Irina's new husband is a circle. Irina Krug: biography, personal life of the singer, photos, songs Sergei Belousov, Irina’s husband, age

Irina Krug’s songs are becoming more and more popular every year among listeners, who at the singer’s concerts give her a standing ovation and do not let her leave the stage for a long time. Irina never thought that she would study music, however, having started her singing career, she was able to short terms release eight albums and win the love of fans. A beautiful and successful artist who has repeatedly received the “Chanson of the Year” award, and is now actively touring the cities of Russia. The circle manages to do not only what they love, but also their personal life. The singer is raising three children, and her husband, with whom she has developed a harmonious and trusting relationship, helps her in this difficult task.

Irina Glazko was born in 1976 in Chelyabinsk. Her parents had nothing to do with music: her father was a military man, and her mother worked as a draftsman. In her childhood, the future singer dreamed of becoming an actress. She enthusiastically played in a theater group, planning to enter a theater university after school. However, due to unsuccessful early marriage The 21-year-old girl had to raise her little daughter Marina alone.

For some time, Glazko worked as a waitress in a restaurant, where at the end of 1999 she had to serve the Russian chanson star Mikhail Krug. Unexpectedly, the singer invited her to work as a costume designer for him, promising good salary. After thinking for a while, Irina agreed.

For about a year, their relationship was only business, and the artist, having been divorced for several years, was in no hurry to speak words of love to her. At one point, Mikhail moved the girl and her daughter to his house. The singer quickly became friends with the girl, who almost immediately began calling him dad. In 2001, the lovers got married, and the following year their son Alexander was born.

In the photo Irina with her husband Mikhail Krug

But family happiness was short-lived: in the summer of 2002, Krug was shot dead by unknown assailants who entered their house at night. Before the tragedy, Irina had a dream, as if in their house people were mourning someone. In addition, she didn’t like the fact that they always had guests and the doors often didn’t close. The criminals first attacked the singer’s mother, and then wanted to shoot his wife, however, Mikhail covered her with himself, as a result of which he was wounded. He died on the way to the hospital.

After the death of her husband, Irina accidentally turned on a cassette with the song “The Road from Soul to Soul”, and then showed it to Leonid Teleshev, a friend of Krug, who invited her to sing the composition. From that time on, the singer began studying with teachers. In 2004, her first album was released, which collected songs in memory of the great performer of Russian chanson. She graduated from university in 2005 with a degree in management.

In the photo the singer with her third husband Sergei Belousov and son Andrei

In 2006, Irina again found female happiness in her personal life by marrying her loved one. Her chosen one was businessman Sergei Belousov, whom her children immediately accepted as their own. After some time, the couple saved up the required amount and bought new apartment in Moscow. In the fall of 2014 in big family Another baby appeared - son Andrei. The husband always helps and supports the singer, who has to combine a career and raising children. Their mothers also provide invaluable assistance to spouses.

Irina is not easily experiencing separation from her husband and children, however, they often call each other, so the artist is aware of all the events happening in the family. Now eldest daughter Marina is getting an education at college, choosing a specialty - hotel service, but the girl will not stop there and intends to continue her studies. Son Alexander is still a schoolboy. He loves to play hockey and football, and also swims. Sasha is also interested in playing drums, he especially likes drums. Krug dreams that his son will study in the cadet corps in the future.

In the photo Irina Krug with children: son Sasha and daughter Marina

When the singer has days off, she spends all her time with her family. The artist doesn't like noisy parties, preferring to sit in a narrow circle of their relatives. She is always in great shape (height - 167 cm, weight - 51 kg), however, Irina does not go on diets, but sticks to proper nutrition. She previously practiced speed skating for many years, but now she doesn’t have time for it. Krug dreams of someday taking up swimming and yoga, as well as going to the gym.

Singer Irina Krug came to visit Boris Korchevnikov. On the air of the program “The Fate of a Man,” the artist spoke about her difficult life path. 15 years ago, the poet and bard Mikhail Krug was killed. The attackers broke into the man's house and attacked his relatives. Mikhail died from his gunshot wounds the next day.

