Compulsory treatment of drug addiction - law and practice. How to convince a drug addict to enter compulsory treatment

Dependence on alcohol or drugs is on given time a very serious problem that is not so easy to solve. Many people who are addicted to narcotic drugs, are completely unwilling to admit the existence of a problem and undergo specialized treatment. However, relatives may insist on therapy without their wishes. At this time, it is possible to force a person to undergo rehabilitation only if:

  • availability of a court decision;
  • availability of a certificate from a psychiatric clinic;
  • if a person shows his emotions very violently and becomes dangerous to loved ones.

In Moscow, many people are interested in how to send a drug addict for compulsory treatment and what the price of such a service is, because in the city of Moscow the prices for such therapy can be completely different. This is a very important question, because living with a sick person is sometimes simply impossible. resorts to compulsory therapy large number relatives of drug addicts, because not many drug addicts are able to accept the help provided, since they are convinced that they are completely healthy.

In Russia, the law states that a person must undergo therapy only for at will, and no one has the right to force him, unless he poses a threat to society.

In our specialized drug treatment center, each person has the opportunity to:

  • get rid of drug addiction;
  • get help removing harmful substances from the body;
  • take a rehabilitation course;
  • get competent psychological help.

Our clinic provides treatment not only for drug addicts, but also for alcoholics. We have all the required medications and the latest specialized equipment, which allows you to receive high-quality, timely therapy. Treatment is carried out only comprehensively and a large number of specialists work who help get rid of the existing problem in the most optimal and as soon as possible.

We use the most latest methods therapies that are aimed at eliminating existing addiction and rehabilitating a person, after which he can begin to live a normal, full life.

Compulsory treatment of drug addicts through court

Forced treatment chronic addiction from narcotic drugs does not imply a forceful method, because doctors, first of all, work with the patient’s psyche. By Russian legislation Only a court or a specialized psychiatric examination can direct a person to undergo such therapy.

To conduct specialized therapy, unique testing and coding techniques are used, which are aimed purely at changing motivations and the general perception of the world. Persistent, but at the same time professional intervention in the human psyche allows the patient, at the moment of the critical moment, to re-evaluate all existing values ​​and conclude that poisonous narcotic substances are a great harm.

It is best to start therapy at the earliest stages of addiction, because over time the existing problem can only get worse. It is quite possible to get rid of drugs through the use of specialized drug therapy and additional psychological assistance. The combination of all means and methods gives the most positive result.

Similar therapy can also be used in the treatment of alcoholism and gambling addiction. This is achieved due to the fact that psychological addiction causes the same harm, regardless of its type.

In our specialized clinic there is an excellent opportunity to undergo the required therapy in the shortest possible time, because we use the latest methods of therapy. We employ professional doctors who work together, which is why it is possible to achieve the most positive result. However, dependent person must make an independent decision to undergo treatment, because otherwise it is impossible to achieve a positive effect.

2012-10-08 16 076

Many of us know little about the problem of drug addiction and how widespread it is until we experience it ourselves. There is a fairly consistent belief that only weak-willed and spineless people start using drugs. But this is an erroneous opinion and those who think so are greatly mistaken, because drug addiction is a very serious and difficult disease, which is very difficult to treat, since it is necessary to get rid of not only physical dependence to drugs, but also from psychological, which is much more dangerous. A person who uses narcotic drugs is a patient who needs immediate emergency drug treatment.

It is important that the drug addict and the people around him understand that, regardless of the circumstances, treatment must be carried out, since this disease does not go away on its own, but, on the contrary, every day, week, month it progresses more and more, which ultimately becomes the cause of sad events . Relatives of drug addicts, tired of the endless number of persuasion and requests to quit the addiction, begin to look for ways to forcefully treat the disease. But, alas, in this case legislative law Russia stands on the side of the patient and prohibits any treatment against the will and without the consent of the person.

