Large amounts of greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere. What are greenhouse gases

Production activities humans entail harmful effects on the atmosphere. This factor has already become a banality and only specialists in the environmental field pay attention to it. Meanwhile, harmful emissions pose increasingly pressing issues for organizations involved in global changes climate. The list of the most pressing problems at conferences dedicated to ecology regularly includes greenhouse gases as one of the most dangerous factors influencing the atmosphere and biota. The fact is that gaseous compounds of this type cannot transmit thermal radiation, which contributes to heating of the atmosphere. There are several sources of formation of such gases, including biological phenomena. Now it’s worth taking a closer look at the composition of greenhouse mixtures.

Water vapor as the main greenhouse gas

Gases of this type form about 60% of the total volume of substances that create As the Earth's temperature increases, evaporation and total concentration in the atmosphere also increase. At the same time, the same level of humidity is maintained, which contributes to the greenhouse effect. The natural essence that greenhouse gas possesses in the form of vapor undoubtedly has positive aspects in the matter of natural regulation atmospheric composition. But there is also negative consequences this process. The fact is that against the backdrop of rising humidity, there is also an increase in cloud mass, which reflects the direct rays of the sun. As a result, there is already anti greenhouse effect, at which the intensity of thermal radiation and, accordingly, heating of the atmosphere decreases.

Carbon dioxide

Among the main sources of this type of emissions are volcanic eruptions, human activities and processes occurring in the biosphere. Anthropogenic sources include the combustion of fuel materials and biomass, industrial processes and other factors leading to the formation of carbon dioxide. This is the same greenhouse gas that actively participates in the processes of biocenosis. It is also the most durable in terms of staying in the atmosphere. According to some information, further accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmospheric layers is limited by the risk of consequences not only for the balance in the biosphere, but also for the existence of human civilization as a whole. It is precisely such ideas that are the main motivation for developing measures to counteract the greenhouse effect.


It persists in the atmosphere for about 10 years. Previously, it was believed that the effect of methane on stimulating the greenhouse effect is 25 times greater than carbon dioxide. But the last ones scientific research gave even more pessimistic results - it turned out that the potential impact of this gas was underestimated. However, the situation is mitigated by a short period during which the atmosphere retains methane. This type of greenhouse gas occurs as a result of anthropogenic activities. This could be rice growing, digestive fermentation, deforestation, etc. According to some studies, an intensive increase in methane concentration took place in the first millennium AD. Such phenomena were associated precisely with the expansion of cattle breeding and agricultural production, as well as with the burning of forests. Methane concentrations declined over subsequent centuries, although the trend is reversed today.


Greenhouse gas mixtures contain not only dangerous components, but also beneficial parts. These include ozone, which protects the Earth from ultraviolet light. However, not everything is clear here either. Scientists divide this gas into two categories - tropospheric and stratospheric. As for the first, it can be dangerous due to its toxicity. At the same time, the increased content of tropospheric elements contributes to the growth of the greenhouse effect. In this case, the stratosphere layer acts as the main protection against the effects of harmful radiation. In regions where this type of greenhouse gas has an increased concentration, strong impacts on vegetation, which manifest themselves in inhibition of photosynthetic potential.

Counteracting the greenhouse effect

There are several directions in which work is being done on methods to curb this process. Among the main measures, the use of tools for regulating the interaction of accumulators and absorbers stands out greenhouse gases. In particular, environmental agreements at the local level contribute to the active development of forestry. It is also worth noting the reforestation measures, which in the future will help minimize the greenhouse effect. Gas released into the atmosphere from manufacturing can also be reduced in many industries. To achieve this, measures are being introduced to limit emissions in transport, including production areas, at power plants, etc. For this purpose, alternative methods of fuel processing and gas removal systems are being developed. For example, in lately A recovery system is being actively implemented, thanks to which enterprises optimize their waste disposal processes.


Human activity does not play the biggest role in the formation of the greenhouse effect. This can be seen in the share of gas volumes that are produced by anthropogenic sources. However, it is these harmful emissions that are most dangerous for the atmosphere. That's why environmental organizations consider greenhouse gases as a factor in negative climate change. As a result, means are used to curb the spread and accumulation of harmful substances that increase the risk of global warming. Moreover, the fight against harmful emissions is carried out in the most different directions. This applies not only to factories and enterprises, but also to products intended for individual use.

