“Miss Europe”: “Women, do not put yourself above men. About healthy eating

AT THE LAST Miss Europe competition, which took place shortly after Oksana Fedorova refused the Miss Universe title, the representative of Russia was not considered a serious competitor. Many believed that Oksana’s act closed the path for Russian girls to victory at international beauty shows for several years to come. Nevertheless, the winner of the competition, followed by live was watched by almost half a billion television viewers, according to the unanimous decision of the jury, a Russian woman, 19-year-old Svetlana Koroleva from Petrozavodsk, became the winner.

- SVETA, how did Oksana Fedorova’s refusal of the title “Miss Universe” affect your participation in the competition?

Preparation for the competition lasted three weeks, and all the girls lived in a hotel. So, from the first day, other participants constantly came to my room with one single goal - to find out something about Oksana Fedorova. But I couldn’t tell anything because I don’t know her personally. Oksana was very disliked by those girls who participated with her in the Miss Universe competition. One of them just came to my room and shouted: “I hate Oksana Fedorova!” Then this hatred spread to me. I noticed that in a restaurant, when I took something from the buffet for breakfast or lunch, for example fish, this girl immediately said: “I hate fish.”

- During the competition itself, are there any possible tricks on the part of competitors? For example, pour crushed glass into shoes?

Well, no, it didn’t come to that. Although at the same time you won’t get help from anyone. For example, when I entered the top ten, I had to enter the next competition in a new dress. And behind the scenes I couldn’t manage to stop him from behind

drive away. And time was running out. I was literally screaming: “Well, someone help me!” So the girls who didn't make it into the top ten just stood there, looked at me, and no one lifted a finger. I even tore my dress. At the last moment, Miss Romania, with whom I became friends while preparing for the competition, helped me.

- How then did your rivals react to your victory?

The next morning no one spoke to me at breakfast.

- Why do you think the jury chose you?

She probably just managed to win them over. Each of us had several interviews. I was “alive”, natural. She often laughed and smiled. And then I noticed that the organizers began to single me out. Let’s say, if they needed to tell them what time we were leaving the hotel, they approached me first and only then the other girls. As for the other participants, they sometimes reacted completely unexpectedly to my cheerful mood. For example, I once heard one girl say in response to my laughter: “This Russian probably drank vodka.”

- What is the most important moment of the competition?

Apparently, this is the answer to the question asked by the jury. Many Western girls like to answer for a long time and about nothing, it turns out to be some kind of mess.

- What question did you get?

- “What would you say to women around the world if you became Miss Europe? I replied: “Women, do not put yourself above men. Try to have children and make them happy.”

- How was your victory at Miss Europe materially expressed?

Before the competition, we sign a contract according to which the money won goes to charity. Personally, I received gifts from sponsors, including incredibly expensive watch and several pieces of jewelry - necklaces, earrings.

- Why didn’t you participate in the Miss Universe competition? Couldn’t you under the terms of the contract with Miss Europe?

No, the Miss Europe management allowed me to participate in the competition. I just didn't want to. If I went to Miss Universe, it would become clear that not everything is right with my head. I would just turn into an avid competitor.

- After the victory, you went to Paris and took part in the Week high fashion, however, showed only one dress.

It was a dress

which cost about a million dollars because it was embroidered with many precious stones.

-Are you interested in a modeling career?

Not at all. I don't like the atmosphere modeling business. For example, at a show in Paris, I saw some girls sleeping on the floor, because before that they had a night show. Others spoke rather rudely to each other. In my opinion, in this world girls lose their femininity. In general, there are no women or men there, everyone is some kind of “it”. And then, spending five hours to then go on the podium for a few minutes is not for me.

- What about cinema and television?

If there are interesting offers, why not?

- How do you imagine? ideal man?

I have no young man, so there is no one to describe. But when I have him, no matter what others think and say about him, for me he will be the most beautiful and the best. I really hope to meet my soul mate. I want this to last a lifetime. I want many children.

- Probably, now you have to reject numerous gentlemen who “flock” to your title?

There is such a thing. But I st

I'm trying not to offend anyone. I say: excuse me, I have a contract. In general, flowers don’t make me dizzy, expensive gifts. Probably because I grew up in a simple family.

- By the way, weren’t your parents initially against your participation in beauty contests?

