Methods for studying numerical expressions. Methods of studying algebraic material in the initial course of mathematics







Yelets – 2006

BBK 65

Compiled by Faustova N.P., Dolgosheeva E.V. Methods for studying algebraic, geometric material, quantities and fractions in primary school. - Yelets, 2006. - 46 p.

IN this manual reveals the methodology for studying algebraic, geometric material, quantities and fractions in primary grades.

The manual is intended for students of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Methodology primary education daytime and correspondence form training, can be used by teachers primary classes, teachers of the faculty of PIMNE universities and pedagogical colleges.

The manual has been compiled in accordance with the State Standards and work program at this rate.


Candidate pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Elementary Mathematics T.A. Poznyak

Leading specialist of the department of public education of the administration of the Yeletsk district of the Lipetsk region Avdeeva M.V.

© Faustova N.P., Dolgosheeva E.V., 2006


1.1. General questions study methods algebraic material.

1.2. Study methodology numerical expressions.

1.3. Learning letter expressions.

1.4. Study of numerical equalities and inequalities.

1.5. Methods for studying equations.

1.6. Solving simple arithmetic problems by writing equations.

1.1. General issues of methodology for studying algebraic material

Introduction of algebraic material into initial course Mathematics allows you to prepare students to study the basic concepts of modern mathematics (variables, equations, equality, inequality, etc.), contributes to the generalization of arithmetic knowledge, and the formation of functional thinking in children.

Primary school students should receive initial information about mathematical expressions, numerical equalities and inequalities, learn to solve equations provided curriculum and simple arithmetic problems by composing an equation ( theoretical basis choosing an arithmetic operation in which the connection between the components and the result of the corresponding arithmetic operation0.

The study of algebraic material is carried out in close connection with arithmetic material.

Methodology for studying numerical expressions

In mathematics, an expression is understood to be constructed using certain rules a sequence of mathematical symbols representing numbers and operations on them.

Expressions like: 6; 3+2; 8:4+(7-3) - numerical expressions; type: 8-a; 30:c; 5+(3+s) - literal expressions(expressions with a variable).

Objectives of studying the topic

2) Familiarize students with the rules of execution order arithmetic operations.

3) Teach to find numbers expression meanings.

4) Introduce identical transformations of expressions based on the properties of arithmetic operations.

The solution to the assigned tasks is carried out throughout all years of primary school education, starting from the first days of the child’s stay at school.

The methodology for working on numerical expressions involves three stages: at the first stage - the formation of concepts about the simplest expressions (sum, difference, product, quotient of two numbers); at the second stage - about expressions containing two or more arithmetic operations of one level; at the third stage - about expressions containing two or more arithmetic operations of different levels.

Students are introduced to the simplest expressions - sum and difference - in the first grade (according to program 1-4) with the product and quotient - in the second grade (with the term “product” - in 2nd grade, with the term “quotient” - in the third grade).

Let's consider the methodology for studying numerical expressions.

When performing operations on sets, children, first of all, learn the specific meaning of addition and subtraction, therefore, in records of the form 3 + 2, 7-1, the signs of actions are recognized by them as a short designation of the words “add”, “subtract” (add 2 to 3). In the future, the concepts of actions deepen: students learn that by adding (subtracting) several units, we increase (decrease) the number by the same number of units (reading: 3 increase by 2), then children learn the name of the action signs “plus” (reading: 3 plus 2), "minus".

In the topic “Addition and subtraction within 20,” children are introduced to the concepts of “sum” and “difference” as the names of mathematical expressions and as the name of the result of the arithmetic operations of addition and subtraction.

Let's look at a fragment of the lesson (2nd grade).

Attach 4 red and 3 yellow circles to the board using water:

How many red circles? (Write down the number 4.)

How many yellow circles? (Write down the number 3.)

What action must be performed on the written numbers 3 and 4 to find out how many red and how many yellow circles there are together? (the entry appears: 4+3).

Tell me, without counting, how many circles are there?

Such an expression in mathematics, when there is a “+” sign between the numbers, is called a sum (Let’s say together: sum) and is read like this: the sum of four and three.

Now let’s find out what the sum of the numbers 4 and 3 is equal to (we give the full answer).

Likewise about the difference.

When learning addition and subtraction within 10, expressions consisting of 3 or more numbers connected by the same and different signs arithmetic operations: 3+1+2, 4-1-1, 7-4+3, etc. By revealing the meaning of such expressions, the teacher shows how to read them. By calculating the values ​​of these expressions, children practically master the rule about the order of arithmetic operations in expressions without brackets, although they do not formulate it: 10-3+2=7+2=9. Such entries are the first step in performing identity transformations.

The method of familiarizing yourself with expressions with brackets can be different (Describe a fragment of the lesson in your notebook, prepare for practical lessons).

The ability to compose and find the meaning of an expression is used by children when solving arithmetic problems; at the same time, further mastery of the concept of “expression” occurs here, and the specific meaning of expressions in recordings of problem solving is acquired.

Of interest is the type of work proposed by the Latvian methodologist J.Ya. Mencis.

A text is given, for example, like this: “The boy had 24 rubles, the cake costs 6 rubles, the candy costs 2 rubles,” it is suggested:

a) make up all types of expressions based on this text and explain what they show;

b) explain what the expressions show:

24-2 24-(6+2) 24:6 24-6 3

In grade 3, along with the expressions discussed earlier, they include expressions consisting of two simple expressions (37+6)-(42+1), as well as those consisting of a number and the product or quotient of two numbers. For example: 75-50:25+2. Where the order in which actions are performed does not coincide with the order in which they were written, brackets are used: 16-6:(8-5). Children must learn to read and write these expressions correctly and find their meanings.

The terms “expression” and “value of expression” are introduced without definitions. In order to make it easier for children to read and find the meaning of complex expressions, methodologists recommend using a diagram that is compiled collectively and used when reading expressions:

1) I will determine which action is performed last.

2) I’ll think about what the numbers are called when performing this action.

3) I will read how these numbers are expressed.

The rules for the order of performing actions in complex expressions are studied in the 3rd grade, but children practically use some of them in the first and second grades.

The first to consider is the rule about the order of operations in expressions without parentheses, when numbers are either only addition and subtraction, or multiplication and division (3rd grade). The goal of the work at this stage is based on practical skills students acquired previously, pay attention to the order of performing actions in such expressions and formulate a rule.

Leading children to the formulation of the rule and their awareness of it can be different. The main reliance is on existing experience, the greatest possible independence, creating a situation of search and discovery, evidence.

Can be used methodical technique Sh.A. Amonashvili “teacher’s mistake.”

For example. The teacher reports that when finding the meaning of the following expressions, he obtained answers that he is confident are correct (answers are closed).

36:2 6=6, etc.

Invites children to find the meanings of expressions themselves, and then compare the answers with the answers received by the teacher (at this point the results of arithmetic operations are revealed). Children prove that the teacher made mistakes and, based on studying particular facts, formulate a rule (see mathematics textbook, 3rd grade).

Similarly, you can introduce the remaining rules for the order of actions: when expressions without brackets contain actions of the 1st and 2nd stages, in expressions with brackets. It is important that children realize that changing the order of performing arithmetic operations leads to a change in the result, and therefore mathematicians decided to agree and formulated rules that must be strictly followed.

Transforming an expression is replacing a given expression with another with the same numerical value. Students perform such transformations of expressions, relying on the properties of arithmetic operations and consequences from them (p. 249-250).

When studying each property, students become convinced that in expressions of a certain type, actions can be performed in different ways, but the meaning of the expression does not change. In the future, students use knowledge of the properties of actions to transform given expressions into identical expressions. For example, tasks like this are offered: continue recording so that the “=” sign is preserved:

76-(20 + 4) =76-20... (10 + 7) -5= 10-5...

60: (2 10) =60:10...

