Concepts of creativity, creativity, creative thinking. Creative Thinking: The Basics

The word “creativity” has many meanings, which have been debated since ancient times... In the 90s of the 20th century, the words “creative”, “creative” appeared in the business community. The word "creative" was brought into the Russian language by advertisers as a copy of the English "creative" - ​​creativity, creative (although there is also a Latin term: "creatio" - creation, creation).

By using the word “creative” we emphasize that we're talking about it is about the production of creative ideas. Along with the concept of “creative”, the concept of “non-standard” is also often used, that is, they can be called synonyms. However, this chapter deals only with the concept of creativity.

The concept of creativity is used mainly by Russian advertisers, which means an idea in the broad sense of the word. Creative can be called both the idea of ​​the advertising message itself and its presentation. As a rule, a creative idea, creative advertising must contain an original creative solution for presenting information to the right audience.

Since the amount of advertising is increasing every year and the role of the brand is playing an increasingly important role in the consumer’s choice of product, the advertiser needs not only to increase the amount of advertising but also to pay attention to its quality. In this regard, creativity in advertising was not only allocated to a separate budget item advertising campaign, but also became one of the determining factors when choosing an advertising agency. It is also worth noting the emergence of creative agencies on the market, whose main service is the development of the advertising idea itself. Taking into account the above, we can say that creativity is a creative component in the development of an advertising campaign, the quality of which has an increasing impact on the effectiveness of the entire advertising campaign.

Psychologists are unanimous that creativity and intelligence are not the same thing. According to numerous results of competent research, not all people with high IQ are creative. There is a theory of two minds.

1. Convergent thinking, which was measured by an IQ test, and there are no creative tasks in this type of thinking.

2. Vergence thinking. Here other problems are posed that have many solutions. These problems have a different solution technology, and we encounter them more often.

9. Creative activity also requires a lot of work. Personal qualities such as curiosity and perseverance are important.

The encyclopedic dictionary gives the following definition of creativity - (from Latin) creation, creation. Creative, constructive, innovative activities.

Another definition of creativity is the creative abilities of an individual, characterized by a readiness to create fundamentally new ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted patterns of thinking and are included in the structure of talent as an independent factor, as well as the ability to solve problems that arise within static systems. According to A. Maslow, this is a creative orientation that is innately characteristic of everyone, but is lost by the majority under the influence of the environment.

According to E. Torrance, creativity includes increased sensitivity to problems, to the deficit or inconsistency of knowledge, actions to identify these problems, to find solutions based on hypotheses, to test and change hypotheses, to formulate the result of a solution. To assess creativity they use various tests divergent thinking, personality questionnaires, performance analysis. To promote creative thinking, learning situations that are open-ended or open to the integration of new elements can be used, with students encouraged to formulate multiple questions.

Expert and experimental assessments of a person’s ability to produce knowledge show that human creative abilities are not very great.

There are psychological tools for measuring creative thinking; The most famous in world psychological practice is the E. Torrance Test. This test allows you to evaluate:

Verbal creativity;

Imaginative creativity;

Selected creative abilities: fluency, flexibility, originality, ability to see the essence of a problem, ability to resist stereotypes.

Researchers highlight following criteria creativity:

Fluency is the number of ideas arising per unit of time;

Originality is the ability to produce unusual ideas that differ from the generally accepted ones. As Ranko notes, the importance of this parameter is determined by two circumstances: firstly, this parameter allows us to distinguish individuals who show flexibility in the process of solving a problem from those who show rigidity in solving them, and secondly, it allows us to distinguish individuals who are original solve problems from those who demonstrate false originality.

Receptiveness - sensitivity to unusual details, contradictions and uncertainty, willingness to quickly switch from one idea to another;

Metaphorical - a willingness to work in a completely unusual context, a penchant for the symbolic, associative thinking., the ability to see the complex in the simple, and the simple in the complex.

