Why is it necessary to learn English? Why do you need English: learning features, application and recommendations

I wonder what our students think about the subject, why do they study it?

Ilya Zalygaev, 7th grade student
" I really love learning English. I study it at school, study it at home, even sometimes in computer games. My English teacher is Liliya Anvarovna Valirakhmanova. She is a very good teacher.

I really need English. I am studying it because I will need it in the future to get a good education and then get a good job. I study English so I can play computer games, because most of them are in English. I am learning English so that I can travel to other countries in the future. And also in order to communicate with your friends in English, because it’s a little more interesting and varied.
Now English is an international language.
English is very necessary and important for me."

Rakhmanaliev Zakhar, 7b grade student
Why am I studying English?

"Hello! Today I want to tell you why I am learning English. Firstly, English is very popular nowadays, secondly it is interesting, very interesting, thirdly I will need it in my future education and career. In the future tense I’m going to travel abroad to English-speaking countries, and for this, of course, I need to know and be fluent in English. I’m also studying English because I want to watch films, read books in the original language, and as I already said, this is very necessary. for travel. I want to make friends in different countries, for this I study English. Nowadays English is studied in many countries. Many countries communicate with each other in English, they write important letters in it. English is needed in almost all professions, especially. for pilots and sailors. In general, learning English in our time is very useful and even necessary!

Rakhmanaliev Zakhar, 7B


Bugulma 2014

Gavryushenko Inna 7 B class

What is English used for? Why is it studied? Everyone has their own answer to this. So why am I teaching him?
Many book translations are generally far from the original by the best writers in England. There are “closer” ones. But isn’t it great to read books in the original, understand the meaning of what is written, laugh at the jokes and worry with the characters?
I also want to learn English so that I can see the world someday. Yes, England is indeed the dream of many! Maybe someday I will be able to fulfill my old dream - to go abroad to green lawns and suburban houses, to fresh air! And truly I will find there what I am looking for.
For a very long time, maybe six years ago, I dreamed of long journeys. The choice, of course, fell on England. Why? Maybe because England is considered one of the most comfortable countries in the world. But what do you need to go to England? Right. Learn English and know it flawlessly; you need the ability to easily and naturally communicate in companies and learn more and more about the very first language of the world. That's why I'm learning English!

Gubaidullina Aliya 7B
"I started learning English in the second grade and now I have been studying this language for 6 years. English is a global language. About 20% of the world's population speaks English. In the modern world, most of the information is given to us in English. In many countries this language English is also the international language of businessmen, pilots and there are many such professions. For example, you want to become a flight attendant or a pilot, then you must learn English, the language of international communication. Many people go on vacation abroad. English, then you will have a wonderful time on your vacation. And if you don’t know it, then you won’t be able to ask for directions when you get lost, or register.at the hotel and so on. From early childhood we read books by English writers. It seems to me that it is difficult to find a person who does not know works such as: “Tom Sawyer,” “Romeo and Juliet,” “Robinson Crusoe.” I am studying English because it will be useful in my future profession. I have not yet decided on my choice of profession, but it will definitely be related to English. "

Why do I study foreign languages?
English is a very interesting language. And learning it is also very interesting, and most importantly: this language is needed everywhere. In Africa, India, China...
Not a single Frenchman (without knowledge of Spanish) will be able to find out from an Argentinean where the Obelisk is in Buenos Aires, and English will help him figure out what is where. English is an international language. Almost the whole world can speak it.
All self-respecting people need to know English. After all, if you don’t know the language, you will simply be laughed at and you will find yourself in a very stupid situation.
Why am I learning English?
I am a very developed person and I believe that if a person says that he is smart and knows the language well, but he himself cannot connect two words, then he is stupid. The English language is understood in my two favorite countries: the Netherlands and the UAE. I want to go there and generally travel around the world. Secondly, I want to become a successful person. And you can’t become one if you don’t know English.
English is very popular, and I think it will continue to be

develop at an even faster rate. Sitdikova Aigul

Bekmurzaev Emil,

7th grade student

Why am I studying English?

There are many different languages ​​in the world. The most popular of them is English. It is the language of international communication. Therefore, a modern person must know English.

