How to get rid of mental pain? Heartache: three lessons for those who are having a hard time right now.


The first thing you want to do is forget everything and run away. But the method of “buying a trip to the sea or a ticket to the village to visit your grandmother” is far from the best. It will give only immediate results. And then you will still need to return home to real world. And then pain It will only get sharper. All in usual life will remind you of pain - the memory was muted for short time. And upon her return, she will again capture the heart.

To get rid of pain, you need to name its cause. Speak it out loud clearly. Or write. The main thing is to realize. This may require an interlocutor - this may be best friend or psychologist. If pain caused by the loss of a loved one, you need to figure out what hurts in leaving pain most of all? This could be fear or guilt before. If a loved one has left you, you need to understand what really happened as a result of his departure: lost confidence in the future or wounded pride.

Now you can begin to get rid of what reminds you of the cause of your mental pain. Remove for a while or completely throw away photographs and belongings of the person who is the source of pain. Or communicate less with him if he is still present. If the source of mental pain is, then do not read articles on professional topics, avoid communicating with colleagues.

When the reason is named and realized, there is nothing that can remind you of it, and the emptiness in life is filled with your favorite pastime, you can say: “I start new life, in which there is no place for mental pain." And start enjoying every day. Look for a way to do this. This could be a loved one heard on the radio, a conversation with a loved one, a chocolate bar eaten at night, a walk in the rain barefoot and without an umbrella, buying a new dress or tie. There are many reasons for joy. There are many of them pain There are more than reasons to be sad! And every new day is a powerful pill against mental pain.

Useful advice

Do not expect instant results, and do not mistake the first relief for recovery.

With physical pain, everything is simple: there are painkillers, there are doctors. But what if your soul hurts?


There can be many reasons for mental pain. We get offended, engage in self-criticism, worry about family and friends, encounter rudeness and betrayal - and the body reacts to all this with acute, piercing pain, hotly spreading through all tissues, aching, piercing, which makes you want to scream. It seems that it cannot be relieved, only after a while the pain will dull a little and it will be possible to forget about it for periods.

In fact, it is possible to cope with mental pain. Oddly enough, the usual painkiller that we take for headaches, for example, can help. If you can’t stand it, you can take a painkiller tablet and a mild sedative, for example, motherwort or valerian. If possible, wrap yourself in a blanket and have a drink herbal tea(chamomile, mint, sage, raspberry leaves, strawberry tails - choose what you prefer) and sleep. Sleep is good medicine.
This is not a panacea, and the pain, of course, will not go away immediately, like a click, but it will give you the opportunity to soberly assess the situation. Unfortunately or fortunately, we cannot explain the motives for other people’s actions. Therefore, there is no need to try. Don't get hung up. Yes, an event occurred that we took to heart, hurt, offended close person or your own unworthy act haunts you. But the situation has already developed this way. And we must accept her as she is. Don't look for reasons or someone to blame.

Accept the pain and let it be, cry if you want, don’t hold back your tears. “After despair comes peace,” said the great Anna Akhmatova. Try it, it will become easier.
When a void is formed, it requires immediate filling - this is the law of physics. An evening with friends, a celebration in honor of Have a good day organized with children, no matter how trivial it sounds - shopping, even without leaving home, will help you take your mind off and have fun.

Draw, sculpt, bake pies, cook borscht, shoot, go to the forest for a week, in company, with tents, visit a theater or exhibition - ask yourself what you want right now. Talk about the pain, even on a piece of paper - take a pen and write what you feel.

And don’t expect everything to pass soon - emotional wounds take a long time to heal. Just remember that life is wonderful, no matter what happens in it. There is always a way out. If, despite all efforts, the pain is still unbearable, you can seek help from a specialist - good psychologist will give advice that suits a particular person in a particular situation.

Head pain may be a symptom of a serious illness or a consequence of fatigue and stress. You can improve your well-being with the help of pills, herbal remedies and alternative medicine.


