurry at first, but will then become clearer.
    5. 5. When the image becomes noticeable, the words are pronounced: “Keep me out, mind me! "

    If the sorceress decides to interrupt the ceremony, both mirrors are quickly placed on the table with the reflective surface down. The light in the room turns on.

    On spoons

    Fortune telling is carried out at home by several girls. To perform the ritual you will need:

    • Spoons (the number depends on the number of fortune telling participants).
    • An appropriate number of strips of white paper up to 2 cm wide and up to 30 cm long.
    • Wax candles.
    • Large flat plate or tray.
    • New towel.

    The ritual is carried out like this:

    1. 1. Each of the fortune telling participants sits in a circle and lights a candle in front of them.
    2. 2. The presenter places a plate with spoons and paper in the center.
    3. 3. Those present join hands and say the words of the spell three times: “Brownie, brownie, if you are here, answer on the spoon, if not, don’t open one.”
    4. 4. Each participant should take one piece of paper and ask questions that require a “yes” or “no” answer (for example, “Will I get married this year?”, “Will my future spouse rich"?).
    5. 5. The cutlery handle is placed in paper folded in half. Both ends are then wrapped around the spoon.
    6. 6. The device is scrolled until the paper strip completely encircles the handle. The spoon is then placed on the tray.
    7. 7. The presenter covers the cutlery with a cloth and quickly spins the plate in a clockwise direction. After making a few turns, she throws back the towel so that each of those present takes the spoon whose handle is pointed at her.
    8. 8. If a strip of paper releases the cutlery freely, the answer to the question is yes. If the spoon remains inside the paper, the brownie answers “no”, the questioner’s wish will not come true.

It often happens that modern young people unmarried girls they don’t know what to do with themselves during the New Year and Christmas holidays, wasting their precious time on banal relaxation in front of the TV and computer, visiting people, various household and household chores and all sorts of pre-holiday bustle. But in the traditions of our people there are more than funny and interesting options Yuletide pastime. For example, fortune telling at Christmas time for your betrothed or guidance.

Christmas time is one of the most important periods of the year. This is the time between two key holidays of Christianity - the Birth and Baptism of Christ the Savior. In total, Christmastide takes twelve days, beginning with Kolyada (in the Slavic tradition) or Christmas on the seventh day of the first month of the year and ending with the actual feast of Epiphany, celebrated on the nineteenth of January.

In church tradition, this time is considered sacred and blissful, ideal for making communion, confessing, reading prayers and thanking God. On the other hand, it is believed that during this period the line between worlds weakens significantly, so information from otherworldly universes becomes available to a person.

That’s why it’s best to tell fortunes during the holidays - there is a high probability of getting the most reliable information about those things that are closed to a person in normal times. For example, find out about your destiny, the number of years of your life ahead, as well as about your future husband and family life with him, which is especially interesting for young unmarried girls.

It should not be forgotten, however, that Orthodox Church does not welcome any fortune-telling practices, and even more so considers fortune-telling for a betrothed to be sinful, because a person must initially submit to the will of God, trusting him in everything, including in choosing his life partner. And to resort to the help of the Evil One in order to find out what awaits a person in the near future, and even for Orthodox Christian shameful. However, the Slavic tradition has developed its own beliefs about how to circumvent these conventions. For example, in order for the fortune-telling to come true and stain the person as little as possible, you must remember to do the following:

  • read prayers by heart before the ritual in order to cleanse yourself beforehand, as well as after the ritual in order to remove sin from oneself;
  • Be sure to remove your belts, jewelry, and especially pectoral crosses;
  • It is better to carry out the ritual in a remote and uninhabited place; Previously, baths or old huts where there were no icons were chosen for this, in modern conditions bathrooms, a garage or any technical room are suitable;
  • Fortune telling should be started only in the dark, when the sun is below the horizon;
  • during fortune telling, you should remember that everything is in the hands of God, do not worry too much about unsuccessful fortune telling or bad omens;
  • It is advisable not to guess alone, but to do it together: fortune telling alone not only creates unnecessary fear, but also opens a person’s soul to evil spirits;
  • fortune telling must be done by a strictly defined group of people, for example, if girls are going to tell fortunes, then the guys should not be allowed in, and the number of girls must be odd;
  • under no circumstances should you cross your legs during fortune-telling, so as not to interfere with fate manifesting itself on those ritual things that are used in the ritual process;
  • at the end of the ritual, go to church, confess, light candles for your loved ones, ask God for forgiveness.

