Folder on self-education for kindergarten teachers, health conservation. Self-education plan "health-saving technologies in primary school"

Elena Perevalova
“Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions.” Self-education report

Topic " Health-saving

technologies in preschool educational institutions».

Junior group teacher

One of the main criteria for the well-being of society is the state public health. Today the problem health children is very relevant. The main thing in raising children is that they should be healthy, since it is well known that healthy It's easier to raise a child. He quickly develops the necessary skills and abilities, adapts better to changing conditions and perceives all the demands placed on him. On health A child is influenced by many factors, one of which is the environment in which he grows and develops. That's why I chose the topic self-education: « Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions» .

Based on the tasks of protecting and strengthening health I set three main goals for myself tasks:

Create conditions for their timely and full mental development;

To provide every child with the opportunity to joyfully and meaningfully live the period of preschool childhood.

Studied literature on topic:

Voloshina L. Organization health saving space//Preschool education. -2004.-N1.-S. 114-117.

Ternovskaya S. A., Teplyakova L. A. Creation health saving educational environment in a preschool educational institution // Methodist. -2005.-N4.-S. 61-65.

New in education and upbringing of children. S. Chubarova, G. Kozlovskaya, V. Eremeeva // Personality development. -N2.-S. 171-187.

Started the practical part


In my work I use modern health saving technologies to maintain interest in organized educational activities, relieve fatigue, raise emotional mood and increase performance.

Dynamic pauses that I conduct during classes, 2-5 minutes, as the children get tired. I include elements of eye gymnastics, breathing exercises and others, depending on the type of activity. With the help of proper breathing, you can avoid sinusitis, asthma, neuroses, get rid of headaches, runny nose, colds, digestive and sleep disorders, and quickly restore performance after mental and physical fatigue. For proper breathing, the following must be observed: rules: you need to breathe only through your nose evenly and rhythmically; try to fill your lungs with air as much as possible when inhaling and exhale as deeply as possible; If the slightest discomfort appears, stop doing breathing exercises.

Outdoor and sports games. Conducted by me and the head of physical education. As part of physical education, during a walk, in a group room - sedentary games.

Relaxation. I spend it in any suitable room. I plan to use calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, sounds of nature.

Finger gymnastics. I spend time with children individually or with a subgroup every day. Recommended for all children, especially those with speech problems. It is carried out at any convenient time, as well as during classes.

Gymnastics for the eyes. Every day for 3-5 minutes. in any free time and during classes to relieve visual stress in children.

Breathing exercises. In various forms of physical education health work, for physical minutes during and after class sleep: during gymnastics.

Gymnastics is invigorating. Every day after nap, 5-10 min. Form of conduct different: exercises on beds, washing; walking on ribbed planks, along a salt path, "For the Followers".

Physical education classes. They are carried out in a well-ventilated room 3 times a week, in the gym. Younger age - 15-20 min. Conducted jointly by the head of physical education and the teacher.

Problem-game situations. It is carried out in free time, usually in the afternoon. Time is not strictly fixed, depending on the tasks. This is a good opportunity to purposefully form the foundations of mental self-regulation in children, is achieved through active, role-playing games, and physical education sessions.

-Self-massage. I carry out physical education in various forms health work or during physical activity. minutes, in order to prevent colds.

Having studied the method of color influence on cognitive processes, I use in my practice health saving technology color exposure during training. Thus, with the help of color, brain activity is activated, neural connections are excited, which take part in intellectual processes, as well as attention and memory. There are 3 circles hanging in the group (radius 20 cm): red, yellow, green. Each color performs a specific function.

Red: activates the mental process, warms if it’s cold, produces interferon Zele ny: color of harmony, balance; calms down. Zhe light: color of joy, optimism; lifts your spirits and activates all physiological processes.

Health savings educational technologies used in working with parents

The main educators of the child are the parents. How the child’s daily routine is properly organized and how much attention parents pay child health depends on his mood and state of physical comfort. Healthy lifestyle of a child, to which he is taught in an educational institution, can either find daily support at home, and then be consolidated, or not be found, and then the information received will be unnecessary and painful for the child

Attended classes of teachers and physical education instructors in order to study the use of modern ones in educational activities. The percentage of children attending at the end of the year increased, and the incidence rate decreased in relation to the indicators at the beginning of the year.


I plan to include it in my work

Communication games according to the course "Knowing myself" M. V. Karepanova and E. V. Kharlampova.

Once a week for 30 minutes. from an older age. They include conversations, sketches and games of varying degrees of mobility, drawing classes that help children adapt to the group. Conducted by a psychologist.

Lessons from the series « Health» on life safety for children and parents as cognitive development. Once a week for 30 minutes. from Art. age in the afternoon. Conducted by teachers.

Psycho-gymnastics. Once a week from older age for 25-30 minutes. Conducted by a psychologist.

-Technology influences through fairy tales

A fairy tale is a mirror that reflects the real world through the prism of personal perception. It contains, perhaps, everything that does not happen in life. In fairy tale therapy classes, the kids and I learn to create verbal images. By remembering old images and inventing new ones, children increase their figurative repertoire, and the child’s inner world becomes more interesting and richer. This is a true chance to understand and accept yourself and the world, to increase self-esteem and change in the desired direction.

Since feelings can be not only positive, but also negative, children’s images are not only joyful, but also frightening. One of the important goals of these classes is to transform negative images into positive ones so that the child’s world is beautiful and joyful.

The child returns to a calm state of the nervous system health.

A fairy tale can be told by an adult, or it can be a group story, where the narrator is not one person, but a group of children.

-Technologies musical influence. In various forms of physical education health work. They are used to relieve tension, increase emotional mood, etc. Conducted by educators and music director.

Additionally, you can use the methods hardening:

Gargling and mouthwash with solutions of herbs (eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, calendula, etc., which have an antiseptic effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, or a solution of sea salt is carried out daily after lunch for 2 weeks alternately.

Washing with cold water after a nap.

Barefoot walking in combination with air baths is carried out during physical education classes and after a nap.

-Healthy lifestyle includes adequate physical activity, balanced nutrition, personal hygiene, healthy psychological climate in the family, at school, in kindergarten, absence of bad habits, attentive attitude to one’s health.

During organized educational activities I plan to use squares (must be on the table for each child).

If you look at them for a few minutes, you can easily relieve fatigue and activate your brain.

Hang the “Goethe’s Circle of Flowers” ​​stand above the board.

Methodology. I suggest children look at it before starting organized educational activities. Contemplation of different colors increases the functional capacity of the brain and helps the body work at a higher energy level. During the year she gave open classes, holidays using health-saving technologies.

Use in working with parents

health- saving educational technologies

personal example of a teacher, non-traditional forms of working with parents, practical demonstrations (workshops); survey; joint stock: sports holidays, days health; memos, booklets from the series "Finger gymnastics", “How to properly harden a child?”, open days; training parents in techniques and methods children's health(trainings, workshops); publication of a preschool educational institution newspaper and other forms of work.

Summing up

work on self-education per year, I would like to note that the introduction of modern health-saving technologies in combination with a music director, a physical education instructor, and a nurse, it turned out to be successful. Data technologies in training contributed to the preservation and strengthening health and ensured the success of preschoolers’ education. Children were actively involved in organized educational activities and acquired knowledge and skills provided for in the educational program.

Caring for health– one of the most important tasks of every person. Among all earthly blessings health is a valuable gift given to man by nature, which cannot be replaced by anything, but people do not care about health so, as necessary.

Self-education plan

Topic: “Use of health-saving technologies in working with preschool children”

Target : continue to improve professional skills on the issue of modern health-saving technologies.

