American Cocker Spaniel mating for what day. Knitting methods

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Payment for mating should be agreed upon in advance. Very often, the owner of a female dog simply gives one of the puppies from the resulting litter to the owner of a male dog. Transferring any amount is much less common. If the first mating was unsuccessful, but has already been paid for, the male is made available to the owner of the bitch again.


The dog owner is not responsible for the actions of his pet in the following cases:

If a dog bites a person in defense of its owner;

If the spaniel attacked a person committing theft;

If your pet hurt the person who tried to hit it.


Dogs often accompany their owners on travel, and the owner of the animal will have to strictly follow some rules provided for by the legislation of the country to which he is traveling.

Remember that when transporting a dog by sea, river, air or by rail its owner must have a certificate from a veterinarian.

A healthy dog ​​tolerates travel well

Public transport

On buses, trolleybuses, subways and trams, American Cocker Spaniels can be transported in large bags or baskets. At the same time, no matter how small the animal is, it must have a collar and muzzle. The full fare for traveling with a dog will be charged. The exception is a guide dog.


A taxi driver may refuse to transport a dog. If he agrees, the animal is placed in the back seat, and its travel is paid in accordance with the amount requested by the driver.

The dog must wear a muzzle and collar during the trip.


A small dog can be transported on a passenger train, but only if it has a ticket issued for it. A barking dog almost always displeases other passengers.

In such a situation, the permit to transport the animal is liquidated. If you are transporting several adult spaniels at once, ask for a separate compartment. You can feed dogs only during long stops. This is done so that after eating the spaniel has time (1-1.5 hours) to digest it.

If the stay lasts less than 20 minutes, you should not feed the dog, as it may start vomiting during the move.


When transporting a dog by air, keep in mind that a small dog can be in the cabin with its owner, but a large animal must sit in a cage that is placed in the luggage compartment. When transporting a spaniel over very long distances, do not forget to feed and walk it. Dogs are usually walked after landing at the airport, in places specially designed for this.

Water transport

When transporting dogs by water (river steamer, transatlantic liner), the animals are always placed in holds, in special cages.

Table 6

Conditions for importing the American Cocker Spaniel into some countries

Beginning breeders need to carefully study all the problems associated with breeding issues in order to prevent signs of degeneration in the next generation of dogs.

During the breeding of dogs, their hereditary characteristics are distributed and combined in most cases randomly. By influencing this process, breeders have the opportunity to influence the phenotype of the future generation.

The American Cocker Spaniel breed was developed and established a long time ago, so when breeding these dogs, breeders know in advance the phenotype of the puppies of the resulting litter. Possible changes in this case (coat color, eyes) depend on the genotype of the parents.

The genotype of a newborn puppy always includes half of the hereditary characteristics of the mother and half of the father. Despite this, the cub most often resembles only one of its parents. Thus, by carefully studying the pedigree of stud dogs, you can get an idea of ​​the next generation.

The concept of "phenotype" includes the general appearance animal, the development of its sensory organs, the structure of all tissues of the body, behavioral signs. Heredity refers to the transmission of certain physical qualities and psychological characteristics to offspring. Heredity determines the dog's genotype.

A dog's genotype is a set of factors that determine heredity. Genes are homozygous and heterozygous. Homozygous genes are the same, and heterozygous genes differ from each other in some specific trait.

When eggs and sperm are formed, genes are combined in pairs. This is done by random selection, which makes it difficult to predict the final result in advance. When a sperm and egg merge, an embryo is formed in which certain pairs of genes predominate. In some cases, a dog's phenotype does not match its genotype. The reason for this is random variations in genes that occur in allelic sequence.

Allelic sequence implies the presence of two types of genes: recessive and dominant. The first of them are completely suppressed by the second and manifest themselves extremely rarely, usually in the second, third or fourth generation. Dominant genes are clearly expressed in the first generation. They are the ones who determine the phenotype of the puppies.

If completely dominant genes are absent, partial dominance appears in the first generation. In this case, the appearance of the future offspring is very difficult to predict, and newborn babies do not always meet the requirements of the breed standard.

Hereditary traits

A dog inherits certain qualities of its parents in accordance with Mendel's laws of genetics: the law of uniformity of the first generation and the law of segregation of the second generation.

First generation law of uniformity

In accordance with the law of uniformity of the first generation, all animals of the first generation obtained fully inherit the qualities of their parents.