“It's scary. God forbid someone experiences what I experienced. These people are always before my eyes. I will never forget their eyes - there was fear in them. At that moment I put the children to bed, wanted to go to Misha and heard knocking. Then it turned out that it was the sofa that was knocking when they strangled my mother. They covered her mouth and said: “If you make a sound, we’ll kill you.” And then I came in and saw this picture. Misha was sleeping in his bedroom, he didn’t know what was happening, he came out in response to my screams. And they were already shooting from above indiscriminately. It was just a mess... I thought that everyone was killed, Misha, the children, and the mother,” the woman said.

Mikhail's relatives did not think that his life could suddenly end. The wounded singer was able to move and talk. Relatives took Krug to the hospital, he underwent surgery. However, as a result of the shooting, important organs were hit, and the man died.

“We know who did it, but we can’t talk. Those who did this are no longer alive. One piece of evidence is missing to make this public. They wanted to intimidate, they didn’t think it would happen,” the woman noted.

It was extremely difficult for Irina to come to terms with the sudden death of her husband.

“I learned to live again. This terrible years my life, very scary. I remember him very often. After Misha, it was difficult to build relationships and start a family, because you’ll never find someone like him again. Nowadays, even more so...” said the performer.

After some time, Irina met with businessman Sergei Belousov. The future spouses met in Tver at a hairdresser. Many tried to court the spectacular woman, but only Belousov managed to achieve reciprocity from her. Sergei and Irina liked communicating with each other - they began to spend a lot of time together, and in 2006 they got married.

During a conversation with Korchevnikov, Krug admitted that she began to experience difficulties in her relationship with her chosen one.

“Sergei and I have been together for 13 years. This is a complex story, now I can’t say that we have any good ones... Now we have a crisis in our relations. I don’t know whether this marriage will survive. But it was also the same story, he was younger than me, I didn’t dare, I was joking,” Irina shared. “We are going through a difficult period, and it’s very difficult for me.”

According to the artist, she has always been a family man. Their common son Andrei, who was born in September 2014, became a welcome child for her. Irina shared her assumptions about the reasons why her relationship with her husband went wrong.

Famous Russian singer in the chanson genre, Mikhail Krug died tragically in his private house in Tver in 2002. He was killed by unknown persons who were never found. Many years later, the criminal case was suspended.

Many people still listen to his songs. Meanwhile, little is known about his personal life, how many children he had and who they became almost 15 years after his death.

Children of Mikhail Krug

Mikhail Krug was married twice. His first wife Svetlana was a singer and performed with her musical group. It was she who inspired the author of future hits to try to become a pop performer. Before this, Mikhail worked at a factory, and wrote songs in his free time.

This is how many wonderful hits appeared, including the famous song “Vladimir Central”, which became the standard for all chanson performers.

Mikhail Krug’s son from his first marriage was born a year before their separation from Svetlana, who could not stand her husband’s constant infidelities and left. Mikhail himself, speaking about their divorce, said that the reason was Svetlana’s inability and unwillingness to create a cozy family home. Svetlana toured a lot.

Mikhail met his second wife Irina in a restaurant where she worked as a waitress. He was 14 years older than her, so the girl did not immediately decide to marry him, although she already had a broken marriage and a small daughter behind her.

The son of Mikhail Krug and Irina was born a month before his death.

The tragic fact is that Mikhail could not see his children grow up, could not participate in their upbringing, he passed away too early.

Eldest son of Mikhail Krug

Dmitry was born in 1988. When the boy was barely a year old, his parents divorced. Famous artist decided that the child should stay with his father. He won the trial, although this is usually very difficult. Little Dima began to live with his father's family.

Mikhail was a very busy man. Constant touring, songwriting, and performances took up all my time. Therefore, Dima’s grandmother Zoya Petrovna, Krug’s mother, was involved in raising Dima.

By the way, real name Mikhail Krug - Vorobiev. His son also bears the same surname.

Zoya Petrovna herself took Dima to kindergarten, and then to school, spent everything with him free time. Mother Svetlana took her son to her place only on weekends.

The grandmother notes that the grandson was very different in character from his father in childhood. Dima grew up quieter, calmer, loved to sit at the computer and make something.

