Angelina Jolie: biography, filmography, personal life. Angelina Jolie's children - natural and adopted

Angelina Jolie is the most famous film actress of our time, winner of two Oscars, as well as the first woman to receive three Golden Globes in three different categories in a row. Many questions constantly arise around Jolie's personality. How many children does Angelina Jolie have? How old is Angelina Jolie? Who are Angelina Jolie's parents? This is not the entire list of facts of her life that interest the public. Therefore, answers to the most common and interesting questions you will find in this article.

  • Real name: Angelina Jolie Voight
  • Date of birth: 06/04/1975
  • Zodiac sign: Gemini
  • Height: 169 centimeters
  • Weight: 43 kilograms
  • Waist and hips: 55 and 80 centimeters
  • Shoe size: 42 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Green, brown.

Angelina Jolie ( real name Voight) was born in sunny Los Angeles. Marcheline, Angelina Jolie's mother, was just starting her acting career, and Angelina Jolie's father, Jon Voight, was already a famous actor and owner of many prestigious awards in the field of cinematography. But, despite the fame of her parents, the girl’s childhood was not so happy. Angelina Jolie's parents divorced when our heroine was just one year old; her mother took Angelina and her brother to raise her and moved to New York.

A year later, Voight received an Oscar, and Marcheline was forced to forget about her career as an actress. Angie never stayed at one school for long due to her eccentric behavior. At the age of eleven, the uncontrollable girl returned to her father in Hollywood, where she graduated from the Lee Strasberg Film School and then from Beverly Hills High School. But the girl continued to behave eccentrically - due to her passion for edged weapons, her whole body was covered in scars, and one day she ended up in the hospital, having accidentally cut her carotid artery.


As an adult, our heroine begins her career in the film industry and becomes a little calmer, but still continues to amaze the audience with her antics. In 1993, the film “Cyborg 2” was released with the participation of a girl who she did not like so much that she ordered a killer for herself.

But later Angelina fully reveals herself as an actress - the films “Salt”, “The Changeling”, “Mr. and Mrs. Smith”, “Wanted”, “Gone in 60 Seconds” become cult, and real fame comes to the actress after the film adaptation of the game “Lara Croft” " Later, Angie not only starred in films, but also began directing and producing them: film scripts “ Cote d'Azur” and “In the Land of Blood and Honey” were written together with Angelina, and in the “Maleficent” that conquered everyone, the celebrity was not only the leading actress, but also the executive producer.

Personal life

Angelina married three times. Her first marriage to Jonny Lee Miller, her Hollywood colleague, was not successful and ended a year later, and her second marriage to singer Billy Bob Thornton also did not last long. And after filming together in the film “Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” things arose between the girl and Brad Pitt office romance, which both actors denied for a long time.

After Pitt's separation from Jennifer Aniston, the press named Angelina as the reason for the divorce. The couple hid their relationship for a long time, and only in January 2006 Angie announced that she was dating Brad and their baby would soon be born. On May 27, BrAngelina, as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are often called by the media, gave birth to a daughter, Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt. Two years later, the young family again had an addition - twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline.

BrAngelina also has three adopted child. Angelina adopted her first child after working in the film “Beyond.” The actress was so amazed by what she saw in Cambodia that she decided to help people from the so-called third world countries. Traveling around the world on behalf of the UN, Angie flew to Cambodia once again. There, at the orphanage, she saw six-month-old Maddox and firmly decided to adopt the orphan. Angelina adopted her second child, Zahara, during a trip to Ethiopia on a humanitarian mission in 2005. Angie adopted Pax Tien along with Brad in March 2007. Now BrAngelina has 6 children. At the beginning of 2015, there were rumors that the couple had adopted a little Syrian, but celebrities denied this information. On September 19, 2016, Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt. It is known that the reason for the separation was differences in methods of raising children, as well as alcohol addiction actor. Jolie is asking for custody of the children and for Pitt to be given visitation rights. The actress does not require alimony.

UN missions

Deeply shocked by the situation in third world countries after working on Lara Croft, Angie firmly decides to help the people of such countries and becomes a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador in 2001. Over the next four years, Angelina traveled to a number of poor countries, including Ecuador, Kenya, Sri Lanka and many others.

