If a person laughs for no reason, it is schizophrenia. Laughter for no reason as a sign of great intelligence

April Fool's Day, or April Fool's Day, which is traditionally celebrated in many countries, usually activates people who get the most pleasure from jokes. Nevertheless, they argue that such constant cravings do not always indicate only the good condition of the human body. It is likely that a real illness is forcing people to joke.

Periodic manifestations of a sense of humor lead exclusively to positive feelings and a good mood, but the continuous flight of imagination of a particular person automatically begins to irritate his interlocutors, family and friends. This is largely due to the fact that gradually the jokes become absolutely not funny, and even acquire a tinge of rudeness. Representatives of the authoritative BBC publication believe that this problem today is common to many people around the world. Even after realizing this problem and contacting specialists, they cannot communicate normally with their patient. Because of the desire to constantly joke, they completely lack a sense of reality and the ability to take the conversation into a serious direction. This state of affairs clearly complicates the process of determining the diagnosis.

The concept of moria already exists in medicine. This usually means a pathologically elevated mood, which is observed along with agitation, tomfoolery and even a tendency to make the most stupid jokes. Such a disease does not occur in humans just like that. Scientists and doctors, after conducting research, came to the conclusion that this could be the result of suffering two strokes within a period of just 5 years.

This disorder requires the most serious and long-term treatment under the constant supervision of authorized specialists. One of the very first such cases occurred in 1929. Since then, manifestations of Moria began to appear regularly throughout the country. One of the main characteristics of patients is that they themselves almost never enjoy other people's jokes. They are amused exclusively by their own witticisms, which, moreover, are not always correct and funny. Doctors associate this type of behavior with fairly specific damage to the frontal lobes of the brain.

To determine exactly how and why a person’s brain produces bad jokes after illness, doctors have to understand how adapted the same brain is to processing humor. While listening to a joke, the mental processes are usually designed to process the information received and prepare for the traditional funny ending. Only after the human brain makes certain conclusions is it able to perceive jokes, as a result of which the person exhibits laughter.

Apparently, people suffering from the above very complex problem do not build a logical chain, which is why the brain's pleasure centers are simply not able to be irritated to cause laughter. In fact, you can compare the moment when the main essence of the joke becomes clear with a feeling of real insight. As the disease worsens, a person becomes unable to form these thoughts and subsequent conclusions.

Illness causes laughter for no reason.

The business publication "Stock Leader" notes that one of the most important signs of moria is an excessive tendency to laugh. If such a result appears even without compelling reasons, then it is imperative to think about it. In this case, an additional release of the neurotransmitter dopamine leads to personal feelings and the thoughts of patients, which as a result may be completely unrelated to the joke that was heard before. Doctors have good reasons to continue to closely study the basic details of this disease. The trouble is that enough serious problems Frontotemporal dementia affects people not in old age but in the prime of life. After this, the person has great difficulties in feeling the motivation and feelings of the people around him, and this already leads to a negative adaptation to society. Because patients do not understand complex and elaborate jokes, they are more interested in being rude.

Representatives of the scientific field advises to take a close look at your family and friends, because the main signs of moria can be ambiguous. In practice, there have already been cases when years passed from the moment of illness to the time the diagnosis was made. Naturally, over such an impressive period of time the disease progresses, which complicates the subsequent treatment process. Doctors, for their part, will make every possible effort to as soon as possible determine the diagnosis. To do this, they need a special test to determine their sense of humor. By conducting it, it will be possible to clarify the changes that have occurred in terms of a person’s social abilities. In no case should we forget that humor is still a rather complex phenomenon, which in no case should be taken solely for granted.

We often notice that we burst into laughter at the most seemingly inappropriate moment. As psychologists have discovered, this kind of awkward laughter is perhaps one of the most basic and important manifestations of human behavior.

My conversation with Sophie Scott was drawing to a close when she turned to her computer and showed me a video of a half-naked man doing a bomb dive into a frozen pool. After flexing his muscles and showing off in front of the camera, he decides to jump - but hits the ice and flies head over heels on its smooth surface. The ice held up, but our hero’s friends almost burst with laughter.

“They started laughing as soon as they saw there was no blood or broken limbs,” Scott says. “They were literally rolling on the floor in hysterics and couldn’t do anything about it.” (If you'd like to watch the video in question, it can be found here. Just be warned: some strong language is present.)

Why do we want to laugh so uncontrollably, even if the person is in pain? And why is it so contagious? Sophie Scott, a neuroscientist at University College London, has been trying to answer these questions for the past few years. She explains to me why laughter is one of the most important human reactions and why it is so often misinterpreted.

As part of one of Scott's experiments, he scanned the brain of professional parodist Duncan Wisbey to understand how he manages to adopt subtle features of other people's speech. To her surprise, Sophie Scott found that brain activity seemed to engage areas typically associated with bodily movement and visualization—Wisbey literally got under his character's skin. In general, the study of the work of parodists helped her determine which areas of the brain are responsible, for example, for accents and articulation - important aspects of our speech individuality.

But it was only after research in Namibia that Sophie Scott realized that laughter is one of the most important expressions of our voice. Previous studies have shown that representatives of the most different cultures can recognize six universal emotions - fear, anger, surprise, disgust, sadness, joy - based on facial expression. However, Scott wanted to see if we could express less obvious information using our voices. She asked native Namibians and English people to listen to each other's recordings and determine which emotions were represented. Among them are not only the six generally accepted universals, but also relief, triumph and satisfaction.

Representatives of both groups identified laughter most easily. “Literally immediately it became clear that he was different from others positive emotions", says the neuroscientist.

The longer the study lasted, the more interesting the results were. So, Scott soon found out that humor is not main reason our laughter. “People truly believe that most often they laugh in response to the jokes of others, but during a conversation, the one who laughs the most is the one who is speaking at that moment,” she says.

Sophie Scott defines laughter as a social emotion that brings us together and helps us bond, regardless of whether we actually find it funny or not. “When you laugh with other people, you show them that you like them, that you agree with them, or that you belong to the same group,” she says. “Laughter is an indicator of intimacy in a relationship.”

Got a laugh in my mouth

Hence, apparently, situations where two people in a couple are able to cause each other to burst out laughing, but those around them do not understand what they are laughing at. “Sometimes they say: he has a great sense of humor, thanks to which I find him extremely attractive. What it really means is: I'm attracted to him and when we're around each other, I show him that by laughing," Scott explains.

Having fun seems to be the most important way to maintain a relationship. According to Sophie Scott, studies have shown that laughter in a couple allows its participants to quickly relieve tension after difficult events, and in general, such couples' life together usually lasts longer.

Other recent research suggests that people who laugh together at funny videos are more likely to share personal information with each other, thereby increasing mutual understanding.

Even the wild joy caused by an unsuccessful fall into a frozen pool could serve as a unifying factor for the friends of the long-suffering diver. "It's interesting that his buddies start laughing at the same moment - I think it's their way of making him feel better," says Scott.

Robin Dunbar from Oxford University came to similar conclusions: according to his data, laughter correlates with an increase in the pain threshold. Perhaps it's the increased production of endorphins - these chemical compounds also strengthen social bonds.

Now Sophie Scott is trying to figure out the difference between the fake laugh we use to spice up conversation and the kind of uncontrollable laughter that can ruin a TV or radio broadcast.

In particular, she discovered that “nasal” laughter is less sincere, and we “break our stomachs with laughter” without any participation of the nose.

Functional magnetic resonance imaging helped Scott understand how the brain responds to the types of laughter described above. They both appear to stimulate mirror neurons, areas of the brain responsible for imitating the actions of another person. For example, they are activated when a person sees another person kicking a ball - or does it himself. Perhaps this neural mimicry is what makes laughter so infectious.

“A person is 30 times more likely to laugh in the presence of another person,” says the researcher. An important difference is that less spontaneous “social laughter” causes more activity in areas associated with “mentalizing” (understanding what the other person is feeling) and trying to understand the motives of others - perhaps in this way we reflect on the reasons for insincere laughter .

You might think that the difference between spontaneous and deliberate laughter is easy to understand, but Scott believes that this skill develops gradually in a person: we best begin to recognize the nature of other people's laughter closer to the age of 40.

Sophie Scott recently set up an experiment at the London Science Museum, in which her colleagues ask visitors of different ages watch several videos of people laughing and crying and appreciate the sincerity of the characters. As the neuroscientist notes, crying is an infant's primary mode of communication, and the importance of laughter grows as the child grows older.

While we may not like some people's fake laughter, Scott believes this fact says more about ourselves and how we respond to their social cues than it does about how obnoxious these people actually are.

The researcher tells me about a friend who always irritated her with her persistent whistling laugh: “It always seemed to me that she laughed completely out of place. When I analyzed what was happening, I realized: the whole point is that I do not react to her laughter. The laughter itself was absolutely appropriate.” If she had not felt an initial dislike for that woman, Scott believes, she would have laughed heartily and would not have even paid attention to her intonation.

Sophie Scott's curiosity led her not only to explore the strength of relationships between people, but also to go to comedy clubs. “When a stand-up comedian communicates from the stage to the audience, there is still interaction,” she says. There is a kind of dialogue between the comedian and the audience. “I’m interested in how the audience starts laughing and how the laughter gradually fades, whether there is synchronization with the people around you or it doesn’t matter - because the interaction occurs directly between you and the person on stage,” says the researcher.

Oddly enough, Scott notes, comic actors often find it easier to work with larger audiences. Perhaps it's because contagious laughter spreads in waves throughout a large audience. Scott cites as an example a recording of how comedian Sean Lock brings viewers into hysterical laughter simply by periodically repeating the word “cummerbund” (translated as “sash”).

The neuroscientist tried to establish how a wave of laughter begins in the audience by attaching sensors to its participants. The effectiveness of this method was low: the audience felt constrained. However, she hopes to continue the research with the help of famous comedians such as Rob Delaney - perhaps they will be able to cope with the tension of the audience.