When completing the first task, students reason like this: on the left from 76, subtract the sum of the numbers 20 and 4 , on the right, subtract 20 from 76; in order to get the same amount on the right as on the left, you must also subtract 4 from the right. Other expressions are transformed similarly, i.e., after reading the expression, the student remembers the corresponding rule. And, performing actions according to the rule, it receives a transformed expression. To ensure that the transformation is correct, children calculate the values ​​of the given and transformed expressions and compare them.

Using knowledge of the properties of actions to justify calculation techniques, students in grades I-IV perform transformations of expressions of the form:

72:3= (60+12):3 = 60:3+12:3 = 24 18·30= 18·(3·10) = (18·3) 10=540

Here it is also necessary that students not only explain on what basis they derive each subsequent expression, but also understand that all these expressions are connected by the “=” sign because they have the same meanings. To do this, children should occasionally be asked to calculate the meanings of expressions and compare them. This prevents errors of the form: 75 - 30 = 70 - 30 = 40+5 = 45, 24 12= (10 + 2) =24 10+24 2 = 288.

Students of grades II-IV transform expressions not only on the basis of the properties of the action, but also on the basis of their specific meaning. For example, the sum of identical terms is replaced by the product: (6 + 6 + 6 = 6 3, and vice versa: 9 4 = = 9 + 9 + 9 + 9). Also based on the meaning of the multiplication action, more complex expressions are transformed: 8 4 + 8 = 8 5, 7 6-7 = 7 5.

Based on calculations and analysis of specially selected expressions, fourth grade students are led to the conclusion that if in expressions with brackets the brackets do not affect the order of actions, then they can be omitted. Subsequently, using the studied properties of actions and rules for the order of actions, students practice transforming expressions with brackets into identical expressions without brackets. For example, it is proposed to write these expressions without parentheses so that their values ​​do not change:

(65 + 30)-20 (20 + 4) 3

96 - (16 + 30) (40 + 24): 4

Thus, children replace the first of the given expressions with the expressions: 65 + 30-20, 65-20 + 30, explaining the order of performing actions in them. In this way, students are convinced that the meaning of an expression does not change when changing the order of actions only if the properties of the actions are applied.

2. Mathematical expression and its meaning.

3. Solving problems based on drawing up an equation.

Algebra replaces numerical values ​​of quantitative characteristics of sets or quantities with letter symbols. In general, algebra also replaces the signs of specific operations (addition, multiplication, etc.) with generalized symbols of algebraic operations and considers not the specific results of these operations (answers), but their properties.

Methodologically, it is believed that the main role of algebra elements in a primary school mathematics course is to contribute to the formation of children’s generalized ideas about the concept of “quantity” and the meaning of arithmetic operations.

Today, there are two radically opposite trends in determining the volume of content of algebraic material in a mathematics course primary school. One trend is associated with the early algebraization of the primary school mathematics course, with its saturation with algebraic material already from the first grade; Another trend is associated with the introduction of algebraic material into the mathematics course for primary school at its final stage, at the end of 4th grade. Representatives of the first trend can be considered the authors of alternative textbooks of the L.V. system. Zankova (I.I. Arginskaya), systems V.V. Davydov (E.N. Aleksandrova, G.G. Mikulina, etc.), the “School 2100” system (L.G. Peterson), the “School of the 21st Century” system (V.N. Rudnitskaya). The author of the alternative textbook of the “Harmony” system, N.B., can be considered a representative of the second trend. Istomin.

The textbook of the traditional school can be considered a representative of the “middle” views - it contains quite a lot of algebraic material, since it is focused on the use of the mathematics textbook by N.Ya. Vilenkina in grades 5-6 of secondary school, but introduces children to algebraic concepts starting from grade 2, distributing the material over three years, and over the past 20 years has practically not expanded the list of algebraic concepts.

The mandatory minimum content of education in mathematics for primary grades (last edition 2001) does not contain algebraic material. They do not mention the ability of primary school graduates to work with algebraic concepts and the requirements for their level of preparation upon completion of primary school education.

  1. Mathematical expression and its meaning

A sequence of letters and numbers connected by action signs is called a mathematical expression.

It is necessary to distinguish a mathematical expression from equality and inequality, which use equal and inequality signs in writing.

For example:

3 + 2 - mathematical expression;

7 - 5; 5 6 - 20; 64: 8 + 2 - mathematical expressions;

a + b; 7 - s; 23 - and 4 - mathematical expressions.

Notation like 3 + 4 = 7 is not a mathematical expression, it is an equality.

Record type 5< 6 или 3 + а >7 - are not mathematical expressions, they are inequalities.

Numeric Expressions

Mathematical expressions containing only numbers and action signs are called numerical expressions.

In grade 1, the textbook in question does not use these concepts. Children are introduced to explicit numerical expressions (with names) in 2nd grade.

The simplest numerical expressions contain only addition and subtraction signs, for example: 30 - 5 + 7; 45 + 3; 8 - 2 - 1, etc. Having completed the indicated actions, we obtain the value of the expression. For example: 30 - 5 + 7 = 32, where 32 is the value of the expression.

Some expressions that children learn in primary school mathematics courses have their own names: 4 + 5 - sum;

6 - 5 - difference;

7 6 - product; 63: 7 - quotient.

These expressions have names for each component: components of the sum - addends; components of the difference - minuend and subtrahend; components of the product are factors; The components of division are the dividend and the divisor. The names of the values ​​of these expressions coincide with the name of the expression, for example: the value of the amount is called “sum”; the meaning of a quotient is called “quotient”, etc.

The next type of numerical expressions are expressions containing first-stage operations (addition and subtraction) and parentheses. Children become acquainted with them in 1st grade. Associated with this type of expression is the rule for the order of execution of actions in expressions with brackets: the actions in brackets are performed first.

This is followed by numerical expressions containing two-step operations without parentheses (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Associated with this type of expression is the rule for the order of operations in expressions containing all arithmetic operations without parentheses: the operations of multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.

The last type of numeric expressions are expressions containing two-step operations with parentheses. Associated with this type of expression is the rule for the order of operations in expressions containing all arithmetic operations and parentheses: the actions in parentheses are performed first, then the operations of multiplication and division are performed, then the operations of addition and subtraction.

1.1. General questions of methods for studying algebraic material.

1.2. Methods for studying numerical expressions.

1.3. Learning letter expressions.

1.4. Study of numerical equalities and inequalities.

1.5. Methods for studying equations.

1.6. Solving simple arithmetic problems by writing equations.

1.1. General issues of methodology for studying algebraic material

The introduction of algebraic material into the initial course of mathematics makes it possible to prepare students for studying the basic concepts of modern mathematics (variables, equations, equality, inequality, etc.), contributes to the generalization of arithmetic knowledge, and the formation of functional thinking in children.

Primary school students should receive initial information about mathematical expressions, numerical equalities and inequalities, learn to solve equations provided by the curriculum and simple arithmetic problems by composing an equation (the theoretical basis for choosing an arithmetic operation in which the relationship between the components and the result of the corresponding arithmetic operation0.

The study of algebraic material is carried out in close connection with arithmetic material.

1.2. Methodology for studying numerical expressions

In mathematics, an expression is understood as a sequence of mathematical symbols constructed according to certain rules, denoting numbers and operations on them.

Expressions like: 6; 3+2; 8:4+(7-3) - numerical expressions; type: 8-a; 30:c; 5+(3+c) - literal expressions (expressions with a variable).

Objectives of studying the topic

2) Familiarize students with the rules for the order of performing arithmetic operations.

3) Teach to find numeric values expressions.

4) Introduce identical transformations of expressions based on the properties of arithmetic operations.

The solution to the set tasks is carried out throughout all years of primary school education, starting from the first days of the child’s stay at school.

The methodology for working on numerical expressions involves three stages: at the first stage - the formation of concepts about the simplest expressions (sum, difference, product, quotient of two numbers); at the second stage - about expressions containing two or more arithmetic operations of one level; at the third stage - about expressions containing two or more arithmetic operations of different levels.

Students are introduced to the simplest expressions - sum and difference - in the first grade (according to program 1-4) with the product and quotient in the second grade (with the term “product” in 2nd grade, with the term “quotient” in the third grade).

