What is training and why is it needed? Goals and types of training. What is cross training

Training. Handbook for trainer Thorne Kay

What is training?

What is training?

You can have a very interesting half-hour session with a group, defining the concept of training. The following answer options may arise:

This doesn't happen at work.

This happens at work.

It's showing someone how to do something.

The training provides a set of goals that the participant must achieve.

Training is sometimes perceived as something related to work - on-the-job training, off-the-job training, recruitment training schemes. Training is often considered a formal process, whose components: the presence of a trainer in the training room and the availability of handouts are in the hands of the participants. Underlying active training principles learning people, individual learning styles, skills active listening, asking questions and providing feedback, are used in training in the same way as in regular training, in lecturing, instructing and assessing individual qualities. It is natural to expect that the training will have its own goals and objectives, structured content and methods for assessing results.

Training involves countless options, depending on the coaching style and approach, and the prerequisites for the training. If all the options are arranged along one straight line, at one end there will be so-called trainer-facilitators using small quantity formal exercises and relying on their own experience to generate ideas within the group. They're in to a greater extent than others, are aimed at achieving results. At the other end of the scale are the more traditional “skill set” coaches who may feel very at ease in a speaking environment. Their style is, first and foremost, informative. Both of them conduct trainings. However, the experience participants have will vary greatly. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages.

Trainer facilitators work well with groups. Through their own creativity and energy, they facilitate and encourage the inclusion of all group members in the work.

More traditional trainers may find this approach too difficult to replicate. They strive to teach others certain behaviors. Their leadership style may be more directive, and many are accustomed to acting as experts.

To effectively implement training in modern conditions it is necessary to combine the active involvement of participants with dosed presentation of information. It is important for group members to feel that the coach has personally conveyed something very valuable to them. This could be a model, a process, or information. Participants do not want to come to the conclusion that the trainer has not revealed anything new to them. Can you remember old story about consultants who borrow your watch, tell you what time it is, and then demand a fee for it.

In the section “Change as an effect of training and development (T&D)” we will talk about the fact that training itself is a change. Many traditional training centers have disappeared. Instead, educational centers, centers instructing line managers, and special on-site motivational training have emerged. Today's organizations view attending any training as a serious investment and expect it to provide financial benefits and advance their business goals.

Perhaps in the future the term “training” itself will disappear. Instead, words such as “active learning”, “development” or “transfer of activity style” will appear, or completely other terms that we don’t even think about today.

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Before deciding on the duration of the training, find out how much time you have available. Although in most cases it is the coach who determines the duration of the program, I am increasingly convinced that time parameters are often set by the client, not the coach. In this case, when developing a program spontaneously, it should be explained what results can be achieved in a designated period of time.

Of course, it is impossible to say exactly how long it will take to bring a given training group to certain results; however, there are still a few basic guidelines. Seminars, similar to university classes, are generally structured so that each student has enough time to master the material at the required level. However, students often need an additional year to fully complete the course syllabus. Most people learn simple safety rules in a few minutes. We can easily teach any person how to fasten the safety helmet straps when visiting construction sites ki. The training program you propose may also be a set of similar simple procedures.

When developing more complex skills such as communication, negotiation or creative activity, it can be quite difficult to accurately determine the required time period; you can easily determine how much time you would ideally need to implement such a program. When discussing the program, it is very useful to make an approximate time estimate: this helps either to estimate the total duration of the seminar, or to explain to the customer how much can be accomplished within the time period he has proposed.

The main thing is to identify methods and exercises that meet the results that the customer expects. Add up the time required to complete each exercise and you will get the training duration.


The duration of the program is based on the desired results specified by the customer

The client says: “We are recruiting a new team of eight people and would like them to be able to communicate effectively and openly with each other as they get to know each other better. Each of them will be independently leading a separate project, and for many of them this will be the first time.”

The coach makes the calculation: “Team formation” > team unity » two icebreaker exercises and discussion. Time = 90 minutes.

This begins the process of team formation. The more important the team building component, the more procedures you may need.

Remember that many exercises that focus on other aspects also contribute to team building. “More effective interaction between participants” > Role play and discussion. Time - 2 hours. “Development of leadership qualities in eight participants” > Eight situations where it is necessary to demonstrate leadership qualities in various exercises. (Carry out the exercises in parallel, but for at least 4 hours.)

Plus theoretical material (30 minutes), presentation of models (30 minutes), action planning (40 minutes).

Minimum total training duration = 9 hours 10 minutes.

It is obvious that in in this example A half-day course will be too short to achieve the intended objectives. You will need at least a one-day course that will allow you to complete the most important exercises. A two-day course will allow you to carry out all the planned exercises with some time to consolidate the material, the possibility of an individual approach, the necessary time to think about the material and taking into account unforeseen circumstances. If the number of expected results increases, we may consider a longer course, such as a week, or weekly or monthly sessions over six, eight or more sessions.

If you are running a one-day or longer course, try to organize the next session with the same participants. The attitude to continue classes additionally motivates participants to take some action between sessions; it becomes important for them to transfer the experience gained to practice. When the rehearsal is over, it's time for the real action. You should ask participants to act on the decisions made during the workshop and monitor how this turns out. Then in the next session ask them to report the results, discuss with them alternative options and action plans.

Over time, you will understand what you can achieve and can confidently negotiate a reasonable schedule to complete all the necessary tasks. If you fail, be prepared to act spontaneously to meet the client's expectations.