Thanks to its charitable activities, Angie gained significant influence in the field of politics, which allowed her to open charities: in 2003, the Maddox Jolie-Pitt Foundation was created, which helps preserve the nature of Cambodia, and three years later, the Maddox Chivan Children’s Center was created to help HIV-infected children in Phonm Penh, the capital of Cambodia. In 2007, together with Gene Sperling, the actress created the Education Partnership for Children of Conflict specifically for victims of natural or man-made disasters.

Actress health

IN lately The actress’s health has deteriorated significantly, the media are spreading a lot of rumors about her condition, but from the photographs you can see how much weight Angelina has lost. In the spring of 2013, the world was shocked by the news - the actress underwent surgery to remove the mammary glands, and two years later Jolie had her ovaries removed to prevent cancer, so the celebrity was no longer able to give birth to children.

Angelina Jolie is the sex symbol of modern cinema, talented actress, actively involved in charity work, was born in the capital of American cinema, Los Angeles on 06/04/1975.


Since Angelina was born in acting family, to some extent, her future was predetermined. Her father was a successful film actor, Jon Voight, who is still actively appearing in films and TV series. And the girl’s mother is a Canadian actress with French roots, the beautiful Marchelline Bertrand.

The parents' marriage did not work out. It lasted only seven years, and during this time two children were born into the family - first son James, and then little charming Angelina. When she was only two years old, her mother and father finally separated.

In childhood and youth

But even before that, their relationship left much to be desired. It was all due to the constant infidelities of their loving father, because of which they often quarreled.

After the divorce, Michelle took the children and moved to New York. The father continued to actively act in film and soon received another prestigious award, and the mother’s career went downhill. In a foreign city, there was no one to leave the kids with, and she had to be content with only small episodes in order to have more time for the children, with whom she often went to the movies, yearning for the big screen.

Then the girl began to dream for the first time about acting career and try on different images. IN early years she still maintained a relationship with her father and even starred with him and her mother in the action film “Looking for a Way Out.” He specifically invited them to the set to make his daughter’s childhood dream come true and give her the opportunity to work in front of a real camera.

The girl had a very difficult time going through the divorce. This led to problems at school - she was hot-tempered and eccentric, and did not easily get along with her peers. At the age of nine, she simply stunned everyone with the announcement that she wanted to become the owner of a funeral company. Not surprisingly, her mother immediately took her to see a psychiatrist.

Realizing that Michelle is unable to cope with raising the wayward Angelina, the father takes the 11-year-old girl with him and sends her to the prestigious Lee Stratsberg School, where the girl studies art and acting. Tall and thin, she dreamed of successful career actress, but everything didn’t work out as well as she wanted.

Then the girl began to collect a collection of bladed weapons. The father didn’t really welcome his daughter’s new hobby, but when scars began to appear regularly on her body, knives became the subject of regular heated scandals between them. Moreover, one day, while in depressed state, Angelina injured her carotid artery and almost said goodbye to her life.

By the age of 14, she began traveling around the world, filming commercials and taking part in shows. But modeling career it didn’t work out, and then the girl went into all sorts of troubles - she took drugs, often didn’t sleep at home, and constantly changed sex partners. When she started living with a guy from her father’s house, he breathed a sigh of relief. But it didn't last long.

By the age of 16, Angelina had so damaged her relationship with her father that she decided to finally leave home. Since then, their relationship not only has not improved, but has also become so strained that Jolie even filed a petition in court to declare their relationship invalid. Voight responded to this by publicly stating that Jolie has serious mental problems.

An attempt at reconciliation took place on the set of the next part of Lara Croft, to which Angelina herself invited her father, but after several days of violent scandals, he left the project, and they have not seen each other since then. Jolie's mother died at the age of 57 from cancer, but also with her adult daughter practically did not communicate in recent years her life.


On the big screen, Jolie made her debut in the science-fiction action film, the second part of Cyborg, where she got a minor role, but quite bright role. She was very dissatisfied with her work, although the audience remembered her character, and the producers praised her. Jolie herself again tried to drown out negative emotions alcohol and drugs.

Her next work, the film “Hackers,” went almost unnoticed by viewers. But the role in the thriller “No Evidence” was a success and attracted the attention of others famous directors. The girl began to constantly receive new offers and already had the opportunity to choose the roles that she liked the most.

Over the next few years, she tried herself in a variety of roles, starring in a romantic comedy, drama, adventure film and even a historical mini-series. Her popularity begins to grow rapidly, and at the same time, fees for each of her subsequent works increase significantly.