Let's consider the methodology for studying numerical expressions.

When performing operations on sets, children, first of all, learn the specific meaning of addition and subtraction, therefore, in entries of the form 3 + 2, 7-1, the signs of actions are recognized by them as a short designation of the words “add”, “subtract” (add 2 to 3). In the future, the concepts of actions deepen: students learn that by adding (subtracting) several units, we increase (decrease) the number by the same number of units (reading: 3 increase by 2), then children learn the name of the action signs “plus” (reading: 3 plus 2), "minus".

In the topic “Addition and subtraction within 20,” children are introduced to the concepts of “sum” and “difference” as the names of mathematical expressions and as the name of the result of the arithmetic operations of addition and subtraction.

Let's look at a fragment of the lesson (2nd grade).

Attach 4 red and 3 yellow circles to the board using water:


How many red circles? (Write down the number 4.)

How many yellow circles? (Write down the number 3.)

What action must be performed on the written numbers 3 and 4 to find out how many red and how many yellow circles there are together? (the entry appears: 4+3).

Tell me, without counting, how many circles are there?

Such an expression in mathematics, when there is a “+” sign between the numbers, is called a sum (Let’s say together: sum) and is read like this: the sum of four and three.

Now let’s find out what the sum of the numbers 4 and 3 is equal to (we give the full answer).

Likewise about the difference.

When studying addition and subtraction within 10, expressions consisting of 3 or more numbers connected by the same and different signs of arithmetic operations are included: 3+1+2, 4-1-1, 7-4+3, etc. By revealing the meaning of such expressions, the teacher shows how to read them. By calculating the values ​​of these expressions, children practically master the rule about the order of arithmetic operations in expressions without brackets, although they do not formulate it: 10-3+2=7+2=9. Such entries are the first step in performing identity transformations.

The method of familiarizing yourself with expressions with brackets can be different (Describe a fragment of the lesson in your notebook, prepare for practical lessons).

The ability to compose and find the meaning of an expression is used by children when solving arithmetic problems; at the same time, further mastery of the concept of “expression” occurs here, and the specific meaning of expressions in recordings of problem solving is acquired.

Of interest is the type of work proposed by the Latvian methodologist J.Ya. Mencis.

A text is given, for example, like this: “The boy had 24 rubles, the cake costs 6 rubles, the candy costs 2 rubles,” it is suggested:

a) compose all types of expressions based on this text and explain what they show;

b) explain what the expressions show:

2 classes 3 grades

24-2 24-(6+2) 24:6 24-6 3

In grade 3, along with the expressions discussed earlier, they include expressions consisting of two simple expressions (37+6)-(42+1), as well as those consisting of a number and the product or quotient of two numbers. For example: 75-50:25+2. Where the order in which actions are performed does not coincide with the order in which they were written, brackets are used: 16-6:(8-5). Children must learn to read and write these expressions correctly and find their meanings.

The terms “expression” and “value of expression” are introduced without definitions. In order to make it easier for children to read and find the meaning of complex expressions, methodologists recommend using a diagram that is compiled collectively and used when reading expressions:

1) I will determine which action is performed last.

2) I’ll think about what the numbers are called when performing this action.

3) I will read how these numbers are expressed.

The rules for the order of performing actions in complex expressions are studied in the 3rd grade, but children practically use some of them in the first and second grades.

The first to consider is the rule about the order of operations in expressions without parentheses, when numbers are either only addition and subtraction, or multiplication and division (3rd grade). The goal of the work at this stage is to rely on the practical skills of students acquired earlier, to pay attention to the order of performing actions in such expressions and to formulate a rule.

Leading children to the formulation of the rule and their awareness of it can be different. The main reliance is on existing experience, the greatest possible independence, creating a situation of search and discovery, evidence.

You can use the methodological technique of Sh.A. Amonashvili “teacher’s mistake.”

For example. The teacher reports that when finding the meaning of the following expressions, he got answers that he is confident are correct (answers are closed).

36:2 6=6, etc.

Invites children to find the meanings of expressions themselves, and then compare the answers with the answers received by the teacher (at this point the results of arithmetic operations are revealed). Children prove that the teacher made mistakes and, based on studying particular facts, formulate a rule (see mathematics textbook, 3rd grade).

Similarly, you can introduce the remaining rules for the order of actions: when expressions without brackets contain actions of the 1st and 2nd stages, in expressions with brackets. It is important that children realize that changing the order of performing arithmetic operations leads to a change in the result, and therefore mathematicians decided to agree and formulated rules that must be strictly followed.

Transforming an expression is replacing a given expression with another with the same numerical value. Students perform such transformations of expressions, relying on the properties of arithmetic operations and consequences from them (p. 249-250).

When studying each property, students become convinced that in expressions of a certain type, actions can be performed in different ways, but the meaning of the expression is does not change. In the future, students use knowledge of the properties of actions to transform given expressions into identical expressions. For example, tasks like this are offered: continue recording so that the “=” sign is preserved:

76-(20 + 4) =76-20... (10 + 7) -5= 10-5...

60: (2 10) =60:10...

When completing the first task, students reason like this: on the left from 76, subtract the sum of the numbers 20 and 4 , on the right, subtract 20 from 76; in order to get the same amount on the right as on the left, you must also subtract 4 from the right. Other expressions are transformed similarly, i.e., after reading the expression, the student remembers the corresponding rule. And, performing actions according to the rule, it receives a transformed expression. To ensure that the transformation is correct, children calculate the values ​​of the given and transformed expressions and compare them.

Using knowledge of the properties of actions to justify calculation techniques, students in grades I-IV perform transformations of expressions of the form:

72:3= (60+12):3 = 60:3+12:3 = 24 1830= 18(310) = (183) 10=540

Here it is also necessary that students not only explain on what basis they derive each subsequent expression, but also understand that all these expressions are connected by the “=” sign because they have the same meanings. To do this, children should occasionally be asked to calculate the meanings of expressions and compare them. This prevents errors of the form: 75 - 30 = 70 - 30 = 40+5 = 45, 24 12= (10 + 2) = 24 10+24 2 = 288.

Students of grades II-IV transform expressions not only on the basis of the properties of the action, but also on the basis of their specific meaning. For example, the sum of identical terms is replaced by the product: (6 + 6 + 6 = 6 3, and vice versa: 9 4 = = 9 + 9 + 9 + 9). Also based on the meaning of the multiplication action, more complex expressions are transformed: 8 4 + 8 = 8 5, 7 6-7 = 7 5.

Based on calculations and analysis of specially selected expressions, fourth grade students are led to the conclusion that if in expressions with brackets the brackets do not affect the order of actions, then they can be omitted. Subsequently, using the studied properties of actions and rules for the order of actions, students practice transforming expressions with brackets into identical expressions without brackets. For example, it is proposed to write these expressions without parentheses so that their values ​​do not change:

(65 + 30)-20 (20 + 4) 3

96 - (16 + 30) (40 + 24): 4

Thus, children replace the first of the given expressions with the expressions: 65 + 30-20, 65-20 + 30, explaining the order of performing actions in them. In this way, students are convinced that the meaning of an expression does not change when changing the order of actions only if the properties of the actions are applied.

The main goals of studying algebraic material in the elementary grades are for primary schoolchildren to obtain initial information about equalities and inequalities, about a variable, about equalities and inequalities with a variable, about mathematical expressions (numeric and alphabetic), about calculating their values, about simple equations and inequalities, training schoolchildren on ways to solve them, as well as solving problems algebraically. The study of algebraic material in the elementary grades contributes to the generalization of concepts about numbers, arithmetic operations and their properties, and is a preparation for the study of algebra in high school.

Children get their first ideas about equalities and inequalities when comparing sets and numbers. Their study is associated with the study of numbering, arithmetic operations and quantities. Next, the idea of ​​true and false equalities and inequalities, equalities and inequalities with a variable is introduced.