Determine the nature and cause of the headache. If the problem is overstrain or fatigue, you can try to recover on our own. If the painful condition is accompanied by nausea and vomiting, persists for three days or more, or is the result of a head injury (including a concussion), you should consult a doctor.

Try to relax, lie on your back, create twilight in the room and open the window, providing airflow fresh air. If possible, try to be quiet for at least a few hours. Using light circular movements, massage the temporo-parietal part of the head, and gently go through the hair with a massage brush.

If the pain is not severe, try to do without medications. They have mass, cause and act for a short time, albeit quickly. Also, do not take (you can rinse your mouth with cognac without swallowing it if you know that the headache has developed due to blood pressure) and do not smoke. If you are hypotensive, drink a cup of coffee; if not, herbal tea with valerian, sage or peppermint.

Use proven methods. Apply a lemon peel to your right temple and hold until the skin burns slightly. Or apply a gauze bag with rye bread, soaked in table vinegar. Drink a glass of warm milk with a quarter teaspoon of soda mixed in it. A proven remedy for relieving headaches is also ordinary black tea: you need to brew it, stir a teaspoon of sugar in a glass and drink slowly, then go to bed. If you are suffering from overexertion, you can add mint to your tea.

Take a bath with aromatic oils of lavender, mint, pine, sage, eucalyptus, wormwood, and chamomile. Mix four to eight drops of one of these oils with a tablespoon olive oil or milk and pour into cool water in the bath. If a bath is not available to you or is contraindicated, drop essential oil on a cloth and apply it to your temples for a minute, or simply apply a cold compress to your head.

Use technology acupressure: with a certain skill, they can relieve a headache in a matter of minutes. On your left hand, find the point between the wide apart thumb and index finger, straight, and for thirty seconds, squeeze this place with two fingers right hand.


  • Headaches in 2019

When you experience physical pain, the solution is obvious - you contact, who prescribes the necessary treatment for you, and discomfort retreat. The situation with mental pain is much more complicated. People rarely turn to a psychotherapist in moments of despair, but are increasingly trying to drown out their feelings on their own.


Most people try to drown out mental anguish with alcohol. It may help if you spend one evening with your best friend, drinking wine and discussing your problem. The next morning after intimate conversations you should feel better. However, if you carry out such “treatment” regularly, another problem will be added to your problem - the problem of alcoholism.

Play sports. During exercise, endorphin is produced - the hormone of joy, and rhythmic, repetitive actions help to distract from worries. In addition, after regular workouts, your figure will improve, which will also improve your mood.

Change your surroundings. Take a vacation and go to a resort where you have long dreamed of visiting. If you don’t have this opportunity, go to another city for the weekend. Do everything to get new experiences that will drown out the mental pain and distract you.

Throw yourself into your work. Feel free to take on new projects and stay late after the end of the working day. If this is not enough for you, find yourself a hobby. Glue ship models and embroider. If you are constantly busy, you will have no time to think about your problems.

Doctor! Heal your soul -
This is a complete abscess,
I promise to listen to you
You are the doctor, I am the patient!

You say it's not possible?
No pills for the soul?
That you need to be careful with her,
Relax, don't rush to live?

Don't bother her in vain,
And don’t tear it up in the night.
After all, the soul is wonderful!
Woven like brocade,

From sunsets and sunrises,
Cobwebs and dew,
Good morning greetings,
Marvelous lace beauty.

Yes, I remember that's how it was,
Lots of bright warmth.
How my Soul loved!
How beautiful she was!

And now it's so empty inside
It was like the lights had been turned off.
Disgusting, disgusting, scary, sad,
-Doctor! Give me some advice!

Turns away and leaves
It's a pity that it took up time.
What's happening to me
I couldn't explain...

Vladimir Belozersky

Heal! I come to see the doctor -
Doctor, I feel bad, at least scream.
Doctor, from the soul of paralysis
Heal me, heal me!

