Literacy training and speech development. Game technology in literacy lessons

“Play permeates a child’s entire life. This is the norm even when the baby is doing something serious. Moreover, his entire life should be imbued with this game. His whole life is a game."

Didactic games in literacy lessons.

“Play permeates a child’s entire life. This is the norm even when the baby is doing something serious. Moreover, his entire life should be imbued with this game. His whole life is a game."

A. S. Makarenko.

The main task of teachers working with first-graders is to help children learn program material and at the same time preserve their childhood.

Didactic games, on the one hand, contribute to the formation of attention, observation, the development of memory, thinking, the development of independence, and initiative. On the other hand, they solve a certain didactic problem: learning new material or repeating and consolidating what has been learned, developing educational skills. In play, children willingly overcome significant difficulties, train their strengths, and develop abilities and skills. It helps to make any educational material exciting, causes deep satisfaction in students, creates a joyful working mood, and facilitates the process of assimilation of knowledge. The game stimulates the cognitive activity of students, causing them positive emotions in the process of learning activities. Remembering the words of A. S. Makarenko that What " good game looks like a good job" Every teacher needs to learn how to skillfully use the game in the classroom.

The nature of student activity in the game depends on its place in the lesson or in the lesson system. It can be carried out at any stage of the lesson and in any type of lesson.

When selecting games, it is necessary to remember that they should promote the full and comprehensive development of children’s psyche, their cognitive abilities, speech, experience of communicating with peers and adults, instill interest in educational activities, and develop skills in educational activities.

Description of didactic games.

"Attentive buyers."

The teacher lays out various objects on his table. The names of some of them begin with the same sound, for example: doll, cube, cat; bear, ball, bowl, etc.

You have arrived at the store. Your parents paid for toys, titles
which begin with the sound [k] or [m]. You can take these toys. Take your pick, but be careful, don’t take a toy you didn’t pay for!

The difficulty of the task is that instead of taking a toy whose name begins, say, with the sound [m] (checkmate, mouse), you do not take a toy whose name begins with the sound [m"] (ball, bear).

"The animals are lost."

Pets got lost in the forest: donkey, rooster, horse, cat, dog, pig, chicken, cow. Katya will convene them, and let Kolya listen carefully and draw a syllable diagram of each word on the board. It should show which syllable was drawn out when Katya called the animals. If they do this job correctly, the animals will get out of the forest.

"The absent-minded poet and the gullible artist."

Guys, look at the drawing the gullible artist came up with!

(shows illustration). He claims that he painted this picture for the following poem:

They say one fisherman

I caught a shoe in the river,

But then he

The house is hooked!

What do you think should have been drawn? What words did the artist confuse? How are they similar? How do they sound differently? What is the first sound in the word som? Let's stretch out this sound and listen to it carefully.

"From barrel to point."

A barrel with a kidney met and said: “Oh, how similar we are! Only our first sounds are different.” What sounds are these? Name them. What other word will you get if the first sound in the word barrel is replaced with the sound [d]? For the sound [k], [n], [m], [t]?


The instruction is given: “Catch words with the sound [l]” (and other sounds).

The child takes a fishing rod with a magnet at the end of the line and begins to catch the desired pictures with paper clips. The child shows the caught “fish” to other students, who mark the correct choice with a clap.


A word is hidden on the TV screen. On a board or typesetting canvas, the presenter hangs pictures for each letter of the hidden word in order. The child (children) must form a hidden word from the first sounds of words. If the child(ren) correctly named the word, the TV screen opens.

For example: the hidden word is month. Pictures: bear, spruce, lilac, apple, heron.

"Spread the animals."

There is a house with windows. There is a letter written on the roof. Pictures of animals are posted nearby. Children must choose those whose names have a sound corresponding to the letter on the roof, and place them in the windows with slots.

For example: houses with the letters C and Sh. The following pictures are posted: dog, heron, frog, chicken, tit, bear, mouse, chicken, cat, puppy.

All words are spoken out in advance.

"Chain of words."

A picture is placed, the next one is attached to it in the form of a chain, depicting an object whose name begins with the sound that ends the previous word, etc.

"Pick a flower."

The center of the flower lies on the table. There is a letter written on it (for example, C).

Flower petals are laid out nearby, objects are drawn on them, the names of which contain the sounds [s], [z], [ts], [sh]. The student must choose among these petals with pictures those with the sound [s].

"Dunno with pockets."

The consonant letter being studied is inserted into Dunno's pocket. There are vowel letters hanging around. You need to read the mergers (One child points with a pointer, the rest read in unison.)

"Find the mistake."

Children are given cards with four pictures depicting objects whose names begin with the same letter. Students determine which letter it is and place it in the middle of the card. Under each picture there are sound diagrams of words, but in some of them there are deliberate mistakes. Students need to find errors in the diagrams, if any.

"Pick up a bouquet."

In front of the child are two pictures with blue and pink vases, in which there are flower stems with slits. The child is told: “Guess which vase you should put the flowers in with the sound [l], and which one with the sound [r].” (Pink - [p], blue - [l].) Flowers lie nearby: green, blue, black, yellow, brown, purple, orange, crimson, etc. The child arranges flowers in vases. The blue flower must remain.

"Speech Lotto".

Children are given cards with six pictures (along with words under the pictures). The child determines what sound is in all the words. Then the presenter shows pictures or words and asks: “Who has this word?” The winner is the one who is the first to cover all the pictures on the big map without making mistakes.

"The letter got lost"

On the magnetic board there are letters that Dunno mixed up.

Vowels: O S E M U

Consonants: N K IAT

Children find what Dunno mixed up, prove the correctness of their words, and put the letters in their place.

“Name the letter.”

This game can be played in almost every lesson. The game helps to better remember the letters you have learned.

The teacher (or student) shows the letters, and the children name them in a chain. If the letter is named incorrectly, students give a signal by clapping their hands (each child is a participant in the game).

“Show me the letter.”

One student stands with a pointer at the “ribbon of letters” and shows those letters that the children themselves name along the chain. You can make the game more difficult by showing only consonants or vowels.

"Find out the letter"

The teacher offers the children letters cut out of thick cardboard, then one child is blindfolded and asked to feel the letter and name it. After all the letters are named, they make up letters r s a u k l words: hand, bough, poppy, cancer, bow, hare. The game helps six-year-olds not only learn the shapes of printed letters, but also develop the ability to compose words from letters.

“Find the words in the word.”

A word or picture is hung on the board indicating the number of letters in the word depicted on it (then the children themselves put the word together from the letters of the cut alphabet and read it).

The instruction is given: “Take the letters from the original word, make words from them and write them down.”

"Mathematical Grammar".

The child must perform the actions on the card and use the addition and subtraction of letters, syllables, and words to find the desired word.

For example: s + tom - m + fox - sa + tsa = (capital)

“Add a word.”

The card contains rhyming text or poetry with one word (or more) missing. Students must assemble a rhyming word from the letters of the split alphabet and write it down.

For example: Sparrow flew higher:

You can see everything from high (the roof).

Game "Extra Sound"

From each word “take out” one sound. Do this so that from the remaining sounds you get a new word with a different lexical meaning. For example: a handful - a guest (to your heart's content, paint, slope, regiment, warmth, trouble, screen).

Game "Add sound"

Add one sound to the words written on the board to create a completely new word.

For example: rose - thunderstorm (table, paw, ball, chopping, treasure, bite, mustache, gift).

Game "Replace and Read"

In these words, replace one consonant sound.

For example: cake - walrus (nails, bun, paw, teeth, pussy, sand, jackdaw, eagle, wedge, mink, melancholy, light, log, frame).

"The best mushroom picker"

The teacher has two baskets: one contains word mushrooms containing a letter, and the other contains the letter p. Which basket contains more words?

Words: champignon, boletus, honey mushrooms, fly agaric, toadstool, chanterelle, etc.

"Best Captain"

The shores are marked on the board: shore E and shore I. Which shore will the word boats land on? words are selected on any topic “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Animals”, etc.

"Put the flower in the vase"

Place word flowers in vases. In one vase there are words with ь, in the other - without a soft sign. Which vase has more word flowers?

Words used: lily of the valley, bell, poppy, rose, peony, tulip, lilac and others.

"Guess the word"

Insert the missing letters and make a new word from them.

What word did you get?

How..kyy, sk.mya, lo..kyy, ..sunny, sweet..kyy (plant).

Hello, d..kabr, resort.. +..ka (branch).

Gi..kiy, t.shiel, light..kiy, pl..til, sea... (baggage).

Lo..kiy, d..roga, lo..ka, sh..rokiy, ve..ka, wind..r +l (driver).

Plo.., s..roka, l..snoy, u..kiy, smooth..kiy (train).




Target. To acquaint students with the peculiarities of speech development of first-graders and with the main directions of work on the development of coherent speech, to learn techniques for working on speech development

1. Features of the development of speech and thinking of first-graders during the period of learning to read and write.

2. Enrichment and clarification of children's vocabulary.

3. Vocabulary and lexical exercises as a means of developing speech and thinking of schoolchildren.

4. Work on the proposal.

5. Work on coherent speech during the period of learning to read and write.

6. Speech therapy work in first grade.


1. Lvov M.R. and others. Methods of teaching the Russian language in primary school; M.: "Enlightenment", 1987.

2. Methodology of the Russian language V.A. Kustareva and others - Moscow: "Enlightenment", 1982.

3. Lvov M.R. "The speech of younger schoolchildren and the ways of its development, M.: Education, 1975.

The child comes to school with significant speech skills. The volume of his vocabulary ranges from 3 to 7 thousand words, he uses in his oral speech

practice sentences - both simple and complex, most children are able to tell coherently, i.e. speak a simple monologue. The main characteristic feature of a preschooler's speech is its situational nature, which is determined by the preschooler's main activity - play activity.

What changes occur in a child’s speech development after he or she enters school? The changes are very significant. Firstly, the volitional factor in speech activity increases sharply: the child speaks not because he is encouraged to do so by surrounding circumstances, the so-called situation, but because the teacher, the educational process itself, demands it. The motivation of speech changes dramatically: if in situational speech the main motive is communication, then the answer in class, retelling, story are caused not by the living needs of communication, but by the need to fulfill the teacher’s requirement, to reveal knowledge of the material, and not to lose face in front of comrades, in front of the teacher. Is it any wonder that children who spoke fluently before school at home, on the street, in kindergarten, or at school sometimes at first get lost, embarrassed, and speak worse than before school?

The teacher takes care of creating motives for speech, motives that are natural and close to children - they are created relaxed atmosphere conversations, children's story is preceded by the words of the teacher: “Tell me, we are all interested, we will listen to you,” etc. However, all these means only soften the harshness of the transition; Otherwise, speech in the educational process inevitably loses its mostly situational nature and moves into the volitional sphere. Its motives are educational tasks, since educational activities become the main, leading activity of the child.

