Glagolev's faith illness and death biography. The mystery of the death of verb faith

Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva – Soviet and Russian actress, remembered by millions of viewers for the films “Don’t Shoot White Swans”, “Torpedo Bombers”, “Marry the Captain”, “Sincerely Yours”, “Waiting Room”, “Maroseyka, 12” and many others.


Vera was born on January 31, 1956 in a family of Moscow teachers. Father, Vitaly Glagolev, taught physics and biology at school, mother, Galina Glagoleva, was a teacher in the lower grades. The family's son Boris was already growing up. The family lived in the Patriarch's Ponds area, on Alexei Tolstoy Street. When the girl turned 6, the Glagolevs received new apartment in Izmailovo. For the next 4 years, Vera lived and studied in the GDR, then returned to Moscow.

As a child, Glagoleva was seriously involved in archery; subsequently received the title of master of sports and joined the Moscow junior team. About acting career she didn't even think about it; her film debut took place completely by accident.

First roles

In 1974, having barely graduated from school, she and her friend came to the Mosfilm studio, where she, a girl with huge eyes and delicate features, was noticed in the buffet by the assistant director of the film “To the End of the World.” The director of the film was Rodion Nakhapetov, future husband Faith. She was offered to try to play a scene with the leading actor Vadim Mikheenko. Having no acting education behind her or even classes in a school drama club, she played as organically as possible young Sima, traveling along the railroad tracks with her distant relative Volodya.

In 1977, Vera Glagoleva was invited to play the role of Varya in the film “On Thursday and Never Again” directed by Anatoly Efros. The play impressed Efros so much that he invited Glagoleva to work at his theater on Malaya Bronnaya. However, under the influence of Nakhapetov, Glagoleva refused this offer, which she later regretted all her life.

The secret of the young actress, who charmed the audience at first sight, was simple - she had not just an amazingly cinematic appearance, but also a unique acting type: a fragile girl who has hidden strength and integrity, brittle plasticity, and the accuracy of a “psychological gesture.”

The next success is the teacher Nonna Yuryevna in the drama “Don’t Shoot White Swans”, Zhenya from “Starfall”, the singing girl from “About You”, Shura from “Torpedo Bombers”. All her heroines had one thing in common - they were, as they say, out of this world, mysterious and poetic.

"About you." Vera Glagoleva

Career blossoming

Glagoleva’s popularity came in 1983, after filming Vitaly Melnikov’s melodrama “Marry the Captain,” where she played the emancipated and feminine journalist Lena.

The most interesting thing is that this role went to Vera Glagoleva completely by accident. At first, the film was shot by one director, and they shot a completely different story - about a border guard officer who is looking for a wife, choosing from a teacher, a milkmaid and a photojournalist. However, filming was stopped. After Melnikov and screenwriter Valery Chernykh rewrote the script, only one woman remained - Lena. According to a survey by the magazine "Soviet Screen", Vera Glagoleva was recognized as the best actress of 1986 for her role in the film "Marry the Captain".

Throughout her career, Glagoleva has not played a single negative role, with the exception of her early work in the crime drama “Preference on Fridays” (1984). Not a single director saw her as a bitch, but the actress was happy with her image.

In the 1990s, Glagoleva was still very popular. The actress developed a certain role: she played independent and strong in spirit women. Thus, in the film “I Myself,” directed by Maksimchuk, she appeared in the role of a woman who takes revenge on her husband’s killers.

Since the late 90s, Vera Glagoleva has starred mainly in the TV series: “Waiting Room”, “Maroseyka, 12”, “Heiress”, “Island Without Love”, “ Wedding ring", "A woman wants to know...". In 1997 she played mom main character in the drama “Poor Sasha” and, in 2000, main role in the film “It is not recommended to offend women.”