In connection with the release of some resolutions, letters and methodological instructions Natural resource users are asking questions regarding the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions, but regulatory authorities do not yet have clear answers. Nevertheless, the issue is being actively discussed. Starting with basic knowledge And historical information about greenhouse gases, we will try to cover this topic for all interested parties, even those far from ecology.

What are greenhouse gas emissions and why are they dangerous: history of the issue


Greenhouse gases are gases with high transparency in the visible range and high absorption in the far infrared range. The presence of such gases causes the greenhouse effect - an increase in the temperature of the lower layers of the planet's atmosphere.

For the Earth, water vapor and carbon dioxide. An increase in the amount of carbon dioxide due to industrial emissions into the atmosphere leads to an increase in surface temperatures, which, according to the theory of global warming, leads to disruption of natural climatic processes.

Due to this danger, it is necessary to reduce GHG emissions, and therefore, in 1997, an agreement was concluded in Kyoto - the Kyoto Protocol, created as additional document to the 1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

In 2015, a new agreement was signed in Paris regulating measures to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 2020.

The new agreement was signed by Russia, but not ratified: in the summer of 2016, the business community asked the president not to approve this document, because this will be bad for the economy. In addition, S. Lavrov, in his speech at the summit global development at the UN General Assembly stated that Russia has exceeded its commitments to achieve GHG emissions below 1990 levels.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Russia: work plan

However, we did not stop there. Our country has taken a number of steps to reduce GHG emissions and reduce the danger of global warming in the world. Primarily developed legislative framework on this issue.

Editor's response

On Monday, November 30, at which a global agreement is expected to be signed by countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The new agreement will replace the Kyoto Protocol. The conference will last until December 11 and is attended by 150 heads of state and government. talks about what greenhouse gases are.

Greenhouse gases are a group of gaseous compounds that are part of the Earth's atmosphere. They practically do not allow thermal radiation emanating from the planet to pass through them. Thus, according to a number of researchers, the layer of greenhouse gases greatly affects the climate, warming the Earth's atmosphere. This process is also often called the "greenhouse effect".

Types of greenhouse gases

The list of greenhouse gases, according to Appendix A to the Kyoto Protocol, includes the following compounds:

Water vapor is the most common greenhouse gas. There is no data on an increase in its concentration in the atmosphere.

Carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) (CO2) - most important source climate change, which may account for about 64% of global warming.

The main sources of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere are:

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is the third most important greenhouse gas under the Kyoto Protocol. It accounts for about 6% of global warming. Released during the production and use of mineral fertilizers, in chemical industry, in agriculture, etc.

Perfluorocarbons - PFCs. Hydrocarbon compounds in which fluorine partially replaces carbon. The main sources of emissions of these gases are the production of aluminum, electronics and solvents.

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are hydrocarbon compounds in which halogens partially replace hydrogen.

Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is a greenhouse gas used as an electrical insulating material in the electrical power industry. Emissions occur during its production and use. Remains in the atmosphere for an extremely long time and is an active absorber infrared radiation. Therefore, this compound, even with relatively small emissions, has the potential to influence climate for a long time in the future.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

1. Increasing the efficiency of energy use in relevant sectors of the national economy;

2. Protection and improvement of the quality of sinks and reservoirs of greenhouse gases, taking into account their obligations under the relevant international environmental agreements; promoting sound forestry practices, afforestation and reforestation in a sustainable manner;

3. Encouraging sustainable forms agriculture in light of climate change considerations;

4. Assistance in implementation, implementation research work, development and increased use of new and renewable energy, carbon dioxide absorption technologies and innovative environmentally friendly technologies;

5. Gradual reduction or elimination of market imbalances, fiscal incentives, exemption from taxes and duties, subsidies contrary to the purpose of the Convention in all sectors that produce greenhouse gas emissions and the use of market instruments;

6. Encouraging appropriate reforms in relevant sectors to facilitate the implementation of policies and measures that limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions;

7. Measures to limit and/or reduce greenhouse gas emissions in transport;

Limit and/or reduce methane emissions through recovery and use in waste disposal, as well as in energy production, transportation and distribution.

These provisions of the Protocol are of a general nature and provide Parties with the opportunity to independently select and implement the set of policies and measures that will best suit national circumstances and priorities.

Greenhouse gases in Russia

The main source of greenhouse gas emissions in Russia is:

  • energy sector (71%);
  • mining of coal, oil and gas (16%);
  • industry and construction (about 13%).

