Questions about the updated content of education. A teacher who does not fully understand the new program

For two days – November 23 and 24, 2017 – at the Moscow City Pedagogical University they discussed testing the new content of school educational subjects, which was updated after the introduction of the Federal Target Program for Education Development. The All-Russian conference “Innovative practices and programs in the field of design and content updating” was dedicated to this general education: implementation results, development prospects.”

The conference was attended (in person and remotely) by teachers, managers educational organizations, leading specialists from pedagogical universities and scientific institutes of Russia, representatives of executive authorities, students from 58 regions. Participants discussed problems associated with updating the content of education and the problems of introducing new programs into schools.

In his welcoming speech, the rector of Moscow State Pedagogical University Igor Remorenko noted that a modern teacher chooses in his work not those resources that allow him to remember a large amount of information, but those that develop cognitive interest children.

According to the head of the strategic development department of Moscow State Pedagogical University, Kirill Barannikov, who gave a report on domestic and international educational practice, the content of education is one of the main subject elements on which the teacher’s attention is focused.

At the All-Russian conference, a plenary session was held, at which the results of an analysis of world and domestic experience were presented, a round table was held to discuss the scale of design and description of the educational space, and the results of the implementation of the network development model were discussed.

and educational organizations in seven Federal districts Russian Federation: Central, Volga, Ural, Northwestern, Southern, Siberian, Far Eastern.

As part of the project, the results of which were discussed at the conference, approaches to updating the content of educational subjects at the level of basic general education were proposed, and also developed methodological recommendations to update the content of general education using materials from all subject areas. Educational organizations that took part in testing and implementing the model independently decided which subjects or subject areas they would choose to implement the project.

Interesting: most often schools chose Russian language and literature, slightly less often preference was given to natural science subjects, mathematics and computer science, foreign language social science subjects, and least often they chose technology, art, physical culture and basic life safety.

For interaction between developers and participating schools, a special section was created on educational portal. The materials being developed were posted on the portal page, where approbators could familiarize themselves with the materials of the developers, place their test materials, lesson notes, technological maps lessons, design work students. Test teachers expressed their opinions and made proposals to change the updated content of education in the primary school.

At the conference, the work of subject sections was held based on the results of the dissemination and implementation of a model for the development of a network of educational organizations. The work of the problem groups resulted in target guidelines further work on updating the content of education and ways to overcome the main problems associated with the implementation of new programs.

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About 200 teachers from all regions of the North Caucasus Federal District took part in a meeting on the issue of updating the content of general education, which took place at the North Caucasus Federal University. The press service of the university reported this on December 19.

The event was opened by the Deputy Director of the Department public policy in the field of assessing the quality of general education Dmitry Metelkin, who reported two subprojects national project“Education” - “Modern school” and “The success of every child.”

“We must create a qualitatively new educational environment that works for the child, so that he acquires the set of competencies that life and the modern economy require of him,” he said.

Deputy President Russian Academy Education, Advisor to the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Victor Basyuk in his speech he reported on federal state educational standards and requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program, including subject, meta-subject and personal results.

Minister of Education Stavropol Territory Evgeniy Kozyura told the audience about the features regional component content of education.

In turn, the rector of the North Caucasus Federal University Alina Levitskaya, introducing the meeting participants to the activities of the university, said that one of the strategic priority projects of the institution is teacher education.

“We strive to substantively understand whether the university programs implemented in the areas of training of all subject teachers fully correspond to the requirements professional standards, and to what extent does the training of our graduate, a young teacher, meet the needs modern school» , explained the rector.

She also noted that the latest decree of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, and then the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2009, approved the requirements for the results of mastering the content of basic educational programs and the actual results themselves for each subject area from grades 1 to 4. And now exactly professional community should take up and practice these questions for other classes.

After the plenary session, the work of the district meeting continued in subject sections. Teachers took part in the discussion of the requirements for the subject results of mastering the main educational program - primary and basic general education.

By the end of 2018, district meetings on updating the content of general education will be held in all federal districts. Let us remind you that according to the May decree (May 7, 2018) of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Russia should be among the top ten countries in terms of the quality of general education.

Today the school is dynamically changing its appearance. This is due, first of all, to serious changes in Kazakhstani education. (slide 1)

Teachers are faced with problems: “How to teach in the age of information?”, “How to improve the quality, how will the knowledge gained in the lessons help the student become a competitive individual?”(slide 2)

In measures to update the content of domestic secondary education, central attention is paid to skills that have wide range applications in modern life, – creative application of knowledge; critical thinking; execution research work; use of ICT; application of methods communicative communication, including language skills; ability to work in a group and individually. Based on universal human and ethnocultural values, these skills allow the student to solve problems of both an educational and life nature.