How to find out the name of your betrothed?

Standard fortune telling for a betrothed on holy days is distinguished by its simplicity and tradition. Who hasn't heard about the famous shoe throwing or eavesdropping at the church? And rituals for the coming sleep, which involve placing one or another object under the pillow, with the help of which the betrothed will have access to the dream of the girl who ordered the ritual, have become classics. Many of these practices were described by the greats (Pushkin, Gogol and others), who were no strangers to folk traditions Slavs

Today, fortune telling takes on a new meaning. The era of computerization makes its own adjustments both to people’s relationships and, especially, to a person’s connection with the other world. Now, for example, it is not necessary to guess from the psalter - you can use any book instead, even of modern authorship. And the mysterious and mystical fortune telling with a mirror corridor has already turned into an equally strange fortune telling with a computer monitor.

Do these methods actually work or are they just a good imitation of real fortune telling? Probably, everything depends on the person’s faith, but experts still recommend not to deviate from ancient traditions, reproducing ancient rituals in all the subtleties and details, as they were originally described. Here are some of these fortune-telling techniques.

This video describes several methods of fortune telling for your betrothed:

Mirror spruce fortune telling

The best fortune telling for your betrothed at Christmas time are those that are done with mirrors. But, if you don’t have the courage to lock yourself alone in a bathhouse or an abandoned hut, alone with a mirrored corridor, there is only one option left - to do this simple and very effective fortune telling:

  1. In advance you need to select a medium mirror (preferably the size of your arms), as well as 2 spruce branches (but any evergreen tree will do).
  2. You need to start fortune telling at midnight. To do this, write the name of the person you like on the mirror, and place the mirror under the bed.
  3. Christmas tree branches are laid around the mirror surface.
  4. In the morning, preferably without getting out of bed, you should take the ritual object out from under the bed and look at it.
  5. If the inscription on the mirror surface is visible, it means that they are waiting for you in the near future serious relationship with this person, marriage. But if the name is not visible, then it’s not destiny.

In rare cases, certain signs appear next to the person’s name written on the mirror, the most dangerous of them is a cross, indicating a severe blow, illness or loss of the person about whom it was written.

Water-paper fortune telling

With the help of some rituals, you can find out not only the name of the future husband assigned to a girl by her fate, but also the year or even the specific date of marriage with him. It is suggested to do the following:

  1. Place in a large basin clean water(ideally, not from a tap, but from a spring or river) to the brim.
  2. Pre-cook large number separate pieces of paper with names written on them and separately with the years or dates of the proposed marriage (can be in the form of “in a year”, “in two years”, etc.). At the same time, it is important to twist each piece of paper into a neat tube so that it does not unfold on its own, but remains in a curled state.
  3. The more options for dates and names are depicted on paper, the higher the likelihood that fortune telling will show the truth, so you should not be lazy when writing this data.
  4. By candlelight, as soon as the clock strikes midnight, in one fell swoop throw the names and dates prepared on paper into a container of liquid.
  5. Now you need to carefully monitor what is happening on the surface of the water. Water, as a universal conductor of the true energies of the world, will tell the truth about the future, pushing out true options to the surface. Whichever piece of paper opens first with the name - that’s what the betrothed will be called. The first piece of paper with the date opens - then marry him.

At present, however, this fortune-telling should be deciphered much more broadly, remembering the first few names and dates unfolded, which is associated with the high prevalence of divorce and remarriage in society.