Tasks :

1. Continue to study educational, reference, scientific and methodological literature on the issue of health savings.

2. Learn to model work based on the studied types, techniques and methods of health preservation (breathing exercises, awakening exercises, outdoor games, physical education)

3. Direct the life activities of children in preschool institutions to preserve and improve health.

4. Systematize the studied literature.

Long-term work plan

Plan section

Form of work

Practical solutions


Working with children

Celebrating Health Day

Holding an autumn festival

Organization of outdoor games (daily)

Conducting physical education classes (during the year)

Teach children to protect and improve their health

Develop the emotional sphere. Form a harmonious personality.

Form the need for physical activity.

Working with parents

Individual conversations with parents on the topic “Sportswear and shoes for physical education”


Working with children

Carrying out dynamic breaks during classes (during the year)

To prevent fatigue

To prevent disproportionate load on muscles

In order to strengthen the body.

Relaxation sessions (during the year)

Carrying out morning exercises

(every day)

Working with parents

Consultation for parents “Take care of your eyes” Appendix No. 1

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic


Working with children

Carrying out a themed event "Mother's Day"

Working with parents

Consultation for parents “Aggressive children” appendix No. 2

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic


Updating the physical education corner

Creating conditions for maintaining health


Working with children

Carrying out a New Year's party

Develop the emotional-volitional sphere and play activity

Working with parents

Consultation for parents

“Celebrating the New Year with your child” application No. 3

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic


Working with children

Carrying out thematic days of the New Year holidays

Form the need for physical activity, develop the ability to consciously develop useful habits.

Working with parents

Consultation for parents “What is preparation for school?” Appendix No. 4

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic


Continued study of the program in the educational field “Physical Education”

Increasing knowledge, collecting material


Working with children

Carrying out a matinee for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Develop the emotional-volitional sphere and play activity

Working with parents

Consultation “Father as Educator”

Appendix No. 5

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic


Working with children

Develop the emotional-volitional sphere and play activity

Working with parents

Consultation “Happiness is when you are understood” Appendix No. 6

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic


Working with children

Earth Day Entertainment

Develop the emotional-volitional sphere and play activity

Working with parents

Consultation “Readiness for school” Appendix No. 7

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic


Working with children

Celebration of the Victory Day holiday

Develop the emotional-volitional sphere and play activity

Working with parents

Consultation “What is patriotic education”

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic

Summing up the work.

Literature :

1. Education and training program for Vasilyeva L.A.

2. “Preschool education”, scientific and methodological journal; LLC Publishing House "Education of Preschoolers", Moscow

3. “Preschooler’s Health”, scientific and practical journal; LLC Publishing House "Education of Preschoolers", Moscow

4. An exemplary general developmental program for preschool education “World of Discovery”, edited by L.G. Peterson

5. Tkachenko T.A. “Developing fine motor skills.” - M.: Eksmo, 2008

Appendix No. 1

Consultation for parents

"Take care of your children's eyes!"

The role of vision and eyes in human life is difficult to overestimate. It is very difficult for people who are visually impaired or blind to live in our world. They perceive everything completely differently: by touch, by smell, by hearing, it is not easy for them to navigate in space. These people need constant care from other people, they need help. According to statistics, every third adult and every fourth small inhabitant of the planet has vision problems. This is no wonder, because a person receives 90% of all information about the world around him through vision. It’s hard to imagine what a colossal burden this is, especially for children, because their eyes only rest when the child is sleeping. That’s why it’s so important to take care of your eyesight from a young age. To maintain vigilance, you should pay special attention to your eyes from early childhood.

Taking care of your eyes starts with nutrition. It is known that the health of our body as a whole and all its organs individually directly depends, first of all, on how well we eat. And our eyes are no exception: it is very important for them what we “feed” them.

Our eyes love blueberries, blueberries and pomegranates, which contain powerful antioxidants that help prevent retinal degeneration. Retinal dystrophy is one of the main causes of irreversible vision loss in old age. Cherries and sweet cherries are also useful. They are rich in bioflavonoids, which strengthen small blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the eyes and brain tissue. Therefore, during the summer season, try not to deny yourself these berries and fruits.

There are rules to help maintain good vision that children must be taught to follow.

1. Do not allow children to watch TV for more than 30 minutes.

2. While watching TV, the child should be no closer than 2 meters from the screen.

3. Children can spend no more than 10 minutes at the computer. per day.

4. It is necessary to monitor the child’s seat at the table when he looks at illustrations in books, draws: the BACK should be straight, the book or sheet of paper should be at a distance of 30-35 cm. With incorrect posture, the vertebral discs are deformed, resulting in scoliosis, and this is a consequence of vascular insufficiency of the brain. Due to oxygen starvation, all body systems suffer. The work of the optic nerves in the cerebral cortex is inhibited.

5. To avoid damaging your eyes, you must not: - throw stones, ice, sand, earth; - you can’t throw toys at your face; - do not rub your eyes with dirty hands; - you must handle sharp and cutting objects very carefully.

8. It is necessary to closely monitor the child and if you find that the child is squinting, take him to an ophthalmologist to check visual acuity and prescribe glasses.

9. We must teach children to protect their eyes from the sun, bright light, and burns with the help of darkened glasses.

10. Teach children to protect their eyes from dust, water, and strong air currents. In these cases, it is necessary to wear safety glasses.

One of the most convenient and proven methods is children's eye gymnastics. Doctors have developed thousands of complexes that will help strengthen and preserve the baby’s vision. All of them are aimed at relieving tension from children's eyes, which is especially important in modern times, when a child sits at a computer from an early age. Most gymnastics for children's eyes involve moving the eyeball in all directions. Let the baby move his eyes up and down, left and right. Ask your child to close his eyes and relieve tension by counting to ten. If he can, let him do the math himself. If not, help him. To relieve tension in the eyes, the baby should switch vision once every 1-2 hours. To do this, ask him to look into the distance for 5-10 minutes. It is important that he periodically also closes his eyes to rest for 1-2 minutes. Invite your child to imagine himself as Pinocchio. The child should close his eyes and look at the tip of his nose in this way, and at this time let the adult count to 8. The baby needs to imagine that his nose is growing, and he is watching this entertaining process with his eyes closed. Then the nose should also decrease - count the rotation this time: from 8 to 1. Ask the baby not to turn his head, but at the same time let him look first slowly to the right, then straight, then slowly turn his eyes to the left and straight again. You should do the same thing, only up and down. Repeat twice. Another good exercise is to close your eyelids and massage them with circular movements of your fingers. The upper eyelid is from the nose to the outer edge of the eyes, and the lower eyelid is from the outer edge to the nose, then vice versa. This exercise for children's eyes weakens the muscles and improves blood circulation. In order for the baby to train his eyesight, it is useful for him to play with bright, moving toys. Let them jump, roll, tumble and spin. And remember - vision deteriorates slowly. And it is also slowly recovering. This is, of course, if in a natural way.

By following these simple rules, children will be able to maintain good vision, protect and preserve their eyes. And gymnastics, which the child will regularly perform, will train his vision, preserve and improve it, protect against myopia and other eye diseases

Appendix No. 2

Consultation for parents

"Aggressive child"

An angry, aggressive child, a fighter and a bully is a great parental disappointment, a threat to the well-being of the children's group, a “thunderstorm” in the yards, but also an unfortunate creature that no one understands, does not want to caress and feel sorry for. Children's aggressiveness is a sign of internal emotional distress, a complex of negative experiences, and one of the inadequate methods of psychological defense.

Such children use every opportunity to push, hit, break, and pinch. Their behavior is often provocative. To provoke retaliatory aggressive behavior, they are always ready to anger their mother, teacher, and peers. They will not calm down until the adults “explode” and the children get into a fight. For example, such a child will consciously dress more slowly, refuse to wash his hands, or put away toys until he pisses off his mother and hears her scream or gets a spanking. After this, he is ready to cry and only after receiving consolation and affection from his mother will he calm down. Isn't it a very strange way of getting attention? But for this child this is the only mechanism for “exiting” psycho-emotional stress and accumulated internal anxiety.