In 1996, Glagoleva received the title of Honored Artist, and in 2011 she was recognized as a People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Director's experience

In 1990, Vera Glagoleva decided to try herself as a director. Her debut was the psychological melodrama “Broken Light,” which told viewers about the dramatic fates of unemployed actors at the turn of a new era. Glagoleva herself also starred in this film in the central role of Olga. Due to the fault of the producers, this professional film did not get a wide release, and it was presented to viewers only 11 years later.

In 2005, Vera Glagoleva returned to the director’s chair, presenting to the public the drama “Order” with Alexander Baluev. In 2007, Glagoleva filmed the melodrama “Ferris Wheel”, in which Alena Babenko was invited to play the main role. In 2010, Glagoleva’s new film “One War” about the fate of women during the Great Patriotic War was released. Patriotic War. Glagoleva called this film her most serious directorial work.


Personal life of Vera Glagoleva

In 1974, on the set of “To the End of the World,” Glagoleva met the director of the film, Rodion Nakhapetov. She had already seen him in the films “Lovers” and “Tenderness,” and, although she tried hard to hide it, she was a little in love with him, despite the 12-year difference. A year later they got married. In her marriage to Nakhapetov, Vera gave birth to two daughters - Anna (1978) and Maria (1980).

Anna connected her life with the art of dance and became a ballerina. At the age of 8, she made her debut on the big screen in the film “Sunday Dad” and starred in the film “One War” by Glagoleva Sr. In 2006 she married Yegor Simachev, the son of ballet soloists Bolshoi Theater Nikolai Simachev and Tatyana Krasina, and in the same year gave birth to a daughter, Polina. Maria got married and moved to the States, where she studied to be a computer designer. After the divorce, she returned to Russia and began raising her son Kirill (b. 2007).

In 1989, the American film company FOX bought Rodion Nakhapetov’s film “At the End of the Night.” This picture ultimately broke up their marriage. The director moved to the States, and in 1991 he officially filed for divorce from Glagoleva. He got new family– daughter of Russian emigrants Natalya Shlyapnikoff.

Vera Glagoleva. Love story

In the early 90s, Vera Glagoleva married shipbuilder businessman Kirill Shubsky. They met in 1991 at the Golden Duke film festival. Two years later, Vera gave birth to Kirill’s daughter Nastya. Glagoleva gave birth to a girl in Switzerland, in Geneva, where the family lived for a whole year. Having grown up,

“This afternoon, Kirill Shubsky, her husband, called me and said: “Vera passed away an hour ago.” The feeling of loss and shock cannot be expressed in words. It was too unexpected for everyone,” says Ivanova. - Vera and I constantly corresponded, since now I am in Spain. She called and wrote not only to me, but to all her friends. She is an open person, very friendly. From the category of people who have no enemies.”

“The last message from her came yesterday. And today she and I were supposed to discuss issues related to our new film on the phone. We have finished filming the social drama " Clay pit" In September we were supposed to fly to Kazakhstan to film the last block there. And we are already planning the next project, the script for which we have almost written - a film about the love of Turgenev and Pauline Viardot. Absolutely a work environment,” the producer clarified.

“In June there was a very difficult shooting in the city of Aleksin near Tula. Vera felt fine. She worked 12 hours a day, everything went according to schedule, minute by minute. Vera is a man of iron will, a fighter with strong character, especially in matters related to work. In July, as you know, her youngest daughter Nastya got married to Alexander Ovechkin. Vera was at this wedding, absolutely happy. There were no signs of trouble,” said Natalya Ivanova.

“I don’t know what caused the exacerbation of her illness, what caused the crisis. I know that a few days ago Vera and her family went to Germany for a consultation. She had consulted at various clinics there before. But she didn’t like to talk about her illnesses. She was not sick at all. And suddenly this happened,” added Natalya.

Vera Glagoleva's husband, Kirill Shubsky, denied media reports that the artist died in the USA.

This happened... after a long illness, a long one. She did not die in the USA, noted Kirill Shubsky.

