Maria Tishkova volost. Alesya Kafelnikova - biography, information, personal life

A couple of days ago, the mother of model Alesya Kafelnikova (18), Maria Tishkova, turned 43 years old. Alesya doesn’t often share photos together, but her mother actively maintains her Instagram, where photos with her daughter often appear (we didn’t even know that they spend so much time together).

And, frankly, in almost every photo they are very easy to confuse. By the way, Maria works as a stylist and often helps Alesya on set - they recently went together to shoot a film in St. Petersburg, and then flew to Montenegro (where Alesya was filming for a collection of wedding dresses).

In addition, Maria often shares her thoughts under the photo, including advice adult daughter: “Understand, the main thing is that “ bad weather, illness and fatigue" is not an excuse for real star! People are looking for her light in the darkness and in the abyss! Her job is to shine and give her love and light to people! If you are looking for light and energy from others, then you are just a lantern! #mom's advice And the sooner you understand this, the better..."

A post shared by MariaTishkova (@russianstylist) on Jul 29, 2017 at 10:23am PDT

Let us remember that Maria Tishkova and the tennis player (43) got married in 1998, but divorced three years later. By court decision, daughter Alesya remained to live with her father. A few years later, in an interview, the tennis player said: “We are already strangers. When Masha wants to be with her daughter, she calls my parents.” In general, Alesya lived with her father until she was 18 years old.

“I can’t say that my dad and I are close friends. We have a father-daughter relationship – a kind of carrot and stick,” she PEOPLETALK. True, just recently Alesya and her father. Kafelnikov wrote several scandalous tweets: “I can’t hold it in anymore!! Help"; “I am a loser father!! This is the most disgusting thing for any parent to realize this fact. But I don’t deserve it”; “I'm in hell! Later life begins to lose its meaning." And a few days later, his daughter answered him (also with a tweet): “Please tell E.A. (Evgeniy Aleksandrovich - Ed.) that he got around to spreading gossip on his Twitter.” No one knows what happened next, but something tells us that Alesya still does not communicate with her father.

Alesya Evgenievna Kafelnikova. Born on October 23, 1998 in Moscow. Russian model, daughter of the famous tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov.

Father is the most titled Russian tennis player, Olympic champion 2000, former world number one, vice-president of the Russian Tennis Federation Evgeny Aleksandrovich Kafelnikov.

Mother - model Maria Vladimirovna Tishkova.

Alesya has a half-sister, Diana (born 1995), whom her mother gave birth to from singer Christian Ray.

The parents were married for a short time - a little more than three years: from June 1998 to August 2001.

The divorce of Kafelnikov and Tishkova was accompanied by loud scandal and litigation. After the divorce, Alesya - according to the court decision - remained to live with her father, who surrounded her with care and attention. According to Yevgeny Kafelnikov, his daughter is the meaning of his whole life.

Some time after the breakup, Evgeniy Aleksandrovich and Maria Vladimirovna were able to improve their relationship (at some point it was believed that they could restore the marriage), so Alesya also always communicated with her mother. IN at the moment her parents maintain friendly relations.

She studied at Moscow school No. 1234, then received her education in England, then returned to Moscow again.

Since childhood, she has been fond of horse riding and has achieved good results in this matter.

WITH adolescence actively joining the world of fashion. In 2013, I received an invitation to a day open doors to the Elite modeling agency and took part in several modeling tests. However, then, first of all, her age became an obstacle to concluding a contract.

In September 2015, Elite scouts sent her parents a letter offering her a five-year contract. “Under the terms of this contract, I will have a rented apartment in London, pocket money, and a salary in pounds. But in London everyone advocates health and naturalness, so their modeling standards are different from Paris. When I first arrived at Elite, weighed 43 kilograms. They told me to gain weight and said that my hips should be between 88 cm and 92 cm in circumference. And in Paris, for example, no more than 88 cm,” said Alesya.

