A story about a family walk in the fall. Summary of GCD in the senior group

A week has already passed since the summer holidays ended and a new one began. academic year. And my family and I decided on this first Sunday of autumn to go into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. Armed with baskets and knives, we went into the forest. On the way, I remembered what they look like and are called edible mushrooms and berries, how to navigate in the forest and what to do if you get lost.

"Hooray!" We arrived, put on rubber boots, tied scarves on our heads, smeared ourselves with cream against ticks and mosquitoes and entered the forest!

The first thing I saw was an endless autumn carpet of colorful leaves. After walking a few steps along the carpet, I found a boletus, he stood proudly near the Christmas tree, his hat looked like a musketeer’s hat, on which a small yellow leaf flaunted like a feather. A russula grew not far from him, and there was also an autumn leaf on it, which combined all the colors of the rainbow: yellow, green, red, orange... and looked like a light butterfly. Having cut the mushrooms, I moved on; my mother was walking very close and called me. I quickly ran up to her, following her gaze, I saw a squirrel at the very top of the pine tree. The fluffy animal, gracefully waving its tail, deftly jumped from branch to branch and from tree to tree.

Suddenly a cool autumn breeze blew and a fabulous rain began around me: red, purple, yellow, green, crimson leaves, fluttering in the air like snowflakes, lay on the autumn carpet. They were so beautiful, I picked a whole bouquet. While collecting leaves, I came across a family of milk mushrooms, which were diligently hiding under the deciduous forest carpet. Until all the mushrooms were in my basket, I did not leave this wonderful place. My walk continued, I knew that my parents were very close, it was calming, and the forest silence was also calming, filled with rustling sounds, the crunching of branches, the rustling of trees, the cries of birds, but still, it was a forest silence, kind and unique. The rustling distracted me from my thoughts, I turned around and saw a chipmunk on a fallen tree, he was very agile and was in a hurry somewhere, like a postman rushing to deliver a telegram on time.

I didn’t even notice how time flew by, but dad was already calling me to the car, because everyone was getting ready to go home. Enjoying the smell of the forest, I reluctantly wandered to the car, a full basket of mushrooms pleasantly retracted my hand, but I still couldn’t find any berries.

Sitting in the car on the way home, I admired the forest stretching on both sides of the road. I noticed that this year the birch trees began to turn yellow from the top. My grandmother says this is for a frosty winter.

Then my mother and I sorted through mushrooms all evening, my mother made various preparations, I went to my room to dry mine autumn bouquet. Laying out the leaves on the pages of an old magazine, I imagined what could be done with them. Most likely, I will do a work for the competition and call it “Walk with Autumn.”

MBOU "Lukovetskaya" high school» -

"Kindergarten No. 64 "Beryozka"

Educator: Gulenok Elena Azimovna.

Abstract directly educational activities on development educational field"Speech development."

Topic: “Composing a story based on the painting “A Walk in the Autumn Park.”

Target: teach children to compose short story(from 2-3 sentences), reflecting the content of the picture.


  • development of children's dialogical speech;
  • enrichment vocabulary children;
  • improving children’s ability to answer questions in coherent, complete sentences.

Preliminary work: Observing the signs of autumn while walking, reading works: Bunin “Falling Leaves”, Maikov “Autumn Leaves...”

Materials: Painting “Walk in the autumn park”, ball.

Progress of direct educational activities.

Leaf fall, leaf fall,
Yellow leaves are flying.
Yellow maple, yellow beech,
Yellow circle in the sky of the sun.
Yellow yard, yellow house.
The whole earth is yellow all around.
Yellowness, yellowness,
This means that autumn is not spring.

The teacher asks what time of year the poem is about. Exhibits a picture.

V.: So the beautiful Autumn came to us. Autumn can be different, cheerful and sad. Autumn brings us different moods; we are sometimes sad along with autumn, sometimes we are happy.

Q: Look who is in the picture?

D.: Children. Boy and girl.

Q: What are the children doing?

D.: They are walking, collecting leaves.

Q: What time of year is shown in the picture? Why do you think it's autumn?

D.: Autumn. There's a lot around yellow leaves. Leaves fell on the path.

Q: Look at the leaves and tell me what color they are?

D.: Yellow, red.

Q: What else can you call the color of autumn leaves?

D.: Crimson, gold.