Secondly, written language appears in a child’s life. Of course, the first written texts that a child encounters are still very simple and differ little from the everyday speech he used before school. How does the inclusion of elements of written and bookish speech into the everyday life of a 1st grade student take place?

Such elements are contained in the teacher’s speech - literary speech, subordinate to the norm and, of course, influenced by written and book styles; school requirement answering the teacher’s question with a complete answer leads to the fact that elliptical constructions (one of the most typical elements of everyday situational speech) disappear, as if declared “outlaw”; a conversation regarding teacher questions often requires the construction of complex sentences: “Why do you think this is a fox?” - “This is a fox (because) she has red fur and a long fluffy tail.” Even the ABC texts contain many typical “book” constructions. From the first days of learning to read and write, work begins on the culture of speech: children learn how to speak at school, in class; they begin to understand that any expression of a thought will be correct, that the thought should be expressed clearly, distinctly, and understandably for others; They become accustomed to self-control and to observing the speech of other children, and learn to correct shortcomings in other people’s speech. Modern first-graders already understand that at school they cannot use the same children's phrases that they use at home and with friends. The third feature of the speech development of a first-grader is that monologue speech begins to occupy an increasing place in his speech activity, i.e. the type of speech that before school age or not at all

developed or did not occupy a dominant position. (We must not forget at the same time that children raised in kindergarten went through a certain system of developing coherent speech).

A monologue during the period of learning to read and write is a retelling of what has been read, a story from perception (observation), a story from memory (what happened), and from imagination (mainly from pictures). Statements of a monologue type also occur in the process of phonetic work, for example, a schoolchild says: “In a word strawberries four syllables, stressed - neither, There are only 9 sounds, how many letters: z-e m-l-i-n-i-k-a.”

Finally, the fourth feature of the speech development of a first-grader is that at school speech becomes the object of study. Before entering school, the child used speech without thinking about its structure and patterns. But at school he learns that speech is made up of words, that words consist of syllables and sounds denoted by letters, etc.

The development of speech in school practice is carried out in three directions: vocabulary work (lexical level), work on phrases and sentences (syntactic level), work on coherent speech (text level).

First-graders, especially six-year-olds, need entertaining, accessible ways of explaining new words: by showing a picture or object, naming this object; in vocabulary games - with the help of word lotto, cubes, tongue twisters, counting rhymes, nursery rhymes, humorous jokes; in conversations, stories, reciting poems, chanting words, etc. Children 6 years old cannot always immediately pronounce a new word, therefore, they should work not only on the meaning, but also on the sound composition of the word, on stress, orthoepic pronunciation, and also on the letter composition of the word and its spelling.

Every day, children learn new words, clarify, deepen their understanding of the meaning of those words that they have encountered previously, use words in their speech (activate them).

School life itself, the educational activities of children, require the assimilation of dozens of new words denoting the name of educational supplies, aids, and actions; many new words and meanings are learned through observations, as well as from pictures in the primer and other manuals. New words are found in readable texts, in teacher stories, etc.

New words are included in sentences, read, subjected to sound analysis, and composed from letters of the split alphabet. Words are included in the system of lexical and logical exercises.

Naturally, semantic work is of greatest importance for the development of speech: observations of the meanings of words, clarification of meanings and their shades.

From the first days of a child’s stay at school, he needs to be taught to pay attention to words and to search for the most expressive words. This task is accessible to first-graders: children usually have a keen sense of the expressiveness of speech, they love expressive speech, and they themselves willingly use words with diminutives and affectionate suffixes.

Work on a sentence, as well as on a word, begins literally from the first lesson at school: isolating a sentence from speech (speech flow), reading, answering questions (both the question and the answer are sentences).

During the period of literacy training, the following main tasks of work are solved: on syntactic level:

a) awareness of the sentence as an independent unit of speech, highlighting
sentences in oral speech, composing them, reading from the ABC book;

b) transition from monosyllabic statements to expanded statements,
from incomplete sentences- to complete, relatively large sentences,
having, as a rule, the composition of the subject and the composition of the predicate;

c) establishing the simplest connections between words in a sentence, mainly in the predicative group, as well as in phrases.

One should not rush to introduce new syntactic constructions into children’s speech, but as soon as they appear in their speech, the school’s task is not to restrain children’s speech development with artificial measures or prohibitions, but to support this new one and ensure its correctness .

Consequently, in the work on a proposal, a significant place belongs to the correction of shortcomings, introspection and self-control.

Since students do not yet have theoretical knowledge of syntax, sentence construction is carried out on the basis of samples. Reading texts, teacher speech, and questions serve as examples.

During the period of literacy learning, the role of questions is very large; The question provides the basis for making a proposal. So, the picture asks the question: “What happened to the children in the forest?” Possible answers: “The children got lost in the forest”: “The children went into the forest to pick mushrooms and got lost”; “A boy and a girl were picking mushrooms and berries in the forest. They did not notice how evening came. They are lost - they don’t know the way home.”

This is how schoolchildren move from sentences to coherent speech.

Coherent speech during the period of learning to read and write is a retelling of what the children themselves or the teacher read, these are various stories - from observations, from memories, based on creative imagination; This is reciting memorized poems, making and guessing riddles, working with proverbs, sayings, reading tongue twisters, telling fairy tales and dramatizing them. All these are variants of emotional, figurative speech.

In the practice of first-graders, elements of coherent scientific or “business” speech appear: coherent answers on sound analysis, some stories based on observations. These types of speech are just beginning to develop and therefore pose significant difficulties for children. Exercises in coherent speech take place in every literacy lesson as a mandatory part of the lesson.

The most convenient way to start working on coherent speech is with pictures. Thus, “ABC” contains a series of pictures for the fairy tales “The Wolf and the Fox” and “The Hen

Ryaba." By making a sentence for each picture, children receive sequential stories.

During the preparatory conversation, the best ones are selected for the story, complete sentences, repetitions inevitable in such cases are eliminated; to give the events more reality, the character is given a name, the season is determined, a sentence about the weather can be added, etc. Story

entitled - this is how children begin working on the topic.

Subsequently, children are given tasks to talk about a topic, for example: “Tell me about the squirrel” (based on direct observation). “Tell me about how you played…” (from memory), etc.

The usual basis for children's stories in the 1st grade are questions from the teacher or a question plan (children in the 1st grade have not yet drawn up their own plan).

By retelling what they read, children enrich their vocabulary with the help of sample vocabulary, follow the sequence of the text, imitating the syntactic structure of the original source, and convey the emotional content and ideological meaning of the story.

Compiled story or retelling constantly

is corrected, the most appropriate words are selected, their meaning and the appropriateness of the choice in a given situation are explained, work is underway on the proposal, details and details are introduced, the sequence of presentation of events is improved, the simplest causal justifications are introduced.

The entertaining element plays a huge role in the development of coherent speech: it is an organic, integral part of any creative work. Both retelling and telling, the child enters into the role, empathizes with the heroes, enthusiastically awaits decisive events, the denouement, enthusiastically conveys the heroic, as well as apt, witty word. Therefore, the system of exercises for the development of coherent speech should include the staging of a fairy tale (playing it in roles and other forms of dramatization and improvisation, i.e. inventing your own fairy tales), and competitions for the best reader of poems, and competitions in guessing riddles and explaining proverbs

For example, in 1st grade they dramatize the folk tale “Turnip”. The tale is simple in plot and does not require complex decorations - it is performed in a classroom; but it is devoid of dialogue, and the words of the characters are enthusiastically invented by the children themselves.

First graders know a huge number of riddles. The riddle is always witty, poetic, and easy to remember. It was already said above that riddles are used to introduce the original word, from which a new sound is extracted, for example: “The grandfather is standing, wearing a hundred fur coats; whoever undresses him sheds tears" (onion), to highlight the sound [k]. However, riddles are also useful in themselves, as a means of speech development for children. Working on riddles always turns into a fun, lively conversation, during which the vocabulary is enriched, metaphors and periphrases are revealed, words-attributes are worked on, and a sense of rhythm is developed. Often, first-graders try to write riddles themselves.

We must not forget that the development of students’ speech is ultimately the main, certainly the most important task of the school, because in life a person needs speech skills first of all. Developed speech also serves as a means of cognition.

During the period of literacy training, schoolchildren learn on a practical basis significant material on grammar and spelling. But the nature of assimilation of this material is special: as a rule, the topic is not explained to children, and theoretical information is not provided. In practical oral or written speech work children perform such actions, such exercises that prepare them for mastering certain topics at later stages of education.

Thus, in the first months of training, children compare words of the simplest type: houses, houses, forests, forests. This creates a practical basis for subsequent checking of the spelling of unstressed vowels in the roots of related words.

Changing words hedgehog-hedgehogs, already-snake, ruff-ruff, Children not only learn spelling zhi, shi(even before studying the corresponding rule), but also practically prepare for the assimilation of a spelling action - checking consonants at the end of a word, where, as a result of the law of the absolute end of a word, positional alternation of consonants occurs; In grammatical terms, they are preparing to master the topic “Changing nouns by numbers.”

Matching words drove, drove off, Children are practically prepared for the topics “Word Composition”. Prefixes", "Related words".. Children form words autumn- autumn (wind) and thereby prepare for mastering the laws of word formation, for mastering the topic “Adjective” and, finally, for the topics “Related words”, “Word composition”.

In lessons during literacy training, schoolchildren propaedeutically change nouns not only by number, but also by case, connect them with adjectives, therefore, they also change adjectives, coordinating them with nouns in gender, number and case; change the forms of the verb and thus prepare to master the material on the topic “Verb”.

The system of propaedeutic exercises is in accordance with the stepwise construction modern programs in grammar and spelling: in children gradually, as a result practical work, a certain speech experience is accumulated, as well as a “feeling” of language, and observations of language phenomena - words, their composition and formation, their changes and combinations with other words. Only on this basis does the student begin to master theoretical generalizations in the future; he relies on it in the formation of grammatical concepts and spelling actions.

Thus, the period of learning to read and write cannot be considered as a special, isolated segment in the process of learning at school, although very unique tasks are actually solved during this segment. We must remember that the learning process is continuous, and in propaedeutic language exercises.

Teachers primary classes, as is known, are particularly inventive. They manage to translate even the most difficult scientific truths into entertaining, playful, but nevertheless meaningful forms.

Teacher of developmental education according to the D.B. system Elkonina - V.V. Davydova M. OBOZHINA offers her didactic games on literacy training. The material corresponds to the program content of the first two sections of the Primer by V.V. Repkina and others.

Formation of initial ideas in a word

1. Pick the right leaf

The teacher names the words. Students choose the desired model, or name the number of the piece of paper.

A word that names an object.

A word that names an action.

A word that names a sign.