Unfortunately, many events happen in our lives that in themselves can make us bitter, embittered, drive us to despair and cause negative experiences. Children clearly perceive the moods of those around them. Therefore, parents should not allow their children to discuss troubles, watch programs about disasters and films about murder and hopelessness, negatively evaluate the actions of others, reproach and threaten offenders with violence. Such manifestations of dissatisfaction and resentment are not the best role models and can boomerang back into the family in the “performing” of the child. Adults should not be surprised why their child repeats their abusive expressions word for word and is in a position of constant resistance and rejection of the people and events around him. If you begin to notice that your child is electrified with anger, calls names, fights, offends and is cruel to animals, then the first thing you should do is ask yourself questions:

    When did this start?

    How does a child show aggression?

    At what points does a child show aggression?

    What caused the aggressiveness?

    What has changed in the child’s behavior since that time?

    What does the child really want?

    How can you really help him?

The reasons for aggressiveness are almost always external: family troubles, deprivation of something desired, the difference between what is desired and what is possible. Therefore, you need to start working with your child’s aggression with an independent analysis of family relationships. This will be the main step in solving the existing problem.

If you notice signs of aggressive behavior in your child, play the games presented below with him. This can be done with your family, with the participation of close relatives (brothers, sisters), as well as with your child’s friends.

The most important thing is to try to liberate yourself, give yourself over to the game, because the child will certainly feel your sincerity and appreciate it.


(for children from 5 years old)

A tall tower is built from pillows. The task of each participant is to take it by storm (jump), emitting victorious cries like:

"Ah-ah", "Hurray!" etc. The winner is the one who jumps onto the tower without destroying its walls.


    Each participant can build himself a tower of such a height that, in his opinion, he is able to conquer.

    After each assault, the “fans” emit loud cries of approval and admiration: “Well done!”, “Great!”, “Victory!” etc.


(for children from 5 years old)

A fortress is built from unbreakable objects that come to hand (slippers, chairs, cubes, clothes, books, etc. - everything is collected in one big pile). The players have a “cannonball” (ball). In turn, everyone throws the ball with all their might at the enemy fortress. The game continues until the entire pile - the "fortress" - shatters into pieces. With each successful hit, the attackers let out loud cries of victory.


(for children from 5 years old)

Invite the children to quarrel, but not with bad words, but... with vegetables: “You are a cucumber,” “And you are a radish,” “You are a carrot,” “And that one is a pumpkin,” etc.

Note: Before you scold your child with a bad word, remember this exercise.


(for children from 5 years old)

The pillows are laid out on the floor at a distance that can be overcome in a jump with some effort. The players are “frogs” living in the swamp. Together on one “bump” the capricious “frogs” are cramped. They jump on their neighbors' pillows and croak: "Kwa-kwa, move over!" If two “frogs” are cramped on one pillow, then one of them jumps further or pushes its neighbor into the “swamp”, and she looks for a new “bump”.

Note: the adult also jumps over the “bumps”. If it comes to a serious conflict between the “frogs”, he jumps up and helps find a way out.

Appendix No. 3

Consultation for parents.

Which of us, adults, does not love the New Year tree and the beautiful, almost magical gifts under it...
New Year is the most mysterious and wonderful holiday, beloved by most grown-up children. The only magical holiday in the Soviet era.
But in the thirties, when it was forbidden to put up a Christmas tree in houses, many fathers and mothers secretly carried several spruce branches under their coats, and, closing the curtains so that the neighbors would not see, hung miraculously preserved toys on these branches.
Then the authorities softened and New Year trees returned to homes, forever taking a place in the hearts of children.
New Year, Christmas, Old New Year - they are located so close, the New Year holidays are in the country, parents can devote themselves entirely to their children and family, making these days festive and eventful.

But why, by the end of the Christmas holidays, are there so many calls to neurologists, psychologists, and allergists?
The answer is simple - the child was “overfed.” Both sweets and impressions.
I would like to talk about “safety precautions” during the New Year holidays.

The youngest children:
These are children under two and a half years old.
These kids, as a rule, still speak poorly and do not remember the previous New Year - after all, they were still very small. Even if they have heard about Santa Claus, or seen him in a picture in books, they have not yet met him in person.
And often parents wait - they can’t wait for the child to get on his feet so that he can introduce him to Grandfather Frost.
But their two or even three-year-old child may not be happy, but very scared.
For the youngest children, it is important that during the New Year itself and the Christmas holidays in general, life does not lose its clarity and predictability. Too strong impressions often unsettle a child and lead to behavioral problems.

So, how to make a meeting with Santa Claus safe for your child. Time to take a closer look:
When going to a children's party, or inviting Santa Claus home, remember the golden rule regarding the communication of a small child with strangers.
In order for your baby not to be afraid of a stranger, and especially such a bright one in a red robe, he needs time to take a closer look, get used to the presence of a stranger in the room and get used to his unusual appearance.
The quieter and more intimate the better:
Parents, especially those who love colorful and popular shows, should not forget that “every vegetable has its time.” That is, what is interesting and attractive for an adult may not be suitable at all. For example, adults are often fans of spicy and smoked foods. spicy cuisine, which is definitely not suitable for a small child.
So, the regime of impressions during the New Year holidays for the baby should also be “dietary”, otherwise all sorts of “allergies” are possible.
For example, small children can be so frightened by the noisy, loud, huge Santa Claus that for a long time afterwards any figure in a red caftan will cause panic attacks in the child.

When choosing a candidate for Santa Claus and planning the scenario for a home holiday, you must, first of all, give Santa Claus clear instructions.
Grandfather Frost is the main character of the New Year and Christmas holidays: should you call him home? “And daddy’s eyes”:
Even the smallest children, even in the best costume and makeup, can easily recognize their own dad, grandfather, godfather or just a good family friend.
I would not recommend destroying the wonderful legend of Santa Claus ahead of time. Moreover, after such a revealed lie, a child may stop believing his parents about something else. And this in itself is not good for relationships.

Where is the real Santa Claus?
For older children who already understand well that there are many Santa Clauses, and they are all different and the costumes are also different. In the garden at the holiday there is one Santa Claus, in the children's club there is another, and in the theater there is a third, and they are all different, and even in every supermarket there is a Santa Claus, it is quite possible to explain that there is only one real Santa Claus, he is invisible to the naked eye and It is he who puts the gifts under the holiday tree, and all these Santa Clauses are his assistants, because he alone cannot make it everywhere, to every kindergarten for the holiday. So we have to send assistants - younger Santa Clauses. The child’s consciousness is quite ready for precisely this version of events - remember the Russian fairy tale “Two Frosts”.

Should you invite Santa Claus home?
If we are talking about a child between 3 and 6 years old, then the answer to this question will most likely be positive.
At this age, children are already big enough not to be too afraid of Santa Claus, but still small enough that they believe that it is really Santa Claus, and not an uncle in disguise.

For older children, whose baby teeth have already begun to change, and, accordingly, magical thinking begins to give way to logical thinking, such close, actually individual, contact with Santa Claus can prematurely instill doubt in the child’s soul.

Choosing Santa Claus:
The ideal Santa Claus for a small child should be:
A) sober.
It seems that this condition is obvious to everyone, but the reality is that not all parents, who themselves are waiting for Santa Claus in their hearts, will be determined enough not to let the long-awaited guest on the doorstep, smelling the smell of alcohol.
However, the adequacy and sobriety of Santa Claus is the main condition for you and your child.
B) not a very loud voice and not too noisy behavior: C) the ability to take into account age characteristics and change the visit scenario in accordance with the child’s reactions:

We instruct Santa Claus: First and the main condition for a child who is not yet four years old is not to touch him with your hands, especially with hands in “frost” mittens, until he himself wants it.
Children are generally sensitive to tactile contacts with strangers, and such an exotic figure as Santa Claus can cause horror mixed with delight.