Doctor, darling, don’t hold me accountable
There is no reason for bodily troubles -
From my spiritual weakness
Heal me, heal me!

In the cities I am no one's heart,
In the cities I am a beggar in soul, -
I am depersonalized by asphalts.
Heal me, heal me!

Prescribe forty drops of rain,
Write to me - in the meadows on my back.
Virus of the city, no less...
Heal me, heal me!

Assign the scent of pine to the thicket,
Don’t skimp on procedures, more often!
Forgive me for begging so much -
Doctor, the soul is paralyzed,
Heal me, heal me!

He won’t die right away, but he will dream about it © Dr. House

If you wait long enough, someone is bound to get sick © Dr. House

Most patients do not distinguish the forehead from the pubis © Dr. House

Luxurious women become doctors only if someone has offended them © Doctor House

I'll be in my office. Alone with myself. A lot of new pornography has appeared on the Internet, but it cannot be downloaded by itself © Dr. House

Doctors must treat diseases, and those who treat patients are never out of their melancholy © Dr. House

If I enjoy hating life, I don't hate life. I enjoy it © Dr. House

Is a lie a lie if everyone knows it's a lie? © Dr. House

If she agrees with me, then I don't need her. If not, I don’t want her © Dr. House about Cuddy

Either help you live or help you die - you can’t do it all at once © Dr. House

Who do you want, a doctor who holds your hand while you die or a doctor who ignores you while you get better? Perhaps the worst thing is to have a doctor who ignores you while you are dying. © House

Do you want me to treat him? Medicines in the pharmacy, immobile patient in intensive care. Sounds like a simple geographic problem. © House

I don't work well in search groups. Also, I don’t know how to sit, smoke, get nervous and do nothing! © House

How is your prostitute doing? - Oh, so nice of you to ask - funny story: She was going to become a hospital administrator, but she didn't like having people that way. © Cuddy and House

Healing consists of several stages. Let's use a wound as an example. Let's say you cut your hand deeply, what should you do to make the wound heal?

Step one. Recognize the presence of a wound.

When the wound is visible, we see damage and blood - this stage goes away by itself. But this is not the case with emotional wounds. Sometimes we spend years trying to deny our own. No, everything is fine, nothing hurts, nothing special. We devalue our own injuries, saying that somewhere people are dying of hunger, so this is nonsense. Does our pain disappear somewhere from this? No. Stays inside. Deep. Sometimes too deep.

I was talking to a friend once. Her husband left her after 20 years of marriage. Without explanation - he took it and left. And she sits and says, I wish him happiness, let everything be fine. I collected his things myself. I brought it to him myself. She persuaded the children not to be angry with their father. Two years have passed - and she gives him gifts for New Year, birthday. I gave him everything - the car, the apartment. She went to her parents. The children are already studying in another city. You don’t need anything from him, let everything be fine with him.

And she herself is sick. It hurts so bad it's scary. She wrinkled sharply and grew old. I say, are you crazy? What are you doing? Surely it hurt you?! Why are you pretending that everything is fine?

And she smiles so strangely and says - no, big deal. He’s probably better off there, but why, I can handle it. It's her own fault. And he continues his song about the main thing.

And only a year later she wrote me a message: “I hate him. You were right. I suddenly realized that he just used me and threw me away. Trampled. Destroyed. I hate..."

This is where her healing began. She saw her huge wound, acknowledged it, and was able to move on.

It was painful, yes, to admit that you are not highly spiritual, and such betrayal hurts you. But without this, healing is impossible. How can you cure something that is “not there”? How can you ignore the presence of a wound and at the same time expect that it will heal on its own? Yes, if the wound is small, the body may be able to cope. What if it’s deep?

This stage is inevitable. While we seal the wounds, they only become inflamed and spread poison throughout the body. Whether we like it or not, we first need to remove all these band-aids and honestly look into the depths. See your injuries, your wounds, your pain. I know this from myself; for many years I turned a blind eye to the fact that I had enormous pain associated with my dad and mom. The problem did not go away from such closing of eyes.