The equation is treated as an equality with a variable. Solving an equation means choosing a value of a variable such that, when substituted into the equation, it turns into a correct numerical equality. This is the basis for the method of solving equations by selection. In the elementary grades, equations are also solved on the basis of the relationship between the components and the results of arithmetic operations, on the basis of the application of the basic properties of equalities (L.V. Zankov’s system), as well as with the help of graphs (UMK “Primary School of the 21st Century”). The solution to inequalities is limited by the selection method. Equations and inequalities are used to solve problems, however, algebraic method problem solving is limited to the level of familiarization in the elementary grades.

Concepts about the simplest expressions are formed in connection with the study of arithmetic operations, then complex expressions and expressions with a variable are introduced. Younger students learn to calculate the values ​​of complex numerical expressions using rules of order. They also learn to find the meaning of expressions with a variable given the values ​​of the letters.

Letter symbols are used to generalize the recording of laws and properties of arithmetic operations, as well as formulas for calculating the areas of rectangles, triangles, polygons, volumes, velocities, etc.

Currently, there are two radically opposite trends in determining the volume of algebraic material in a primary school mathematics course. One trend is associated with the early algebraization of elementary school mathematics courses. Representatives of this trend are I.I. Arginskaya, E.I. Aleksandrova, L.G. Peterson, V.N. Rudnitskaya and others. Another trend is associated with the introduction of algebraic material into the primary school mathematics course at its final stage, at the end of 4 class (N.B. Istomina) The textbook of the traditional school (M.I. Moro and others) is a representative of the “middle” views.

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Anytime modern system In general education, mathematics occupies one of the central places, which undoubtedly speaks of the uniqueness of this field of knowledge.

What is modern mathematics? Why is it needed? These and similar questions are often asked by children to teachers. And each time the answer will be different depending on the level of development of the child and his educational needs.

It is often said that mathematics is the language of modern science. However, there appears to be a significant flaw in this statement. The language of mathematics is so widespread and so often effective precisely because mathematics cannot be reduced to it.

Outstanding domestic mathematician A.N. Kolmogorov wrote: “Mathematics is not just one of the languages. Mathematics is language plus reasoning, it’s like language and logic together. Mathematics is a tool for thinking. It concentrates the results of the exact thinking of many people. Using mathematics, you can connect one reasoning with another The obvious complexities of nature with its strange laws and rules, each of which allows for a separate very detailed explanation, are in fact closely related. However, if you do not want to use mathematics, then in this huge variety of facts you will not see that logic allows you to move from one to another."

Thus, mathematics allows us to form certain forms of thinking necessary to study the world around us.

What is the influence of mathematics in general and school mathematics in particular on education? creative personality? Teaching the art of solving problems in mathematics lessons provides us with an extremely favorable opportunity for developing a certain mindset in students. The need for research activities develops interest in patterns and teaches us to see the beauty and harmony of human thought. All this is, in our opinion, the most important element of general culture. The mathematics course has an important influence on the formation various forms thinking: logical, spatial-geometric, algorithmic. Any creative process begins with the formulation of a hypothesis. Mathematics, with the appropriate organization of education, being a good school for constructing and testing hypotheses, teaches you to compare different hypotheses, find the best option, pose new problems, and look for ways to solve them. Among other things, she also develops the habit of methodical work, without which no creative process is conceivable. By maximizing the possibilities of human thinking, mathematics is its highest achievement. It helps a person to understand himself and form his character. This is a small list of reasons why mathematical knowledge should become an integral part of general culture and a mandatory element in the upbringing and education of a child. The mathematics course (without geometry) in our 10-year school is actually divided into three main parts: arithmetic (grades I - V), algebra (VI - V III class s) and elements of analysis (grades IX - X). What is the basis for such a division? Of course, each of these parts has its own special “technology”.

Thus, in arithmetic it is associated, for example, with calculations performed on multi-digit numbers, in algebra - with identical transformations, logarithmization, in analysis - with differentiation, etc. But what are the deeper reasons associated with the conceptual content of each part? The next question concerns the basis for distinguishing between school arithmetic and algebra (i.e. the first and second parts of the course). Arithmetic includes the study of natural numbers (positive integers) and fractions (prime and decimal). However, a special analysis shows that combining these types of numbers in one school subject is unlawful.

The fact is that these numbers have different functions: the first are associated with counting objects, the second with measuring quantities. This circumstance is very important for understanding the fact that fractional (rational) numbers are only a special case of real numbers.

From the point of view of measuring quantities, as noted by A.N. Kolmogorov, “there is no such deep difference between rational and irrational real numbers. For pedagogical reasons, they linger for a long time on rational numbers, since they are easy to write in the form of fractions; however, the use that is given to them from the very beginning should immediately lead to real numbers in their entirety."

A.N. Kolmogorov considered justified both from the point of view of the history of the development of mathematics and in essence the proposal of A. Lebesgue to move in teaching after natural numbers directly to the origin and logical nature of real numbers. At the same time, as noted by A.N. Kolmogorov, “the approach to the construction of rational and real numbers from the point of view of measuring quantities is no less scientific than, for example, the introduction of rational numbers in the form of “pairs”. For the school, it has an undoubted advantage” (.

Thus, there is a real possibility, on the basis of natural (integer) numbers, to immediately form “the most general concept of number” (in the terminology of A. Lebesgue), the concept of a real number. But from the point of view of program construction, this means nothing more or less than the elimination of fraction arithmetic in its school interpretation. The transition from integers to real numbers is a transition from arithmetic to "algebra", to the creation of a foundation for analysis. These ideas, expressed more than 20 years ago, are still relevant today.

1. General theoretical aspects of studying algebraic material in primary school

algebraic school comparison mathematics

1.1 Experience of introducing algebra elements in primary school

The content of an academic subject, as is known, depends on many factors - on life’s demands on students’ knowledge, on the level of relevant sciences, on the mental and physical age capabilities of children, etc. Correct consideration of these factors is an essential condition for the most effective learning schoolchildren, expanding their cognitive capabilities. But sometimes this condition is not met for one reason or another. In this case, teaching does not give the desired effect both in terms of children’s acquisition of the range of necessary knowledge and in terms of the development of their intelligence.

It seems that at present the teaching programs for some academic subjects, in particular mathematics, do not meet the new requirements of life and the level of development modern sciences(for example, mathematics) and new data developmental psychology and logic. This circumstance dictates the need for comprehensive theoretical and experimental testing possible projects new content of educational subjects.

The foundation of mathematical knowledge is laid in elementary school. But, unfortunately, both mathematicians themselves, and methodologists and psychologists pay very little attention to the content of elementary mathematics. Suffice it to say that the mathematics curriculum in primary school (grades I - IV) in its main features was formed 50 - 60 years ago and naturally reflects the system of mathematical, methodological and psychological ideas of that time.

Let's consider characteristic features state standard for mathematics in primary school. Its main content is integers and operations on them, studied in a certain sequence. First, four operations are studied in the limit of 10 and 20, then - oral calculations in the limit of 100, oral and written calculations in the limit of 1000 and, finally, in the limit of millions and billions. In grade IV, some relationships between data and the results of arithmetic operations, as well as simple fractions, are studied. Along with this, the program involves the study of metric measures and measures of time, mastering the ability to use them for measurement, knowledge of some elements of visual geometry - drawing a rectangle and square, measuring segments, areas of a rectangle and square, calculating volumes.

Students must apply the acquired knowledge and skills to solving problems and performing simple calculations. Throughout the course, problem solving is carried out in parallel with the study of numbers and operations - half the appropriate time is allocated for this. Solving problems helps students understand the specific meaning of actions, understand various cases of their application, establish relationships between quantities, and acquire basic skills of analysis and synthesis.

From grades I to IV, children solve the following main types of problems (simple and composite): finding the sum and remainder, product and quotient, increasing and decreasing given numbers, difference and multiple comparison, simple triple rule, proportional division, finding an unknown by two differences, calculating the arithmetic mean and some other types of problems.