Second: do not expect activity from your child.
For young children, it is not at all necessary to have an ardent desire to tell Santa Claus a poem, sing a song, or even just say your name.
The child may not utter a single word, but at the same time he will be completely delighted.
The main thing is not to try to break through his silence - this can result in tears and a complete refusal of contacts.
If the baby is suddenly ready to talk to Santa Claus, and he wants it himself, very good, rejoice and film it with a video camera. If he is silent and just looks attentively, tell yourself that this is the first, not the last New Year in his life, and it will still happen.
Father Frosts sometimes simply don’t know how to get rid of 5-6 year old children, so strong is the desire in these older children to show off their achievements - to sing a song or recite a rhyme.
Set yourself up for the fact that in a year, well, in a maximum of two, you will be able to proudly capture in photos and videos the joy of your dear child at the sight of Santa Claus.
Try to remember your childhood feelings from the holiday, impressions of kindergarten matinees and mass Christmas trees in the Kremlin or Luzhniki.
Remember how huge Santa Claus seemed to you then and how exciting your experiences and doubts were.
Childhood memories will help you understand much better your baby's behavior, timidity or overexcitement.

Appendix No. 4

Consultation for parents

“What is preparation for school?”

Preparing for school is a multifaceted process. And it should be noted that you should start working with children not only immediately before entering school, but far before that, from early preschool age. And not only in special classes, but also in children’s independent activities - in games, in work, in communication with adults and peers.

In kindergartens, children acquire counting and reading skills, develop thinking, memory, attention, perseverance, curiosity, fine motor skills and other important qualities. Children receive the concepts of morality and a love of work is instilled.

Readiness for school is divided into:

1. Physiological

2. Psychological

3. Cognitive

All types of readiness must be harmoniously combined in a child.

Physiological readiness child to school means that the child must be physically ready for school. Namely, his state of health must allow him to successfully complete the educational program. Physiological readiness implies the development of fine motor skills (fingers) and movement coordination. The child must know in which hand and how to hold the pen. This also includes the fact that when a child enters first grade, he must know, observe and understand the importance of observing basic hygiene standards: correct position at the table, posture, etc.

Psychological readiness child to school includes three components:

1. Intellectual readiness

3. Emotional-volitional

Intelligent Readiness to school means:

By the first grade, the child has a stock of certain knowledge;

Can navigate in space, that is, know how to get to school and back, to the store, and so on;

The child strives to acquire new knowledge, that is, he is inquisitive;

Indicators of memory, attention, perception, thinking correspond to age.

Personal and social readiness implies the following:

The child is sociable, that is, he knows how to communicate with peers and adults; does not show aggression in communication, and in case of a quarrel with another child, he knows how to evaluate and look for a way out of a problematic situation; the child understands and recognizes the authority of adults;

The child accepts the task set by the teacher, listening carefully, clarifying unclear points, and after completion, he adequately evaluates his work and admits his mistakes. If any.

child to school requires:

- the child’s understanding of why he goes to school, the importance of learning;

- interest in learning and acquiring new knowledge;

- the child’s ability to perform a task that he does not quite like, but the curriculum requires it.

Cognitive readiness child to school.

This aspect means that the future first-grader must have a certain set of knowledge and skills that will be needed for successful learning at school. So, what should a child of six or seven years old know and be able to do?

1 Attention.

Do something without distraction for 20 to 30 minutes;

Find similarities and differences between objects and pictures;

Be able to perform work according to a sample;

It's easy to play games that require quick reactions.

2 Mathematics.

Know the numbers from 0 to 10;

Count forward from 1 to 10 and count backward from 10 to 1;

Arithmetic signs “+”, “=”, “-”;

Dividing a circle or square in half;

Orientation in space and on a sheet of paper: right, left, above, below, above, below, behind, etc.

3 Memory.

Memorizing 10 – 12 pictures;

Reciting rhymes, tongue twisters, proverbs, and fairy tales from memory;

Retelling a text of 4–5 sentences.

4 Thinking.

Finish a sentence, for example, “The river is wide, and the stream...”;

Find an extra word from a group of words, for example, “Table, chair, boots, bed”;

Determine the sequence of events, what happened first and what came next?

5 Fine motor skills.

Correctly hold a pen, pencil, brush in your hand and regulate the force of their pressure when writing and drawing;

Color objects and shade them without going beyond the outline;

Cut with scissors along the line drawn on the paper;

Perform applications.

6 Speech.

Compose sentences from several words, for example, “cat, yard, go, sunbeam, play”

Understand and explain the meaning of proverbs;

Compose a coherent story based on a picture and a series of pictures;

Expressively recite poetry with correct intonation;

Distinguish between sounds and letters in words.

7 The world around us.

Know the basic colors, domestic and wild animals, trees, mushrooms, flowers, vegetables, fruits, etc.

Name the seasons, natural phenomena, migratory and wintering birds, months, days of the week, your last name, first name and patronymic, the names of your parents and their place of work, your address, what professions there are.

Appendix No. 5

Consultation for parents

"Father as Educator"

Man leaves himself, first of all, in man. This is our immortality. And if you want to remain in the human heart, raise your children. It is in the family that the personality of the future worker and citizen is formed. We cannot and should not limit a child’s world today to the walls of an apartment and family impressions alone. Education is a multifaceted and comprehensive process. Everything that surrounds a child - people, things, events - everything leaves an imprint on his personality, changes and develops him. And it is a father’s duty to consciously and sensitively direct this development.

Fatherhood is a test of a man’s social and moral maturity. Sometimes there are young people who get married, but are afraid of fatherhood, in other words, not ready for it. A child is a great test of a family’s strength. In fairness, it should be noted that the feeling of fatherhood is born somewhat later than the feeling of motherhood. Aristotle also noted that men truly become fathers later than women become mothers.

Just as a child needs to be taken care of, and this gives him a feeling of reliability and strength of the world, so an adult man feels the need to take care of others, to be a support for the weak, thus feeling his own strength and significance. This is most fully manifested in paternal feelings. Only under this condition are husbands happy and have a feeling of satisfaction.

L.N. Tolstoy, busy with writing and teaching, willingly spent whole hours playing with his children. He devoted his entire Sundays to them. In the company of children, he rested, regained his strength and vigor.

Being close to children, the father shows the best human qualities, such as kindness, loyalty, and responsiveness. In this sense, not only the father raises the children, but also the children of the fathers. The prominent Russian writer and historian N.M. Karamzin wrote: “Without good fathers there is no good education, despite all the schools and institutes.” The state, school, school and country camps, and so on take care of the upbringing of children, but nothing can completely replace the influence of the father. In our age of feminization, when mostly women work with children in nurseries and kindergartens, in schools and out-of-school institutions, there is an acute shortage of male influence on children. Fathers must make up for this deficiency in family conditions, because male influence on children is just as necessary as female influence. Without it, family upbringing of children will be flawed, because it is not for nothing that the concept of “fatherlessness” has had a very bitter meaning since ancient times. The wonderful teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky said well about the happiness of fatherhood: “The only thing that eases the lot of a person at the end of his life is the sincere, devoted, faithful love of children. All other joys pale before this highest, truly human joy. Truly happy is the one who knows how to accumulate this wealth bit by bit throughout his life. This is the only capital on which you can live in old age, feeling the calm confidence that you have not lived your life in vain.”

Children need a father.