Words for presentation: apple, plum, ripe, flower, pick, red, fell, round, hanging, etc.

2. Who lives in the house?

There are three houses on the board, each with its own sign.

Children have three chips.

The teacher says three words. The child working at the board points to the corresponding houses. The rest of the children show the chips from their place.

Words for presentation: gnome, sings, cheerful; puppy, small, barks; black, ran, cat, etc.

3. Yes, no (selective auditory dictation)

The teacher pronounces words for the first model: doll, big, spoon, walks, etc. Children show signs of agreement or disagreement.

Work on the second and third models is organized in a similar way.

4. Find your way

Suggested statement:

A shaggy dog ​​sits by the road. Students connect the models with arrows in the correct sequence.

Note: the arrows reflect only the sequence of words in the statement.

5. Living words

There are five students at the blackboard. Each of them holds one of the chips:

The sixth student is the driver. The teacher makes a statement: Students are sitting at a new desk; A small bird, etc. sits on a branch. The driver’s task is to make a living statement, that is, to arrange the children in the right order.

6. Find the odd one out!

There is an incorrectly composed model of a statement on the board. Children are asked to find the extra word.

A goat grazes in a meadow.

The task may have the opposite task: find the missing word in the model.

7. Embellish the statement

The teacher makes a statement: The girl sings a song.

The teacher shows the place where the children must insert the attribute word.

A little girl sings a song.

A little girl sings a cheerful song.

When completing the task, children can create models of new statements.

8. Finish the statement

Children are asked to complete the statement.

The book lies on... .

The person is in... .

We played on... .

The children went in the morning... .

9. Where did you hide?

The teacher places a small object sequentially: on the table, under the table, behind the door, etc. and asks where this item is. Children answer with a phrase, clearly highlighting the word “helper” (function word).

10. Find the word "helper"

The teacher reads a statement with a preposition. When reading again, students give a sign in the place where there is a preposition (claps, etc.).

Lena is riding a tram.

Bullfinches are sitting on a branch.

An airplane is flying over the forest.

Ira hid in the closet.

Andrey left the class.

11. Cure saying

Option 1

The teacher offers an audible statement without prepositions. Children must pronounce it correctly, with the right preposition.

Chicks are squeaking in the nest.

The handkerchief is in... my pocket.

The vase was placed... on the table.

The kettle is boiling... on the stove.

The fish lives... in the river.

The task is accompanied by the compilation of models of statements.

Option 2

Correct mistakes verbally.

There is a portrait hanging on the wall.

The soup is boiled in a saucepan.

Milk was poured into a cup.

A magpie sat in a tree.

The boy is standing on the bridge.

The children went to the forest.

Leaves are falling from the tree.

Ira came from the store.

12. Insert word

The teacher names phrases with prepositions. Children must insert words between them that name the signs.

In the woods

under the tree

on the street

You can ask children to complete the statements.

The branches of the oak tree have dried up.

Alyosha's temperature rose.

The boat sailed from... the shore.

13. Help a friend

The teacher makes a statement and asks the children to indicate the appropriate model, if any.

For example: A bunny runs along the path.

Sound analysis

1. On the contrary

The teacher says the words. Children must pronounce these words backwards.

Sleep, slave, zero, forehead, com. (Nose, steam, flax, floor, wet.)

The task is accompanied by the compilation of sound models of words.

2. The right employee

Children must name the same sound in each pair of words.

book mountain bag
boxing geese dog

broom floor
light flower bed

3. Lay the house down brick by brick (sound analysis)

The teacher offers a statement that the children should work with in the following sequence:

  • drawing up an outline of a whole sentence;
  • compiling syllabic models under word models;
  • highlighting vowel sounds with dots.

The house is on the mountain.

4. Match the word

The teacher suggests matching the word with a house that denotes the first sound in this word (consonant sounds).

Children choose their own words.

- a hard, sonorous consonant sound.

- a soft, dull consonant sound.

5. Vowel Chorus (vowel sounds)

The teacher names the words. Children in chorus pronounce only vowel sounds without stress, then with stress. Words are selected that have no difference between sounds and letters. When completing the task, sounds are not recorded in letters.

The little mice were walking

– [s] – [a] – [a] – [y] – [a] – [i]

– [s] – [a"] – [a] – [y] – [a"] – [i]

6. Rhythmic pattern

Children create a rhythmic pattern of words (syllabic pattern with stress).

When voicing a model, children clap to highlight the accents.

7. Which word is longer?

Children answer the question: which word is longer, having first compiled a sound model.

Words for presentation: hour, minute, stream, river; worm, snake; key, key.

“How many sounds are there in a word?”

Goal: develop phonemic awareness

The teacher reads poetry by S.Ya. Marshak:

The lady was checking in her luggage:


And a little dog.

Children are given pictures depicting the listed items. The teacher turns to each of them with a question: how many sounds are in a word? Let's say this word together.

“Find her house in the picture.”

Goal: to activate children's knowledge of vowels and consonants.

For this competition game you will need two cardboard houses with pockets for pictures: one with a red circle - a symbol on the roof, the other with a blue one - and a set of object pictures.

Children are invited to take turns approaching the teacher’s table, take one of the pictures, name the object depicted on it and, highlighting the first sound in its name, determine whether it is a vowel or a consonant. Depending on this, the picture is placed in one or the other house. The game continues until all the pictures are in their places.

"Find the extra letter"

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the letters they have studied, to teach them to classify them by analyzing them appearance letters.

The game is interesting because it allows children, at the suggestion of the teacher, to classify letters according to their own found base. But to do this, children must conduct a thorough analysis of the appearance of the letters and determine how two are similar and how the third letter is different. The winner of the game can be the one who offers larger number adequate options for highlighting the “extra” letter.

· TPH, etc.

"Right wrong"

Goal: to teach to recognize letters by analyzing their appearance.

To play you will need a set of letter cards made in printed font in correct and incorrect (inverted or mirrored) design.

A team or individual championship can be arranged between the participants in the game, during which it is determined who will divide the cards into groups correctly and fastest - with correctly and incorrectly written letters.

"Capital and Print"

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about printed and capital letters.

As a game material, students are offered a set of cards depicting capital and block letters. The game task is to find its capital version for each printed letter as quickly and correctly as possible.

"Capital or lowercase"

Goal: learn to correlate capital and lowercase letters.

As a game material, students are offered a set of cards depicting uppercase and uppercase letters. The game task is to find the pairs: capital + uppercase as quickly and correctly as possible. With the same letters, you can give another task: independently find a sign by which all the cards can be divided into two groups.

"Let's build a house"

Goal: to learn to hear the sound [r] in and find its place in a word.

The teacher says he is going to draw a house and draws one wall. Students must name the parts of the house that need to be completed. You can name only those words that have the sound [r]: roof, attic, cornice, frame, porch, pipe. The teacher draws all the named subjects schematically on the board.


Goal: to consolidate the ability to select words with a given sound and indicate its place in a word.

In the “Store” you can “buy” only those items whose names contain the sound [s]. Children name the words: butter, salt, sugar, crackers, sausage, cheese, lard, juice, cabbage, beets, etc. after the vocabulary - names of objects with sound [s]

"Roll Call"

Goal: to learn to hear a sound and find its place in a word.

The teacher names different sounds alternately - vowels and consonants. Children whose names begin with the named sound stand up.


Goal: consolidate knowledge about the graphic form of letters.

The teacher slowly shows the letter from behind the screen, starting from its upper part, the lower part of the letter remains closed. Children must mentally draw the outline of the letter from memory and recognize it. After the letter is named, the teacher shows it in its entirety.


Goal: to consolidate knowledge about hard and soft sounds.

For the game, 33 cards are prepared with all the letters of the alphabet. (It is advisable to place two pictures on the cards. If this is a consonant letter denoting two sounds, then the name of the object in one picture should begin with a soft consonant, and the other with a hard consonant. For example, on a card with the letter M, a bear is drawn on one side, on the other - a mouse. The letters b, b, y are printed without pictures.)

Each card is cut in the middle.

Option 1.

The teacher keeps cards with the image of the right half of the letter, and distributes cards with the image of the left half of the letter to the children. Shows the right half of the letter to the children. The one who has the left half comes out, folds the letter and calls it.

Option 2.

Children are given cards with which they disperse around the class. At the teacher’s signal, “Everyone in pairs!” Each student looks for a friend with a paired card.

“How many and what?”

Goal: to consolidate students’ knowledge of the graphic form of letters.

The teacher addresses the children:

The class is divided into two teams. The "sparrows" team makes letters from three sticks (A, P, N, Ch, I, K, S), the "starlings" team - from two (G, T, X, L, U). The winner is the team that quickly and correctly composes all possible letters.


Goal: to strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables.

The main game action is clapping the number of syllables in a word. First, the teacher names the words, and the children clap the number of syllables.

"Living Syllables"

Goal: consolidate knowledge about syllables.

10 people are called to the board and line up in two lines. The left five is given consonants, the right one is given vowels. At the teacher’s signal, the children come together in pairs, raising the letters up. Students sitting at their desks read the resulting syllable in unison.

"Finish the word"

Goal 6: To develop the skill of dividing a word into syllables, to teach how to highlight a closed syllable.

shi__na vet___ka

you__on the bag

boat shu__ka

"Chains of Words"

The teacher lays out a word on the typesetting canvas. Students read it and then close their eyes. At this time, the teacher changes the letter in the word and invites the children to open their eyes, quickly read the word and say what has changed.

Option. The teacher lays out a word from the letters of the split alphabet on the board and offers to turn it into a new word by changing, removing or adding one letter. For example, from the word “May”, in accordance with the rules of the game, you can get the words: may - poppy - cancer - varnish - onion - bough - soup - court - garden - himself - herself - mother - Masha - ours - porridge - porridge - cat and etc. Having mastered three-sound words, schoolchildren move on to four- and five-sound words.

"Superfluous word"

Goal: learn to classify words according to one common characteristic and name it.

Rows of words are hung on a flannelgraph (each line has 4 words, three of which can be various reasons combine into one group and give one name, and one word does not belong to this group).

Let's turn the extra word over, only its first letter will appear. Using the first letters of the extra words, you can read the word.

Students are divided into two teams. They line up in lines. When performing relay exercises, perform a task on a flannelgraph.

The first team to read the encrypted word wins.

Task for the first team:

1. Shirt, trousers, T-shirt, boots.

2. Tulip, rose, lily of the valley, spruce.

3. Oak, maple, birch, chamomile.

4. Fly, butterfly, dragonfly, raccoon.

5. Book, magazine, newspaper, eyes.

6. Class, board, school, name.

7. Grapes, apple, pear, cake.

8. Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov, Elena.