Number of training participants

The most common group size is from eight to twelve people. Some advantages of groups of this size are given below:

  • the group is large enough to provide a variety of participants' experiences and learning opportunities;
  • the group is large enough to handle general problems or multi-team comparison/competition problems;
  • participants can be divided into several groups to perform different exercises;
  • the group is small enough so that the trainer can provide each participant with an individual approach and feedback;
  • the group is small enough for all participants to speak;
  • the group is small enough for everyone to get to know each other, but large enough for everyone to choose the right partner to work with.

The smaller the group, the more intensely it opens up. This is very important, especially when the training is more personal-oriented. For economic reasons, small groups are often composed of senior management personnel and are most effective for resolving interpersonal and strategic issues, including developing creative approaches to finding solutions to various situations.

But inspirational training is by no means limited to small groups. Despite the understandable difficulties when working with groups of more than twelve people, such groups also have certain advantages. If during the discussion you come to the need to work with large groups, find out whether you will have every opportunity to teamwork and working in subgroups or associations.

When working through parts of the program, when all participants come together, we can create enthusiasm among participants for completing the training objectives and encourage subgroups to interact more closely. This increases participants' creativity, and their shared enthusiasm can help less engaged participants overcome the most difficult parts of the program.

Events that take place within a larger group can be more memorable. They can inspire participants to create larger projects, such as building huge structures outdoors. There have been workshops where teams have built bridges over chasms, thrown all-night parties, and created their own comedy shows (not within the same workshop, of course!).

If a client orders a short seminar for large quantity people, we will still be able to provide effective training. People learn everywhere and always. And the training can be based on any experience acquired during the training process.

There are simple ways, with the help of which we can learn to work with a large number complex programs and topicsmost expand your repertoire. For example, if we primarily specialize in one-on-one mentoring, large groups and do not feel quite confident in groups with a large number of participants, we can recreate conditions that are comfortable for ourselves within these large groups. To do this, we can involve assistants in the work. We can create subgroups working with trainers, temporary leaders, or self-managed groups.

One of the most promising vacancies today can be considered the vacancy of a business coach and trainer. personal development. People who are able to conduct high-quality and interesting trainings are especially in demand at modern market labor.

And this is not at all surprising, because the trainer must not only be well-versed in the theory and practice of his work, but must also take full responsibility for the results of his students’ activities. Of course, in this case the persons must be specially trained.

But few people know that, if desired, for example, a representative of the personnel service can independently master the skills of such a “profession” and become a successful leader. Let's figure out how to conduct training yourself and what important organizational issues to take into account.

For those who are interested in how to conduct training, it is important to understand what it is. It is worth saying that training is, first of all, educational activities (the psychological definition of the term comes from the English phrase “to train”, which translates as “to train” or “to teach”).

They are conducted in a manner atypical for other similar classes and therefore help create an optimal basis for the rapid assimilation and development of certain knowledge and skills. Note that everyone who has ever participated in a training remembers not only the event itself, but also all the information that was taught to them during the event.

Let's start from the beginning: the main points and secrets of success

Considering the high success and popularity of trainings, you need to know what their secret is. A high productivity and the effectiveness of training depends entirely on several components:

  • A carefully drawn up action plan and the program itself.
  • Originality and usefulness of the material.
  • Relevance and relevance of the topic, freshness of ideas.
  • Fascinating and interesting presentation information.
  • Achievements and personal experience instructor.
  • Environment.

If you want the training to be successful, be sure to create intrigue. The presentation of information should be catchy, exciting, and interesting. Here the responsibility is completely shifted onto the shoulders of the coach, because the success of the entire enterprise directly depends on his ability to speak in front of the public and his ability to organize live discussions with event participants.

It should be noted that training can be considered high-quality if the program includes all the points described above. In particular, if you are asking the question: “I want to conduct training - what do I need for this?”, then the first thing you should do is draw up an action plan.


If you are interested in where and how to properly start preparing for a training, then initially think through the main goals of the upcoming event. What tasks and ideas do you need to implement through training? Using this data as a basis, you should build a program outline, dividing the training into two parts:

1. Theoretical

2. Practical.

As for the topic, it should be fundamentally new or relevant for listeners. In this case, your classes will be a real sell-out, which will increase the popularity and demand for your course. As practice shows, the following several topics are currently in demand:

  • Business (opening and developing your own business).
  • Personal growth.
  • Development and improvement of leadership abilities and management skills.

No less popular are sales trainings, the purpose of which is to increase sales and fulfill plans. Preparation for such events includes drawing up individual program, adapted for a specific enterprise (company, retail outlet, etc.), which is due to the presence of various individual nuances and characteristics of the company.

If you have to spend psychological training, then on preparatory stage it will be necessary to create a program that fully meets the expectations of listeners. And in order for the audience to get the expected effect, the instructor must take into account the needs of the participants. In case the material is supplied general public, then when drawing up a program plan you will need to focus on the most “difficult” category of listeners.

If your topic is completely different, then it must be interesting for a wide mass of people, and it must be presented so effectively and at the same time accessible that every participant in the event will surely remember everything down to the smallest detail.

Organizational aspects

When it comes to choosing a room, preference should be given to bright and spacious rooms with comfortable furniture. Usually, when a person feels comfortable, his activity is very fruitful; he concentrates on the information given to him, which increases the effectiveness of the lesson.

Therefore, if you decide to organize a training, you need to first select the most optimal room option. You can agree with the customer to provide you with a separate office for the duration of the event. Or rent a separate room that best meets the requirements of the lesson, so that there is space for students, equipment and other paraphernalia.

Also, when planning trainings and seminars, it is important to remember the needs of the customer. Management that invites an instructor to train staff does not need the process of “updating knowledge” itself. The customer expects specific results - real business promotion, increased sales of products (services), improved quality of service, etc., which you can provide him through training. Author: Elena Suvorova