Q: What clothes did the children wear when going for a walk?

D.: Warm coat, jacket, boots, warm hat, scarf.

Game exercise with a ball “What is autumn like?”

(warm, golden, rainy, gloomy, beautiful, sad, sad, bright, colorful)

Game exercise: “Choose an action”

Leaves in the fall (what they do) turn yellow and fall off.

It's raining in the fall - it's drizzling and falling.

The harvest is harvested in the fall.

Birds fly away in the fall.

Trees in autumn shed leaves.

Leaves in autumn (what?) - yellow, red, crimson, gold.

How can you say this in one word? (Multi-colored.)

Rain in autumn (what kind?) - cold, drizzling.

The weather in autumn (what?) - cloudy, rainy, gloomy, frosty (late autumn).

Trees in autumn (which ones?) - early - with multi-colored leaves, late - bare, without leaves.

Compose a story based on the picture together with the teacher.

Physical education minute.

Finger gymnastics “The wind flew through the forest”

The wind flew through the forest.

The wind counted the leaves:
Here's an oak one,
Here's a maple one,
Here is a carved rowan tree,
Here from the birch tree - golden,
Here is the last leaf from the aspen tree
The wind blew it onto the path.
Swing your arms to the sides.

We bend our fingers.

We gently lower our hands to our knees.

Didactic game "Autumn"

The teacher talks about autumn and sometimes makes deliberate mistakes. If he speaks incorrectly, the children should clap their hands.

In autumn it becomes warmer than in summer. (Clap)

In autumn it becomes colder than in summer.

In autumn, new green leaves appear. (Clap)

In autumn the leaves turn yellow and red, then fall off.

In autumn, some birds fly to us from the south. (Clap)

In autumn, some birds fly south.

In autumn the bear wakes up. (Clap)

In autumn the bear falls asleep.


Do you want to take a walk in the autumn park with your children?

What new words have you learned about autumn?

List of used literature:

    O.S. Ushakova “Classes on the development of children’s speech.

    NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva Program preschool education“From birth to school” Moscow. Mosaic – Synthesis 2014

    Seasons of the year. Nature magazine. Internet.

    Demonstration material for conducting classes on speech development (writing stories) and introducing children to the world around them. Seasons. Autumn.

Summary of GCD in senior group. Compiling a story based on the painting “A Walk in the Autumn Park”

Abstract educational activities

writing a story based on a picture« Walk through the autumn park»

Educational areas: "Social and communicative development", « Cognitive development» , "Speech development","Artistic and aesthetic development", « Physical development» . Target: Help children comprehend the content paintings and pass it on to your stories. Tasks: Learn to build sentences; clearly pronounce words. Develop the ability to coherently and consistently describe an image on picture. Cultivate interest in writing stories based on paintings.

Progress of educational activities Sounds melodious, calm music Educator: Today we will take a trip. And where, you will now find out.

View the presentation « Autumn in the park» . Educator: Where are we going? Children: IN autumn Park Educator: That's right, guys! But the park will not be easy, but magical!

There's a knock on the door. The postman comes in. He brought a parcel - picture with a letter. Says goodbye and leaves.

Educator: Let's see who this letter is from?

The teacher reads the letter aloud.

“Hello, Luntik writes to you. I need your help. I need make a story based on a picture« Walk through the autumn park» . Since I've never been to autumn park, it's very difficult for me to do this. Help me please"

Educator: Are you ready to help Luntik? Children: Yes!

Educator: Guys, Luntik was lucky, because now we were just about to make a trip to autumn park and it will be easier for us to compose a story based on the picture« Walk through the autumn park» .

Educator: But, unfortunately, you can’t just get into the forest! You need to solve riddles. The teacher asks riddles

The leaves are spinning in the air, quietly lying on the grass. The garden sheds its leaves - It's simple. (Leaf fall.)

He walks and we run

He'll catch up anyway!

We rush to the house to hide,

He will knock on our window,

And on the roof, knock and knock!

No, we won't let you in, dear friend. (Rain.)

I paint with yellow paint

Field, forest, valleys.

And I love the sound of rain,

Call me (Autumn.)

Educator: Well done!

Educator: Now you can go to autumn Park. I suggest you take it with you picture. And we are in the forest let's make a story about it. You agree with me? Children: Yes! Educator: What else can you take with you? in the forest in autumn?