Angelina is best at psychologically complex, ambiguous heroines. Perhaps because she herself is very sensitive and emotional, and she understands all the subtleties of the emotional experiences of her heroes. For one of these roles - a drug-addicted model in the drama "Gia" - Jolie received her first prestigious award - the Golden Globe.

She consolidated her success and brought international fame to Angelina with her leading role in the psychological thriller “Girl, Interrupted,” where she very organically and convincingly embodied on the screen the image of a patient in a mental health clinic.

This work brought Jolie another Golden Globe and the long-awaited first Oscar for her performance in a supporting role. But most importantly, it secured her status as a Hollywood star.

Jolie gained worldwide fame after the premiere of the fantasy action film Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, where she received main character. By this time, the actress had already completely given up drugs and was in excellent health. physical fitness, which allowed her not only to look flawless and seductive on the screen, but also to perform most of the stunts herself.

In 2003, after the release of the second part of the film, for which Jolie received a 12 million fee, she entered the TOP of the best and highest paid Hollywood stars. But then several second-rate films followed, which even Jolie’s talent could not save. So the large-scale historical film “Alexander” did not even break even, although on the whole it was well received by the audience.

But in 2005, having played together with an adventurous married couple in the action comedy Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Jolie not only returned past glory, but also significantly strengthened it. In 2008, Jolie was again nominated for an Oscar for main role in the dramatic thriller “The Changeling,” but this time she lost the competition to Kate Winslet.

In total, the actress’s filmography includes more than 30 roles played and several voice-overs of full-length cartoons.

In 2016, Angelina Jolie was invited to lecture as part of the course “Women, Peace and Security in Practice” at the London School of Economics.

A year later, Jolie surprised all her fans with the announcement that she wanted to end her career as an artist. She wants to devote more time to charity and social activities. But Angelina has no intention of leaving completely film sets, but simply move from an actress to a director.

In September 2017, the biographical film “First They Killed My Father: Memoirs of a Daughter of Cambodia” premiered. This Cambodian-American film was directed by Angelina Jolie. In general, the film received positive reviews from film critics.

Back in 2017, Angelina became the face of one of the fragrances of the Guerlain perfume house - Mon Guerlain. This was Jolie's first experience of such collaboration. Anzhdelina donated all the rewards she received from this work to charity.

Personal life and children of Angelina Jolie

Having started to live independently early and “got crazy” in her youth, by the age of 20 the actress was ready for a family and got married after several months of dating her partner in the film “Hackers,” handsome Jonny Lee Miller.

With Jonny Lee Miller

But less than a year had passed since they began to live separately - each had their own schedule and their own life prospects. A couple of years later they officially divorced, but friendly relations they are still connected to this day.

This was followed by several more fleeting novels. Until in 2000, Jolie began dating successful actor Billy Bob Thornton, who was 20 years older than the girl. With him she felt protected and calm, and it became main reason, according to which the actress agreed to a second marriage.

With Billy Bob Thornton

It lasted a little longer than the first - only three years, and after the divorce she had to remove the tattoo with the name of her ex-husband.

During the filming of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, such a passionate romance broke out between Jolie and Pitt on set that there are still rumors that bed scenes They were filmed not only without doubles, but also without any pretense. Pitt at this time was still officially married to, who until recently did not want to believe the gossip.

With Brad Pitt

But when, after filming was completed, Pitt did not return home, but went on vacation with Jolie to tropical islands, her patience ran out. She caused a public scandal, after which Pitt filed for divorce. For his freedom he had to fuck off ex-wife a very decent amount, but this did not stop either him or Angelina.

In 2006, Jolie officially announced that she was pregnant with Brad Pitt's child, and by this time he had previously registered paternity adopted by the actress children Maddock and Zachariah. Married to Pitt, a girl, Shiloh, was born in May 2006, and twins, Knox and Vivienne, in 2008. In 2007, the couple adopted another baby, and thus the family now has six legitimate children.

But the wedding of Jolie and Pitt took place only in 2014, and the children insisted on it, who wanted their parents to be united in legal marriage before God. Surprisingly, the magnificent celebration seemed to be the beginning of the end. The spouses’ already not very smooth relationship began to rapidly deteriorate, and in 2016 they officially divorced.