There are two hypotheses regarding the emergence of creative abilities in humans. Traditionally, it was believed that creativity emerged gradually over time and was a consequence of cultural and demographic changes, in particular population growth. According to the second hypothesis, put forward in 2002 by anthropologist Richard Klein of Stanford University, creativity arose due to sudden genetic mutation about 50 thousand years ago in the human brain.

Trainer-consultant at WIlson Learning Russia Ruslan Nureyev is convinced that creativity is inherent in all individuals from the very beginning.

Modern research has found answers to these and many other questions related to creativity. As it turns out, the usual division of people into creative and not so creative is incorrect. Our thinking is creative by nature, and each of us is capable of generating new ideas. Unfortunately, not everyone knew this, and many, after several unsuccessful attempts solve any problem in a non-standard way form a stereotypical opinion of themselves and all later life limit themselves to traditional thinking. Therefore, people can rather be divided on the basis of their belief in creativity.

Researchers argue that the nature of creativity varies. There are four types of creative thinking:

1. Foresight. A vision is created that we have already achieved our goal. And from this angle, possible ways to achieve it are considered. Problems are resolved as they arise.

2. Modification. The available information and the experience of predecessors are analyzed and classified. The plan for achieving the goal is thoroughly thought out, there is no room for surprises.

3. Experimentation. All options for achieving the goal, as well as their combinations, are considered. And one of these combinations is implemented, which they find the most interesting.

4. Research. Options that are possible without achieving the set goal are considered. Perhaps there are other ways out of this situation. That is, the need to achieve the goal itself is questioned.

The four types of creative thinking are supported by thinking algorithms that we hone throughout our lives. Research shows that most people usually actively and intensively use only one type of thinking, in rare cases - two types. We become very skilled in one direction, and some decisions remain beyond our understanding.

Many psychologists advise writing down all the ideas that come to mind, both good and bad. If you try to push only good ideas, this can lead, on the one hand, to a “deterioration” of potentially fruitful thoughts, and on the other hand, to constant feeling dissatisfaction.

When are you working out? creative work, you should not practice developing critical thinking (evaluating the opinions expressed and creating a reasonable conclusion).

Make a conscious effort to be original and come up with new ideas.

Don't worry about what people might think of you.

Try to think broadly, while not paying attention to the prohibitions imposed by cultural traditions.

If you fail the first time, consider other options and try to find new ways.

Always be open to discussion and test your assumptions.

Look for explanations for strange and incomprehensible things.

Overcome functional fixedness and look for unusual uses for ordinary things.

Give up your usual methods of activity and try to look for new approaches.

To give out "on-mountain" as much as possible more ideas, use the brainstorming method.

Try to be objective when evaluating ideas. Imagine that they belong not to you, but to another person.

Teresa M. Ambile argues that the creativity of any individual consists of the interaction of three components:



Ability to think creatively.

Competence is the sum of knowledge (general, special, technical, methodological) that a person possesses.

The ability to think creatively determines flexibility and ingenuity in finding a solution to a problem.

Exist different types motivation. Internal interest in a problem usually leads to creative solutions rather than external incentives, such as e.g. monetary reward. This component is called internal motivation.

The concept of competence covers all the knowledge and skills that a person possesses in his field of activity.

Creative thinking characterizes an approach to solving a problem or a talent for creating new combinations from existing ideas. This ability depends largely on personal qualities, but at the same time it is influenced by the way of thinking.

Competence and creative thinking- the individual’s strategic raw material is natural resources, the third factor - motive - determines how a person uses this resource.

Motivation, as mentioned above, can be external and internal. External stimulates a person from the outside, a classic combination of carrot and stick. The most common way of external stimulation is money. Money doesn’t hinder creativity, but it often doesn’t help either. It is passion, interest, the desire to do something that comes from within that underlies internal motivation.

Teresa M. Ambile developed the principle of intrinsic motivation:

People work most creatively when they are driven by interest, satisfaction, and meaning in the overall work rather than by external influences.