English is one of my favorite subjects at school. I study it because it is very important. In addition, English is an interesting and beautiful language. I believe that knowledge of the language will be useful to me in the future, as I want to travel a lot to different countries. I decided to become an engineer, and for this I need to know English well, because many technical texts are written in English. Knowing the language, you can study the most advanced technical inventions. I also really want to read works by foreign authors in the original. I really like listening to music in English and I want to understand the meaning of the lyrics.

Like everyone else, I have a dream. I want to go to Jamaica, but without English I won't be able to communicate with its people.

Since English is the language of international communication, a person who speaks it has more prospects and opportunities in life to achieve success in study and work.

Ustimova Ksenia 7th grade

I am very learning English. I see a lot of people studying it now. I need English in my future so that I can have a good education, I watch many films in English and I read many books in the original.Learning languages ​​is very important today. English is a world language spoken by many countries and peoples. Some people learn English for work, and some for their own interest. I know that English is used in some professions related to linguistics. Today, knowledge of a foreign language is a necessary thing to get a good profession. To be a famous public figure, you need to know English very well. In the future I want to become a diplomat, for this I need to know English and many other languages ​​perfectly.

Imagine that you have received the following assignment: write an essay on the topic “Reasons for learning English.” You may have questions about how to write such an essay, what arguments to use, what reasons to give, etc. That's what we want to talk about today. Surely, many of you have encountered such a task, whether at school, at university, when applying for a job or in other life situations. How to write an essay about the reasons for learning English? In principle, an essay on this topic must be in the arsenal of a schoolchild/student or an ordinary person, otherwise you never know how the circumstances will turn out. First, let's figure out what the reasons are for learning a foreign language, then we'll look at the rules for writing an essay, then we'll move on directly to the essay itself.

Let us together, dear readers, identify the reasons why people study foreign languages. Why is it necessary to be able to speak English? In fact, there are a huge number of such reasons, and each person can give specific reasons why he decided to study English or another foreign language.

There are many individual reasons: someone will say that learning English is fashionable, someone is forced by circumstances, someone is going abroad, but English is an international language and it will be useful everywhere.

Someone, especially girls, dreams of marrying a foreigner. Some people are forced by their parents (if we are talking about children). Some people just want to be polyglots and try to master as many languages ​​as possible. In general, as you can see, there can be many reasons to speak English, and everyone has their own.

But we want to focus on general reasons that will suit everyone, and also that you can write about in our essay. Knowing foreign languages ​​is really very useful and often such knowledge helps out in various everyday situations. Nowadays, we can say that English replaces other foreign languages ​​because it is an international language. If you speak English, then you speak all languages!

Knowledge of English will help in work, in business, in communicating with foreign partners, in social networks, in technology and computers. You can easily watch movies without translation, read books and listen to music in the original. Knowing English makes it easier to travel because you can easily avoid the language barrier.

We conclude: there are many reasons to learn English; it is really necessary and useful to know it.

Let's remember the rules for writing essays

Now, friends, let's talk about the structure of the essay. The rules for writing an essay are simple and not at all complicated. The main thing here is to show maximum imagination and imagination. So, here's what we need to write an essay:

  • Thesis

This is the topic of the essay itself, what is proposed to be explored, analyzed or commented on in this written work. Do not present the thesis as dry and, so to speak, “naked.” Give a short introduction, an introduction that will bring readers up to speed.

  • Three arguments

In these arguments, you must explain whether you agree with the thesis or not and why. Each of your arguments should begin with the words “Firstly,...”, “Secondly,...”, “Thirdly,...”. You can present five or ten arguments, it’s up to you. But three is the required number of arguments, that is, at least three.

  • Conclusion

Everything is clear here, the conclusion is the conclusion of your essay.

In your work you can also use quotes from prominent personalities, proverbs and sayings, examples from books, films and your own life. By supplementing your essay with such materials, you will make it more vibrant, artistic, and, therefore, interesting!