At first, Jolie tried to get Pitt to refuse to participate in raising children, but over time she cooled down, and now they periodically spend time with their mother and father.

In 2015, Jolie underwent a prophylactic mastectomy (removal of both breasts). This difficult decision was due to the fact that not only the actress’s mother died of cancer, but also almost all of her maternal relatives.

Jolie herself had a gene found in her blood, the presence of which increases the likelihood of a dangerous disease to 90%. Jolie said that she was doing this for the sake of her children, whom she could not leave young to fend for themselves.

Currently, the actress continues to act a lot, is actively involved in charity work, and is a UN Goodwill Ambassador. But, having become mother of many children, she is trying to spend more and more time with her kids.

Angelina Jolie is an Oscar-winning actress who became popular after starring in blockbuster films. Lara Croft, as well as films Mr and Mrs Smith (2005), Wanted (2008), Salt (2010) And Maleficent (2014). In addition, Jolie is involved in major international charity projects, especially those related to refugees. She often appears on many "most beautiful women" lists, and her personal life is greedily consumed by the tabloid press.

Angelina Jolie Voight was born in Los Angeles, California. At the age of eleven, Angelina began studying at the Lee Strasberg Theater Institute, where she was seen in several productions. At the age of 16, Angelina began a career in modeling business and appeared in some music videos.

In the mid-1990s, Jolie appeared in several low-key films, including Hackers (1995) And False Fire (1996), where viewers and critics still managed to consider it. And then films came out that won significant film awards: A real woman (1997) And George Wallace (1997), after which Angelina received her first Golden Globe award and an Emmy nomination. Jolie's popularity increased even more when she played the lead role in the film Gia (1998). It was true story the life of supermodel Gia Karanga with tragic fate. Jolie's work Gia (1998) earned her another Golden Globe Award and another Emmy nomination, as well as a SAG Award.

Now Jolie is not only a sought-after actress, but also a fairly successful director. As of 2017, Angelina Jolie's list of directorial works includes 5 films, from which films can be distinguished Unbroken (2014) And Cote d'Azur (2015).

Since Wikipedia and Kinopoisk do not always provide answers to all questions about popular people, we have prepared a small dossier questionnaire dedicated to the actress. You will find out what weight and height Angelina Jolie has, what her figure parameters are, foot size, eye and hair color, as well as some others interesting information. The selection is expanding; we also suggest finding out the height and weight of Keira Knightley and other foreign and domestic film and show business stars.

What is Angelina Jolie's real name?

Angelina Jolie's real name ( full name) - Angelina Jolie Pitt. At birth - Angelina Jolie Voight. Last name and first name in native language - Angelina Jolie Pitt (born Angelina Jolie Voight). In the Russian-speaking part of the Internet there is also such a spelling of the actress’s name - Angelina, but this option is incorrect.

When was Angelina Jolie born?

What is Angelina Jolie's zodiac sign?

Angelina Jolie's zodiac sign is Gemini. Born in the year of the Rabbit according to the eastern horoscope.

Where was Angelina Jolie born?

Angelina Jolie was born in the USA, California, Los Angeles.

How old is Angelina Jolie?

At the time of writing (winter 2017), Angelina Jolie's age is 42 years old.

How tall is Angelina Jolie?

Angelina Jolie's real height is 5 feet 6½ inches, which in the usual metric system is 169 cm. For some reason, the Internet often erroneously indicates another height of Angelina Jolie - 173 centimeters, but our data is taken from an official source and is 100% accurate .

What is Angelina Jolie's weight?

Angelina Jolie's weight is 114 pounds, which is approximately 52 kg. Angelina Jolie says about her weight: “Without physical activity You cannot maintain both your weight and your health. Simply eating little is not only ineffective, but also harmful to health. You need to eat at least five times a day, snacking on fruit or milk. I also have a secret - garlic and ginger. These two products are excellent at breaking down fats. A gym is a must. Yoga is an incredible thing."

Several years ago, Angelina Jolie's weight was 37-39 kilograms, then there were persistent rumors that the actress had anorexia. According to other assumptions, Jolie lost so much weight due to severe stress - the actress had personal family problems. How much Angelina Jolie weighs now has already been mentioned, which means that weight problems are left behind.

What eye color does Angelina Jolie have?

Angelina Jolie's eye color is gray-green.

What is Angelina Jolie's real hair color?

