Surgery games. Free surgeon games for girls

Virtual surgery - great opportunity try yourself in the role of a savior. This is where you can stitch up a wound or even perform heart surgery. Or maybe you want to be a dentist? In any case, our characters need you! Surely you looked at all these complex professions and wondered how people manage to perform such complex operations. With the help of our games, you can study the process and mechanics of virtual surgery online in more detail, and even do it for free. However, do not repeat anything you saw in life, it is dangerous! But online you can feel like an assistant to a doctor, surgeon or dentist, and maybe even perform all the treatment yourself. Moreover, you won’t have to study for more than 8 years to do this. You can try everything right away, because in online games There is an opportunity to replay the level and correct the situation. Take courage and get started, people are waiting for you. At we have many games with various situations and injuries. Perhaps the talent of a brilliant surgeon or dentist lies within you? We need to check this out, don't we?

Pick up a scalpel and begin surgical operations to transplant a heart, kidney, and so on. As you may have guessed, we're talking about about a new unusual surgeon simulator. There are just some small problems. Your main character He just doesn't have the medical skills. Now let's move on to storyline. But you can download Surgeon Simulator via torrent easily and quickly from our updated game portal.


You get used to the role of an unusual medical worker, that is, a surgeon who must perform many surgical operations over a certain period of time. Your hero has no corresponding medical education and there are not enough surgical supplies to carry out operations. At the beginning of the game you have a body that you have to work on. But there are no tools. What remains to be done? You must try to complete the operation. The first surgical operation in the game is a heart transplant. This is such a difficult task. Study the game process, follow the prompts, and then it will be easier to perform further operations.


The gameplay of the game is very interesting. Before you is the hand of your main character, which selects the necessary surgical instruments, and you will also see how it easily removes the insides from the patient’s body. The game looks great because you are constantly in suspense - you must save the patient - and then you will have the opportunity to buy more for yourself necessary tools to implement further operations. You open the patient's skull - this is the most difficult thing in the game. You can control the surgeon's hand using the mouse - there is nothing complicated here. In the game Surgeon Simulator, the torrent of which can be downloaded by every user of our new game site, you will perform complex operations, for which you will receive an appropriate reward in the game.

Initially, you will use only the most necessary surgical instruments - the choice is limited, but later you can get a bunch of useful items for yourself in order to quickly carry out various operations. The graphics are simply excellent, they will allow you to fully enjoy such an unusual medical simulator. Don't be alarmed when a stream of blood comes out of the patient - act immediately. Cool and wonderful game!

Features of Surgeon Simulator 2013

  • Diverse patients. You will perform magic on the bodies of various characters, including even military men who were simply pierced through by bullets. Here you need to try hard - this is a difficult and crucial moment in the game.
  • More operations. Starting with a heart transplant, you will also be able to perform kidney transplants, perform complex bone marrow transplants, and also be able to perform a craniotomy. For this, receive rewards to improve your surgeon's abilities.
  • You can make fun of your patients in the game. Just gut all the insides and get more bonuses. Dark humor takes place in this exciting game.
  • Transform yourself into a real surgeon. At first you will be an inexperienced doctor who will be afraid to perform an operation, but as the game progresses, earning points, you will be able to become an experienced and qualified surgeon who will save the lives of many people.
  • Complex operation. The most complex operation in the game it’s a brain transplant. To do this you need to go through many game missions. Such an operation can be carried out at the very end of the game - but we still need to get to that point.
  • Patient convulsions. In the game you will see real fever when you do operations. You also need to cope with your patients. So become a surgeon from God in the game.

On this page, using the button below, you can download Surgeon Simulator 2013 via torrent for free.

What do young children most often want to be when they grow up? They answer this question differently. Boys want to be businessmen or cool racers. The girls say that they will either become a teacher or a doctor. Although it is worth noting that basically all famous and talented surgeons are men.

Operation games can help all those who love medicine in its details and subtleties. After all, in order to become a nurse and doctor, you need to study a lot, not only in theory, but also in practice. Nowadays there are games such as virtual surgery. In them you will be able to perform operations performed by real doctors himself. high level, in order to do this you will need computer mouse and keyboard. You must carefully monitor your every action, because someone’s life is in your hands.

In operation games, you will be given a time within which you will need to complete the job. Under no circumstances should you be distracted or make rash actions, because they can cost someone their life. All your patients want only one thing - to get better as quickly as possible, and your mission is to help them achieve this. At first it will seem to you that the operation game is very difficult, but you don’t need to despair and think that you won’t succeed. You need to be patient and put in a little effort, because in surgery games you will be saving lives, and this cannot be learned very quickly. To become a real surgeon, you need to have a steady hand and nerves of iron, in order to be able to cope with the stress that all representatives of this profession have to endure literally every day. You need to be hardworking and patient and then you will succeed.

Playing Operation games, you will be able to understand whether responsible and very difficult work surgeon or not. After all, it may be that you simply like this profession, but your calling is completely different; this is exactly what operations games will help you figure out. Each of these games has its own plot and its own mission that you will need to complete.

Operation games are a great way to keep busy free time. It may seem at first glance that the name of these games sounds scary and even repulsive, but in fact they are very interesting and exciting. In operation games you will have the opportunity to become a real savior of people's lives.

Today there are many games related to the treatment of patients. Today they try to treat everyone and everything. The youngest gamers like to actively participate in the healing process of their favorite dolls or fairy-tale cartoons, but those who are older prefer “adult” games. A special place Among these are simulators of virtual operations. Here you can test your own perseverance and determination, endurance and self-control. And the game itself cannot be taken other than seriously and responsibly.