Follow these simple rules, friends, and you will definitely have a great essay!
Structure and rules for writing an essay

Phrases and approximate structure of an essay in English

The beginning of an essay (in fact, an essay on a given topic) is a statement of the problem. In the first paragraph (introduction), you need to tell the reader the topic of your essay, paraphrasing it, using synonyms of keywords (showing that you have understood it). Then you should hint to the reader what position you will take. Use impersonal or vaguely personal sentences to emphasize your objectivity.
Many people think... but others do not agree. Many people think (that) ..., but others disagree.
Let us consider what the advantages and disadvantages of… are. Let's look at what the advantages and disadvantages are...
Let's consider some pros and cons of it. Let's look at some of the pros and cons (of this).
Let us start by considering the facts. Let's start by looking at the facts.
Let us start by considering pros and cons of it. Let's start by looking at the pros and cons (of it).
It is generally agreed today that… Today it is generally accepted that...
The following phrases can be used when you want to consider the pros and cons. Don't forget to use linking words.
To begin with, … . Let's start with the fact that...
You can…. You can (You can)… .
Firstly, … / Secondly, … / Finally, … . Firstly, ... / Secondly, ... / Finally, ... .
One argument in support of…. One of the arguments in support of...
The first thing that needs to be said is…. The first thing to say is that…. (First of all, it should be said that ....)
First and foremost…. First of all...
It is true that ... / clear that ... / noticeable that ... . It is true that ... / It is clear that ... / It is noteworthy that ...
One should note here that…. It should be noted here that...
Another good thing about… is that…. Another positive point… is (that)….
The second reason for…. The second reason….
It is often said that…. It is often said that...
It is undeniable that… It cannot be denied that...
It is a well-known fact that…. It is well known that...
For the great majority of people…. For the vast majority of people...
We live in a world in which…. We live in a world in which...
A number of key issues arise from the statement. For instance,…. This statement raises a number of key issues. For example, … .
One of the most striking features of this problem is…. One of the most striking aspects of this problem...
First of all, let us try to understand…. First of all, let's try to understand...
The public in general tends to believe that…. The public as a whole tends to believe that...
What is more,… . Moreover, … .
Besides, … because it is … . Moreover... because...
Doubtless, … . Undoubtedly...
One cannot deny that…. It cannot be denied that...
It is (very) clear from these observations that … . From these observations it is (absolutely) clear that... .
On the other hand, we can observe that…. On the other hand, we can observe that...
The other side of the coin is, however, that… . However, on the other hand,...
Another way of looking at this question is to…. To look at this problem from the other side, you need... .
One should, nevertheless, consider the problem from another angle. However, we should look at this problem from a different perspective.
One should, however, not forget that…. However, we should not forget that...
If on the one hand it can be said that … the same is not true for … . And if, on the one hand, we can say that ..., the same cannot be said about ....
On the other hand, … . On the other side, … .
Although…. Although … .
Besides... Besides, … .
Moreover,…. Moreover, … .
Furthermore, one should not forget that…. In addition, we should not forget that...
In addition to…. Except (that)….
Nevertheless, one should accept that…. However, it must be recognized that...
However, we also agree that…. However, we also agree that...
You can support your idea with the opinion of (some abstract) experts.
Experts… Experts...
…believe that…. ...believe that...
... say that ... . ...they say that...
... suggest that ... . ... assume that ... .
… are convinced that … . ... are convinced that ... .
…pointed out that…. ... note that ... .
…emphasize that…. ...emphasize that...
According to some experts… According to some experts,...
Perhaps we should also point out the fact that…. Perhaps we should also note the fact that….
It would be unfair not to mention that fact that…. It would be unfair not to mention the fact that...
One must admit that…. We must admit that...
We cannot ignore the fact that…. We cannot ignore the fact that...
One cannot possibly accept the fact that…. It's hard to come to terms with the fact that...
From these facts, one may conclude that…. From these facts, we can conclude that...
Which seems to confirm the idea that…. Which seems to confirm the idea that...
Thus, … / Therefore,… Thus, ... / Therefore ... .
The most common argument against this is that…. The most common argument against this is that...
At the end of the essay, you draw a conclusion.
In conclusion, I can say that although …, … . In conclusion, I can say that although ..., ... .
To draw the conclusion, one can say that…. To summarize, we can say that...
So it’s up to everyone to decide whether … or not. So everyone must decide for themselves...whether...or not.
The arguments we have presented … suggest that … / prove that … / would indicate that … . The arguments we have presented ... presuppose that ... / prove that ... / indicate that ... .
From these arguments one must ... / could ... / might ... conclude that ... . Based on these arguments, it is necessary ... / one can ... / one could ... come to the conclusion that ... .

