Vera Glagolev's brother Boris died. Secrets of family life of the verb faith

Not all fans wonderful actress, screenwriter and director Vera Glagoleva knows that she had an older brother, Boris. Vera Glagoleva, whose biography will be briefly described in this article, passed away on August 16, 2017, she passed away due to a terrible cancer disease. It was the untimely death of the actress (in lately and director) became the reason that fans became interested in the person of her brother. Vera Glagoleva's brother Boris (biography and photos will be presented in the article) is a non-public person, fans had to literally collect information about him bit by bit. All that we managed to find out is in the following content.

Boris Glagolev - brother of Vera Glagoleva: date of birth, early years

As mentioned earlier, Boris Glagolev was not a public person, and only a single source lists his date of birth. If you believe this information, then Vera Glagoleva’s brother was born on November 14, 1953.

Boris, like all Soviet boys, spent a lot of time on football fields in the yard, his younger sister was also present with him. Vera Glagoleva was a rather mischievous child; it was her fault that Boris was often punished. The actress owes her character to her brother. As Vera Vitalievna said in one of her interviews, she was a tomboy in a skirt and could give any boy a head start.

As children, the brother and sister often fought, Boris was found guilty, because Vera is a little girl, and he is her older brother. Despite the fact that his sister herself brought him down, the guy always admitted his guilt.

The path to the cinema

None of the children dreamed of a career in cinema. Vera is small and thin, but very strong and athletic. As a child, she was an accurate archer and participated in shooting competitions for the Moscow youth team. When she received an offer to play in a movie, the girl agreed only out of curiosity.

Vera Glagoleva's brother Boris, whose biography is little known, received at one time technical education, with whom he was able to edit films, to which he dedicated his life.

It’s interesting, but Vera Glagoleva never learned acting. But even without special education, she was able to become a famous actress of the USSR and Russia, starring in many films and playing many roles on the stage of theaters. In addition, Vera Vitalievna was a producer, talented director and screenwriter.

Glagolev family

The family of Boris Glagolev (brother of Vera Glagoleva) lived in Moscow, in a beautiful old house on A. Tolstoy Street. In this house, which had a sign with the number 22/2, apartments were issued only to employees of the People's Commissariat of Railways. Neither the mother nor the father of Vera and Boris had anything to do with them.

Mother future actress and the future film editor taught at school, she was a teacher junior classes. Galina Glagoleva was more involved in raising her son, this was the way it was in the family, and the father (Vitaly Glagolev) took care of his daughter.

Vitaly Glagolev (like his wife) was a teacher, he taught children the basics of physics and biology.

The apartment in which the couple lived with two children belonged to the grandfather of Boris and Vera - the father of Galina Glagoleva. Living space in an elite building was given to Naum Glagolev for special success in his work. Grandfather famous actress worked as a designer. Thanks to specialists like him, high-speed trains appeared. At that time, trains were slow and with the help of this transport, citizens took quite a long time to get to their destination. Naum Glagolev became one of the creators of faster and more comfortable trains.

In 1962, the Glagolevs received their own housing in the east of Moscow, in Izmailovo. But soon the parents of Vera and Boris received a job offer in Germany. From 1962 to 1966 Vera and Boris lived with their parents in Karl-Marx-Stadt; their father and mother taught at Russian school number 103.

Are children to blame for their parents' divorce?

Boris Glagolev - brother of Vera Glagoleva, interesting facts from whose life every fan is looking, did not tell anything about himself. All that is known about this man is from the words of his sister. It was the actress who spoke about the reason for her parents’ divorce.

The Glagolev parents lived in marriage for about 10 years, and would still be living (most likely) if not for chance. Vitaly Glagolev decided to take his children on a kayaking trip. Besides them, other people were present, among them was my father’s colleague. Despite the fact that she was with a child, and despite the fact that his own children were present on the trip, Vitaly Glagolev began to look after his colleague, paying her maximum attention. This was not hidden from the children’s eyes; later they told everything they saw to their mother.

Perhaps the children might have thought that the father was paying too much attention to his colleague, but the mother and father had a big fight, after which Vitaly Glagolev packed his suitcase and went to the North. The parents did not see each other again; Vera and Boris’s father soon had a new family.

Brother and sister relationship

As children, children constantly fought for the right to be in charge. They could sort things out even with their fists; the initiator of the fight was always the younger sister. She often annoyed her brother, but Vera got away with everything. The father defended his little daughter (he loved her more than his son), and the mother stood up for her son. But Boris Glagolev himself (Vera Glagoleva’s brother, whose photo is in this article) doted on his little sister. All her antics were temporary, and when the minx calmed down, her brother could easily play with her, cut her and her dolls’ hair, and sew a beautiful outfit! Despite disagreements in childhood, at an older age the brother and sister became the closest people.