Sophie Scott sometimes performs herself at London comedy nights. I ask whether the results of her research contributed to the formation of her stage persona? Scott doesn't think science helped her develop her comic timing. However, the next day I went to see her charity performance and found out that it was actually very funny.

Scott's more prim colleagues don't seem to approve of her "frivolous" approach. But the researcher realizes how powerful a tool of self-expression laughter can be and how effective it can be in getting people to listen to you. “Laughter seems superficial, ephemeral, meaningless,” she explains. “But it is never neutral and always means something.”

David Robson


Exists the whole system laughter therapy, which helps people learn to laugh correctly and, thereby, get rid of many ailments. For example, in yoga there is a direction called Khaasya Yoga. Its essence lies in breathing exercises, which you perform by pronouncing the famous “ho-ho”, “ha-ha” and “hee-hee”. Thus, laughter is stimulated.

If you don’t have the opportunity to practice with a yoga trainer, then try to pronounce these magical sounds yourself. The secret is that “ho-ho” must be pronounced from the abdomen, “ha-ha” - from the chest and from the heart, and “hee-hee” - from the place where the eastern position is not yet located. open third eyes, that is, from the middle of the forehead.

There is always a reason to be sad, and it is this that pushes out all the reasons for laughter. But it should be the other way around. If you feel a negative weight settling inside, stop and stretch your lips into a smile.
Yes, at first it may look stupid from the outside, but you will feel how the dark cloud inside dissipates, and you feel calm again. The more positive you are, the easier it is to bring out your laughter since it won't encounter multiple obstacles.

Develop your sense of humor and try to apply it to any situation. It often happens that people laugh after bitter tears, but they wouldn’t start laughing right away. Laughter sobers up and helps you find more the right decision. Therefore, sharpen your sharp mind and learn to take the world less seriously.

Get rid of all the ones that are hidden deep inside. They not only prevent laughter from penetrating, but also aggravate any minor situation. For example, if you are afraid of doctors, then any one will cause you panic. But people who are deprived of this and perceive everything that happens with humor can laugh at the temporary situation in which they find themselves. Even if you have a broken leg, rest assured that laughing will only speed up its recovery.

Take advantage of comedies, humorous shows with your favorite artists, go to the circus or rides. You will learn to laugh instantly, because professional actors make even inveterate gloomy pessimists hold on to their tummies.

Sport raises overall tone, evens out breathing and improves human emotions. Remember what good mood happens after two hours of skating, when even numerous falls make you laugh sincerely.

Practice your laughter every day, whether there is a reason or not. Just stand in front of the mirror or remember something funny, and at that moment a smile will appear by itself. And then just start laughing, laugh even if it takes effort at first. Later you will feel a pleasant sensation in the chest area, this is a sign that everything is working out for you. Do 15 minutes of these exercises every day, and soon people will envy your infectious laughter.

By approaching life with humor, you will save a huge amount of nerves. It would seem that there is nothing easier than laughing or joking about yourself, but no, human pride and ego will not let you relax even for a second. In order to develop a good sense of humor, you need to remember a number of rules that must be followed.


Remember to reframe. If you are not satisfied with something, you can find positive aspects in it by slightly expanding the area under analysis or simply turning everything upside down. And if everything is really so tragic that it is impossible to find any advantages, understand that this is precisely the invaluable experience that many people lack.

Admit your shortcomings. Understand that everything that is a minus for you in the here and now and cannot be corrected is actually a plus in another! Once you really understand this, you will feel much better about yourself, which is one step closer to your goal of learning to laugh. over yourself.

Know how to adjust according to each of the three - yourself, the second character and the outside observer who is watching all this. Imagine that each of these parties has its own point of view and its own prism of view, and then the comicality of the situation will be able to appear before you in all its glory.

Keep it simple. People are not interested in abstruse, in-depth with irrefutable argumentation and confirmation on all points, simple and easy. So leave it to them. Smooth out the corners, joke and smile more often without taking them seriously. Imagine that this is all just a game.

Video on the topic

Useful advice

The key method for learning to laugh at yourself is to forget about your social status and imagine that you are in the company of friends.

Envy is a destructive feeling. It comes in different shades - black and white, with varying degrees of aggression. The manifestation of any kind of envy always shows what needs to be worked on.

You will need

  • Paper, pen.


Realize that you are jealous. Just admit it to yourself. Learn to notice every time how the feeling comes to you and how it takes over you. But not in order to mercilessly scold yourself, but in order to get feelings from it.

Accept this feeling within yourself: “Yes, I am.” A person has various qualities, and which of them he exhibits at the moment depends on the situation and his life attitudes and “pressures” (let’s call them problems). When you accept the feeling of envy that arises at the moment, you will feel it become easier. You no longer waste your vitality on resistance.

Now work with the cause of envy. To do this, take a sheet of paper and a pen. Write down questions sequentially and answer them. When answering, listen to yourself.

Example: friend X goes to Italy. It seemed unrealistic, but she believed in the dream and persistently studied Italian. A few years later, she married an Italian and moved to Italy.

Articulate your envy. The friend achieved what she wanted, she persistently walked towards her goal. But I can't do it.

Now bring up questions for yourself that follow from your envy. What do I want? Why do I want this? What am I for? What am I for? What's stopping me?

Write questions and answer them until there is not a single unclarified point left. Envy helps you live consciously.

If envy borders on aggression, its roots may lie very deep - in your childhood. They can camouflage themselves so skillfully that when you reach them, you may experience . But you will understand the reason and it will become easier for you to act further.

Deal with the causes of envy. If these are emotions that you have locked away, accept them within yourself. Then, when you are lost in them, thank them for being with you and throw them away. “Thank you for your development, now I have completely outlived you, I don’t need you anymore.” You can do this on the roof of a house, on a mountain, during meditation - anywhere where they can freely leave you.

Envy makes your emotions uncontrollable and destructive. Do something that will have a stronger emotional impact. It could be a sport, a movie. Organize a meeting of good friends, take an exciting trip, do something extraordinary.

Please note

A person has a certain amount of energy. When you envy, energy is spent on this feeling and there is no energy left for life.
The feeling of envy will not go away on its own; you need to work on yourself. Be patient.

Useful advice

If possible, try to prevent situations that make you feel jealous.

Yoga is a system that includes gymnastics, exercises to improve health, philosophy and spiritual practices. Those who are just starting to practice yoga first of all need the correct skills in positioning and appropriate breathing.


For the greatest effect of classes, do not do asanas (postures) after sleep and before bed. Do not exercise for 4 hours after a heavy meal, and for 1.5-2 hours after a light meal.

Before starting classes, try to forget about all your worries and worries, relax and not think about anything other than yoga. To make this task easier for yourself, you can turn on quiet, light music.

To learn yoga, do not strive to immediately learn as many exercises as possible, but master the keys to each of them. As you master these keys, you will find muscles that you can release while maintaining the position. It is then that each new pose will turn from an uncomfortable position into an asana (which when translated means “comfortable pose”).

First of all, master the mountain pose, from which all sets of exercises begin: put your legs together (the feet should touch along the entire length), tighten the muscles of your thighs, straighten your back, lower your arms with your palms facing inward, along your body. Raise your head slightly and look straight ahead, concentrating on the center of your body. You need to stay in this position for 1-2 minutes.

As with any other, to learn yoga, is necessary from the lightest exercises. Therefore, first, study the pose of the plow, triangle, tree, snake, candle and corpse, which, despite the simplicity of their implementation, provide invaluable benefits to the body.

In fact, alcohol or drug abuse often precedes the development of schizophrenia.

Symptoms of the first group:

1. Speech impairment.

An example would be abrupt answers to questions, or the inability to provide comprehensive information (instead, a person gives monosyllabic remarks), and if he speaks in phrases, it is slow.

2. A widespread symptom of schizophrenia is when a person cannot take pleasure in anything. He is unable to enjoy those activities that previously fascinated him greatly.

For example, he no longer likes to play golf and doesn’t want to visit friends. It should be borne in mind that all of these are signs of impending depression.

3. Weak manifestation of emotions or even the appearance of their absence.

This often leads to the loss of friends and limits the circle social communication. The person’s face loses expressiveness, he avoids looking into the eyes of his interlocutor.

4. Inability to perform any tasks. A sick person simply does not see the point in achieving any goals. Because of this, he has problems with school or work.

5. Lack of concentration. A person with schizophrenia is unable to focus his attention on anything. His brain refuses to process incoming information. Therefore, a person begins to get confused and lose his train of thought.

Symptoms of the second group:

A person most often hears “voices”. However, it happens that hallucinations also affect other senses. Then a person not only hears, but also sees, touches, tastes and even smells the objects and phenomena he “has dreamed” of.

Very often a schizophrenic person loses orientation in his own self-identification. It seems to him that he is an important person (for example, the President of the United States). Or - that someone is pursuing him (CIA, ghosts, etc.).

3. Cloudy thinking and incoherent speech.

A person has difficulty distinguishing reality from his “imaginary” world, and cannot say with certainty whether something happened to him or whether it happened only in his thoughts.

4. Strange behavior - excessive agitation, unreasonable aggressiveness, or, conversely, indifference to everything that happens around. Such a patient may constantly sway or grimace.

5. Neglect of oneself, the desire to avoid communication with other people, indifference to one’s own appearance and surrounding things. Such a person can wear dirty clothes and live in an untidy house.

6. Inappropriate emotions, for example - the desire to smile when talking about something sad, or - laughter for no reason.

2) illogicality and thoughtlessness of actions

3) uncontrollable emotions

4) increased stupidity, from a great mind

6) nervousness, hysteria and other types of rabies

7) perversions (for example, cheese with jam)

9) clumsiness ("Elephant in a China Shop" syndrome)

10) obsessions (I will die if I don’t eat this chocolate bar.)