Lock-closing fortune telling

Another option for fortune telling at Christmas time in the name of the betrothed is carried out with the help of one of the close relatives (mother, aunt, sister, cousin) or a friend of the fortune-telling girl. The main condition of this ritual is that the fortuneteller herself should not be present. And this is done like this:

  1. The main character - the fortune-telling girl - is taken to another hut (preferably an unfamiliar one) or at least to another room, after which they are put to bed.
  2. When midnight comes, her friend or relative takes a padlock and locks it with some item of clothing of the girl who is spending the night in another house.
  3. The woman should place the key to the treasured lock at the head of her bed, saying: “Mummer, come quickly to save your bride, unlock it with the key, and help her out of trouble.”
  4. Then the fortune-telling accomplice also goes to bed for the night, trying not to move the key from its original place. Her friend's fiancé must come to her at night for the key to free his love.
  5. In the morning the lock is opened, the girl is returned to her father’s house and they tell her the dream her friend or relative had about her betrothed.

Apple love spell fortune telling

And at Christmas time you can not only tell fortunes about the groom, but also bewitch someone who has already attracted your attention. However, before this fortune-telling, it is better to first make sure that the chosen person is destined for fate by checking this using other fortune-telling methods. Only after such a check can you proceed directly to the fortune-telling love spell ritual:

  1. You need to take a red apple and cut out its core in the shape of a heart-triangle.
  2. Then write your loved one's name on a very small piece of paper and place it inside the apple instead of the core.
  3. Cover the top of the paper insert with a cut out heart.
  4. After this, the resulting composition should be set aside somewhere away from prying eyes, in a dry and dark place for 3 days.
  5. After 3 days, they check what happened to the fruit. If the apple begins to dry, then your loved one will pay attention and love it too. But if the apple begins to rot, it means that it is not your destiny to be with him and it is better to immediately stop loving him, giving up attempts to charm him.
  6. It is not recommended to throw away the fortune telling apple. It is better to bury it or feed it to animals.

From Christmas Eve on January 6 until Epiphany on January 19, it has been customary since ancient times to tell fortunes.

From Christmas Eve on January 6 until Epiphany on January 19, it has been customary since ancient times to tell fortunes. Mostly unmarried girls did this, trying to find out the wedding date or the name of the future groom. Yuletide fortune-telling for wish fulfillment, wealth, and destiny were also popular, writes

Many people practice fortune-telling during Christmastide and Christmas to this day. Here are some best ways.

Fortune telling at the crossroads

At exactly midnight, come to the crossroads to “listen to the neighborhood.” Cheerful laughter or singing nearby means quick marriage and fun. If you hear crying or lamentations, there will be no wedding this year.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with a boot

You can find out in which direction your betrothed lives with the help of a boot. Each participant in the fortune telling closes her eyes, spins around in place, then suddenly stops and throws her boot over her shoulder. In which direction he flies and points with his toe, fate awaits in that direction.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

An unmarried girl needs to go out into the street at midnight and ask the name of the first man she meets.

Fortune telling on the mirror and the moon

On one of the Christmas nights, when the moon is visible in the sky, take a small mirror, go to the window and point the mirror so that the month is reflected in it. Look closely - after a while, instead of one month, you will see several. Count how many months you imagined - that’s how big her family will be.

Fortune telling with three mirrors

For this fortune telling you will need three mirrors of approximately the same size and two tall candles. They begin such fortune-telling at midnight, having first outlined themselves in a magic circle - a sign of protection (drawn with chalk, a burning torch, and a candle).

Place two mirrors, one opposite the other on each side of you, light candles in front of them, and place the third behind them. You should see a reflection from the third mirror in the side mirrors, from where your betrothed should appear from the looking glass behind you.

Under no circumstances should you turn around or look at the figure in the mirror for too long. If the vision is frightening, say three times: “Forget me!” - and stop fortune telling by extinguishing the candles.

Fortune telling with a candle

It is better to carry out this fortune-telling alone, so that no one knocks you out of your thoughts. You need to take a bowl of water, light a regular candle, and melt a little wax in a metal spoon on its flame. After this, pour the melted wax into the water and look carefully at the resulting figure.