Boris Glagolev, Vera Glagoleva's brother (photo provided in the article), remained to live in Germany, and his sister moved to her homeland - Moscow. The distance affected their communication. Boris was editing films, and Vera could not come to Germany due to frequent filming. But technology does not stand still; soon the brother and sister were able to communicate in person - via Skype.

Vera Glagoleva said that she constantly calls her brother, talks for a long time, sharing events in her life, remembering old times.

Later (due to an illness that no one knew about) Vera began to often come to the clinic in Germany, so she and her brother began to see each other much more often in person.

Boris Glagolev (brother of Vera Glagoleva): personal life

Journalists had to search for information about this man for quite a long time. Vera Glagoleva's brother Boris Glagolev was a man who did not like public life. Fans of the actress can only be content with rather meager information about her brother, who edited documentaries.

Absolutely nothing is known about the personal life of Boris Glagolev: was he married, if so, how many times, did he have children? All this will remain a mystery. All that remains known is that he recent years lived his life in Germany and never came to Russia.

Death of Vera Glagoleva

In August of this year, it became known that the actress, director, producer and screenwriter Vera Glagoleva passed away in the Baden-Baden clinic in Germany due to a serious illness. This beloved actress until the very end struggled with a disease that no one knew about.

Vera Glagoleva’s brother Boris, whose biography is still not fully known, most likely knew about his sister’s illness, because she came several times to hospitals in Germany for examination and treatment. Whether this is actually true, we will never know.

Shocking news

Nobody knew that Vera Glagoleva was struggling with a terrible disease, perhaps only her closest people - her daughters. The media learned that the actress was ill only at the beginning of 2017, but Vera Glagoleva herself did not comment on this news.

Acquaintances and colleagues of the talented director claim that it was not noticeable from Vera that she was suffering greatly. She remained cheerful, active and cheerful, not a single muscle betrayed the terrible pain that tormented her from the inside. To last Vera Glagoleva worked, worked for the benefit of cinema, did not give herself any concessions, which is why the news of her death came as a real shock not only to general public, but also for her friends.

Acquaintances of the actress are sure that her illness began to develop in connection with her not very happy personal life: her parents’ early divorce, two unsuccessful marriages. Heavy workload could also contribute to sudden death.

Failed personal life

Glagoleva Vera was married twice. Her first husband was Rodion Nakhapetov, a director. He was one of the first to discern in a non-professional actress her beauty, talent, and special openness. Initially, Rodion and Vera were just colleagues, but later the working relationship did not develop into love.

When the wedding took place, Vera Glagoleva received more and more roles in Nakhapetov’s films. But she explained this not by marriage. Rodion himself said that he would never have given the role if the actress was not suitable for it.

In the marriage of Vera and Rodion, two daughters were born - Anna and Maria.

In 1989, Rodion Nakhapetov went to make films in the USA. It was there that he met producer Natalya Shlyapnikoff, and soon began to live with her. From my wife this fact the director decided not to hide it, and the marriage was dissolved.

Vera Glagoleva met Kirill Shubsky, her second husband, at one of the film festivals in 1990. At that time, she was already a director and asked the businessman to take part in financing her project. Kirill refused help, but offered friendship. Soon the couple got married. Another daughter was born in the marriage - Anastasia.

Fake article

When it became known about the death of Vera Glagoleva, the media published many articles on this topic. One of the news said that Vera Glagoleva’s brother Boris (biography described above) was greatly grieving due to his death younger sister.

This news appeared after an interview with Marina Yakovleva. The woman claimed that Boris, Vera’s brother, was mourning the death of his sister and was very saddened by her death. The news on Instagram was denied by Glagoleva’s eldest daughter Anna Nakhapetova. The girl wrote that this was a fake, since Boris could not find out about Vera’s death - he died shortly before her.

In her refutation, Anna reproached Marina Yakovleva for spreading implausible information.

Death of Boris Glagolev

The last years of his life, Boris Glagolev lived in Germany, editing films in the documentary genre. The fact that he was no longer in the world became known only after the death of his younger sister.

According to the Glagolev relatives, Boris passed away seven months before his sister. The cause of his death has not been disclosed, but, according to some, the man also died from cancer.

There are no interesting facts about Vera Glagoleva's brother Boris Glagolev, since he was not public figure. His whole life remains a mystery. About his childhood and work, his place of residence is known only from the stories of his younger sister and some third-party sources.

