What is Esoterics! Great detailed explanation! Directions of esotericism.

Esotericism is a parody of religion. Its adherents do not want to admit this, presenting their teaching as something greater than any faith. IN modern world one can see many manifestations of esoteric teaching. On the one hand, it seems to really stand above many religious beliefs. In fact, it simply generalizes them, highlighting similar points and tenets. Esoteric teachings as part of religious beliefs are very common. In Christianity, this occult practice was hidden by the teachings of the Templar Order of Knights, in Islam it manifested itself in the form of Sufism, Kabbalah became the esoteric accompaniment of Judaism, and yoga - of Hinduism. That is, esotericists present themselves as those who have penetrated into the essence of the universe much more than ordinary believers and believe that Christians, Muslims, and Buddhists are simply not yet mature enough to understand the great teaching of the esotericist.

On this basis, they determined it possible to consider that esotericism is the next stage in the development of all religions. Which immediately resembles the fables of psychics, followers of the New Age teachings, Scientologists and other “non-religious” societies. They give out their ideas about evolutionary development religions as something completely new, connecting them either with the Age of Aquarius or with the New World Order. But similar teachings have appeared throughout human history. Just look at Hermeticism alone - the religious and philosophical esoteric teaching of ancient times. It was based on various occult and pagan worldview movements ancient world, which were mixed into one mess and presented to society as the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, scientist and priest.

All esoteric teachings are united by the meaning of achieving the highest perfection of human spiritual development, using secret knowledge and supernatural abilities, obtained as we learn these secret meanings. An esotericist is a person who wants to achieve Paradise without repentance or build this paradise on earth. And here you can see another comparison. The Bible is very clear about the situation of the Babylonian Pandemonium, when people, obsessed with becoming gods without God, built a large building. Here one of the fundamental characteristics of esotericism is manifested - the achievement of equally divine peaks without turning to God himself.

It is obvious that esotericism is most opposed to Christianity. Just as love, humility, complete trust in God are the most important for the latter, so pride, self-deification and conceit are for the former.

The development of mystical teachings, and later occultism, was greatly facilitated by the so-called Renaissance. Having lost faith in God, but still striving for something mysteriously great, a huge number of scientists, poets, and former churchmen began to look for their truth in the teachings of the ancient world. The same Hermeticism found a second life in the 15th century thanks to the Jesuit monks.

Esotericists themselves call their difference from traditional magic as another “advantage” and truthfulness of mystical occult teachings. Magic is based on contact with alien-natural entities, and esotericism gives the impression of something scientific, reminiscent of psychology. In fact, any esoteric teaching, be it Kabbalah or the teachings of the Roerichs, are ordinary charlatanism, presented every historical period as a completely new teaching destined for everyone.

Interest in esotericism has grown quite recently. And many would like to figure out what kind of science this is? Esoterics, where to start studying and understanding it? Does it bring benefits or cause harm?

This means that we need to understand the ideas of esotericism, what it studies, its prospects, its shortcomings.

Achieving something higher, accepting religion as something higher, all this is initially the foundation of esotericism. Alchemists at one time took inanimate objects to a new level, and in Judaism esotericism was noted in a special unity with God. In every history and culture, esotericism involuntarily spread and made its contribution. Sooner or later, everyone will in some way feel the imprint of such science. Now we can say that such a body of knowledge still influenced modern life. After all, if mysticism occurs in our lives, it leaves a good imprint on for a long time.

Esoterics- this is the doctrine of inexplicable forces that are denied by science. Scientists have long considered esotericism to be the doctrine of mysticism.But, as life proves, many “mystical” factors are part of our life and even part of science. Airplanes, telephones,TVs - all this seemed unreal in the past. And, therefore, esotericism is a science, a science that is just beginning.People either believe and study esotericism, or they reject it and do not recognize it. And the third way is to treat it neutrally, without analyzing it too much.

The foundations of the secret teaching and body of knowledge date back to the times of Plato and Aristotle. Over thousands of years, esotericism has lost its true etymology, now the theory is taught in courses, and on the Internet anyone can collect bits and pieces of interesting information about the mystical. Previously, since the origin of esotericism, the uninitiated did not have the opportunity to possess knowledge about something higher, magical. Now the situation has taken a completely different perspective. And, at a minimum, the interpretation of the concept of “esotericism” is now perceived in a completely different way.

And yet, there are obligatory factors that reveal the concept, although not completely, but quite clearly. Esoterics offers to gain knowledge about Man, the structure of the World, about Good and Evil. Obtaining this knowledge provides for your future choice between Light and Darkness. Therefore, one must treat such teachings with great responsibility.