Law for compulsory treatment of drug addicts and substance abusers

Main state law The Russian Federation has a Constitution that clearly states that any citizen of our country has the right to independently make decisions about where and how to live, for this reason the law on compulsory treatment of drug addicts, even if it were adopted, will contradict the Constitution. At the legislative level, Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation strictly prohibits the production and distribution narcotic substances, however, in the case of a person taking these drugs, it is impossible to force them to undergo treatment without voluntary consent, since the law prohibits this. But what to do in this case, because all those who are closely faced with this misfortune understand perfectly well the need for the healing process. Also, not a single drug treatment center will take on the responsibility of treating a patient without first obtaining his consent. It is only possible to begin treatment with the consent of the drug addict, because success in to a greater extent depends on his motivation, desire and determination.

But there is still a legislative possibility of compulsory treatment of drug addicts in cases where they have committed illegal actions. If at the time of committing a crime, a person was under the influence of narcotic substances, and this provoked him to unjustified cruelty and insanity, he may be sent for compulsory treatment by decision judiciary. In case of refusal of such a measure to get rid of drug addiction, in most cases the actual serving of time in a correctional institution is assigned.

Treatment of drug addicts for drug addiction

It’s not a very simple process; it’s extremely rare that drug addicts themselves come to an understanding of the need to quit and seek help and support from medical centers. In most cases, the initiators of the need for therapeutic measures are relatives and friends, only thanks to their perseverance and perseverance this becomes possible. Again, many do not want publicity about their problems with drugs, and in every way they try to keep it a secret, which is why they avoid contacting doctors, but in this situation there is a way out - this is drug addiction treatment anonymously. In this case, all therapeutic actions are carried out in compliance with strict measures of concealment of information about the patient, which guarantees the avoidance of publicity in the future.

The most important thing if one of your loved ones shows signs of drug addiction, do not delay this process and immediately begin taking measures to treat it. Do not try to self-medicate; the most correct thing is to seek help from professionals who will help cope with the problem and try to set the person up so that the period of remission is as long as possible.

It is not often that drug addicts recognize the problem and strive to get rid of it, and relatives and friends are not able to insensitively observe the comprehensive decline of a person.

It is assumed that he is actually incapacitated because he is under the influence of a drug, and all his actions come from an uncontrollable addiction.

But what does forced treatment for drug addiction entail? How to competently get out of a deadlock situation when a loved one is stubborn and does not realize the existence of a destructive disease?

Compulsory drug treatment: pros and cons

Many people have different attitudes towards the fact of forceful intervention, and today narcologists, based on research, confirm the uselessness and even destructiveness of a technique that implies moral and physical violence.

A law was recently approved providing for compulsory treatment of drug addicts by court decision, and legal measures are good only in theory, since a citizen held accountable for addiction:

    is registered;

    rights are significantly limited;

    risks fines for non-compliance with the sentence.

There are not many places in government institutions; the recovery procedure is mainly based on the medicinal method, which is absolutely not enough for recovery.

Even if drug treatment is approved by the court, this does not mean that the convicted person will take the path of struggle - it only implies additional costs for collection for possible failure to fulfill obligations and many years of attempts to remove the name from the dispensary register.

Forced drug treatment, or how to save a drug addict without trial and scandals?

The most important postulate of our clinic: awareness and purposefulness of getting rid of the habit. Treatment of drug addiction without consent is impossible because, if from within the resident of the center is not determined to return to normal without toxic doping, all the manipulations of doctors and psychologists are ineffective.

Proven strategy of narcologists:

    “No” to persuasion, intimidation, threats or the use of physical force. Any pressure may be met with aggression or distrust, which will distance him from making the right decision.

    Calm, equalizing conversation. The patient must understand that they are taken into account and have good intentions, and not judged and ridiculed.

    Motivational period. Experienced employees reveal the problem, show and extend a hand, rather than force them to obey and chain them to the bed. What are they aiming at? Firstly, to awaken the understanding that he got sick, caused harm, provoked a number of troubles and got into debt, and, secondly, to really recover.

  • Only after achieving conscious, balanced and meaningful consent do doctors begin rehabilitation.