In conclusion

Boris Glagolev was buried in Germany. Actress Vera Glagoleva rests on Troekurovskoye Cemetery Moscow.

At the end of the article, I would like to express my condolences to the family and friends of the Glagolevs Vera and Boris, talented brother and sister, and also wish them good health and many years life.

We will introduce our today's readers to the biography and work of the famous Soviet actress– Vera Glagoleva. In addition to the characters, she played the role of directors, screenwriters and producer. For her services in the field of cinema, she received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Vera's acquaintances and friends describe her character differently - some talk about constant whims, others note the ease with which she managed to build her life. But everyone agrees on one thing - she was enough talented actress and director. Despite her outward fragility, Glagoleva was very strong, principled and unpredictable. Those who are familiar with her work still say that she was the most extraordinary on the entire Soviet stage. In addition, Vera Glagoleva was able to show the necessary stamina and willpower when society was going through a difficult period.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vera Glagoleva

First of all, we will present some external indicators of the actress. This will be interesting to everyone, including those who have just decided to get acquainted with her work. Therefore, we bring to your attention exact numbers, in particular height, weight, age. How old was Vera Glagoleva when she died? Many viewers ask, who remember the actress’s characters from Soviet times.

There is nothing to hide here - the approximate height of the actress was a little more than 160 centimeters. Most viewers say that Vera had perfect figure– of course, it is very difficult to argue about this. The artist died in the summer of 2017, and at the time of her death she was 61 years old.

Biography of Vera Glagoleva

The biography of Vera Glagoleva begins in the capital of the USSR, in the winter of 1956. The family of the future artist was far from creativity. Father Vitaly was a teacher, as was his wife, and also Verina’s mother, Galina.
When the girl was six years old, the family moved to the city of Izmailovo. After 4 years, the parents go to Germany, and, of course, take Vera with them. After another five years, the family returns to the capital.

The actress begins to practice shooting professionally. She chooses bow as a sport, and for good reason - within a year she becomes a master of sports. The head of the Glagolev family did not like his daughter’s hobbies - he wanted her to become a gymnast. But this did not reassure Vera - she loved wrestling and boyish games.

Filmography: films starring Vera Glagoleva

Glagoleva's filmography begins immediately after graduation, in 1974. It is noteworthy that our today’s heroine is one of those who made it into the world of cinema without the necessary diploma. Then she accidentally saw the filming of a new film taking place, and the management invited her to one of the roles. She copes with the given character in the film “At the End of the World...”.

Three years later, Vera is again offered to act in a movie - this time, the film “Thursday and Never Again.” The director was impressed by the actress’s performance. Therefore, he invites her to his own theater. In the future, Glagoleva regrets her choice - she refused.

Since the early 1980s, Vera’s popularity has been growing, and she has been invited to appear in various films. Among them, the most memorable were “Starfall”, “Torpedo Bomber”, “Don’t Shoot the Swans”. The role in “Marry the Captain” also had a good impact on her film career, where Vera Glagoleva perfectly conveyed the feelings and experiences of her own character.

In the next decade, the actress played many roles in films, playing strong and independent women. The directors say that insidious and negative characters are not suitable for her - Vera’s appearance is “customized” for positive heroines. Since the beginning of the two thousandth, Glagoleva was invited to various TV series.

In 1990, filming of Broken Light ended, which hit theaters in 2001. This film is the director's debut talented woman. Not without awards and titles for his creative achievements.

Personal life of Vera Glagoleva

The personal life of Vera Glagoleva, although not complete, contains all sorts of novels and rumors, but her admirers will be interested in knowing some information.

The actress's first marriage was with a famous director. They met in 1974, and the young couple got married two years later. Having lived together for almost 17 years, the couple divorced and separated.

Vera Glagoleva meets a businessman, and later they decide to formalize their relationship. Since 2005, rumors sometimes appeared about the collapse of the union, saying that Vera Glagoleva and Kirill Shubsky would divorce in the near future. As far as we know, they both lived together until the actress’s death.

Family of Vera Glagoleva

We already mentioned a little higher that Vera Glagoleva’s family was not directly connected with art. Dad was a physics and biology teacher and worked at school. Died in 2007. Mom also worked as a teacher, only in a primary school. She died in 2010, at that time she was 81 years old.

The only creative person in the Glagolev family, before the appearance talented daughter- her aunt Lena, who painted pictures and was fond of art. Also, the elder brother of the future actress, whose name was Boris, was raised in the family. However, now it is difficult to say which direction he chose.