Thus, the greatest contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Russia can be made by realizing the enormous energy saving potential. Currently, the energy intensity of the country’s economy exceeds the world average by 2.3 times, and average for EU countries - 3.2 times. The potential for energy saving in Russia is estimated at 39-47% of current energy consumption, and it mainly falls on electricity production, transmission and distribution of thermal energy, industrial sectors and unproductive energy losses in buildings.

Kyoto Protocol - international agreement, adopted in Kyoto (Japan) in December 1997 in addition to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It obliges developed countries and countries with economies in transition to reduce or stabilize greenhouse gas emissions.

A greenhouse gas is a mixture of several transparent atmospheric gases that practically do not transmit the Earth's thermal radiation. An increase in their concentration leads to global and irreversible climate change. There are several types of main greenhouse gases. The concentration in the atmosphere of each of them affects the thermal effect in its own way.

Main types

There are several types gaseous substances related to the most significant greenhouse gases:

  • water vapor;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • nitrous oxide;
  • methane;
  • freons;
  • PFCs (perfluorocarbons);
  • HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons);
  • SF6 (sulfur hexafluoride).

About 30 leading to the greenhouse effect have been identified. Impact on thermal processes Substances on the earth have an effect on one molecule depending on the quantity and strength. Based on the nature of their occurrence in the atmosphere, greenhouse gases are divided into natural and anthropogenic.

water vapor

A common greenhouse gas is its amount in the Earth's atmosphere exceeds the concentration of carbon dioxide. Water vapor has natural origin: external factors are not able to influence its increase in environment. The temperature of the world's oceans and air regulates the number of molecules of water evaporation.

An important characteristic of the properties of water vapor is its positive inverse relationship with carbon dioxide. It has been established that the greenhouse effect caused by the emission is approximately doubled due to the effect of water evaporation molecules.

Thus, water vapor as a greenhouse gas is a powerful catalyst for anthropogenic climate warming. Its influence on greenhouse processes should be considered only in conjunction with the properties of a positive connection with carbon dioxide. Water vapor itself does not lead to such global changes.

Carbon dioxide

It occupies a leading place among greenhouse gases of anthropogenic origin. It has been established that about 65% of global warming is associated with increased emissions of carbon dioxide into the Earth's atmosphere. The main factor in increasing gas concentration is, of course, human production and technical activity.

Fuel combustion ranks first (86% of total carbon dioxide emissions) among the sources of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. Other reasons include the burning of biological mass - mainly forests - and industrial emissions.

Carbon dioxide greenhouse gas is the most effective driving force global warming. After entering the atmosphere, carbon dioxide undergoes big way through all its layers. The time it takes to remove 65% of the carbon dioxide from the air envelope is called the effective residence period. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide persist for 50-200 years. It is the high duration of the presence of carbon dioxide in the environment that plays a significant role in the processes of the greenhouse effect.


It enters the atmosphere through natural and anthropogenic means. Despite the fact that its concentration is much lower than that of carbon dioxide, methane acts as a more significant greenhouse gas. 1 molecule of methane is estimated to be 25 times stronger in the greenhouse effect than a molecule of carbon dioxide.

Currently, the atmosphere contains about 20% methane (out of 100% greenhouse gases). Methane enters the air artificially due to industrial emissions. The natural mechanism of gas formation is considered to be excessive decomposition organic matter and excessive burning of forest biomass.

Nitric oxide (I)

Nitrous oxide is considered the third most important greenhouse gas. This is a substance that has a negative effect on the ozone layer. It has been established that about 6% of the greenhouse effect comes from monovalent nitric oxide. The compound is 250 times stronger than carbon dioxide.

Dinitrogen monoxide occurs naturally in the Earth's atmosphere. It has a positive relationship with ozone layer: The higher the oxide concentration, the higher the degree of destruction. On the one hand, reducing ozone reduces the greenhouse effect. At the same time radioactive radiation much more dangerous for the planet. The role of ozone in global warming is being studied, and experts are divided on this matter.

PFCs and HFCs

Hydrocarbons with partial replacement of fluorine in the structure of the molecule are greenhouse gases of anthropogenic origin. The total impact of such substances on global warming is about 6%.

PFCs are released into the atmosphere from the production of aluminum, electrical appliances and solvents various substances. HFCs are compounds in which hydrogen is partially replaced by halogens. They are used in production and in aerosols to replace substances that destroy the ozone layer. They have a high global warming potential, but are safer for the Earth's atmosphere.