Sometimes it happens that the phenotype of the first generation only partially satisfies the requirements of the breeders. In this case, the law is not fully observed and the first generation becomes intermediate.

Second generation law of fission

In accordance with the law of segregation of the second generation, individuals of the first generation with a clearly visible dominant become the parents of dogs with heredity passed on to them from their parents in a ratio of 1:3. Thus, 25% of dogs from the second generation will receive recessive genes, and 75% will receive dominant genes.

Purebred crossbreeding

In breeding work, concepts such as purebred and interbreeding are distinguished. As for the breeding of American cocker spaniels, now for this purpose they resort only to purebred crossing. There are a number of methods for purebred crossing. These include inbreeding, outbreeding, outcrossing, and linebreeding (linear crossing).


Using the inbreeding method, only closely related members of the breed are crossed.

The inbreeding method is mainly used for the purpose of consolidation important qualities breeds Breeders create new varieties of the breed and determine the boundaries between them. Stud animals used to improve the breed by inbreeding must fully meet the requirements of the standard. Breeding dogs in this way allows you to preserve the most valuable qualities of the breed in subsequent generations. However, inbreeding is recommended only for breeders who have great experience breeding work, and it is best for novice dog breeders to use other crossing methods.

When choosing manufacturers special attention it is necessary to devote them to pedigrees, in which common ancestors are indicated by Roman numerals. This will help to accurately determine the degree of inbreeding of each individual generation.

Sometimes, while working to improve a breed by inbreeding, breeders are faced with inbreeding depression, which significantly reduces the number of viable babies obtained during breeding. To reduce the risk of this phenomenon occurring, when selecting individuals for crossing, you should carefully screen out dogs that do not meet the requirements of the American Cocker Spaniel standard.

In the first place in a dog’s pedigree are the animal’s parents, and in second place are the grandfather and grandmother. It looks like this:

I – mother or father,

II – daughter or son,

II – sister or brother,

III – grandmother or grandfather,

III – granddaughter or grandson,

IV – great-grandmother or great-grandfather.

If in the pedigree the rows of ancestors are repeated several times on the part of both or one of the parents, a dash is placed in the spaces between the Roman numerals. Repeating series of ancestors are indicated by commas, which are placed between Roman numerals.

In inbreeding, there are 3 degrees of relatedness: close, close and moderate. With close inbreeding, mating occurs between the closest blood relatives: father and daughter, mother and son, sister and brother, grandson and grandmother, grandfather and granddaughter, as well as between half-brothers and half-sisters (they have only one parent in common).


II – I son x mother;

II – I – father x daughter;

II – II – brother x sister;

II – II – half brother x half sister;

I – III – grandson x grandmother;

III – I – grandfather x granddaughter;


II – III – son x grandmother;

III – II – grandfather x daughter;

III – III – grandfather x grandmother;

I – IV – grandson x great-grandmother;

IV – II – great-grandfather x granddaughter;

IV – I – great-grandfather x great-granddaughter;

II – IV – great-grandson x great-grandmother;


III – IV – great-grandfather x granddaughter;

IV – III – great-grandfather x daughter;

VI – I – great-grandfather x great-granddaughter;

IV – I – great-grandson x great-grandmother;

IV – IV – great-grandfather x great-grandmother;

V – I – great-great-grandfather x great-great-granddaughter;

I – V – great-great-grandson x great-great-grandmother.


Outbreeding involves crossing dogs that do not have common consanguineous ancestors. The quality of the breed when using this method of mating spaniels, as well as other purebred dogs, deteriorates, and therefore experienced breeders most often abandon this method.

The outbreeding method is similar to the natural breeding method, since purebred animals that do not have a common ancestor in their pedigrees are used as stud dogs.

The best individuals are selected for breeding

Outbreeding gives good results, but it is not recommended to use it too often, since after some time the phenotype of the animals born will no longer correspond to the standard. Thus, the outbreeding method should only be used if there is a need to improve the breed line.

When breeding spaniels using the outbreeding method, there is an increased risk that the heredity of the resulting offspring will be undesirable. Even if the dog's appearance meets the requirements of the standard, it is impossible to guarantee that other quality characteristics will not appear in subsequent generations.

To breed dogs using the outbreeding method, you need to use animals with good external characteristics. Surprisingly, individuals of the first generation, as a rule, are healthier than their parents. In some cases, first generation males were used as sires to form a new breed line.


