Interactive games for the whole family. Family Game Night

Now that the New Year's feast is behind us, it's time to enjoy pleasant family leisure. We have compiled lists of the most interesting board, word and writing games that will help bring together and truly engage all family members.

Invite your friends and family, the more players, the more fun the game!

Board games


For the minute that's counting down hourglass, you need to explain as many words as possible from the cards to the players of your team. The use of synonyms or English translation is prohibited. In expanded versions, sometimes words have to be drawn, mimed, or explained with certain emotions: theatrically sobbing or laughing inappropriately. The winner is the team that is the first to reach the end of the game board, on which all the players' successes are recorded.

Number of players: unlimited
Age: from 6 years


It is necessary to come up with associations for the cards from the game set. The difficulty lies in the fact that the images on the cards are far from simple, but very unusual, which makes it even more interesting. Having voiced his association, the player places the card face down on the table, and the rest must choose from their set the cards that are most suitable for what was said and place them next to each other. You will win if total mass At least one person will find your card (ideally: all but one).

Number of players: 4-7 people
Age: from 16 years


Having starting capital at the beginning of the game, participants must increase their wealth and ruin their opponents. All this happens on a square playing field, and the “businessmen” use cards, money and chips. Main goal: ruin the enemy and elevate yourself to the rank of millionaire and monopolist.

Number of players: 2-8 people
Age: from 8 years


The game begins with the distribution of game cards. Players take turns throwing their own card, matching the color or value, on top of the opponent’s card. If there is none, then you will have to draw from the deck until the required card is found. The goal of the game is to discard everything in your hands as quickly as possible. The last one to do this will be the loser.

Number of players: 2-10 people
Age: from 7 years

"Scrabble" ("Scrabble")

Participants receive seven starting letters (104 in total) and lay them out on a field of 15 by 15 squares, making up words. Players are awarded points for the number of letters in the word laid out.

Number of players: 2-4 people
Age: from 8 years

Board games with children


A simple and very cool game in which you need to rhyme objects in pictures. Whoever rhymes first takes the “used” cards, and whoever has accumulated the most of them wins. This is a very dynamic, exciting and creative game that trains intelligence and attentiveness.

First you need to shuffle all the cards and place 6 of them face down on the table. And immediately start looking on the cards for objects that can be rhymed, for example, coconut and apricot, or lilac and seal. Or you can find several rhyming objects at once, for example, a scarf-flower-pot, and take three cards for yourself at once - this will happen to the one who named the rhyme first. After this, the missing cards are reported to the table and the race for rhymes begins again.

Number of players: 2-6 people
Age: from 6 years


IN board game Drummer participants will have to get used to the interior of an ancient castle. Remember - there is a red chair, a blue book, a green bottle, a gray mouse and a white ghost. But don’t be afraid of him, the local ghost loves taking pictures and playing more than anything else. Sometimes, however, he gets confused with colors. The players' task is to open photo cards and grab the desired item as quickly as possible. How is the need for an item determined?

There are a couple of rules:

  • We only grab the item that is imprinted in the photograph with real color. For example, you see a green bottle in the photo - feel free to take it before someone else beats you to it - the bottle is really green.
  • feel free to grab an object that is NOT in the picture or color on the card. For example, a card with a white mouse and a blue bottle is open - which means you need to grab not the mouse, not the bottle, not the white ghost, not the blue book, but the red chair! - he’s just not in the photo.

Number of players: 2-8 people
Age: from 6 years

"Aviator Louie"

Brave Pilot Louis begins training flights in his little red airplane. And everything would go great if it weren’t for those annoying chickens! Yes, yes, if you don’t gain altitude in time, a collision with birds is inevitable. And then the surrounding farmers, in the role of the players, will be extremely unhappy!

Each participant has a special button at their disposal, by pressing which they can throw the flying plane up and thereby save their precious chickens. From the impact, Louis' airplane will spin and spin and perform real miracles on turns... Well, if you gape, then, alas, one of the chickens will fly off the fence.

Number of players: 2-4 people
Age: from 4 years


A cheerful round dance of cards was performed by the animals: a cat, a cow, a dog, a donkey and a sheep. Yes, they got so fast that now you can’t even see where anyone is - only faces and tails flash by. But the real game begins!

If you see a pair of identical animals, then be the first to slap the cards and shout loudly, like the chosen animals: “Meow!” or "Mooo!" Just make no mistake, your animals will run away from the wrong cry. By the way, watch out for the queen of the whole round dance - the pig, shout loudly "Oink!" and victory will become even closer!

Number of players: 2-6 people
Age: from 4 years

"Hey! That's my fish!"

There is a playing field consisting of 60 ice floes - hexagonal tiles (hexes) with fish drawn on them (each from 1 to 3 pieces). There are your penguins and your rivals. These penguins love fish and, in an attempt to collect as much as possible, jump from ice floe to ice floe. Their dependence on the fish is apparently so great that they completely lose control of themselves and are only able to move in a straight line. And once they start moving, they won’t calm down until they hit an obstacle, be it another penguin, the edge playing field or a hole that appeared on the site of a melted ice floe.