Education received by Dmitry Krug

The son of Mikhail Krug from his first marriage was left without a father at the age of 14. It's explosive adolescence. Therefore, all relatives: grandmother, older sister father Olga Medvedeva, mother Svetlana - decided that the child should be protected first of all. The idea was submitted by one of the late artist’s close friends, Vasily Ivanovich Kisilev, who at that time was working as the head of the traffic police of the Tver region.

He suggested transferring Dmitry from a regular school to cadet corps. At first the boy didn’t like it there, but over time he got used to it. Formations, roll calls, uniforms - different sad thoughts there was no time.

After graduating from the cadet corps, Dmitry decided to enter the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. His aunt, Olga Medvedeva, spent a long time trying to persuade him to change his mind and enroll in Tver, after all, home was closer, but Dmitry insisted on his own and graduated from the university with honors, receiving the rank of lieutenant.

Career success

Every now and then information appears in the newspapers about the awarding of one title or another to Dmitry Vorobyov. On at the moment he rose to the rank of captain. Dima devoted more than 10 years to serving in the police, and his superiors praise him very much.

It’s interesting that the artist himself always spoke very negatively about the employees law enforcement agencies, dedicating all his songs to prisoners, crime bosses and thieves in law.

Dmitry notes that he is very pleased with his service in the police, he likes working there.

Appearance and character of Dmitry

The first son of Mikhail Krug is very similar to him. Here the figure, appearance, and voice - everything resembles your favorite artist. But despite the obvious similarities, Dmitry cannot sing at all and has never studied music.

He doesn't like giving interviews or being photographed. Moreover, Dmitry Krug, the son of Mikhail Krug, is known as a closed and closed person.

His aunt explains that he has always been like this. Meanwhile, the eldest son of Mikhail Krug, although taciturn, is kind and sympathetic, he loves good companies and is great at telling jokes and loves to joke. In this way he also took after his father.

Personal life of Dmitry Vorobyov

Little is known about Dmitry's personal life. He continues to live with his old grandmother in Tver, in the house where his father was killed.

Dmitry will soon be 30 years old, but he is still not married. He likes to spend his free time in his house, enjoys reading science fiction novels, playing on the computer, and playing sports.

In his house, an entire room is dedicated to his father, the famous chansonnier and songwriter Mikhail Krug. There are a lot of memorabilia there, all the walls are covered with photographs. This is a kind of home museum.

Alexander Mikhailovich Krug

According to her grandmother, Krug’s mother, Sasha sings well and writes poetry. It is not for nothing that his mother predicts fame and success in the pop field for him in the future.

Alexander and his family

Zoya Petrovna Vorobyova, Sasha’s grandmother, grandson and ex-daughter-in-law rarely visit. But these meetings are simply unforgettable for the old lady. She lives on memories, and her voice youngest grandson reminds her of the voice of her beloved son Misha.

When Irina Krug, after the death of Mikhail, decided to get married again after five years, Zoya Petrovna was the first to bless her for a third marriage. She knew better than anyone what the young woman was going through. After all, on the night of Krug’s murder, Irina and three children were in the same house, but on different floors. And they only miraculously survived the shootout.

WITH new husband Irina met businessman Sergei A year later they got married. Sasha treated his stepfather well, because he never had a real father.

Now Sasha and Sergey spend a lot of time together, go hiking, go fishing, they have many common hobbies. The boy even began calling Irina’s new husband dad. But, of course, he does not forget his origins, he has many photographs of Mikhail, he is familiar with his repertoire and often listens to his songs.

In 2013, Irina gave birth to a son, Andrei, so Sasha got a little brother.

With his older brother Dmitry friendly relations. Dmitry comes to visit them in Moscow; they have common interests, such as ship modeling.

Irina Krug is perhaps one of the most famous female singers Russian stage. She is known, first of all, for being the widow of the famous Mikhail Krug. Irina won music awards several times, receiving various awards. She really became famous after the death of her husband, when she released her debut album, dedicated to her deceased husband.

The many difficulties that she encountered did not break her, but quite the opposite - they gave her strength and allowed her to gain fame not only in native Russia, but also beyond.