Common introductory phrases in English

Introductory phrases Introductory Phrases
Moreover, … Moreover,...
Most of all... Most of all...
It is important to note that... It is important to note that…
It's important to remember that... It is important to remember that…
The important thing is that... An important point is that...
At the moment,... At the moment, ...
In conclusion... In conclusion...
In the end, … After all...
Anyway, … In any case, … / Anyway, … / Either way, …
Actually... Actually...
Firstly, … Firstly...
All in all, … All in all...
Instead of... Instead of…
First of all... In the first place,…
From time to time... From time to time...
As a result... Аs a result of…
Really, … Indeed...
In order to… In order to...
I must admit... I must admit...
In other words... In other words...
Makes sense... It makes sense (to)…
It seems (that)... It seems that...
In short, ... / In short, ... In short, … / In a nutshell, …
Besides, … Besides...
Fortunately … Fortunately, ... / Fortunately, ...
Unfortunately, … Unfortunately...
Besides, … In addition,...
By the way, ... / By the way, ... By the way...
I should... I should… / I had better…
It may seem that... It may seem that...
Finally, … Finally...
In fact, … In fact, … / Actually, …
As far as I know... As far as I know, …
As far as I can tell... as far as I can judge, …
It doesn't matter what... It doesn't matter that...
It's not surprising that... It is not surprising that… / It is no great surprise that…
But besides this... But other than that...
However, ... / However, ... However...
In a word... In a word...
It turned out that... It turned out that...
Frankly speaking, ... / Honestly speaking, ... Frankly speaking, … / To tell the truth, …
In my opinion, … In my opinion...
In truth,... To tell the truth, …
In fact,... As a matter of fact, ...
First of all... First of all, … / Above all, …
It goes without saying that... It is self-evident that...
It goes without saying that... It goes without saying that...
It should be noted that... It should be noted that...
At first … Аt first, … / First, …
I advise you... I advise you (to) ...
On the one hand, ..., on the other hand, ... On the one hand, …, on the other hand, …
Also … Also...
Just like... As well as...
In the meantime... Meanwhile, … / Meantime, …
However, ... / Still, ... / However, ... Nevertheless...
It is well known that... It is well known that…
As for... As for … / Concerning …
This could mean that... It can mean that...
I would prefer... I would rather...
I would like … I would like to...
I think ... / I believe ... / I believe ... I think, … / I believe, … / I guess, …

Let's start writing your essay!

And now that we have had a brief tutorial on the structure of an essay, let's get down to writing the written work itself. So, our task is to write an essay about why you need to study English. Keeping the rules in mind, you can do something like this:

Every one of us knows the famous Chekov’s phrase “As many languages ​​you speak, as many times you are a man.” It’s true, because if we know many languages, we are intellectually richer. The modern life conditions dictate us the necessity of knowledge of English. That’s why we want to investigate the causes of the learning of English language.

Firstly, English is a language of universal and business level. Those people who have business with foreign partners, those who have some affairs with economics need to learn English. Those people who like to travel, need to study English. If you come in a foreign country and you don’t know its language, the knowledge of English will help you. Knowing English, you will easily pass the security check, you’ll take a room in a hotel, you’ll walk in the city, etc. Knowledge of English helps to communicate in the internet, to find new friends.

Secondly, English is a language of modern technologies, communications, computers and internet. The internet helps to find new friends from different countries, and it means to communicate. Computer programs, games, everything is in English, so these innovations demand to know English.

Thirdly, a good knowledge of English can help you in your job. It is a good opportunity to make translations, to prepare documents, to organize excursions, to teach. English is necessary in many domains: in economics, in programming, between journalists.

And fourthly, it’s an excellent way to diversify your life. Knowing English allows learning the culture of English-speaking countries, their traditions and customs. It’s a great opportunity to find new friends and extend the communication, because it’s possible to speak with the dwellers of different cities. Knowing English, you can watch movies, read literature and listen to songs in English language.

In conclusion we can say that learning English is necessary and useful nowadays. It may be a simple hobby, but it gives a lot of opportunities and helps to understand better your mother tongue.

You can download the translation of this essay from the link below.

This is the essay we got! You can diversify it with your own arguments or formulate a different conclusion. We have only shown an approximate example of writing an essay on this topic.

We wish you good luck, keep going!

(3 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Why you need to learn English for tourism and travel. How to teach. Online English school Skyeng: promo code for 2 free lessons.

Why do you need to learn English for travel?

Skyeng School

Why does a traveler need English?

