Timur Eremeev, son of Spartak Mishulin, about the result of the DNA test: latest news. Mishulin's legacy: son or not son? The result of the DNA examination Timur Eremeev, son of Spartak, let them say

Stories with illegitimate children of celebrities are no longer rare. An interesting fact is that more and more people are trying to establish paternity after the death of a star. So, for example, after tragic death Mikhail Evdokimov immediately became aware of his two illegitimate children. The death of Boris Nemtsov also came as a surprise to women who raised illegitimate sons from the loving oppositionist. And recently in Spain they even had to open the grave of the great Salvador Dali to find out that the extravagant artist had no relationship with the Spaniard Pilar Adele.

For relatives dead star the appearance of his illegitimate children always turns into stress. It would seem that a DNA test can very quickly dot all the i’s, and impostors can be put in their place. However, relatives of deceased celebrities are always very reluctant to undergo laboratory tests. The exception, perhaps, was the story of Mikhail Evdokimov’s wife. But Ekaterina Iftodi had to beat the courts for two years before she was able to prove that she gave birth to her son from Boris Nemtsov.

Today, the Internet community is vigorously discussing the appearance of another star offspring.

A young theater actor appeared in the new episode of the “Let Them Talk” program Russian Army Timur Eremeev claims that he is the son of the famous actor Spartak Mishulin, who died 12 years ago.

Spartak's own daughter Mishulina does not believe that her father could have had a second family

Revelations young man became a blow for the family of Spartak Mishulin. The artist’s daughter Karina, who is four years older than her “brother,” appeared in the television studio. The woman confidently states that under no circumstances could her father have love stories on the side.

Nevertheless, the program management, together with specialists, conducted a DNA test. For analysis, DNA samples were taken from the hat of Spartak Mishulin, which was kept in the family of Timur Eremeev.

The specialist who carried out the analysis reported that contradictory results were obtained during the DNA test, so it is necessary to do another study, taking bio-material from my own daughter famous artist.

When the host of the program asked Karina whether she would communicate with her brother if the examination proved their relationship, the girl sharply replied that she was not going to have anything to do with Timur under any circumstances.

At the beginning of autumn, the public was stirred up by the news that the popular artist Spartak Mishulin in the USSR had illegitimate child. The son of a Soviet cinema star is Timur Eremeev, as the young actor said. He decided to prove his relationship with Spartak Mishulin through a DNA test.

It all started with the guy giving an interview in the magazine “Caravan of Stories” and telling the story of his birth, stating that he communicated with his father when he was still alive. Spartak's daughter, Karina Mishulina, who was born in a legal marriage, reacted very negatively to this news.


She sued the young man for libel and public insults. Eremeev had to prove his truth on the “Let Them Talk” program. During the broadcast of the program, all viewers and guests of the program learned the result of the DNA test. You will learn more about this from the article.

Spartak Mishulin and his son

Timur first saw his dad at the age of five. Then the boy’s mother took him to a fairy tale at the Satire Theater. The boy liked the performance then. He remembers applauding the artists with delight.

And after the performance ended, Tatyana and her son went backstage. There, in the dressing room, sat an unremarkable, at first glance, man. He asked Timur if he liked the performance. The boy replied: “Yes, very much.” Then he did not yet know that this was his father. Upon returning home, he learned the truth.

Timur Eremeev is very similar to Spartak Mishulin in his youth

After Timur Eremeev, who wanted to prove through a DNA test that he was the son of Spartak Mishulin, went to his father’s performances many times and talked with him in the dressing room after the performance.

Mom didn’t tell Timur much about the story of her acquaintance with Mishulin. This happened in her hometown - Vologda. Now the boy's grandparents still live there. The artist then came to the province to film the film “Property of the Republic”. It so happened that in this city he began an affair with Tatyana, and only after thirteen years of relationship Timur was born. At the time of meeting Mishulin, Tatyana Eremeeva was seventeen. The artist asked her to marry, but she was still a schoolgirl. But Mishulin was already over forty.

Having never gotten married, Eremeeva and Mishulin continued to meet periodically. This happened during the actor’s trips to Vologda for concerts or performances. They had quite warm relations. The girl baked pies with cabbage for her lover, and once even painted his portrait on a cigarette pack. When she became pregnant, she did not hesitate to keep the child. On the birth certificate, she wrote down the boy’s father as “Sergey Eremeev.” Apparently, there were reasons for this.