It is comfortable and light

Its name is short

In the economy it serves us for centuries,

This word contains the name Zina.

You can go mushroom hunting with it. It’s not hard to wear,

And very easy to break!

They weave them from twigs and bast,

Tell me what her name is (Basket) Children: Cart.

Educator: Right. Magical music is playing. Educator: Hold hands, everyone. Let's stand in a circle. One, two, three - they spun and park, you, find yourself! Educator: Look, there are leaves everywhere. Would you like to collect them? Children: Yes! Children take one piece of paper at a time. Educator: What leaf do you have? What about you, what can we say about leaves: what are they? How many leaves did you collect?

Can you say the word leaf, first loudly, then in a whisper? Children: Yes! All children pronounce. Educator: Who scattered these leaves? Children: Autumn.

Educator: I suggest you play. Do you agree? The game is called “Name the signs autumn» . We all stand in a circle. Everyone takes turns calling out the signs. autumn and puts the piece of paper in the basket.

Children: The days have become shorter, the nights are longer, the sun shines little, there are colorful leaves on the trees, cold winds are blowing, the wind is tearing leaves from the trees, the wind is shallow cold rain, the sky is gray, the grasses turn brown, the flowers wither, there are frosts at night, the trees are covered with frost, the insects have disappeared, the sun rarely shines, there are gray clouds in the sky, there are fogs in the mornings, puddles are covered with a crust of ice.

Educator: Well done! If you know the signs so well autumn you, for sure, they were well prepared for it. Educator: I think you're tired? I suggest you rest.

Fizminutka "Leaves"

Autumn the leaves began to spin.

A cheerful wind rustled above them,

They flew merrily

And they sat down on the ground.

The wind came quietly again,

Suddenly I picked up beautiful leaves.

They flew merrily

And they sat down on the ground.

Educator: Guys, look here there are some Pictures. Would you like them consider. I suggest you draw up nice suggestion for this pictures. To make it easier for you, I suggest you split into pairs. Everyone comes to the table on which they are lying Pictures. The teacher helps them divide into pairs. Children are divided into pairs. AND make up proposals. Educator: I would like to praise you for speaking clearly, distinctly, and interestingly. Educator: Guys, you and I had to help someone. To whom and in what? Children: We must help Luntik, make a story based on a picture. Educator: I propose to do this now. The guys go to picture, sit on chairs.

Writing a story. Educator: Guys, now you will wake up make up a story based on a picture. Use in your story those offers and those autumn signs , which we have already named earlier. Questions about content paintings- What time of year is shown on picture? - Look and name all the signs autumn, which you see here. - Who is pictured? picture? - How are they dressed? - What are the children doing? - Why do you love autumn?

Educator: I'll start our story, and you guys continue. Agreed? The teacher selects two children who will continue story. First child will tell the middle of the story. Second child finishes story. Educator: Need it again tell our story. Who wants? Children tell a story based on the picture. Educator: Well done, you did a great job! Educator: I have prepared two more games « Autumn words» And "Weather in autumn» . I suggest you play one of them. It's up to you to decide which game to play. Choose.

« Autumn words»

Children: Golden, sad, gloomy, beautiful, colorful, rainy, long, lingering, motley, warm, cold, early, late, middle, good, wondrous, thoughtful, wonderful, interesting, majestic, sad, charming, quiet, sad, mysterious , boring, sad, affectionate.

“What is she like?”


I have a magic crown

She knows a lot

And he wants to know a lot

Whoever sits on his head will be asked a question.

Educator - Children, what is the weather like? in autumn:

When it's raining- rainy. When the wind blows - windy Cold - cold Cloudy - cloudy Damp - damp Gloomy - gloomy Clear - clear Educator: It’s time for us to go back to kindergarten. Have we forgotten anything? Children: Picture, cart. The leaves that were in the basket were quietly replaced with apples. Educator: Where is our basket? Here she is. Look, guys, our leaves have turned into ruddy apples. And, truly, a magical forest! How generous she is - autumn! Magic music sounds. Educator: Hold hands, everyone. Let's make a circle. One, two, three - spin around and in kindergarten, find yourself!