Sulfur hexafluoride

Used as an insulating agent in the electrical power industry. The connection is characteristic for a long time persist in the layers of the atmosphere, which causes long-term and extensive absorption of infrared rays. Even small quantity will significantly affect the climate in the future.

Greenhouse effect

The process can be observed not only on Earth, but also on neighboring Venus. Its atmosphere currently consists entirely of carbon dioxide, which has led to an increase in surface temperatures to 475 degrees. Experts are confident that the oceans helped the Earth avoid the same fate: by partially absorbing carbon dioxide, they help remove it from the surrounding air.

Emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere block heat rays, causing the Earth's temperature to rise. Global warming is fraught with serious consequences in the form of an increase in the area of ​​the World Ocean, an increase in natural disasters and precipitation. The existence of species in coastal areas and islands.

In 1997, the UN adopted the Kyoto Protocol, which was created in order to control the amount of emissions on the territory of each state. Environmentalists are confident that it will no longer be possible to completely solve the problem of global warming, but it remains possible to significantly mitigate the ongoing processes.

Limitation methods

Greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by following several rules:

  • eliminate inefficient use of electricity;
  • increase the coefficient useful action natural resources;
  • increase the number of forests, prevent forest fires in a timely manner;
  • use environmentally friendly technologies in production;
  • introduce the use of renewable or non-carbon energy sources.

Greenhouse gases in Russia are emitted due to extensive power generation, mining and industrial development.

The main task of science is the invention and implementation of environmentally clean look fuel, developing a new approach to processing waste materials. Gradual reform of production standards, strict control of the technical sphere and careful attitude everyone to the environment can significantly reduce Global warming can no longer be avoided, but the process is still controllable.

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In today's fast-paced world, new technological attempts are being made to combat pollution and waste. But one problem still remains unresolved: greenhouse gases. And although many of us have heard about it, we are still not sufficiently aware of the consequences it carries.


Greenhouse gases are present in the atmospheres of all planets. Their formation is a natural process associated with the peculiarities of the properties of thermal energy. Before the emergence of the first living beings, they were actively produced in natural conditions. Gases have existed on the planet since the first rudiments of the atmosphere appeared, and it was thanks to them that the conditions for life were formed.

Specific concentration natural gas allowed the establishment of an adequate temperature for all living organisms. It turns out that their formation was initially associated exclusively with natural natural phenomena and processes. How did this happen?

It all started from the moment when sun rays began to warm up the surface of the planet. Carbon dioxide and other components that entered the atmosphere contained some of this energy, preventing it from being completely reflected from the surface and released into the atmosphere. outer space. The heating effect produced by this phenomenon was reminiscent of what happens in a gardener's greenhouse.

Later, active volcanoes joined the sources of natural gas. And after the emergence of green plants on Earth, conditions for life began to form.

Up to a certain point, the state of the atmosphere continued to be ideal: animal and flora developed rapidly. And millions of years of evolution ultimately led to the emergence of Homo Sapiens - either the crown of her creation, or a curse.

The development of production, the use of fuels, developments in agriculture and the chemical industry have led to the fact that greenhouse gas emissions have increased, destabilizing the atmosphere. Humanity is faced with a serious issue concerning the further well-being of the planet: the greenhouse effect caused by an increase in the level of greenhouse gases.


From the term itself it is clear that a greenhouse gas includes more than one chemical component, and they produce their effect in combination. In 1997, the UN adopted an agreement - the Kyoto Protocol, which received its name from the name of the city in which the meeting took place. In addition to the main requirement presented to most countries of the world, which implies a gradual reduction in the level of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, the document also adopted a list hazardous substances. Thus, greenhouse gases include:

  • carbon dioxide
  • methane
  • nitrous oxide
  • water vapor
  • freons
  • perfluorocarbons
  • sulfur hexafluoride

The main four

While all of the substances on the list have significant impacts, the main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone.

Carbon dioxide is one of the most common gases in the atmosphere. Its share is approximately 64%, and it has the strongest impact on the climate. Initially, the source was volcanoes: at a certain stage in the development of the planet, volcanic activity was so high that the World Ocean was literally boiling.

Today, increases in CO 2 levels in the atmosphere are largely influenced by human activity. The release of greenhouse gases from the combustion of various fuel materials, increased emissions and deforestation - these factors increase gas volumes every year.