Timur with his mother Tatyana Eremeeva

When Timur met his own father, he became a fan of his work. I couldn’t tear myself away from what was happening on stage and watched the performances many times. My favorite was “The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof.” Here Spartak Vasilievich played Carlson and he played this role for thirty years. And the boy was proud of his dad.

Tatyana Eremeeva also always admired Mishulin’s acting. She claimed that such artists no longer exist.

Every time she went to the theater she dressed up as if for a holiday. And I went there with good mood. She had an excellent relationship with Mishulin - they always hugged when they met and were interested in each other’s affairs. We never quarreled in front of the child. Then the actor was already married. His daughter was growing up. But Eremeeva did not seem to suffer because of this. She always spoke about her son's father with tenderness.

Spartak Mishulin with his daughter Karina

And, I must say, they were always recognized by theater workers and were allowed into the artist’s dressing room without any problems. Both then and now Timur did not hide whose son he was. The guy’s relationship with Spartak Mishulin had to be proven by doing a DNA test. But Eremeev claims that he always answered questions about his father honestly. He was not instilled with shame for the story of his birth. Therefore, he did not experience any discomfort.

But Eremeeva’s sister reacted extremely negatively to the revealed truth. Karina Mishulina explained her position by saying that at the time of her boyfriend’s birth, her father was infertile. This means, in her opinion, the aspiring actor decided to earn fame at the expense of the famous family.

It must be said that Mishulina herself is associated with acting. She played one of the main roles in the popular sitcom “Fizruk”. So the girl decided to take back good name through the court and unleashed information war. In the press, Eremeev was accused of lying.

DNA test results

The young man, without hesitation, agreed to confirm his words with a DNA analysis, and the test results were announced in the “Let Them Talk” show with Borisov. In the presence of experts, Karina and Timur donated blood. Biological traces that remained on the costume of the legendary artist were also involved. As a result of the DNA test, it turned out that Timur Eremeev is the blood son of Spartak Mishulin with a probability of 99.9%.

The results of the DNA test were announced by Dmitry Borisov in live"Let Them Talk" program

Not surprisingly, Karina was left shocked by the results. She apologized for her behavior and expressed regret that Eremeev did not come to her and her mother earlier to resolve this issue within the family circle. Due to the fact that the case received such a wide public response, the girl’s mother became ill.

Of course, Spartak Mishulin wanted to hide the presence of an illegitimate son. But twelve years have passed since his death, and during this time Eremeev did not find an opportunity to meet his sister in person. Now it’s very ugly, according to the girl, to stir up the personal life of a deceased actor.

Karina Mishulina still does not believe that Timur is her half-brother

The actress explained her behavior in the studio by saying that she was not ready to talk about a difficult topic for her. But now she calmed down and was able to apologize to her brother. Even after delicate details from Spartak’s personal life came to light, Karina still loves and respects her father. Her attitude towards to a loved one, of course, has not changed.

Despite the fact that Mishulina initially doubted the DNA results, expert Pavel Ivanov tried to convince her that the test could not be tampered with. The examination was carried out in the laboratory federal significance, and the law provides for criminal liability for giving knowingly false results.

Many viewers expressed doubt that Karina and her mother had no idea that Mishulin had an illegitimate child, but the actress swore that she really was not in the know.

Timur also apologized to his sister for making the story public. He said in the studio that he doesn’t hold a grudge against his sister and doesn’t mind hugging her.

Spartak Mishulin became a bone of contention for his children

Also interesting are the details that lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky revealed to those present. He said that the editors of the program “Let Them Talk” got in touch with the neighbor of the ballerina Maya Evtukhina, who gave birth to a child from Soviet actor. Despite the fact that Maya tried to hide the fact of her affair with famous actor, the resemblance between Spartak Vasilyevich and the ballerina’s daughter was difficult not to notice. So far the information has not been officially confirmed.

It is noteworthy that Eremeev’s mother, after graduation, asked for forgiveness from Karina Mishulina and her mother for causing them unpleasant moments. Perhaps this will be another step towards reconciling families and strengthening communication between relatives.

Biography of Timur Eremeev

Communication with the famous father could not but affect the life of Timur Eremeev. Let us remind you that a DNA test confirmed that he is indeed the son of the artist Spartak Mishulin. From the 10th grade, the boy was closely involved in theatrical art. He was a student in the theater class at the Shchepkin School. Then he continued his studies at a theater university.