She gained wide fame not only thanks to her famous father, but through her activity in social networks, in particular Instagram. Her account had about 200 thousand subscribers - for unknown reasons, in 2016 she decided to close it.

In 2014, she participated in the fashion show of the young designer Kira Plastinina. In the autumn of the same year she became a debutante at the Tatler Ball, where she was accompanied by her parents.

She collaborated with the Avant modeling agency. She left there, according to her, because she received little attention.

The girl is constantly reproached for being anorexic, which greatly irritates her.

“What is anorexia? It’s a disease when people refuse to eat. But I eat normally and feel comfortable,” she retorts.

“I used to stick to a diet, making sure that food was steamed. But after concluding a contract with the Elite agency, my menu has become noticeably wider: now I almost don’t count calories and can afford my favorite nuts - I love them! I can probably eat them at once , two hundred grams. But this doesn’t affect my figure, because I swim and walk a lot,” she notes.

Moreover: “I like my thinness, I love my body,” says Alesya. "People who work in the fashion industry understand that it is beautiful. It is not a problem to be thin and healthy," she said.

In June 2016, she tried herself as a TV presenter - she was Andrei Malakhov’s assistant in the talk show “Let Them Talk” (the program was dedicated to the section “Afftar zhzhot”).

“Many people think that my father helps me, invests money in me. In fact, no. Now he goes to shows and is proud of me, but at first he was against it, he was angry that I wanted to work as a model, and didn’t even want to hear about it.” what kind of contracts and agencies. My dad’s only help is my last name, which everyone knows. So yes, partly I’m popular thanks to my father, but there’s no sign of financial investment here. If I didn’t have modeling data, I wouldn’t become a model,” Alesya emphasizes.

When it comes to clothing, she prefers the brands Zara and Topshop. At the same time, he notes that he is a fan of sports style. However, she says that “I’d rather buy riding gear than a new bag.”

Since 2016, he has lived permanently in London, where he pursues a modeling career.

In December 2016, she made a resonant decision and does not want to return to her homeland from London.

Alesya Kafelnikova's height: 176 centimeters.

Personal life of Alesya Kafelnikova:

Since the fall of 2014, she dated Nikita Novikov, the son of a famous restaurateur and the son of Arkady Novikov.

The couple was constantly together, the girl constantly posted joint pictures on social networks, often quite intimate photos. She even called her friend "husband."

It is known that the couple’s parents approved of their relationship - the families even vacationed together. However, by the end of 2015, their relationship had run its course. According to rumors, the reason for the breakup was distance: Nikita lives and studies in England, and Alesya at that time was mainly in Moscow (studying and mastering the modeling business).

“There was a lot of gossip around our breakup, including about infidelity, but in fact, we just lost interest in each other. He studies in Boston - we rarely saw each other, did not understand and did not feel each other. Therefore, the decision that I I will focus on my career, and he will study, it was decided together. Now we don’t communicate - it would be too difficult. We say hello when we meet in a company, but no more,” she explained.

Since March 2016, she began an affair with Russian junior hockey team player German Rubtsov.

Alesya for a long time hid the name of her new boyfriend, but later declassified it.

Their romance began at a photo shoot at the Olympic training center, where the Russian junior hockey team trains.

Just at the beginning of their relationship, Rubtsov found himself in a meldonium scandal (traces of meldonium were found in doping tests among players of the Russian junior hockey team). Alesya wrote about her worries for German: “Our whole family is now worried about him! Very much. All the guys from the MHL are feeling very bad now, not just Gera.”

At the end of 2016, Alesya began a relationship with rapper Pharaoh (real name Gleb Golubin). In January 2017.

Alesya Kafelnikova and Gleb Golubin (Pharaoh)

In October 2017, information appeared on the Internet that. Before that, Kafelnikova shared controversial statuses on her Twitter, in which she reflected on depression and suicide. In particular, the Internet was discussing the photo she posted with the caption “I dug a grave for the two of us.”