Sometimes this result is the result of many hours of conversations with specialists, but then there is no need to keep drug addicts in a rehabilitation center - they willingly make contact and comply with the program, and the initial zeal and enthusiasm speeds up the completion and increases the quality of treatment.

How not to scare away and win over?

Treatment of drug addicts is carried out through painless intervention.

What to do?

1. Call the center.

2. Describe the current circumstances.

4. Do not notify the drug addict about what is planned.

It is possible that the arriving team will initially cause perceived rejection, but then the opinion will gradually change, and the protective barrier will be lowered.

Having practical experience of dialogue in compulsory treatment for drug addiction, interventionists know what words to choose and how to build effective interaction, since vulnerability, touchiness and sensitivity create “special conditions” and oblige them to behave in the same special way. Be prepared that voluntary expression of will to undergo treatment will take from 2-3 to 9-10 hours, depending on your individual character.

Employees they will come and pick up drug addicts only after making sure that they are internally prepared for the upcoming treatment. Practice shows a positive trend: hundreds of previously stubborn residents recovered, found peace, established relationships and returned to normal life.

Not every addict is able to realize the scale of the problem and refuse easy way abstract from problems. When high, all troubles fade into the background. “So is it worth bees fighting against honey?” - the drug addict thinks.

In this situation, his relatives try to make a wise decision for the patient.

Is it possible to treat a drug addict forcibly?

Compulsory treatment of drug addiction is possible only by court decision. The main basis for compulsory treatment is the proven threat that the addict may pose to others. But even in the case of a positive court decision, compulsory treatment is not a panacea. Having “served” his allotted time in the clinic and undergone detoxification, the unrepentant addict will return to his old ways at the first opportunity. Narcologists are convinced: it is possible only on a voluntary basis.

Forced treatment at the request of relatives is not only ineffective, but also illegal and can be considered a criminal offense. Hoping that people in white coats will come, tie up the patient and take him to the center, and then return him healthy and ready for better life, it is forbidden.

Drug addiction – chronic disease, and no course of medication, no “secret” treatment can lead to the desired result. The atmosphere of a drug treatment clinic does not motivate you to strive for a better life.

Since a patient who verbally agrees to treatment is able to leave a public clinic whenever he wants, optimal solution The problem is placing the patient in a private rehabilitation center. Before the detoxification course, the patient signs an agreement, which confirms the voluntariness of his intentions.

Private clinics are closed institutions with an established regime, where the possibility of drug transfer by “friends” is completely excluded.

Crisis motivation of drug addicts - how to convince them to get treatment?

Crisis motivation, or, as it is also called, “intervention” is the most effective way forcing a drug addict to undergo treatment. In this case, the addict makes the decision about treatment himself, albeit under the pressure of external circumstances. Main goal interventions - to let the patient feel the discomfort of his illness.

Crisis motivation involves the use of a whole range of manipulative measures and techniques, primarily aimed at eliminating codependency of the drug addict and his loved ones. This method is widely used by doctors - the intervention has become a routine service in private drug treatment clinics.

Before starting the motivating program, the specialist instructs the patient’s relatives about new rules of behavior, the observance of which will make the drug addict think. The goal of the doctor and the patient’s family is to make him understand that drugs that bring euphoria and oblivion also lead to serious negative consequences for the addict himself.

Such a procedure at home can last several hours until, with the help of psychotherapeutic suggestion, the patient realizes the problem and agrees to take at least the first step towards solving it.

And if a drug addict is often able to abstract himself from the harm caused to loved ones, “under the pressure” of the responsibility that has fallen on him, he is unable to resist the idea of ​​treatment.

Forced to independently decide their financial, labor and social problems, the patient finally makes a sound decision. A drug addict exists as long as he is indulged.

We remind you that home treatment for drug addiction is impossible - it is complex mental illness, the treatment of which should be carried out by a qualified specialist. Therefore, the main task of relatives and close friends of a drug addict is to ensure his speedy delivery to a rehabilitation center for voluntary treatment.