Step two. Cleansing.

What to do with the wound? Process. Wash, clean, disinfect. So that there is no inflammation. So that the body can cope with this on its own. If you don’t clean it, but just smear it and bandage it, healing will not happen. Cleaning is unpleasant, painful, scary. Sometimes a very deep cleansing is needed if the wound is too advanced.

It doesn’t even make sense to talk about this for a long time. This goes without saying. When the soul is sick, the same rule applies. Cleanse the heart, cleanse the wounds, live everything, pull it out, let go.

Step three. A regime of special care and attention.

If you cut your hand, then you take care of it for some time, do not swim in the sea, for example, do not carry heavy objects. Follow the doctor's recommendations. It's the same with the soul.

When you start clearing away the rubble, you also need a special self-care routine. More warmth, more caring attitude.

When I was going through childhood traumas - and this period actively lasted about 2-3 years, I cried almost every evening. It took a lot of energy, although it became much easier. Considering that I already had a son, a husband, and also the need to work with my loved one, it was not easy. Sometimes I couldn’t do anything, I was so crushed by the weight of the past. And I lay in bed with my son all day, we ate completely unhealthy food, watched cartoons, didn’t go for walks, I cried, wrote letters, lived. And at the same time, she physically could not lift herself out of bed.

Many people think that it is so simple, just think. I just dropped it and moved on. Yes, if there are few of them, if they are small and shallow, that’s what you should do. When someone just stepped on your foot, why bother for too long - let it go and forget about it. But what if life has been difficult, and so much has accumulated that it’s even difficult to breathe?

Don't listen to any "positive thinking gurus". Like, smile and everything will pass. If you put on a smile, raise your hand and say, “to hell with it,” none of this will go away. It will remain inside, even deeper. You need to get it out.

The longer you denied your pain, the deeper it went. Them more strength and it takes time to get it all.

Find opportunities to rest and recuperate as you begin this process. No, this is not the time when you sit on your phone or watch TV. This is the time when you relax and replenish. Walks in nature, prayers, meditation, taking care of your body, massage, aromatherapy,
the ability to simply sleep during the day, go to bed earlier, energy-saving mode in communication. Don't put too much pressure on yourself during this period.

The more you can immerse yourself, disconnecting from everything else, the faster you can go through this process. Sometimes it is useful to give yourself 2-3 months off for intensive and healing time.

Family, by the way, is not a hindrance to this. Just remove all super-tasks and attempts to do everything from your head. Get by simple dishes, delegate household responsibilities, communicate more, go for walks together.

Relax - both physically and emotionally. And take care of yourself, pay attention to your soul.

Step four. Constant treatment of the wound.

Disinfecting once is not enough. You know, our world is like this, bacteria are here and there. Not only physical microbes, but also microbes of the soul, sit here and there and are ready to pounce.

And while the body is weakened, it needs help. By clearing in time everything that can start the inflammation process again.

For example, if you are working with your relationship with your mother, sometimes it is useful to take a break in the relationship for 2-3 months so that the wounds heal, so as not to cut to the quick again. Mom hasn't changed, she can do the same thing again, she will hurt you again. If you have given yourself the opportunity to live and get stronger, then it will be easier for you to face the “new blow”.

Or if we're talking about the body, it's quite strange to fast for a week, remove toxins, and the next day run to McDonald's, right? You need to gently get out of the diet, detox, fasting. You need to approach this very carefully, then fasting and detox will have an effect.

Throughout his life, a person has experienced mental or physical pain at least once. But we forget about physical pain very quickly as soon as we cure it. And the pain in our souls does not leave us for many years, only slightly dulling small details in memory.

Reasons for the development of pain in the soul

This is pain that appeared after a strong emotional shock. Pain in the soul arises due to fear, anxiety, vanity, while a person cannot breathe, and bad thoughts creep into his head. We can say that mental pain is the sobbing of the heart. It's a slowly eating, inexplicable feeling that only time can heal.