Task for the second team:

1. Beach, sand, sun, winter.

2. Forest, grass, fir trees, house.

3. Goose, duck, chicken, perch.

4. Fork, knife, spoon, comb.

5. Shoes, boots, felt boots, glasses.

6. Paddle, pencil, brush, pen.

7. Fairy tale, poems, song, b.

8. Winter, summer, autumn, Europe.

9. Answer: HEALTH

“How many sounds are there in a word?”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to determine the number of letters and sounds in words.

Squat as many times as there are sounds in the word autumn.

Jump as many times as the number of letters this word is written in (open the recording of the word on the board).

Bend over as many times as there are letters in the word hedgehog (the word is written on the board).

Stretch as many times as there are sounds in this word.

“What new sound has appeared?”

Goal: to develop phonemic hearing and quick thinking.

sleep-moan helmet – paint roller-rabbit

juice-stock salka - rolling pin cloud - little thing

bitch - knock cat - baby cat - mole

« Capital letter»

Goal: repeat the rules for writing proper names, names of rivers, cities, animal names.

If the words I have named need to be written with a capital letter, raise your hands up, if with a small letter, squat.

Barsik, kitten, city, Voronezh, Nikita, river, Volga, dog, Buddy, sparrow, lesson.

"Soft Sign"

Goal: repeat the learned rules about the soft sign.

If in the named words soft sign serves to indicate the softness of a consonant - perform a squat; to separate a consonant and a vowel - jerk with your hands.

Tsar, ice floe, wolves, jam, joy, nightingales, darkness, health, laziness, salt.


"Preparation for school. Speech development, logical thinking and cognitive abilities of preschool children with elements of literacy and the use of mathematical material.”

Saint Petersburg



course “Preparing children for school. Development of speech, logical thinking and cognitive abilities of preschoolers with elements of literacy training and the use of mathematical material"


The proposed course of elementary mathematics, speech development and literacy training provides an opportunity to intensively develop children’s cognitive abilities, intelligence, creativity, develop all types of speech activity (ability to listen and speak, read and write), instill cultural skills of verbal communication, develop interest in language, speech and literature, improve the aesthetic and moral attitude towards the environment.The school preparation course is being introduced in connection with the need of society for every child to study well, not get tired, not get sick, and be cheerful and cheerful. This is possible if you help your child and prepare him for school.This course contains two complete blocks: initial course of mathematics and logic; speech development and literacy training.
FIRST BLOCK: Beginner course mathematics and logic is called upon: equip children with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to independently solve new issues, new educational and practical tasks, instill in children independence, initiative, a sense of responsibility and perseverance in overcoming difficulties; give preschoolers basic numerical literacy and basic geometric concepts; purposefully develop cognitive processes, including the ability to observe and compare, notice what is common in different things, distinguish the main from the secondary, find patterns and use them to complete tasks, build simple hypotheses, test them, illustrate with examples, classify objects (groups of objects), concepts according to a given principle; develop the ability to make simple generalizations, the ability to use acquired knowledge in new conditions; teach to reveal causal connections between phenomena of the surrounding reality; develop mental operations: the ability to solve problems to find patterns, comparison and classification (continue a sequence of numbers or geometric shapes, find a broken pattern, identify a common feature of a group of objects, etc.); develop speech: be able to describe the properties of an object, explain the similarities and differences of objects, justify your answer, be able to clearly express your thoughts; develop creative abilities: be able to independently come up with a sequence containing some pattern; a group of figures with common feature; develop visual, figurative, verbal, logical and emotional memory; be able to establish the equivalence of sets of objects by making pairs; develop attention, observation, logical thinking; develop the ability for generalization and abstraction, develop spatial ideas (about shape, size, relative position of objects); develop the ability to measure and draw segments, use a ruler; study integers from 1 to 10.0 on the system of practical lessons using visual aids; reveal the meaning of arithmetic operations (addition and subtraction) based on elementary practical operations, teach how to navigate a notebook, carefully and systematically take notes; learn to listen and do work independently.
SECOND BLOCK : Speech development and literacy training is designed to ensure: the relationship between learning their native language and the development of students’ communicative, speech and creative abilities, and the formation of their spiritual and moral values; intensive development of types of speech activity: listening, speaking, fluent language use different situations communication; development of artistic, figurative and logical thinking of students, education speech culture communication as an integral part of human culture communication; work on the development of students’ speech, form in children a conscious, according to their age, possible relationships to linguistic facts, increase their activity and independence, promoting mental and speech development. Develop reading skills based on children’s life experiences; teach to read, speak, write meaningfully; if possible, enrich students’ speech, develop their attention and interest in linguistic phenomena; develop interest in learning activities; expansion and clarification of children’s ideas about environment while reading, looking at illustrations; development of phonemic hearing; give basic concepts about sound-letter analysis of words, teach how to correctly identify and characterize sound; enrichment of students' vocabulary, development of their speech; correct designation of sounds in writing, writing from dictation, composing words from letters and syllables; teach how to copy from a printed text, speak in front of the class, answer questions, ask, talk about your observations, etc. Thus, a holistic course of preparation for school will help children learn a number of concepts and patterns that will help them start successful learning in first grade. What do we know about the abilities of our future students coming to school preparation courses?How and what should we teach them, knowing about the difficulties ahead at school?Which subject will be the most difficult? How can we help overcome difficulties now?We, teachers, ask ourselves these questions when thinking about our future students. They have to go through a difficult path of learning, where we will have to become not just teachers, but also helpers, friends to whom we can turn for help.Based teaching experience Many teachers, we come to the conclusion that one of the most difficult subjects that causes the greatest difficulties is the Russian language, and in the first year of school - also reading.This program will help the teacher prepare preschoolers to study the above subjects and mitigate future difficulties and problems.

In addition, using this program, the teacher will be able to intensify the mental activity of future students, enrich them lexicon, familiarize with the elements of school life, and assist parents in raising a full-fledged personality.

IN thematic planning topics and an approximate number of lessons are indicated, which can be changed by the teacher, depending on the more or less successful completion of the program, the children’s acquisition of the necessary knowledge and the formation of skills.The duration of classes with a 6-year-old child should not exceed 25 minutes, so classes will be held 2 times a week for 25 minutes for each block with a 10-minute break.

Thematic planning

TOTAL: about 60 lessons of 25 minutes each.


Brief description of didactic games used in the learning process of preschoolers

Game 1. “Half a word is up to you” Goal: To develop the speech of preschoolers, expand their vocabulary, and develop phonemic awareness.Content: The teacher pronounces the beginning of the word (the name of the object), the students finish the word. Words can be selected on certain topics, illustrations can be used. Work can be done in pairs and frontally.
Game 2. “Describe the object” Goal: Acquaintance with the concepts of “properties and characteristics of objects”, developing the ability to guess an object by its characteristics.Content: The teacher or student conceives a subject, others ask leading questions, trying to guess what is planned based on the signs.
Game 3. “I know” Goals: Development of students’ speech, replenishment of vocabulary, development of observation and attention.Content: The teacher (child), using a ball, recites the following text, rhythmically hitting the ball on the floor: - I know five names of boys: Sasha - one, Dima - two, Igor - three, Denis - four, Volodya - five. The ball is then passed to the next player. He names the following five items. These can be any objects (toys, flowers, trees, etc.).
Game 4. “Guess what you showed” (pantomime) Goal: To develop attention, observation, speech, patience.Content: The person who wishes depicts an object (living or inanimate) without uttering any sounds. The rest are trying to guess what is being depicted. It is possible to use several people for pantomime.
Game 5. “Decipher the letter” Goal: Development of observation, attention, ability to concentrate on finding the required letter or syllable.Content: The teacher encrypts the letters with any symbols or pictures and, using these symbols, “writes down” the word. Children try to guess the word by finding icons with the letters they represent.
Game 6. “Who is better” The game is organized on the basis of game 5, where the children themselves encrypt the words using the icons proposed by the teacher. We solve the words together, finding out who was better able to encrypt the word.
Game 7. “Who is more observant” Goal: Consolidating knowledge about letters and sounds, searching for letters in the text, developing attention and observation skills.Content: The teacher offers the children a text where students find the letter chosen by the teacher.
Game 8. “Write a fairy tale about an object.” Goal: Development of students’ speech, replenishment of vocabulary.Content: The teacher or children choose any subject and try to compose together a fairy tale about the adventures of this subject.Game 9. “Day - Night” Goal: Development of students’ speech, ability to focus on finding the necessary concept.Content: The teacher names the word, the children name its opposite in meaning: “Day - night, sweet - sour”, etc.
Game 10. “Make friends with the letter” Children combine sounds into syllables orally, and in writing they write down pairs of letters (merging syllables)
Game 11. “Let’s go for a visit” Children are divided into groups: hosts and guests. "Hosts" must greet "guests" using " magic words" “The guests respond in kind.”
Game 12. “Make a word” Children make up words from the syllables suggested by the teacher. Syllables can be brightly and colorfully illustrated. For example, in the form of balls or flowers that need to be collected in one bunch or bouquet.
Game 13. “Place it in order” A series of illustrations are offered, related to the same theme, but laid out incorrectly. Children must determine which of the illustrations depicts what happened earlier or later, i.e. arrange in order.