Timur Eremeev as a child with his mother

Served in the army together with artists from the Central academic theater Russian Army. After serving in the army, he remained to work in this theater. He played in many performances.

Since 2004, the actor has been acting in films. The first film with his participation " Unequal marriage" In 2007, he participated in the film “Nostalgia for the Future” and in the series “Matchmaker.” Later there were roles in the projects “The House that the Housing Office Built”, “Moscow. Three stations”, “Great feelings”, “Farewell, beloved!”.

Actor at the premiere of the series “Hotel Eleon”

In 2015, he played one of the main roles in the comedy series on the STS channel - “Kitchen”. In 2016-2017, he took part in the filming of the series “Hotel Eleon”. There he played a receptionist named Yegor, who was an authority figure among the rest of the workers. However, almost no one knew his secret - the guy served a prison sentence in his youth.

Timur Eremeev with his wife and daughter

In 2017, Eremeev starred in the TV series “Unknown” and the comedy film “Call DiCaprio!”

The artist's career is currently on the rise, and he undoubtedly has a lot ahead of him. He is also successful in his personal life. Timur is married and has a one-year-old daughter Nika.


QUOTE]i]Original message Comfortarium /i]

Karina Mishulina refuses to undergo a re-examination. Timur Eremeev is ready to pass all the necessary tests. The artist was unpleasant to hear the man’s mother tell her story about how she met her famous father.

Timur Eremeev // Photo: Program frame

Not long ago, Spartak Mishulina’s daughter Karina and her alleged brother Timur Eremeev met in the “Let Them Talk” program. The actress is adamant and believes that the man is none other than an impostor. She is preparing to hold him accountable in court for an article in which he talked about his life and memories of the famous actor. sea]

Today talk show host Dmitry Borisov continued to understand the complicated case. As it turned out, they managed to interview Timur’s mother. The woman did not want to show her face. However, she shared memories of her child's father. Dmitry Borisov admitted that it took a lot of effort for him to persuade Tatyana Anatolyevna to have a frank conversation.

“In 1970, at our school No. 1, in Vologda. Our old bridge was wooden, but it has now been demolished. They filmed a scene there. After school I went downstairs, I saw Spartak Vasilyevich, the schoolchildren ran up. For me, this is a celestial being, I opened my mouth, and he said to me: “Everyone is so funny, but you are serious. What are your hobbies? - said the woman.

Timur’s mother refused to give interviews for a long time // Photo: Program frame

Tatyana Anatolyevna remembered that famous actor he left her his phone number and assured her that if she came to Moscow, he would definitely get her theater tickets. The woman admitted that she did not immediately use the artist’s help, but only after she graduated from the institute. According to her, in those years she constantly called Spartak Vasilyevich. When Eremeeva moved to the capital, she began to communicate and see Mishulin.

The woman admitted that the famous actor loved his daughter very much, whom she remembers when she was very young. Karina was unpleasant to hear such words, and she loudly expressed her indignation, considering what the stranger was saying to be a disgrace. Tatyana Anatolyevna said that she helped her lover make the scenery for his last play.

However, the actress’s lawyer, Maya Sandler, is sure that theater workers would probably have noticed the woman who came to Mishulin and would have spread these rumors.

Widow Mishulina does not pay attention to gossip // Photo: Program frame

Karina’s mother Valentina Konstantinova never attached importance to conversations that her husband had children out of wedlock. “The actors have a lot of fans, these are girls who have fun in this way,” says Mishulina’s widow.

According to Timur’s mother, Spartak Vasilyevich knew that she was expecting a child. Immediately after giving birth, she called the actor to tell the good news.

An expert appeared in the studio and brought one of Mishulin’s props – a hat that belonged to him.

“The results were controversial. To find out the truth and put an end to it, we need to collect DNA test samples now for research,” said a laboratory employee.

Mishulin's daughter does not even admit the thought that her father had illegitimate son// Photo: Program frame

However, Karina was categorical - she refused to undergo any tests without a court decision.

“Are we suckers or something? We need to take blood from a vein, don’t make suckers out of us, I’ll get up and leave now,” Mishulina said.

Timur Eremeev admitted that if the test disproves his relationship with Karina, he is ready to apologize to her family.

Karina refuses to do a DNA test of her own free will // Photo: Program frame

Karina seems to be a nice woman, but how vile she is inside, it was unpleasant to watch and listen to all the nonsense she said.