Height, weight, age. How old is Irina Krug

Since her musical debut, Irina has been able to conquer quite big army fans. And many of them are interested in all the details about this woman. Some even like to compare themselves with their idols, which is why they want to know her height, weight, age. How old is Irina Krug? This question is probably quite logical. Because at first glance it seems that she is older than she actually looks.

Now the singer is 41 years old, and she really looks younger. If you look at the photo of Irina Krug in her youth and now, you can see that the difference is very small. A good figure also helps her maintain her excellent appearance - with a height of 166 cm, Irina weighs only 50 kg.

Biography of Irina Krug

Irina's date of birth is March 29, 1976. The singer's hometown is Chelyabinsk. Her father was a military man, and her mother was a draftsman.

The biography of Irina Krug has been of interest since an early age. Since childhood, Irina’s parents noted her interest in great art. Like most girls of those years, she dreamed of becoming an artist, acting or performing in the theater. To bring the girl’s dream closer, her parents sent her to study at a local theater club. In addition to acting, the future singer was very interested in figure skating and went to the skating rink quite often. Where she not only just skated, but also tried to perform some tricks or figures. But she did not become a professional figure skater - Irina did not pass the age selection. After graduating from school, Irina’s life turns upside down, making her forget about her career as a professional artist.

After graduation, Ira got married and gave birth to a daughter, Marina. Unfortunately or fortunately, this marriage was short-lived and fragile. The husband, who worked as a dentist, suddenly became interested in drugs. After the divorce, Irina had to earn money on her own so that she would have enough for both herself and the child.

At the age of 21, Irina began working in one of the most prestigious restaurants as a waitress. There there was a meeting that became a turning point in her life.

Mikhail Krug took her to work for him, and just a few years later, from a dresser she became first his lover, and then his wife. Mikhail adopted Irina's daughter. Before getting married, they lived without stamps for about a year.

And one summer, that well-known tragedy happened - Krug was killed by unknown bandits in his own house.

Irina found several unreleased songs of her husband and decided to publish an album where she would sing these songs herself. Irina has never studied vocals with anyone. Mikhail himself dreamed of a quiet old age, so he also did not want his wife to connect her life with show business.

Mikhail’s longtime friend, Vladimir Bocharov, helped in recording the album. In 2004, Irina Krug made her debut. Just a year later, the singer was awarded the “Chanson of the Year” music award. And two years later, Irina released another album.

In 2007, Irina married businessman Sergei Belousov. She continues to perform on music competitions and festivals, winning more and more awards and prizes. Her audiography consists of eight albums, with which she still performs, and all her concerts are sold out. Interesting point that from time to time at her performances Irina performs songs that Mikhail Krug himself once sang. As if making it clear that the memory of him is alive.

Personal life of Irina Krug

The personal life of Irina Krug has been the subject of media discussion for quite some time. Among other things, when she walked down the aisle in once again, then came under a barrage of accusations that she was betraying memory ex-husband. Irina explains this as a way to return to a measured life and let love into her heart again.

Soon after the wedding, Irina and her husband move to Moscow, they have a son together. This is already Irina’s third child. Irina often says that she often dreams about Mikhail. Sometimes she asks him for advice when she finds it difficult to make a choice.

Irina Krug's family

As mentioned earlier, Irina Krug’s parents were in no way related to art. Both Irina’s father and mother belonged to working professions, but they supported their daughter’s craving for the world of beauty and helped her develop her talent at least a little. But dreams of acting Olympus were too hindered early first a marriage that Ira’s parents were not happy about.

Currently, we can say that Irina Krug’s family is her third husband and three wonderful children born from each husband. From Mikhail Krug, Irina also gave birth to a son.

Children of Irina Krug

In total, Irina Krug has three beautiful children - adult daughter and two young sons. It is also impossible not to add that during his second marriage, Krug also lived in native son singer - Dmitry. Irina gave birth to Mikhail another son - Sasha. Irina was glad that at least her second child would have a calm and well-fed life, because the woman remembered how in the late nineties she had to constantly look for a better job in order to raise little Marina.

All children of Irina Krug found common language with her third husband, which could not but please her.