Kitchen fortune telling

You need to rotate a regular kitchen knife on a regular cutting board. The knife is placed in the center of the board. Along the edges of the board, pieces of paper are laid out on which possible answers are written: “yes” and “no.”

need to be patient;

beware of false friends;

there is good news ahead;

long-awaited letter;

success in business;

unexpected guest;

tears will be replaced by joy;

to lead from afar;

new fan;

unexpected meeting;

important letter.

You need to focus on the question and then twist the knife. This is done three times, getting three answers. Among them (not necessarily the first) will be the answer to the question posed, and the other two will be additional messages, related or not related to the original question.

Fortune telling with matches

Insert two matches into the sides of the matchbox and light it. If the burnt heads turned towards each other, it means that the “guessed” guy and girl will be together.

Fortune telling by strings

Cut the threads to equal lengths and set them on fire. Whoever's thread burns out faster will be the first to be married. If less than half of the thread burns out or the thread goes out immediately, then you won’t get married this year.

Fortune telling

Quickly immerse the lit splinter into the water. If it goes out immediately, it means a poor life is expected, and if the fire goes higher, a rich life is expected.

Fortune telling with a cat

Make a wish and call the cat. If she crosses the threshold of the room with her left paw, it means her wish will come true. If it's right - no.

Royal dream

Place four kings from a deck of cards under your pillow and say a request-spell: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, appear in my dreams!” The betrothed-mummer must definitely dream of - in the image of a king - with a crown on his head and in a royal robe.

Christmas fortune telling with cards for wish

Shuffle the card deck, draw six cards from the pack, open them and make a wish on any card that is not in these six. Shuffle the remaining thirty cards and place them in stacks of two, three, four, five and six cards. If the hidden card ends up in any of the piles, this means:

2 - the wish will not come true;
3 - unlikely;
4 - will encounter serious obstacles;
5 - maybe it will come true;
6 - will come true.

If the treasured card has not yet fallen out, then these piles (of two, three, four, five and six cards) must be removed, and first the open six cards must be mixed with the remaining ten cards and laid out one card at a time, saying: “Wait and be patient.” , “Rejoice”, “Be strong and angry”, “Wave your hand”. Which words the hidden card appears on will be the answer to whether your wish will come true.

Christmas fortune telling with cards for fate

Take a deck of thirty-six cards, shuffle and remove the “cap”. Choose a king or queen (depending on the gender of the person you are guessing for) of any suit and, without removing cards from the deck, arrange them in four rows of nine cards each. Those cards that end up near the intended king or queen will tell you about your fate.

Chirvy: loyalty, friendship, love, honor, truth, virtue.
Diamonds: wealth; prosperous, prosperous and cheerful life.
Clubs: trouble, scandalous incident, boredom, loss, dishonor, illness, infidelity.
Spades: good luck in any endeavor and success in society.

The meaning of the cards

Ace is a love letter.
The king is a passionate man.
The lady is the bride.
Valet is a pleasant guest.
Ten is news of love.
Nine is a love explanation.
Eight is pleasure.
Seven is fun.
Six is ​​a fun road.

Ace - letter.
The king is a young man, a groom, an unhappy lover.
The lady is a young girl, a flighty woman.
Jack - money troubles.
Ten is a gift.
Nine is an obstacle.
Eight - hatred.
Seven - infidelity.
Six is ​​a fun road.

Hello, dear friends and site guests! Let's talk today about fortune telling, and specifically about it. And when else to wonder if not during the Christmas season, it lasts from Christmas to Epiphany. From January 7 to January 19 is Christmas time. Let's take a closer look at what they are like, these fortune telling for Christmas time.

And it all starts on Christmas night! She is magical, fabulous and so makes you believe in miracles, even the most non-believers, somewhere deep down in their souls, believe in miracles.