Between the family of Spartak Mishulin, who died 12 years ago, and the young actor Timur Eremeev. The guy seriously claims that he is an illegitimate son people's artist USSR Spartak Vasilievich. And finally the day has come when it will become clear: is Timur really the son of Spartak Mishulin? Watch the episode Let Them Talk - Mishulin’s Legacy: Son or Not Son? DNA test result 12/04/2017

“Mom is very worried about me and about this whole situation. And this really hit her,” says Spartak Vasilyevich’s daughter Karina Mishulina. The actress and her mother still insist on their version: Timur Eremeev is an impostor. Today in “Let them talk to Dmitry Borisov” the whole country will learn the truth. “I have never refused meetings or DNA tests,” says the young Army theater artist. Eremeev passed the DNA test and today - the long-awaited answers to the questions! How will Timur justify himself if the DNA result turns out to be negative?

Let them say - Mishulin's legacy: son or not son? DNA test result

Even before the broadcast of the Let Them Talk program (the episode “Mishulin’s Legacy: Son or Not a Son? Result of DNA Test”), the daughter of People’s Artist of the USSR Karina Mishulina said the following: “Even if he turns out to be my brother, why did he allow this scandal, why Now I'm being bullied online? I’m starting to think he’s out of his mind.”

The main secret of this season of “Let Them Talk” will finally be revealed. Everyone cares about only one thing: is Timur Eremeev the son of Spartak Mishulin or a self-confident adventurer?

Timur is the first to enter the studio:

“For me, nothing will change in this studio today. It turns out that I am the son and I will take this very calmly. This question was not needed by me at all, but by those people who asked this question. I did everything to make this happen and this is where my mission ends. I will continue to live and work.

— I am absolutely sure of what I said in previous broadcasts. And if it suddenly turns out that the DNA result is negative, then, most likely, I will look for a mistake. The situation is quite difficult now, but, oddly enough, I see positive reviews about myself on the Internet.

— Some skeptics who believe that I am an impostor and a deceiver apparently underestimate or, conversely, overestimate this situation. Am I pursuing some kind of material gain in all this? No. Moral satisfaction? Probably yes.

Timur Eremeev: son of Spartak Mishulin? DNA results in the Let Them Talk program

Timur Eremeeva’s mother Tatyana Anatolyevna plucked up the courage to come to the talk show “Let Them Talk” for the first time. The woman is backstage waiting to enter the studio. In the meantime, the floor is given to the expert and the doctor biological sciences Pavel Ivanov:

“During the study, we were able to extract not only the y chromosome. We were also able to extract all the features that may be needed for any analysis. Therefore, I can assure you that the DNA examination was complete, and its results will help answer questions regarding the relationship with Spartak Mishulin.

— Speaking in simple language, we created the genetic passport of Spartak Vasilyevich with the help of Karina, who, as we already know, is really his daughter.

Tatyana Eremeeva, Timur’s mother, comes into the hall:

— Spartak was not my favorite actor, but I loved him. It captivated me with its simplicity. Spartak was not a star, I perceived him as an interesting and cheerful man. I can’t say now whether the love was mutual, but we were together for 35 years and I was happy, everything suited me.

“His family most likely knew about me.” And the fact that today Valentina Konstantinovna and Karina say the opposite...probably they decided so. About a week before his death, he called me and I came to see him at the hospital. Spartak even came out to the elevator to meet me. I honestly admit: he never asked me to marry, but he did not refuse his son.

Results of DNA testing in Let them say: Spartak Mishulin and Timur Eremeev. Son or not son?

Spoiler alert! Below you will find out the long-awaited answer to the question: is Timur Eremeev the son of Spartak Mishulin:

Yes! Timur is the son of People's Artist of the USSR Spartak Vasilyevich Mishulin. Probability: 99.9999…%

Guests on the program: Alexander Seregin (considers himself), producer Leonid Dzyunik, academician Russian Academy artists Sergei Zagraevsky, lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, actor Nikolai Perminov, singer and businessman Vlad Stashevsky, etc. Watch the free episode of Let Them Talk - Mishulin’s Legacy: son or not son? The result of the DNA examination, broadcast on December 4, 2017 (12/04/2017).

Like( 34 ) Dislike(13 )


    Well, Karina, are you finally convinced?? It was not Timur who had to come to you and quietly declare himself: who are you for him to ask you for permission to be a son, if he is already a son, and you and your mother did not have to splash saliva so as not to attract such attention. In general, you yourself overdid it... We must not forget that a man’s polygamy is inherent in nature itself, there is no need to cultivate someone’s owner in yourself..