Esoterics - what directions exist?

A lot of directions studies esoterics: human mind, dreams, meditation, hypnosis, trance, mind control, energy work,parallel worlds, fortune telling, palmistry, psychology, rituals, clairvoyance, body work, yoga, qigong, everything unusual phenomena, .

Esotericism has a lot of ramifications and one of the most exciting is the occult. According to modern scientists, it is believed that occultism is a pseudoscience. Since ancient times, only an initiate or a person with “special abilities” could be awarded occult experience. Science studies the material world, but “philosophia occulta”, as a rule, promotes secret human powers unknown to science. It also has practical forms: alchemy, theosophy, Kabbalah, spiritualism.

Esoterics - alchemy direction

The prerogative of all alchemists was the transition of an animate or inanimate object to a “new level”, the transmutation of the spirit and the achievement of immortality through exercises and certain occult actions. Alchemy gave rise to the concept of the philosopher's stone, which would become a panacea and solution to all health problems.

Esoterics - theosophy direction

Translated from ancient Greek it means “divine wisdom.” Religion, which, in their opinion, unites the human soul with a deity, a consequence of direct communication with him.

Esoterics - Kabbalah direction

Religious and mystical movement in Judaism. It is necessary to understand that such a direction is associated with reflections on the creator, the essence of human nature. Esoteric Kabbalah represents rituals, habits, and skills passed down from generation to generation.

The benefits of esotericism

Dipping and absorbing esoteric knowledge, a person begins to change, or rather his consciousness changes. Many things in his lifetake on a different meaning. His outlook on life and his values ​​change. A person wants to get to the bottom of it, to get to the truth. HE starts to thinkreflect on the nature of things. Of course, he is growing intellectually and spiritually. And all this positive information influenceshis inner world. A person becomes a creator. He begins to love and appreciate life.

The harm of esotericism

Human student of esotericism, this is a thinking person. This is the one who knows how to analyze, the one who gets to the truth.Of course, these people are harmful to the government, the system, and society. We are in a certain society, within strict limits,everyone plays a specific role. And if a person begins to think, this can take him beyond the bounds.His actions will be meaningful, and this is not at all desirable for those who control us. Always remember if you fight offherds, they will try to drive you back.

Esoterics - start studying and understanding it

If someone is interested in esotericism and you decide to try yourself in this area, then specialized literature can immerse you in the mystery. mysticism and is perfect for beginners. For a better understanding of some key esoteric knowledge, you can also read fiction on this topic. For example, Greene's Jero's Journey introduces the understanding of clairvoyance and telepathy. Scientific literature a lot has been written on this topic, and the main task for beginners is not to get lost in such a “heap” of information.

: Start thinking differently (

Self-knowledge (comprehension of secret knowledge about the psychological and transpersonal nature of man). Just as creative geniuses are piece goods (Mozart, Pushkin, Kant), intelligent Esotericists are also rare, because Esoteric worldview, only a few mature and gifted individuals (sometimes called Initiates, Masters, Teachers) are fully capable of mastering (due to the incredible difficulty of expanding the volume of personal Consciousness). However, these “names” themselves (so popular today) are very arbitrary - just as being included in any “Creative Union” now does not at all reflect the real Quality of creativity itself (as well as its bearer). An esotericist with a broad view of the world usually displays both healthy paradoxical judgments and sparkling humor - qualities inherent only to developed individuals.

Esotericism, since the twentieth century, is also abbreviated as “Esoterica”. Thus…

Esoterics- the doctrine of the hidden mystical essence (destiny) of the fate of objects of the World (and humans), encoded in the super-depths of the individual (and collective) unconscious; the object of her study is the processes occurring in the Universe, synchronously reflected in the depths human soul. The “mathematics” of Esoterics, which deciphers the secrets of an individual’s life (as well as any other process or subject), is Astrology (which connects Cosmic and psychological factors). Esoteric psychopractice, now rarely preserved within the framework of some mystical traditions, is used by a limited number of adherents and is predominantly of an applied nature. Examples of such practices include Sufism within Islam, Neidan within Taoism, yoga within Indian tradition. Esoteric systems (schools) are hidden in the depths of a number of (mainly Eastern) religions, fundamentally different from (often ideologized) Western Mysticism (orders and religions) in that their esoteric Teachings, for all their apparent “abstract worldview,” are much more maturely wise and vitally practical. .