Angelina Jolie's real (natural) hair color is dark brown.

What are Angelina Jolie's body measurements?

Angelina Jolie's body measurements: 91-68-90 (chest-waist-hips). Angelina Jolie says the following about her figure parameters: “I’m happy with my figure. Overweight I’m not afraid - I lead such an active lifestyle that my family even worries about me.”

What is Angelina Jolie's foot size?

Angelina Jolie's foot size according to American standards is 8.5. In our usual meaning - approximately 40 shoe size.

What is Angelina Jolie's breast size?

Angelina Jolie's breast size is 2nd. In 2013, Angelina Jolie voluntarily underwent a bilateral mastectomy (complete removal of the mammary glands) followed by breast reconstruction. After the operation, both the shape and size of the bust were completely reproduced. Angelina Jolie never hid that she decided to have such an operation because she has a very high predisposition to breast cancer. Moreover, she encourages all women to undergo a similar examination and undergo the same operation, if available. high risk the occurrence of a tumor.

Angelina Jolie is an American actress, film director and screenwriter, and fashion model. She is considered one of the most sought-after and talented Hollywood actresses.

During her biography, Jolie managed to win an Oscar, three Golden Globes and two Screen Actors Guild Awards. Various authoritative publications recognized her as the most beautiful woman in the world.

There are many interesting details about Jolie, which we will tell you about right now.

So, in front of you biography of Angelina Jolie.

Biography of Jolie

Angelina Jolie Voight was born on June 4, 1975 in Los Angeles. She grew up in a family famous actors Jon Voight and Marcheline Bertrand. She has a brother, James, who is 2 years older than her.

When John's acting career began to skyrocket, he began having affairs with different girls. On this basis, frequent conflicts arose between Angelina's parents.

Not wanting to tolerate her husband's infidelity, Jolie's mother filed for divorce. At the time of their separation, the girl was only one year old.

Both children remained to live with their mother, who sacrificed her career to raise them.

Childhood and youth

It is worth noting that in her youth, Angelina Jolie was very critical of her appearance.

When she was sent to Lee Strasberg's film school, she felt very insecure. The girl thought she was too thin and clumsy.

Angelina Jolie in childhood

However, at one time Angelina tried to try herself as a model, but these attempts ended in failure. This further worsened her and her overall mental state.

She was deeply depressed, and even repeatedly inflicted cuts and wounds on her body.

Jolie started wearing black clothes, and soon this color became her favorite. At that time, the future Hollywood star and sex symbol an entire era I lost all meaning in life.

From the age of 14, Angelina Jolie already lived with a guy, but after 2 years of cohabitation they broke up. During this period of her biography, she became seriously addicted to drugs and alcohol.

Later in her interviews, the actress admits that in her youth she tried almost all drugs and only miraculously survived.

Being in a serious mental state, Angelina began to dislike her father. She accused him of abandoning their family and thus betraying them.

When Jolie turns 27, she will drop "Voight" from her name to erase any mention of her father.

Despite severe depression and drug addiction, Jolie periodically appeared on the catwalk, and also participated in the filming of a video for the legendary rock group “Rolling Stones”.

From the age of 16 she acted in plays. She always considered her closest people to be her mother and brother, with whom she had a very warm relationship.

Filmography Jolie

The first role in Jolie’s biography was in the film “Looking for a Way Out.” At that time she was only 7 years old. Her father played the main role in the film.

In 1993, the 18-year-old actress appeared in the action film Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow. Ultimately, however, she was so disgusted by the painting that she was ashamed to appear in public. After 2 years, Angelina was approved for the main role of the thriller “Hackers”.

This film had great success and soon gained great popularity and recognition among viewers. Critics praised Angelina Jolie's acting. After that she began to receive different offers from reputable directors.

In 1997, Jolie starred in the drama Playing God, where her co-stars were David Duchovny. After that, she continued to successfully act in films, experimenting with different images of heroes.

The girl played drug addicts, secret agents, criminals and mentally ill people. She managed to convey the image of a mentally ill heroine so perfectly in the film Girl, Interrupted that she was awarded an Oscar for this work.

No one doubted Angelina Jolie's acting talent anymore, so they began to talk about her as a Hollywood star.

Another success awaited Angelina after the release of 2 parts of the adventure film about Lara Croft. An interesting fact is that she performed all the stunts without the help of stuntmen.