    Like( 73 ) I don't like it( 8 )

    I believe that no one has the right to disturb the peace of a legitimate family. How can they live now and know that their beloved father cheated on them? How many more will there be who want to prove their relationship, and each such story cuts painfully in the heart. You would like to know that your father has someone else on his side.

    Like( 18 ) Dislike(89 )

    Why are the children to blame for the fact that their father led double life. Now such a blow to the soul of his legitimate wife and daughter. Spartak needed to solve this problem during his lifetime, and not leave the children to deal with paternity. Timur is worthy of respect and his children should know their grandfather. Karina needs to understand that life is sometimes built on lies and deception.

    Like( 64 ) I don't like it( 4 )


    And without DNA it was clear that Timur was the son of his great Father!!! Modesty, non-protrusion, openness, simplicity - these are common features with Spartak. And he said a thousand times that he did not need any material or other benefits from the famous pope. The most important thing is that he can now say “my father,” and he can say “your grandfather” to his daughter. And his mother is a very modest woman, I admire her. And this family, Karina and...., are just hubbies. They shit themselves all over the country. It cut “with a horse’s smile” (from Timur), but he has your father’s smile, dear, just as wide, attractive, and that’s what you said. A very unpleasant family. I am very happy for Timur and his mother!!!

    Like( 118 ) I don't like it( 5 )

  1. HOW we were worried about Timur, HOW glad we are that he is Timur’s son YAY Happiness to you Timur

    Like( 60 ) I don't like it( 4 )


    And why make a show out of this? Who is whose son or daughter? I think that this is a private matter of the family and there is no need to put it on public display. Put yourself in the shoes of your parents. How will you feel if it’s about you, all over Russia. will they say that you have children out of wedlock?

    Intangible benefits and their protection, Civil Code (Civil Code of the Russian Federation), part one

    Like( 6 ) Dislike(15 )

  3. Anastasia:

    Responsibility for this situation lies solely with Spartak. Nobody blames Karina and her mother, and they have nothing to be ashamed of! Why worry so much and waste your health?! Everything has already happened, and a very long time ago. All that remains is to accept the fact and move on. Karina should be grateful to her father for the fact that he did not divorce her mother and she was raised in a full-fledged family. Although, if Timur’s mother had insisted, perhaps Spartak would have married her. And this is how Karina’s life went - far from it worst case scenario script. Why then be so angry!? Timur had the right from birth to declare who his father is, publicly too! And there is nothing to blame him for either! I wish Karina to calm down, try to forgive her father, and if she loved him, still start communicating with her brother.
    P.S.: remember people that your husband/wife is not your property! And they can fulfill not only your desires

    Like( 28 ) I don't like it( 2 )

  4. Dimitri:

    There was a terrible impression that the Queen of the Ball was Valentina Mishulina! Lie all your life, and even pretend to be a dying swan! But how she shut everyone’s mouths on the last program! like a gargoyle swooped down on everyone, and not to say that it was a bad heart! The correct saying is “The best defense is an attack”, the hat burned or burned, everything secret always becomes obvious, good or bad, this is life.
    Karina is hysterical, she’s somehow unfair, although blaming her for the fact that Timur wanted to be recognized, to have a sister, but you don’t deserve this family of ghouls like Karina Timur!!! I wouldn’t be surprised if she wants more examinations! From the first day I was convinced that Timur was the son! about the dignity of the Mishulin family we're talking about??? if Karina accused Timur of killing her mother! The delirium of a failed hysterical woman. and the fact that everyone is refusing her SHE PUT HERSELF LIKE THIS! NOT TIMUR, neither Timur’s mother, nor anyone else, she showed herself to be a close-minded, stupid “intellectual” Some stars nervously smoke on the sidelines while watching this game ala Santa Barbara

    Like( 23 ) I don't like it( 3 )

The denouement of the loud scandal last weeks: tonight only in the “Let Them Talk” program we will learn the secret of the family of the popularly beloved artist Spartak Mishulin.

Theater and film actor Timur Eremeev claims that he knew from childhood that Mishulin was his father. In the Let Them Talk studio, the man first met the artist’s only daughter, Karina. And to prove he was right, he agreed to take a DNA test. Experts took a hair that was miraculously preserved in the hat in which Spartak Mishulin himself appeared on the stage of the Satire Theater. What will the analysis show?