Vice versa. It was my mother who heard on the radio about the Miss Karelia competition and wrote down the coordinates. But I was afraid to go alone, and my older brother went with me. Then I won the title “First Vice-Miss Karelia” and realized that I could achieve more.

- Your twin sister didn’t want to go to the competition with you?

My sister did not want to participate in the competition, although my mother suggested that she try her hand at it too. But Ira flatly refused. She is wonderful with us: beautiful, cheerful. We are unusual twins - with different colors eyes and hair. But we are very close in spirit, we understand each other perfectly.

- What do you do to stay in shape?

Nothing yet. I don’t even need a diet, because often during the whole day I manage to eat only one time, usually in the evening.

- Which one? your favorite dish?

Stuffed cabbage rolls. I love mushrooms and borscht. In general, I am an omnivore.

- I can do it myself

should I cook?

Certainly. Dad says my stewed cabbage is amazing.

- What irritates you in people?

Lies and the desire to suppress the will of another person.

- What do you value?

Kindness, intelligence, willingness to help.

-What are you laughing at?

I am such a cheerful person that even something stupid can make me laugh.

- What are you afraid of in life?

God forbid, something happens to my family - parents, sister, brother.

- Do you like animals?

Adore. At my home American Cocker Spaniel and a cat. When I’m in Petrozavodsk, I always cut my dog’s hair and comb it. In general, I put her in order so that after that she doesn’t come to me for the whole day and looks reproachfully.

- What does it mean to you to be happy?

Happiness is in the family, in children. In normal human life. That's why I don't strive to become famous, I don't need to be recognized on the street. After the end of my contract with Miss Europe, I will study. I just won’t say who yet. So as not to jinx it. But when I have to choose between career and family, I will choose the latter.

Svetlana Koroleva in 2002 became the owner of two crowns and received the title of Miss Russia and Miss Europe. Life showed the beauty different sides, but didn’t break strong character girls, but did happy mom three children, a beloved wife and a successful businesswoman. At the same time, he looks great and lives in two cities: Riga and Moscow.

Svetlana spoke about her brand and shared the secrets of women's happiness.

We agreed to meet at the La Taverna restaurant. Svetlana entered the restaurant, and I saw in front of me a tall and slender girl in long dress made of transparent chiffon, which showed off her flawless figure. And I immediately decided to ask a question that interests all women.

Diana Yakovleva How do you manage to combine work and family?

Svetlana Koroleva I won't lie, it's very difficult.

D.Ya. How to always stay fit?

S.K. Cover your mouth with tape. I know a lot of diets, I went to massage therapists, I know about LPG techniques. I take care of myself, considering that I am no longer 17 or 25.

D.Ya. Healthy image life: do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat meat. So?

S.K. With three children, I, of course, won’t survive on salads alone, so I have meat in my diet. But if I’m busy, there’s absolutely no time.

D.Ya. How does your typical day start?

S.K. I wake up and take care of the children: I get them ready for school and kindergarten, and then I get down to my business.

D.I. Where do you prefer to spend time in Moscow?

S.K. I’m not a frequent visitor to Moscow now, but when I come, I always invite all my close friends to my place. country house, my husband and I have our paradise there. Upon arrival, I go alone to the Mario restaurant, because I love it for its delicious and favorite soup. I go in for sports outside the city at the RIVIERA club, although it is now closed for renovations. Children also attend this club, namely swimming lessons, from the very beginning. early childhood. I often make appointments at the Chashki cafe on Shmitovsky Proezd; I really love the Careas cafes, especially on Gruzinskaya. With my friends I go where they lead, because I trust their choice.

D.I. Tell us about your favorite beauty salons?

S.K. I visit beauty salons more and more often near my home, but there are also favorites: “Dmitry Vinokurov’s Salon”, “Boutique Moscow” salon on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, where you can do all the procedures in an hour: several masters serve you at the same time and, voila, in an hour you are completely ready. And Dmitry Vinokurov and I are long-time friends, and in his salon I often just take a breather, do my hair and fill up with energy.

D.I. Can you give advice to tourists with a small and unlimited budget: where to go, what to see, where to go shopping?

S.K. It depends on which tourists to advise…. If tourists are from the regions, then, of course, you just need to walk around old Moscow, best with good guide. It seems to me that old Moscow will be of interest to both young, advanced tourists and foreigners. In the center of old Moscow there are so many cafes and restaurants where you can have a meal on a budget. In general, it is impossible to study Moscow while passing through in a day; you need to study it for at least five years, you need to understand it, feel it, and fall in love with it. I love Moscow madly and I advise you to study it slowly, without rushing.