WITH different types children encounter dependencies of quantities when solving problems. But it is very typical that students begin problems after and as they study numbers; the main thing required when solving is to find a numerical answer. Children have great difficulty identifying the properties of quantitative relations in specific, particular situations, which are usually considered arithmetic problems. Practice shows that manipulation of numbers often replaces the actual analysis of the conditions of the problem from the point of view of the dependencies of real quantities. Moreover, the problems introduced in textbooks do not represent a system in which more “complex” situations would be associated with “deeper” layers of quantitative relations. Problems of the same difficulty can be found both at the beginning and at the end of the textbook. They change from section to section and from class to class according to the complexity of the plot (the number of actions increases), according to the rank of numbers (from ten to a billion), according to complexity physical dependencies(from distribution problems to movement problems) and according to other parameters. Only one parameter - deepening into the system of mathematical laws itself - is manifested weakly and indistinctly in them. Therefore, it is very difficult to establish a criterion for the mathematical difficulty of a particular problem. Why are problems on finding an unknown from two differences and finding out the arithmetic mean (III grade) more difficult than problems on difference and multiple comparison (II grade)? The methodology does not provide a convincing and logical answer to this question.

Thus, primary school students do not receive adequate, complete knowledge about the dependencies of quantities and general properties ah quantities neither when studying the elements of number theory, because in the school course they are associated primarily with the technique of calculations, nor when solving problems, because the latter do not have the corresponding form and do not have the required system. Attempts by methodologists to improve teaching methods, although they lead to partial success, do not change general position cases, since they are limited in advance by the framework of the accepted content.

It appears that the basis critical analysis The adopted arithmetic program must contain the following provisions:

The concept of number is not identical to the concept of the quantitative characteristics of objects;

Number is not the original form of quantitative relations.

Let us provide the rationale for these provisions. It is well known that modern mathematics (in particular, algebra) studies aspects of quantitative relations that do not have a numerical shell. It is also well known that some quantitative relationships are quite expressible without numbers and before numbers, for example, in segments, volumes, etc. (relationship “more”, “less”, “equal”). The presentation of the original general mathematical concepts in modern manuals is carried out in such symbolism that does not necessarily imply the expression of objects by numbers. So, in the book by E.G. Gonin's "Theoretical Arithmetic" the basic mathematical objects are denoted by letters and special signs from the very beginning.

It is characteristic that certain types of numbers and numerical dependencies are given only as examples, illustrations of the properties of sets, and not as their only possible and only existing form of expression. Further, it is noteworthy that many illustrations of individual mathematical definitions are given in graphical form, through the ratio of segments, areas. All basic properties of sets and quantities can be deduced and justified without involving numerical systems; Moreover, the latter themselves receive justification on the basis of general mathematical concepts.

In turn, numerous observations by psychologists and teachers show that quantitative ideas arise in children long before they acquire knowledge about numbers and how to operate them. True, there is a tendency to classify these ideas as “pre-mathematical formations” (which is quite natural for traditional methods that identify quantitative characteristics object with a number), however, this does not change their essential function in the child’s general orientation in the properties of things. And sometimes it happens that the depth of these supposedly “pre-mathematical formations” is more significant for the development of a child’s own mathematical thinking than knowledge of the intricacies of computer technology and the ability to find purely numerical dependencies. It is noteworthy that academician A.N. Kolmogorov, characterizing the features of mathematical creativity, specially notes the following circumstance: “The basis of most mathematical discoveries is some simple idea: a visual geometric construction, a new elementary inequality, etc. You just need to apply this properly simple idea to solve a problem that at first glance seems inaccessible."

Currently, a variety of ideas regarding the structure and methods of construction are appropriate. new program. It is necessary to involve mathematicians, psychologists, logicians, and methodologists in the work on its construction. But in all its specific variants, it seems to have to satisfy the following basic requirements:

Overcome the existing gap between the content of mathematics in primary and secondary schools;

To provide a system of knowledge about the basic laws of quantitative relations of the objective world; in this case, the properties of numbers, as a special form of expressing quantity, should become a special, but not the main section of the program;

Instill in children the methods of mathematical thinking, and not just calculation skills: this involves building a system of problems based on delving into the sphere of dependencies of real quantities (the connection of mathematics with physics, chemistry, biology and other sciences that study specific quantities);

Decisively simplify all calculation techniques, minimizing the work that cannot be done without appropriate tables, reference books and other auxiliary (in particular, electronic) means.

The meaning of these requirements is clear: in elementary school it is quite possible to teach mathematics as a science about the laws of quantitative relationships, about the dependencies of quantities; computing techniques and elements of number theory should become a special and private section of the program.

The experience of constructing a new program in mathematics and its experimental testing, carried out since the late 1960s, now allow us to talk about the possibility of introducing a systematic mathematics course in school starting from the first grade, providing knowledge about quantitative relationships and dependencies of quantities in algebraic form .

1.2 The problem of the origin of algebraic concepts and its significance for the construction of an educational subject

Separation school course mathematics for algebra and arithmetic, of course, conditionally. The transition from one to another occurs gradually. In school practice, the meaning of this transition is masked by the fact that the study of fractions actually occurs without extensive support for measuring quantities - fractions are given as ratios of pairs of numbers (although formally the importance of measuring quantities in methodological manuals admitted). An extensive introduction of fractional numbers based on the measurement of quantities inevitably leads to the concept of a real number. But the latter usually does not happen, since students are kept working with rational numbers for a long time, and thereby their transition to “algebra” is delayed.

In other words, school algebra begins precisely when the conditions are created for the transition from integers to real numbers, to expressing the result of a measurement as a fraction (simple and decimal - finite, and then infinite). Moreover, the initial step may be familiarity with the measurement operation, obtaining the final decimals and studying actions on them. If students already know this form of writing the result of a measurement, then this serves as a prerequisite for “abandoning” the idea that a number can also be expressed as an infinite fraction. And it is advisable to create this prerequisite already within the elementary school.

If the concept of a fractional (rational) number is removed from the competence of school arithmetic, then the boundary between it and “algebra” will pass along the line of difference between integer and real numbers. It is this that “cuts” the mathematics course into two parts. This is not a simple difference, but a fundamental “dualism” of sources - counting and measurement.

Following Lebesgue's ideas regarding " general concept numbers", it is possible to ensure complete unity in the teaching of mathematics, but only from the moment and after familiarizing children with counting and integer (natural) numbers. Of course, the timing of this preliminary familiarization may be different (in traditional programs for primary schools they are clearly delayed), in the course In elementary arithmetic, you can even introduce elements of practical measurements (which is the case in the program), but all this does not eliminate the differences in the foundations of arithmetic and “algebra” as educational subjects. “Dualism” of starting points also prevents one from truly understanding arithmetic. sections related to the measurement of quantities and the transition to real fractions “took root.” The authors of the programs and methodologists strive to maintain the stability and “purity” of arithmetic as a school subject. This difference in sources is the main reason for teaching mathematics according to the scheme - first arithmetic (integer), then "algebra" (real number).

This scheme seems quite natural and unshakable, moreover, it is justified by many years of practice in teaching mathematics. But there are circumstances that, from a logical and psychological point of view, require a more thorough analysis of the legality of this rigid teaching scheme.

The fact is that, despite all the differences between these types of numbers, they refer specifically to numbers, i.e. to a special form of displaying quantitative relationships. The fact that integer and real numbers belong to “numbers” serves as the basis for the assumption of the genetic derivatives of the very differences between counting and measurement: they have a special and single source corresponding to the very form of the number.

Knowledge of the features of this unified basis of counting and measurement will make it possible to more clearly imagine the conditions of their origin, on the one hand, and the relationship, on the other.

What should we turn to in order to find the common root of the branching tree of numbers? It seems that, first of all, it is necessary to analyze the content of the concept of quantity. True, this term is immediately associated with another one - dimension. However, the legitimacy of such a connection does not exclude a certain independence of the meaning of “magnitude”. Consideration of this aspect allows us to draw conclusions that bring together, on the one hand, measurement and counting, and on the other hand, the operation of numbers with certain general mathematical relationships and patterns.