Educator: Here we are in our favorite kindergarten! Did you guys like our trip? If you liked our event, smile, if you didn’t like it, make a sad face. What did you like most? After lunch, you and I will write a letter to our friend Luntik, in which we will send our a story based on a painting. I think he will be very happy! You guys are great! Now go to group to taste the apples. (Children go to group.)

Modern life is a constant cycle with a frantic rhythm: work-cooking, washing-cleaning, ironing-washing dishes and work again. It would seem that it’s a day off - you can relax, but that’s not the case. After all, no one canceled lunch and dinner, and if the child gets dirty, then he needs to wash it. And so on endlessly, and sometimes you really want to spend at least one day with your child. Of course, no one can cancel household chores, but you can somehow diversify your day off. Try going to the park with your whole family.

Let's first close your eyes and imagine an autumn park. Introduced? No, just don’t imagine slush, wet asphalt, piercing wind and drizzling rain. After all, autumn also means rustling leaves underfoot, the golden crown of trees, Indian summer, light frosts, the first ice on puddles... And, how many amazing and interesting things you can tell your child. Intrigued? Then start getting ready for a family walk to the park.

Suppose you came for a walk, but you are confused and don’t know how to interest your child, how to teach him to love autumn nature?

Try feeding the birds and animals. Has your baby ever seen a squirrel or a swan? Did he feed them? Why, you ask, there is a dog living in our house and the child sometimes feeds it. This is not at all the same... Imagine how much joy he will experience when, for example, a squirrel cautiously approaches his palm, on which a nut lies. And the child excitedly extends his little hand, sitting on his dad’s shoulder. Or swans gracefully swim to the edge of the shore to enjoy the crumbs of bread that your child, laughing, throws to them. Or the pigeons that surround your child in the hope of getting a few seeds from him, and he cheerfully waves his little arms, scattering the seeds and watching the smallest of the pigeons... Isn’t this a manifestation of love for animals and birds? After all, it is with such small feedings that we teach the child to love nature, care for animals, and empathy.

Or collect forest fruits for crafts. Try to combine business with pleasure on your walk. Stop by the souvenir shop on the way to the park and be sure to show your angel a few crafts made from natural materials: pine cones, acorns, nuts, twigs... You will probably interest him by saying that he can do something similar or even better himself, and you, of course, can make him Well, you will help. Approaching the park, you will see that a child will rush excitedly between the trees, collecting cones, twigs, twigs, imagining as he goes what can be made from them. Sometimes it’s not even possible to imagine a bird from a twig, but he saw it...

Collect a herbarium. Remember, as a child, you and your friends ran to the nearest tree, trying to find the most beautiful, brightest, most golden or crimson leaf, and then carefully laid it between the pages of the book. And when it dried up, you thought for a long time about what kind of craft to create. Who did you create your little “masterpiece” for? Of course, for the parents who saw this “miracle” shed a tear of pride at the sight of this autumn miracle, and maybe they still treasure it carefully. And now it’s your turn, show your baby the beauty of collecting all kinds of leaves and twigs. Show him how rich the autumn world is: here is a leaf that resembles a gnome’s hat, here is a princess’s dress, and there is a twig that looks like a little man. All this allows the child to fantasize and see all the charm of natural beauty. And then, come home, take out a thick book and carefully arrange the leaves with your baby, just like you did... years ago with your parents and... wait for your little “masterpiece”.

A walk with the family to the park is not only about communicating with animals and collecting a herbarium, it is also about riding a boat with dad on a quiet river or pond somewhere on the outskirts of the park under the flowing branches of willow and vines. Tempting, don't you think? How about flying a kite with dad or playing football with him?

Accompany your walk educational story about the change of seasons or the beauty of autumn nature. No, it is not at all necessary to look for stories about winter-autumn in books before going for a walk. You start in your own way, and the child will quickly pick up, coming up with a new turn of events and new heroes on the go. He'll come up with his own own story, your common history with him. If you have a good memory, then read by heart the poems of Yesenin or Pushkin, they knew a lot about beauty autumn time and they knew how to talk about it so captivatingly in their creations. Who knows, maybe wonderful poetic lines will inspire your children to create their own poems?!

And all the way home, your “young researcher” will share his impressions and future plans, carrying a huge bouquet of “future herbarium” and a bag of branches and cones. You see, even a short family walk through the autumn park brings new impressions, a new perception of natural beauty and, most importantly, A New Look to your family, where parents and children are together.