What is this melted ice floe, you ask? So, when a penguin leaves an ice floe, it melts, breaks into pieces and dissolves in water (in other words, it is removed from the field). And all the fish from it goes to this penguin (well, or to you, if you are its lucky owner). This is how they live. Who more fish by the end of the game he collects, he wins.

After a few games, you will probably become a much more sophisticated fish gatherer than when you started.

Number of players: 2-4 people
Age: from 8 years

Writing games


In addition to pen and paper, the game will require some kind of encyclopedic dictionary

The presenter finds a word in the encyclopedia that is unknown to anyone present (here we can only rely on their honesty - but cheating in this game is uninteresting and unproductive). The task of each player is to write an encyclopedic definition of this word, coming up with its meaning out of their heads and, if possible, disguising the text as a real small encyclopedic article.

Meanwhile, the presenter carefully rewrites the real definition from the encyclopedia. After this, the “articles” are mixed and read by the presenter in random order, including the present one, and the players vote for which option seems most convincing to them. Finally, the votes are counted and the points are distributed.

Any player receives a point for correctly guessing the real definition and another point for each vote given by other participants to his own version.

After this, the sheets are given back and a new word is played out - there should be about 6-10 of them in total. This game can also be played in teams: come up with imaginary definitions collectively.

Number of players: from 4 people

Game from Quentin Tarantino's film "Inglourious Basterds"

Each player comes up with a role for his neighbor (usually it is some famous person), writes it on a piece of paper and sticks the piece of paper on his neighbor’s forehead: accordingly, everyone sees what everyone’s role is, but does not know who they themselves are. The participants’ task is to use leading questions, the answers to which are formulated as “yes” or “no” (“I historical figure?”, “Am I a cultural figure?”, “Am I a famous athlete?”), find out who exactly they are.

In this form, however, the game exhausts itself quite quickly, so you can come up with completely different themes and instead famous people play, for example, in professions (including exotic ones - “carousel driver”, “taxidermist”), in film and literary characters (you can mix them with real celebrities, but it is better to agree on this in advance), in food (one player will be risotto , and the other, say, green cabbage soup) and even just into objects.

Number of players: any


The players choose a word, for each letter of which they will need to come up with a part of the telegram - the first letter becomes the beginning of the first word, the second - the second, and so on.

For example, the word “fork” is selected. Then the telegram could be the following message: “The camel is healed. I am treating the crocodile. Aibolit.” Another twist in the game is the addition of genres. Each player receives the task of writing not one, but several telegrams from the same word - business, congratulatory, romantic (the types of messages are agreed upon in advance). The telegrams are read aloud and the next word is chosen. 

Number of players: any


Each participant writes a word no longer than 6 letters that does not contain the letters: ь,ы,ъ.
Now you need to imagine that this is an abbreviation that needs to be deciphered.

The decoding can be the most unexpected, the funnier the better.

For example:

Hares Search for Freezing Climbers

Blonde Electrician Afraid of Acupuncture

Stepan patiently heaped the onion.

The one with the most original transcript wins.

Number of players: any


Each participant is given long strips of paper. On them you need to write your answer to the question and fold the piece of paper so that what is written is not visible, then the piece of paper is passed to a neighbor, in a circle.

In this manner, several questions need to be answered.

- Who?
- With whom?
- Where?
- When?
- What did you do?
- How did it end?
- What did people say about this?

After all the answers have been written, the sheets are handed over again, unfolded and read aloud one by one. There are no winners or losers in this game; the result is everyone's laughter.

Number of players: from 2 people

Word games


The presenter leaves the room for a short time, during which time the others decide which of those present they will wish for (this could be the presenter himself). Having returned, the player asks the others questions - what flower do you associate this person with, what vehicle, with what part of the body, with what piece of kitchen utensil, etc. - to understand who is hidden.

The questions can be very different - this is not limited by anything except the imagination of the players. Since associations are an individual matter and an exact match may not happen, it is customary to give the guesser two or three attempts.

Number of players: any*

The game is designed for big company, but if the company is small, you can expand the circle of those wishing for common acquaintances who are not present in the room at that moment, although classic version“Associations” is still a hermetic game.

Game of "P"

One player thinks of a word for another, which he must explain to the others, but he can only use words starting with the letter “p” (any except those with the same root). That is, the word “house” will have to be explained, for example, like this: “built - I live.” If you couldn’t guess right away, you can throw in additional associations: “building, room, space, the simplest concept...” And at the end add, for example, “Perignon” - by association with Dom Perignon champagne.

If the guessers are close to winning, then the presenter will need comments like “approximately”, “approximately”, “almost right” - or, in the opposite situation: “bad, wait!” Usually, after the word is guessed, the person explaining comes up with a new word and whispers it in the ear of the person who guessed it - he becomes the next leader.

Number of players: from 4 people


One of the players leaves the room for a while, and while he is gone, the rest come up with a word, the number of letters in which coincides with the number of participants remaining in the room. Next, the letters are distributed among the players, and a character is invented for each of them (therefore, words that contain “ъ”, “ы” or “ь” are not suitable). Until the word is guessed, the players behave in accordance with the chosen character - the presenter’s task is to understand exactly what characters his partners are portraying and restore the guess given word.