Son of Irina Krug - Alexander

Irina Krug’s son, Alexander, was born in 2002, in Irina’s second marriage to Mikhail Krug. It’s sad, but newborn Sasha was not able to sufficiently get to know his daddy, and he didn’t really have time to take up raising his own son. Sashenka was only a month old when Mikhail died.

After tragic death Mikhail Alexander stayed with his mother, and when Irina walked down the aisle again, he quickly became close to his stepfather, so there were no problems with upbringing.

Son of Irina Krug - Andrey

Irina Krug’s son, Andrei, was born in the third and last marriage Irina with Sergei Belousov. He was born only in 2013 and is almost four years old. On the Internet you can find several pictures of the whole family.

According to the singer, Sergei picked her and Andryusha up from the maternity hospital in a luxurious limousine and with a bouquet of flowers. It is not surprising that the woman was in seventh heaven. It is noteworthy that with youngest child Irina was almost never on maternity leave, and returned to work at the end of the year.

Daughter of Irina Krug - Marina

The daughter of Irina Krug, Marina, became the first-born of the then future singer. She was born into her first marriage, which also quickly broke up, leaving Irina with a baby in her arms and without a penny in her pocket. The woman took on any job just to feed her daughter.

When Irina moved to live with Mikhail, she took Marina, which the singer himself was only too happy about. There is information that Krug even officially adopted Marina. Now Marina Krug has already grown up

Former husband of Irina Krug

Irina actually got married for the first time only after school. Although the girl’s parents were not delighted with such haste, at that time this marriage seemed very successful to Irina herself. Irina Krug’s ex-husband, although his name remains unknown, came from a decent family and worked as a dentist. But very soon after the birth of his daughter Marina, the man began to use alcohol and drugs. This was the reason for the breakup of a short and unhappy marriage.

Relatives said that this was partly to blame early age future chansonnier. There is information that this person is currently dead.

Irina Krug's ex-husband - Mikhail Krug

Even many of those who did not listen to chanson still at least once heard the name of the recognized king of chanson. They met at the prestigious Malachite restaurant, where Irina worked as a waitress at that time. The meeting excited Ira very much, because she heard that Mikhail is quite picky when it comes to food, and can even throw a scandal if he doesn’t like something.

Then Mikhail decided to invite Irina to his position as a costume designer. Of course, she didn’t believe it, and about a month passed before she finally agreed. Moreover, it is worth noting that even the director of the establishment himself contributed to this.

Irina's second marriage again did not last long. After living in a civil marriage for about a year, they finally decided to legalize their relationship in 2001. And almost a year later, Mikhail was shot by bandits who snuck into his house at night.

It is impossible not to mention that Irina Krug’s ex-husband, Mikhail Krug, was previously married and has another son.

Irina Krug’s husband – Sergei Belousov

Irina Krug’s current husband, Sergei Belousov, is quite famous and successful person. She and Irina got married five years after the death of the Circle. Of course, many immediately began to accuse the singer of insulting the memory of her ex-husband. But Irina herself tried to present it in a different way. She will remember Mikhail, no matter who she is with and no matter what last name she bears, but she needs to try to move on with her life and try to open her heart to new love.

Sergei Belousov quickly managed to find a common language with Irina’s children, and for many years now they have been living in Moscow as one family.

Irina Krug nude

It is impossible not to mention such a topic as “Irina Krug naked.” I must say that this topic was quite actively discussed on the Internet, and not even only by Irina’s fans. However, we immediately note that even the most skilled hacker will not be able to find such pictures of naked Irina.

All that is available to the eyes of fans and other sophisticated users is photoshop, retouched photographs and other similar fakes, which, one way or another, show naked Irina Krug to her fans and not only. Moreover, you don’t need to be a professional to create such fakes.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Krug

Like most artists of our time, Irina Krug does not want to lag behind fashion, so she created a personal profile on the popular social network Instagram. There fans will be able to find many photos and videos from Irina’s everyday and other life.

Of course, her profiles in social networks contain enough large number data that can tell fans about the singer’s concert and personal life, as well as her biography. Irina Krug’s Instagram and Wikipedia are mainly aimed at helping new fans get to know their idol better.