Game 14. “Fairy-tale possessions of the Rainbow. Describe" Children describe the objects around them, using knowledge about the colors of the rainbow, trying to describe this or that object as vividly as possible.
Game 15. “Hammers” Children “tap” the rhythm of words, striking each vowel sound in the words pronounced by the teacher, with a stick on the table, highlighting the stressed sound. The game helps to consolidate knowledge of vowel sounds and stress.
Game 16. “The letter got lost” Children must “correct” words where the letters are mixed up, putting them in their proper place.The game promotes the development of attention, observation, as well as the development of phonemic hearing.
Game 17. “Time got angry and went away. Catch up" Children transform phrases, words, sentences using the categories “before, after, then, now.” Make up your own sentences, correct incorrectly constructed phrases suggested by the teacher.
Game 18. “When it happens” Children guess the season (spring, summer, winter, autumn) based on changes in nature indicated by the teacher. During the game, time categories are repeated. Illustrations may be used.
Game 19. “Bells” The point of the game is to search for voiced consonants in words pronounced by the teacher. Children pretend to be bells that ring for every voiced consonant sound. The game promotes the development of attention and phonemic hearing in children.
Game 20. “Correct the mistakes” The point of the game is to search for sounds or letters that were incorrectly indicated by the fairy-tale guest (Dunno, Pinocchio). The game is illustrated.
Game 21. “Words” The teacher asks questions what? Who? Which? what is he doing? and others. Children find words that answer asked question. The game uses a ball that is passed to the children who answer.
Game 22. “Knots for memory” Children each tie knots on their own string, remembering rules, questions, sounds and letters. Everything is commented out loud. The material is selected by the teacher.
Note: The material for the games and their content can be changed in accordance with the requirements of the teacher and the capabilities of the students. It is advisable to illustrate each of the games and use various toys (ball, doll, etc.). Every child has abilities and talents. Children are naturally inquisitive and eager to learn. All that is needed for them to express their gifts is intelligent guidance. A variety of games will not only help you acquire basic literacy and numeracy skills, but also help develop the beginnings of critical and creative thinking, logical reasoning, teach to make logical conclusions. They teach you to think.Changing the types of children's activities within each lesson allows you to slightly increase the duration of the usual lesson.It is well known how complex and extensive the primary school curriculum is and how difficult it is sometimes for a child who cannot read to master its course. Children who can already read fit into the learning process more easily and are more comfortable at the first stage of education.This program is based on the principle of developmental education. It is very important to take a serious and creative approach to each lesson, selecting visual, didactic, etc. in advance required material, without which it is impossible to activate children’s thinking and maintain their interest and attention throughout the lesson.The program involves the use of search questions, in various ways work with visibility.Effective game uniform work, since it is in the game that the creative abilities of the individual develop. All classes include speech development games, entertaining exercises, phonetic, lexical, grammatical, graphic and even outdoor games. Game situations, fairy-tale characters, and surprise moments are introduced.The main place in learning is given to working with sounds, letters, words, sentences. It is necessary to devote enough time to the sound perception of words, forming the child’s phonetic speech hearing.To improve the speech apparatus, it is advisable to include articulation exercises, pronouncing tongue twisters, quatrains, rhyming lines, etc.Children love riddles, so it is necessary to include in the program a lot of riddles, accompanied by illustrative or game material.You should always strive to replenish children’s vocabulary with synonyms, antonyms, etc.To relax and relieve tension, small exercise minutes are appropriate and necessary. It's better if physical. the minutes will not be repeated. Here are some of them:1. Raise your shouldersJump grasshoppers.Jump-jump, jump-jump. (Energetic shoulder movements). Stop! We sat down. We ate some grass.They listened to the silence.(Squats) Higher, higher, highJump on your toes with ease! (Jumping in place)

2. I get up early in the morningI sing with a clear voice.I wash my face and get dressedAnd I get down to business. I prick, I drink, I draw, I play... etc. (Various movements)

3. Ira, Inna and Ivan They danced merrily. They circled, bowed,We stopped where we were. (Appropriate movements)

4. Our rest is a physical education minute,Take your seats:Once - they sat down, twice - they stood up.Everyone raised their hands up.Sat down, stood up, sat down, stood upIt’s as if they became Vanka-vstanka.And then they started galloping,Like my elastic ball.

5. Zhu - zhu - zhu, (3 claps) I go to the meadow (Steps with high legs) I'm looking at the bugs (Sit down, bring your palms to your eyes) Zhu-zhu-zhu (3 claps)
Serious problems arise in school due to students' lack of literacy. To prevent the occurrence of such problems or to help children overcome such difficulties, it is necessary to begin work as early as possible with the development of their spelling vigilance. Targeted spelling detection training beginsmainly in the process of sound-letter analysis of words. The following exercises are useful for developing the corresponding skill:
1. Games: “Find a dangerous place” -I will pronounce the words, and you will clap as soon as you hear a sound that cannot be trusted when writing. And what sound(s) cannot be trusted? How to find it? (It is necessary to determine whether the word has an unstressed vowel sound. If there is, then there is a “dangerous place.” If there are two unstressed vowels, then there are two “dangerous places.” "Traffic light" Show a red traffic light or turn on a red light as soon as you find a “dangerous place”."Light the beacon" Carrying out a sound analysis with drawing up a diagram in which “dangerous places” are indicated, i.e. Red signals (circles) are placed under the “dangerous places”. At the same time, with the help of a question (“How will you look for “dangerous places”?) the necessary method of action is worked out.2. Following the sound analysis, printing or laying out words from the letters of the split alphabet with the omission of “dangerous places”. At the same time, attention is again drawn to the method of action: “If the sound can be trusted, I indicate it with a letter, if not, I put a danger signal in its place.”
To improve the speech apparatus, the following tongue twisters, quatrains, and rhymes can be used:
1. I BUYED A LAMB BARANKIAt the market early in the morningI bought a lamb bagel:For lambs, for sheepTEN poppy rings, NINE sushi, EIGHT buns, SEVEN flat cakes, SIX cheesecakes, FIVE shortcakes, FOUR crumpets, THREE cakes, TWO gingerbreads And I bought ONE roll -I didn’t forget about myself! And for the little wife - Sunflowers. 2. FORTY FORTY (tongue twister) forty forty For their own people Forty shirts Without quarreling, they scribble. Forty shirts Stitched on time -We immediately quarreled Forty forty.
3. A - Open your mouth wider, We raise our hands up.
U - Lips with a tube forward. And hands forward.
4. Rustle, whispering, noise under the window,Light spanking... Who is this dwarf? Shhh! There, behind the curtains, near the window A nimble little mouse Silence rustles.
5. I’m still shaking with fear! - The log exclaimed, - The letter looks like an axe!It will definitely split!
6. The train rushes along, grinding: same - che - schA, same - che - schA.
7. In the mornings my brother Kirill Three little rabbits in the grass fed.
To successfully study vowel sounds and letters, the technique of learning “singing” is used:The following triangle is drawn on the board:


Children first sing the sounds of the upper floor: E-Y-U and watch how their mouth opens during singing. They conclude that the mouth does not open very much, only a little. The result is “narrow” vowel sounds.Then the children sing the sounds of the middle floor: E-O. We noticed that the mouth opens normally, as usual, averagely. This means that these are “middle” vowel sounds.Finally, they sing the vowel of the lower floor: A. Here the mouth opens wide and the children call this sound “wide.”This game will help children discover the secret of vowel pronunciation. It turns out that all vowel sounds are mouth openers! This conclusion will help you learn how to correctly determine the number of syllables in words by placing your palm under your chin.
To conduct thematic conversations and develop children’s speech, the following riddles and poems can be used:
Let's help mom.

Riddles about tools and utensils.

Small bird He will dive with his nose, Wags his tail -He will lead the path. (Needle)
Two ends, two ringsAnd in the middle there is a carnation (Scissors)
Bows, bows,When he comes home, he will stretch out. (Axe)
He eats quickly, chews finely,She won’t eat it herself, and won’t give it to others. (Saw)
When they collide - knock and knock!The silence will be scared around.The fat one will beat the thin one -The thin one will hit something. (Hammer and nail)
A new vessel, but it’s all full of holes. (Colander)
There is a bath in the stomach, a hole in the nose, one hand and that one on the back (Teapot)

Poems about work

CARPENTER EGOR Yegor has wonderful things:Planer, saw, hammer and pliers.He also has an ax and a chisel -Maybe Egorka can build a house.This ax is just a toy,And Egor himself is a small first-grader.He will grow up to become a carpenter, thenHe will build a school, a nursery and a house.Well, for now Egorka ShevtsovHe built a house, but a house for starlings.
WE BUILD It's good that there is something in the worldStone, clay and sand.I'm burying what's in the worldPliers, nails, hammer.There are threads and there is a shovel -You can sew and you can dig!Respect the work, guys!Learn to love work!
During classes, the following tasks are used to enhance mental activity:1. Reading the syllabic table(at fast and slow pace) KOR UT NOR CHEESE KI MYSH MOSH
3. COLLECTIVE READING OF THE SYLLABLE TABLE AND WORDS AT THE PACE SET BY THE TEACHER. SO forty Vova crow owls height owl hair braids cow dew


couples bet queen kings prices knights lords
4. Transform the word by replacing letters:ROOK - DOCTOR; DAUGHTER - POINT - HUMMUM - BARREL; STOVE - PACK - KIDNEY, etc.
5. Reading syllables with completion of the whole word: FI... lin FE... dia FA... ya FO... ma... horse Le... ta To... nya Te... ty
6. Game with the word KOLOBOK

(stake, forehead, side, eye)

7. Answer quickly!Loud, fast, cheerful... (ball)Delicious, scarlet, juicy... (watermelon)Brown, clumsy, club-footed...(bear)Yellow, red, autumn... (leaves)
8. Change the word using the technique of increasing and replacing letters:Believe - the door is a beastRiding - star - trainsNetworks are children, Lena – Lina
9. “Where are the numbers, where are the letters?”Select only letters.Make a word out of them I 1 8 G 6 R 10 U 5 W 4 K 2 A 7
10. Pure sayings
Ta-ta-ta - our house is clean.Te-te-te - put down your sewing.That's it - we started playing lotto.At-at-at - we're going for a walkAt-at-at - we take a scooter with usCha-cha-cha - a candle is burning in the room.Chu-chu-chu - I knock with a hammer.Ooch-och-och - night has come.Tso-tso-tso -On the hand ringTsy-tsy-tsy-the cucumbers are ripeEts-ets-ets - very tasty cucumber
Dear Colleagues! Remember that learning to read and write is one of the most crucial periods in a child’s life. And the result of learning largely depends on you, on your patience, kindness, and affection. Give your child the opportunity to believe in own strength. Avoid rudeness and tactlessness! Training should not be related to negative emotions in communication with the teacher, with the future student. Let each of them feel success, know the joy of “discovery” for themselves and go to each lesson with desire and good mood. Let him think, fantasize, create!