Producer Natalya Ivanova said that the actress died in Germany.

Vera died in a clinic near Baden-Baden, I saw her just a week ago. Now documents are being drawn up for the repatriation of the body to Russia, Natalya Ivanova said. The producer noted that farewell to Glagoleva and the funeral will be announced later.

At the same time, the Russian Embassy in Germany reported that they do not have official information about the place of the actress’s death. But the diplomatic mission expressed their readiness to provide the actress’s relatives with the necessary assistance if they contact them.

Vera Glagoleva's eldest daughter Anna Nakhapetova asked journalists not to disturb the family.

“We really ask all media representatives in this tragic period of our lives to refrain from making any comments and leave our family alone. If you really loved our mother, just pray for the new servant of God Bepe,” she noted on Instagram.

The actress’s second daughter, Anastasia Shubskaya, also left a message on Instagram about her mother’s death.

Our beloved, unique and only one. There are no words and no strength... You are near and we feel it,” the publication says.

Official information about the causes of the actress’s death on at the moment No. The media wrote that Glagoleva died due to cancer.

Rumors that the actress was diagnosed with cancer began in the spring. But Glagoleva herself denied that she was sick.

This departure is extremely unexpected and very early, because I read that she was sick, but she denied it in every possible way and said that she felt great,” said People's Artist Russia Mikhail Boyarsky.

The death of Vera Glagoleva was commented on by many of the actress’s friends and colleagues. So, the first deputy chairman of the committee State Duma on culture, People's Artist of Russia Joseph Kobzon said that after the death of Glagoleva, Russian art became impoverished.

A wonderful actress has left, beautiful woman, who gave birth to three beautiful children, girls,” noted Joseph Kobzon. He also said that only recently one of the actress’s daughters had a wedding, and there were no signs of trouble.

I’m very sorry that today we don’t have another wonderful actress, we have become even poorer,” said the artist.

Russian artist Nikas Safronov noted that Vera Glagoleva had a special attractive aura.

“Glagoleva was very talented, very integral, modest, creative. She was a beautiful, monastic-type girl, perhaps not so bright in appearance, but at the same time had a glowing, attractive aura around her,” Safronov said. He also noted that the actress subtly perceived the nature of things and looked at the world astutely, like a real director.

When you communicate with her, you had the feeling that she heard you and understood what you were saying,” Safronov emphasized. The artist added that he often came to visit Vera Glagoleva, and once even invited her to paint her portrait.

“At first she was shy, but then she finally agreed to pose. I came to her and made sketches,” says Nikas Safronov.

The rector of the Moscow Art Theater School Igor Zolotovitsky called Vera Glagoleva the heroine of a whole generation.

“This is terrible news. I'm very sad. Verochka Glagoleva passed away, and with her a piece of my beautiful youth. Wonderful actress, the heroine of an entire generation. All the girls wanted to be like her,” said Igor Zolotovitsky. As he notes, Vera Glagoleva was very strong man, and although she had many problems, she always managed to cope with everything.

“It’s rare to find a person whose human and professional qualities are inseparable. Faith was just like that. I would like my children to be like her - both in relation to the profession and in relation to life,” the rector emphasized.

Theater and film actor Valery Garkalin called the incident an irreparable grief.

“I have no words to comment on this grief. This is a real, irreparable grief, I can’t even find the words, I can’t put them into sentences, I’m in despair,” said the actor.

“It seemed to me that she would start new life due to the fact that she began to engage in film directing and did it successfully, and now everything has ended,” the actor noted.

Theater and film director Dmitry Astrakhan also said that the actress began her second creative life in directing. According to him, Glagoleva died in the prime of her life and potential.

“Vera, as a creative person, has come into her own and has done a lot. She realized herself as an actress, was in demand, played a lot of roles in films - memorable roles, roles that we know. She also began a second creative life - she became a director, made films herself, and there were successful work who have received awards and recognition from professionals. It’s terrible that life was cut short so unexpectedly - in the full bloom of strength and potential,” said Dmitry Astrakhan. The director also expressed condolences to the actress's family and friends.