Husband and wife separated. Another family has broken up. There are many reasons, it is difficult for an outsider to understand them. If a family breaks up, both parties are to blame: both the husband and the wife, since the family is the creativity of two. Today, almost 70% of divorces are initiated by women. They are forced to get rid of their husbands - drunkards, parasites, rude people. These husbands were unable to cope with family concerns. But this percentage is still alarming. This is alarming because we, teachers, observe in kindergartens and schools a significant percentage of children without natural fathers, fatherlessness with living fathers. Some children become aggressive, others become timid, disadvantaged, and somehow defective in character. An incomplete family is, no matter how you reassure yourself, a disaster, a misfortune.

Without firm paternal guidance, the mother will raise the child to be pampered, just as without maternal affection, the child will become rude. A person needs family and blood ties. He always needs to consult with someone, share his joy, talk. Whether he chooses a profession, arranges his personal life, or becomes a parent himself, he always needs a father and mother. From his mother he receives affection, tenderness, kindness and sensitivity to people, and from his father he receives courage, willpower, courage to search, the ability to fight and win. Only the combination of these qualities forms a full-fledged personality.

The influence of the father's personality on the upbringing of children, especially boys, is very great. Inattention to a child cannot be justified by any responsible post or academic title.

A father is not needed to punish, suppress, prohibit, he is needed to help his children. In production, the father is a worker, in the family the father is a teacher, and together both of these functions constitute a civic duty, from the conscientious fulfillment of which no one has the right to evade. Having finished the working day, we rush to our home, and here not only rest, the warmth of the hearth and everyday joys await us, but also numerous fatherly responsibilities. What is required from a father is love, communication, and mutual understanding. Now the title of father does not provide guarantees: filial respect must be earned.

If parents love each other and their children, the family is calm and joyful. Family discord is very difficult for children to endure. You can deceive the whole world and your wife into the bargain, but no one can deceive your children. A child needs a family, he needs an atmosphere of kindness, truth, trust and purity. It is difficult to imagine the happiness of a child and the immoral behavior of a father or mother. This is unacceptable and incompatible.

Family happiness is not only the happiness of two people. This is happiness for many who come into contact with them: for their children, for friends, acquaintances. In such a family, children grow up humane and resistant to life’s adversities, because in childhood they receive the necessary amount of “calories” of parental warmth.

Happiness is when a family has not only a mother, but also a smart father. Popular wisdom says that one father means more than a hundred teachers. Therefore, for full development and upbringing, a father is necessary.

A living example of a father.

Sons largely copy the way of life and thoughts of their fathers: they adopt their gait, manner of speaking, gestures, and more. From their fathers they perceive such traits as fortitude, strength, masculine reliability, endurance, efficiency, enterprise, a sense of duty to the family, and a chivalrous attitude towards women. The formation of some of these traits in boys without the influence of fathers is almost impossible. “A falcon rarely flies from a kite’s nest,” says popular wisdom. A son whose father is attentive to his mother, having married, considers it natural to treat his chosen one in the same way.

Don’t listen to your mother, son: all this is nonsense that she instills in you,” the father remarks.

It is clear that such an attitude towards a woman is subsequently passed on to his son. Therefore, the father’s word, which means a lot in raising his son, must be thoughtful and weighty.

You should avoid a shouting tone when talking to your son. V. A. Sukhomlinsky advised:

“Take care of the child’s pride and inviolability of personal honor as the highest value.” You cannot rudely insult your son, publicly punish him, or humiliate him.

The father's behavior is an example not only in raising his son, but also in shaping his daughter's personality. Girls also need their father's influence. Girls require especially subtle and gentle treatment from their father; their soul strings can be broken if pulled too tightly. The father must ensure that the girl in the family does not grow up spoiled and a coquette, but prepares for the role of a hard worker and mother.

A father is a man who knows how to pass on all the best that he is rich in, that nature and the people around him have given him, that he acquires in his tireless search.

Appendix No. 6

Consultations for parents

“Happiness is when you are understood”

Communication and relationships with people are one of the foundations of human life. According to S. L. Rubinstein, a person’s heart is all woven from his relationships with other people; The main content of a person’s mental, inner life is connected with it. It is these relationships that give rise to the most powerful experiences and actions. The attitude towards another person is the center of the spiritual and moral development of the individual and largely determines the moral value of a person.

Relationships with other people begin and develop in childhood. And this experience of the first relationship is the foundation for the further development of the child’s personality and determines the characteristics of a person’s self-awareness, his attitude to the world, his behavior and well-being among people.

The topic of the origin and formation of interpersonal relationships is extremely relevant. Due to the cruelty and increased aggressiveness observed recently among young people, which have their origins in early and preschool childhood.

For a child, adults are models in everything. Children learn verbal communication by watching, listening and imitating their elders. Younger students, unlike older ones, have more concrete thinking. He assimilates well what is presented visually; he wants to learn everything from his own experience. He is especially attracted to those actions that adults try to hide from him. The baby does not remember everything, but only what struck him. Children are constantly learning what they observe and understand much more than they can say. They always try to imitate adults, which is sometimes dangerous. Not being able to distinguish bad from good, they strive to do what adults forbid them, but allow themselves. In this regard, in the presence of children, one must refrain from such actions and deeds that cannot serve as a good example for them. Children's speech develops better in an atmosphere of love and calm, when adults listen to them carefully, communicate with children, read fairy tales to them and discuss what they have read. Parents should devote more time to their children, since in early childhood the influence of the family on speech and cognitive development (cognitive, i.e. cognitive skills that the child masters in preschool age, subsequently determine his ability to read, write, count, and also to abstract and logical thinking) and the child’s involvement in the life of society are decisive. It is during these years that the foundations of self-confidence and successful communication outside the home are laid, which contributes to the child’s further advancement at school and in the company of peers. The process of personality development is the stage in the development of relationships between a child and an adult. Teachers, parents, grandparents, older sisters and brothers should better understand the child and try to meet his important needs. If a child does not feel sensitivity and love from those around him, then he develops a distrustful attitude towards the world, and possibly a feeling of fear, which can last a lifetime. In the process of developing a child’s communication skills, great attention must be paid to the formation of the child’s personal qualities, his feelings, and emotions. When people are happy and at peace with themselves, they transfer these feelings to their relationships with others.

At preschool age, the child is only groping for ways to relate to others, he develops a stable personal style and develops an idea of ​​himself.

The most important teachers for children are parents. The parental home is the first school for a child. The family has a huge influence on what the child will consider important in life, on the formation of his value system. No matter how long a person lives, from time to time he turns to experience from childhood, to life in the family: “what my father and mother taught me”

Each person should be able to listen to another person, perceive and strive to understand him. How a person feels about another and can influence him without offending or causing aggression depends on his future success in interpersonal communication. Very few of us can and do know how to truly listen to other people well and be receptive to the nuances in their behavior. But the ability to listen and understand oneself is also of great importance, that is, to be aware of one’s feelings and actions at various moments of communication with other people. And children need to learn all this. Skill does not come to a person by itself; it is acquired at the cost of effort spent on learning.

“Happiness is when you are understood,” and this understanding does not come by itself, it needs to be learned. “Learn to love and understand people, and you will always have friends by your side.”

Appendix No. 7

Consultation for parents

"Child's readiness for school"

A child’s readiness to learn at school is one of the most important developmental outcomes during preschool childhood and the key to successful schooling. In most children, it is formed by the age of seven. The content of psychological readiness includes a certain system of requirements that will be presented to the child during training and it is important that he is able to cope with them.

Entering school is a turning point in a child’s life, in the formation of his personality. With the transition to systematic education at school, preschool childhood ends and the period of school age begins. With the arrival of school, the child’s lifestyle changes, a new system of relationships with people around him is established, new tasks are put forward, and new forms of activity emerge. If in preschool age the leading type of activity is play, now educational activities take on such a role in the child’s life. To successfully fulfill school responsibilities, it is necessary that by the end of preschool age children reach a certain level of physical and mental development. It must be remembered that “readiness for school” is understood not as individual knowledge and skills, but as a specific set of them, in which all the basic elements must be present, although the level of their development may be different.