And another piece of advice for tourists: don’t buy anything in the city center, find a market in the nearest Moscow region, and buy everything there.

D.I. Where was the last time you vacationed with your family or friends?

S.K. I like to go on vacation with my friends, but now it’s not so easy to do because there’s not enough time. Last time vacationed with friends in Switzerland and Italy: we traveled by car to many beautiful places, But best place- This is Lake Como. I travel a lot around Germany and Austria by car, including with children.

D.I. Where do you want to return? Is there such a place?

S.K. I love the Maldives - it's a paradise for my head and solitude, which I really appreciate and respect, and I also happily return to Nice. London is very dear to me in spirit.

D.I. Are there places that you associate with Moscow?

S.K. London for me is almost like Moscow, only the architecture is neater, but the character of the cities is very similar.

D.Ya. Is success a criterion of happiness for you?

S.K. Family is success. I recently starred in a program and everyone got their eyeliner done: Tanya Kotova sings, another Miss Russia just won the crown and is working, and I take care of children and am a clothing designer. I asked the director: why is this? Maybe this is an answer from the Universe to calm me down. I'm developing my brand, not just spending time at home. He replied that life does not go so smoothly for everyone.

D.Ya. Although, I watched your interview with Nika Ganich, and you told how you had to spend the night at the station. I always respect people who conquer peaks and achieve success with honor and pride. It's more difficult, but calmer.

S.K. The most interesting thing is that I had to fall from the top when it seemed: I achieved it, won and I’m so cool. I remembered this phrase: as soon as you take off and realize that you are awesome, right from that moment you fly onto the marble floor with enormous force. And I notice that if I feel this way, I immediately fall down. I don’t consider my children geniuses, like many parents, and I’ve heard: your child has no talent, and it seems to me that this shouldn’t be upsetting. I am a perfectionist, apparently this is typical of many Aquarians, I am demanding of myself and others. I accept everything that happens and don't get upset. By the way, my brand was created according to the principle: you have to try and everything will work out!

D.Ya. You and your family live in Riga. Why did you choose this city?

S.K. The flight from Moscow to Riga is only one hour. This does not mean that I abandoned Russia. All my father’s relatives live in Riga, I was even baptized there. I feel good and calm there, but it took me quite a long time to adapt to life in this city. Now there are also many friends in Riga.

D.I. Tell us about your work with Giorgio Armani.

S.K. In 2002, immediately after the Miss Russia competition, I was invited to participate in the Armani show in Tretyakovsky Proezd. He asked me to close the show, made sure that the styling was natural, and I quite by accident saved his life. After the final applause, he remained standing near the decoration, and suddenly it began to fall... At that moment, I quickly ran up and grabbed Armani’s hand. He didn’t immediately understand what had happened, but then he thanked her.

D.I. Do you have any regrets about leaving your modeling career?

S.K. I adequately assess my age. And I understand that it’s better to create clothes than to show them off.

D.I. Clothes of your brand Success in strict classic style. Is there any influence from your personal perception of fashion and style? Does the brand represent what you like in clothing? Or is there no concept of “fashion” for you, but only style matters?

S.K. I come from a fairly simple family. My mother is a civil servant, and she always wore formal, classic suits, but she always looked stunning. It was she and her image that inspired me to create a business producing clothing for women. Initially, I see the brand’s audience exactly this way: these are civil servants and employees of all branches of government agencies, banks, accounting departments, teachers of schools, universities and simply young, active and not young interesting people, for whom the issue of price and quality is very important. Ambitious people should be dressed neatly, inexpensively, but of high quality. For example, what do office employees wear? Suits, discreet and plain dresses and blouses, classic coats - the office dress code obliges. People in Moscow dress up, but in the regions there is no such opportunity, and in Europe it is generally not customary to look flashy. My clothes are sold in 50 regions of Russia and even in chain stores" Children's world"Excellent cut and fabrics good quality, and the prices are affordable for everyone. A classic for all times and for any age. By the way, I’m also wearing the Success dress now (Svetlana is wearing a translucent maxi dress made of thin black and white chiffon, worn over a white top and mini shorts). It's simple and I like it.

D.Ya. Why do tall girls wear maxi-length clothes? And I often see you in long dresses.