So, what is “quantity” and what interest does it have for constructing the initial sections of school mathematics? In general usage, the term “magnitude” is associated with the concepts “equal”, “more”, “less”, which describe a variety of qualities (length and density, temperature and whiteness). V.F. Kagan raises the question of what common properties these concepts have. It shows that they relate to aggregates - sets of homogeneous objects, the comparison of elements of which allows us to apply the terms “more”, “equal”, “less” (for example, to aggregates of all straight line segments, weights, velocities, etc.).

A set of objects is only transformed into magnitude when criteria are established that make it possible to establish, with respect to any of its elements A and B, whether A will be equal to B, greater than B or less than B. Moreover, for any two elements A and B, one and only one of ratios: A=B, A>B, A<В. Эти предложения составляют полную дизъюнкцию (по крайней мере, одно имеет место, но каждое исключает все остальные).

V.F. Kagan identifies the following eight basic properties of the concepts “equal”, “greater”, “less”: .

1) At least one of the relationships holds: A=B, A>B, A<В.

2) If the relation A = B holds, then the relation A does not hold<В.

3) If the relation A=B holds, then the relation A>B does not hold.

4) If A=B and B=C, then A=C.

5) If A>B and B>C, then A>C.

6) If A<В и В<С, то А<С.

7) Equality is a reversible relation: from the relation A=B the relation B=A always follows.

8) Equality is a reciprocal relation: whatever the element A of the set under consideration, A = A.

The first three sentences characterize the disjunction of the basic relations "=", ">", "<". Предложения 4 - 6 - их транзитивность при любых

three elements A, B and C. The following sentences 7 - 8 characterize only equality - its reversibility and recurrence (or reflexivity). V.F. Kagan calls these eight basic provisions postulates of comparison, on the basis of which a number of other properties of quantity can be derived.

These inferential properties of V.F. Kagan describes in the form of eight theorems:

I. The ratio A>B excludes the ratio B>A (A<В исключает В<А).

II. If A>B, then B<А (если А<В, то В>A).

III. If A>B holds, then A does not hold.

IV. If A1=A2, A2=A3,.., An-1=A1, then A1=An.

V. If A1>A2, A2>A3,.., An-1>An, then A1>An.

VI. If A1<А2, А2<А3,.., Аn-1<Аn, то А1<Аn.

VII. If A=C and B=C, then A=B.

VIII. If there is equality or inequality A=B, or A>B, or A<В, то оно не нарушится, когда мы один из его элементов заменим равным ему элементом (здесь имеет место соотношение типа: если А=В и А=С, то С=В; если А>B and A=C, then C>B, etc.).

Comparison postulates and theorems, points out V.F. Kagan, “all those properties of the concepts “equal”, “more” and “less” are exhausted, which in mathematics are associated with them and find application regardless of the individual properties of the set to the elements of which we apply them in various special cases.”

The properties specified in postulates and theorems can characterize not only those immediate features of objects that we are accustomed to associate with “equal”, “more”, “less”, but also with many other features (for example, they can characterize the relation “ancestor - descendant"). This allows us to take a general point of view when describing them and consider, for example, from the point of view of these postulates and theorems any three types of relations “alpha”, “beta”, “gamma” (in this case it is possible to establish whether these relations satisfy the postulates and theorems and under what conditions).

From this point of view, one can, for example, consider such a property of things as hardness (harder, softer, equal hardness), the sequence of events in time (following, preceding, simultaneous), etc. In all these cases, the ratios “alpha”, “beta”, “gamma” receive their own specific interpretation. The task associated with the selection of such a set of bodies that would have these relationships, as well as the identification of signs by which one could characterize “alpha”, “beta”, “gamma” - this is the task of determining comparison criteria in a given set of bodies (in practice, in some cases it is not easy to solve). “By establishing comparison criteria, we transform multitude into magnitude,” wrote V.F. Kagan. Real objects can be viewed from the perspective of different criteria. Thus, a group of people can be considered according to such a criterion as the sequence of moments of birth of each of its members. Another criterion is the relative position that the heads of these people will take if they are placed side by side on the same horizontal plane. In each case, the group will be transformed into a quantity that has a corresponding name - age, height. In practice, a quantity usually denotes not the set of elements itself, but a new concept introduced to distinguish comparison criteria (the name of the quantity). This is how the concepts of “volume”, “weight”, “electrical voltage”, etc. arise. “At the same time, for a mathematician, the value is completely defined when many elements and comparison criteria are indicated,” noted V.F. Kagan.

This author considers the natural series of numbers as the most important example of a mathematical quantity. From the point of view of such a comparison criterion as the position occupied by numbers in a series (they occupy the same place, follows ..., precedes), this series satisfies the postulates and therefore represents a quantity. According to the corresponding comparison criteria, a set of fractions is also converted into a quantity. This is according to V.F. Kagan, the content of the theory of quantity, which plays a vital role in the foundation of all mathematics.

Working with quantities (it is advisable to record their individual values ​​in letters), you can perform a complex system of transformations, establishing the dependencies of their properties, moving from equality to inequality, performing addition (and subtraction), and when adding you can be guided by commutative and associative properties. So, if the relation A = B is given, then when “solving” problems you can be guided by the relation B = A. In another case, if there are relations A>B, B=C, we can conclude that A>C. Since for a>b there is a c such that a=b+c, ​​then we can find the difference between a and b (a-b=c), etc.

All these transformations can be done on physical bodies and other objects, establishing comparison criteria and compliance of the selected relationships with the postulates of comparison.

The above materials allow us to conclude that both natural and real numbers are equally strongly associated with quantities and some of their essential features. Is it possible to make these and other properties the subject of special study for the child even before the numerical form of describing the ratio of quantities is introduced? They can serve as prerequisites for the subsequent detailed introduction of the number and its different types, in particular for propaedeutics of fractions, concepts of coordinates, functions and other concepts already in the junior grades.

What could be the content of this initial section? This is an acquaintance with physical objects, criteria for their comparison, highlighting a quantity as a subject of mathematical consideration, familiarity with methods of comparison and symbolic means of recording its results, with techniques for analyzing the general properties of quantities. This content needs to be developed into a relatively detailed teaching program and, most importantly, linked to those actions of the child through which he can master this content (of course, in the appropriate form). At the same time, it is necessary to experimentally establish whether 7-year-old children can master this program, and what is the feasibility of its introduction for subsequent teaching of mathematics in the primary grades in the direction of bringing arithmetic and primary algebra closer together.

Until now, our reasoning has been theoretical in nature and aimed at clarifying the mathematical prerequisites for constructing such an initial section of the course that would introduce children to basic algebraic concepts (before the special introduction of numbers). The main properties characterizing quantities were described above. Naturally, it makes no sense for 7-year-old children to give “lectures” regarding these properties.

It was necessary to find such a form of work for children with didactic material, through which they could, on the one hand, identify these properties in the things around them, on the other hand, they would learn to fix them with certain symbolism and carry out elementary mathematical analysis allocated relationships.

In this regard, the program should contain, firstly, an indication of those properties of the subject that are to be mastered, secondly, a description of didactic materials, thirdly - and this is the main thing from a psychological point of view - the characteristics of those actions through which the child identifies certain properties of an object and masters them. These “components” form the teaching program in the proper sense of the word. It makes sense to present the specific features of this hypothetical program and its “components” when describing the learning process itself and its results.

Here is the outline of this program and its key topics.

Topic I. Leveling and completing objects (by length, volume, weight, composition of parts and other parameters).

Practical tasks on leveling and acquisition. Identification of characteristics (criteria) by which the same objects can be equalized or completed. Verbal designation of these characteristics (“by length”, by weight”, etc.).

These tasks are solved in the process of working with didactic material (bars, weights, etc.) by:

Choosing the “same” item,

Reproduction (construction) of the “same” object according to a selected (specified) parameter.

Topic II. Comparing objects and fixing its results using the equality-inequality formula.