The concept of "creativity" is sometimes replaced by the concept of "innovation". To distinguish between these concepts, we will give a definition of innovation. Innovation is an innovation in the field of engineering, technology, labor organization or management, based on the use of scientific achievements and advanced experience, providing a qualitative increase in the efficiency of the production system or product quality. More generally, this concept can also be applied to a creative idea that has been implemented.

To distinguish innovation from other concepts, it is often specified that the peculiarity of innovation is that it creates additional value, allows the innovator to obtain additional value, and is associated with implementation. In this view, an innovation is not an innovation until it is successfully implemented and begins to provide benefits.

Psychologists cannot come to a single definition of the term creativity. However, many of them understand creativity as the ability to see things in a new and unusual light and find unique solutions to problems. Creativity is the exact opposite of stereotyped thinking (limited choice when searching possible solutions and tendencies to approach the same different problems). It takes you away from banal ideas and a boring, familiar way of looking at things and gives birth to original solutions. Creativity makes thinking fun and helps us find new solutions to old problems.

We have already discussed in previous articles, and today we will talk about such an important concept as “Creative Thinking”.
We often hear the phrase: “A creative idea, I’m sure of its success.” The question arises: what are creative ideas, where do they come from, and how to develop the ability to think creatively?

Creative thinking is a necessity for a businessman who wants to create a promising, interesting project, will stand out among many similar companies, become unique and recognizable. But it’s not just in business that creative thinking can be useful. IN Everyday life, in personal relationships, in your career - try to think outside the box everywhere, because this will allow you to open up new opportunities and follow roads unknown to the village.
Today we will tell you about several exercises, the daily execution of which will help you look at what is happening more creatively. There is nothing complicated in these exercises, everything is elementary, and in time you will spend no more than 15 minutes a day.
To be honest, we try not to write about things that we have never tried ourselves. All these tips were tried in practice, and after a few weeks the result became noticeable. New ideas, interesting solutions, a non-standard vision of a way out of the current situation.

Method One for Developing Creative Thinking: Play Changeling

Our first tip is called “shifters”. When you walk down the street or travel in public transport, try to read the advertisements, signs, store names in advance. For example, pizzeria “Naples”, and you read “Lopaen”. It will be hard at first, but the brain also needs to be trained. A few days and you will be able to read short words without much effort, then longer ones, then phrases, and eventually long sentences.
What is it for? First of all, you train your brain, let it understand that there is more than one way of seeing a situation, there are alternatives, and these alternatives need to be noticed. When some problem arises and you need to find a way out of it, your thinking will no longer resist non-standard, incomprehensible solutions.

Morning begins in the evening

Morning begins in the evening - one more interesting way development of creative thinking. We all know that reading books has a good effect on development. mental abilities. By the way, not the information itself, but the reading process. And in order to develop creative thinking, you need to read creatively. Try to start reading a book from the end, and even from bottom to top. It turns out that all events will go from the climax to the beginning.
What is it for? Think creatively – think outside the box. Reading the book from the end, you get used to the fact that there are absolutely incredible solutions. It would seem that everything should be completely wrong (after all, we are accustomed to established norms), but in fact there are other options. When you read backwards, you think the same way. This type of thinking is not normal for the brain, but it will quickly accept it and happily use it in everyday life.

There is something that is not there

But this exercise is one of my favorites. When you go to work, school or somewhere else, there is time to think. Try to spend it usefully and practice creative thinking. The essence this method is that you have to invent something that doesn't exist. Come up with some kind of animal (for example, Leopard), then describe it, what it looks like, where it lives, what it does, what it eats. If it’s difficult with animals, then you can fantasize about women’s and male names. Come up with ones that don’t exist in nature.
What is it for? Very often it is difficult to come up with something that you have not encountered before. Our brain is trying to use it well famous images, name, functions of objects. But we need to rebuild, teach him to abstract from all this, to concentrate on more interesting, little-known facts.


In childhood, when we drew something unusual, fantasized, and were creative, we called such a drawing “doodles.” For adults, to develop creative thinking, it is also useful to scribble and scribble. Take a sheet of paper, draw something unusual, give it a name, think about where this item can be used, what properties it has. Believe me, this process is incredibly addictive. In general, creativity, and drawing especially, very well develops your non-standard thinking, helps you break out of the boundaries of the standard world.