S.K. By wearing short dresses and skirts, we evoke the desires of men. And this gets in the way. And you understand that the man is distracted when he communicates with you, and you yourself feel somehow uncomfortable. I don't like it.

D.Ya. Success clothing for those who strive for success?

S.K. Yes, for those who come to him. For me, success is a high bar, for some it’s family, and for others it’s a job they love. My clothes are created for girls who cannot spend a lot of money on new clothes, but deserve to wear a high-quality dress or coat made from natural fabrics. All Success items do not lose their original appearance after dry cleaning. We can say that we check everything on ourselves.

D.Ya. What influences the low cost when high quality products?

S.K. We buy fabrics in Russia and sew them too. The fabrics are mixed: half or most of the composition is cotton, wool, silk. Of course, this results in an attractive price. By the way, everything is made exclusively from fabrics produced in Russia, and all clothes are sewn here too.

We also take into account modern technologies cuts and styles. The colors are different. I am not a designer, but I only make a choice in favor of priority textures and colors. I am very practical and understand that customers with a certain income will choose between more well-known European brands in favor of Success due to the consistency of the price-quality formula. Buyers from the regions are asking: give us clothes for real life.

D.Ya. Are the models changing somehow?

S.K. Certainly! There are basic models that are always in demand, and my designers make changes to seasonal collections. I don’t know how to draw sketches, but I always discuss in detail with the creative team which style is time to modernize, where to change fittings or add accessories. We always listen to the wishes of buyers.

D.I. Do your children show interest in work?

S.K. The eldest daughter places orders for dresses for the holidays - she tries to draw and explain, and I make her wishes come true. (Laughs)

D.I. Why did you decide to create fashion brand rather than open a restaurant or beauty salon?

S.K. I love to cook, but the restaurant business is not entirely clear to me. Beauty salons should be opened by people with medical education- then it will make more sense. But I’m tired of expensive clothes - the prices are unrealistic, and besides, I tall girl, and not everything suits me. We live such a fleeting life, so I don’t see any point in buying a dress for a night out every time for a hundred thousand.

D.I. Do you have any plans to conquer the European market?

S.K. I can proudly say: we have been working for five years now, we have grown a lot and have reached a completely new level and in terms of production volumes and business in general. Therefore, it is not surprising that I am already receiving offers to sell Success clothing in European cities, but this is not my goal. It’s more important to me that the brand is recognized in Russia. Therefore, I don’t see the point in Fashion Weeks - it’s a waste of money for nothing - I’d rather give it to those who need it. (Svetlana is a patron of the Red Nose children's aid fund).

D.Ya. Tell us about your beauty secrets?

S.K. With three children? I have chosen for myself and other mothers I recommend three doctors for health and good appearance: dermatologist, trichologist, gynecologist. And regular skin care at a cosmetologist or at home is very important. It is important to choose a cosmetologist you trust - you come and relax.

D.I. Plans for the near future.

S.K. Learn the Latvian language and get an education as a psychologist in Riga. And choose time for a two-week vacation with your husband.

D.Ya. What is happiness for you?

S.K. Peace of mind. Don't rush anywhere, be calm. Be happy with what you have here and now.

Svetlana, please tell us about your childhood and youth. What did you want to become? What were your dreams?

Since childhood, I knew exactly what was ahead of me. Nowadays it is fashionable to visualize your dreams using a “wish map”. But at the age of 12, perhaps without even realizing that my dream would come true, I drew a self-portrait. I depicted myself on the podium, with a crown on my head and a ribbon with the inscription “Miss”.

How much has your life changed after winning the Miss Russia and Miss Europe titles?

I won the title “Miss Russia” and “Miss Europe” in 2002. Both victories came as a surprise to me. I was 19 years old and a student. After the victory began new life: filming, shows, travel, meetings with top officials, participation in social and charitable events. Having become the face of a world famous jewelry company, I traveled all over globe, walked on the largest catwalks, appeared on the pages of the most influential publications.

Many titled beauties choose a modeling career. Why did you decide to go a different route?

Yes, I refused modeling career. I think that walking back and forth on the catwalk is a useless exercise. I became the host of the social and moral talk show “Deed” on the TV Center channel. From 2008 to 2011, I became a mother twice, and then I returned to work again, took part in filming, and was active in social activities.