Outcrossing is the crossbreeding of males and females that do not have common ancestors starting from the fourth or fifth generation. This method is used by breeders in order to enrich the stock of breeding dogs with animals that have any valuable qualities.

As a rule, representatives of each pair intended for outcrossing were born as a result of linear crossing. Therefore, in the course of selection work, which is carried out by a breeder who has chosen this method of breeding American Cocker Spaniels, it is necessary to provide for the likelihood of some shortcomings and defects characteristic of representatives of one and the other line.

Linear crossing

Linear crossing (linebreeding) is the crossing of dogs that, although they have a common ancestor, are quite distant from each other in terms of the degree of kinship.

A male and female selected for linebreeding must have a common ancestor in at least the third generation. In addition, experienced breeders place rather high demands on the genotype and phenotype of this ancestor, as well as on its ability to pass on the most valuable qualities of the breed.

Linear mating is essentially the opposite of inbreeding depression.

In breeding work, it is used simultaneously with inbreeding and can greatly increase the viability of subsequent generations. This phenomenon is called hetorosis.

With heterosis, all lines of sires are similar to each other, which allows maintaining the homozygosity of the breed. At the same time, those qualities of producers that do not meet the requirements of breeders “sleep” without showing themselves.


Mutation – main driving force selection. It makes possible the appearance of new colors, sizes and numbers in a litter of individuals, determines the color of their eyes, etc. In most cases, mutations occur slowly and recessively (imperceptibly). All new mutations are nothing more than new combinations of already known genes. Very rarely does a complete change in the genotype occur under the influence of extraneous factors.

Basic conditions for carrying out breeding work

When selecting pairs for mating, the breeder must be guided by the following rules:

A male and a female intended for breeding must match each other in age, have no defects in appearance, diseases, obesity and other deviations from the physical and mental norms of the body’s development;

Pedigrees of dogs must comply with the principles of a particular method of crossing;

A stud dog must have qualities that can improve the breed;

During one heat, a female dog may be allowed to mate with only one male dog.

The age of dogs intended for breeding must be at least 1.5 years for males and 1 year 8 months for females.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Spaniels become physically mature at the age of 24-30 months, but the first mating can be done a little earlier, since puberty of these dogs usually occurs before they reach 2 years of age.

Animals intended for mating require a special regime and diet. 1-1.5 months before the day of the planned mating, spaniels should definitely be given anthelmintic drugs, but only on the recommendation of a veterinarian. The composition of food for purebred stud dogs should include vitamins A, E, group B, proteins, and microelements. The diet also includes raw meat, fish, eggs, dairy products and vegetable oil.

A few days before mating and for several days after it, male spaniels must add 1 teaspoon daily to their food. vegetable oil and 5-6 drops of vitamin A in soups or porridges. To compensate for calcium deficiency in the dog’s body, as well as others necessary substances, it is recommended to periodically introduce mineral supplements into the main food.

The interval between estrus in a female dog is 6-7 months. You need to know that bitches are mated for the first time only after their third heat. If the next heat does not occur on time, this is most likely due to a lack of animal protein in the dog’s body. The dog owner should contact a veterinarian if the spaniel bitch's first heat does not occur when she reaches one year of age. A doctor's advice is also necessary if you plan to use a bitch older than 4 years of age for mating.

Mating should be carried out twice, the optimal interval between matings is 1 day. In this case, the egg retains the ability to fertilize for 4–5 days.

A female dog's heat begins with the appearance of bloody discharge from the genitals. The loop (external genital organ) greatly increases in size at this time. The owner must accurately record the day of the onset of estrus so that there is no error in determining the onset of ovulation (the time when an egg is released from the ovaries, ready for fertilization). In spaniels, the ovulation period occurs on days 11-14, that is, at the end of the second week of emptying. It happens that the timing of ovulation shifts in one direction or another. To determine the most accurate day of ovulation, you usually contact a veterinarian who performs a smear analysis.

The most favorable day for mating is the last day before ovulation begins. On the eve of the release of the egg from the ovaries, bleeding stops in bitches, sometimes the discharge remains, but is colorless or light pink. 1-2 days before the most suitable day for tying, the loop loses its elasticity and remains tight only in the upper part. The bitch's readiness for mating is also determined by the position that the dog takes if you run your hand over its croup and lower back: it squats without touching the ground with its backside, and lifts its tail, moving it to the side.