Let's imagine, for example, that a company consists of seven people. One leaves, the rest come up with the six-letter word "old man" and distribute roles among themselves: the first, say, will be secretive, the second - patient, the third - authoritarian, the fourth - cordial, the fifth - playful and the sixth - insidious. The returning player is greeted by a cacophony of voices - the company “lives out” their roles until they are solved, and the presenter asks the players questions that help reveal their character.

The only condition is that as soon as the presenter pronounces the correct character - for example, guesses the insidious one - he must admit that his incognito has been revealed and announce the number of his letter (in the word "old man" - sixth).

Number of players: from 4 to 10 people

"Find out the song"

The leader leaves, and the remaining players choose a well-known song and distribute its words among themselves - a word to each. For example, the song “Let there always be sun” is made: one player gets the word “let”, the second - “always”, the third - “there will be”, the fourth - “sun”. The presenter returns and begins to ask questions - very different and unexpected: “What is your favorite city?”, “Where does the Volga flow?”, “What to do and who is to blame?”. The task of the respondents is to use their word in the answer and try to do it so that it does not stand out too much. You need to answer quickly and not at too much length, but not necessarily truthfully.

The answers to the questions in this case could be, for example, “It’s difficult for me to choose one city, but let it be Rio de Janeiro today” or “The Volga flows into the Caspian, but this does not always happen, every third year it flows into the Black” .

The presenter must figure out which word is the odd one out in the answer and guess the song. They often play with lines from poetry rather than songs.

Number of players: from 4 to 5 people

"Favorite letter"

A letter is selected, and the players need to answer any question from the host with words starting only with that letter. The presenter's task is to ask tricky questions, confuse the players. The game is played in a very fast pace. If a player makes a mistake and names a word with a different letter, or hesitates and fails to name a word using the “One-two-three” count, he is eliminated from the game, and the next participant is called - he pulls out a different letter. The one who never makes a mistake wins. And so on until the game gets boring.

Here is an example dialogue:

What is your name?
- Novel
- What country do you live in?
- In Russia
- What is your favorite vegetable?
- Radish
- What movie did you watch yesterday?
- Romeo and Juliet
- Your favorite writer?
- Remarque

Number of players: any

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Time spent with family is priceless. In the bustle of days, disappearing every day at work, it is quite rare to be able to be at home with your family. And when a holiday comes or you have a free day, you really want to spend it in a special way!


In order not to rack your brains about what to come up with so interesting, we offer a sea of ​​options - with what you can fill and decorate any holiday with your family!

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If there are children in the house, they will be happy to play games with their parents. The game can be absolutely anything, the main thing is that all family members participate in it, and no one is left out.


After reading in detail about each game, you will be able to choose the ones that you like the most and are suitable for you!

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"Cablegram" (game for adults and children from 5 years old)

You will need paper and pencil.

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How to play:

Step 1. Write the name (child, grandmother, your name, dog's name, etc.) on a piece of paper in a column. You can also write just a word. The word must consist of 5 or more letters.

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Step 2. Together with the children, come up with your own interpretation of this word, i.e. a sentence in which words begin with the letters of a given word and follow in order.


Example 1.


G - Giant


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A – ataman


The sentence turned out like this: “A giant robot is looking for the ataman’s hat.”

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Another version of the same name: “A loud roar frightened the walking artist.” Or: “The robbers said to the inspector: “The sixth one has been arrested.” Or: “The goose lay down, pretending to be the skin of an antelope.”

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Example 2.


S - Sergey


B - in the evening

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T - hard


A - apricot.

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The result was a sentence: “Sergei ate a hard apricot in the evening.”


The sentence must make sense, although elements of fantasy or humor are allowed.

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Game "Facial expressions and gestures"

The presenter thinks of a word and tells it to one of the players who will play with this item. The task of the person showing is to describe the object as much as possible with gestures and facial expressions. Under no circumstances should you talk. Those guessing, in turn, by asking leading questions, must recognize what kind of task the presenter gave.


The game is very exciting, especially if the participants have a sense of humor and have acting skills.

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Find a surprise (treasure)

The whole family can play this game (the parents come up with the task). For kids, the task will be in pictures, for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren - in the form of cards with words (“table”, “on the window”, “in the closet”).

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Step 1. Hide your surprises unnoticed from children in different places in the apartment. For the little ones, draw a plan of how to go to the treasure. On the plan, be sure to mark the place where the child will start. For older children (who are learning to read or already can read), lay out the path clues in the form of words or short phrases.


For example, a hint for children 5-7 years old - the note says in large letters the word "window". This means that you need to look for the next path sign on some window in the apartment.


For children over 7 years old, the hint may be different: “Look on the window.”


Or a hint in the form of a riddle, a rebus, or a “guess the missing word” task.

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Step 2. The child looks for a surprise either according to the plan or according to the way signs (they found a note on the table with the word “window”, went to look on the windows.


We found the clue “cabinet” on the window in the kitchen. We went through different closets in the house and found the clue “sofa”.


A surprise was found under the pillow on the sofa.

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Step 3. The child always receives his own surprise (calendar, small toy, piece of paper with a picture, etc.), even if he needed help along the way.


This game is very interesting for children and they enjoy reading the words and learning to use the plan.

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"Funny Tale"

All you need is paper and a pencil.


The first player writes the beginning of the fairy tale, then folds the paper so that the next participant does not see what is written.