Why do people tell fortunes specifically on Christmastide? There is a belief that these numbers bring the world of reality and the world of spirits into contact. Therefore, you can look into the future and find out about your destiny.

That’s how we are built, we want to look into the future, to find out about our destiny. This is especially interesting for young people, they really want to know what kind of betrothed he will be. I would like to look at least a little into the future.

I want to warn you that Christmas fortune-telling is a very serious matter and requires compliance. certain rules.

You shouldn't guess at home, it's better to do it in non-residential premises(bathhouse, barn, attic), if fortune telling is associated with mirrors, animals and cards.

If you are going to guess, remove the cross, rings and let your hair down (if it is long).

Suddenly a situation arises when you feel scared (knocks, blurts somewhere), just say, “Keep me out, mind me.” These simple words help, even protect. That's what old people say.

Ways to tell fortunes at Christmas time

My dear readers, nevertheless, I would not advise you to tell fortunes on mirrors. This fortune telling is best done under the guidance of a fortune telling specialist. And for yourself, you can choose simpler and harmless methods.

Prophetic dream

The very first and most pleasant way to find out your future is through sleep. Dreams during this festive season can be prophetic and through a dream you can learn a lot: who will be your betrothed, what events await you, how life will make you happy or sad.

In the evening, take a lock, a bag and your favorite dress, put the dress in the bag and lock the bag with the lock, and put the key under the pillow. When you go to bed, say: “Come, my betrothed, for the key, unlock my dress.”

Before going to bed, pour water into a glass and place it next to it on the table, say: “Come, my betrothed, give me some water.” Whoever comes in a dream will be your soul mate.

You can make a dream based on the day of the week:

Say these words before going to bed. My grandmother taught me this.

  • Tuesday - “from Monday to Tuesday, I look at the windowsill, with whom to live forever, come spend the night.”
  • Wednesday - “Wednesday, Wednesday, dream of bread or water, bread is good, water is bad.”
  • Thursday - “Thursday, Thursday, buy - sell, find - lose. If I find it, it’s good; if I lose it, it’s bad.”
  • Friday - “Friday, Friday, whoever loves, let him dream.”

In the morning, wake up and analyze your dream, it’s even very interesting, sometimes you dream about it, but in fact it actually comes true.

Read about how I overcame insomnia.

Fortune telling with shoes for the betrothed

And this ritual with shoes is very simple. Take a boot, felt boots or slipper, go out onto the road in the evening and through left shoulder throw it on the road.

Wherever the shoe points its nose, that’s where you’ll expect the groom. If the shoes are pointed towards the house, do not get married this year.

Fortune telling on a gold chain

There is a beautiful fortune telling on a gold chain, you need to tell fortunes before midnight. Remove the chain, pick it up and warm it. Shake it in your hands and throw it sharply on the floor. The whole fortune telling is how the chain will fall. What figure the chain forms will be your prediction.

  • A straight line means success and luck in life.
  • A circle means a closed situation, a difficult situation.
  • The triangle is great luck in all matters and in love.
  • Confused - illness and difficult financial situation.
  • Heart - you are loved and love will bring you a happy life.
  • Snake - expect betrayal, beware of slander and gossip.

The most favorite fortune telling, this is fortune telling on wax. The girls gather in the evening, stock up on candles and vying to guess the meaning of the melted figures.

For this fortune telling you need candles, preferably wax ones, and a dish of water. We light a candle, and as soon as the wax begins to melt, we take the candle in our hand and move it over a dish of water. The movements should be circular. The wax drips and figures are created in the water. Half a minute is enough to get a figure.

We take the figure out of the water and consider what it reminds you of and what it is associated with. Let your imagination run wild. Associations must arise randomly. What you see is what awaits you this year.

You can also look at the shadow of a wax figure on the wall, turning it, the shadow can tell a lot...

You can look up the hint on the Internet, type in the search engine “meaning wax figures» and get a full transcript.

Note: after you take the figure out of the water, and there are a lot of wax droplets left in the dish, this is a good thing financial situation, to money. And if you haven’t formed a single large figure, but only droplets, then nothing significant will happen this year.