Yes, no, probably

The essence of the next exercise is to come up with phrases with words that have the opposite meaning. For example, hard fluff, tall dwarf, square ball, cold boiling water and the like.
What is it for? In this way, you learn to perceive reality in a non-standard way, to go beyond the ordinary. We all understand that a dwarf cannot be tall, but creative thinking lies in coming up with something unusual, non-standard, something that will be interesting to many.

Words are not what they seem

Take any word and imagine that it is an abbreviation. Now try to decipher each letter, and so that everything logically fits into a sentence. For example, the word "summer". We decipher: Light Raccoon Tramples Sawdust. The point is clear. At first it will be a little difficult, but over time the brain will get used to such games and will do everything automatically.

Ordinary unusual

Every day we use dozens of objects, and we are already accustomed to the fact that they perform specific function. But this is not enough, you need to think creatively, develop unusual abilities. Imagine something mundane, like a chair, and then come up with 10 ways to use it. But immediately throw away the standard ones like sit, stand, throw. Think broader, don't stop at just one thing. The train of thought could be like this: the chair is made of parts, which means you can disassemble it, and you can make something new out of the result, what? For example, a stand, and if you remove the back, there will be a small table. It's also made of wood, so you can make a fire.
In general, the idea is clear, then get creative. Thus, you will learn to see the unusual in ordinary things, and you will be able to find non-standard uses for what you use every day.

Stimulate the flow of thoughts

A creative idea never comes just like that. Of course, there is a tiny chance of insight, but, as a rule, thoughts need to be stimulated to achieve maximum effect. Learning this is not so difficult. Always come up with associations. Take a word, think about what you associate it with, and so on. Spend no more than 5 minutes a day on this activity. And at the moment when you need a creative idea, the brain will be ready to produce a number of associations, to come up with something new, not ordinary, not standard.

Edible and not edible

This way of developing creative thinking is also good. Take a piece of paper. Divide it into two columns. Write any noun at the top. In the right column write down 10 properties that are suitable for the written word, and on the left those that are not suitable.
For example, take the word “shoes”. On the right we write - beautiful, shiny, leather, etc., and on the left - sweet, fat, high-calorie and a dozen other unusual characteristics.

My own director

And the last exercise that can develop creative thinking is that every time you see something interesting, imagine that it is a painting. Your task will be to give the painting a title.
For example, you see a young couple kissing on the street. This picture can be called “Emotion of the Cosmic Self.” It is very important that the name is not standard, such as “kiss” or “love”.

Creative or imaginative thinking is a type of thinking characterized by the emergence of completely new, unique and original ideas. Creative process impossible without the ability to think creatively.

The word “creativity” is used not only to denote creative thinking, but also as a characteristic of the personality of a creative person.

A person is a creative producer, the creator of his own destiny. None Living being on Earth, except for a person, cannot mentally imagine an image of an idea, imagine, and then bring it to life.

Children always think creatively, imaginatively, dream a lot, fantasize and imagine. In the process of education and training, the ability to think logically and be guided by logic in behavior, strictly within certain limits, develops. Creativity is often suppressed and even prohibited.

Creative thinking involves well-developed perception, imagination and memory. These mental cognitive processes determine the ability to think creatively.

A person who is given talent or extraordinary abilities for something from birth is able to generate a large number of original ideas in a fairly short period of time. But even if a person is not born with the ability to think creatively, it can be learned.

Responsible for creative thinking and creativity right hemisphere brain, for logic and analysis - left. If a person has a dominant right hemisphere, he can think imaginatively and generate creative ideas. If the left hemisphere is dominant, creativity will most likely have to be developed in order to be a more harmonious person.

Exercises to develop creativity

Every person is capable of developing creative thinking. The ability to perceive life creatively has a beneficial effect on performance, professional success, improves personal life, promotes quick resolution of conflicts, and is the key to personal growth.