In a circle, all players write one desired line for a fairy tale, while bending a piece of paper.


The game ends when the sheet is completely rolled up.

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Game "Search for the Lost"

Game for adults and children from 3 years old


This competition for the whole family develops attentiveness and visual memory of its participants.




For props you need a colored tablecloth and many small items. These can be tubes of lipstick, small boxes, caps, ballpoint pens, teaspoons, matchboxes - in general, anything you find at home. The more varied the details, the better.

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All these utensils are laid out on the table, which is previously covered with a tablecloth, and the participants sit around.


The essence of the game is to remember all the objects lying on the playing field and immediately notice the object that disappears from the table.

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Example. The driver invites the players to look carefully at the table and try to remember many more objects and how they are located. After which everyone must close their eyes, and the driver removes from the table and hides one of the objects.


At his command, the participants open their eyes and try to figure out which object has disappeared.


The one who guesses becomes the driver.

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Game of Changelings

A game for adults and school-age children.

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The players' task is to solve famous expressions, said the other way around. For each guessed expression, the player receives one chip. The one who guesses the most shapeshifters wins. He is awarded a medal. The rest of the players are also awarded, but with a certificate for participating in the game.

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Here are our favorite game-changers that we played during the holidays in our family, with colleagues at work, and with friends. First, give the players a few examples of shifters and their answers, and then start a fun game of riddles:

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Happiness moves in heaps (Trouble does not come alone).


If you start having fun, stay at home like a coward (When you’re done, go out boldly)


Hid the fact that it is an algae - get out of the aquarium (Called yourself a milk mushroom - climb into the back).


To scare dogs - to walk around the city (to be afraid of wolves - not to go into the forest)


The back of the head is small because of courage (Fear has big eyes)


Baldness - male disgrace (Braid - girlish beauty)


The policeman's felt boots are getting wet (The thief's hat is on fire)


Out of idleness, you will release all the squids into the ocean (Without difficulty you will not catch the fish from the pond)


The scout near Moscow will abandon (The tongue will bring to Kyiv)


Strollers are afraid of cleanliness (Tanks are not afraid of dirt)


The night is fun in the morning, because there is no one to rest (The day is boring until the evening, if there is nothing to do)


Happiness is gone - close the window (Trouble has come - open the gate)


The anchor in the company turns black (the lonely sail turns white)


Logic of the Black Stallion (Bull's Delirium)


The hare is eaten by the hands (the wolf is fed by the legs)


The animal stalls humiliatedly (The man sounds proud)


The flames have stopped! (The ice has broken!)


He disappeared into the field, it was a little hot (He came out of the forest, it was bitterly cold)


Run, century, I'm terrible! (Stop, just a moment! You're beautiful!)


Jung. Young, burst into tears! (Captain, captain, smile!)


The tornado squealed a hymn to him: “Get up, cactus, get up!” (The snowstorm sang a song to her: “Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!”)


Rested tools of production do not sleep (tired toys sleep)


Than enemies to sit in a gloomy dungeon (than friends wandering around the world)

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If I were a king

The game develops imagination. Before the game, agree with the children where you can take things for it (from the nursery, or just from the living room, etc.). And say that the rule of the game is that after use, all things will need to be put back in their places.

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How to play

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Step 1. The first team starts (choose it by lot). They say: “If I were (hereinafter called the role, for example, king), then I would have (hereinafter called 5 objects, for example, throne, crown, servants, palace, mantle).

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Step 2. The other team must quickly find these things in the room within the 3-5 minutes allotted to them. For example, a scarf can become a robe. If a chair is draped with a blanket, it will be a throne. At the signal, preparations end.

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Step 3. The second team presents to the first what they came up with. And the first one evaluates.



Then the teams change places and the game is repeated. For the game, you can take on different roles: professions (doctor, ship captain), fairy-tale characters (Cinderella, king, Pinocchio, etc.) At the end of the entire game, all things are put in their places.

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Game "Bundle with a gift"

This game can be played by the whole family or a group of friends. Moreover, the more participants there are, the better. This game develops very valuable moral quality a person – the ability to share with others and the ability to abide by the given word and rules, the ability to rejoice at the success of another person and not perceive it as a personal defeat.

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For the game, prepare:

1. Bundle. Take a small surprise and wrap it in paper. Secure with tape (clear tape). Then wrap it again in a layer of paper and secure it with tape again. And so on until you get a bundle of many layers of paper. Fasten the layers so that you can easily unfold them during play.


2. Surprises for each player (picture, calendar, candy, nut or something else).

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How to play:

Stand or sit in a circle. Three of you can play with your child. Or maybe in a large circle of acquaintances and friends. Turn on the music and pass the bundle to each other in a circle while listening to the music. When the music stops (you can either assign someone, like Grandma, to be “in charge of the music” or pre-record the music with pauses), the bundle stops.

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The player who has it in his hands unties it. And then he passes the package with a surprise around the circle. The bundle becomes lighter and lighter, and no one knows when the layers will end and the prize will finally appear. With each step, it becomes more and more difficult for the child to pass the package and you really don’t want to give it away! But you have to share, because the rule of the game is to pass it on as soon as the music starts.


At the end of the game, the last player - the “lucky one” - unwraps the package and receives a surprise!