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9. Sedzh N.V. Games and exercises in teaching six-year-olds Minsk, 1985

10. Toroshenko E-V. Living alphabet for little ones. St. Petersburg, 1994

11. Giabalina 3.P. The first year is the most difficult. M, 1990

12. Shvaiko G.S. Games and play exercises for speech development. M., 1983


G. G. Granin. CM. Bondarenko. A.A.Kontsevaya. Spelling secrets. M., 1994
L.F. Klimanova, L.N. Boreyko. Draw, think, tell. M., 1996
M.A. Kalugin, N.V. Novotvortseva. Educational games for primary schoolchildren. Crosswords, quizzes, puzzles. Yaroslavl. 1996
V.N. Trudnev. Count, dare, guess. M., 1980
I.B. Golub, N.I. Ushakov. A journey through the land of words. M., 1992
N.V.Yolkina, T.I. Gibberish. 1000 riddles. Yaroslavl. 1996
V.Volina. We learn by playing. M., 1994
N.M.Betenkova D.S.Fonin. Grammar competition.L.G. Milostevenko. Guidelines on preventing reading and writing errors in children. St. Petersburg 1995


The basis of this course is the formation and development of mental activity techniques in preschoolers: analysis and synthesis, comparison, classification, abstraction, analogy, generalization in the process of mastering mathematical content. These techniques can be thought of as:- ways to organize the activities of preschoolers;- ways of knowing that become the property of a child characterize his intellectual potential and cognitive abilities;- ways to include various mental functions in the process of cognition: emotions, will, attention; As a result, the child’s intellectual activity enters into various relationships with other aspects of his personality, primarily with its orientation, motivation, interests, level of aspirations, i.e. characterized by increasing activity of the individual in various spheres of his activity. This is ensured:1. The logic of constructing the content of the primary mathematics course, which, on the one hand, takes into account the child’s experience and his mental development, on the other, allows the child to compare and correlate the concepts being studied in the most different relationships and aspects, generalize and differentiate them, include them in various chains of cause-and-effect relationships, establish as many connections as possible between new and studied concepts.2. Interesting methodological for the study of mathematical concepts, properties and methods of action, which are based on the ideas of changing the subject, figurative, graphic and mathematical properties of models; establishing correspondence between them; identifying patterns and various dependencies, as well as properties that contribute to the formation of such qualities of thinking as independence, depth, criticality, flexibility.
The initial course of mathematics and logic consists of several sections:arithmetic, geometric, as well as a section of content-logical problems and assignments.The first two sections - arithmetic and geometric - are the main carriers of the mathematical content of the course, because It is they who determine the nomenclature and scope of the issues and topics studied.The third section in terms of content is built on the basis of the first two sections and represents a system of content-logical tasks and assignments aimed at developing cognitive processes, among which the most important in preschool and primary school age are: attention, perception, imagination, memory and thinking.The leading role is played by logical methods of thinking: comparison, analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization, abstraction.Due to the relevance of the problem of developing spatial thinking in preschoolers, the need arose to develop a system of geometric exercises, the implementation of which would contribute to an adequate perception of space, the formation of spatial ideas, and the development of imagination.The perception of space is carried out as a result of the child’s subjective experience on an empirical basis. However, for a preschooler, the perception of space is complicated by the fact that spatial features are merged with the perceived content; they are not isolated as separate objects of cognition. The word as a reference point allows us to single out a single feature from the totality of features of an object: either shape or size. However, the child finds it difficult to characterize this or that sign. Therefore, it is more advisable to include exercises not on characterizing the spatial features of an object, but on isolating a single feature from a set of common ones based on identifying patterns of features using mental actions: comparison, classification, analogy, analysis, synthesis, generalization. These are tasks with the following wording: “Unravel the rule by which the figures are located in each row”, “Find the extra figure”, “What has changed? What hasn’t changed?”, “How are they similar? How are they different?”, “What is the same? What is not the same?”, “Name the signs by which the figures change in each row”, “Choose the figure that needs to be completed”, “By what criteria can you divide the figures into groups?”, “Unravel the pattern and draw the next figure”, etc. .P. So in the task “What has changed? What hasn't changed? rectangles of different colors are lined up in a row, which change their position in space in the vertical direction, which is described by the relationships “top - bottom”, “between”.

"Color the shape on the right"

From the bottom row, you should select a square that has the same pattern as the original one, but changes its position when turning it up one turn. This is square 2.In the task “How are they alike? What is the difference?" the position of the different colored corners of the triangle changes in two directions: vertical and horizontal, while the relationships “top - bottom”, “right - left” are considered at the same time.- In the first triangle there is a corner with dots at the top, and at the bottom right - shaded.

    In the second triangle, there was a shaded corner at the top, and a dotted corner at the bottom right.

In the tasks “How are they alike? What is the difference?"

it is assumed to turn left or right by one or two turns relative to the reference point that coincides with the “body diagram”.
“Choose the shape you want to draw”

The figure rotates “up - left” one turn.The circle at the bottom moves to the right. Correct figure 3.
It is important to form productive thinking in a child, that is, the ability to create new ideas, the ability to establish connections between facts and groups of facts, and compare new fact. The productivity of preschoolers' thinking is still limited. But if a child puts forward an idea that is not new for adults, but new for the team or for himself, if he discovers something for himself, even if it is known to others, this is already an indicator of his thinking. With the development of independent thinking, the child’s speech also develops, which organizes and clarifies the thought, allows it to be expressed in a general way, separating the important from the unimportant.The development of thinking also affects the child’s upbringing; they develop positive features character, the need to develop one’s good qualities, efficiency, activity planning, self-control and conviction, love for the subject, interest, desire to learn and know a lot. All this is extremely necessary for later life child.Sufficient preparedness of mental activity relieves psychological overload in learning and preserves the child’s health.As for the development of perception, in preschoolers it occurs in stages. At the first stage, actions are formed directly as a result of playing with various objects. It is better if the child is given standards (shapes, colors) for comparison. At the second stage, children become familiar with the spatial properties of objects using hand and eye movements. At the third stage, children get the opportunity to quickly learn the properties of objects of interest, while the external action of perception turns into a mental one.An important condition for the effectiveness of teaching mathematics is the attention of children. By listening carefully to the explanation, the child more easily perceives, understands, remembers the content of the material, and thereby makes it easier. my further work. Therefore, great importance is given to the education of voluntary attention in preschoolers. For this purpose, special exercises and tasks are constantly included in classes aimed at developing attention, developing activity, independence, and a creative attitude to business.Here are a few tasks to help foster interest and attention in math classes.
For example, game "Notice everything!"
On a typesetting canvas I display 7-8 pictures in one row depicting objects (mushroom, ball, pyramid). Children are asked to look at object pictures (10 sec.). Then the object pictures are covered, and the children are asked to list them and name the sequence. Swap two or three pictures and ask what has changed on the typesetting canvas. Remove one of the pictures and ask which picture disappeared, ask to describe it. Game "Notice everything!" You can carry out the same tasks, but replacing object pictures with geometric figures. Preschoolers are asked relevant questions: what figures are depicted? How many are there? What color are they? In what order are they depicted? Ask each child to place these figures on the desk, using individual counting material.These tasks are used when comparing groups of objects, familiarization with the concept of “the same.”
Games to develop attention
"What changed?" Place 3-7 toys in front of the children. Give the signal for them to close their eyes, and at this time remove one toy. Having opened their eyes, children must guess which toy is hidden.
"Find differences". Show the children two almost identical drawings and ask them to find how one drawing differs from the other. “Find the same ones.” In the picture, children must find two identical objects.
“Ear-nose”. On the command “Ear”, children must grab the ear, on the command “Nose” - on the nose. You also perform actions together with them on command, but after a while you begin to make mistakes. "Dwarfs and Giants." A similar game: on the command “Dwarfs” the children squat, on the command “Giants” they stand up. The teacher performs the movements together with everyone. Commands are given separately and at different paces.
“Freeze.” At the teacher’s signal, the children should freeze in the same position they were in at the moment of the signal. The one who moves loses, is taken by the dragon, or is eliminated from the game.
"Repeat after me". To any counting rhyme (for example: “Santiki-fan-tiki-limpopo”) you rhythmically perform simple movements, for example, clapping your hands, knees, stomping your feet, nodding your head. Children repeat the movements after you. Unexpectedly for them, you change the movement, and the one who did not notice this in time and did not change the movement is eliminated from the game.
"Handkerchief." Children stand in a circle. The driver runs or walks behind the circle with a handkerchief in his hand and quietly puts the handkerchief behind someone’s back. Then he makes another circle, and if during this time new owner the handkerchief does not show up, it is considered that he lost. Anyone who notices a handkerchief behind his back must catch up with the driver and show off. If this succeeds, the driver remains the same. If not, the second one drives.
"Edible - inedible." The driver throws the ball, naming any object. The ball must be caught only if the object is edible.
"Game with flags." When you raise the red flag, the children should jump, the green flag should clap their hands, and the blue flag should walk in place.

Games to develop imagination

“What kind of dog is there?” You can ask the child to imagine a dog and tell him as much as possible about him: what kind of fur he has, what he likes to eat, what shape his tail and ears are, what his character is, etc.
“Draw according to the description.” You are reading the following text: “There was a white house. Its roof is triangular. The big window is red and the small one is yellow. The door is brown. The text must be read again at a slow pace, one sentence at a time. Children at this time eyes closed must imagine this house and then draw it.

Games to develop logical thinking

“Logical Lotto” You can play the same way as you usually play lotto. Children place the cards on their table map.

"The fourth is odd." It is necessary to cover with a white card the image that does not fit with the others.

“Universal Lotto” You can easily make this lotto yourself, using cards from various old, half-lost lotos, as well as sets of postcards, magazine clippings and... stamps. Stamps are often very beautiful, interesting and are produced in series, but keeping them in an album is very inconvenient, because children always want to take the picture in their hands. Therefore, it is better to stick stamps on cardboard cards (of the same size). For each playing child (and no more than 5-7 children play) you need a large white game card, divided into 6-8 parts.The sets of cards played form several series. All of them will allow children to practice classification according to different criteria. Episode 1. Each child collects a series of pictures depicting objects that have common names. For example: butterfly, trains, ships, planes, satellites, cats, horses, flowers, berries, mushrooms, houses, hats, shoes, etc. Episode 2. Each child chooses a geometric shape as a sample and collects images of objects that have a similar shape. Sample set:circle - button, plate, tablet, watch, ball, apple;square - wristwatch, briefcase, TV, book, window;triangle - house roof, newspaper hat, funnel, Christmas tree, egyptian pyramid, a carton of milk;rectangle - suitcase, brick, house;oval - cucumber, plum, egg, fish, leaf. Series Z. Each child chooses a “blot” of colored paper (red, blue, yellow, green, brown, white) and then selects objects of the same color.