The Moscow City Duma reported that Glagoleva’s memory could be immortalized in Moscow. As noted by the chairman of the commission on culture and mass communications, Evgeny Gerasimov, a memorial plaque will be installed at the house where the actress lived.

“I think that if both the residents and the creative community want, a memorial plaque will be installed on the house where she lived,” the chairman noted.

According to Evgeny Gerasimov, the form of perpetuation will depend on the appeals.

Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky also responded to the news of the death of Vera Glagoleva. He called her a person of rare charm and beauty.

“The domestic cinema art suffered an irreparable loss - a serious illness tragically cut short the life of the talented actress and director Vera Glagoleva. Vera Vitalievna had outstanding personal and professional qualities, was a person of rare charm and beauty. A truly people’s artist,” said the telegram on behalf of Vladimir Medinsky. As he noted, millions of Russians admired Glagoleva’s sincere and vibrant performance. The minister also added that anyone who had the opportunity to encounter the artist’s unique gift was imbued with deep sympathy and respect for her skill and determination.

“Good memories of Vera Vitalievna will forever remain in the hearts of loved ones and relatives, colleagues and fans of her work. I share the bitterness of your loss, please accept words of condolences and sympathy,” Medinsky expressed his condolences.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin also expressed condolences over the death of the actress.

“The talented actress and director Vera Glagoleva has passed away... My condolences to the family and loved ones,” the mayor noted on Twitter.

Admirers of Glagoleva expressed condolences over her death on social networks.

She starred in such films as “On Thursday and Never Again”, “Don’t Shoot the White Swans”, “Descended from Heaven”, “Poor Sasha”, “Marry the Captain”. She acted as a screenwriter and producer, and in 1990 she made her debut as a director with the film “Broken Light,” in which she played the main role.

In total, the director shot 6 full-length films. From 2011 to 2014, she was the head of one of the workshops of the Theater Faculty of the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting “Ostankino” (MITPO).

In 2011, Glagoleva was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia. Her work was awarded prizes at many film festivals.

“What kind of secret could there be? – you shrug your shoulders. “The man bravely fought cancer for several years and died from it.”
Well, yes, she danced at her daughter’s wedding, went to filming, where she worked twelve hours a day, then flew to Switzerland for an examination (for which she was probably preparing - she didn’t eat anything for a day), entered the clinic on her own feet, and an hour and a half later she gone. “No, they don’t die from cancer like that,” timid doubts appeared in the press almost immediately.

followed new version: “Perhaps the weakened body could not withstand the intense rhythm of life, a difficult flight, stress...”
This is closer to the truth, but still it is not the whole truth.
And the truth is that

Have you ever had surgery? Well, the simplest one - the appendix was removed?.. Then you probably remember that the evening before the operation the anesthesiologist came to you and asked in detail what and when you were sick with, what pills you take, whether you are allergic to different types anesthesia This might seem like a small thing to you, but it is actually very important.
It is especially important for a cancer patient - the pills that the patient takes (and Glagoleva has been on them for a long time) potentiate the effect of anesthesia, so the choice of the drug and its dose is a matter of life and death. Yes, probably, in this case, gastroscopy - and this is the first and most important stage of examining a patient with stomach cancer - should have been done without anesthesia at all, but this is now only practiced in rundown Russian clinics, but not in Switzerland.
Perhaps the doctor chose the wrong medicine and dose. Perhaps Glagoleva did not name all the medications (and there were drugs among them) that she took. I’m afraid no one will ever know this truth. But the fact remains that Glagoleva died during a gastroscopy.
She's not the first, unfortunately. The case is very common - let's say, this is how Yuri Nikulin died. I don’t want to intrude into issues of medical confidentiality, financial responsibility of the clinic, and the collectively approved family version. It doesn't matter anymore, and it's too late.