Child’s physical readiness for school means that the child must be physically ready for school. That is, his state of health must allow him to successfully complete the educational program. Physiological readiness implies the development of fine motor skills (fingers, movement coordination.

Psychological readiness of the child to school includes the following:

Motivational readiness - this is the presence of children's desire to learn. Most parents will almost immediately answer that their children want to go to school and, therefore, they have a motivational readiness. However, this is not entirely true. First of all, the desire to go to school and the desire to learn are significantly different from each other. The school attracts not by its external aspect (the attributes of school life - a briefcase, textbooks, notebooks), but by the opportunity to gain new knowledge, which implies the development of cognitive interests.

Emotional-volitional readiness necessary for the normal adaptation of children to school conditions. We are talking not so much about the children’s ability to obey, but about the ability to listen, to delve into the content of what the adult is talking about. The fact is that the student needs to be able to understand and accept the teacher’s task, subordinating his immediate desires and impulses to him. Perseverance is important - the ability to listen carefully to an adult for a certain time and complete tasks without being distracted by extraneous objects and activities.

Personal and social readiness implies the following:

The child must be sociable, that is, be able to communicate with peers and adults; there should be no aggression in communication, and in case of a quarrel with another child, he should be able to evaluate and look for a way out of a problematic situation; the child must understand and recognize the authority of adults;

Tolerance; this means that the child must respond adequately to constructive comments from adults and peers;

Moral development, the child must understand what is good and what is bad;

The child must accept the task set by the teacher, listening carefully, clarifying unclear points, and after completion he must adequately evaluate his work and admit his mistakes, if any.

Intelligent Readiness - many parents believe that it is the main component of psychological readiness for school, and its basis is teaching children the skills of writing, reading and counting. This belief is the reason why parents make mistakes when preparing their children for school, as well as the reason for their disappointment when selecting their children for school. In fact, intellectual readiness does not imply that the child has any specific knowledge and skills (for example, reading, although, of course, the child must have certain skills. What is important is age-appropriate development of memory, speech, thinking, the child should strive to acquire new knowledge, that is, he must be inquisitive.

Of great importancespeech readiness to school:

Formation of the sound side of speech. The child must have correct, clear sound pronunciation of sounds of all phonetic groups;

Formation of phonemic processes, the ability to hear and distinguish, differentiate the sounds of the native language;

Readiness for sound-letter analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of speech;

The ability to use different methods of word formation, correctly use words with a diminutive meaning, highlight sound and semantic differences between words; form adjectives from nouns;

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech: the ability to use detailed phrasal speech;

The presence of even slight deviations in speech development among first-graders can lead to serious problems in mastering general education school programs. However, parents often do not pay due attention to the fight against one or another speech disorder. This is due to the fact that parents do not hear the speech deficiencies of their children; They do not attach serious importance to them, believing that with age these shortcomings will correct themselves. But the time favorable for correctional work is lost, the child leaves kindergarten for school, and speech deficiencies begin to bring him a lot of grief.

Essential for preparing preschoolers for school is strengthening their health and increasing their performance, developing thinking, curiosity, nurturing certain moral and volitional qualities, and forming elements of educational activity: the ability to concentrate on a learning task, follow the teacher’s instructions, and control their actions in the process of completing a task.

Important question. What does the diagnosis “your child is not ready for school” mean? The parent reads with fear something terrible in this formulation: “Your child is underdeveloped.” Or: “Your child is bad.” But if we are talking about a child under seven years old, then the stated unpreparedness for schooling means only what it means. Namely, that the child needs to wait a while before entering school. He hasn't finished playing yet




Stupinsky municipal district

“Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions.”

(self-education report)

Prepared by teacher

Streltsova Yu.V.



Currently, one of the priority tasks facing teachers is to preserve the health of children in the process of education and training.

The problem of early formation of a culture of health is relevant, timely and quite complex. It is known that preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. After all, it is up to the age of 7 that a person goes through a huge developmental path that is not repeated throughout his subsequent life. It is during this period that intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body takes place, the basic personality traits, attitude towards oneself and others are laid. It is important at this stage to form in children a base of knowledge and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.

By a healthy lifestyle we understand people’s active activities aimed at maintaining and improving health. The formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin in kindergarten. All life activities of a child in a preschool institution should be aimed at maintaining and strengthening health.

Any pedagogical activity should begin only after information on the health status and level of physical development of preschool children has been received and analyzed.

Target : To form a child’s idea of ​​himself and a healthy lifestyle through the use of health-saving technologies.


1. Formation of a health-preserving environment.

2. Developing healthy lifestyle habits in children to increase the protective properties of the body, in accordance with the age and individual capabilities of the children.

3.Development of the need for physical activity.

4. Educating parents on raising a healthy child.

Expected results:

1.Reducing the incidence of children;

2. Creating and maintaining a positive microclimate in the group.

3.Awareness by children, in accordance with age, of the meaning of a healthy lifestyle, mastery of various types of physical activity and hardening;

4. Active assistance of parents in organizing the health of their children;

5. Replenishment of the subject-development environment in the areas of “Physical Education” and “Health”.

As part of the work on this topic, the following work was carried out:

    studied various finger games;

    Every day children receive juice, fruit, vegetable salads;

    Positive results in preschoolers’ health are possible only through interaction with parents: parent-teacher meetings, conversations. During the conversation, parents learn to see more closely the complex, multifaceted process of raising a child and master practical skills. In our work, we used visual information in parent corners, where consultations for parents periodically change, reflecting the rules of personal hygiene, hardening, advice, brochures, guidelines on a healthy lifestyle for preschoolers;

    sunbathing while walking outside; every day we do exercises in the morning (10 minutes), exercises after a nap (5-10 minutes), walk barefoot, on massage paths, sleep with access to fresh air, ventilate the group daily, motor warm-ups (including m/p games), outdoor games and physical exercises, independent motor activity (daily), lightweight clothing, washing, self-massage of hands, ears, eye exercises;

    to ensure full physical development, meet the needs for physical activity of children, in a group, together with a partner, they organized an appropriate subject environment, created the necessary conditions, and manufactured non-traditional physical education equipment;

    replenished the sports equipment of the sports corner in the group with the help of parents: balls of different sizes, hoops, massage balls, dumbbells, jump ropes, massage mats, etc.;

    It is also planned to equip a sports ground on the site with an “obstacle course” to develop endurance and organize physical activity for children in the fresh air;

    physical education activities were held: “Fun Starts”.

    music therapy – musical accompaniment of rhythmic moments, musical background of classes.

    replenishment of the card index: morning exercises; invigorating gymnastics; outdoor games; word games with movement; communication games;

The model of a child’s life in a group is compiled taking into account the change of static classes and motor activities, the varied activities of children during walks, sufficient time for sleep, activities and games (in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the total volume of the compulsory part of the basic general education program of preschool education and the requirements of SanPiN) .

We tried to enrich children’s ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle in a fun, visual and practical way. Using games - dramatizations, story games, conversations to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

I hope that the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in kindergarten will become the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, and as a result, the key to the successful development of all spheres of personality, its properties and qualities.

Municipal Preschool Educational Institution

Kindergarten of compensatory type No. 000

Leninsky district of Saratov

Self-education plan

Topic: “Use of health-saving technologies in working with preschool children”

2013 – 2016 academic year G.


Goal: to continue to improve professional skills on the issue of modern health-saving technologies.

1. Continue to study educational, reference, scientific and methodological literature on the issue of health conservation.

2. Learn to model work based on the studied types, techniques and methods of health preservation (breathing exercises, awakening exercises, outdoor games, physical education exercises)

3. Direct the life activities of children in preschool institutions to preserve and improve health.

4. Develop walks for the middle group according to the seasons.

5. Systematize the studied literature.

Expected results:

Creation of an educational environment that forms a healthy, physically developed, socially adapted personality; consciously using knowledge about a healthy lifestyle;

Decrease in morbidity rates;

Positive dynamics of physical indicators;

To form in children and parents a conscious attitude towards their health.