Knitting methods

There are two methods of mating when crossing dogs - freestyle and manual. If this is not the first time a male dog has been used for mating, then freestyle mating is recommended. However, it is very important that the spaniel bitch has an increased interest in him. But even in such cases, complications during the mating process are not uncommon. Therefore, the owner must be nearby, for example, to prevent the bitch from rushing to the side while the dogs are in the castle, as this can lead to injury to the dog. To exclude unforeseen and undesirable situations, invite an experienced breeder to be present at the mating, especially if the breeding of a dog or bitch is being carried out for the first time. In the case where dogs are assisted throughout the entire mating process, such mating is called manual mating.

Spaniels retain the ability to reproduce offspring into old age, but you should not expect the birth of strong and healthy puppies from old individuals.

At home, male dogs, as a rule, feel more independent, calm and confident, so experienced breeders advise bringing a bitch to a male, and not vice versa. Before mating, care must be taken to protect the dogs from any stressful situations, otherwise they will behave restlessly, which will negatively affect the crossing process. Hygiene standards must also be observed: before mating, the bitch’s genitals must be washed with an aqueous solution of rivanol. Feeding dogs (both males and females) should be done no later than 3 hours before mating, after a walk.

How the acquaintance period goes depends on the character of the dogs. In some cases, males immediately begin to mount, in others they begin to lick the bitch and do several test mounts before mating. If the male is much larger than the female, he needs help to mount. The owner is recommended to lift the bitch's body by placing his knee under her belly. At this time, the dog is held by the hand on the lower back. The owner of the bitch must also help his dog by holding it by the neck.

Owners should under no circumstances show concern when their dogs are unsuccessfully boarded. Nervousness will certainly be transmitted to your pets, and they will experience tension as the mating process continues. To avoid overwork and overexcitation, animals must be periodically provided with rest for 10-15 minutes. At this time, it is advisable to take the bitch to another room.

When helping dogs with mating, that is, holding a male on a bitch, you must not touch the male’s genitals, otherwise he may refuse to mate. To facilitate the mating process, the bitch's loop is usually lubricated with Vaseline.

The fertility of a bitch is a hereditary factor, independent of the number of matings and the amount of sperm secreted by the male.

It is believed that mating goes well if the male spaniel’s penis is tightly compressed by the bitch’s vagina and the dogs are in the lock for 5 to 20 minutes (sometimes for 1 hour), and separation occurs arbitrarily. If the lock does not work out, then the mating is repeated a day later.

In some male dogs, at the end of mating, the tension of the penis does not decrease; it remains enlarged and does not enter the prepuce. In this case, it is recommended to use cold lotions or washing the genitals. cold water. When bending the edges of the prepuce inward, you should carefully straighten them with your fingers.

After mating, dogs need a short walk and proper rest.

It is produced by those who want to have offspring, care for puppies, or give them to acquaintances or friends.

First breeding of a cocker spaniel

The first mating is made after the dog has fully matured. Cocker spaniel's first heat occurs 1–1.5 years after birth, and then estrus repeats every 6–8 months. In order for mating to end successfully, it is necessary to correctly calculate the time at which the bitch is able to conceive puppies, usually this happens 8–10 days after the start of estrus. The discharge no longer becomes blood-red, but a light color, the bitch begins to flirt with male dogs while walking, reacts to touches on the back by moving her tail to the side. This time is considered the best for mating cocker spaniels. Let everything take its course, no best way Togo, how to breed cocker spaniels, due to the excessive activity of these dogs, sensitive control of the breeder is necessary. When the time comes for cocker spaniels to be bred, the owner of the bitch must bring her to visit the male.

Before the moment of mating occurs, the dogs need to get used to each other, get to know each other and walk a little. Dogs must be examined in the morning, before feeding, but after walking. During mating, the bitch must be held by the ears or head, firmly but gently. The bitch should not be able to escape. The male comes up from behind, jumps on the bitch and hugs her body with his front paws. After several pushing movements, the male settles down and the dogs find themselves tied with a padlock. This state lasts from 15 minutes to an hour, during which time the dogs can be side by side, or back to back. During the lock, it is best to continue to control the dogs by restraining them and preventing them from moving restlessly. Such movements can harm dogs. Once the erection wears off, the dogs may become separated.