In total, these films grossed about $400 million, and Jolie became the highest paid actress in Hollywood.

In 2005, the film “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” premiered, grossing almost $480 million. Angelina’s partner was Brad Pitt.

In 2008, she perfectly conveyed the image of the heroine in the film “The Changeling.” For this role she was nominated for an Oscar. This was followed by many roles in which she played various special agents.

In 2014, Angelina Jolie appeared in the fantasy film Maleficent, in which she transformed into a witch. The film broke all box office records, grossing $758 million.

All the critics in once again emphasized Angelina's unique acting talent, expressing many well-deserved compliments in her direction.


The first directorial work in the biography of Angelina Jolie was the documentary “A Place in Time” (2007). Her budget was quite modest: only $500,000.

A few years later, she presented new directorial works: “In the Land of Blood and Honey” and “Unbroken.” The last film received excellent reviews and was nominated for an Oscar three times.


During the filming of one of the films, Angelina Jolie visited Cambodia for the first time. She was amazed that people could not afford the most basic things.

After that, the actress visited several more underdeveloped countries, watching with horror what was happening in them. In this regard, she became a UN Goodwill Ambassador.

Angelina Jolie has made many humanitarian trips and was the organizer of various charity projects. An interesting fact is that she adopted three children who were left orphans and were on the verge of death.

In 2004, the Cambodian government awarded Jolie the title of honorary citizen of the country. A year later, she received the UN Humanitarian Award.

In 2013, the actress was awarded an Oscar for her volunteer humanitarian work.

Personal life

Angelina Jolie got married three times. The first husband in her biography was actor Jonny Lee Miller, whom she met on the set. They got married in 1996, but a year later the couple separated.

Jolie's second husband was Billy Bob Thornton, who was also an actor. But this marriage did not last long. The Hollywood stars lived together for only 3 years.

In 2004, during the filming of the film “Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” a whirlwind romance began between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Interestingly, Brad was married at that time.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

And although they tried to carefully hide their feelings, the paparazzi repeatedly caught them spending time together.

After that, they began to live together, as a result of which they had a girl, Shiloh Nouvel. In 2012, after 7 years of cohabitation, the couple decided to get married. While still in civil marriage, they adopted a Vietnamese boy, Pax Tien.

A year later, Angelina Jolie gave birth to twins: a boy, Knox Leon, and a girl, Vivienne Marcheline.

An interesting fact is that the first photographs of their children star couple sold to various publications for tens of millions of dollars. All these funds went to charity.

Fight against cancer

Several of Angelina Jolie's relatives, including her mother, died of cancer. Not long ago, the actress herself was diagnosed with a gene mutation that could most likely lead to breast and ovarian cancer.

As a result, she had her mammary glands removed (followed by breast reconstruction), and then her ovaries.

Jolie's style

Angelina Jolie is one of the most stylish actresses. During her career, she often changed her image. Previously, she liked to wear black pantsuits with pronounced makeup.

However, lately she has been giving preference to classic outfits. She can often be seen in long dresses with a deep neckline from different couturiers.

Divorce from Brad Pitt

At the end of 2016, sensational news about the divorce of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt appeared in the media. Jolie accused her husband of ill-treatment with son Maddox.

According to her, Brad allegedly hit the child in front of the children, as a result of which a real scandal broke out between the spouses.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt with children

This led to the fact that they began to live in different houses and stopped communicating. This was followed by long trials and then divorce.

Angelina Jolie today

Today, Angelina Jolie is still actively involved in charity work. She visits different educational institutions, in which he discusses various global issues with students.

The actress recently admitted that she intends to devote much less time to filming films. Instead, she wants to focus on charity.

In 2017, Jolie filmed the biographical drama First They Killed My Father: Memoirs of a Cambodian Daughter. It told the story of a writer who survived the horrors of the Khmer Rouge.

In the same year, Jolie became the face of the Guerlain perfume company. An interesting fact is that she donated all the proceeds to charity.

Some sources claim that Angelina Jolie is in a close relationship with her longtime friend Jared Leto.

Angelina Jolie and Keanu Reeves

In 2018, rumors emerged that Angelina Jolie and Keanu Reeves began dating. Fans of the actress on the Internet accepted this news with joy, as most believe that Keanu Reeves is ideal for Jolie.

However, there is no confirming information about a close relationship between Jolie and Keanu Reeves.

