1 include thermal phenomena. Which of the following examples relate to thermal phenomena? What process is called melting

Krebs cycle

Tricarboxylic acid cycle (Krebs cycle, citrate cycle) - central part common path catabolism, a cyclic biochemical aerobic process during which the conversion of two- and three-carbon compounds formed as intermediate products in living organisms during the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins occurs into CO 2. In this case, the released hydrogen is sent to the tissue respiration chain, where it is subsequently oxidized to water, directly participating in the synthesis of a universal energy source - ATP.

The Krebs cycle is key stage respiration of all cells, using oxygen, the intersection of many metabolic pathways in the body. In addition to the significant energy role, the cycle is also assigned a significant plastic function, that is, it important source precursor molecules, from which, in the course of other biochemical transformations, compounds important for the life of the cell are synthesized, such as amino acids, carbohydrates, fatty acids, etc.

Transformation cycle citric acid in living cells was discovered and studied by a German biochemist Hans Krebs, for this work he (together with F. Lipman) was awarded Nobel Prize (1953).

Stages of the Krebs cycle

Substrates Products Enzyme Reaction type Comment
1 Oxaloacetate +
Citrate +
Citrate synthase Aldolnaya condensation limiting stage
converts C4 oxaloacetate to C6
2 Citrate cis-aconiat +
aconitase Dehydration reversible isomerization
3 cis-aconiat +
isocitrate hydration
4 Isocitrate +
isocitrate dehydrogenase Oxidation NADH is formed (equivalent to 2.5 ATP)
5 Oxalosuccinate α-ketoglutarate +
decarboxylation reversible stage
C5 is formed
6 α-ketoglutarate +
alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase Oxidative decarboxylation NADH is formed (equivalent to 2.5 ATP),
regeneration of C 4 pathway (released by CoA)
7 succinyl-CoA+
GDP + P i
succinate +
succinyl coenzyme A synthetase substrate phosphorylation or ADP ->ATP ,
1 ATP is formed
8 succinate +
fumarate +
ubiquinol (QH 2)
succinate dehydrogenase Oxidation used FAD How prosthetic group(FAD->FADH 2 in the first stage of the reaction) in the enzyme,
the equivalent of 1.5 ATP is formed
9 fumarate +
L-malate fumarase H 2 O-addition
10 L-malate +
oxaloacetate +
malate dehydrogenase oxidation NADH is formed (equivalent to 2.5 ATP)

The general equation for one revolution of the Krebs cycle is:

Acetyl-CoA→ 2CO 2 + CoA + 8e−



Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Calvin cycle
  • Humphrey cycle

See what the “Krebs Cycle” is in other dictionaries:

    KREBS CYCLE- (citric and tricarboxylic acid cycle), a system of biochemical reactions through which most EUKARYOTIC organisms obtain their main energy as a result of the oxidation of food. Occurs in MITOCHONDRIA CELLS. Includes several chemical... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    Krebs cycle- The tricarboxylic acid cycle, a cycle of sequential reactions in the cells of aerobic organisms, as a result of which the synthesis of ATP molecules occurs Biotechnology topics EN Krebs cycle ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Krebs cycle- - metabolic pathway leading to the complete destruction of acetyl CoA to the final products - CO2 and H2O ... Brief dictionary biochemical terms

    Krebs cycle- trikarboksirūgščių ciklas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Baltymų, riebalų ir angliavandenių oksidacinio skaidymo organizme ciklas. atitikmenys: engl. citric acid cycle; Krebs cycle; tricarboxylic acid cycle rus. Krebs cycle; lemon cycle... ... Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

    Krebs cycle- tricarboxylic acid (Krebs, citric acid) cycle tricarboxylic acid cycle, Krebs cycle. The most important cyclic sequence of metabolic reactions in aerobic organisms (eu and prokaryotes), as a result of which a sequential... ... Molecular biology and genetics. Dictionary.