Creative thinking develops if:

  • develop perception, attention, imagination, memory;
  • engage in creativity;
  • load the right hemisphere of the brain with work.

There are also many special exercises that develop creativity.

Exercises that develop creativity:

  1. Exercise “5+5”. Come up with any word (noun) and write five adjectives that describe it. Now you need to come up with five other adjectives that, on the contrary, should not fit the chosen noun in any way.
  2. Exercise "Mad House". Choose ten random words (nouns). Now you need to imagine yourself as an architect who was ordered to create a house project that would include all the characteristics of ten objects (one characteristic is selected for each object). These objects are words invented at the beginning of the exercise. Draw your masterpiece on paper.
  3. Exercise "Clip Maker". While listening to music, a song, or simply listening to the sounds around you, imagine yourself as a music video director, that is, come up with a clip as the song plays. The pictures that appear in the imagination should not be logically designed, but based on momentarily arising associations and emotions.

To develop the ability to think creatively, you need to learn every day to see the new in the familiar old, to be ready and open to the unexpected, attentive and inquisitive.

Do you consider yourself a creative person?


We are waiting for your assessment

In the era of total consumption, the question of how to learn to think creatively is asked by literally everyone: this is required in any job, and in life, thinking that is not similar to the “hallway” is very necessary. You will have to study right now.

We generate ideas in a specific type of activity

Creative thinking can be general and aimed at some specific activity.

General creativity, of course, is needed by everyone, but the task of an adult and working person is to develop creativity specifically in his or her field of activity. This is where you have to generate brilliant ideas most often. There are several principles here.

  • We focus our thinking and clearly set goals
    It would seem that this has little to do with a creative approach, but it only seemed so. In fact, when we set an extremely clear task for the brain, it does not get lost and begins to work objectively - to complete it. You can focus your mind on finding the most creative solutions, just tune it to the fact that ideas are needed right here and that’s it. In fact, we always have a lot of thoughts and ideas in our heads, but many of them are useless. You can make them more useful by setting a clear goal;
  • If ideas don't come through, switch gears and take a break. You can just rest for 25-30 minutes. All our ideas do not come from nowhere, but from previous experience, and the more areas of knowledge we have, the more ideas are generated. So, if you switch to something else, your mind will subconsciously look for the right solutions even in a new activity; new channels of experience and knowledge will simply open up for you. If you just relax and rest, you will remove the fixation of your thoughts on the same channels;
  • Any ideas need to be preserved and developed. The amount of information and tasks that a person of our time must solve is simply prohibitive. This is why we quickly forget what we were thinking about just a couple of minutes ago, including good ideas. Therefore, write down everything you think about and remember that criticism does not apply to your ideas.

    Have a notepad for interesting thoughts. This way, firstly, you will not kill a good idea in the bud, secondly, even stupidity can become the key to solving your problem, and finally, by writing it down, you will formulate the idea clearly, be able to examine it from all sides, and therefore create the prerequisites for its development. And finally, if you constantly work with a database of ideas, they will appear more and more often.

Since the notepad is not always nearby, so don’t be lazy to first write down the thought in the notes on your mobile. In the evening you can open them and transfer everything to a notepad. If your mobile phone is also out of reach, you can leave an anchor on the idea. For example, relate it to a bright picture in a magazine or sing to the tune of a song. When you hear this song again, the idea will also emerge.

You can create your own “idea bank” in your head. This could be your bedroom, for example. Mentally walk through it, restore the interior, lie down on your sofa, sit at the table, open the closet... So it will become your bank of ideas. When you have an idea, you can visualize it and put it in your closet as a picture. Be sure to find it and remember it when you return home and open the closet.