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Angelina Jolie, a sex symbol of modern cinema, a talented actress who is actively involved in charity work, was born in the capital of American cinema, Los Angeles, on June 4, 1975.


Since Angelina was born into an acting family, to some extent her future was predetermined. Her father was a successful film actor, Jon Voight, who is still actively appearing in films and TV series. And the girl’s mother is a Canadian actress with French roots, the beautiful Marchelline Bertrand.

The parents' marriage did not work out. It lasted only seven years, and during this time two children were born into the family - first son James, and then little charming Angelina. When she was only two years old, her mother and father finally separated.

In childhood and youth

But even before that, their relationship left much to be desired. It was all due to the constant infidelities of their loving father, because of which they often quarreled.

After the divorce, Michelle took the children and moved to New York. The father continued to actively act in film and soon received another prestigious award, and the mother’s career went downhill. In a foreign city, there was no one to leave the kids with, and she had to be content with only small episodes in order to have more time for the children, with whom she often went to the movies, yearning for the big screen.

Then the girl first began to dream about an acting career and try on different images. In her early years, she still maintained a relationship with her father and even starred with him and her mother in the action film “Looking for a Way Out.” He specifically invited them to the set to make his daughter’s childhood dream come true and give her the opportunity to work in front of a real camera.

The girl had a very difficult time going through the divorce. This led to problems at school - she was hot-tempered and eccentric, and did not easily get along with her peers. At the age of nine, she simply stunned everyone with the announcement that she wanted to become the owner of a funeral company. Not surprisingly, her mother immediately took her to see a psychiatrist.

Realizing that Michelle is unable to cope with raising the wayward Angelina, the father takes the 11-year-old girl with him and sends her to the prestigious Lee Stratsberg School, where the girl studies art and acting. Tall and thin, she dreamed of a successful career as an actress, but everything did not work out as successfully as she wanted.

Then the girl began to collect a collection of bladed weapons. The father didn’t really welcome his daughter’s new hobby, but when scars began to appear regularly on her body, knives became the subject of regular heated scandals between them. Moreover, one day, being in a depressed state, Angelina injured her carotid artery and almost said goodbye to life.

By the age of 14, she began traveling around the world, filming commercials and taking part in shows. But her modeling career didn’t work out, and then the girl went into all sorts of troubles – she took drugs, often didn’t spend the night at home, and constantly changed sex partners. When she started living with a guy from her father’s house, he breathed a sigh of relief. But it didn't last long.

By the age of 16, Angelina had so damaged her relationship with her father that she decided to finally leave home. Since then, their relationship not only has not improved, but has also become so strained that Jolie even filed a petition in court to declare their relationship invalid. Voight responded to this by publicly stating that Jolie has serious mental problems.

An attempt at reconciliation took place on the set of the next part of Lara Croft, to which Angelina herself invited her father, but after several days of violent scandals, he left the project, and they have not seen each other since then. Jolie's mother died at the age of 57 from cancer, but her adult daughter practically did not communicate with her in the last years of her life.


On the big screen, Jolie made her debut in the science-fiction action film, the second part of Cyborg, where she got a minor, but quite bright role. She was very dissatisfied with her work, although the audience remembered her character, and the producers praised her. Jolie herself again tried to drown out negative emotions with alcohol and drugs.

Her next work, the film “Hackers,” went almost unnoticed by viewers. But the role in the thriller “Without Evidence” was a success and attracted the attention of other famous directors. The girl began to constantly receive new offers and already had the opportunity to choose the roles that she liked the most.

Over the next few years, she tried herself in a variety of roles, starring in a romantic comedy, drama, adventure film and even a historical mini-series. Her popularity begins to grow rapidly, and at the same time, fees for each of her subsequent works increase significantly.

Angelina is best at psychologically complex, ambiguous heroines. Perhaps because she herself is very sensitive and emotional, and she understands all the subtleties of the emotional experiences of her heroes. For one of these roles - a drug-addicted model in the drama "Gia" - Jolie received her first prestigious award - the Golden Globe.

She consolidated her success and brought international fame to Angelina with her leading role in the psychological thriller “Girl, Interrupted,” where she very organically and convincingly embodied on the screen the image of a patient in a mental health clinic.

This work brought Jolie another Golden Globe and the long-awaited first Oscar for her performance in a supporting role. But most importantly, it secured her status as a Hollywood star.