What is the content of education?

This is information superimposed on the activity.. (slide 3)

It is important to consider not the information, but the basis of the choice. The teacher regulates the choice of information and activities depending on social goals. Any change in information entails a change in the activity of assimilating it.

The traditional content of a lesson, as we imagine it back in Soviet times (with repetition of what has been learned, learning new things and consolidating them), is becoming a thing of the past and has become irrelevant today.(slide 4) Now this is developmental education.(slide 5)

Developmental education ensures that the child understands why he is acquiring knowledge. The student must understand what is for him best way to remember the material, what new things he learned, how his worldview changes. Previously we talked about continuous memorization. Today we are talking about the applied nature of knowledge that can be used in practice. This is a practice-oriented program.A school under renovation conditions is distinguished by the fact that educational achievements are productive in nature, and educational process characterized by the active activity of students themselves in “obtaining” knowledge in each lesson.

The traditional school meant presenting the truth to students, and the modern Cambridge understanding of learning is built precisely on the teacher guiding students to find andrealized the truth. (slide 6)

Thus, not through characterizing what research activity is, but through immersion in research activity, we form the necessary competence of the student. What are we doing? What do you need help with? What can we decide on our own?

We are beginning to feel how our pedagogical vision of the new educational process is changing. Currently, most teachers still gravitate towards the traditional lesson. This is due to many reasons: the habit of traditional forms of learning and fear of the new; lack of understanding of the huge number of innovations. Some teachers are not ready for innovation methodologically, others – psychologically, and still others – technologically. If we see in the traditional vision, then our students will be distinguished by a lack of independence and weak motivation for the student’s educational work. Under these conditions, the stage of realizing educational goals turns into work “under the lash” with all its negative consequences(alienation of the child from school, education of laziness, deceit). But the main problem is that the process of cognition itself is losing its attractiveness. The number of preschool children who do not want to go to school is increasing. Positive motivation for learning has decreased, children no longer show any signs of curiosity, interest, surprise, desire - they don’t ask questions at all. And the longer we persist, the more time we waste.

The teacher of the new formation does not plan, but designs educational activities. (slide 7)

The teacher’s responsibility is to teach how to think about information. The teacher's task is to teach how to think, and not just what to think about. If a student does not learn to think, he will never be a good student.

The teacher becomes a navigator, performs the function of an organizer of his own educational activities students, manages their educational activities.

IN pedagogical activity Teachers' design activities occupy a special place.

We are the teachers primary classes, must begin to develop in students the skills of self-education, the ability to learn how to learn, becoming independent, self-motivated, enthusiastic, confident, responsible individuals with developed critical thinking, demonstrating competence in digital technologies.

- Have teaching methods changed?

Undoubtedly. The new system is designed to give children skills and knowledge that they can apply in life. This didn't happen before. For example, we tested reading techniques - the child must read fifty words per minute. But whether he understood the content of the text, whether he knows the meaning of these words - it doesn’t matter. According to the new program, it is not speed that is important, but understanding and the ability to work with the information received. This is not a system that you memorized - you passed it. Therefore, the approach to education will change significantly.

A particular difficulty is the formation of independence in learning. An increase in the degree of independence is achieved through such a structure of learning, during which a transition is made from the teacher’s instructions on the need to use certain knowledge and actions in solving a learning task to an independent search for such knowledge and actions. Modern child does not strain thoughts, but looks for ready-made information.(Slide 8)

How can we ensure practical orientation in the age of the attack on human individuality by computer devices?

Psychologists have identified a number of difficulties that occur for various reasons, causing difficulties in the learning process: (Slide 9)

low concentration,

low ability to perceive information by ear,

inherently short-term type of memory,



disorganization and distraction,

weak self-regulation.

Critical thinking cannot solve all these problems; we need to expand our methodological arsenal in order to search for the truth. What to do? (Slide 10)

Perhaps we need to change our attitude towards gaming methods. The main goal of the game is to entertain, give pleasure, inspire, and awaken interest in something. Application gaming technologies very demanding careful preparation to the lesson, so that the teacher does not get too carried away. Too often we play in class. The modern child does not want to work; he demands games and entertainment. Need to reduce the quantity gaming lessons and teach the child to work and obtain information.(Slide 11)

It is possible to include a fact-checking method somewhere. What is it?

Fact-checking checking the accuracy of the received facts (Slide 12)

A fact is an event supported by reliable evidence. U different people There may be different views on the same event, but you can’t argue with the facts. That is why the fact must not only be established, but verified and double-checked. The main weapon of fact-checking is doubt. Doubting, the student begins to check the information in different sources, attempts to contact all participants and stakeholders involved in the event. Access to information is impressive, but with great opportunity comes great responsibility. If you don't control the information flow, it will cover important things and take away your precious time, and you won't even notice how it happened.