1. Tasks on comparing objects and symbolically designating the results of this action.

2. Verbal recording of comparison results (terms “more”, “less”, “equal”). Written characters ">", "<", "=".

3. Indication of the comparison result with a drawing (“copying” and then “abstract” - lines).

4. Designation of compared objects with letters. Recording the comparison result using the formulas: A=B; A<Б, А>B. A letter as a sign that fixes a directly given, particular value of an object according to a selected parameter (by weight, by volume, etc.).

5. Impossibility of fixing the comparison result using different formulas. Selecting a specific formula for a given result (complete disjunction of the relations greater - less - equal).

Topic III. Properties of equality and inequality.

1. Reversibility and reflexivity of equality (if A=B, then B=A; A=A).

2. The connection between the relations “more” and “less” in inequalities during “permutations” of the compared parties (if A>B, then B<А и т.п.).

3. Transitivity as a property of equality and inequality:

if A=B, if A>B, if A<Б,

a B=B, a B>B, a B<В,

then A=B; then A>B; then A<В.

4. Transition from working with subject didactic material to assessing the properties of equality and inequality in the presence of only literal formulas. Solving various problems that require knowledge of these properties (for example, solving problems related to the connection of relations of the type: given that A>B, and B=C; find out the relationship between A and C).

Topic IV. Addition (subtraction) operation.

1. Observations of changes in objects according to one or another parameter (by volume, by weight, by duration, etc.). Illustration of increasing and decreasing with "+" and "-" (plus and minus) signs.

2. Violation of previously established equality with a corresponding change in one or another of its sides. The transition from equality to inequality. Writing formulas like:

if A=B, if A=B,

then A+K>B; then A-K<Б.

3. Methods of transition to new equality (its “restoration” according to the principle:

adding "equal" to "equal" gives "equal").

Working with formulas like:

then A+K>B, but A+K=B+K.

4. Solving various problems that require the use of addition (subtraction) when moving from equality to inequality and back.

Topic V. Transition from type A inequality<Б к равенству через операцию сложения (вычитания).

1. Tasks requiring such a transition. The need to determine the value of the quantity by which the compared objects differ. The ability to write equality when the specific value of this quantity is unknown. Method of using x (x).

Writing formulas like:

if A<Б, если А>B,

then A+x=B; then A-x=B.

2. Determining the value of x. Substituting this value into the formula (introduction to parentheses). Type formulas

3. Solving problems (including “plot-textual”) that require performing the specified operations.

Theme Vl. Addition-subtraction of equalities-inequalities. Substitution.

1. Addition-subtraction of equalities-inequalities:

if A=B if A>B if A>B

and M=D, and K>E, and B=G, then A+M=B+D; then A+K>B+E; then A+-B>C+-G.

2. The ability to represent the value of a quantity as the sum of several values. Type substitution:

3. Solving various problems that require taking into account the properties of relationships that children became familiar with in the process of work (many tasks require simultaneous consideration of several properties, intelligence in assessing the meaning of formulas; descriptions of problems and solutions are given below).

This is a program designed for 3.5 - 4 months. first half of the year. As the experience of experimental teaching shows, with proper planning of lessons, improvement of teaching methods and a successful choice of didactic aids, all the material presented in the program can be fully absorbed by children in a shorter period of time (in 3 months). How is our program going forward? First of all, children become familiar with the method of obtaining a number that expresses the relationship of an object as a whole (the same quantity represented by a continuous or discrete object) to its part. This ratio itself and its specific value is depicted by the formula A/K = n, where n is any integer, most often expressing the ratio to the nearest “unit” (only with a special selection of material or by counting only “qualitatively” individual things can one obtain absolutely exact integer). From the very beginning, children are “forced” to keep in mind that when measuring or counting, a remainder may result, the presence of which must be specially stipulated. This is the first step to subsequent work with fractions. With this form of obtaining a number, it is not difficult to lead children to describe an object with a formula like A = 5k (if the ratio was equal to “5”). Together with the first formula, it opens up opportunities for a special study of the dependencies between the object, the base (measure) and the result of counting (measurement), which also serves as a propaedeutic for the transition to fractional numbers (in particular, for understanding the basic property of a fraction). Another line of program development, implemented already in the first grade, is the transfer to numbers (integers) of the basic properties of quantity (disjunction of equality-inequality, transitivity, invertibility) and the operation of addition (commutativity, associativity, monotonicity, the possibility of subtraction). In particular, by working on the number line, children can quickly transform a sequence of numbers into a value (for example, clearly assess their transitivity by doing type 3 notations<5<8, одновременно связывая отношения "меньше-больше": 5<8, но 5<3, и т.д.) .

Familiarity with some of the so-called “structural” features of equality allows children to approach the connection between addition and subtraction differently. Thus, when moving from inequality to equality, the following transformations are performed: 7<11; 7+х=11; x=11-7; х=4. В другом случае дети складывают и вычитают элементы равенств и неравенств, выполняя при этом работу, связанную с устными вычислениями. Например, дано 8+1=6+3 и 4>2; find the relationship between the left and right sides of the formula for 8+1-4...6+3-2; in case of inequality, bring this expression to equality (first you need to put a “less than” sign and then add a “two” to the left side).

Thus, treating a number series as a quantity allows you to formulate the skills of addition and subtraction (and then multiplication and division) in a new way.

2.1 Teaching in primary school in relation to the needs of secondary school

As you know, when studying mathematics in the 5th grade, a significant part of the time is devoted to repeating what children should have learned in elementary school. This repetition in almost all existing textbooks takes 1.5 academic quarters. This situation did not arise by chance. Its reason is the dissatisfaction of secondary school mathematics teachers with the preparation of primary school graduates. What is the reason for this situation? For this purpose, the five most well-known primary school mathematics textbooks today were analyzed. These are M.I.'s textbooks. Moro, I.I. Arginskaya, N.B. Istomina, L.G. Peterson, , , .

An analysis of these textbooks revealed several negative aspects, present to a greater or lesser extent in each of them and negatively affecting further learning. First of all, the assimilation of material in them is largely based on memorization. A clear example of this is memorizing the multiplication table. In elementary school, a lot of effort and time is devoted to memorizing it. But during the summer holidays the children forget her. The reason for such rapid forgetting is rote learning. Research by L.S. Vygotsky showed that meaningful memorization is much more effective than mechanical memorization, and subsequent experiments convincingly prove that material enters long-term memory only if it is remembered as a result of work corresponding to this material.

A method for effectively mastering the multiplication table was found back in the 50s. It consists of organizing a certain system of exercises, by performing which children themselves construct a multiplication table. However, this method is not implemented in any of the textbooks reviewed.

Another negative point that affects further education is that in many cases the presentation of material in elementary school mathematics textbooks is structured in such a way that in the future children will have to be retrained, and this, as we know, is much more difficult than teaching. In relation to the study of algebraic material, an example would be solving equations in elementary school. In all textbooks, solving equations is based on the rules for finding unknown components of actions.

This is done somewhat differently only in L.G.’s textbook. Peterson, where, for example, solving multiplication and division equations is based on correlating the components of the equation with the sides and area of ​​a rectangle and ultimately also comes down to rules, but these are rules for finding the side or area of ​​a rectangle. Meanwhile, starting from the 6th grade, children are taught a completely different principle for solving equations, based on the use of identical transformations. This need for relearning leads to the fact that solving equations is a rather difficult task for most children.

Analyzing textbooks, we also encountered the fact that when presenting material in them, there is often a distortion of concepts. For example, the formulation of many definitions is given in the form of implications, while it is known from mathematical logic that any definition is an equivalence. As an illustration, we can cite the definition of multiplication from I.I.’s textbook. Arginskaya: “If all the terms in the sum are equal to each other, then addition can be replaced by another action - multiplication.” (All terms in the sum are equal to each other. Therefore, addition can be replaced by multiplication.) As you can see, this is an implication in its pure form. This formulation is not only illiterate from the point of view of mathematics, not only does it incorrectly form in children an idea of ​​​​what a definition is, but it is also very harmful because in the future, for example, when constructing a multiplication table, textbook authors use the replacement of the product with the sum of identical terms , which the presented formulation does not allow. Such incorrect work with statements written in the form of implication forms an incorrect stereotype in children, which will be overcome with great difficulty in geometry lessons, when children will not feel the difference between a direct and converse statement, between a sign of a figure and its property. The mistake of using the inverse theorem when solving problems, while only the direct theorem has been proven, is very common.