How to develop overall creativity

All of us in schools and others educational institutions they were forced into a framework convenient for teachers and the education system; there were no lessons on the topic “how to learn to think outside the box,” etc. But in the 90s, it was creative mothers and wives who figured out how to feed the whole family with porridge from an ax, how to remake an old skirt into an ultra-fashionable one, how to come up with a carnival costume for a child out of nothing. But this is just an example of general creativity, which is needed no less. But it will take a long time to develop it. There are also simple rules here:
  • We are not ashamed of our abilities and believe in our own creative potential;
  • We look at the clouds and look for the outlines of familiar or forgotten things and sensations in them;
  • Let's try ourselves in creativity;
  • We change our habits and routine, every day we take different roads to get to work or school;
  • Reading more books and watch more films. At the same time, we try to watch and read what is not to your taste or style, and we also come up with sequels.

other methods
  • Change your environment. That's right, meet new companies and try to get good ideas from them. Look at how people from other fields of activity work, try to change your hobby to something unusual;
  • If you have no thoughts, go to the shower. If you can't take a shower, go for a walk. But don't forget to take a notepad on the road!
  • Use brainstorming. You still have thoughts, so try to write down everything you think about your task for a quarter of an hour. At the same time, try not to think about the fact that it “won’t take off” or won’t work. After about ten minutes, switch off and throw away the paper where you wrote all this down. Now you can go back. Something will emerge...
  • Come up with the worst-case scenario. It is our fears that kill creative and innovative thinking. If, for example, you are writing a book, think about how you will act if the publisher refuses to publish it for the reason that it is two peas in a pod similar to the previous bestseller. What will you lose if the implemented idea does not pay for itself? How will you act in this case?
  • Out-of-the-box thinking awakens in extreme situations. Moms of the 90s is just an example. And you can play Mind games, where you need to find the answer in one minute, extreme quests, participate in photo hunts, where you need to a short time snatch from the surrounding reality required material for photography or create it yourself. Don't think that this is entertainment for children. Just participate and remember how creative and brave you were in your youth...
  • Try to train your thinking sharpness. Even if you are not required to have non-standard ideas now, work to ensure that you always have them. For example, you can choose a word on an advertising poster and arrange the letters in it in alphabetical order: BUY-EIKPTU, etc. You can also find non-standard uses in everyday life familiar things. For example, in the absence of a coffee table, try making one out of books...
  • No matter how trivial, but learn something new, regardless of age. Whenever possible, find time for courses and master classes in activities that are unusual for you and foreign languages. Openness to new experiences is the secret to thinking outside the box;
  • Hang out with people who can think outside the box. Study the ways of thinking of other people, study the principles of famous innovators, apply their practices;
  • Look for answers to your questions everywhere. For example, open a dictionary and select three words from different pages. Think about how they can be applied to your problem. Look for information in dreams, like Mendeleev, in a toy store, like Vladimir Voroshilov, on a long walk, like Tchaikovsky. When the brain is relaxed, it is easier to perceive external cues.
In fact, the process of developing lateral thinking can last long years. And even if you spend your whole life on it, you definitely won’t lose anything. Marina Nikitina

The word “creativity” comes from the English “create” - to create, to create. The concepts of “creativity” and “creativity” are sometimes used in speech as synonymous words, but there is a difference between them.

Creativity is the ability to create original ideas, decide standard tasks in a non-standard way. Creativity is the creation of a unique, original creation, a product of creativity.

Creativity gives birth to ideas, creativity brings them to life.

The Nature of Creativity

Creativity is a characteristic of mental activity that generates completely new, unique ideas. Creative thinking is the ability to think creatively and creatively.

Ability to see problematic situation outside the box, from a new perspective, from a different angle indicates that a person uses a creative approach to thinking. Creative thinking is the basis of the creative process.

If a person has an innate talent, then creativity is determined genetically and physiologically. A creative person always thinks creatively. Creativity and creativity are combined in personality and condition each other.

Traditionally, the ability to think outside the box and creatively is defined as a function of the right hemisphere of the brain. If the right hemisphere dominates the left, the person has a right-hemisphere type of thinking, defined as “Artist”.

In childhood, when norms, rules, patterns and standards of thinking have not yet been learned, people think creatively. Children have good imagination and ingenuity. They are inventors and dreamers. As adults, people more often copy and reproduce existing ideas, abandoning their own.