Cocker spaniel pregnancy

Usually, one is quite sufficient breeding cocker spaniels, but in order to insure the breeders it is repeated mating of cocker spaniel dogs a day after the first mating. After the mating process is over, the owners observe the bitch, trying to recognize signs of pregnancy. Sometimes the onset of pregnancy cannot be determined by eye. In this case, caring for the dog should be the same as if it were pregnant. It would be better to overfeed a bit and provide additional care to a bitch that is not bearing offspring than to underfeed a dog that is bearing puppies. From visible signs, 10–12 days after mating, the dog’s nipples may increase slightly in size and turn a little pink. The cocker spaniel's pregnancy lasts 9 weeks and during this time, the dog should always be warm and not lie on cold ground and don't walk in the rain. Do not allow the bitch to run down stairs or jump off high curbs or sofas. Signs of pregnancy become noticeable only at week 7, and only if the litter is large. If a dog is carrying one or two puppies, the pregnancy may not be noticed by the owners. There are a number of activities that must be completed before mating. These are some of the vaccinations your dog needs to get and deworming. If the worms are not expelled before mating, this can also be done a week after. Mating Cocker Spaniels- this is a responsible undertaking. An owner who decides to breed his dog must provide it with enough food, love and affection, and then help the bitch take care of his puppies. should not be the main reason for mating unless you are an experienced breeder. In order for puppies to be born healthy and happy, they need human care.

There are two methods of mating when crossing dogs - freestyle and manual. If this is not the first time a male dog has been used for mating, then freestyle mating is recommended. However, it is very important that the spaniel bitch has an increased interest in him. But even in such cases, complications during the mating process are not uncommon. Therefore, the owner must be nearby, for example, to prevent the bitch from rushing to the side while the dogs are in the castle, as this can lead to injury to the dog. To exclude unforeseen and undesirable situations, invite an experienced breeder to be present at the mating, especially if the breeding of a dog or bitch is being carried out for the first time. In the case where dogs are assisted throughout the entire mating process, such mating is called manual mating.

Spaniels retain the ability to reproduce offspring into old age, but you should not expect the birth of strong and healthy puppies from old individuals.

At home, male dogs, as a rule, feel more independent, calm and confident, so experienced breeders advise bringing a bitch to a male, and not vice versa. Before mating, care must be taken to protect the dogs from any stressful situations, otherwise they will behave restlessly, which will negatively affect the crossing process. Hygiene standards must also be observed: before mating, the bitch’s genitals must be washed with an aqueous solution of rivanol. Feeding dogs (both males and females) should be done no later than 3 hours before mating, after a walk.

How the acquaintance period goes depends on the character of the dogs. In some cases, males immediately begin to mount, in others they begin to lick the bitch and do several test mounts before mating. If the male is much larger than the female, he needs help to mount. The owner is recommended to lift the bitch's body by placing his knee under her belly. At this time, the dog is held by the hand on the lower back. The owner of the bitch must also help his dog by holding it by the neck.

Owners should under no circumstances show concern when their dogs are unsuccessfully boarded. Nervousness will certainly be transmitted to your pets, and they will experience tension as the mating process continues. To avoid overwork and overexcitation, animals must be periodically provided with rest for 10-15 minutes. At this time, it is advisable to take the bitch to another room.

When helping dogs with mating, that is, holding a male on a bitch, you must not touch the male’s genitals, otherwise he may refuse to mate. To facilitate the mating process, the bitch's loop is usually lubricated with Vaseline.

The fertility of a bitch is a hereditary factor, independent of the number of matings and the amount of sperm secreted by the male.

It is believed that mating goes well if the male spaniel’s penis is tightly compressed by the bitch’s vagina and the dogs are in the lock for 5 to 20 minutes (sometimes for 1 hour), and separation occurs arbitrarily. If the lock does not work out, then the mating is repeated a day later.

In some male dogs, at the end of mating, the tension of the penis does not decrease; it remains enlarged and does not enter the prepuce. In this case, it is recommended to use cold lotions or wash the genitals with cold water. When bending the edges of the prepuce inward, you should carefully straighten them with your fingers.

After mating, dogs need a short walk and proper rest.

Puberty of dogs and mating

Puberty in spaniels occurs at the age of 8–9 months, but they can only be allowed to breed when the dog’s body has finally matured.