I also played the main role in the video for the song “I draw you” by singer and composer Sergei Kurenkov

She also starred in the television film “Kill the Blackbird” directed by Dmitry Gerasimov. It was a very bright and memorable role. It is interesting because you can be completely different in it and finally show that beautiful woman because she is beautiful because she has a lot of intelligence.

How and when did you come up with the idea to start your own clothing brand?

Own classic brand women's clothing Success I launched it in 2012. In the reality offered by the market, it can be very difficult to dress stylishly and affordably, and our team was aimed at changing this situation. It is in order to make this task easier for women that our designers have developed unique designer clothes that allow you to transform yourself in a matter of seconds.

SUCCESS's pricing policy is designed in such a way as to offer customers maximum affordability with high quality.

In addition, we transfer part of the proceeds from the sale to charities and donate clothes to low-income families.

Tell us about the very first collection you created. How it was and what has changed since then.

The first SUCCESS spring-summer 2013 collection was represented by a wide range of coats, dresses, blouses, trousers, and jackets. The priority color directions were classic black, gray, blue, which were complemented by bright accents of raspberry, menthol and coral. Main role The collection was devoted to accessories - scarves, belts and brooches completed the look and made it harmonious.

This SUCCESS collection was presented in two lines in different price categories - commercial and Limited Edition.

Click on the photo to see the new collection

What inspires you when creating new collections?

I want women to have more time for their family and loved ones, but I also know how necessary it is to do everything at once, while remaining beautiful, feminine and graceful. My collections help women to be successful and confident.

You are the mother of 3 beautiful children. How do you manage to combine business and family?

Yes, in 2008 my daughter Sofia was born, in 2011 my son Andrei, and in 2013 my daughter Yesenia.

Despite my career as an actress, TV presenter and my own business, I consider family to be the main thing in my life. And this was the main thing for me back in my youth, in 2002, while participating in international competition beauty, when asked what I would say to millions of women if I became the winner, I answered: “Don’t put yourself above men. Have children and make them happy."

What is your motto and credo in life?

My life is here and now. If you don't try, you won't know.

Photo: moscow.zagranitsa.com

In mid-June, it was exactly 15 years since Petrozavodsk resident Svetlana Koroleva wore the Miss Russia 2002 crown. A few more months passed, and our fellow countrywoman was recognized as the most best girl Europe. Even the harsh skeptics who condemn such projects probably felt proud that year for Svetlana, who did not return to Karelia after the victory, graduated from the Mining Institute, walked on the catwalks of Europe and Arab countries, worked as a TV presenter on the TVC channel, starred in a film with Anna Snatkina, got married, founded a business in the fashion industry and became the mother of three children: Sofia, Andrey and Yesenia. And these are just the main events that were covered by the media.

How Svetlana Koroleva lives today, does she visit Petrozavodsk and what does she think about girls at beauty contests - in exclusive interview our portal.

– After 15 years, what moments are best preserved in your memory from beauty pageants?

- All! It's impossible to forget. Nothing is erased, on the contrary, the memories become brighter, because people from those times appear, we begin to communicate again... There are a lot of memories, and so far they are clear.

– And yet, what is your most vivid memory from Miss Russia?

– Queen's Ball Bolshoi Theater was very beautiful. I also remember the final of the competition, when I was wearing a dress a couple sizes too big, but no one guessed it. They provided us with clothes and, apparently, they made a mistake. It happens. It’s good that he had a T-shirt style - everything simple and laconic was in fashion. It was clear that this dress was too big for me, but it looked good.

Competition "Miss Russia 2002". Photo: vk.com/sv_korolev

-What is the Queen's Ball?

– There was a tradition: after each competition the winner held her own charity ball. I dealt with lots that guests bought, and the funds went to the needs of children. There were a huge number of celebrities present, and it made a huge impression on me at the time. You look and realize that people whom you previously only saw on TV now look at you the way you used to look at them. Something changes at this moment in my head.

– Who was the celebrity you most wanted to see?

– There was my beloved Philip Kirkorov. We took pictures and talked. Then I was even disappointed that this “star” - ordinary person. Purely female disappointment. But I really liked his voice, but I didn’t like his appearance. Kirkorov remains my favorite. When we meet at events, I’m always glad to see him.

Photo: vk.com/sv_korolev

– You received the crowns of the Miss Russia and Miss Europe competitions when you were not yet 20 years old. Isn't the title of the most beautiful girl in the country and Europe relaxing?