English most popular language in the world

Of course, after Chinese. But this is because there are many Chinese. But English is spoken everywhere. It is the most widely spoken language in the world. It is an official language in 60 of the 196 countries. In total, 1.5 billion people in the world speak English, and another billion are learning it.

All this means that for travel, in most cases, it is enough to know only English.

New features

I can talk about the opportunities that knowing English gives for a very long time. If you want to see the world, this language is vital for you.

1. Communication with people

Traveling is, first of all, a story not about meeting new countries, but about communicating with people. You will never know what it is to be a traveler while you are sitting in a hotel that was bought by a Russian tour operator. Because your neighbors are entirely compatriots.

I'm wondering now, how many times have you promised yourself to learn English upon returning from a trip? This desire arises because you yourself know how many opportunities you are missing.

I know English well, and communicating with foreigners is a special pleasure. When I travel with friends or family who don't speak English, I see in their eyes the desire to communicate too. As a result, I constantly act as a translator. And even in this situation, they lose a lot.

And you can also make new friends.

2. Navigation

Knowing English, you are much less likely to get lost in a foreign country. Although this point is now less relevant for many, thanks to maps in mobile phones.

Advice: Always download offline maps before your trip. I recommend the Maps Me app.

But communication with local residents will tell you better than any guidebook where to eat deliciously and inexpensively, what to see, and what transport to use. They will generously share with you lifehacks of staying in their country.

3. Saving money

There are many services that help you save money while traveling. For example, Couchsurfing, WWOOF or Home Exchange. These services allow you to live for free in a foreign country. You can go anywhere as a volunteer and only pay for your travel. Or you can live with foreigners. Agree, this incredibly expands your ability to see the world on a limited budget.

You've probably heard more than once about people who hitchhike to a foreign country without money. Knowledge of English will allow you to implement this bold idea. Many people love to communicate with travelers and are happy to help them. Often you just need to ask for help, and they will take you where you need to go, feed you and invite you to visit.

Russian-speaking tourism is not as developed as English-speaking tourism. That’s why the most interesting excursions are conducted in English. Firstly, such excursions are several times cheaper than Russian-speaking ones due to higher competition. Secondly, there are many audio guides in English, after downloading which you can safely go and explore the famous attraction for free.

5. Work and live in another country

With knowledge of English, it is much easier for you to go to live in another country. For example, spend the winter in Thailand. English teachers are in high demand in Thailand, as they are almost everywhere else in Asia. You don't need to be a guru, the Intermediate level is enough to earn $1000 a month.

You can easily obtain a residence permit in many European countries by going to study at their universities. And this is the first step on the path to permanent residence or even citizenship.

Direct acquaintance with culture and art

It just so happens that English-speaking culture is the most popular in the modern world. This is easy to notice by the number of English-language literature in the ranks of bestsellers and the percentage of foreign films in cinemas. And then there is music.

If you knew English, you would understand how much translation spoils everything it touches. I'm serious. You can’t imagine what gorgeous voices foreign actors have. For you, all the characters in the films speak through the voices of a handful of people who voice the films. Please note that many main characters in completely different films have the same voice.

Books that pass through the mind of a translator lose a huge part of their charm. And this is not because the translator is bad, he simply cannot convey the entire gamut of the work in another language. This is impossible.

I am silent about the crooked translations of your favorite songs on the Internet. Poetry suffers the most.

Access to knowledge

Did you know that 55% of information on the Internet is in English? And the second most popular language is Russian, and only 6% of all pages on the Internet are written in it. Now imagine how much knowing English increases your ability to learn new things for free. 95% of all scientific articles are published in English. Numbers speak most eloquently.

I think we have figured out why to study English, now let's move on to the question of how. Globally, any learning can be divided into 2 types: independent and with the help of a teacher.

How to learn a language?

You can learn English on your own if you are basically self-learning and don't need outside support.

To do this you need:

  1. Learn grammar;
  2. Learn foreign words. First, just memorize the basics (there are lists of the “1000 most frequently used words in English”), and then watch films and read books;
  3. Communicate with native speakers in real life, via Skype and by correspondence.

All. The most important thing is to immerse yourself in this environment as much as possible while learning a language, so the process will go faster. Watch already familiar films in English, even if you don’t understand anything. Communicate with foreigners, even using a translator at first. The message here is very simple, the language is quickly learned when it is needed for some purpose: to talk with another person, understand a movie, etc. By throwing yourself into an uncomfortable state of misunderstanding, you artificially create necessity.