Long-term plan for the period 2013-2016 academic year. G.

Plan section

Implementation deadlines

Practical solutions


Studying methodological literature, Internet resources on health-saving technologies.

Registration and replenishment of folders on healthy lifestyle.

Production of manuals for awakening gymnastics (tracks).

Making a file of walks according to the seasons in the middle, senior, preparatory groups, finger gymnastics.

Selection of music for performing relaxation exercises.

Creating a subject-developing environment in the group.

Pedagogical experience: “The importance of psychohygienic measures in organizing routine moments for preschool children”

Report at the teachers' council "Use of health-saving technologies in educating preschoolers for a healthy lifestyle"

September 2013 -2015

October 2013-2016

January 2014

Selection and study of literature on this topic

Design and replenishment of folders on health-saving technologies

Manufacturing of orthopedic tracks

A catalog of walks has been compiled for children of the middle, senior and preparatory groups

A selection of musical works has been made

Design of a sports and recreation center in a group.

Report at the teachers' meeting

Publication on the website: MAAM. RU

Working with children

Carrying out diagnostics, analyzing morbidity indicators for children.

Carrying out hardening activities, morning exercises, awakening, finger exercises, dynamic pauses, elements of relaxation.

Project "Young Olympians"

Holding “Health” weeks

Conversations with children about healthy lifestyle

Conducting competitions and sports entertainment.

Participation in competitions and contests at the kindergarten and district level

Organized activities: learning proverbs, riddles about sports, healthy lifestyle with children

2013 -2014 academic year G.

according to the work plan for the year

according to the work plan for the year

Carrying out diagnostics, analyzing morbidity indicators, the level of physical development of children.

All activities are supervised by the head of the preschool educational institution, a doctor.

Project, photo report

Long-term plan for health week

Notes of conversations.

Entertainment summaries, photo report

Photo report, availability of certificates.

Working with parents

Consultations with an orthopedist and educators on the topics: “It’s great to be healthy”;

“Formation of correct posture”;

“The role of the family in the physical education of the child”;

"Let's relax in the summer!"

Design of the travel folder “Organization of active recreation for the family”

Seminars: “Children’s health is in your hands”

Release of the wall newspaper Zdorovichok.”

Preparing material for a corner for parents.

Selection and production of reminders about a healthy lifestyle.

Questioning of parents, interview.

Participation of parents in competitions and competitions.

A folder for parents “Consultations for Parents” has been created

Photo report

Availability of travel folders.

Distributing reminders about a healthy lifestyle

Analysis of questionnaires

photo report


Methods of physical education for preschool children/,

Health-improving gymnastics. Sets of exercises for children 3-7 years old / - M.: Mozaika-sintez, 2013.

Physical education and health work with children 2-7 years old. Detailed long-term planning. Lesson notes./ . – V.: Teacher, 2011.

Scenarios of recreational activities for children 6-7 years old/, 2004.

Fairytale theater of physical culture (physical education classes with preschoolers in the musical rhythm of fairy tales)/, 2003.

Formation of motor activity of children 5-7 years old./. 2012.

, “Health-preserving system of a preschool educational institution.”

“We want to be healthy” institutions

The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law “On the Protection of the Health of Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, and the annual Messages of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev emphasize the importance of solving problems related to preserving the health of citizens of Kazakhstan, the implementation of which, undoubtedly, should begin with preschool organizations (Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Concept of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2015, Concept of State Policy in the Education System, Concept of 12-year Secondary General Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc.).

Health is one of the main sources of happiness and joy of a person, his invaluable wealth, which accumulates slowly and with difficulty, but which can be quickly and easily lost.



Self-education plan

Subject: “Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions”

Target: increasing your level of competence and professionalism in the study of health-saving technologies; introduction and use of technology in working with children, teachers and parents, promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Relevance: The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law “On the Protection of the Health of Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, and the annual Messages of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev emphasize the importance of solving problems related to preserving the health of citizens of Kazakhstan, the implementation of which, undoubtedly, should begin with preschool organizations (Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Concept of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2015, Concept of State Policy in the Education System, Concept of 12-year Secondary General Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, etc.).

Health is one of the main sources of happiness and joy of a person, his invaluable wealth, which accumulates slowly and with difficulty, but which can be quickly and easily lost.

The relevance of health preservation is reflected in the following educational documents:

  • Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”.
  • Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Physical Culture and Sports”.
  • Message from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan “Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050”: a new political course of an established state.”

In the message of the President of the country N.A. Nazarbayev says to the people of Kazakhstan that “the health of the people is an integral component of the success of Kazakhstan in achieving its strategic goals...”. The problem of children's health in any society and in any socio-economic and political situations is relevant, timely and quite complex, since it determines the future of the country, the gene pool of the nation, the scientific and economic potential of society. Preschool age is a unique age for personality development; of all subsequent age stages, it is during this period that the child’s ideas about the world around him are formed, and his intensive mental and physical development occurs. Currently, there are many problems that have a negative impact on resolving issues of preserving and strengthening the health of children: imperfection of the activities of the medical, psychological and pedagogical service of the preschool institution; the health-saving activities of the preschool institution are not sufficiently thought out (the predominance of the aspect on the intellectual, creative development of children, the lack of a daily routine in the family, overcrowding of groups); lack of material and technical base that meets the health-saving orientation of the educational process. Problems of promoting health and longevity have worried outstanding figures of science and culture of all nations at all times. The age-old question has been how a person can overcome all the adverse effects of the environment on the body and maintain good health. Be physically strong, strong and resilient in order to live a long and creatively active life.


1. Continue to study educational, reference, scientific and methodological literature on the issue of health conservation.

2. Learn to model work based on the studied types, techniques and methods of health preservation (breathing exercises, awakening exercises, outdoor games, physical education exercises)

3. Direct the life activities of children in preschool institutions to preserve and improve health.

5. Systematize the studied literature.

4. Promoting the establishment of a culture of health, including a culture of professional health for preschool teachers and valeological education of parents.



Practical solutions

Progress report

Studying methodological literature

September - May

“We want to be healthy” by M. Yu. Kartushina. Moscow 2004

“Developmental classes in physical education and health promotion for preschoolers” N. F. Dick, E. V. Zherdeva. Rostov-on-Don 2005

“Sports events in kindergarten” by Z. F. Aksenov. Moscow 2003

“Practical experience of health-preserving activities in preschool educational institutions” A. S. Sundukova M.: ARCTI. 2010 page 104.

“Pair gymnastics” by T. E. Tokarev. Publishing house "Teacher" 2009

“Formation of motor activity in children aged 5–7 years” by E. K. Voronova. Publishing house "Teacher" 2010

Beisenbaeva A.A., Shokybaev Zh.A, Katpaeva L.M. “Healthy lifestyle and education of the younger generation” // Bulletin “Pedagogical Sciences” - 2013- No. 4 – P.114.

Working with children

During the year

Conversations about health

Teach children to protect and improve their health

Photo report


Gymnastics for the eyes, breathing, finger exercises

To strengthen the body

As a development of motor skills

Photo report

During the year

Music therapy, fairy tale therapy

Develop the emotional sphere. Form a harmonious personality.

Photo report


Organization of outdoor games

Conducting physical education classes (during the year)

To develop the need for physical activity and health-saving skills.

Photo report



Develop health saving skills

Photo report

throughout the year

Carrying out dynamic breaks during classes

To prevent fatigue

Photo report

throughout the year

Carrying out relaxation

To prevent disproportionate load on muscles

Photo report

every day

Carrying out morning exercises

To strengthen the body

Photo report

Working with parents


Individual conversations with parents on the topic “Sportswear and shoes for physical education”

Sliding folder


Consultation for parents “Take care of your eyes”



Consultation for parents “Aggressive children”

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic



Consultation for parents “What is preparation for school?”