Do you suffer from memory loss? (1)

Do you walk in circles? (3)

Do you have sadistic tendencies? (4)

Are you snapping your fingers? (2)

Do you hum songs to yourself and out loud when alone? (3)

Do you experience unexplained concentration of vision for a long time? (4)

Do you hit the table with your hands? (5)

Do you laugh for no reason at all? (3)

Do you take orders from your superiors too seriously? (5)

Did you exchange notes with your classmates as a child? (4)

Are you separating yourself from the mainstream? (5)

Do you tear paper into small pieces? (4)

Do you suffer from collisions? (5)

Do you suffer from nervousness and aggressiveness? (5)

Do you hit your head on a table, chair, walls, etc.? (5)

Maybe you slow down sometimes? (3)

Do you conduct dialogues without an alternative side? (4)

Do you suffer from high self-esteem? (5)

Do you use excessive eloquence (saying phrases like “now I will use my eloquence”)? (5)

Schizophrenia: main signs and symptoms

Schizophrenia refers to severe mental disorders in which a person’s perception of reality is distorted. There is inappropriate behavior and illogicality in the presentation of thoughts (impaired thinking).

Why does schizophrenia occur among experts there is no consensus. The main factor is heredity. Secondary - diseases of various types, injuries. They act as a catalyst for the development of hidden processes.

The first signs of schizophrenia are usually diagnosed in adolescence. And among the younger generation the disease is more common than in older people. Today, almost 1% of the world's population is familiar with it.

Diagnosis of schizophrenia

Loss of contact with others, emotional poverty, passivity, delirium, obsessive states, motor dysfunction, impaired thinking, the appearance of uncharacteristic irritability or aggression - all this can be attributed to signs of endogenous disorders of a schizophrenic nature.

Despite the fact that the disease is sometimes popularly called a split personality, at its core it represents a “splitting” of mental functions. There is no harmony between them, as a result of which patients are disorganized and demonstrate illogical actions. While the intellect is preserved, there is a violation of behavior and thinking. There is no correspondence between human capabilities and their normal implementation.

The diagnosis of schizophrenia causes controversial debates between psychiatrists in different countries. Indeed, in some regions this includes only severe manifestations of the disease (characteristic signature), and in others - any symptoms of pathology. And the course of schizophrenia can be varied: from a one-time manifestation to a chronic process. A person in remission is able to be fully capable and no different from a healthy person.

Signs of schizophrenia

Experts are careful when diagnosing the disease. The entire spectrum of disorders is studied: emotional and neurosis-like. In writing this article, we used consultations with specialists from the Alliance mental health clinic (https://cmzmedical.ru/)

Emotional signs of schizophrenia:

  • Emotional poverty - a person becomes indifferent to his loved ones.
  • Inadequacy - in some cases there is an increased reaction to a stimulus: any trifle can cause unmotivated aggression, anger, or an attack of jealousy. And it is the people closest to you who suffer from this. The further away the patient's emotional relationship with other people is, the less pronounced the reaction. He can behave as usual with strangers.
  • Loss of interest in familiar things.
  • Dulling of instinctive sensations - a person loses interest in food, he has no desire to take care of himself or observe normal hygiene procedures.
  • Delusion is a disorder that manifests itself in a distorted perception of what is happening. The patient has unusual colored dreams, obsessive ideas that someone is watching him, wants to kill him, influences him with the help of invisible rays, etc. Delusions of jealousy are also common: the patient groundlessly suspects his spouse of cheating, and such ideas morally kill the partner. Unlike ordinary jealousy, in schizophrenia it has the character of obsessive thoughts.
  • Hallucinations - most often this disorder manifests itself in the form of auditory hallucinations: it seems to a person that extraneous voices are whispering to him the order of actions; impose ideas. The patient may also experience colored visual hallucinations, like vivid dreams.

If mild emotional disorders can be difficult to notice at the initial stage, then delusions and hallucinations cannot be missed (this is a characteristic signature of schizoid disorders). In families where scandals and attacks of jealousy are frequent companions in relationships, increased aggression and depressive states can be attributed to any other emotional disorders. And only as a last resort do loved ones suspect schizophrenia. In successful relationships, disturbances in thinking and changes in the partner’s behavior are noticed at an early stage.

Signs of schizophrenia can also be neurosis-like in nature. The special signature of such disorders is: depersonalization, phobias, fears, hypochondria, catatonic stupor, or vice versa - agitation. They manifest themselves specifically: the patient may complain that he constantly feels the movement of blood; unusual fears appear, for example, fear of books. The patient can calmly tell others about the most ridiculous phobias and have unusual colorful dreams.

Main symptoms of schizophrenia

In psychiatric practice, it is customary to distinguish between cognitive, positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia.

Positive syndromes include:

  • Rave.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Stopping thinking is the confusion and illogicality of thoughts in the head, when the patient forgets why this or that object was needed. Or he is unable to complete his thought. To get out of the difficulty, abstract or symbolic presentations are used.
  • The blurring of the boundary between fiction and reality (derealization) manifests itself in several ways: the initial stage is characterized by the fact that the patient may not personalize his personality and consider that he is “absorbed by the world.” Ideas of kinship with unfamiliar strangers and denial of family ties with loved ones may arise. The perception of the surrounding world is disrupted: all colored details seem unrealistically bright, an ordinary object is endowed with special properties.

Negative symptoms of schizophrenia:

  • Asociality - it becomes difficult for a person to be in society. He is bad at making contact and making acquaintances. Stops communicating with old acquaintances. To some extent, this symptom is similar to autistic disorders. Perhaps for this reason, autistic people were once unknowingly classified as people with schizophrenic disorders.

The negative symptoms of schizophrenia, if they can be explained in a general concept, are a loss of vital energy, in which the ability to function as a full-fledged productive person disappears.

Schizophrenia: symptoms of cognitive dysfunction

Cognitive signs of schizophrenia: memory, attention, thinking. All this is violated to one degree or another. The patient has difficulty concentrating and is unable to perceive new information. Cognitive impairment - observed in the distortion of speech: conversations become abstract, saturated with symbols, neologisms, vocabulary becomes poor. It is possible to interrupt a sentence, repeat what has been said, or use illogical rhymes.

Cognitive functional disorders also include symptoms of memory pathology: verbal, long-term, short-term, episodic, working, associative. Insomnia may occur.

Cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia is difficult to treat with traditional antipsychotic drugs. On the contrary: their side effects only make the situation worse.

Neurocognitive disorders have negative consequence on a person's daily life. Social, professional, and household responsibilities become difficult to fulfill.

Hallucinations in schizophrenia

Hallucinations, delusions, obsessions are the characteristic features of paranoid schizophrenia.

Hallucinations are the creation of your own fictional world, which is projected onto reality. This imaginary world has its own color pictures with distorted reality, as well as ephemeral voices in my head. Both single and complex sense organs can be involved in the process of hallucinations. The characteristic feature of this type of psychosis is deception of visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory and/or gustatory perception of the surrounding world.

It is customary to divide hallucinations into false and true. The difference is that with the true version, a person hears sounds in a real room, or talks about invented visual images on real surfaces. The signature of false hallucinations is their creation in the heart of the patient himself. For example, an individual assures that snakes live in his body. Or that all his actions are guided by voices in his head.

Deception of perception can be simple or complex. In the first case, these are individual sounds or noise. In the second, the imagination draws entire scenes reminiscent of bright, colorful dreams. Symptoms of hallucinations:

  • conversations alone with oneself;
  • sudden change in behavior when speaking: the patient seems to be distracted by internal stimuli in the head;
  • laughter for no reason;
  • anxiety and detachment when speaking.

Hallucinations may be autoscopic in nature. In this case, the patient sees himself as a double.

If a loved one is suspected of having a disturbance in perception and thinking, then experts do not advise discussing invented obsessions, supporting deception, or convincing the patient of the unreality of perception. It is strictly forbidden to mock.

Patients with schizophrenia often experience delusional obsessions. Delusion is a fictitious idea about the world around us. The reason is the processes that occur inside the consciousness, in the head. They are not affected by information. This is solely the result of the work of a disturbed consciousness. The most common delusion is persecution. In this case, the patient begins to suspect his relatives or friends of evil intentions. Often a person has a constant need to write complaints to various authorities in order to punish the “culprits”. At the same time, he has a distorted feeling that he is being mocked. If obsessions have a hypochondriacal signature, then the patient will besiege hospital rooms in search of non-existent diseases.

How to determine schizophrenia if a person has obsessive disorders? Delirium, which is clearly fantastic in nature, is easily recognized by others. But if he has a plausible handwriting, this may be difficult. For example, it is difficult to diagnose a tendency to pathological jealousy.

Delusions of self-flagellation can be especially dangerous when the patient becomes depressed and all his thoughts are aimed at blaming himself. This is often accompanied by insomnia. This stage may be aggravated by suicidal behavior. Serious crimes with mass murders are also often based on schizoid pathologies in the criminals. Subsequently, he may imagine this as colorful dreams and not perceive reality.

Psychiatrists advise not to enter into arguments with a patient about his beliefs. Do not prove their implausibility. If you display very strong emotions (anger, sadness, fear), contact a specialist.

Aggression in schizophrenia

Aggression is understood as a form of human behavior that aims to cause moral or physical harm to another being. IN everyday life ordinary healthy people can also have similar outbursts of anger as a defensive reaction to an external stimulus. But in schizophrenia, aggression is impulsive, which is not a defense. Aggression is provoked by impaired thinking and incorrect interpretation of reality. Increased agitation, insomnia, negative attitude towards others, unreasonable suspicion - these symptoms make it possible to suspect the presence of a schizoid pathology.