Here are five key rules for getting the most out of the Internet:

(Slide 13)

1. Start with the main thing . Find your most important task

2.You will miss something. “Less is better”

3. Identify sources of information. Even if you understand what is most important to you, everything can go awry due to trying to collect information from too many large quantity sources.

4.Plan your learning process. Where there is no plan, chaos settles.

5. Try to keep only one browser tab open and use useful extensions.

While working on the updated program, our gymnasium teachers encountered some difficulties:

The new knowledge assessment system does not inspire confidence. In many ways, it acts incorrectly, ambiguously and biased. For example, in the rules for conducting summative assessments in grade 1 it is written: “While completing the work, answer questions regarding instructions and completion time. You should not read words for students, help with spelling, rephrase questions, or comment on any information that may give an advantage to individual students.”The difficulty is that the tasks are designed for consciously reading children, and such children in the class make up 50% of 100%.

Since the tasks are given in one version. Children who find it difficult to understand what is being said we're talking about copy tasks from each other.

Formative assessment techniques are interesting to students, but children often cannot evaluate themselves correctly, or they themselves do not know whether they have completed the task correctly, they look at their neighbor, their assessment may depend on their mood at the moment.

At new system assessment, the teacher must analyze and give recommendations in diaries to all students and preferably on all topics covered. When classes are filled with 30-40 people, how can you expect that the child will be given recommendations from all teachers and in full, so that there are no gaps during the summative control?

Nowadays, printing of materials for SOP and SOC in the vast majority of schools in Kazakhstan is carried out at the expense of teachers teaching in grades 1, 2, 5, 7.

It is necessary to resolve the issue of filling out journals either in the Kundelik system (electronic version) or a paper version of the journal. The electronic version is copied into a paper version, which takes the teacher a lot of time.

There are a lot of questions about the updated content, but it is not customary to talk about problems out loud, especially among educators, although their opinion is the most important in this case.

This article contains explanations made for Microsoft Word 2010, but it also applies to other popular Microsoft versions Word - 2007 and 2013.

How to create a table of contents/table of contents in Word?

You can create a table of contents in Word either manually or automatically. The second option is preferable, because Word allows you not only to insert a table of contents based on the headings available in the text, but also to easily and simply update this table of contents in the future - both the headings themselves and the page numbers on which they are located. Of course, an automatically generated table of contents is especially important for large texts.

Before automatic creation table of contents, you need to show what the headings and subheadings are in your text. Highlight full text heading or subheading, then on the "Home" tab in the "Styles" subsection, select the desired heading level (we recommend creating a table of contents based on no more than three levels of headings, otherwise it will be difficult for the reader to navigate the text).

Clue: It is often convenient to assign a style using the Format Master button - highlight the master heading, click the mentioned button and then click on the new heading.

Once you've added all the headings and subheadings for your text, start creating your table of contents (or table of contents) section. Click that place in Word document, where the table of contents should be located, then go to the "References" tab and click the "Table of Contents" button. In the list that opens, select the desired table of contents format ("Auto-assembled table of contents 1" or "Auto-assembled table of contents 2") - after this, the table of contents will be added in the location you specified in the document.

How to update table of contents/table of contents in Word?

After you've added text and new headings to your document, and possibly changed headings you've added previously, you'll need to update the document's contents. To do this, select the table of contents and in the frame that appears, click the “Update table” button. In the form that opens, tell Word which update option you need:

  • if the composition and text of the headings have not changed, select “update page numbers only”;
  • If you added, deleted or changed headers, select "update entirely".


In the fall of last year, students in grades 2, 5 and 7 were transferred to training in the updated content of education; earlier, first-graders were transferred to the updated content of education, and at the same time the procedure for criterion-based assessment was approved.

According to Nurzhanat Erkimbayeva, a teacher at one of the schools in the city of Ayagoz, East Kazakhstan region, the updated content allows schoolchildren to develop critical thinking. According to her, previously teachers working in the traditional teaching system could assess the knowledge of only four or five students during a lesson, but now it is possible to assess the knowledge of all 25 students in the class.

– Previously, the main burden of the traditional education system fell on teachers. The updated content of education helps schoolchildren work independently, says Nurzhanat Erkimbaeva.

At the same time, the teacher notes, for all its effectiveness for students, some aspects of the new program complicate the teacher’s work.