Goals of esoteric systems

The goals of esoteric systems only at first glance coincide with religious or psychological ones - a conscious change in personality. Unlike the latter, esoteric “paths of liberation” offer a specific (conceptual and practical) methodology for Self-Change. The basis for such changes are Heightened States of Consciousness, which differ from the so-called “altered states of consciousness” (achieved by followers of some religions or psychocults) in that Personal changes are more stable character, because they are motivated by a new dynamic-mystical (and not the previous static-dogmatized) picture of the world. In a broader sense, based on the rules of rhetoric: the goal of self-transformation lies outside the zone of action of personal Self-Development (as such)... that is, “change of Personality” in Esotericism is only an intermediate means, and the goal is an objective worldview, to which an increasingly expanding (transpersonal) Consciousness.

History of esotericism

Lost in the mists of time... In addition, Esotericism does not represent one general tradition or a single system of views, but (as well as, for example, in psychology) many separate schools of thought, groups and movements, some of which are so original that they can differ very greatly from each other.

Ancient esotericism

The most famous movement of esotericism of the ancient world is Hermeticism, which is sometimes called the Alchemy of the Spirit (to distinguish it from subsequent movements dating back to the Renaissance).

The esoteric practices of ancient Babylon provided the basis for the formation of subsequent movements in Western astrology.

Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, areas such as astrology, alchemy and magic were almost standard subjects in the curriculum of the mystically educated adept of the time.

Some religiously minded people (in accordance with the old injunctions) believe that esotericism (more precisely, occultism) is opposed to the Bible or Christianity. However, many philosophical views of esotericism coincide with the Bible or are taken from the same sources as early Christianity.

Many secret eso-currents have their own history, going back thousands of years. Most of them did not exist as continuous traditions, sometimes they were lost and reappeared. Thus, European esotericism was reformulated in the 15th century by the Rosicrucian Order and later entered into various movements, such as Freemasonry.

Esotericism in the XlX-XX centuries

In the 20th century, the philosophical ideas of H. P. Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society, were reworked in their own way Ani Besant, C. W. Leadbeater, Alice Bailey, Rudolf Steiner, Peter Ouspensky. It had significant influence on many movements and metaphysical views sub-cultures New Age and Esotericism. Rudolf Steiner, breaking with Theosophy, formulated his own philosophical system - Anthroposophy. He spoke about the disagreement between esotericists, which arose by the 20th century. Some of them wanted to reveal secret knowledge to general public, while others wanted to keep these Knowledge in secret. Steiner himself belonged to those who wanted to discover secret knowledge. His first books, written back in the 19th century, avoided any reference to arcane topics. He saw the 20th century as the dawn of a new time, when spirituality would be an increasingly important condition for human development. (Works such as "Theosophy" And "The Secret Science"). Steiner read eso-lectures for members of the Society of Anthroposophy, members of his school and for the general public. All but the most secret of these lectures were published during his lifetime, but they were subsequently made available in accordance with Steiner's own wishes. That's why he Anthroposophy called "the most important secret society in the history of European esoteric culture." Another metaphysical movement of the early 20th century, which also failed to avoid a “schism” for the above reason - "4th way" system or Teachings of "Gurdjieff-Ouspensky"(more often identified with G.I. Gurdjieff). They suspect the presence of not one, but several basic versions of this Systems(and not just the “official” story of her birth). Gurdjieff(not extant) version Exercises, did not satisfy P.D. Uspensky, causing a “departure” (the latter from the former), which gave rise to other versions. For Official version“The 4th Way” (from G.I. Gurdjieff) is now accepting the book “P.D. Uspensky. In search of the miraculous." However, it only outlines some general average for the (early) Gurdjieff and (late) Uspensky versions (P. Ouspensky himself did not consider it correct to publish "public lectures on the System" under your own name). But, immediately after his death, a book of these lectures was published (with his initials and the title halved). This Average The (2nd basic) version greatly “combs” and culturalizes everything that the occultist George Gurdjieff actually said. At the same time, it contains elements that suggest the presence of a third, hidden version of the Teaching (obtained by P. Uspensky over 30 years of his practice and, probably, not intended for a wide circle). This version P.D. Uspensky differs even more from the 1st version Emergency, and from the later "The Way of the Cunning" ( Ida-yogi) G.I. Gurdjieff (what they talked about Osho Rajneesh and I. Kalinauskas). And although the 3rd version of the Emergency still remains unmanifested, the legend claims that P. Uspensky still managed to discover the missing fragments of the Teaching and another form Ways of self-development. In any case, dying message Peter Uspensky himself, misunderstood by some followers as a “rejection of the System,” contained a direct indication of the crisis Official doctrine and the need for its updating.