The games are largely aimed at making tomorrow's students understand how realistically they see themselves in the role of a doctor. After all, playing Doctor Aibolit in a children's sandbox is one thing, but deciding to pick up a real scalpel with a clamp and start cutting a virtual body, even while being well aware that you are acting for the benefit of the patient, is completely different.

IN real life Not only doctors are faced with operations; in order to monitor everything and respond to the slightest changes in the patient’s condition in a timely, clear and quick manner, you need to have a close-knit team that understands each other not just at a glance, but even at a glance. That is why in the operating room, along with the operating doctor, there is also an operating nurse, an anesthesiologist, a cardiologist, and in some cases also several assistants.

Excellent preparation

First of all, you need to know that such simulators are not suitable for the faint of heart. Children should not take part in them either. But for those girls who have decided to devote themselves to medicine, such games will bring invaluable benefits. IN game form here you can get acquainted with many nuances future profession in general and operations in particular. At the same time, the most important thing that everyone needs to understand is the fact that the venue for such a procedure can only be the operating room. It’s clean, sterile, there’s always a lot of tools at hand that may be needed in a given situation, and of course everything necessary equipment. It should be remembered that any carelessness can be fatal, because nothing is at stake, but human life.

Due to the fact that almost all operation games are in Russian, girls can easily understand where they made a mistake and how this or that action should have been done correctly. A lot of attention is paid here to knowledge of anatomy and biology, but these subjects, and even chemistry, are the most important for those who decide to become a health worker. In a form understandable for girls and boys, you can learn about the structural features of certain organs and skeletons, what the patient’s blood pressure should be during surgery, and even why test results are very important for its successful implementation.

The girls are also introduced to the sets of necessary tools. Of course, everyone knew about the existence of a scalpel before this, and they also guessed what exactly it was needed for. But with the same clamp, not everything is so simple. Judging by the name, this thing should be clamping something, but during surgery, it is with the help of a clamp that the incision is opened slightly to ensure better access to the diseased organ. Other instruments are also used here, the names of which are familiar to many, but not everyone is aware that they are used in medicine.

There are also electrodes and a screwdriver and even a saw and drill, but such a tool has nothing to do with construction, but during an operation it can be very useful. For example, an electrode is used to stop the bleeding at the site of soft tissue dissection, and a specific drill is used to make holes in the bone to attach special plates and, if necessary, fix broken bones in the desired position.

How games work

Online today you can directly participate in an operation to remove appendicitis or help a patient who has a displaced comminuted fracture. You can even join the work of neurosurgeons. In addition, any girl can have general idea and about surgical intervention in front of the eyes and in the heart.

The operations games themselves are designed in such a way that you are always led exactly along the right way. And if in order to properly assemble a broken bone, you first need to take an x-ray, then so be it. No one is allowed, even while playing, to expose patients to undue risk. Even the choice of location for the procedure in games is given special attention, because they are equipped differently.

I’m just wondering what heights the greatest Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov, who was the founder of Russian military field surgery, could have reached in his time if he had access to such computer simulators. Once upon a time, it was this man, who lived and worked back in the 18th century, who first used anesthesia on the battlefield and became the author of the first atlas on topographic anatomy.

For those who today decided to devote their future to medicine, games about surgery will be very useful. Being a doctor is a calling, and good doctor- talent, and talents, as you know, need help always and in everything. And it is still unknown what heights those who today devote their free time to games about performing operations will be able to achieve tomorrow, learning a lot of valuable and useful information about the work of real doctors.

If you love Operation games, then today is your day! After all, right now we are starting a completely new section, which is radically different from its analogues in that it has an unusual structure. Of course, regular visitors had the opportunity to make sure that we regularly update our resource with high-quality and new information. Let's try to slowly and consistently analyze the ones that are so attractive to the younger generation. The essence of the applications we disassemble is that you will have to deal with real operations. There are all sorts of situations in people's lives, and sometimes incidents occur that require immediate surgical intervention.

But, as you know, this is not an easy task and requires extremely high vocational training, as well as a huge store of knowledge. One way or another, all the specialties available in the plot of the operation game must be very polished. For, if we assume an emergency situation where sudden decisions will have to be made, and the main character will not have experience, then the outcome of the case may be undesirable. Actually, that’s why in past times they took the selection of applicants applying for a place in medicine so seriously. state university. Of course, many things are acquired through direct practice and life in general, but some inclinations, which cannot be avoided, must be embedded in a potential doctor.

We, during the game operation, must make every effort to achieve the necessary results. If we look at the following situation in the text, then it will become clear what we want. So, let’s turn on our imagination and realistically fantasize about a city clinic and a surgeon’s waiting room. You, as a responsible doctor, are obliged to help a child who has a broken nose and is suffering greatly. As a continuation of the game for girls, you will be offered various tools in order to implement one or another treatment scenario, developed by many years of scientific work.

Try to perform all actions slowly and carefully so that no infection gets into the open wound. Many cases are reliably known when, due to the negligence of those treating people, representatives of the human race received many problems. We are sure that you will not have any difficulty in accomplishing important things without a single deviation. We recommend that at the time of stitching or treatment with brilliant green, you talk with the victim so that he is calm, balanced and not afraid. Let online surgery games will bring many joyful, pleasant and cheerful minutes to all users’ leisure time.