You should absolutely not breed a bitch before this moment, since by the time of the first heats she has not yet formed and pregnancy will turn out to be a premature and unbearable burden for the young individual. In the end C-section, often removal of the uterus and infertility.

Only healthy animals are allowed to breed

In males, sperm formation also begins with the onset of puberty. This period is individual both for individuals and for different breeds. Normal small quantity sperm are released along with urine even before the onset of puberty.

But real ejaculation occurs for the first time at 8–10 months. During this period, the seminal fluid is still poor in sperm and, moreover, it contains many immature germ cells that are incapable of fertilization. Therefore, it is most correct and effective to start untying a male spaniel no earlier than 12 months. Regular use of the male dog begins much later.

Vaccinated, clinically healthy animals that have reached age, sexual and physical maturity and have normal fatness are allowed for mating (the rump and last two pairs of ribs in dogs must be palpable).

Males are ready for breeding all year round. In females, sexual activity is cyclical and coincides with estrus. The intervals between estrus in bitches of different breeds may differ: some bitches estrus twice a year, others once every 10 months, and some even once a year. The frequency of estrus can change with age, even in the same bitch. This is a completely normal phenomenon and should not cause concern to the owner.

During estrus, the bitch should not be exposed to hypothermia and drafts in order to avoid colds and inflammation of the uterus. Female spaniels in heat do not cause much trouble in the house, since their excretions are not abundant, and the dogs themselves are very clean. Random stains can be easily bleached with a regular solution of hydrogen peroxide or washed off with cold water.

A bitch is usually brought to her first mating on the 11th–13th day of estrus, but different bitches may have different days: some are successfully knitted on the 15–17th day, while others are ready on the 5–8th day. By this time, the discharge becomes almost colorless, and when lightly pressed on the croup, the bitch moves her tail to the side and twitches the loop upward. A male breeds a female on his territory, where he feels more confident. After a day, it is recommended to carry out a control mating. Do not forget to carry out preventive deworming before mating.

A young male is untied from an experienced, balanced and active female. His breeding career sometimes depends on this first time. The long hair of spaniels must be picked up, and the hair around the loop must be trimmed in advance, since during sexual intercourse it can wrap around the male’s penis and lead to negative consequences.

Beginning breeders and owners of young, inexperienced male dogs are recommended to invite a reliable instructor who will tell you how to properly prepare the animals and the place for mating, and help the dogs if necessary.

After finishing the mating, you need to blot the bitch's loop with a dry cloth or cotton swab and let her rest in a secluded place. In a male dog, it is necessary to check that the penis is completely retracted into the prepuce, and the edges of the latter are not curled inward. After mating, give the dogs water.

A mated bitch must be protected from accidental matings with other males, since puppies from different fathers are possible.

Breeding animals must have documents of origin (pedigree) and show scores allowing them to participate in breeding. In his club, the owner of the bitch receives a referral - a mating act, which indicates all the necessary data about both producers.

Raising puppies is a big responsibility.

Dog owners agree in advance on the time and conditions of mating, which are also recorded in the act. The conditions of mating must be agreed upon in advance and recorded in the act. The deed must be signed by both parties. In the RKF system, after paying for the mating, the owner of the sire issues a special stamp with his signature to the owner of the stud. This mark is stuck on the act of mating. Without a stamp, the act of mating is invalid.

You should consciously approach the issue of mating, carefully weighing the pros and cons.

Mating of animals, childbirth, nursing and raising puppies, education, treatment and vaccinations, photography and advertising - this and much more requires physical and moral strength, sleepless nights and substantial material costs. The use of a dog in breeding, especially a male, is preceded by serious preparation.

A male must be shown frequently and successfully in order for breeders to pay attention to him when choosing a sire.

IN wildlife All males participate in reproduction. In canids, for example wolf pack, mating occurs once a year - in the spring, and only very strong, active and healthy animals participate in reproduction. The rest are busy hunting, protecting the flock, etc.

As in natural environment, and in practical human activity ( agriculture, animal husbandry, fur farming, dog breeding, etc.) only a very small proportion of males are used. In any case, when selecting breeding males, increased demands are placed on them. The quality of previously obtained offspring plays an important role, because sometimes breeders get far from outstanding offspring from a magnificent dog.

Now in many countries, sterilization of animals is widely and successfully used, which is considered by modern veterinary science as a good preventive remedy for many diseases of the reproductive system in both females and males.

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