The main feature of the proposed course is its focus not only on giving preschoolers the initial basis of numerical literacy, but also on using the mathematical material of the course to create conditions for the targeted development and improvement of all cognitive processes in children, gradually shifting the emphasis to development thinking, which is due to the specifics of the academic subject of mathematics.Mathematics has a unique developmental effect. “She puts the mind in order,” i.e. best forms methods of mental activity and qualities of the mind, but not only. Its study contributes to the development of memory, speech, imagination, emotions; forms perseverance, patience, and creative potential of the individual. A mathematician plans his activities better, predicts the situation, expresses thoughts more consistently and accurately, and is better able to justify his position. It is this humanitarian component that is certainly important for personal development every person, and is main feature new course. In it, mathematical knowledge is not an end in itself, but a means of forming a self-developing personality.The main goal of doing mathematics is to give the child a sense of self-confidence, based on the fact that the world is orderly and therefore understandable, and therefore predictable for humans.We must remember that mathematics is one of the most difficult academic subjects, but the inclusion of didactic games and exercises allows you to change the types of activities in the lesson more often, and this creates conditions for increasing the emotional attitude to the content educational material, ensures its accessibility and awareness.Teaching mathematics to preschool children is unthinkable without using entertaining games, tasks, entertainment. At the same time, the role of simple entertaining mathematical material is determined taking into account the age capabilities of children and the tasks of comprehensive development and education: to activate mental activity, to interest in mathematical material, to captivate and entertain children, to develop the mind, to expand and deepen mathematical concepts, to consolidate acquired knowledge and skills, to exercise applying them in other types of activities, new environments.Entertaining material (didactic games) is also used to form ideas and familiarize with new information. In this case, an indispensable condition is the use of a system of games and exercises.Children are very active in the perception of joke problems, puzzles, and logical exercises. They persistently search for a solution that leads to a result. When an entertaining task is accessible to a child, he develops a positive emotional attitude towards it, which stimulates mental activity. The child is interested in the final goal: folding, finding the right shape, transforming - which captivates him.From the whole variety of entertaining mathematical material in preschool age greatest application find didactic games. Their main purpose is to ensure that children practice distinguishing, highlighting, naming sets of objects, numbers, geometric figures, directions, etc. Didactic games have the opportunity to form new knowledge and introduce children to methods of action. Each of the games solves a specific problem of improving children’s mathematical (quantitative, spatial, temporal) concepts.Didactic games are included in the content of classes as one of the means of implementing program tasks. The place of a didactic game in the structure of a lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts is determined by the age of the children, the purpose, purpose, and content of the lesson. It can be used as a training task, an exercise aimed at performing a specific task of forming ideas.Didactic games and game exercises with mathematical content are the most well-known and frequently used types of entertaining mathematical material in modern preschool education practice. In the process of teaching preschoolers mathematics, play is directly included in the lesson, being a means of forming new knowledge, expanding, clarifying, and consolidating educational material.In an integrated approach to the education and training of preschool children in modern practice, an important role is played by entertaining educational games, tasks, and entertainment. They are interesting for children and emotionally captivate them. And the process of solving, searching for an answer, based on interest in the problem, is impossible without the active work of thought. This situation explains the meaning entertaining tasks in mental and comprehensive development children. Through games and exercises with entertaining mathematical material, children master the ability to search for solutions independently. Systematic exercise in solving problems in this way develops mental activity, independence of thought, creative attitude to a learning task, and initiative.Depending on the nature of cognitive activity, games can be divided into groups.
Games that require children to perform
With the help of this group of games, children perform actions according to a model or direction. For example, the teacher says: “First put a green circle, to the right of it is a yellow triangle, to the left is a yellow square, above is a red triangle, below is a red square, etc.” Then he asks questions: how many and what pieces did you put in? How are they similar and how are they different? Which figures are there more, which ones are smaller?Then the children are asked to make a geometric pattern or some kind of figure from these figures.In the process of such games, students get acquainted with the simplest geometric figures, their properties, learn the concepts of “above”, “below”, “left”, “right”, “between”, which are the basis of spatial concepts, master counting, consider the classification of figures one by one or several signs.In this group of games you can also use the following tasks: come up with words similar to the given ones; lay out a pattern or draw a figure similar to this one.Children make a lot of drawings in their math notebooks, which help them learn to concentrate, accurately follow the teacher’s instructions, work consistently and achieve the desired result.Games during which children perform reproductive activities These games are aimed at developing the skills of addition and subtraction within 10. These are the games “Mathematical Fishing”, “Best Pilot”, “Best Astronaut”, “Fastest Postman”, “Photographer Eye”, “Every Toy Has Its Place” and other.
"Mathematical Fishing"
Didactic purpose. Consolidating the techniques of addition and subtraction within 10, reproducing them from memory.Means of education. Drawings of 10 fish, 6 of them yellow, 2 red, 2 striped.Contents of the game. Fishes are placed on the magnetic modelograph, on the back of which are written examples of addition and subtraction. The teacher calls the children to the board one by one, they “catch” (take off) a fish, read an example on addition and subtraction. All the guys who solved the example indicate the answer with a number and show it to the teacher. Whoever solves the example before everyone else gets the fish. The one who “catch” the fish (solves the examples correctly) is the best fisherman.The game “Catch a Butterfly” is played in the same way.
Games in which children's transformative activities are programmed. With the help of these games, children change examples and tasks, others that are logically related to them.For example, the games “Chain”, “Mathematical Relay Race”. Transformative activities also include games that develop control and self-control skills (“Controllers”, “Arithmetic running on a number line”, “Check the Guessing Game!”)
Games that include elements of search and creativity.
These are “Guess the riddles of the Cheerful Pencil”, “Determine the course of the plane” and others. Children really love the games of this group. They like to compare, analyze, find commonalities and differences, and are interested in finding what is missing. These games interest the children so much that they begin to invent them themselves.

Didactic games and exercises

“Draw by counting correctly and moving in the right direction.”

This group of games helps preschoolers train their attention, accurately follow the instructions of a follower, work consistently and achieve the desired result by comparing their drawing with the image of the teacher.When conducting these games, the teacher should not forget about preparing for them: first of all, you need to teach the children how to navigate in the cage. Only then can they be offered to students. Having understood the rules for performing these drawings, children perform them with great pleasure, eagerly waiting: what will happen? The sample is offered to children only for comparison and drawing of individual details.


Place a dot in any corner of the cell;
7 cells down 1 cell right 2 cells up 1 cell right 2 cells down 1 cell right 2 cells up 2 cells right 2 cells down 1 cell right 2 cells up 1 cell right 2 cells down 1 cell right 6 cells up 1 cell right 1 cell up 2 cells left 3 cells down 4 cells left 3 cells up 3 cells left
Looking at the sample, complete the drawing to the end

Entertaining tasks in poetic form

When conducting oral counting, exercises and tasks written in rhymed form are included. This enlivens the work and introduces an element of entertainment.These types of problems are used to teach addition, subtraction, multiplication and division tables.
* * * The squirrel was drying mushrooms on the tree,She sang a song and said:“I don’t have any troubles in winter,Because there is a fungus:White, saffron milk cap, two oil cans,Three cheerful mushrooms.The boletus is big,This is what he is famous forAnd there are exactly six chanterelles.Try to count them all!”
* * * Apples fell from the branch to the ground.They cried, they cried, they shed tearsTanya collected them in a basket.I brought it as a gift to my friendsTwo for Seryozhka, three for Antoshka,Katerina and Marina,Ole, Sveta and Oksana,The biggest thing is for mom.Speak quickly,How many are Tanya's friends?
* * * A star fell from the sky,I dropped in to visit the children.Two shout after her:“Don’t be for your friends!”How many bright stars gone missingHas the star fallen from the sky?Rain, rain more fun!Don't regret the warm drops!Five for Seryozha, three for Antoshka,Two Valyusha and Katyusha.And for mom and dadForty will not be enough.Well, consider you friendsHow many drops answer!
* * * My mother and I were at the zoo,The animals were fed by hand all day.Camel, zebra, kangarooAnd a long-tailed fox.Big gray elephantI could barely see.Tell me quickly, friends,What animals have I seen?And if you were able to count them,You are simply a miracle! Well done!
* * * Holiday is coming soon. New Year,Let's get into a friendly round dance.Let's sing a song loudly,Let's congratulate everyone on this day.Let's prepare gifts for everyone,This holiday is very bright.Katya, Masha and AlenkaWe will give Burenka,And Andryusha and Vityusha -By car and by pear.Sasha will be happy with PetrushkaAnd a big colored firecracker.Well, for Tanechka - Tanyusha -Brown bear in gray plush.You, friends, consider guestsCall them by name.

Parents, as a rule, are interested in their children studying well and mastering a large amount of knowledge as quickly as possible. In this regard, the question arises: is it possible to accelerate cognition? The only correct way leading to the acceleration of cognition is the use of teaching methods that contribute to the acceleration intellectual development. Teaching preschoolers based on the use of special educational games is one of these methods. Didactic games are included directly in the content of classes as one of the means of implementing program tasks. 1. Arithmetic material: 1). Numbers from 1 to 10; name, sequence, designation, counting, comparison of numbers and objects, Number 0. Composition of numbers. Arithmetic operations addition and subtraction.2). Solving simple problems based on counting objects,
2. Geometric material: Recognition of geometric shapes: square, rectangle, triangle, circle, ball, cylinder, cone, pyramid, parallelepiped, cube. Comparison and coloring of figures. Composing figures from parts and breaking figures into parts.Figures on checkered paper. Counting the number of cells, triangles, rectangles into which the figure is divided. Designing figures from sticks.Dot. Line. Line segment. Learn to use a ruler and draw segments. Comparison of objects by shape, color; comparison of groups of objects, basic relationships between objects: more-less, higher-lower, front-back, top-bottom, left-right. A collection of objects or figures that have a common characteristic. Drawing up a population according to a given characteristic. Selecting part of the population.Give spatial and temporal representations of orientation in cells (dictations).
3. Content-logical tasks and assignments , based on the mathematical content of the first two sections and aimed at developing cognitive processes in preschoolers:Attentions : math games: “Fun counting”, “Change shape or size or color”, “Add, subtract”; visual dictations with images of various objects (5), with images of numbers, geometric figures, etc. Graphic dictations.Imaginations : tasks for composing figures with specified properties from given parts; assignments for mutual arrangement figures on a plane; to change the shape, size, color of a given figure; to select geometric shapes from a set of given ones according to the description of their properties; tasks to determine “by eye” the size of a figure, comparing “by eye” the sizes of given figures (choose the one from the proposed figures that will completely fit into the given circle, etc.)Memory: visual dictations using specially designed tables, auditory dictations; didactic games with mathematical content: “Remember mathematical terms”, including 5-7 words, reproduce the “Chain of words”;

Memory games

“Describe from memory”Show the children a doll, or another object, or a picture for a short time, and then they must answer the questions from memory: what kind of hair did the doll have, what kind of dress, what eyes, did it have bows, shoes, socks, what position was it in? Etc.
"Find the picture"For a short time (counting to five), show the children a picture, and then from a set of similar pictures ask them to choose the one they were shown and other games and tasks aimed at memorizing and firmly mastering mathematical terminology, at expanding the scope of memorization of visual, auditory, logical .
Thoughts: tasks to compare objects, indicating their similarities and differences according to given characteristics; the simplest generalizations, in which, after comparison, it is necessary to abstract from unimportant features and highlight the essential features; solving logical problems.
Math games:“Be the last to take the chopsticks,” “ Magic squares, frames, triangles”, arithmetic puzzles and puzzles.