According to statistics among the male half of humanity with schizophrenic disorders aggressive behavior observed six times more often than in healthy men. And among women it’s even sadder: psychiatrists’ patients demonstrate aggression fifteen times more often than healthy women. Obsessions of jealousy are also more common in women. Although some experts note that among alcoholics, attacks of aggression occur more often than among schizophrenics. This makes it possible to conclude that this behavior most likely has a genetic predisposition. And mental disorder acts only as a catalyst for development.

There are certain symptoms that increase the risk of developing aggression. If a patient suffers from delusions of persecution, hallucinations, organic brain damage, is prone to antisocial or criminal behavior, is accompanied by obsessive states of morbid jealousy, and abuses alcohol, he has every chance of joining the ranks of aggressive patients. Particular attention should be paid to those patients who drink alcohol, since they have a destructive effect on cognitive processes and give rise to an inadequate reaction to external stimuli. Such a person, in a fit of jealousy, can even take the life of his partner.

Aggression in schizophrenia is often observed in the paranoid form. In this case, catalysts can become internal reasons in the absence of external stimuli. If a schizophrenic patient is prone to impulsiveness, restlessness is observed, and aggression can become threatening. This stage requires hospitalization in a hospital, since there is a risk of dangerous, unmotivated actions.

Movement disorders in schizophrenia

Movement disorders are a series of disorders that manifest themselves as severe agitation or stupor. In the first case, patients experience restlessness, meaningless speech, often using rhymes, repetition, and mimicking. Restlessness is accompanied by periods of indifference, a continuous stream of speech is accompanied by sudden silence.

Patients with catatonic agitation may exhibit increased aggression towards others, often presenting a danger to life. In this state, they do not respond to speech addressed to them, since thinking and awareness are impaired. It is only possible to relieve attacks with medication. The problem may be that the arousal phase often occurs at night (when a person has vivid colorful dreams or suffers from insomnia) and reaches a peak within a few hours. Therefore, the patient’s loved ones must learn to quickly and adequately respond to attacks.

Catatonic stupor has different symptoms. Restlessness is not observed: the patient freezes in an immobilized position. His muscles are in a state increased tone, but at the same time the ability to remain in flexible positions for a long time remains. A schizophrenic patient does not react to others, stops eating, and focuses his gaze on one point. If you try to change its position, it becomes successful: there is no resistance. Sometimes there are attacks of negativism, in which a person reacts negatively to the outside world. His mind retains the ability to perceive human speech, but he refuses to speak himself.

Diagnosis of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a disease in which the diagnosis is very careful. According to the world rules of psychiatry, the examination is carried out comprehensively and according to a number of criteria. To begin with, primary data is collected. They include a survey to establish signs, complaints and developmental features are studied.

Diagnosis of schizophrenia also includes the following basic methods:

  • passing special psychological tests. They are informative if this is the initial stage, and for borderline states;
  • MRI - using tomography, it is determined whether the patient has organic disorders (tumors, hemorrhages, encephalitis) that could affect behavioral characteristics. After all, many symptoms that are characteristic of schizophrenia are possible with organic brain lesions;
  • electroencephalography - diagnoses head injuries, brain diseases;
  • laboratory diagnostics: urine tests, blood biochemistry, immunogram, hormonal status.

Additional studies may be used to make a diagnosis: night sleep study, vascular diagnostics, virological tests.

A definitive diagnosis can only be made if the patient has symptoms that last more than six months. At least one clear and two unclear signs must be diagnosed:

  • a thinking disorder in which a person has a strong conviction that his thoughts do not belong to him or are completely alien thoughts;
  • feeling of outside influence: a clear conviction that all his actions are controlled by someone else;
  • there is a distorted perception of speech or behavior;
  • hallucinations: auditory, olfactory, tactile, visual;
  • obsessions (for example, delusions of jealousy);
  • confusion of thinking, impaired motor activity: stupor or restlessness.

With all the possibilities for a comprehensive diagnosis of the disease, every tenth patient is given an incorrect diagnosis, which indicates the difficulty of distinguishing pathology.

Prognosis for schizophrenia

Schizophrenic disorders can progress favorably if you pay attention to them in time and begin drug therapy. Treatment of diseases that appear in adulthood is easier than in younger patients. Difficulties arise if schizophrenia is diagnosed in early childhood. Then it proceeds according to the malignant type. It is also worth noting that signs of schizophrenia appear much more often in men than in women, this is due to some features of the female psyche.

According to research, sudden psychomotor symptoms can be corrected more easily than the protracted development of primary symptoms. A favorable treatment outcome depends on timely contact with a specialist and correctly selected therapy.


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Schizophrenia - symptoms and signs in adults, exacerbation and causes of the disorder

Schizophrenia is a polymorphic mental disorder characterized by the disintegration of affects, thinking processes and perceptions. Previously, the specialized literature indicated that about 1% of the population suffers from schizophrenia, but recent large-scale studies have shown a lower figure - 0.4-0.6% of the population. Symptoms and signs of schizophrenia can begin to appear at any age, but most often the disease occurs after 15 and before 25 years of age. Interestingly, for unknown reasons, the female part of the population is more susceptible to mental disorder than men.

Let's find out: what is schizophrenia and how does it manifest itself in a person, as well as what is the cause and is it possible to treat this mental disorder?

What is schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is mental illness, which is characterized by distortion of thinking (in the form of delusions) and perception (in the form of hallucinations). The term “schizophrenia” literally means “split mind,” which does not quite accurately reflect the essence of this disease, because many people confuse it with dissociative identity disorder (popularly called split personality).

A schizophrenic is not aware of the reality of what is happening around him. The thoughts that arise in his imagination and all those events that happen in reality are mixed up in his head.

The information that has made its way into the consciousness of such a person is a chaotic set of colored pictures, all kinds of sounds and meaningless images. It often happens that a schizophrenic completely denies existing reality- he lives his life in his illusory world.

Schizophrenia is often combined with depression, anxiety disorders, drug addiction and alcoholism. Significantly increases the risk of suicide. It is the third most common cause of disability after dementia and tetraplegia. Often entails pronounced social maladjustment, resulting in unemployment, poverty and homelessness.

Men and women suffer from schizophrenia equally often, but city dwellers - more often, poor people - more often (more stress). If the patient is a man, the disease has an earlier onset and a more severe course, and vice versa.


  • genetic predisposition;
  • prenatal factors (for example, the development of abnormalities as a result of problems with abnormal intrauterine development of the fetus);
  • social factors (the background of urbanization contributes to the growth of mental disorders);
  • experiences in early childhood can cause schizophrenia;
  • environmental factors;
  • brain injuries during or immediately after childbirth;
  • social isolation;
  • alcoholism causes schizophrenia in humans, and contributes to a gene mutation due to which the disease can develop in his children;
  • drug addiction leads to the development of schizophrenia and gene mutation, similar to alcohol.

A group of stress conditions caused by external factors, which, in turn, can play a role in the formation of schizophrenia:

  • Viral infection affecting the brain during childbirth
  • Fetal hypoxia
  • Birth of a child before the end of the full term of pregnancy
  • Exposure to the virus in infancy
  • Loss of parents or separation from family
  • Physical and mental trauma resulting from domestic violence

The first signs of schizophrenia

Like any other disease, schizophrenia has its first signs, which you must pay attention to and consult a psychiatrist.

  1. Inability to perform habitual actions, since the patient does not see any obvious meaning in them. For example, he doesn’t wash his hair because his hair will get dirty again;
  2. Speech disorders, which are expressed mainly in monosyllabic answers to questions posed. If the patient is nevertheless forced to give a detailed answer, he will speak slowly;
  3. Low emotional component. The patient's face is inexpressive, it is impossible to understand his thoughts, he avoids eye contact with the interlocutor;
  4. Low concentration on any object or object of action;
  5. Anhedonia is also an early sign of the disease. At the same time, even activities that previously attracted a person and gave him moments of joy now become completely uninteresting.
  6. Affective inadequacy is expressed in a completely inadequate reaction to various events and actions. For example, when a person sees someone drowning, he laughs, and when he receives some good news, he cries, etc.

You should think about the disease in the following cases:

  • sudden changes in character
  • the appearance of neurotic symptoms - persistent fatigue, increased anxiety, constant
  • rechecking decisions and actions,
  • insomnia,
  • nightmares,
  • vague sensations in the body.

A person prone to developing schizophrenia loses interest in life and family, experiences depression, suddenly becomes addicted to alcohol, and draws gloomy pictures.

It is worth noting that such symptoms can manifest themselves to one degree or another in every person, so a qualified specialist should diagnose the signs of schizophrenia.


Based on clinical symptoms, the DSM-4 distinguishes five types of schizophrenia:

  • Paranoid schizophrenia is characterized by undisturbed thought processes, the patient predominantly suffers from delusions and hallucinations. It is paranoid delusions that predominate, delusions of grandeur, persecution or influence prevail. Emotional disorders are not very pronounced, sometimes completely absent.
  • Disorganized schizophrenia (hebephrenic) - thinking disorders and emotional flattening are identified.
  • Catatonic schizophrenia – psychomotor disturbances predominate.
  • Undifferentiated schizophrenia - psychotic symptoms are detected that do not fit into the picture of catatonic, hebephrenic or paranoid schizophrenia
  • Sluggish, neurosis-like schizophrenia: age of onset is from 16 to 25 years on average. There is no clear boundary between the initial and manifest periods. Neurosis-like phenomena dominate. Schizophrenic psychopathization is observed, but the patient can work and maintain family and communication ties. At the same time, it is clear that the person is “distorted” by the disease.

Symptoms of schizophrenia in adults

Patients with schizophrenia experience a combination of disorders in thinking, perception, as well as emotional and volitional disorders. The duration of symptoms is observed for about a month, but a more reliable diagnosis can be established over 6 months of observation of the patient. Often, at the first stage, a transient psychotic disorder with signs of a schizophrenia-like disorder, as well as symptoms of schizophrenia, is diagnosed.