“Conditions for a healthy lifestyle in the family”

Questioning parents



Consultation for parents “How to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children”

Providing parents with pedagogical information on this topic




Continued study of the program in the educational field of “health”

Increasing knowledge, collecting material


Working with the book Tkachenko T.A. “Developing fine motor skills”

Analysis of morbidity in winter

Increasing knowledge, collecting material

Collection of analytical information


Working with methodological literature

Increasing knowledge, collecting material


1. “Algashki Kadam” program

2. Program “Zerek Bala”

3. “Preschool education”, scientific and methodological journal; LLC Publishing House "Education of Preschoolers", Moscow

4. “Preschooler’s Health”, scientific and practical journal; LLC Publishing House "Education of Preschoolers", Moscow

4. Tkachenko T.A. “Developing fine motor skills.” - M.: Eksmo, 2008

5. Alimzhanova G.D. Formation of a healthy lifestyle for children in the context of humanization of the educational process / . - Almaty: B. i., 2004. - 54 p.

6. Beisenbaeva A.A., Shokybaev Zh.A, Katpaeva L.M. “Healthy lifestyle and education of the younger generation” // Bulletin “Pedagogical Sciences” - 2013- No. 4 – P.114.






Pilipenko O.A.

Voronezh 2016


Preserving the health of children is a priority activity of the preschool educational institution, since the kindergarten is attended by children with weakened immune systems. The health of children depends not only on physical characteristics and capabilities. First of all, the health of a child from the first days of life depends on the microclimate that surrounds him. This circumstance imposes special responsibility on family members, and primarily on parents.

Health-saving technology is a system of measures that includes the interrelation and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at preserving the health of a child at all stages of his learning and development. The concept of preschool education provides for not only the preservation, but also the active formation of a healthy lifestyle and the health of pupils


creation of a comprehensive system of physical education and health work with children, aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children, developing responsibility among parents and students in preserving their own health.


Give children a general idea of ​​health as a value.

Preserve and strengthen the health of children, improve their physical development, increase the properties of the body, improve physical and mental performance;

Develop basic physical abilities (strength, speed, agility, etc.), introduce children to sports;

To promote the assimilation of rules of compliance with hygiene standards and culture of life;

Learn the rules of nutrition and consolidate the idea of ​​​​the benefits of vegetables and fruits;

To consolidate ideas about the influence of natural environmental factors on health.

Expected result:

- mastering healthy lifestyle skills for children;

Decrease in morbidity rates;

Positive dynamics of indicators of physical development of children;

- increasing the interest of kindergarten workers and parents in promoting the health of preschool children

- stimulating increased attention of preschoolers and their parents to issues of health, nutrition, healthy lifestyle, rational physical activity.

Work plan



Practical solutions

Studying methodological literature

September - May

1. Shukshina S.E. Me and my body: a guide for teaching children with practical tasks and games. – M.: School Press, 2004.

2. Kuznetsova M. N. System of comprehensive measures for the improvement of children’s health in preschool educational institutions. M.:ARKTI, 2002.

3. Karepova T.G. “Formation of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.” Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

4. Bryazgunov I.P. “Teach children not to get sick” - Moscow, Humanitarian Publishing Center “Vlados”, 2004.

5. Yakovleva T. S. “Health-saving technologies of education in kindergarten” - M.: School Press, 2006;

6. Kulik G.I. “School of a healthy person” - M: Education, 2008

Working with children


"Nutrition and Health"

Introduce healthy foods - vegetables and fruits (onions, cabbage, apples, pears, herbs, etc.).

Tell children about the benefits of vegetables and fruits for humans. Explain that the body requires food rich in vitamins, which are found in fruits, vegetables, green onions, etc.; introduce vitamins and their meaning.

1. Conversation: “Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods.”

2. Games: “What destroys health, what strengthens it?”, “Make the right choice”, “Guess it”, “Guess the vitamin”, “Name a healthy product”, Vitamin treat.

3. Reading the poem “About a girl who ate poorly”

4. Riddles about fruits and vegetables

5. Questioning parents


Reinforce the idea of ​​the benefits of eating vegetables and fruits.

Familiarize yourself with the rules of nutrition.

Continue to introduce useful products

1. Collective application “Vitamins for Masha”

2. Discussion with children about the “Laws of Nutrition”.

3. Color foods that are healthy.


"Cleanliness and Health"

Talk about the importance of sanitary and hygienic procedures for health. Talk about microbes.

The importance of dental health for the health of the whole body. Dental and oral care.

Reinforce the importance of sanitary and hygienic procedures for health.

Continue to educate about sanitation procedures.

1. Conversation “How to properly wash your hands and face.”

2. Riddles about eyebrows, eyes, nose, teeth, tongue, hands, fingers.

3. Wellness minute - self-massage of the ears.

4. Games: “Guessing game”, “Find the correct answer”, “Who has the highest foam”.

5. Reading the poems “Like our Lyuba...”, “Moidodyr”, “Dirty Girl”, “About Mimosa”.

6. Conversation “Why does a person need a toothbrush.”


"Health and Illness"

Tell children about human health and illness; reveal the cause of some diseases caused by non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules. Remind children about germs and their environment. Talk about microbes as the cause of some diseases.

Reinforce ideas about signs of health and illness.

Strengthen the skills of proper hand washing using game situations

1. Conversations on topics.

2. Didactic games: “Name the objects”, “Doctors of Nature”, “Questions and Answers”

3. Exercise “So that we don’t get sick.”

4. Reading poems: “Flu”, “Tummy”, “Allergy”, “Runny nose”, “Sore throat”, “Throat”, “Aibolit”

5. Project “Health is more valuable than wealth”


"Physical Education and Health"

Talk about the benefits of physical mobility.

To form children's ideas about the possibility of improving health through physical exercise.

Reinforcing exercises familiar to children and elements of sports games.

Continue to exercise and play sports

1. Physical education minutes: “Giraffe”, “Octopus”, “Bird”, “Monkey”, “Horse”, “Stork”, “Cat”.

2. Finger gymnastics: “House”, “Guests”, “Potty”, “Mosquito”, “Cat”, “Orange”.

3. Games: “A few secrets about yourself”, “Health is fine, thanks to exercise”, “Doing exercises”.

4. Sports entertainment. “We are growing strong and brave”, “Winter joys”, “Who is faster?”.


"Health and the Environment"

Features of life in a big city.

Talk about health hazards (noise, pollution, heavy traffic flows, many people).

To form children's understanding of environmental factors in a big city that affect human health.

Expand and consolidate the understanding of the importance of plants for human life.

1. Conversations on the topic.

2. Collective children's drawings, which, based on observations, reflect the state of green spaces near roads and parking lots.

3. Conversation “Plants in the city.”

4. Didactic games: “Grouping objects”, “How to grow up healthy?”, “Differences and similarities of objects”, “What has changed?”, “Name them in order”, “Place them in order”, “What’s first, what’s next”, "Health Town"

5. Poems about plants.

6. Exhibition of children's works on visual activities “Healthy lifestyle”.

7. Sports festival “Health Day”

Working with family


Parent survey. Consultation "Healthy lifestyle for your children"


Folder for parents "Healthy eating is the main medicine"


Consultations for parents on disease prevention.


Folder "Tips from a FC instructor"



Consultation on the topic: “The system of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions.”

Exhibition of children's works on visual arts "Healthy Lifestyle".



Report on the topic of self-education at the final teachers' meeting.

Making card files: “Gymnastics for the eyes”, “Breathing gymnastics”, “Outdoor games”, “Physical training minutes”