But there are still a minority of people. Many people need outside support. And for this there are tutors, courses and English schools. I want to tell you about one of these schools today.

Skyeng English School: prices, promo code

I think you know without me that the further you go, the more training moves to the Internet. You will also have convenient interactive platforms for completing tasks, and the opportunity to study via Skype without leaving your home. This means saving time on getting ready and traveling.

Skyeng Features

  1. Free first lesson so you can get acquainted with the system as a whole and understand whether such training is right for you.
  2. Free determination of your English level, useful advice from a methodologist and drawing up a training program.
  3. Individual selection of a teacher. Skyeng employs 1,420 teachers. Teachers will be individually selected for you based on your temperament and interests. If you don’t like the teacher, you can always replace him for free.
  4. Own interactive platform Vimbox. There you will do your homework and visually track your progress.
  5. No need to buy additional textbooks and notebooks.
  6. Convenient mobile application for memorizing words. Moreover, you will learn not just any words, but those that the teacher gives you in accordance with the material you have covered and your knowledge.
  7. At the end you will receive a certificate confirming your knowledge.
  8. After training, you will have access to all the materials you have completed.

Conditions of study

  • All classes are individual, the teacher's attention belongs only to you.
  • The cost of a lesson is the same as for a group - from 690 rubles, with a native speaker - from 1270 rubles. You can pay in installments. Money is returned upon request.
  • Lesson duration – 50 minutes.
  • You can reschedule your lesson for free. Frequency of lessons: 1-3 per week.
  • There is a loyalty program. The longer you study, the greater the discount. You can also invite your friends. For each friend you will receive 2 free lessons for yourself and your friend.

English courses for travel

Skyeng has a special course for travel. First of all, it is aimed at live communication, and therefore half of the classes are devoted to speaking. All communication takes place in English. You will speak already in the first lesson in a safe environment. And that's great!

The choice of English schools via Skype is now very extensive. You can choose any other one. What captivates me about Skyeng is the technology of their platform, ease of learning and quality control. The choice is always yours.

And we, in turn, give you promo code for 2 free lessons at Skyeng- just enter TRAVELEST in the promo code field.

It is believed that now every educated person should know English. But many people do not have enough time and desire to start studying it.

In this article, we will look at 29 motivating reasons why you should know English. And these are not just words. We we'll show you real success stories of our students.

Knowledge of English can improve and make your life easier in various areas. How? Let's see.

English for work and professional growth

One of the main reasons for learning English is the opportunity to apply your knowledge in the workplace. Knowledge of English and the ability to use it will help you:

1. Get a higher paying job.

Nowadays, when searching for a job, almost every interesting vacancy includes a requirement - English language skills. Knowing the language, you can get a job in international a company where the salary level is higher + there are various additional options (gym, insurance, business trips).

It is very important for every professional to be aware of the latest trends in their field. Unfortunately, in many areas Russian sources are much inferior to foreign ones. Today, 85% of all scientific papers are published first in English. Knowing the language, you will be able to read books, articles and blogs by foreign authors that have not yet been translated into Russian, and perhaps will not be translated.

3. Find partners and suppliers at international exhibitions.

At international exhibitions, everyone speaks English, despite the fact that participants come from different countries of the world. It is at such events that contracts are concluded and new partners are found.

4. Participate in international conferences and trainings.

Conferences and trainings are held in many areas: medicine, programming, law, marketing, sales, etc. Knowing the language, you can take part in them and receive a lot of useful information that you use in your work.

For example, people very often come to our Easy Speak courses to learn a language for this very reason.

5. Use foreign sites.

You can find a lot of useful information on the Internet in English. New trends, current cases, research appear every day. Very useful for specialists who are trying to apply new technologies in their work.

6. Conduct negotiations with partners independently.

English is necessary in international business, since all negotiations are conducted in English. Knowing the language, it will be easy for you to establish contacts with partners, because personal contact is always much more pleasant than communication through a third party.

7. Go on business trips to other countries.

Of course, everyone wants to combine business with pleasure: work and at the same time have the opportunity to see different countries. When choosing between several employees, management will choose an employee who is fluent in the language.