Adults need to activate creative thinking , which is often suppressed by logic in order to discover and realize hidden personal potential.

Creativity helps to cope with difficulties and crisis stages in your personal life, and in your profession - to become a successful and sought-after specialist.

Creative thinking is mandatory for specialists in the field of art and culture and is valued in other areas of human activity.

In areas of life where there is competition, creativity is valued as an opportunity to stand out and find the right niche in society. It is written down in resumes, reviews, recommendations, when compiling psychological portrait as an important personal characteristic.

Creative creativity is progressive, constructive and positive. The result of the creative process is discoveries, inventions and innovation proposals.

Characteristics of creative thinking

The creation of new ideas is impossible without the participation of other mental beings in the thinking process. cognitive processes.

Creativity is determined by three mental processes:

Imagination. The ability to create an image, visualize an idea and manage it. A creative person thinks in images, compares and changes imaginary pictures. They are born in a person’s mind, as if by themselves, when he is inspired by the idea of ​​​​creating something new. But any mental image is a product of brain activity, even if it is unconscious.
Attention. A creative person is inquisitive and knows how to become interested. He sees unusually familiar things because he examines them carefully, in detail, fully. Creative abilities can be developed only when there is a keen interest in a specific type of activity.
Memory. The creative process involves a store of knowledge and experience that can be recalled and analyzed. Past experiences leave their mark on the present. Hidden memories suddenly surface, transform and complement creative ideas.

By developing imagination, attention and memory, a person develops creativity and creativity.

Creativity includes features of creative thinking:

Fluency is the speed of thinking, generating many ideas in a short period of time;
originality – the ability to think outside the box, in a new way;
flexibility - ability to use different ways generating ideas and switching quickly;
openness and receptivity – readiness to perceive and learn new information;
imagery – the ability to create holistic ideas, a single image, a picture;
abstractness – the ability to generalize, to create a complex general on the basis of the particular and simple;
detail – the ability to study in detail, detail the object being studied;
verbality - the ability to tell, express an idea in words;
stress resistance – the ability to come up with something new in a stressful, unusual situation.

These criteria of creativity distinguish it from stereotyped, typical thinking.

Development of creativity

Creative thinking and a creative attitude towards life help. Creativity develops personality, intelligence, emotional-volitional sphere, and abilities.

The development of creativity involves testing yourself in creative activity, engage in training of cognitive processes (attention, imagination, memory).

There are many exercises to develop creativity. A classic example: come up with as many new functions as possible for a certain item. How and where else can you use a fork, cup, pencil and other household items? When coming up with options, turn on your imagination and turn off your logic.

Creativity is illogical, surprising, delightful, and sometimes seems meaningless.

Creative man unplugging internal control, goes beyond the usual, catches thoughts, feelings, images that pop up in the mind and transforms them into ideas.

Exercises that develop creativity:

Connect the incoherent. Select two random objects at random and try to find similarities between them. What one item will you get when you combine the two? How to use it? You can connect two different, randomly chosen words and create a coherent story.
Non-existent animal. This projective technique, which diagnoses personality traits and level of creativity. You need to draw an animal that does not exist in nature, to “create” a new creature. If you practice drawing something new, unknown, fantastic, creative thinking develops.
Writing backwards, reading or pronouncing words from end to beginning. This is a popular children's game. The word “creativity” turns into “vtsechrovt”. The longer the word, the more difficult it is to complete the task.

Interesting fact. People who write with their left hand more often than those who write with their right hand become creative personalities. Since the left side of the body is controlled by the right hemisphere, if you write with your left hand, figurative thinking, imagination, and intuition develop.

To become a creative person, you need to learn to find something new in the familiar, to fantasize, daydream, and imagine more often.

By being creative, a non-creative person develops creativity. Drawing, sculpting, cooking, designing and other activities that involve creating a new product with your own hands and mind improve the ability to think outside the box.

23 March 2014, 15:53