    KREBS CYCLE- the same as the tricarboxylic acid cycle... Natural science. Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Krebs Cycle, Citric Acid Cycle- a complex cycle of reactions where enzymes act as catalysts; these reactions take place in the cells of all animals and consist in the decomposition of acetate in the presence of oxygen with the release of energy in the form of ATP (via the electron transfer chain) and... ... Medical terms

    KREBS CYCLE, CITRIC ACID CYCLE- (citric acid cycle) a complex cycle of reactions where enzymes act as catalysts; these reactions take place in the cells of all animals and consist in the decomposition of acetate in the presence of oxygen with the release of energy in the form of ATP (via the transmission chain... ... Explanatory dictionary of medicine

    KREBS CYCLE (tricarboxylic acid cycle- citric acid cycle) is a complex cyclic enzymatic process in which pyruvic acid is oxidized in the body to form carbon dioxide, water and energy in the form of ATP; occupies a central position in common system… … Dictionary of botanical terms

    Tricarboxylic acid cycle- Cycle... Wikipedia

This academic year We begin by studying a new section of physics. Thermal phenomena include heating and cooling of various bodies, melting, evaporation, boiling, melting of substances, etc. The words “warm”, “cold”, “hot”, which have long been familiar to us, mean the thermal states of bodies. The quantity characterizing the thermal state of bodies is temperature.

Thermal motion is the random movement of the molecules of a substance. In liquids and gases, molecules move randomly, colliding with each other. In solids, thermal motion consists of oscillations of particles around an equilibrium position. Body temperature depends on the speed of movement of molecules. The faster the molecules move, the higher the body temperature. Let us pay attention to the fact that thermal motion differs from mechanical motion in that a lot of particles are involved in it and each one moves randomly.

So, we have a problem: we need to find a sign or property of bodies that would clearly indicate how the body is heated. Such a sign may be the expansion of bodies when heated. The hotter the body, the larger its volume, the more intense the chaotic movement of molecules and atoms. A device that uses this property of bodies is a thermometer. From the Greek “therme” - heat and “metreo” - I measure. A liquid thermometer is a device whose operating principle is based on the use of the thermal expansion property of a liquid. Depending on the temperature region, the liquid thermometer is filled with mercury, ethyl alcohol and other liquids. Any thermometer shows its own temperature. To determine the temperature of a medium, the thermometer must be placed in this medium and wait until the temperature of the device stops changing, taking a value equal to the temperature of the medium.

In practice, other temperature scales are used, such as the Kelvin scale and the Fahrenheit scale. The relationship between the Celsius scale and the Kelvin scale can be seen in the figure. To measure temperature use various substances(mercury, alcohol), which change their volume with changes in temperature.

Physical meaning of temperature What is the physical meaning of temperature? To do this, you need to answer the question, how does cold water differ from hot water? Warm water consists of the same molecules as cold. Experiment on diffusion in hot and cold water shows: the higher the temperature, the greater the penetration of one substance into another. Diffusion is caused by the movement of molecules. Since in hot water Diffusion occurs faster, which means the speed of movement of molecules in it is higher.

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1 Lesson on the topic: “Thermal motion. Temperature"

2 THERMAL MOTION. TEMPERATURE We begin this academic year by studying a new section of physics dedicated to thermal phenomena. Thermal phenomena include heating and cooling of various bodies, melting, evaporation, boiling, melting of substances, etc. The words “warm”, “cold”, “hot”, which have long been familiar to us, mean the thermal states of bodies. The quantity characterizing the thermal state of bodies is temperature.

3 Features of the movement of particles that make up bodies Repetition. Answer the questions: 1. The main provisions of MCT (and their experimental confirmation) 2. What is diffusion? How does the diffusion process occur? 3. What explains the increase in the rate of diffusion with increasing temperature?

4 Thermal movement. Temperature Thermal motion is the random movement of molecules of a substance. In liquids and gases, molecules move randomly, colliding with each other. In solids, thermal motion consists of oscillations of particles around an equilibrium position. Body temperature depends on the speed of movement of molecules. The faster the molecules move, the higher the body temperature. Let us pay attention to the fact that thermal motion differs from mechanical motion in that a lot of particles are involved in it and each one moves randomly.

5 Source of information about temperature From life experience we know that different bodies can be heated to different degrees. However, the sensation of heat and cold is subjective. Let's check this experimentally.!?! Conclusion: it is impossible to judge temperature using sensations!