Positive symptoms

Positive symptoms include symptoms that a healthy person did not previously have and they appeared only with the development of schizophrenia. That is, in this case the word “positive” is not used to mean “good”, but only reflects the fact that something new has appeared. That is, there has been a certain increase in the qualities inherent in man. Positive symptoms of schizophrenia include the following:

Negative symptoms and signs of schizophrenia

  • Lethargy - the patient loses the ability to quickly react and make decisions, and is unable to maintain a conversation.
  • Emotional coldness - the line in facial and vocal expressions of feelings is erased. Characterized by monotony of speech and “frozen” facial expressions.
  • Asociality - it becomes difficult for a person to be in society. He is bad at making contact and making acquaintances.
  • Low concentration of attention, which leads to the inability to lead a normal lifestyle, go to work, or do favorite things. Even handwriting is distorted.
  • Loss of interest in what is happening. In contrast, obsessive ideas appear on which a person becomes fixated. A productive life becomes unrealistic.

Due to lack of motivation, schizophrenics often stop leaving the house, do not perform hygienic procedures (do not brush their teeth, do not wash, do not take care of their clothes, etc.), as a result of which they acquire a neglected, sloppy and repulsive appearance.

As the disease progresses, the symptoms of emotional manifestations of schizophrenia weaken to the point of emotional dullness.

  • Emotional decline affects the patient’s entire appearance, facial expressions and behavior.
  • His voice becomes monotonous and expressionless.
  • The face loses expressiveness and becomes motionless (sometimes a mask-like face, monotony of voice, angular movements, their stiffness are a manifestation side effects medications, this should be taken into account).

How does schizophrenia manifest itself: hallucinations, delusions and aggression

Before determining schizophrenia in a person, it is recommended to observe him. Patients with this pathology have a distorted picture environment, created by one’s own consciousness based on the initial correct signals.

The onset of the disease (manifest period) is characterized by:

  1. Delusions of persecution, relationships, meanings, high origin, endowed with a special purpose and absurd delusions of jealousy, as well as delusions of influence.
  2. Auditory true, as well as pseudo-hallucinations of the commentator, contradictory of the condemner.
  3. Sexual, olfactory, gustatory, and somatic hallucinations.


Hallucinations are disorders of perception and the appearance of phenomena (objects, sensations) where they do not exist. They can be visual, auditory, tactile, and so on. Schizophrenia is characterized by auditory hallucinations of various contents. Auditory hallucinations, or “voices,” arise from inside a person’s head or from objects.

There are four types of hallucinatory disorders:

  1. auditory – most characteristic of schizophrenia. A voice appears in the patient’s head or from surrounding objects that comments, criticizes the person’s actions, or instructs him on how to live correctly and what to do;
  2. tactile - develop less frequently than auditory ones. The patient may feel as if boiling water is being poured on his skin or, conversely, ice water. Patients may also complain of the feeling that someone is living inside them (fish swimming through the veins, a snake crawling in the stomach);
  3. olfactory – the most inexpressive hallucinations. A person complains of the presence of odors that no one but him can smell;
  4. visual - extremely rarely appear in schizophrenia.

Auditory and visual hallucinations in schizophrenia manifest themselves as follows:

  • conversations with oneself, reminiscent of a conversation or responses to someone’s questions (of course, except for comments like “Where did I put the keys?”);
  • laughter for no apparent reason;
  • the impression that a person sees and hears something that no one else perceives;
  • sudden silence, as if he was listening to something;
  • looking preoccupied or anxious;
  • inability to concentrate on the topic of conversation or a specific task.

Delusions are cumulative beliefs, conclusions and conclusions that differ from reality. Before acute schizophrenia manifests itself, the patient becomes delusional and suffers from hallucinations.

There are several tips on how to recognize schizophrenia with the manifestation of delusions. This is indicated by the following main signs:

  • changes in behavior, the appearance of unmotivated aggression;
  • constant stories of an implausible nature, like bright colored dreams;
  • unreasonable fear for your life and health;
  • manifestation of fear in the form of voluntary confinement at home, fear of people;
  • constant annoying complaints to authorities for no reason.

As the disease progresses, the patient becomes conflicted and explosive. During the course of the disease, the doctor pays special attention to reasoning - empty reasoning of a constant nature. In this case, there is no final goal of the reasoning. With anhedonia, the ability to experience pleasure from something is lost.

Exacerbation of schizophrenia

A relapse or exacerbation of schizophrenia is the development of an acute phase in which the disorder takes an active course, productive symptoms appear, and an adequate assessment of one’s condition decreases or is completely lost. Such a condition of the patient can lead to adverse consequences, both for the carrier of the disease and for those around him. In this regard, early recognition of signs of exacerbation of the disease is of particular importance.

Factors contributing to the exacerbation of schizophrenia are:

  • Stopping medications is one of the most common reasons, according to which decompensation of remission occurs.
  • Somatic pathology also provokes exacerbations. Most often this is cardiovascular, respiratory pathology or kidney disease.
  • Infections are often accompanied by the development of agitation.
  • Stress also leads to decompensation of the patient's condition. Conflicts in the family, among friends, and at work are inducers of psychotic states.

When the first signs of psychosis appear, you should consult your doctor. Relatives of the carrier of the disorder and the patient himself are already familiar with the manifestations of the disease, so even minor changes should alert them, especially in spring and autumn.

Treatment methods

Treatment of schizophrenia is carried out, first of all, with the aim of reducing severe symptoms, reducing the chances of relapse of the disease, as well as the return of symptoms after improvement.

Among the methods used to treat schizophrenia, we highlight the following:

  • drug therapy;
  • electroconvulsive therapy (used when drug therapy is ineffective, involves passing electrical impulses through the brain);
  • social therapy (involves improving the patient’s living conditions; long-term implementation of such measures ensures appropriate effectiveness);
  • psychotherapy (used as a supportive treatment method, for example, in combination with drug therapy, helps to alleviate the patient’s general condition).

During the period of remission, maintenance therapy is required; without this, the condition will inevitably worsen. As a rule, patients feel much better after discharge, believe that they are completely cured, stop taking medications, and the vicious circle starts again.

This disease cannot be completely cured, but with adequate therapy it is possible to achieve stable remission with maintenance treatment.

According to experts, people who suffer from schizophrenia pose a danger in some cases, primarily to themselves. Therefore, cases of suicide among such patients are quite often recorded. Violent behavior is also possible in patients who use alcohol or drugs. Therefore, periodic treatment of schizophrenia is mandatory.

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Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that is characterized by a distorted perception of the world, inappropriate actions, emotions and perception of reality, and attitude towards other people.

Patients with schizophrenia have communication problems in all areas - from childhood at school and later at work. The disease makes such people withdrawn and fearful. Schizophrenia affects a person for the rest of his life, although the symptoms of the disease can be significantly alleviated by taking medications.

The essence of schizophrenia is that a person does not feel the reality of events. Everything that he comes up with in his imagination, and everything that happens in reality, is mixed in the mind of a schizophrenic. At the same time, schizophrenics often refuse to perceive reality to any extent - they live in their own imaginary world. Everything that makes its way to them from reality seems to be a mixture of sounds, pictures, images and thoughts. Often this reality simply makes a kind of mess in the patients’ heads, which they cannot comprehend.

Sick people respond to the processes that occur in their brain with very inappropriate behavior. Often neighbors, colleagues, and even relatives are justifiably afraid of seizures in such people.

The manifestations of schizophrenia are quite individual. In this case, seizure phenomena can vary in strength and frequency of occurrence. For some patients, this happens only once in their life, others suffer from seizures very often, while painfully experiencing periods of calm, while others between seizures appear to be completely healthy people. The disease is usually cyclical, it has periods of exacerbation and periods of weakening.

Signs of schizophrenia most often appear in youth, paranoia appears somewhat later. Typically, such children are born underweight, have problems with socialization in kindergarten, and have a reduced ability to learn at school. Patients usually differ from their peers from a young age. They have poor contact with people, try to spend more time alone, and are not inclined to be interested in the opposite sex. In old age, schizophrenia almost does not arise; dementia is already present here, which has a completely different nature. Most often, the disease is recorded in large cities, less often in rural areas.

Symptoms and signs of schizophrenia

Symptoms of schizophrenia vary depending on different forms and the time of their occurrence. Usually, the first signs of the disease strike loved ones with shock - no one expects such a disease, and tries not to even think about schizophrenia. Unfortunately, such symptoms will not go away, they will only increase.

Symptoms that are found in schizophrenics are usually divided into several groups. These include:

Psychotic symptoms. These symptoms include those that are absent in healthy people. First of all, these are delusional, obsessive ideas. They are not based on any real event or phenomenon. It is absolutely impossible to convince a sick person otherwise. He clearly built himself own picture vision of the world and is not going to give it up. At the same time, aggressive tendencies arise in his brain - the patient feels flawed, lonely, everyone is up in arms against him. The second symptom is hallucinations. Hallucinations in schizophrenics are represented quite widely - in all areas. They can come up with images of non-existent people and objects. They see things that don't happen in real life. For example, a schizophrenic may look at a blank wall and describe the beauty of the painting that hangs there. They may writhe in pain as if they are being beaten, although no one is touching the patient.

They do the same with sensations - smells, tactile feelings, sounds. Schizophrenics hear voices in empty rooms, and an imaginary person can talk to them. Moreover, this figure is often very significant (God, the devil) and she commands them.

Disorganized symptoms – these symptoms reflect problems with mental operations and adequate reactions to what is happening. Schizophrenics, for example, can speak complete nonsense, and with evidentiary force, turning to screaming. Thus, the sick person is completely excluded from normal dialogue. Even if the patient can talk, his thoughts are continuous fragments that he cannot systematize. The same thing happens with movements and writing texts. Schizophrenics are excessively absent-minded; they often lose things without understanding the ownership of these things. Even ordinary daily repeated functions are absolutely imperceptible for schizophrenics. Patients cannot create lasting associations. If today a spoon is for eating, then tomorrow it can be used to dig in the ground.