– No, I would even say that it adds complexities. Only the lazy one doesn’t discuss you at this moment: how you sit, how you stand, what kind of eyes you have and why they actually chose you. There are processes going on inside. People are not shy about saying that they are dissatisfied with the jury’s assessment and that some German woman was better. At such moments, you instantly, within 15-20 minutes, learn to acquire armor.

– Do you remember what was the most offensive thing that was said about you then?

– (Thoughts) No, I don't remember. My head is designed in such a way that I never hold such things. I don’t even remember if it was offensive.

Photo: vk.com/sv_korolev

– Of course, it was more difficult for us in this regard, although there was still no big problem with popularity. Everyone knew us. At my age, I didn’t have to tell anyone who I was. But today's girls, on the contrary, sometimes have to prove that they exist, exist, and generally be reminded of what they look like.

– Do you think this is due to oversaturation in social networks, and not due to the fact that the winners of beauty contests are “getting smaller” and it is already difficult to distinguish them from each other?

– In my time they chose standard beauty, but now they just take pretty girls from the street. This is the period now. Street beauty is also beautiful, it's just not on the same level.

– What is the reason for this change of vectors, in your opinion?

– The beauty contest system is broken. The organizers of Petrozavodsk competitions will be able to tell you about this. Previously, the country worked for one competition: first they chose the winner of the city, then the republic. Only the girl who won had the right to go to a beauty contest of the Miss Russia scale and above. Now girls can come from the street, metro or shopping center straight to the All-Russian stage. That is, they are not professionals, you still need to work a lot with them, but often it is useless. Some girls come and don’t understand why they go to rehearsals, training, what all this is created for.

Meeting with beauty contest participants. Photo: vk.com/sv_korolev

– At the beginning of the 2000s, Russian girls often climbed to the podiums of beauty contests. Is Russian beauty not in trend today?

- Let's go back to what we just talked about. Non-professionals arrive. Imagine a beauty from a shopping center who enters into a fight with Venezuelans, Germans - people who already have five years of experience in such projects. It's on a serious level there. Our “star” arrives from the metro, and, of course, she is sweet and pretty, but she still has to work and work. My opinion is that this is the only issue. Participants need to be trained professionally. For a global competition, a girl no longer has to ask certain questions; she needs to work at an international competition.

– What questions are these?

- “Why is it so hard for me? How can I stand in heels? How can I go out in a dress?” These are normal questions for those who come to a modeling agency and want to participate in the regional stage. If a girl is going to a beauty contest already high level, then she can't ask about it. When I meet with participants from the old school, we speak the same language with them, which does not happen with those who appear at competitions now.

Meeting "Miss Russia" different years. Photo: vk.com/sv_korolev

– Svetlana, how is your day going today? Can you describe it?

– I have everything according to timing, as I call it. I think about the day in advance. I get up at 6 am, wash, get ready, wake up the children, get them ready for school and kindergarten. When the children leave, I get ready and go to work, minding my own business. In the evening I pick up the kids from school if I have time to get home by then. If not, then their husband meets them, although I still try to do this myself.

– Does your husband help you a lot with household chores?

– This question is often asked. I always answer it this way: my husband and I met as already established individuals. Our desire to start a family was common, so now there are no questions between us about who should be responsible for what. Many friends are surprised, because we really don’t have any questions about who irons, who washes the dishes, and who looks after the children. Everything happens in harmony. If I look after the children, then this is my responsibility, but if I need to fly to St. Petersburg tomorrow for work, my husband will support me as much as possible. You just need to communicate this in advance. Although, of course, we have parents, helpers, people who support us, but we both believe that our children are our business. Their childhood won't last long enough to not be around them now. Then we will still have time for each other when the children begin to grow up. Our eldest daughter no longer needs us.

- How much is yours? eldest daughter?

- She is 9 years old. She’s still small, of course, but she no longer needs us 24 hours a day. She already has her own communication: school, friends, lessons. There are enough conversations with parents in the evening over dinner.

– You say that you had children at a conscious age. At 25, did you already feel old enough and conscious?

– Since I was 18 years old, I have had such a hardening of life! I was very active and God gave me a lot of things to learn. So I turned out to be an already accomplished person when I met my future husband. At that point in my life, I was faced with the question of whether I needed marriage at all. I understood that I was getting married because I really wanted to, that I loved him, and not because I needed to close my life, cars, apartments. I already had all this by that time. I didn't need a social unit to survive. I wanted a soul, and there was an understanding that I was ready to be responsible for big family, sacrifice your time for this, but not your interests, of course.