July 29, 2017

Diana - older sister model - rarely sees her and is not aware of the problems of his younger sister.

Photo: Instagram

Yesterday “I can’t hold it in anymore! Help!”, “I am a failed father!! This is the most disgusting thing for any parent - to be aware of this fact. But I don’t deserve it,” “I’m in “hell”! Further life begins to lose meaning...”, “Drugs,” the man wrote abruptly on his personal microblog. In addition, information appeared that the night before Alesya stopped communicating, and was later urgently hospitalized.

The very same young model denies the rumors. “Everything is fine with me, dad didn’t write about me,” the girl told Life. The girl did not explain who the alarming publications were dedicated to. However, fans of the star are sure: the girl really has big problems with drugs. She looks sick and often behaves inappropriately.

After separating from his wife Maria, Kafelnikov took Alesya into his upbringing by a court decision. His ex-wife was left with their daughter Diana, who was born from a short affair with musician Kristan Ray. Despite the fact that eldest daughter Kafelnikov was not a relative, with her he established warm relations and was very worried about separation from her.

Now Diana lives in the USA, she maintains relations with her father Christian Ray, as well as with her stepfather Yevgeny Kafelnikov. The girl congratulates not her mother Maria Tishkova on Mother’s Day, but her father’s wife Deborah Smith. He rarely communicates with his sister Alesya, although he always meets with her when he is in Russia. Diana is involved in charity work, travels around the world and helps sick children.

She did not comment on the information that Lesya had problems with drugs. The girl is now traveling around America with her friends from the volunteer program.

Few people know that Yevgeny Kafelnikov’s ex-wife, model Maria Tishkova, has two daughters Diana and Alesya. Many remember the huge scandal that erupted in 2001, when Kafelnikov and Tishkova were getting divorced and Evgeniy demanded that Alesya live with him. In a toga, the court gave Ales to his father. There was no talk about Diana then (she is not my own daughter tennis player), however, in all interviews Evgeniy claimed that very attached to the older girl.


Meanwhile, Diana was born from a short romance between Maria Tishkova and the once popular performer Christian Ray. The artist became famous in the early 90s, his most famous song in a duet with Kristina Orbakaite “Circle of the Moon, a sign of love.” He also distinguished himself as a successful producer. It was Christian Ray who took part in the recruitment and creation of the “Brilliant” group, co-writing with Andrei Grozny the first hit “There, Only There” and the duet with Olga Orlova “The Sound of Rain”. However, in 1998, Christian Ray met an American woman, Deborah Smith, in Los Angeles, who had worked in the entertainment industry for many years. They soon got married and had two daughters. Christian Ray now lives in the USA. Whether he maintains a relationship with his first-born, Diana, is unknown.

But Kafelnikov himself did not hide the fact that not only he is very attached to the girl, who should already be 20 years old this year, but also his parents. "They love not only our common daughter, but also Diana, who was raised from the very small age. My parents love both girls absolutely equally. Both of my daughters are wonderful, smart, developed girls.", Kafelnikov said in an interview when in full swing There was a divorce going on with Tishkova.

However, if youngest daughter tennis player Alesya is now incredibly popular in the media, publishing provocative photographs on social networks, giving interviews and participating in fashion shows, then nothing is heard about Diana. Meanwhile, it became known that Kafelnikov and Tishkova reunite. Their daughter Alesya spoke about this. "Dad said that he loved my mother, and everything started all over again. They started dating again and building relationships. I was very happy about this. Now my mother lives with us. To be honest, we put up photographs with my dad where we are looking for a wife for him , specifically to make mom jealous. We make mom angry, and she comes and screams: what is this at all? It’s not funny for mom, but dad and I are happy every time when mom is jealous of him, and then says, that if mom is jealous, it means she definitely loves him,” Super quotes Alesya Kafelnikova.