Irina took part in the “Let Them Talk” program and openly shared details from her personal life.

On May 24, Andrei Malazov’s program “Let Them Talk” was aired with the participation of the widow of the late singer Mikhail Krug, Irina, now also a popular and beloved singer by the public.

Her hit “Bouquet of White Roses” together with Viktor Korolev became one of the most popular on the Internet. And the performer’s concerts are invariably sold out.

Despite the fact that after the murder of Mikhail Krug 14 years ago, she was left without money and without outside help. And although the famous surname of her second husband played a role in her success, she also made a lot of efforts to win her place on the Russian stage.

“It was necessary to survive. Because Misha did not leave large fortunes. This is all talk... And when they came to open the safe, they thought that there was so much money there... I say: “There’s nothing there”...,” - Irina said. And yet, she managed to rise to the top musical Olympus. So, according to the singer, she visited the office of Joseph Kobzon, who explained to her the strict laws Russian show business. She learned these lessons well from the recognized master.

In the program, Irina told essentially the whole story of her life, in particular, she talked about all three of her marriages and the three children she gave birth to from each of her husbands - Marina, Alexander and Andrey.

Irina's first marriage was very difficult. The husband was from a very good family, a dentist by profession. From him she gave birth to a daughter, Marina. However, the husband first became addicted to drugs, then to alcohol and their family life went downhill.

By the way, Irina’s first husband recently died at the age of only 40.

Irina Krug with her first husband

Irina met Mikhail Krug when she worked as a waitress in the Chelyabinsk restaurant "Malachite". At that time it was the best and most prestigious restaurant in the city that was visited famous people. Incl. The chansonnier, who had already become widely popular, was also there.

Irina Krug is a waitress at the Chelyabinsk restaurant "Malachite". 90s

Once the director of Malachite instructed Irina to serve Mikhail Krug’s table. According to the girl, she was very scared, since Mikhail was known to be picky about food - he did not eat many foods (for example, garlic) and often caused scandals if the cooks were not pleased.

However, there was nothing to do - she went to fulfill her duties.

To Irina’s surprise, Mikhail offered her a job on his team. She did not immediately agree, because she believed that the star was simply mocking the provincial girl.

After dinner, Mikhail wanted to talk to Irina again. She asked her friend to stand with her - she was afraid to be alone with the singer.

“We were polishing cups for a banquet... He comes in... He was so polite. “I want to offer you a job, you will be a dresser.” It seems like you are earning money here. I say: “You know, I have a little daughter, I I won’t go.” I refused him,” Irina recalls.

No one in the team understood her; they said she was crazy for refusing such a tempting offer.

A big role was played by the fact that the then famous performer Katya Ogonyok came to the restaurant. The restaurant director told her about Krug's proposal to the waitress. And Katya Ogonyok remarked: “If Misha said it, then he will definitely take it away...”. This is what ultimately happened: Irina could not resist the onslaught of Mikhail.

Irina lived with Mikhail Krug for a relatively short time. They had two years civil marriage. In 2001 they officially got married. In 2002, the couple had a son, Alexander. And on the night of June 30 to July 1, 2002, Mikhail Krug was killed in his home by unknown assailants.

Even now it’s not easy for Irina to remember that tragic story...

Irina Krug in the program “Let Them Talk” (05/24/2016)

Now Irina is married for the third time. In 2006, she married businessman Sergei Belousov. They recently celebrated 10 years of marriage.

Irina Krug with her third husband Sergei

Irina Krug with her son from Sergei Belousov

In the “Let Them Talk” program, Irina showed her third husband. She also took the film crew through her new home.

On one of the bookshelves you could see a book about Mikhail Krug with a portrait of the singer on the cover.

According to Irina, she loves to cook; it is her hobby on which she spends her free time.

As for the older children, Marina is already an adult girl and lives separately from her mother with her boyfriend.

But common son Irina and Mikhail Krug - Alexander - studies at a cadet school.

Daughter Marina

Son of Mikhail Krug Alexander

And, of course, in the program “Let Them Talk,” Irina Krug, together with Viktor Korolev, performed her hit “Bouquet of Scarlet Roses.”

Irina Krug and Viktor Korolev