A distinctive feature is disturbances from the emotional environment. Schizophrenics often do not experience the expected emotions. For example, at a funeral they may laugh, but during a positive event they may not show any emotion at all.

Among the negative signs of schizophrenia, it is worth noting the states of affect that occur in patients. Of course, if we compare schizophrenics with people who become emotional due to alcohol, then alcoholics do this much more often, and the attempts themselves are much worse. However, the second stage belongs to schizophrenics who, due to their condition, do not understand the gravity of the actions they commit. Often, schizophrenics try to commit suicide. Of course, under the supervision of relatives, such attempts can be prevented, but some still succeed.

Causes of schizophrenia

IN lately Doctors see the causes of schizophrenia in genetic disorders. After DNA testing, acquired mutations were discovered in people with schizophrenia that were not seen in healthy people. This largely explains the cause, the nature of this disease. After all, schizophrenia was not previously associated with genetics - too few patients had a similar disease in the family. Today it can be argued that even those people whose direct relatives had this disease have a predisposition to schizophrenia.

Pathology manifests itself in brain cells. Acetyl groups are not able to attach to DNA structures (histones). This lack of acetyl-histone bond gives rise to symptoms of schizophrenia. Depending on how many genes are affected, a distinction is made between monogenic, oligogenic and polygenic theories.

At the moment, factors that predispose to the onset and development of schizophrenia have also been studied. One of these factors is dysfunction of the limbic system. In this case, disparate actions in different hemispheres of the brain are diagnosed. Computed tomography also allows one to see the enlarged anterior and lateral horns of the ventricles of the brain.

Another version suggests that schizophrenia develops more often in those people who have an imbalance of serotonin, norepinephrine, vasopressin, cholecystokinin and dopamine. At the same time, as a consequence, disturbances occur in the metabolism of basic substances - proteins and carbohydrates.

Psychologists see the reasons for the development of the disease in the activation of archaic thinking, in which signs of schizophrenia appear - blurred judgment, lack of concentration, selfishness in behavior, etc.

According to psychoanalysts, schizophrenia can develop due to excessive cruelty in the family, lack of proper contact with the mother, and sexual deviations.

Ecologists note that most often children born schizophrenic are conceived in deep winter and spring, i.e. at the moment when the mother lacks vitamins.

Evolutionary theory sees schizophrenics as people of hidden potential. Indeed, schizophrenics are more able to tolerate temperature changes and pain.

In some cases, children from parents with schizophrenia have higher intelligence than children from healthy parents.

Forms of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia was isolated as an independent disease and studied at the end of the nineteenth century. This problem was dealt with by the German physician Kraepelin, who identified forms of schizophrenia. The research was so profound that the forms described are still used in psychiatry.

  • The paranoid form is the most common form of schizophrenia. As a rule, patients become delusional. He himself comes up with images in his imagination on which he becomes dependent. Against the background of such delirium, hallucinations and disorders of mental functions arise. The patient feels that he is being persecuted, he begins to suspect close people and colleagues of persecution. Moreover, such suspicions can cause inappropriate aggression. The patient is constantly in fear. Such phenomena can be short-term, or they can take over the patient for several years.
  • Hebephrenic form - the disease mainly affects mental functions. A person cannot perform the simplest actions - analyze, synthesize, evaluate a situation, make judgments, form his attitude towards something. The loss of these operations leads to the fact that the schizophrenic cannot perceive holistically. the world around us, evaluate it and see yourself in it. At the same time, the patient with his behavior does everything exactly the opposite of what is happening. This is not a conscious protest - it is an inability to think adequately. For example, even when receiving good news, the patient may become extremely upset, cry, become depressed, or become violent and aggressive. In this case, the patient finds himself in a difficult situation - his behavior alienates his closest friends and colleagues, he is left alone without support. As the process progresses, conflict behavior only gets worse.
  • Catatonic form - in this form, the main manifestation of schizophrenia is the patient’s movements. These movements are present from the very beginning of the disease; they have no remissions or relapses. Patients with schizophrenia perform movements that would be at least uncomfortable or shameful for a normal person. In schizophrenics, such feelings do not arise, so the expression of the disease occurs in the most unexpected movements. Typically, patients can sit in one position for several hours without reacting at all to the words of others. At the same time, facial expressions do not express anything, like a stone mask. After a while, their face changes - they express inappropriate suffering, sometimes laugh, etc. Instead of adequate movements, they may wave their arms, stomp their feet, or scream. Usually this form of schizophrenia is combined with the two previous ones - paranoid states and impaired thinking.


Schizophrenia and its symptoms vary depending on the form of the disease. Therefore, this should be taken into account when diagnosing schizophrenia. Typically, the diagnosis is made when the main symptoms are identified, which are persistently observed for more than six months. In this case, of course, the main attention is paid to mental disorders - thoughts, actions, mood, thinking disorders, the presence of auditory and visual hallucinations, and movement disorders. In addition, it is worth assessing the general emotional state patient. Schizophrenia is indicated by isolation, alienation from loved ones, and aggressiveness in communication. In this case, the presence of close relatives of similar disorders will play a significant role in favor of schizophrenia.

In differential diagnosis, it is worth distinguishing schizophrenia from psychotic disorders and schizotic conditions. The symptoms of such deviations are very similar, however, in most cases, patients recover from these conditions on their own, which last about two weeks. The presence of such disorders, however, can be considered the first sign of schizophrenia itself.

When diagnosing, it is worth remembering that delusional disorders, like schizophrenia, are characterized by constant delusions, often the theme does not change. In this case, sound hallucinations are often justified. Such states can be called obsessive rather than classified as symptoms of schizophrenia. If this is a symptom of schizophrenia, then delirium lasts much longer and is a consequence of severe stress (depression, manic state, etc.). In addition, doctors should remember that most often delusional disorders are a consequence of brain disease. It is this exogenous factor that becomes decisive in the occurrence of delusional states. With additional examination, it is quite easy to find the disease, but with schizophrenia, pathologies are not observed.

When diagnosing the hebephrenic form of schizophrenia, a physician needs to pay attention to the symptoms that are decisive for this form. First of all, these are motor reactions that are not controlled strong-willed decisions. This could include grimaces, euphoria for no reason, or goofy behavior. The patient is emotionally inadequate; in response to any positivity, he can burst into crying and hysterics and vice versa. In patients with the hebephrenic form, thinking is poorly developed. They snatch from their consciousness individual phrases of an affirmative nature, but cannot connect them with each other, cannot establish cause-and-effect relationships, etc. At the same time, delusional ideas are wedged between judgments. Similar symptoms are caused by Pick's disease and Huntington's disease, a tumor of the frontal lobes. At the same time, Pick's dementia is more common in old age, when schizophrenia would have manifested itself long ago. Patients with Huntington's disease have different patterns of facial expressions and movements.

The catatonic form of schizophrenia must be differentiated from epileptic seizures, encephalitis, tumors, and depression in a state of stupor. Typically, depressive conditions are indicated in the anamnesis, and other pathologies are confirmed by other studies. When making a diagnosis, special attention should be paid to emotional and volitional disorders, speech, hygiene and self-care skills, and the presence of contacts with others; it is also important to know whether there have been attacks similar to schizophrenia.

Tests for schizophrenia

Tests for schizophrenia are of great importance in diagnosing the disease. Since the disease is specific and is not confirmed by the usual research for a doctor, such tests often remain the only key to detecting the disease.

Tests for schizophrenia have been developed over decades. Some of them, due to their irrelevance, are no longer used, and some tests have just been developed and bring good results. To such latest tests refers to the "Mask" test. Patients show a picture of a mask. The mask is shown with reverse side, that is, concave towards the beholder. For a normal person, such indicators as the presence of shadows, roundness of shapes, etc. are immediately stored in the brain. Therefore, he sees the mask as convex (even though in reality it is not). For a schizophrenic, such “deception” does not work - he sees the mask as concave. That is, he does not pay any attention to the surrounding signal indicators, and even if he sees them, he does not connect them with the drawing. He simply does not establish clear connections between objects and phenomena. Therefore, taking only the mask from the overall picture, he will say that it is concave.

Another test, of which there are many variations, is the Luscher color test. For testing, a set of eight different colors is selected, which are assigned numbers. A person needs to arrange colors according to the degree to which he likes them. In this case, the test is carried out in the daytime in natural light. It is important here that the light falls evenly and that there are no sun glares or spots. The patient is asked, regardless of any external trends, to choose the colors that he personally likes.

The mechanics of the effect are simple - a person chooses colors unconsciously. If with other tests there is a situation and options for what to do, then here the rate of false answers is high. When choosing colors, test indicators are more reliable. The ranking of answers and decoding of the test indicate that people with mental disorders special place It is occupied by the color yellow; it is not for nothing that it is called the color of madness. In addition to reading the test results, the physician needs to pay attention to this. what colors the patient is dressed in and what paints he uses for painting. Often patients dress in inexpressive colors and do not try to combine them. If you ask a schizophrenic to draw a picture, most often it will be unnatural combinations (red grass, black sun) and incorrect distribution of shadows. Among the entire dim picture, a bright flash may appear. Such drawings reflect thought processes. For a schizophrenic, the world is flat, one-sided, and not colorful. Flashes in the paintings indicate seizures. At the same time, the literature describes various variations in the display of color schemes in various forms of schizophrenia. For example, the color red signals a state of mania; the color is applied to large area. And an emotional outburst is characterized by small inclusions of various colors. Black color indicates a state of depression, difficult experiences, and fears. Images from hallucinations are often reproduced in red, and white is inherent in delusions and hallucinations associated with religious background. Schizophrenics can see the universe, God, etc. as blank spots.