But all players must also receive a little surprise so that the children can rejoice together.

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Game "Traffic Light"

Use a rope or line on the floor to mark two lines - the starting line and the line for the traffic light. One person in this game will be a traffic light. We choose him according to the counting rhyme.

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The players stand at the starting line, and the traffic light stands on the other side of the room with its back to the players.


The players' task is to quietly approach the "traffic light" and touch it.


The game ends when everyone has touched the traffic light.

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How to play:

The traffic light counts to 10: “One, two, three, four, five” and suddenly quickly and unexpectedly says: “Red light,” immediately turning to the players.


Players must freeze in place at this signal. If the traffic light notices that one of the players is continuing to move, it sends them back to the starting line.


You can confuse players by changing the tempo of the count, making pauses. The game teaches children to manage their behavior and control their movements.

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Game "Magic Melody"

This game is an experiment, it will be interesting for children of any age and adults.



Take glasses or glasses. It is better to find a set of identical glasses or glasses (6-12 pieces), but if there is no set, then you can take identical jars or identical glass bottles.

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Pour water into the bowl so that it is on at different levels in every vessel. Show your child how to make sound, for example, by gently knocking a spoon on a glass (glass). Let the kids experiment. Let them try to understand which vessels produce a higher or lower sound. You can also use drumsticks.


Try playing different melodies on this unusual musical instrument made from tableware. This captivates not only children, but also adults!

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Game "Changing!"

This game can be played both at home and outdoors. summer time. Minimum quantity players - 4 people.


Everyone stand in a circle. Or sit in a circle on chairs.


One player (we choose him according to the counting rhyme) is the driver. He names the other two players, for example: “Mom and Dasha.”


At these words, mom and Dasha should change places with each other, that is, mom should sit in Dasha’s place, and Dasha should sit in mom’s. At the same time, the presenter tries to be the first to take someone else’s place - either mom’s or Dashino’s.


Whoever is left without a place leads in the next game.


The game develops attention and reaction speed.

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You can also please your loved ones and play

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Have fun games and harmony and peace in your family! I really want to believe that games for the whole family will bring many joyful, bright moments into your life! I wish you success in carrying them out! Happy holiday!

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Fun competitions for the family will entertain and unite relatives. Competition between families will add excitement to the games and boost team spirit. Competitions with the participation of children will not let the kids get bored. Fun relay races and games will add special excitement to the family holiday and leave pleasant memories.

    The competition involves 2 or 3 people. Each participant receives ice cream in a waffle cup. The contestants' task is to eat dessert as quickly as possible. But there is one condition: the ice cream must be eaten from the other side, that is, from the bottom of the cup.

    The participant who eats the dessert faster than the rest wins. It is a good idea to give out plenty of napkins before the competition starts as the ice cream will start to leak at some point.

    Game "Full Serious"

    All family members play. First, players must come up with keyword(for example, "tomato"). After that, they begin to ask each participant any questions in turn. The players' task is to answer the question posed with complete seriousness on their faces using the keyword. The one who laughs leaves the game. The most serious player wins.

    Sample questions

    • What's your mom's name?
    • Who are you friends with?
    • What's your favorite movie?
    • What subject at school do you like best?
    • What's your favorite book?
    • What is 2+2?
    • Which one is yours? strong trait character?
  • Game "It Was There"

    All family members play. A certain set of objects is laid out on the table (the more, the better): comb, scissors, fork, book, pins, etc.

    One of the players takes on the role of leader. He stands near objects. The rest of the participants must remember what is on the table within 10 seconds. Then they close their eyes and the leader removes one of the objects. After this, the players open their eyes. Their task is to name the item that is missing. The person who guesses first changes places with the leader. The game continues until interest disappears.

    Game "Woof"

    2 family members play (or 2 teams of 2 people). To play you will need a large deck of cards. They must be mixed well and distributed to each participant (group) in equal quantities.

    Players (teams) begin to simultaneously remove cards from their deck and place them face up. If the same cards come up (for example, two jacks or two eights), participants must quickly shout the word “Woof.” Whoever managed to do this earlier takes this deck for himself. The participant (team) who has the entire deck of cards in their hands wins.

    Game "Body Parts"

    Game-entertainment. All family members play. You need to prepare cards in advance, on each of which you should write certain part body: ear, heel, left finger, knee, etc. Before the game starts, all the pieces of paper are put into a hat and mixed.

    Then each participant takes turns taking out a card and saying out loud what is written on it. All players must touch this part of the body first with the left, then right hand. This needs to be done very quickly.

    The game helps to cheer up the participants and lift everyone's spirits.

  • Game "Family Menagerie"

    All family members play. Each participant writes the name of any animal on a paper sticker and sticks it on the neighbor’s forehead so that he does not see the inscription. The players' task is to guess their animal. To do this, participants take turns asking leading questions that can be answered clearly and specifically “Yes” or “No.”

    Sample questions

    • Does this animal live in the forest?
    • Does it eat honey and berries?
    • Is this a bear?
    • The game ends when everyone has guessed their animal.

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When, at a family holiday, the table ceases to arouse keen interest among guests and owners of the house, philosophical topics are usually used and global political disputes are started, but someone usually yawns desperately and looks sideways at horizontal planes, or even at door.