Another example of incorrect concept formation is working with the literal equality relation. For example, the rules for multiplying a number by one and a number by zero in all textbooks are given in letter form: a x 1 = a, a x 0 = 0. The equality relation, as is known, is symmetrical, and therefore, such a notation provides not only that when multiplied by 1, the same number is obtained, but also that any number can be represented as the product of this number and one. However, the verbal formulation proposed in textbooks after the letter entry speaks only of the first possibility.

Exercises on this topic are also aimed only at practicing replacing the product of a number and one with this number. All this leads not only to the fact that a very important point does not become the subject of children’s consciousness: any number can be written in the form of a product, which in algebra will cause corresponding difficulties when working with polynomials, but also to the fact that children, in principle, do not know how to correctly work with the relation of equality. For example, when working with the difference of squares formula, children, as a rule, cope with the task of factoring the difference of squares. However, those tasks where the opposite action is required cause difficulties in many cases. Another striking illustration of this idea is the work with the distributive law of multiplication relative to addition. Here, too, despite the letter writing of the law, both its verbal formulation and the system of exercises only train the ability to open brackets. As a result, putting the common factor out of brackets will cause significant difficulties in the future.

Quite often in elementary school, even when a definition or rule is formulated correctly, learning is stimulated by relying not on them, but on something completely different. For example, when studying the multiplication table by 2, all the textbooks reviewed show how to construct it. In the textbook M.I. Moro did it like this:

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2

With this method of work, children will very quickly notice the pattern of the resulting number series.

After 3-4 equalities, they will stop adding twos and start writing down the result based on the observed pattern. Thus, the method of constructing the multiplication table will not become the subject of their consciousness, which will result in its fragile assimilation.

When studying material in elementary school, reliance is placed on objective actions and illustrative clarity, which leads to the formation of empirical thinking. Of course, it is hardly possible to do without such visibility in elementary school. But it should serve only as an illustration of this or that fact, and not as the basis for the formation of a concept.

The use of illustrative clarity and substantive actions in textbooks often leads to the concept itself being “blurred.” For example, in mathematics methods for grades 1-3 M.I. Moreau says that children have to do division by arranging objects into piles or making a drawing for 30 lessons. Such actions lose the essence of the division operation as the inverse action of multiplication. As a result, division is learned with the greatest difficulty and is much worse than other arithmetic operations.

When teaching mathematics in elementary school, there is no talk of proving any statements. Meanwhile, remembering how difficult it will be to teach proof in high school, you need to start preparing for this already in the elementary grades. Moreover, this can be done on material that is quite accessible to primary schoolchildren. Such material, for example, can be the rules for dividing a number by 1, zero by a number, and a number by itself. Children are quite capable of proving them using the definition of division and the corresponding multiplication rules.

The elementary school material also allows for propaedeutics of algebra - working with letters and letter expressions. Most textbooks avoid using letters. As a result, children work almost exclusively with numbers for four years, after which, of course, it is very difficult to accustom them to working with letters.

However, it is possible to provide propaedeutics for such work, to teach children to substitute a number instead of a letter into a letter expression already in elementary school. This was done, for example, in the textbook by L.G. Peterson.

Speaking about the shortcomings of teaching mathematics in elementary school, which interfere with further learning, it is necessary to especially emphasize the fact that often the material in textbooks is presented without a look at how it will work in the future. A very striking example of this is the organization of learning multiplication by 10, 100, 1000, etc. In all the textbooks reviewed, the presentation of this material is structured in such a way that it inevitably leads to the formation in the minds of children of the rule: “To multiply a number by 10, 100, 1000, etc., you need to add as many zeros to the right side as there are in 10, 100, 1000, etc." This rule is one of those that is learned very well in elementary school. And this leads to a large number of errors when multiplying decimal fractions by whole digit units. Even after remembering a new rule, children often automatically add zero to the right side of the decimal when multiplying by 10.

In addition, it should be noted that when multiplying a natural number and when multiplying a decimal fraction by whole digit units, essentially the same thing happens: each digit of the number is shifted to the right by the corresponding number of digits. Therefore, there is no point in teaching children two separate and completely formal rules. It is much more useful to teach them a general way of proceeding when solving similar problems.

2.2 Comparison (contrast) of concepts in mathematics lessons

The current program provides for the study in the first grade of only two operations of the first level - addition and subtraction. Limiting the first year of study to only two operations is, in essence, a departure from what was already achieved in the textbooks that preceded the current ones: not a single teacher then ever complained that multiplication and division, say, within 20, was beyond the capabilities of first-graders . It is also worthy of attention that in schools in other countries, where education begins at the age of 6, the first school year includes initial acquaintance with all four operations of arithmetic.

Mathematics relies, first of all, on four actions, and the sooner they are included in the student’s thinking practice, the more stable and reliable the subsequent development of the mathematics course will be.

To be fair, it should be noted that in the first versions of M.I.Moro’s textbooks for grade I, multiplication and division were provided. However, an accident prevented the matter: the authors of the new programs persistently clung to one “novelty” - coverage in the first grade of all cases of addition and subtraction within 100 (37+58 and 95-58, etc.). But, since there was not enough time to study such an expanded amount of information, it was decided to shift multiplication and division completely to the next year of study.

So, the fascination with the linearity of the program, i.e., a purely quantitative expansion of knowledge (the same actions, but with larger numbers), took up the time that was previously allocated to the qualitative deepening of knowledge (studying all four actions within two dozen). Studying multiplication and division already in the first grade means a qualitative leap in thinking, since it allows you to master condensed thought processes.

According to tradition, the study of addition and subtraction within 20 used to be a special topic. The need for this approach in systematizing knowledge is visible even from the logical analysis of the question: the fact is that the complete table for adding single-digit numbers is developed within two tens (0+1= 1, ...,9+9=18). Thus, numbers within 20 form a complete system of relations in their internal connections; hence the expediency of preserving the “Twenty” as a second integral theme is clear (the first such theme is actions within the first ten).

The case under discussion is precisely one where concentricity (preserving the second ten as a special theme) turns out to be more beneficial than linearity ("dissolving" the second ten into the "Hundred" theme).

In the textbook by M. I. Moro, the study of the first ten is divided into two isolated sections: first, the composition of the numbers of the first ten is studied, and in the next topic actions within 10 are considered. In the experimental textbook by P.M. Erdnieva, in contrast to this, carried out a joint study of numbering, the composition of numbers and operations (addition and subtraction) within 10 at once in one section. With this approach, a monographic study of numbers is used, namely: within the number under consideration (for example, 3), all “cash mathematics” is immediately comprehended: 1 + 2 = 3; 2 + 1 = 3; 3 - 1 = 2; 3 - 2 = 1.

If, according to current programs, 70 hours were allocated for studying the first ten, then in the case of experimental training, all this material was studied in 50 hours (and in addition to the program, some additional concepts were considered that were not in the stable textbook, but were structurally related to the main material).

The question of classifying tasks and the names of their types requires special attention in the methodology of initial training. Generations of methodologists worked to streamline the system of school tasks, to create their effective types and varieties, right down to the selection of successful terms for the names of tasks intended for study in school. It is known that at least half of the teaching time in mathematics lessons is devoted to solving them. School tasks certainly need systematization and classification. What type (type) of problems to study, when to study, what type of problems to study in connection with the passage of this or that section is a legitimate object of study of the methodology and the central content of the programs. The significance of this circumstance is clear from the history of mathematics methodology.


Currently, quite favorable conditions have arisen for a radical improvement in the organization of mathematics education in primary school:

1) the primary school was transformed from a three-year to a four-year school;

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