Speaking about the colors that schizophrenics reproduce, it is worth mentioning those that they perceive. Often, patients either completely ignore flowers or express irritation towards some of them. Patients with indolent schizophrenia most often have an apathetic attitude towards flowers, they name them indifferently and can easily confuse them, as if that’s the way it should be. In patients with progressive attacks, red and black colors cause irritation.

Treatment of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia in a family restructures the lives of all its members. The success of treating the patient depends on the behavior of each person. Indeed, in case of mental pathologies, only one medicines will not help - the social rehabilitation of the patient is important here. Even if medicines selected correctly and taken according to a clear scheme, the patient still experiences problems with the motivation of his actions, relationships with people in everyday life. Typically, schizophrenia begins in adolescence. At the same time, the patient suffers from a lack of knowledge and skills, and the inability to realize himself in society. In order to level out these problems, special programs have been created for the socialization of schizophrenics.

Individual therapy is primarily direct contact with a doctor. Here it is important to establish a comfortable, trusting relationship so that the doctor can open up to the patient, talk about his past, emotions from the past and present. In such conversations, schizophrenics begin to find a place for themselves in the world, they try to establish social contacts, and become interested in some matters.

Rehabilitation - first of all, it is necessary to return a person to society, and this means developing in him all the same skills and abilities that a healthy person has. During the recovery stage, schizophrenics with great pleasure master a new profession, learn to manage a budget, and plan funds.

Family support – first of all, the patient should see support and understanding in the family. Primary rehabilitation will also take place here. Patients who live with family recover much faster. In no case should loved ones limit their communication with a schizophrenic, scold and shame him, or criticize his behavior. Relatives have a huge responsibility for taking medications correctly. They must ensure that the patient does not drink alcohol or drugs, which can aggravate the condition and lead to depression and suicide. Relatives should prepare for the fact that recovery will not occur quickly. Drug therapy will be needed for years

Group care is also an important element in the treatment of the disease. In groups of similar patients, it is easier for people to feel equal and increase their self-esteem.

Psychotropic drugs – atypical antipsychotics – are used to treat schizophrenia. It's relative new group medications, the main purpose of which is to act on brain receptors. Despite the fact that they selectively inhibit some reflexes, these drugs also preserve mental functions at a sufficient level. The dose of the drug is prescribed by the doctor depending on the stage of the disease - exacerbation or remission. Unfortunately, antipsychotics are not able to cure schizophrenia, but they significantly smooth out the manifestations of the disease. These drugs include Thorazine, Haloperidol, Prolixin, Stelazine, Navan, Trilafon, Melaril, Clozapine, Zyprex, Geodon. The difficulty in taking medications lies in their correct selection, the presence of serious side effects and the high risk of relapses when taking a break.

Electric shock treatment

This type is most often used to relieve depression. The essence is that a current is applied to the human brain and a short discharge is given, which reaches the brain and causes convulsions. Before this, patients are put to sleep and given drugs that relax the muscles. Such treatment turns out to be life-saving in cases of severe depression and suicide attempts.

The prognosis of the disease depends on many parameters. In patients with acute forms, the only option is hospitalization. They cannot be treated at home because they pose a danger to society. For further treatment, they are transferred to rehabilitation centers, placed in support groups, etc. Most patients manage to cope with the manifestations of the disease with the help of medications. If taken correctly, you can achieve lasting positive results. A small proportion of patients do not respond to treatment in any way, and they often end up committing suicide.

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45 Reviews

Your judgments are kind of crazy. My grandmother didn’t remember anything in her old age, but that doesn’t mean she had schizophrenia? She had thrombophlebitis, not schizophrenia.

Sometimes people don't want to see and take seriously the obvious.

"Mask" test. Patients show a picture of a mask. The mask is shown from the reverse side, that is, concave towards the viewer. For a normal person, indicators such as the presence of shadows, roundness of shapes, etc. are immediately stored in the brain. Therefore, he sees the mask as convex (even though in reality it is not). For a schizophrenic, such “deception” does not work - he sees the mask as concave. That is, he does not pay any attention to the surrounding signal indicators, and even if he sees them, he does not connect them with the drawing. He simply does not establish clear connections between objects and phenomena. Therefore, taking only the mask from the overall picture, he will say that it is concave.

Those. if you see the truth, you are a schizophrenic, who benefits from this - the reptilians?

Crap! I wanted to like it, but I accidentally disliked it(

easy to reason! I have 3 children and my husband has schizophrenia, but it’s terrible, I’ve been suffering for 5 years. He started drinking, I can’t convince him to go to the hospital, he hears voices, 5 voices. When he gets drunk he gets aggressive. Beat me up. I took it to the narcology department, the doctor explained it to him. that he is normal. And I'm a bitch! I don't have a mother, I have nowhere to run. The psychiatrist cannot hospitalize him without his consent. He cleverly pretends and everyone believes him. And I'm afraid I want to run away.

Stupid cow! What else are you good for?

Yours will come back to you... Isn’t it scary?

Emilia, there are many doctors, and you will find a good one. Don’t wait idly, go to doctors, convince them. Your husband is dangerous not only for you, but also for the children. It won’t get better, it will only get worse. To avoid blaming yourself later, do something now. Don't delay.

Collect testimony, including with the involvement of a local police officer, and forcefully hospitalize yourself and your children, it’s difficult, but perhaps it’s better to divorce and move away from him, it’s hard and scary, but save yourself and your children

doctors are obliged to hospitalize him when he has attacks, he is dangerous to society and, first of all, to you and your children. Of course, treatment is necessary. Living in fear all the time is unbearable. Call the police or an ambulance when he starts to fight and threatens. Hold on!

Emilia, the meaning of the disease is pride, do not be afraid of your husband. Help him believe in God and renounce pride. My father had schizophrenia and no one in the family supported him, only everyone was afraid, he started drinking, and then he was found dead. I was 14 and I loved him very much, but due to my age I didn’t know how to support him. And at 28 she herself fell ill with schizophrenia and only the awareness of God and renunciation of pride helped, four years without illness, there were also voices and it was scary and fun, I took up self-knowledge and psychology, which also helped a lot, if you love your husband, then help him understand the cause of the disease, and prayer To the Lord to renounce pride.

I suspect that I have signs of schizophrenia, but no one can help me, everyone jokes and laughs at me like I made it all up. How difficult it is to live when no one will support you, neither your family nor friends, and your husband also calls you names and berates you. His beatings will soon make me not only go crazy, but worse.

Emilia, my friend’s father has schizophrenia... it’s scary, I found out about it under tragic circumstances, he killed his wife, my friend’s mother (had an attack)... after that my friend told me everything, I’ve been friends with her for more than 10 years , but I didn’t even realize that they had such a thing in their family... schizophrenia appeared a long time ago, after the death of his mother, and attacks appeared about once every 6 years, each time getting worse and worse. Run before it’s too late, living with a phrenic is also not easy, you need constant care over him, make sure he takes his medications.....

WE SHOULD TURN HIM INTO PSYCHIATRY. HE WILL BE CURED THERE. I recently had this disease myself. I was in bed for a month. Choose a doctor carefully.

Emilia, try to act through the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, they are in every district. Protecting the life and health of children is one of the main functions of this body, in addition, through this organization you can declare a marriage invalid, you have grounds. Try it, you will definitely succeed! Take care of yourself and your children! Good luck!

You must save children. I lived with this for 25 years. This is terrible. Now all the children are adults and really reproach me for ruining their childhood.

Yes, it’s easy to talk from the outside, in general it’s terrible disease You wouldn’t even wish it on your enemy, my mother hid her illness for 16 years, raised me, then she was forcibly hospitalized. She had paranoid delusions of persecution. life was horror, you couldn’t even just walk to the store, and yet for 16 years she managed to hide it, everyone considered her abnormal, just weird, and the fact that she had schizophrenia never occurred to anyone, not even me (

I’ll tell you about myself. I was diagnosed with sluggish schizophrenia at the age of 15. At the age of 3, I first fell ill with mumps - the initial stage of serous meningitis, and then with serous meningitis. As a child, I was alone (as always) and could not communicate with my peers; I studied so-so.

SERUS MENINGITIS CAUSES SCHIZOPHRENIA - AND THAT'S ALL HERE. I CAN'T UNDERSTAND ONE THING - HOW MANY PEOPLE LIKE ME HAVE PROBABLY BEEN IN MY LIFE - AND NOT A SINGLE SCIENTIFIC PSYCHIATRIST WOULD CARE. Meningitis causes schizophrenia, period. And also patients and relatives of patients. NEVER GIVE YOUR RELATIVES WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA - WHATEVER HAPPENED ,LET THEY KILL YOU THERE EVEN IF YOU ARE IN PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALS AND THE SO-CALLED PND (Psychoneurological Dispensaries). IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE. This is being told to you by a person who has known this the hard way. Psychiatrists cannot treat you except with medications.



Your words are golden. I have the same opinion about pills prescribed by psychiatrists, antipsychotics - you can’t take them. But, unfortunately, the relatives did not understand this, and the intellect suffered. Now think and pray to whoever you want - who will return your beautiful intellect? And they will never understand this

Hello. If possible, please consult. What the hell is meningitis? And how it gives relief to the brain.