For some time, the pain in my soul dulls. But as soon as you encounter a similar situation or meet a person who brought you suffering, the mental pain resumes. To protect themselves, many close themselves off from everyone, plunging headlong into their careers, earning millions and occupying a respectable position in society. They remember childhood or youth grievances very well and perhaps thanks to such experiences they have become stronger.

The pain in the soul is not physiological, but mental. In our lives, circumstances often arise when we really want to express our opinion, but due to a number of circumstances we are unable to do so. After this, the person may experience an attack of coughing or suffocation. After a person speaks out, it immediately becomes easier.

It follows from this that you don’t need to keep a grudge in yourself; if you have any complaints, say so directly, you shouldn’t accumulate negativity in yourself. The offense must be forgotten, but it’s not that easy. The fact is that needs and desires do not always coincide with stereotypes. Taboos and prohibitions prevent you from fully realizing your desires and needs. This often happens when the prohibitions in childhood are very strict.

Why is it important to get rid of pain in the soul?

Psychology is a very serious science, so its justifications regarding mental pain tell us that we need to pay attention to such things and try to get rid of this kind of illness. This problem relates more to the psychomatic direction, therefore it is necessary to combat this illness with special techniques.

Why is pain in the soul dangerous? With its pressure, it very often leads us to real illnesses, for example, coughing, and for many, suffocation occurs. As you can see, the consequences are very dire.

Pain in the soul, resentment and anger can result in diseases such as:

arthritis, hypertension,

anorexia nervosa.

Don't be afraid to ask for psychological help? to get rid of mental pain. Why carry a feeling of resentment throughout your life?!

How to get rid of mental pain?

What medicine will help in this case? The most effective advice to get rid of pain in the soul is to speak out. Yes, yes, just pour out my soul best friend, friend, to a loved one. At least after this kind of “confession” people get better and this is a scientific fact.

Some tips for those facing this problem:

Never accumulate negativity in yourself, try to get rid of it, speak out, throw it all out. If you keep everything in your soul and head, this can only complicate the situation. Believe me, psychologists have noted many times that psychological disorders often lead to deterioration in physiological terms.

Don't be offended by people, even if they did something bad to you. To get rid of the pain in your soul, forgive everything, it will be easier for you.

Pain in the soul lately very often leads girls to a state of anorexia, so in no case violate your diet, be vigilant, watch your health.

If you experience this type of discomfort, you may need to see a doctor. Cases have been recorded where, as a result of seemingly ordinary mental pain, people developed ulcers and hypertension.

How to get rid of mental pain - psychologists advise

Mental pain has become increasingly widespread among other ailments that arise from psychological trauma. How to deal with it? Effective tips is there such a situation? The question is very difficult, because sometimes our pain is caused not by some nonsense, but by a real “catastrophe” in life, which does not allow us to sleep or spend time normally.

Some tips to help with the question:

  • broke up with your boyfriend, no problem. Don’t cry into your pillow, this will only make you worse, don’t call, don’t write or ask him to come back, why humiliate yourself. Do something good for your body and soul, buy a gym membership, yoga, attend various language or beauty courses, update your wardrobe. Live for yourself, walk, have fun.
  • if others do not accept you, then to get rid of mental pain, get yourself pet, immerse yourself in reading, take up cooking. There are many ways to occupy yourself and improve yourself; you shouldn’t reach out to people and then they will reach out to you.

How to get rid of mental pain through self-hypnosis?

An excellent method recommended by psychologists is self-hypnosis. For example, your first love was not like what they write in books or what films are made about, you were offended, humiliated, or cheated on. The first desire that comes to mind is to take cruel revenge on the offender. In a fit of anger this seems to be the only thing the right decision.