– Previously, schoolchildren could complete assignments from textbooks. Now, according to formative assessment, each student is given a separate task and everything is colored different colors. For example, I have three classes. There are 25 students in each class, that is, every day I print out 75 sheets with tasks for them on a color printer. Sometimes teachers don't have enough paper or printers, the teacher says.

According to Nurzhanat Erkimbayeva, science subject teachers have just begun training in three-month courses.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, the new subject “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Business,” which will be introduced in September 2019, is now being pilot tested in 16 schools across the country.

The purpose of the discipline is to develop business thinking among schoolchildren and obtain basic knowledge about entrepreneurship, business and economics, as well as the formation of responsibility for one’s own choice and the development of entrepreneurial thinking, the creation of a practical knowledge base for future self-actualization in market conditions, according to the response of the Ministry of Education and Science to RFE/RL.


According to the instructions on the procedure for conducting criterion-based assessment approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, it includes formative and summative assessment.

Formative assessment is an integral part of the learning process and is carried out regularly by the teacher throughout the term. Formative assessment provides continuous feedback between student and teacher without assigning points and grades in order to timely adjust the educational process. Summative assessment is carried out to provide teachers, students and parents with information about the progress of students upon completion of sections/cross-cutting topics of the curriculum and certain educational period(quarter, trimester, academic year, level of secondary education) with scoring and grades. This allows you to determine and record the level of content mastery curriculum for a certain period.

The response of the Ministry of Education and Science to RFE/RL states that the criteria-based assessment system includes formative assessment and summative assessment. No points or grades will be assigned during the main assessment. The main assessment is brought to the attention of parents in any form convenient for them, the department’s response says.

The summative assessment will depend on two factors. One grade is given based on the students’ mastery of any section or upon completion general theme, the second grade is given at the end of the quarter. Students' knowledge is assessed using a point system and a traditional assessment system. To assess the level of mastery educational material at the end of the semester and academic year students take a test. Thus, the annual grade is assigned based on the results of the quarters based on the assessment results for sections/cross-cutting topics and quarters in a percentage ratio of 50 to 50.


Aiman ​​Sagidullaeva, working as a teacher Kazakh language and literature in one of the schools in the Karasai district of the Almaty region, she says that she herself still cannot “fully understand the new program.” She expresses fears that children may remain illiterate.

– According to the updated content, I teach in the 7th grade. Topics such as “Benefits and harms social networks" and "Genetically modified products", cover different areas. That's why I study biology, computer science and history. Before I talk about this to my children, I should study this topic myself. On the one hand, children fully master the proposed topic. Because you are given nine hours to study each section. However specific rules on the subject remain on the other side. That is, children may not master grammar and remain illiterate,” says the teacher.

The teacher believes that the criterion-based assessment system is difficult for children.

– During summative and final assessments, children sit for seven to eight hours. And the five-day training system is aimed at classes learning updated content. However, due to the fact that all schools have switched en masse to five-day teaching, students are forced to study sometimes for seven hours a day, says Aiman ​​Sagidullaeva.


Another innovation in secondary school– the need for subject teachers to master the English language and the transition to five-day training.

In high school, natural science subjects - chemistry, biology, computer science and physics - will be taught in English.

According to the Ministry of Education and Science, in 2016 applications for English language teaching courses were received from 750 subject teachers, in 2017 - from 11,587, and this year 6,510 people completed training and an additional 2,361 teachers received applications. In addition, next year science subjects in high schools will be taught in English.

Currently, pilot projects have been launched in 153 schools across the country to teach chemistry, biology, physics and computer science in English. In 16 schools, textbooks and educational and methodological complexes in four subjects in grades 8 and 10 are being tested.

On April 9, Minister of Education and Science Erlan Sagadiyev informed the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev about the results of the transition of schools to updated content based on the experience of Nazarbayev intellectual schools.

– In 2016, only two thousand teachers taught in English. Last year, 11,500 people applied for relevant courses, of whom about three thousand completed the courses and began teaching. Eight thousand have continued their education and are moving to the required level. Thus, in 2019, 13,500 school teachers will begin teaching four subjects in English,” Sagadiev said.

Minister of Finance Bakhyt Sultanov, speaking on Tuesday with a presentation of the draft law “On Amendments and Additions to the Law “On the Republican Budget for 2018–2020”” in the Mazhilis of Parliament, said that it is planned to increase teachers’ salaries from 30 to 50 percent, with expenses in the amount of 61.8 billion tenge.

According to him, “the increase consists of two components: an additional payment of 30 percent of official salary all teachers teaching according to updated content programs (from January 1 of this year, teachers of 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th grades already receive additional payments); additional payments for teaching skills from 30 to 50 percent of the official salary.”