Children of Vera Glagoleva

The children of Vera Glagoleva are a topic that has rarely been covered by controversial data. We can say that everything is transparent here, although shortly before his death, the yellow press “threw in” information about third-party children of Vera’s husband. She herself did not comment on this, and was it worth it - Vera completely trusted her husband.

From her first marriage, the Soviet actress had two daughters, who were named Anna and Maria. We’ll tell you how the fate of the girls developed in the future below, in the relevant sections.

In the second marriage of the actress, another daughter was born, named Nastya. It is noteworthy that on at the moment, there are already grandchildren of the talented artist.

Daughter of Vera Glagoleva - Anna

Vera Glagoleva's first daughter, Anna, was born in October 1978. Then, the actress was married to her first husband Rodion. The girl decided not to retreat from creative moms and dad, so she received an acting education, and later took up ballroom dancing. Now, Anna is performing in Bolshoi Theater, which is a good achievement.

Mom has eldest daughter There are even joint films in which they starred - “Sunday Pope”, “One War” and others. In 2006, the daughter of Vera Glagoleva gave birth to a girl, Polina, who became the first granddaughter of the Soviet actress. But Anna did not live long in her marriage to a young man, the father of her granddaughter.

Daughter of Vera Glagoleva - Maria

The second daughter of Vera Glagoleva, Maria, was also born in the actress’s first marriage, in the summer of 1980. After graduating from school, the girl decides to go to America and continue her studies there. As a result, Maria studies computer graphics. It is noteworthy that after their parents’ divorce, both daughters from their first marriage remained with their mother.

There, she met her first husband. However, there were no children in this marriage, and soon the young people divorced. In 2007, Maria returns to the capital of Russia, where she gets married again. Here two more grandchildren of Vera Glagoleva are born - Kirill and Miron, with an interval of 5 years.

Daughter of Vera Glagoleva - Anastasia

The third daughter of Vera Glagoleva, Anastasia, was born in 1993. At that time, the actress was already married to businessman Kirill. After receiving secondary education, the girl entered VGIK and graduated with a degree in production. Afterwards, she works on her own projects, gradually improving her skills in the film industry.

She starred in several films and TV series. A year ago, Anastasia and Alexander Ovechkin got married. It is noteworthy that, despite its serious illness, Vera Glagoleva managed to organize an event at the highest level. For now, the media is waiting for news about the addition to the newly made family.

Former husband of Vera Glagoleva - Rodion Rafailovich

The ex-husband of Vera Glagoleva, Rodion Rafailovich, was born in 1944, and as you already calculated, he is 12 years older than his wife. But the age difference did not prevent them from starting a family and living in marriage for many years. The man is an actor and director. He also has several production works and script productions for theatrical performances.

The future spouses met in 1974 - it was at this time that Vera began to develop a film career. On one of film sets, the man noticed interesting girl, and suggested going on a date. Two years later, the young people are getting married. The marriage lasted more than fifteen years, but in 1991, they separated. In this marriage, the actress’s first children were born - daughters Marina and Anna.

Vera Glagoleva's husband - Kirill Shubsky

Vera Glagoleva's husband, Kirill Shubsky, is a reputable businessman. The age difference was just over eight years, in favor of the actress. The couple met at the Golden Duke, a famous film festival, in 1992. After a little time, they decide to legitimize their relationship.

A year and a half later, the third daughter, Nastya, is born - the birth took place in Switzerland. She always told reporters that she was happy in her personal life. But this did not stop the yellow press from launching scandals related to the “secret” daughter of her husband Kirill. This media behavior did not harm the couple in any way.

Health of Vera Glagoleva: sick with cancer

Shortly before her death, news headlines reported information such as “The health of Vera Glagoleva: sick with cancer,” but this was not given special significance. Already in August 2017, it became known about the death of the Soviet actress.

As Vera’s relatives say, the disease did not appear suddenly - long before that, Glagoleva’s condition was getting worse. But this did not stop her from appearing at various special events, in particular at the wedding of her daughter Nastya.

As soon as the information leaked to the media, fans became seriously concerned - Vera Glagoleva’s health was under threat. After the death of the actress, fans learned that the diagnosis was disappointing - stomach cancer. Most critics called her a legend and argued that Vera’s death was a serious loss for Russian cinema.

Many movie stars appear in men's magazines. Some time ago, a request regarding a photo of Vera Glagoleva in Maxim magazine became popular among those familiar with her work. But the actress did not agree to invitations from glossy publications to appear naked. Therefore, any candid photos on the Internet are not true. However, for those who want to evaluate the actress’s figure during her lifetime, you can find pictures in a swimsuit.