But it’s better to get rid of mental pain, just forget this person, erase him from your memory. To do this, imagine the moment you met in detail, but regard your offender as a completely different person. As if nothing bad happened, but mentally burn the memory of that evil. Clearly imagine pictures and pleasant moments with that good man as if it all really happened. Convince yourself that everything is fine and there were no hard feelings. To many this method helped, even if not completely cured, then at least halve the pain that the past insult brings.

As you can see, all our psychological disorders, including pain in the soul, lead to serious complications in our body. All this is directly related to nervous system, our feelings and emotions. Try to find support among your family and friends, and don’t forget to contact a psychologist - in this situation, he will be able to guide you along the right path.

How to determine when it's time to see a psychotherapist

Every year, approximately five thousand people voluntarily turn to the regional psychoneurological clinic who feel that something is wrong with them. Psychiatrists suggest drug treatment, which brings relief, but does not eliminate the causes. Observations show that at least half of these patients would be better off seeing psychotherapists.

Signs by which ordinary person can identify the need for collaboration with psychotherapists, there are quite a few.

Unclear mental state

For example, a person always felt good, and suddenly some kind of anxiety appeared, the reasons for which are difficult to understand. Or unexpectedly began to avoid something. That has changed, and you can feel it. Such anxiety very often ends up in bodily sensations. Some vague somatic changes, when you feel either bad or just not right, and it worries you. And doctors cannot specify a specific disorder. The specialist sends you to another specialist. None of them find a specific pathology, but they still feel bad. It is not clear where - sleep, and heart, and fatigue, and sex.

Feeling distinctly dissatisfied with yourself and your life

A person feels either a so-called “flaw in fate” (when some unpleasant things are repeated), or his own fatal unfulfillment - I can’t succeed in anything, I’m prone to what, although in general I’m normal, I could do much more, but for some reason I don’t it turns out. And in general - why is everything wrong.

Actually, in such cases there is every reason to consult a psychotherapist.

Psychotherapy teaches you to love (including yourself) and surrender to the world. And this is a long and honest work on oneself. She cannot help those who for some reason do not want to change. It is also necessary to realize that psychotherapy is not a one-time miraculous session of magic that will disappoint or enchant everyone. It requires mutual efforts.

What psychotherapists do:

They practice rational psychotherapy, both dynamic, for children and adults, individual or group.

Individual psychotherapy sessions are primarily psychoanalysis, talking through associations. Dynamic psychotherapy recognizes that, in addition to the mind, there is also indirect impacts on the mind - movement, dance, photography, contact.

Positive affect group therapy means that group members communicate not only with the therapist, but also with other group members.

In psychodrama groups, participants dramatize their bad experiences. Gestalt therapy proves a negative symptom to the point of unbearability. Systemic family therapy tries to break the chain of mutual misunderstanding. Each method is good and has its practical benefits. It is only important not to mix them, sticking to one thing.

Despite the fact that we can already find a therapist who is suitable, the industry itself is in its infancy. This is due to the problem of special education and legal status psychotherapists in Ukraine.

In order to obtain the right to practice therapy, you need to go a long way: graduate medical school, internship in psychiatry and specialization in psychotherapy in Lvov, Kharkov or Kyiv. Only then can you obtain a license from the Ministry of Health. Although all this science really does not give anything. Therefore, our psychotherapists are forced to study in schools that are being implemented international projects. But then they are forced to call themselves psychological consultants.

The cost of such systemic consultation costs no more than an intensive hospital stay. A psychoanalytic one-hour session costs from 50 hryvnia. Sessions take place 2-3 times a week for several months. Group therapy is three times cheaper, and classes are held once a week. You can find out about the possibility of a consultant from advertisements on fences, although the most reliable way is a recommendation through word of mouth. The one who has experienced relief himself is the best promoter of the doctor, the method, and the principled appeal to psychotherapists.

Judging by the way we live with each other, what happens in each individual head, local psychotherapy should soon cease to be something exotic, turning into a common phenomenon that should neither be feared nor ashamed.