Timur became one of the heroes of the show “Let Them Talk,” the producers of which filmed and aired four episodes dedicated to this difficult story this week.

Eremeev passed the necessary tests to confirm his relationship with Mishulin, and at the end of the week it will become known whether Timur is really the son of the star Soviet cinema. 7days.ru has a recording at its disposal exclusive interview Eremeev’s mother, which we are publishing on the eve of the publication of the DNA test.

“I gave birth at the age of 30,” says Tatyana Anatolyevna. - Spartak did not come to the maternity hospital, God forbid. He called. I remember saying: “Well, I’m already there!” Silent. "Well, I'm waiting!" - "Boy!" - "Which?" - “Weight 3750, height 56 ​​centimeters.” - “Uuu, hero!” He wanted Shurik, but I named him Timur. I watched the film “Timur and his team.” In kindergarten, at school, everyone said: “Timur, where is your team? Take it and let's go."

According to Tatyana Anatolyevna, she was not tempted to give her son the middle name Spartakovich.

“I lived in a communal apartment,” she recalls. - If, as I do now, I lived in Moscow, and not in Vologda, I would do it. Of course, I wouldn’t give my last name, but my middle name, yes. And then I didn’t want it. I was very shy and very, very uptight. I was afraid that he would get into trouble. A friend said: “If I were impudent, I would go to the trade union committee, the local committee, the party committee, I would raise my eyebrows, reports the portal Rosregistr.ru. I say, what are you saying, I’m 30 years old, why, everything is for love, why do I need this..."

“Why is all this necessary?” - a question that some viewers ask after the release of a popular TV show.

The behavior of many of the subjects in the shooting is truly surprising. But the fact that Timur Eremeev wants his beloved daughter Nika to know who her grandfather was seems to leave no one indifferent.

He is best known to viewers for the films “Zucchini of 13 Chairs” (the role of Pan Director), “White Sun of the Desert” (Said), “Property of the Republic” (Tarakanov), as well as for the performances of the Satire Theater.

The role of Said is generally considered the most important in the career of Spartak Mishulin; in its popularity, it eclipsed all his other works.

However, the life of this person itself deserves close attention.

Spartak Mishulin was born on October 22, 1926 into a very wealthy family. His mother, Anna Vasilyevna Mishulina, served in the People's Commissariat of Industry not as someone else, but as a deputy people's commissar (that is, a minister), and therefore was among the highest government officials.

But the high post did not save the woman from party purges: in 1937 she was considered an “enemy of the people” and sent into exile in Tashkent. The future actor remained in the care of his uncle, the famous historian Alexander Vasilyevich Mishulin.

Uncle specialized in the Spartacus uprising in Ancient Rome and was exactly the person who once came up with the name for his nephew.

In the mid-twenties, such names were in fashion; with them, builders of a new life sought to replace the previous names based on Christian discourse. However, the name invented by my uncle was not only “fashionable and proletarian”, but also beautiful, and this was a rarity.

When did the Great Patriotic War, the Mishulin family was forced to live in evacuation. Their refuge at this time was the city of Dzerzhinsk not far from Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod). Spartak, who grew up as a restless child, continued his tricks there.

One day he and his friends wanted to go to the front. However, they were allowed out of the city only with passports. Spartak was immediately found - he stole the passport from his mother (who had by then been released) and wrote his five friends into it as her sons.

The first theft did not lead to anything significant for the guy, but then it got worse. The point is that even with adolescence Mishulin was writing a novel about the revolution, and in order to make it more reliable, he decided to get a book from the library about the history of those events. They didn’t give him the book, and then he decided to steal it, sneaking into the library at night through the window. But there he was captured.

An investigation began, during which it was discovered that he wrote the novel on portraits of Stalin, since there was no writing paper. This threatened death, but investigators practically saved the guy, giving him only a year and a half in prison for hooliganism.

In prison, however, he continued to engage in art, thanks to which he was noticed by the head of a local club.

He was from the village of Busovo, and after serving his sentence, on his advice, Spartak Mishulin went there. There he became the head of a local club and organized a theater in it. Later he worked in several more provincial theaters, and then decided to enter GITIS.

It was the beginning of the fifties, the country was returning to peaceful life. However, GITIS did not accept him, and then, not without the help of his uncle (who by that time found him almost by accident), he got a job at the theater in the city of Kalinin. For some time he worked at the Omsk Drama Theater.