English for travel

All people love to travel! What could be better than discovering new countries? What advantages can speaking English give travelers? Knowing the language, you will be able to:

8. Travel on your own

You don't need to overpay travel agencies. You can easily buy tickets, book a hotel and go on a trip. This is especially true when you like to travel around cities rather than sit in one place. You can decide for yourself how many days and in which city you should stay.

9. You can always resolve problems with the hotel.

If you paid for a room with a sea view, and you were accommodated with a view of the wall of a neighboring building, you can always resolve this problem with the help of your knowledge of the language. Knowing the language will also come in handy if you require additional hotel services or if something in your apartment does not work.

10. Don’t overpay for hotels.

Nowadays there are a lot of resources that allow you to contact a person anywhere in the world and rent an apartment from him in advance, which will, of course, be cheaper than a hotel room. Also, many people are ready to accommodate travelers completely free of charge. There are also special sites for this. Registration and communication on them, of course, takes place in English.

When planning a trip, all people study reviews about hotels, cities, etc. Many of them are mainly written in English, especially about places where our compatriots rarely go. With knowledge of the language, you will easily understand whether it is worth booking a hotel room or not.

Need to buy sunblock or juice? No problem. Knowing English, you won’t stand in front of a shop window for half an hour, guided by the pictures on the labels.

13. You will be able to bargain.

Many sellers, especially in markets, are willing to give you a significant discount if you just ask them. If you speak English, they won't have a chance to plead that they don't understand you.

14. Learn about culture and traditions from local residents, not guides.

Want to experience the culture of the locals? Who else but they can tell you where to go and what to see in order to better understand their traditions and values? All you have to do is ask.

15. Visit museums on your own.

While walking around the city and coming across an interesting museum, you can buy a ticket yourself without overpaying for a Russian-speaking guide. Moreover, not all museums have them. After all, usually all excursions in museums are conducted in English.

16. Find your bearings on the area.

You won't be afraid of getting lost when going for a walk. Knowing the language, you can always ask for directions or read signs.

17. Rent a car and not be deceived.

18. Make friends in different countries.

By speaking English fluently, you will meet and communicate with many interesting people. It is much more interesting to talk with your new acquaintances, rather than using gestures to explain yourself.

19. Opportunity to receive discounts and gifts.

By being friendly with hotel staff, you always have a chance to get a discount or gift. Naturally, in almost every country, hotel, restaurant and entertainment staff speak English.

English for life

What if you don’t need English at work or while traveling yet? In this case, you can get the following benefits in your daily life! Knowing English, you will be able to:

20. Get an international education

Many foreign universities are happy to accept people from other countries to study. Moreover, there are both paid and free educational institutions. If you speak the language, you can enroll and receive a quality education that will be valued both in Russia and abroad.

21. Go live abroad

There are people who really want to live in warm countries, but because they don’t know English, they just can’t do it. By learning a language, you can make your dream come true!

22. Find your love.

Many girls dream of meeting a foreigner and going to live abroad. With knowledge of English it is much easier to do this. Usually in these cases they use foreign dating sites where you can find your soulmate.

23. Watch films in the original and understand humor.

You may not always get a successful translation. There is only one way to avoid the liberties of translators - watch films and TV series in the original.

24. No need to wait for an episode of your favorite TV series/movie to be translated.

Sometimes a considerable amount of time passes between the release of a series/film in the English version and its translation into Russian. Why wait when you can watch in the original?

25. Sing your favorite songs and understand what you are singing.

Understanding the meaning of songs is very valuable for people who adore English songs and have English-speaking idols.

26. Play games and use applications in English.

Have you ever had a situation where you downloaded a game/application and uninstalled it in disappointment just because it didn’t have the option to switch to Russian? Knowing English, you can use any applications you like.

27. Watch news from English-speaking countries.

If you are interested in politics and events that happen in the world, you will receive information from primary sources.

28. Use programs in English.

Many professional programs do not have Russian language. For example, some video/audio editing programs are entirely in English. Knowing the language, you will be able to use the program immediately after installation.

29. Buy goods in foreign online stores

You can buy some goods in Russia, and some goods only abroad. Also, many goods are cheaper abroad. Knowing the language, you can order them for delivery.

Finally, I want to give you a few facts:

  • English is the native language of 500 million people in 12 countries.
  • Today there are approximately 1.5 billion people in the world who speak English.
  • According to researchers, every fifth person can speak English, at different levels of proficiency.