Vera Glagoleva was doomed, and she knew it. Another thing is that she expected - as the doctors convinced her - that she still had one and a half to two years. She was in a hurry to live and lived intensely: she finished one film and was immediately going to start filming the second, last one.
I don’t know a person who would endure the misfortune that befell her so courageously, steadfastly, and with dignity. Only her closest relatives and one friend knew about her diagnosis. She did not whine on Facebook (everyone whines to one degree or another), she did not collect money for treatment (which almost everyone does), she did not appeal to pity, love and compassion - Vera was a very strong person with a heightened sense of self-esteem.

Rewatch her anniversary evening on TV - Malakhov knew nothing, her classmates, colleagues, friends did not know - she held on with all her strength, she smiled, joked, thanked some random Meladze, glanced at Guzeeva, who was ready to cry (she knew everything), she encouraged the deaf Zeldin, who would leave before her... There are several editing options online, I looked at the most complete one - then episodes were cut out of it, which, after Vera’s death, suddenly acquired a new sound. That's probably right.
Let her remain like this in our memory - light, cheerful, young, happy.

After the first rumors about terrible disease Glagoleva then continued acting in films, and her friends believed that the disease had subsided. “On May 21, actress Aiturgan Temirova, with whom we also starred in “Snipers,” wrote to me. She told me that Vera was very, very sick. I immediately went on the Internet, there was no information about this,” Yakovleva continued.

It is known that a few months ago the actress’s health deteriorated sharply. She was hastily admitted to intensive care, where Vera Glagoleva spent a day, after which she received repeated blood transfusions. For some time, Vera remained under the supervision of specialists, and then went to Germany for treatment.

Trying to find out the truth, the actress called Vera’s daughter. “She said that everything was fine with them. And suddenly Nastenka’s wedding. We were just filming with Slava Manucharov, he told me that he was the host at the wedding and Vera danced beautifully there. Well, that’s it, I finally calmed down and was happy for her family! And then there’s such a shock,” “Interlocutor” quotes Marina Yakovleva.

Vera Vitalievna herself did not mention her illness, and her daughter completely rejected such information. Elena Proklova, who was her colleague, also spoke about the death of the actress. Elena confirmed that rumors about Glagoleva’s illness had been circulating for a long time, but everyone hoped only for the best. Vera did not confirm anything. “In general, she was the kind of person they say about, all in herself,” Elena added in an interview with StarHit magazine.

And then we played magnificent wedding, well, when do you get sick here? In July, Vera Glagoleva married her daughter Anastasia Shubskaya. A luxurious wedding ceremony has long been one of the most discussed topics on the Internet. That evening Vera Vitalievna was particularly cheerful. She sang along with the stars who came to the celebration and danced dashingly with them. It was after this that rumors about Vera Glagoleva’s alleged illness completely subsided. She really was incredibly good that day.

Looking at these positive shots and smiling Vera, who could have guessed that she had such serious problems with health? And she continued to deny everything. In a recent interview, the artist claimed that rumors about her serious illness were untrue. “I'm fine!” – she said.

Producer Natalya Ivanova, close friend Vera Glagoleva, said that literally on the eve of her death they called each other and talked about work and previous filming. “The last message from her came yesterday. And today she and I were supposed to discuss issues concerning our new film on the phone,” producer KP quotes him as saying. “I don’t know what caused the exacerbation of her illness, what caused the crisis.” I know that a few days ago Vera and her family went to Germany for a consultation. Even before that, she had consulted at different clinics there. But she didn’t like to talk about her illnesses. She wasn’t sick at all…”

Singer Alexander Buynov clarified the situation. According to him, Vera Glagoleva simply did not want anyone to worry about her. Apparently, the actress herself forbade her relatives to tell anyone about the terrible disease.