Well, that means it’s time to move on to an active celebration program and diligently involve everyone present in fun games. Choose those that will be appropriate today, now, in this company.

Better yet, entrust the organization of entertainment to the children. They can not only help mom set the table, but also become real “stars” of a family holiday. The main thing is to help them believe in themselves. Who knows, maybe for someone this will be the beginning of a truly stellar career?


This game is especially good for a male company - and is also appropriate for adults, serious men, and for fun kids. Two teams play. The winner is the one who completes the leader's task first. The presenter announces a topic, for example: “By height”, the participants of each team must line up by height (either from the smallest or from the largest, by agreement). This is followed by: eye color; the floor we live on; number of letters in names; age; foot size, etc. How much imagination does the presenter have?


You need to make boats from walnut shells or plain paper and glue triangular sails to them. We let the boats float in a plate. We blow on them in different directions. You can hold a competition for the most beautiful, fastest, and even the most unsinkable ship.

"Formula 1"

This game is especially appropriate in the company of male drivers. But kids play it no less enthusiastically. After all, auto racing is truly interesting!

The players sit around a table, a fire, or simply sit in a circle on the floor. The goal is to become the best Formula 1 driver. To do this, all you need to do is remember two simple commands:

1) Vroom-m (the sound of a speeding car).

2) And-and-and-and (the sound of the brakes, similar to a squeak).

To run the machine in a circle, say, clockwise, the player turns to the neighbor on the left and says: “Vroom-m.” The one to whom the car “arrived” can:

2) Unfold it in the face of the “sender” and say “and-and-and-and.”

Now the “sender” must “go” to the right. The one who:

1) When “letting” a car pass, he will turn to his neighbor and say not “vroom-m,” but “i-i-i-i.”

2) When “braking” the car, he will say “vroom-m” instead of “i-i-i-i” in the face of the “sender”.

After “riding” enough, you can introduce a time limit for the answer. As a result, the remaining 2-3 drivers “in the game” are designated “Schumachers” and sprinkled with something “suitable” from drinks, at their discretion (as you know, champagne is used in real races).

Auction for ladies

The presenter sets a certain feminine topic (for example, “flowers”, “cosmetic companies”, “elements of clothing”, “jewelry”). The participants’ task is to name words related to this topic in random order. The participant who names last word, gets a bonus point.

Women's logic

The presenter names several items. Participants must name the item that is odd on this list and explain their decision. For each correct answer, the participant receives a prize point. Examples of tasks “What’s extra?”:

Hair coloring with henna, basma or hair dye. (Coloring with paint, since henna and basma are natural dyes)

Vanilla crackers, bread crumbs, raisin crackers. (Breadcrumbs as they are not a ready-to-eat product)

Viscose, cotton, polyester. (Polyester, since viscose and cotton are natural materials)

Eau de toilette, lotion, perfume. (Extra lotion because it is used for hygiene purposes and eau de toilette and perfumes - like perfumes)

Basting, machine stitching, overlock. (Basting, since it is done by hand, the rest is done on a sewing machine)

Non-standard situations

The facilitator offers each participant difficult situation, from which he must find an original way out. Participants who give the most interesting answers receive a prize point. For example:

You have been preparing for the party for a long time, you specially bought an elegant dress to impress everyone. However, when you arrived, the lady of the house’s outfit turned out to be exactly like yours. What to do?

You are waiting for your husband's parents to arrive. To make an impression, you decide to cook something special. However, nothing works out for you: you over-salt the soup, the roast burns, and the pie looks like a sole. You don’t have time to fix anything because guests are already ringing the doorbell. What to do?

Before an important date, you went to the hairdresser. As a result of a terrible mistake, your hair was dyed in green. There is one hour left until goodbye. What to do?

You came to the holiday in a knitted dress. You are talking with a distinguished guest and suddenly notice that someone has caught a jacket button on a thread of your dress and the further he moves away, the more it unravels. And the conversation is not over yet. What to do?

The participant with the most points receives a prize.


Any number of participants can play. All participants in the game sit at the table, if it is a free area, they form a large circle. In the center is the driver with a handkerchief in his hands. He throws the handkerchief up as it flies, everyone laughs loudly, as soon as the handkerchief is on the table or on the ground, everyone calms down. As a rule, at the moment when the handkerchief touches the ground, the “most laughter” begins, and the “fanta” is taken from the funniest ones. A phantom can be a dance performed, a song, a joke told, or a humorous “task.”


For this game you need 1 more men than women. The players line up in lines opposite each other. When the melody starts playing, the men “snatch up” the ladies, and the “extra”... dances with a mop! It's quite fun to watch the loser tenderly hug the mop. 18

Shoe for Cinderella

Guests are divided into two teams. In each, a captain is chosen, and both must leave the room for a while. Teams sit opposite each other, take off one shoe or shoe at a time and throw it in the center on one pile; You can also put “extra” shoes in the pile - use the supplies stored in the closet. The captain's task is to quickly put on his team's shoes. The first team to wear shoes wins.


For this competition, it is better to divide into teams: “boys” and “girls”, regardless of the age of the participants.

From balloons of various sizes and shapes, the “boys” need to sculpt using tape female figure, and “girls” can create a sculpture of the “ideal” man.