Also, fans were interested in such a topic as Vera Glagoleva, before and after photos plastic surgery. It’s safe to say that the actress did not use such services, but, as she herself claims, sports and a good mood help to maintain excellent shape.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vera Glagoleva

Social networks are popular among stars of various sizes. Not surprising, because it is convenient and quick way make advertising, attract new fans, etc. Also, it helps to promote your own creativity abroad.

As far as we know now, during her lifetime, our heroine did not maintain pages on the Internet, so Vera Glagoleva’s Instagram and Wikipedia requests often remain unanswered. However, you can find communities of fans of creativity, where everyone can express condolences and leave kind words about the life of an actress. The free encyclopedia contains the main films in which Glagoleva was involved. Article found on

The actress, director and screenwriter Vera Glagoleva has an older brother, Boris. He lives in Germany, where Vera spent several years as a child. Despite his technical education, Boris is engaged in installation documentaries. And he communicates with his sister mainly via Skype.


Their relationship was not always cloudless. “My brother and I fought mercilessly. I was very mischievous, but more often he got it for me,” said Vera. “It was a tradition in our family that I was my father’s daughter, and he was my mother’s son, so my father punished him more often. Throughout my life, my brother and I have had a wonderful relationship, the roots of which come from that same pugnacious childhood. It’s unlucky for someone whose childhood was indifferent towards him. Such people were robbed.”

Glagoleva admitted that the decision to become an actress did not come immediately. "Dad dreamed about rhythmic gymnastics, they took me to see it for a year. But it's not mine. I turned out to be a different breed, but my father wanted me so much that I endured and suffered for a whole year. Then I chose archery. Yes, I looked feminine and fragile. So appearance can be deceiving. I have a lot of boyishness inside me, it’s all thanks to my brother’s boyish environment. Archery gave me the ability to concentrate in time, the ability to look at a situation from the outside, from a distance, inner endurance and calmness. The ability to pull yourself together is also thanks to

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Biography, life story of Boris Vitalievich Glagolev

Boris Vitalievich Glagolev is a documentary film editor who gained fame due to his relationship with a popular Russian actress.

Early years

Boris Glagolev is from Moscow. In the Russian capital, he lived with his parents and sister in an old house on a street named after the wonderful Russian writer Alexei Tolstoy. In the residential building, which bore the number 22/2, apartments were allocated to employees of the People's Commissariat of Railways. Several decades ago, the house located near the famous Patriarch’s Ponds was inhabited exclusively by representatives of the department, to which Boris’s parents had nothing to do.

Boris's dad taught biology and physics at school. Mom also worked on average educational institution, teaching various elementary disciplines elementary school students. The mother's father, who distinguished himself in the 30s of the last century, received the living space. Naum Glagolev was a designer, and he worked on the invention of more advanced and high-speed trains than those that were slowly moving along Russian railways at that time.

After the onset of 1962, the Glagolev family received a warrant to move into new apartment. The next housing was built in Izmailovo, in the east of Moscow.

Ten years later, the family boat of Boris Glagolev’s parents cracked, as a result of which their marriage broke up. Direct witnesses to the emergence of this unpleasant process were Borya and. Moreover, they became indirectly responsible for the divorce.

Then still teenagers, they went on a kayaking trip with their father. They were accompanied by other people, among whom was a colleague of Glagolev Sr. Despite the fact that she took the child with her, as well as the presence of her own children, Boris’s dad paid her increased attention. At the same time, he also took tender care of his colleague’s son.


The shocked Glagolevs Jr., upon arriving home, did not fail to tell their mother about this in tears. A terrible scandal broke out, after which Boris’s dad packed his belongings into suitcases and departed in an unknown direction. As it turned out later, he abandoned his comfortable life in the capital and went to the North. There he soon had another family.

Relationship with sister

Since Boris remained living in Germany, he communicated with his sister through the popular computer application Skype. The virtual connection was, if not entirely flawless, then at least virtually problem-free. But in real life There were initially some problems in the brother-sister relationship. But that's all in the past.

According to the actress’s recollections, she and Borya repeatedly entered into fierce fights, trying to find out which of them was more important. The initiator of the fights was because she had a more cocky character. However, it was mainly Bor that got the nuts. The fact is that in the family it was believed: daddy's daughter, but the son took after his mother. Naturally, my father took out his anger mainly on Boris.

After childhood passed, the brother began to maintain a wonderful relationship with his sister. Early grievances passed, and the young people were imbued with family love and sincere respect for each other. And so it was until his death, which was destined to die on August 16, 2017 in the German city of Baden-Baden from cancer.