The greenhouse effect of methane is 25 times stronger and more dangerous than carbon dioxide. An increase in its level is facilitated by the development of agriculture, since its main sources are livestock waste products, combustion processes and rice cultivation. Today the figures are considered record highs, although the rate of their growth has decreased.

Nitrous oxide occupies one of the leading places in terms of volume in the atmosphere. The main source is the production and use of substances related to various mineral fertilizers. There is a natural source of natural gas - tropical jungles. According to estimates, about 70% of the substance is produced in such areas.

Ozone, which has nothing to do with the life-saving ozone layer, is located in the lower layers of the troposphere. It can not only enhance the greenhouse effect, but also harm green spaces when its concentration near the Earth is very high. Main sources of ozone:

  • industrial emissions
  • vehicle emissions
  • various chemical solvents

No less dangerous

Freon, hexafluoride, perfluorocarbons and water vapor are also considered dangerous gases, largely because all of them, with the exception of water vapor, are artificial substances. They are included in the mandatory calculation of greenhouse gases, which allows assessing the annual damage caused by enterprises.

  • Freons include a number of substances, and, despite the fact that their volume is less than CO 2, the effect can be 1300-8500 times higher! They enter the atmosphere through the use of aerosols and refrigeration units.
  • Perfluorocarbons are side effect production of aluminum, electrical equipment and solvents.
  • Sulfur hexafluoride is used in the field of fire extinguishing, as well as in industry (electronics and metallurgy). This greenhouse gas does not decay in the atmosphere for a long time, which makes it especially dangerous. As in the case of freons, these two substances have the strongest greenhouse activity.
  • Water vapor occupies a special place among greenhouse gases. Although their formation is an exclusively natural process, they account for a significant percentage of the influence on the development of the greenhouse effect. Using his example, one can appreciate the full scale of the problem: the concentration of greenhouse gases leads to an increase in temperature on the planet, which in turn increases the volume of water vapor, which enhances the greenhouse effect. It turns out to be a terrible closed system, a way out of which must be sought as soon as possible, before changes on Earth become irreversible.

Solving the problem

The greenhouse effect will lead to numerous unpleasant consequences that will affect literally all living things. Naturally, these global changes will have a profound impact on human life:

  1. Rising temperatures will increase humidity in humid areas, while dry areas will be left in an even worse situation.
  2. Rising sea levels will cause flooding of coastal areas and island states.
  3. About 40% of animal and plant species will disappear from the face of the Earth due to changes in living conditions.
  4. Agriculture will also suffer a serious blow, leading to world hunger.
  5. and rising temperatures will lead to the drying up of underground sources and, as a consequence, to a shortage of drinking water.

Stopping the harmful effects of greenhouse gases is necessary in the coming decades, otherwise the consequences will become irreversible. At the state level, the main actions are related to the establishment of uniform standards for quality and volumes of greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, all enterprises and organizations are required to regularly assess the damage caused to the environment by their activities by calculating emissions. Its standard formula includes calculations related to determining the volume of each greenhouse gas and then converting it into carbon dioxide equivalent.

States are required to actively promote technological improvements in production that will lead to a reduction in the level of harmful gases. Severe penalties should be imposed on organizations that do not comply with environmental regulations, while strong support and incentives should be given to businesses that strive to operate under new environmental standards.

Fight against transport emissions, active development types of agriculture that do not harm the environment, as well as the search and development of new safe energy sources - all these measures will lead to a reduction in the level and consequences of GHGs.


The modern century, marked by high technologies, developed production methods and colossal discoveries, is also marked by the fact that issues of restoring the ecological state of the planet are becoming increasingly urgent. Environmental problems are solved not only on the initiative of activists, but also at the state level. Programs are being developed aimed at stabilizing the ecological balance in individual regions and countries.

Greenhouse gases are a natural result of the planet's development. But human activity, careless in relation to nature, has led to a serious imbalance of these substances in the atmosphere. The result was the greenhouse effect - one of the main environmental problems modernity. Large-scale actions are being taken at the global level to combat it.

It is important to understand that all people can make their contribution through the simplest actions: reasonable use of vehicles, water and electricity, support for energy-saving technologies and cleanliness of the territory - all this reduces negative impact gases Each person's responsible attitude towards the environment becomes a small but important step towards saving our planet.