Some of the balloons may already be inflated. In addition, you need to stock up on a sufficient number of uninflated balloons and threads. Interesting to use for this game balloons various sizes and shapes.


The game involves pairs (a man and a woman). In addition, a bottle (glass or plastic) and a flower (real or artificial) are required for each couple.

Women clutch bottles under their arms, and men take flowers in their teeth. The task of each pair is to put the flower into the bottle as quickly as possible without using their hands.

The couple that completed the task faster than others receives a prize.

Like Aunt Irina

Those playing the counting rhyme choose “Aunt Irina,” who goes to the center of the round dance. The round dance joins hands, walks in a circle and sings:

Like Aunt Irina

There were seven children

They didn't drink, didn't eat,

Everyone was looking at auntie,

They did this at once.

Aunt Irina makes all sorts of grimaces, stands in unimaginable poses (squats on one leg, presses her knee to her chin, etc.). All players must accurately repeat her gestures and grimaces. Whoever makes a mistake and inaccurately repeats the aunt’s pose will replace her in the center of the circle and will show the players what to do.


The game is very good in a large children's or youth group, but it is also quite applicable in a closer, but no less friendly, circle. So, everyone stands in a circle, behind each other. At the command of the leader, everyone takes the person in front by the waist, and everyone together makes “hip movements” left-right-back-forward. It’s better, of course, to play the game with music! Further the task becomes more complicated. The leader asks to grab the waist of the person in front through one! Then, as you may have guessed, the “hip movements” are repeated left-right-back-forward. Then the task becomes more complicated again, now it is proposed to grab the waist of the person standing two people in front! Naturally, movements of the hips... The game is played until “there are enough hands.” At the end of the game, as a rule, everyone cheerfully “falls” onto the floor!


The “male” half of the company participates in the game. It’s an honorable task to make jewelry for the woman you love!

It is very convenient to string pasta or clothespins (and if you have them, then shells, large wooden or plastic beads) onto shoelaces with hard tips. What a fun way to present best decoration to its lucky owner! A little photo session wouldn’t hurt – it’ll be something to remember later!

Hands on the table!

Those who want to participate in the game sit close to each other on one side of the table. They receive some small object (coin, button, nut), put their hands under the table and begin to quietly pass this object from hand to hand. The driver sits on the other side of the table. Seizing the moment, he suddenly commands: “Hands on the table!” Everyone should immediately place their hands on the table, palms down. In order not to give away who is holding the coin (by holding it between their fingers), the other players also hold their palms in a “boat” manner, clasping their fingers tightly. And yet the driver can guess who has the coin and in which hand (by accidentally knocking the coin on the table, by too tense and slow movements, etc.). At the request of the driver, the player must show this hand. If the driver guessed correctly, this player replaces the driver. If you don't guess correctly, the game repeats. The main rule: whoever drops or throws away the transferred object in a dangerous moment becomes the driver.

"Football" with fluff

Two teams sit on opposite sides of the table. The table is divided in half - as a rule, folding tables have a middle line. If it is not there, then the line can be marked with chalk on the tablecloth or with thread (to make it stretch, tie its ends under the table).

A “ball” - a bird feather - is placed on this midline (a light ball of wool, cotton wool, or foam rubber is also quite suitable). Players from both teams simultaneously begin to blow on the “ball,” trying to blow it off the table onto the “opponent’s” half. The team that succeeds “scores a goal” against the “opponent”.

The game again starts from the middle line and is played until the agreed number of goals.


The presenter scatters on the table about 20-25 different small items prepared in advance: nuts, badges, pencils, coins, pins, etc. Everyone looks at them carefully for one minute, and then the presenter covers all this property with a newspaper. Now all the players take turns naming one of the objects, without repeating what has already been named. Anyone who fails to do this within 5 seconds is eliminated from the game. The last one not eliminated is the winner. It is advisable for the presenter to have an alphabetical list of items and mark those that have already been named.

What has changed?

If you want to test your powers of observation and memory, ask them to look carefully at those sitting, then go out for 1-2 minutes. When inviting the driver to re-enter, those remaining in the room must keep everything the same, except for 5-7 changes, which everyone will agree on. For example, you can rearrange the vase on the table, two people sitting can change places, maintaining the same positions, you can slightly change someone’s hairstyle, remove their badge, etc. The driver, returning to the room, tries to detect as many changes as possible. Then the one whose change was noticed before the others goes to drive.

Game of charades

A charade is a riddle in which the hidden word must be guessed in parts, each part itself being a whole word, for example: trace - experience, steam - mustache. The game of charades can be simplified a little: parts of the word are already given, and you need to put them together into a whole word. Write in advance on pieces of paper the words that make up the parts of charades: trace, steam, experience, us, pass, port, floor, sack, wasp, round, hay, gas, shaft, spruce, dock, yar, fret, brand, mouse, weight, yak, period. Place the sheets of paper with these words on the table without of a certain order. Let everyone take the two words that make up the charade. Whoever collects the most charade words is the winner.

Five points

Children play this game especially well. Fold identical sheets of paper in a stack and pierce them through with a needle in five places. Each participant in the game receives a piece of paper and marks the punctures on it with dots. Then he makes a drawing - any one, but so that the line of the drawing passes, without interruption, through five points. This is a competition not only in the ability to draw, but also in intelligence and wealth of imagination.