Jolie gained worldwide fame after the premiere of the fantasy action film Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, where she played the main character. By this time, the actress had already completely given up drugs and was in excellent physical shape, which allowed her not only to look flawless and seductive on screen, but also to perform most of the stunts on her own.

In 2003, after the release of the second part of the film, for which Jolie received a 12 million fee, she entered the TOP of the best and highest paid Hollywood stars. But then several second-rate films followed, which even Jolie’s talent could not save. So the large-scale historical film “Alexander” did not even break even, although on the whole it was well received by the audience.

But in 2005, having played together with an adventurous married couple in the action comedy Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Jolie not only regained her former glory, but also significantly strengthened it. In 2008, Jolie was again nominated for an Oscar for her leading role in the dramatic thriller “Changeling,” but this time she lost the competition to Kate Winslet.

In total, the actress’s filmography includes more than 30 roles played and several voice-overs of full-length cartoons.

In 2016, Angelina Jolie was invited to lecture as part of the course “Women, Peace and Security in Practice” at the London School of Economics.

A year later, Jolie surprised all her fans with the announcement that she wanted to end her career as an artist. She wants to devote more time to charity and social activities. But Angelina is not going to completely leave the film set, but will simply move from an actress to a director.

In September 2017, the biographical film “First They Killed My Father: Memoirs of a Daughter of Cambodia” premiered. This Cambodian-American film was directed by Angelina Jolie. In general, the film received positive reviews from film critics.

Back in 2017, Angelina became the face of one of the fragrances of the Guerlain perfume house - Mon Guerlain. This was Jolie's first experience of such collaboration. Anzhdelina donated all the rewards she received from this work to charity.

Personal life and children of Angelina Jolie

Having started to live independently early and “got crazy” in her youth, by the age of 20 the actress was ready for a family and got married after several months of dating her partner in the film “Hackers,” handsome Jonny Lee Miller.

With Jonny Lee Miller

But less than a year had passed since they began to live separately - each had their own schedule and their own life prospects. A couple of years later they officially divorced, but they still have friendly relations.

This was followed by several more fleeting novels. Until in 2000, Jolie began dating successful actor Billy Bob Thornton, who was 20 years older than the girl. With him she felt protected and calm, and this was the main reason why the actress agreed to a second marriage.

With Billy Bob Thornton

It lasted a little longer than the first - only three years, and after the divorce she had to remove the tattoo with the name of her ex-husband.

During the filming of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, such a passionate romance broke out between Jolie and Pitt on set that there are still rumors that the sex scenes were filmed not only without stunt doubles, but also without any pretense. Pitt at this time was still officially married to, who until recently did not want to believe the gossip.

With Brad Pitt

But when, after filming was completed, Pitt did not return home, but went on vacation with Jolie to tropical islands, her patience ran out. She caused a public scandal, after which Pitt filed for divorce. For his freedom, he had to pay his ex-wife a very decent amount, but this did not stop either him or Angelina.

In 2006, Jolie officially announced that she was pregnant with Brad Pitt's child, and by this time he was registering paternity for the actress's previously adopted children Maddock and Zachariah. Married to Pitt, a girl, Shiloh, was born in May 2006, and twins, Knox and Vivienne, in 2008. In 2007, the couple adopted another baby, and thus the family now has six legitimate children.

But the wedding of Jolie and Pitt took place only in 2014, and the children insisted on it, who wanted their parents to be united in legal marriage before God. Surprisingly, the magnificent celebration seemed to be the beginning of the end. The spouses’ already not very smooth relationship began to rapidly deteriorate, and in 2016 they officially divorced.

At first, Jolie tried to get Pitt to refuse to participate in raising children, but over time she cooled down, and now they periodically spend time with their mother and father.

In 2015, Jolie underwent a prophylactic mastectomy (removal of both breasts). This difficult decision was due to the fact that not only the actress’s mother died of cancer, but also almost all of her maternal relatives.

Jolie herself had a gene found in her blood, the presence of which increases the likelihood of a dangerous disease to 90%. Jolie said that she was doing this for the sake of her children, whom she could not leave young to fend for themselves.

Currently, the actress continues to act a lot, is actively involved in charity work, and is a UN Goodwill Ambassador. But, having become a mother of many children, she tries to spend more and more time with her kids.