6 Thermometer So, we have a problem: we need to find such a sign or such a property of bodies that would clearly indicate how the body is heated. Such a sign may be the expansion of bodies when heated. The hotter the body, the larger its volume, the more intense the chaotic movement of molecules and atoms. A device that uses this property of bodies is a thermometer. From the Greek “therme” - heat and “metreo” - I measure. A liquid thermometer is a device whose operating principle is based on the use of the thermal expansion property of a liquid. Depending on the temperature region, the liquid thermometer is filled with mercury, ethyl alcohol and other liquids. Any thermometer shows its own temperature. To determine the temperature of a medium, the thermometer must be placed in this medium and wait until the temperature of the device stops changing, taking a value equal to the temperature of the medium.

7 Celsius temperature scale The Celsius temperature scale was proposed in 1742 by the Swedish scientist A. Celsius and named after him. Zero degrees Celsius is the melting temperature of ice, and 100 degrees is the boiling point of water at normal temperatures. atmospheric pressure(760 mmHg). The interval between these temperatures is divided into 100 equal parts, 1 degree Celsius (1 C) each.

8 Temperature scales In practice, other temperature scales are used, such as the Kelvin scale and the Fahrenheit scale. The relationship between the Celsius scale and the Kelvin scale can be seen in the figure. To measure temperature, various substances (mercury, alcohol) are used, which change their volume with changes in temperature.

9 Physical meaning of temperature What is the physical meaning of temperature? To do this, you need to answer the question, how does cold water differ from hot water? Warm water consists of the same molecules as cold water. Experience with diffusion in hot and cold water shows: the higher the temperature, the greater the penetration of one substance into another. Diffusion is caused by the movement of molecules. Since diffusion occurs faster in hot water, this means that the speed of movement of molecules in it is higher.

10 Physical meaning of temperature in the body with higher temperature molecules move faster on average. The temperature of a substance is determined not only average speed the movement of molecules, but also their mass. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a body.

11 Laboratory work: “Measuring body temperature” Purpose of the work: establishing a connection between body temperature and increase Equipment: thermometer. The course of work of the kinetic energy of molecules. 1. Hold the thermometer in your fist so that you can see the temperature value on the scale. 2. Observe the rise of the mercury (alcohol) column. Answer the following questions in writing: 1. Why does a column of mercury (alcohol) rise up? 2. When will the column of mercury (alcohol) stop? 3. What does a thermometer measure? 4. Is it possible to remove the thermometer from the environment whose temperature is being measured? Why? 5. What can be said about the magnitude of the kinetic energy of mercury (alcohol) molecules when the column rises? 6. What device did you use to determine body temperature? 7. What is the division price of this device? 8. What is the minimum (maximum) temperature that can be measured with this device?

12 This is interesting to know * Various mammals have normal temperature from 35 to 40.5 C; * Bird temperature 39.5 - 44 C; Most high temperature air on Earth is 58 C, the lowest is 3 C; The surface temperature of the Sun is about 6000 C; At a temperature of 42 C, the blood does not absorb oxygen from the air, and a person dies from oxygen deficiency. The natural temperature of the human body cannot be lower than 34 C. It is sometimes artificially lowered to 26 C and then the body falls into a state of suspended animation. Life processes in it slow down. Instead of 16 breaths per minute, a person takes only 4, the pulse drops from 70 to 25 beats per minute. Bears, badgers and many other animals are in a state of suspended animation in winter.

13 Homework Read 1. Collection of problems author. V.I. Lukashik 915, 916. Repeat concepts: mechanical energy; types of mechanical energy. If you wish: prepare a small oral communication on the topic: “Adaptation of animals to different temperatures»

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UNIT 4 “MOLECULAR KINETIC THEORY”. The main provisions of MKT (molecular kinetic theory): All bodies consist of molecules; Molecules move (randomly, chaotically Brownian motion); Molecules

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Test 1 on the topic “Mechanical phenomena. Mechanical movement" Option 1 1. Which answer indicates physical phenomenon? A) speed, B) falling bodies, C) trajectory of movement, D) air

PM.O2. TPSPBGKBMTYAT Textbook N.. nfimova pp. 256-260 answer the questions p. 261 fill out the table. OPOP V.P. Zolin will compile a summary pp. 94-97 on the topic of Thermal equipment. Mathematics Topic: stereometry xioms.