Repeat and add

They agree to name words on a certain topic - for example, the names of games. The first player calls: hockey. The second one repeats: hockey and adds: checkers. The third already says three words: hockey, checkers, charades. Finally, someone will not be able to repeat, without making a mistake, the entire series of words (hockey - checkers - charades - crossword - tag - rounders - badminton - third wheel - blind man's buff...). This player is eliminated, and the next one in turn repeats the attempt. The one who said the most wins long row words It is advisable for the organizer of the game to record the words called in order in a column and ensure that the order of the words is observed when repeating. This game is also good because it will help you collectively remember a lot good games. You can play some of them right away.

Fish, animal, bird

The players sit on the sides of the room. They choose a driver. He walks past them, repeating three words: “Fish, beast, bird...” Suddenly stopping in front of someone, he pronounces loudly one of these words, for example, “bird.” The player must immediately name a bird, for example “hawk”. You cannot hesitate and name those animals, fish or birds that have already been named before. Anyone who hesitates or answers incorrectly pays a forfeit, and then “buys him back” - reads poetry, sings, etc.

Prize with a secret

For this game you will need a large box, postcards for the number of participants in the game, prizes for each participant. Cut each card in half. On the back of one of the halves write the name of the prize, and on the other half write the tasks. Tasks can be as follows:

Sing a song

Tell a poem

Ask an interesting question

Tell a funny story

Make a riddle

Express a wish

Sing a duet with someone

Say a phrase, an aphorism for thought

If you have many game participants, you can write the same tasks twice or come up with others. Place the halves of the postcards with the task in a box, and put the halves of the postcards with the names of the prizes in prominent places in the room where the game is being played. Invite everyone present to take halves of a task card from the box and take turns doing what is written on the card. After completing the task, the player looks in the room for the other half of his postcard, where the name of the prize he deserves is written. When a half is found and the halves of the card match, the presenter must give that player the prize indicated on the card.


Everyone sits in a circle on chairs or just on the floor. The blindfolded person sits in the middle, holding a pillow in his hands. After he is blindfolded, everyone changes places and remains silent. The driver tries to feel someone's knees with a pillow, then puts the pillow on these knees and says: “Quack-quack!” The player who has a pillow on his lap must answer him in the same way (it is allowed to change his voice). The driver must identify the player by his voice and say his name. He is given 3 attempts. If the driver guessed right, they change places.

Story from the header

Everyone writes on separate pieces of paper, each one writing one word of their choice. The leaves are collected and mixed in a hat. Then everyone takes one piece of paper from the hat and reads it to themselves. The point of the game: tell a coherent story using words from a hat. The first player starts with the word: “One day...” and comes up with a sentence using the word he pulled out. The second continues and so on. The stories turn out to be very funny and are remembered more than once!

Musical instruments

Divide everyone into several teams of 2-3 people. Each team receives a piece of paper with its name musical instrument and must depict the game on it, supplementing it with sounds and movements. The group is given a minute to prepare. Then, one by one, the groups introduce themselves and the rest guess the instruments.

Give each of the two interlocutors 10 nuts, a topic for conversation and tell them that they need to communicate in pairs, talking and asking questions about the topic, but without saying the word “I”. When one of the pair says the word “I,” his interlocutor takes one nut. The one with the most nuts after 5 minutes is the winner.


You will need pencils, crayons, sticky tape and large leaf paper Give each team a set of pencils. At different ends of the room, attach a sheet of paper to the tables or to the wall so that your opponents cannot see. Each player receives only one part of the task (description of the drawing). Everyone chooses a place on a piece of paper, and everyone begins to draw at the same time.

For example:

1. A man in blue pants...

2. ...cries a lot...

3. ...a striped toy in his hand...

4. ...cries a lot...

5. ...on the street under the maple tree...

1. Baby in a stroller...

2. ...holds a bottle of juice...

3. ...drinks Coca-Cola...

4. ...reads a book...

5. a stormy sea...

Dogs and roosters

The players sit in a circle. The driver gives everyone the name of the city. Then he says: “I heard that in the city... dogs crow and roosters bark.” The player whose city was named replies: “No, sir, in the city... dogs don’t crow and roosters don’t bark. The city where dogs crow and roosters bark is called...” The player whose city was named responds in the same way. If someone does not answer immediately or is confused, he gives a deposit. When there are a lot of pledges, they are redeemed by completing the tasks of the presenter.


Blindfolded, you need to reach the designated place without touching the placed objects (shoes, watches, dishes, etc.). If you want to amuse the participants, for the second or third time, when everyone has already seen what kind of objects are lying on the floor, ask someone to take off the watch and put that down too. Then blindfold the participants and replace the watch... eggshell, placing it where it is more likely to be stepped on. It is difficult to convey the feelings of a person who knows that there is a clock on the playing field and hears the crunch under his own foot...


Take a large empty egg carton. Write a number from 1 to 30 on the bottom of each indentation. Place the target cardboard on the floor. Divide the players into 2 teams. Draw a line one and a half to two meters from the target and give each team 4-5 balls. The goal is to hit the spaces and score as many points as possible, but the ball must hit the floor once before hitting the target.