There are many methods of fortune telling, I told you only about the most popular ones, which I myself once used.

Video - truth and myths about fortune telling at Christmas time

Christmas time is amazing time, a time of joy, fun, goodness. People visit each other, give gifts, and do charity work. And young people sing carols, and fortune telling at Christmastime becomes a small miracle for them. Dear friends, I wish you joy, goodness and good mood! With love and respect, Alevtina

The tradition of fortune telling at Christmas time is the most ancient and, apparently, will live on for a very long time. For besides the natural desire to know what is hidden, the mystery Christmas fortune telling is very spectacular and exciting, and sometimes terrifying and frightening. Christmastide lasts from January 7 to January 19. So if you didn’t have time to tell your fortune on Christmas night, when magic sessions take place greatest strength, you will have almost two more weeks at your disposal when you can conduct Christmas fortune-telling.

Christmastide fortune telling is very popular among young girls and families. Late in the evening or early at night, girls gather together to find out the name of the future groom or the date of their wedding, and family ladies wonder about the wealth in the house.

During the session, everyone had to adhere to certain rules and conditions.

1. You cannot cross your arms and legs. One explanation for this is that it can kind of confuse the things with which you intend to perform the ritual.

2. Be sure to remove all rings and other objects that are tied to you or encircle any limbs. These can be belts or bracelets. In some cases, they let down their hair or even take off their shoes and clothes.

3. There should be no noise in the room, there should be complete silence. All other lighting except candles is excluded.

4. During Christmas fortune-telling, a girl should not be under the protection of her religion. Therefore, be sure to remove crosses and remove icons from the premises.

Particular attention was paid to the choice of place, which must necessarily be considered “unclean”. One of best places was considered a bathhouse. After all, this is where, according to legend, spirits, various scarecrows and other evil spirits lived. Some abandoned place was very good for fortune telling at Christmas time. old house, basement or attic. Those who were especially brave dared to tell fortunes even in the cemetery, because it was the places at the junction of two worlds - the border places - that were considered valuable. Such places can be thresholds, gates, corners in the house. But, perhaps, the crossroads have always been considered one of the most sinister places. They say that each of them belongs to some kind of demon, and in this place anyone will feel the presence of dark forces. (when this particular proposal was being written for the site, a cat litter tray suddenly fell in the corridor, standing sideways near the wall and drying...)

1. At night, go to a crossroads and, having asked a question about your future groom, draw a circle around you. After this, you must listen carefully to what is happening around you. Cheerful conversations, laughter, singing, any other positive emotions will mean a quick marriage. Swearing, quarrels, crying will delay your marriage by a year.

2. On one of the evenings during the holy week, people gather fun company from several people. Small objects specially prepared for this are laid out on the table: a coin, a ring, a needle, an earring, a scarf. You can get creative and add a few other items. Then the man lowers it without looking left hand on the table. This Christmas fortune-telling is to understand the meaning of the thing on which the hand is placed. For example, a coin - to wealth, a scarf - to sorrows and problems, a key - new apartment. Ring for a wedding. Girls can change this fortune telling a little and thus find out the profession of their future groom. The coin is a banker, the passport is a lawyer, driver license- minibus driver, flash drive - programmer, scissors - builder, spoon - cook. Here again everything is decided by imagination.

3. For the next Christmastide fortune-telling, you will need a cat or cat. Let the animal stand outside the threshold of the room. Make a wish and call your cat. If she crosses the threshold with her left paw, the wish will definitely come true, and if she crosses the threshold with her right paw, obstacles will arise that you will have to overcome.

4. This is a very famous fortune telling that can be used on any day, not only during the holiday week. Take some book. Write down the page and line number at the top. All that remains is to open the book and interpret what you read.

During Christmas time, you can also tell fortunes online, sitting at your computer. We are sure that on our website you will find several fortune telling that are dear to your heart. We hope you enjoy these festive evenings with us!