Problems on drawing up a heat balance Solving problems on this topic, we will assume that the change in the internal energy of the body is equal to the amount of heat received by the body. We will consider the heat spent

Guidelines to implementation laboratory work.. DETERMINATION OF THE TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT OF AIR PRESSURE USING A GAS THERMOMETER * * Anikin A.I. Properties of gases. Properties of condensed

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Kuzmichev Sergey Dmitrievich Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General Physics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), teacher at Lyceum 11 “Phystech”, Dolgoprudny. In the article

1. Planned development results academic subject As a result of studying 7th grade physics in the section being studied: Mechanical phenomena, the student will learn to: recognize mechanical phenomena and explain based on

Physics. 9th grade. Training “Structure of matter. Thermal phenomena" 1 Structure of matter. Thermal phenomena Option 1 1 A brass metal was immersed in identical vessels with equal masses of water at the same temperature.

Topic: “Basic principles of molecular kinetic theory” Physics 10th grade 2007 Imagination rules the world. Napoleon I Nothing exists but atoms. Democritus INTRODUCTION In physics lessons they study physical

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PHYSICAL AND TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Department of “General and Theoretical Physics” Potemkina S.N. METHODOLOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR LABORATORY WORK 7 CHECKING THE BOYLE-MARIOTT LAW Tolyatti 7 Contents. Purpose of the work...3. Devices

Secondary school with in-depth study foreign language at the Russian Embassy in the UK AGREED at the MS meeting (Zubov S.Yu.) September 10, 2014 APPROVED by the school director

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Lecture 4 (8.4.5) Gas work at various processes. In previous lectures we found that general formula for the work performed by the gas has the form A d. () Geometric meaning this formula consists


1). body falling to Earth 2). heating a pan of water 3) melting ice 4) reflection of light 5) movement of one molecule

A. 1, 2 and 5 B. 2, 3, 5 C. 2, 3 D. 2, 4 E. 1, 5 E. All

    They have internal energy

A. All bodies B. Only solids B. Liquids only D. Gases only

    How can you change the internal energy of the body?

A. Heat transfer. B. By doing work. B. Heat transfer and work. D. The internal energy of the body cannot be changed.

A. Heat transfer. B. By doing work. B. Heat transfer and work. D. The internal energy of the plate does not change.

    What type of heat transfer is accompanied by the transfer of matter?

A. Convection only. B. Thermal conductivity only. B. Radiation only.

D. Convection and thermal conductivity. D. Convection and radiation.

E. Convection, thermal conductivity, radiation. G. Thermal conductivity, radiation.


    Which of the following examples relate to thermal phenomena?

1) evaporation of liquid 2) echo 3) inertia 4) gravity 5) diffusion

A. 1, 3 B. 1, 4 C. 1, 5 D. 2, 4 C. All

    The internal energy of a body depends on

A. Mechanical movement of the body B. Position of the body relative to other bodies C. movement and interaction of particles of the body D. Mass and density of the body.

    Can it change internal energy bodies during work and heat transfer?

A. The internal energy of the body cannot change. B. Can only when doing work. B. It can only with heat transfer. D. Can during work and heat transfer.

A. Heat transfer. B. By doing work. B. Heat transfer and work. D. The internal energy of the wire does not change.

    What type of heat transfer is not accompanied by the transfer of matter?

A. Radiation. B. Convection. B. Thermal conductivity. D. Radiation, convection, thermal conductivity. D. Radiation, convection. E. Radiation, thermal conductivity.

G. Convection, thermal conductivity.

Option 1

    The copper wire clamped with pliers is bent and unbent several times. Does this change the internal energy of the wire? If yes, then in what way?

    Why do many plants die in snowless winters, while they can withstand significant frosts if the snow cover is large?

    The spacesuits worn by astronauts are usually colored white. At the same time, some surfaces spaceships black. What explains the choice of color?

    When is the fastest time for a kettle of boiling water to cool down: when is it put on ice or when ice is placed on the lid of the kettle?

    Why in cold weather How many animals sleep curled up in a ball?

Option 2

    The steel plate was placed on a hot electric stove. In what way does the internal energy of the plate change?

    Why can you burn your hands when sliding quickly down a rope or pole?

    Scissors and a pencil lying on the table have the same temperature. Why do scissors feel colder to the touch?

    Why does snow covered with soot or dirt melt faster than clean snow?

    In industrial refrigerators, air is cooled using pipes through which cooled liquid flows. Where is the best place to place these pipes?