I would like to comment on the answer “Nice guy is schizophrenic.” This is the cry and pain of the soul of a suffering person, despite the label of schizophrenia, reasoning quite adequately logically and correctly. But none of the doctors he met even thought that at the age of three the child began to develop sluggish toxoplasmosis encephalitis, which led to the development of a situation called schizophrenia. And If back then, at the age of three, the child had been correctly treated, no schizophrenia would have developed at all. For more than forty years, I have been screaming that the overwhelming number of diseases originate from toxoplasma. If it were up to me, I would give doctors of any specialty 2-3 years to study toxoplasmosis and then take away diplomas from those who have not mastered it. In the next few years, this would reduce the number of people with disabilities in all profiles, and primarily in psychiatry, by at least 50%. One of the leading modern US scientists, psychiatrist Professor Fuller Torrey, also defends the toxoplasmic nature of schizophrenia. He cites statistics: in developed countries where antipsychotics are used for schizophrenia, 18% of patients with schizophrenia recover. My personal opinion is that these are those who resisted the deadly neuroleptics and would have recovered on their own. In third countries where expensive antipsychotics are unaffordable, 67% of patients recover from schizophrenia. This patient is so right. Only psychiatry doesn’t see anything. As Torrey comes, in the USA alone they earn more than 20 billion dollars a year from antipsychotics. This is the reason for the suffering and production of disabled people. Doctor Krivonos.

It’s very difficult to live with a schizophrenic... My sister’s husband is sick with it... he always thinks that they want to kill him... someone is chasing him... he takes pills with grief in half... sometimes he throws them away... my sister suffered with him for 9 years, and got divorced..well, it’s impossible to just live with him..and he’s such a good person..from the pills he really became very passive, like a vegetable((we’re also afraid for the children((that they might also get sick((scary((

A relative suffers from bipolar disorder. Psychiatrists made the diagnosis 3 years ago. I was treated for only six months, taking pills. In the summer, she is depressed, in the winter, she has mania, the patient becomes furious, aggressive, hysterical, and insults all the relatives and people around her. Doesn't work for a long time. Not registered. She refuses to be treated and considers herself healthy. How to persuade her to undergo treatment?

My husband is sick with schizophrenia. We lived with him for 25 years. All the time he mocked me. He is a priest. I could not divorce him. All my life I prayed to God to give me the strength to endure my life’s cross. I began to study medicine, psychology, psychiatry and connect everything with spirituality. I can say unequivocally - only proud people - people who are not humble - are given this disease. Now my husband’s disease has turned into Pick’s disease - dementia. You won’t live long with such a diagnosis - it’s degeneration and atrophy of the cerebral cortex. The average life expectancy is 6 years. At this point, he has lost his personality and is just an animal with instincts. Kicked the whole family out of the house. Has a relationship with his parishioner. Soon, I hope, the Lord will reward everyone according to their deserts. He simply hated me because I once allowed myself to tell him that he was wrong. God help us all.

God, what a horror. And he's still working as a priest? It’s a terrible thing, how many people believe everything the priests say...

And I feel sorry for you, you suffered so much.

Hello Inna. Please tell me how pride gives rise to the disease schizophrenia? Blessed in advance.

Inna, is it possible to contact you (please, please)?

Schizophrenia is a terrible disease... no matter what they say. My ex-husband and mother-in-law are sick. She took the children and ran away... I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Now I'm having a hard time physically. However, nothing compares to that heartache, which I experienced while living with them. I was constantly worried about the children. The worst thing is that the eldest child inherited the disease. Doctors say that everything can still be corrected. When I got married, I didn’t realize that he was sick. She attributed all his obsessions to his character and suspiciousness. Then he began to see dirt and blood where there was none, and forced me to wash the blood off the walls. He had to obey, otherwise he would become insane. There was no support. Parents are far away. But then I decided on my own... there was no way out. He refused to undergo treatment, although he went to the doctor. The doctor insisted on hospitalization. I go and light candles in church for his health. this is the only thing I can do for him. By the way, when he started having attacks, he was baptized... but could not wear a cross. He says that the cross burns and he feels pain from it.

Passed the color test. Complete isolation and contradictory things. And another time, I didn’t like a single color because of the wrong color layout.

Do I have a craze? And I don’t know, there are symptoms in all respects, but going to bed in order to find out whether it is there or not and to prove to everyone that I’m not going to, the personality is more important

There was a need for the treatment of schizophrenia and I admitted my husband to the hospital at Dr. Fedorova’s clinic. We have achieved remission and continue maintenance treatment. This is what I can do to help a loved one.

Please write whether modern medicine knows at least one case of cure for schizophrenia.

Moses was schizophrenic, saw balls in the bushes and talked to an imaginary creature, and he was also confused that he was a king. Or not? Or we will call a person who sees a picture on an empty wall sick, and people who talk with “entities” and have written equally crazy books - prophets. Prove to me that Jesus is not a deceiver and a schizophrenic, but modern man, talking to Martians, a complete psycho.

Good day everyone. I'm not a doctor. I'm Muslim. I found the article because I needed to understand one problem and read modern articles on the signs and treatment of schizophrenia. There is a Center for Islamic Medicine in Grozny. There they treat according to the Koran and Sunnah. What I want to write. That religion should not be perceived as schizophrenia. Signs of schichophrenia also include signs of obsession with gins. Look on YouTube about the Center for Islamic Medicine in Grozny. And genies can (by the will of the ALMIGHTY) inhabit a person and control them somehow... and they evict them, or expel them, and there is also a surah in the Holy Quran, with the help of which genies can be destroyed and burned. But this is only a last resort. And such treatment cannot and is dangerous for just anyone.

Some kind of nonsense. An anatomical description of schizophrenia f20 was left on the forum of the Kazan meduniver website. For bipolar, an independent technique in the category “psychotherapy” in the question “chased by voices” is acceptable. For diagnosis, MRI and EEG are applicable, but with esotericists it is more difficult - who diagnoses text, photo (astral, soul), without a personal visit, but everyone’s capabilities are limited (personally, I’m a lousy interlocutor, psychologist-psychotherapist).

I’ll help my brother to be hospitalized for the fifth time in a mental hospital. Tomorrow I’m going to pick up what I have to live with, fight to save him so as not to harm him, and I’ll help him as much as I can.

This is all nonsense about pride, almost everyone is proud now, but not everyone is sick. God would allow it, so many children suffer from the same schizophrenia. It’s just because of this illness, and the patient does not have the opportunity to work on himself. And healthy people have relationships.. It’s not for us to judge But he doesn’t have the right to kick a family out, there are police and other authorities, please contact us.

Medicine is powerless here, medications only suppress it. Treatment depends on the patient. Here we need the help of psychologists, preferably basing the treatment method on a religious basis, and also work on absent-mindedness, we need to overcome mental chaos. If the patient does not want to help himself, then unfortunately no one will help him.

If she was diagnosed a long time ago, then they should automatically register

I'm 19 years old and I'm in the army. I have schizophrenia, what should I do? I am afraid for myself and am not responsible for my actions

How to determine whether a person has schizo or not?

A real patient never admits that he is sick, but healthy person vice versa.

Conclusion: you are healthy))) congratulations) in other ways, like me, I am 100% healthy)))

No, they say they treat with antipsychotics, although my friend did not wake up from them, she was only 30 years old

Phew, I came to the site for the second time. If you are interested in the causes of schizophrenia from the point of view of the anatomical Soul, on YouTube there are my videos “Call of hereditary schizophrenia” (two forms, suicide), “Call of bipolar-affective schizophrenia” (two or three forms). Actually, trainings with the help of MP3, and everyone has schizophrenia, as the body’s reaction when adapting to a new society, or an old one, coped with it - it means an eagle, if the feathers are not plucked before the soup.

I suffer from schizophrenia. I live in hope that they will finally invent a normal medicine. I have long lost the meaning of life. At first I thought about having a child and living with it, but what if he also gets sick?

I suffer from some strange disease, suffered a heart attack, two strokes, died twice, woke up in intensive care, my legs cling to everything, my hands keep dropping, I have no memory, now I have a hernia in the cervical spine, the doctors say I need an operation, but they are afraid to do it, they say I can’t stand it, I constantly want to sleep, I seem to be sleeping, but I wake up as if I unloaded the cars in the metro, I went down and immediately fell asleep, I don’t want to live, I tried to learn some kind of profession

no memory, memory is so short, I look at the train schedule, I turned away and don’t remember, I noticed that I began to wander the streets, I can’t concentrate, find and remember the right words in my head, only swearing, my father died of heart attacks, my mother was very ill after my father’s death, I didn’t get out of psychiatric hospitals, it’s schizophrenia. terribly scared for my son. God forgive me, I want to die, I want to stop suffering and tormenting others, torturing doctors, torturing those who love me. OR death won’t let me go. Life is unbearable, who can help? god forgive me

Our life is full of moments that make society laugh and smile. Of course, this is wonderful, because thanks to laughter we improve our mood and are charged with positive emotions. But there are times when the event that causes laughter has a double meaning, and your smile can create a negative impression of you. How to prevent this? How to avoid smiling at the wrong moment? Here are some tips to help you avoid getting into a sticky situation.

Resist from smiling

  1. Try to remember something sad and sad. This will bring a little despondency, and the smile will disappear from your face by itself.
  2. Imagine that someone's mood depends on your smile. What if you seriously offend someone with your smile and laughter at the wrong moment? Agree, it’s not very pleasant to feel guilty.
  3. To force yourself not to smile, you can gently pinch yourself. A slight feeling of pain will make you stop smiling. Just be careful and make sure no one notices this.
  4. To prevent your smile from being noticed, find a good excuse and move away from the source of laughter.
  5. Try putting something sour in your mouth, like a strong lemon-flavored candy that will make you forget the funny stuff.
  6. Another way to avoid smiling on your face is to lightly bite your tongue or lips. Your thoughts about the funny will immediately be replaced by painful sensations. Just don’t overdo it with biting so that you don’t have to treat your mouth later.

Learn to control your emotions

In addition to the simple tips listed above, you can form a psychological defense against reacting to funny situations. You can control your smile by training in front of a mirror, doing auto-training, and developing facial expressions. Constant training will help you at the right time.

Having learned about possible control over your smile, do not forget that very often your smile can help a person, give him self-confidence and give him a good mood. Therefore, smile more often and enjoy life!