Comparison of objects and groups of objects. Teach children to distinguish colors and sizes. Formation of ideas about the symbolic representation of things. Game: "Ants" The ability to carry out visual and mental analysis of the way the figures are arranged; consolidation of ideas about geometric shapes, the ability to compare and contrast two groups of shapes, and find distinctive features.Games: “Compare and fill”, “Fill in the blanks”. Familiarization with the classification of figures according to two properties (color and shape). “Where, what figures lie.” Teach children to combine objects into sets according to a certain property. "Third wheel".Introduction to geometric shapes. Composition of published geometric figures. “Fix the blanket.” Formation of classifying activities (classification of figures by color, shape, size) “Tree” “Game with one hoop”, “Game with two hoops”. Exercise children in analyzing groups of figures, in establishing patterns in a set of features, in the ability to compare and generalize, in searching for signs of the difference between one group of figures and another. “How are the figures arranged?”Exercise children in drawing up geometric figures on the plane of a table from counting sticks, analyzing and examining them in a visual-tactile way. Solving logical problems to find missing figures. Game: "Tangram". Dot. Line. Line segment. Learn to use a ruler. Draw segments. There are 15 lessons in total.Spatial and temporal representations. Development of attention and observation in children. “Matryoshka”, “Snowmen”, Formation of numerical and spatial concepts in children, Speech development, inclusion in their active vocabulary of the concepts: “thick”, “thin”, “wide”, “narrow”, “above”, “below”, “high”, “low”, “first”, “then”, “after that”, “left”, “right”, “between”, “up”, “down”, “right”, “left”, “ from left to right", "more", "less", "equal", "same". (Games: “Boys”, “vice versa”, “Ending”, “Find the hidden card with a number”, “Best Scout”, “Aerobatics”, etc.) There are 8 lessons in total. Numbers from 1 to 10 Clarification of children's ideas about the number of objects, Training in counting to ten. “Constructor”, “Fun account”. Count within ten. Introduction to ordinal numbers. "How many? Which?" The concept of fixing “one” and “many” (Games “Train”, “Say the number”, “Knock-knock”). Establishing a correspondence between number and figure. To give knowledge of the composition of the numbers of the first ten. Exercise children in adding numbers to any given number. (“Scatter the swallows”, “Help Dunno”, “Help Cheburashka”). There are 15 lessons in total. Basic arithmetic operations addition and subtraction. Solving simple problems based on counting objects. Introducing children to the technique of forming numbers by forming numbers by adding one to the previous number and subtracting one from the subsequent number. (Games: “Let’s make a train”). Formation of skills in adding numbers and subtracting within 10. (“Addition”, “Silence”, “Chain 1”). Teach children the technique of “+” and “-“ 1. Reproduction of the technique of adding and subtracting one from memory. (“Chain” P.). Total 12 lessons
2-3 hours reserve.
Thematic planning
1. Identifying the simplest numerical concepts in children, the ability to distinguish objects by color, shape, location. Game: “Let’s make a pattern.”2. Development of speech, attention and observation in children. Games: “Snowmen”, “Matryoshka” 1 class

1. Clarification of children’s ideas about the size, color and number of objects. Game: "Let's make a pattern."2. Development of attention and observation in children 1 class
1. Teach children to distinguish colors and sizes. Formation of ideas about the symbolic representation of things. Game: "Ants".2. Development of children’s speech, inclusion in the active vocabulary of the terms “higher”, “lower”, “thick”, “thin”, “high”, “low”. Game: "Ending" 1 class
1. Counting, ordinal numbers. Teach your child to reason.2. Develop ideas: “tall”, “low”, “fat”, “thin”, “left”, “right”, “to the left”, “to the right”, “between”. Development of observation skills. 2 classes
1. Formation of the ability to decompose a complex figure into those that we have. Practice counting to ten. Game: "Constructor"2. Development of attention and imagination. 1 class
1 Generalization and systematization of quantitative and spatial concepts in children, teaching them to compare objects according to various characteristics. Formation of numerical and spatial concepts in children Games: “Build houses.” "Build an aquarium"2. Development of speech and attention in children. 1 class
1. The ability to carry out visual-mental analysis. Formation of children’s spatial representations, consolidation of the concepts “first”, “then”, “after”, “this”, “left”, “right”, “between”. Game: "Let's build a garage." Formation of skills in counting circles, squares, triangles. Games: “Make a belt”, “Find a card” 1 class
1. Formation of spatial and temporal concepts in children. Reinforce the concepts of “up”, “down”, “right”, “left”, “right to left”, “left to right”.2. Development of attention and observation in children Games: “Best Scout”, “Aerobatics”, “Where and whose voice comes from?” "Traffic Rules". 2 classes
eleven). Composing a pair of items.2). Comparison of a group of objects.2. Development of children's imagination. Games: “Tops and Roots”, “Let’s Make Trains”, “Build a House from These Figures”. 1 class
1 Strengthening the relationships “more”, “less”, “equal”, ideas about geometric shapes, the ability to compare and contrast 2 groups of shapes and find distinctive features. Games; "Children on a Branch", "Fill the Empty Cells"2. Development of memory, observation, imagination of children. 2 classes
1. Familiarization with the classification of figures according to two properties (color and shape). Game: “Where, what figures lie” 2 classes
1. Formation of counting skills within ten. Acquaintance with ordinal numbers. Introduce the concepts of first, last, addition, and subtraction. Games; “The Absent-Minded Artist”, “How Much? Which one?”, “Hen and Chicks”2. Development of attention, memory, observation 1 class 1. Teach children to connect objects into sets according to a certain property. Game: "The Third Wheel"2. Development of memory. 1 class
1. Establishing correspondences between the number of drawings and numbers. Securing the numbering of the first ten numbers. Games: “Let’s build a house”, “I know the number and figure”, “Best counter”, “Clapping”2. Development of attention and memory. 2 classes
1. Consolidation of the concepts “one”, “many”. Introducing children to the method of forming numbers by adding one to the previous number and subtracting one from the subsequent number. Reinforcing the concepts of “before”, “later”, “then”, “after that”. Games: “Carry On”, “Let’s Make a Train”, “Train”.2. Development of attention and imagination. 1 class
1. Consolidating counting from 1 to 10 and from 10 to 1. Consolidating the idea of ordinal value numbers Games: “Fun Counting”, “Help the numbers take their places in order”, “Guessing Game”, “Abstract Artist”. 2 classes
Geometric figures: 1. Distinguishing objects by shape and composing circles, squares, triangles (geometric shapes) and other geometric shapes, as well as drawings. Teach to distinguish similar objects by size; familiarization with the concepts of “upper”, “lower”, “large”, “small”, “how much”. Games: “Guess the riddles of Pinocchio”, “Fix the blanket”, “Shop”2. Development of attention and observation 1 class
1. Arranging objects according to various criteria. Strengthening the concepts of “higher-lower”, “more-smaller”, “longer-shorter”, “lighter-heavier”. Games; "Where is whose house?", "Fill in the square"2. Development of observation skills. 1 class
1 Development of spatial concepts. Repeat counting. Teaching children how to add and subtract numbers 2.3. Games: “Make a Train”, “Piglets and the Gray Wolf”.2. Development of observation, attention, thinking. 1 class
1. Study of the composition of numbers. Teaching children how to add and subtract numbers 2, 3, 4. Games: “Make a train”, “There are many examples - one answer.”2. Development of observation and attention. 1 class
1: Formation of addition skills within 10. Consolidate knowledge of the composition of the first ten numbers. Games: “Addition”, “Silence”, “Chain”, “Hurry up, don’t make a mistake”2. Development of memory and observation skills. 3 zan.
1. Exercise children in adding numbers to any given number. Teach children how to add and subtract one at a time. Reproduction of adding and subtracting units from memory. Games: “Chain”, “Pendulum”, “Swallows Settled” 1 class
1. Reproduction of addition and subtraction techniques based on the representation of a number series. Train children in performing addition and subtraction operations within 10. Reproducing them from memory. Reinforcing the techniques of addition and subtraction within 10. Games: “Arithmetic running along a number line”, “Day and Night”, “Mathematical Fishing”. “Best pilot”, “Fastest postman”, “Eye-photographer”, “Every toy has its place”, “Best astronaut”, “Mathematical football”2. Development of memory, attention and observation. 4z.
1. Formation of classifying activity of classifying figures by color, shape and size Game: “Tree”. Familiarizing children with the rules (algorithms) that prescribe the implementation of practical actions in a certain sequence. Game: "Growing a tree."2. Development of observation, thinking and attention. 1 class
1. Fixing the composition of the numbers of the first ten. Consolidating knowledge about the composition of numbers. Games: “Dispatcher and controllers”, “Who is faster, who is more correct”, “Enter the gate”, “Distribute the numbers into the houses”, “Guessing game”, “Numbers running towards each other”.2. Development of memory and attention. 1 class
1. Consolidation of subtraction techniques based on knowledge of the composition of a number and the addition of one of the terms to the sum. Exercise children in analyzing groups of figures, in establishing a pattern, in a set of features, in the ability to compare and generalize, in searching for the difference between one group and another. Games: “How are the figures arranged?”, “Guessing Game”, “Check the Guessing Game”.2. Development of memory, thinking and observation skills. 2 classes
1. Exercise children in sequential analysis of each group of figures, identifying and generalizing the features characteristic of the figures and each of the groups, comparing them, justifying the solution found. Forming the concept of negating a certain property using the particle “not”, classification by 1 property, by 2 properties , according to 3 properties. Games: “What pieces are missing?” "Game with one hoop" “Game with two hoops”, “Game with three hoops”.2. Development of thinking, attention, memory, imagination. 2 classes
1: Formation of addition and subtraction skills. Composing examples in which the first component is equal to the answer of the previous example. Games: “Chain”, “Make circular examples”.2. Development of attention and thinking. 3 zan.
1. Formation of addition and subtraction skills, problem solving skills. Games: “How much is there?”, “How much more?”, “Mail”.2. Development of thinking and observation. 4 zan.
Generalization and systematization of students' knowledge. 3 zan.
Check of knowledge
Total 50 lessons


A.A. Carpenter. Let's play. M., 1991

I.N. Agofonov. I draw and think, play and learn. St. Petersburg, 1993

L. Chiligrirova, B. Spiridonova. Playing, learning mathematics M., 1993

T.G. Zhikalkina. Game and entertaining tasks in mathematics. M., 1989

E.V. Serbina. Mathematics for kids. M., 1992

BEHIND. Mikhailova. Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers. M., 1990

L.F. Tikhomirova, A.V. Basov. Development of logical thinking in children. Yaroslavl "Academy of Development", 1996

A.M. Zakharova. Developmental teaching of mathematics in primary school. Tomsk, 1994

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A.G. Zach. Differences in children's thinking. M., 1992

P.M. Erdniev. Enlarged didactic units in mathematics lessons. M., 1992

L.F. Tikhomirov. Development of schoolchildren's intellectual abilities. Yaroslavl. "Development Academy", 1996

L.S. Vygodsky. Imagination and development in childhood. M., 1991

Gifted Child Program. M., " New school", 1995

“Gifted children. Edited by G.V. Burmenskaya and V.M. Slutsky., M., 1991

G.Yu. Eysenck. Test your abilities.

E.P. Benson. Meet me. Geometry.

V.V. Volina. Holiday of numbers. Development of independent thinking in mathematics lessons in primary school.// Primary School 1991