- Then who is your husband? The media write that his name is Maxim...

– Yes, his name is Maxim, and he is my husband. This is my emperor. I don't say anything more about my husband. This is an accomplished person. A man who will speak for himself. This is a person who manages to give me love, provide for my family and remain a reliable friend and loved one. This is the most important thing.

– They write that he is a top manager of a well-known fuel company...

– I won’t comment on this.

Svetlana with her husband. Photo: vk.com/sv_korolev

- What then? future husband attracted you, despite the numerous fans that you had and probably still have?

In my opinion, Larisa Guzeeva joked in one interview: if you once met a person and suddenly felt that a series of events were unfolding in your head from marriage, children to kitchen renovation in your cozy nest, then you should immediately take the guy. It doesn't matter how long you've known him. Something like this happened to us. We met, talked a little, and then he asked me out on a date. I remember he came to pick me up, I opened the door, and he was standing with his arms wide open. Then he made me laugh a lot, but then I thought about this sign. It was on that date that I realized that Maxim was my man, with whom I would have children. So, if your head starts to draw, you have to take it.

– Some girls have such a reaction in their heads to any man.

“It’s still better to take it right away, and then you’ll figure it out later.” I’m speaking purely as a woman, of course. In fact, my future husband showed himself this way. He knew how to look after her beautifully, and there was no such thing as he was giving anything away; he sent flowers every day. There were moments when he simply hugged me, and I realized that everything was mine.

- How did he propose to you?

– It was in Greece in a restaurant with a gorgeous view. They brought me a piece of meat, and I was very indignant because I did not order this dish. That day I was feeling unwell, and I didn’t want meat at all. Then I touched it and the “meat” turned out to be hard. It was chocolate from the restaurant where we had our first date in Moscow. When I opened it, I saw a ring there.

- So it was a chocolate box?

– Yes, a chocolate box that I still keep. She is already 10 years old, the chocolate has deteriorated and turned white, but I think when our only son will get married, I will invite dad to tell Andrei how it happened with him.

Photo: vk.com/sv_korolev

– People probably ask you all the time how you combine work and children, but still share your secret again.

– It is clear that combining is a disgusting process. It’s hard, sometimes it leads to discord in the family, where without it! Everyone has their own plan, their own goals, their own picture of life in their head. When an obstacle appears on the way to these goals, different moments arise. There is only one thing that makes me happy: that I taught my children to a certain schedule of life and made sure that they do not get sick. This year we moved from Riga to Moscow, and the children almost never missed school. Although, of course, there is an inflammation of cunning, as, for example, today the eldest daughter decided that she had a headache and generally wanted to sit at home.

- Still sent to school?

- No. In such cases, I take the child right away, because I understand that this is a desire to be at home. I stop meetings if possible and return home and be with my daughters.

- So you still believe that your head hurts?

- Well, whether it hurts or not, I still don’t understand. I try to believe in any manifestation. At such moments I usually say: “Let’s turn off these games on the theme that something hurts. Come here, I’ll just hug you.” We hug, spend time together, enjoy these moments, and then harmony is restored, and the children do not get sick again.

– You said that your couple has common goals. What are your next goals?

– I talked about the goals of each of us in work, in business. I have my own processes going on: a clothing brand, projects, charity, plus friends with whom I really like to communicate. All this fills my life as much as possible. The same goes for my husband. We are so used to running out of the house every morning like horses that one of the main conflicts in our family is if we suddenly cannot confirm our time together.

It happens that things pile up, and then we try to neatly clear them away. But I am glad that we stand for this time together. Otherwise, we could have gotten a divorce.

– So, Svetlana Koroleva’s recipe for preserving a family is to find time for each other even with a busy schedule?

– Be sure to find time for each other and always be active. Now I’ve started calling it “playing games.” We are all very serious, important, we like to pretend to be adults, but in reality, adults should be able to play games correctly and competently.

– What do you mean by “play games”?

– For example, today the husband prepares everything for his princess wife, makes sure that she rests. And at this moment something else may turn on for me, already for him. For example, I turn into a massage therapist. We need to try to save not an ideal family, but a different family. I really respect those people who speak honestly about their families. Yes, sometimes it’s bad with us, sometimes it’s good, but we have common goal– we want to be together, we love each other, and we will try to keep it that way.