I hope this article will be a great motivation for you to start learning English.

I would change the title a little to “10 reasons to learn foreign languages,” but since English is everywhere and all over the world, we’ll probably stick to the original title.

Those who are already learning English, then after reading this article you can only confirm your correct choice. Those who still can’t make up their minds should definitely read it!

The main advantage of the English language is its versatility: you can speak it anywhere without fear of being misunderstood. After all, English has already become the most widespread world language, despite the different national characteristics of different peoples of the world.

And now the number of people interested in learning the language is only growing. However, despite this, even today there are many people who underestimate the importance of learning English.

They consider learning English just a fad and do not take into account the new opportunities that a person who speaks English receives.

Although learning any language enriches a person’s inner world and contributes to his personal growth, perhaps only English can boast of such effectiveness in cases of international communication. After all, it’s the only thing we can safely use on our trips abroad, regardless of the country of our stay.

Do you know English?

It is English that we will use in various everyday situations: whether it’s going to a restaurant or renting a hotel room. Having studied English, a person immediately improves his social status, increasing his chances of occupying a relevant position and future career growth.

Indeed, now, when trade activities are often international in nature, it is simply impossible to do without the English language. You shouldn't expect to learn English quickly when working abroad.

Time to learn English! Get started today!

As a rule, such passive learning proceeds rather slowly, but you will need knowledge of the language immediately, and your well-being and the well-being of your family will depend on it.

English can significantly improve your life. You will be able to make useful contacts on the Internet with people of any nationality, and you will be able to read the greatest works of English literature in the original. In addition, knowing another foreign language will complement your education and certainly won’t hurt.

If you're not yet sure whether you should learn English, read the following 10 reasons why you should:

1. Increased competitiveness. Whatever position you apply for, the application form will most likely include a point about knowledge of foreign languages. The plus sign in this column will always play in your favor, because now there are many companies engaged in international trade.

With English you are one step ahead of your competitors!

2. Improved memory. The more a person trains his memory, the better it works for him. In the modern world, you will always need a good memory, which can be trained by learning languages.

3. The ability to watch your favorite films in the original. With satellite TV, you can watch foreign TV programs. And here again you cannot do without knowledge of English. In addition, it is much more interesting to hear the real voices of the actors and their intonations.

4. Music. Now you can understand the meaning of your favorite songs and even sing them.

You will always know what your favorite stars are singing about

5. On holiday abroad you will be able to talk to foreigners. While on holiday abroad, you cannot do without knowing English, because with it you can easily establish contacts with local residents to get to know each other or ask them about something.

As you travel around the city, you will understand what the guide is saying; you won’t get lost in an unfamiliar place because you speak the language; you will be able to easily navigate the city, which means you will get to know the state better by constantly communicating with its residents. And finally, in a restaurant you can order what you like yourself, rather than pointing your finger at a beautiful picture of a dish.

6. Reading the necessary technical and professional literature. Unfortunately, only a small part of the literature is translated into national languages, including Russian. In addition, such a translation, as a rule, drags on for a year or two (according to statistics, this is the period during which specialized books are translated), and during this time the information loses its relevance. The sites are also mostly in English. Knowledge of a language, even if incomplete, significantly increases your information awareness.

7. New communication opportunities. The World Wide Web has already expanded the possibilities of communication; nowadays you can easily correspond with a foreigner. Knowing English helps you find interesting friends and expand your circle of acquaintances, making life brighter and more eventful. Who knows, maybe you decide to marry a foreigner.

I will have many friends from different parts of the world!

8. Bring variety into your life. Every person has his own hobbies that bring newness to his life. A great hobby is learning English. If you learn to understand a language you previously did not understand, you will be able to better realize your communication potential when communicating with different people around the world.

9. A good opportunity to earn money. With knowledge of English, you can earn extra money as a translator, translating abstracts, letters, articles, fiction and highly specialized works, and get paid for it.

10. New horizons. Knowing any foreign language never hurts. This gives you additional options. Who knows, maybe your new knowledge will be useful to you tomorrow?

As the last two bonus reasons, I will name the following:

As a child, I was madly in love with Jumble movies and watched a lot of them all the time. And then on YouTube I came across an interesting episode that is related to our topic!

Why are you studying a foreign language?