Photo: vk.com/sv_korolev

– You tried yourself both on television and in cinema. Were there situations when you had to refuse interesting offers for the sake of your children or family?

– It was, don’t rub salt in my wound. Was very big project on television that did not involve pregnancy. I took part in the casting and was selected, but in the end the project was led by other people. But I don’t regret it, because then my beautiful third daughter was born.

– At the age of 19, you said that you didn’t follow diets and didn’t play much sports. Today, judging by your Instagram, the situation has changed. At what point did you want to add physical education to your life?

- The time is coming. I am already 34 years old, I have three children. I can maintain a certain shape without sports and diets today, but now I want to be in a completely different format and type, so I go in for sports. I'm interested in this. And the first time I thought about this was probably when I was playing some game with my son. I was running and realized that I had run out of strength. Now I have enough strength and endurance again.

– What exactly do you do to look good? Many girls today start dabbling in Botox or fillers before the age of 30.

I cleanse my body. I go in for sports... I do what my soul feels and my heart says, and only this keeps me young. In fact, I have a normal attitude towards what girls apply to their appearance, but I myself try to delay this process and do active facial massages, masks, and there are a lot of them now. I undergo treatments using a unique lamp to preserve youthful skin in order to enhance its regenerative functions. I take good care of my skin, but the most important thing for me is my mood and clarity of thoughts, as well as rest and sleep. I trust my cosmetologist, and if she says that I need to do something, I will do it and not even think about it. She and I have been together for 13 years, and so far I have not been prescribed any drastic procedures! Thanks to my parents for genetics.

– Your business is a clothing brandSuccess. What is your involvement with the brand? What exactly do you do?

– I have one hundred percent participation. This is my brainchild, my brand, my fourth child. I'm not a designer, but a good businesswoman. People who are educated as designers and clothing designers work for me, so the brand has already turned into a large enterprise, which I manage.

– Are you somehow involved in the development of models?

- I approve of them. I either like it or I don't like it. Sometimes I can say that I want it this way, this way, and this way, then professionals create it. We focus on girls who work from morning to evening, while still managing to take care of their families and still live for themselves.

Fashion show. Photo: vk.com/sv_korolev

– Do you take part in filming for your brand?

It happens, but more often in my filming women of non-model parameters participate, since I sew clothes for women not only of standard appearance, but also for those who have large sizes. In promoting the brand, I am helped not only by the experience of a fashion model, but also by another diploma - a PR specialist and, of course, my connections and connections of friends who are professionally involved in PR in my field.

– Tell us about your participation in the charity project “Future of Russia”.

– I support Katya [Ekaterina Polozova – director of programs of the public project “Future of Russia”. - Approx. ed.] for many years, but since I used to live in Riga, I could not be with her one hundred percent. This is incredible interesting project. It is close to me in that it is not a charity that I know nothing about, but I can actively collect money without being able to account for it later. This is a specific direction for children from orphanages, whom they are trying to bring to Moscow, give them a beacon in life, help with self-determination. For this purpose, a huge number of meetings, lectures, and events are held. Children arrive who need to be fed, watered, and need somewhere to live. I am on the committee that organizes all this. We bring sponsors and arrange lectures. This year I myself will bring children information about beauty, not only external, but also internal. I will come up with lectures for them.

– Are you visiting Petrozavodsk now?

– The last time I came to my mother’s birthday was in December last year. I was in the city for a day or a day and a half - and that’s probably all. I wasn't there again. I devoted almost all my time to my family, so I didn’t have a general impression of the city. But I was in shopping center, where I was waiting for dad. I liked the store: excellent, big. When I lived in Petrozavodsk, there were no such people, and it’s nice that they appeared. It’s nice that many of my friends don’t want to leave Karelia and are building families there. This makes me very happy.

– I’ll explain why I’m asking. Do you participate in various charity projects, but none are associated with Karelia. Why?

– In order to tackle certain projects, you need a team. The ship won't float that easily. I don’t have a team associated with Karelia or Petrozavodsk. If such people appear, if they want to do something with my participation, I will be ready. Unfortunately, I definitely don’t want to rush out and lead another project, to give it one hundred percent alone. But this situation is open. If someone creates something, I am ready to support the team, which will report on what it has accomplished.