See also


  • Babai (pseudonym) Lectures and books on esotericism Lectures, books, and a forum for discussion
  • Yakunina A. O. “Esoteric philosophy” // Full course lectures
  • Benjamin Walker Encyclopedia of Esoteric Man: The Hidden Side of the Human Entity, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1977, ISBN 0-7100-8479-X
  • Benjamin Walker Man and the Beasts Within: The Encyclopedia of the Occult, the Esoteric, and the Supernatural, Stein & Day, New York, 1978, ISBN 0-8128-1900-4
  • Wouter J. Hanegraaff (ed.) in collaboration with Antoine Faivre, Roelof van den Broek & Jean-Pierre Brach, Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism, 2 vols., Brill, Leiden 2005.
  • Aries: Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism, Brill, Leiden, since 2001.
  • Aries Book Series: Texts and Studies in Western Esotericism, Brill, Leiden, since 2006.
  • Antoine Faivre, Access to Western Esotericism, SUNY Press, Albany 1994.
  • Kocku von Stuckrad, Western Esotericism: A Brief History of Secret Knowledge, Equinox, London/Oakville 2005.
  • Wouter J. Hanegraaff, "The Study of Western Esotericism: New Approaches to Christianity and Secular Culture", in: Peter Antes, Armin W. Geertz & Randi R. Warne, New Approaches to the Study of Religion, vol. I: Regional, Critical, and Historical Approaches, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2004.



  • Siberian Skeptical Paranormality Observer
  • “Esoterics. Personal pages" by Kravchuk Yu. A. and other authors
  • “Alternative (secret) knowledge” Yu. K. Bratchikov-Barbarovich, Ph.D. n.
  • “The Dahl School” Posthumous activities at the Abrenocenter
  • Personality development and self-knowledge - Blog of writer I. Satorin
  • “Big esoteric reference book” The site contains a dictionary of Doctor of Medical Sciences. Stepanova A. M. containing more than 5500 articles
  • Lectures and books by Babai The site presents lectures and books by the author, writing under the pseudonym Babai; There is also a forum for discussing what you have read
  • Conceptual philosophical-esoteric heavy music. COLLIDER

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Esoterics” is in other dictionaries:

    - (English esoterica, from Greek esotericos internal) 1) a set of concepts, teachings, beliefs, the main meaning of which is hidden from ordinary people(profane, simpletons) and is accessible only to initiates who have gone through certain rituals and possess... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    - [German] Esoterik Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

The literal translation of the word “esoterics” from Greek sounds like “internal,” and is used to denote spiritual, mystical processes hidden in the hearts of people. If a person understands that he is not only a body, that his real nature is immortality, freedom and infinite creative process, if a person analyzes his real essence and tries to live in the spiritual world, then he can safely be called an esotericist. Over the years, completely different people V different corners planets have formed their own methods of self-knowledge and self-realization, including psychology, religion, yoga, magic, etc. There are so many of these methods (and their combinations) that those who have just realized their true nature are simply lost and don’t know where to start...

To help you choose the right way or realize yours, and this site was created. So that every beginner, practitioner or master can find their own path, reinforce their experience with new knowledge or help those who need tips. It is intended for seekers and free people.

Esotericism is a teaching, a body of knowledge intended only for initiated people who carry this secret within themselves and do not have the right to spread it beyond the boundaries of their knowledge. The concept of esotericism comes from the Greek word “esoterikos”, which means hidden, internal. The teaching contains everything that was collected, accumulated, stored for centuries, passed on from generation to generation and improved in the culture of different peoples. Esotericism is the process of cognition of the surrounding world and existence, cognition of oneself as a part of the whole. Each person carries a secret within himself, and it should belong only to him - this is the true meaning of esotericism. (The philosopher gave/gave the meaning of the word esoterics)

Esotericism is a very important and interesting area of ​​human knowledge. This knowledge has always existed, it has accompanied the entire history of mankind, of course, developing and changing. But most people's access to this knowledge has always been limited. Now is the time when the degree of this limitation is rapidly decreasing, and we are lucky in this.

The modern approach of philosophical and natural sciences divides esotericism into a number of parts: historical, philosophical, natural science, religious, ethical, medical, psychological, etc. In ancient times, all these aspects represented an inextricable whole.

The concept of esotericism can be considered in several of the following meanings, which we will do:

The classic definition of esotericism is a secret teaching accessible only to a select few, initiates.

Now publicly available knowledge that was previously secret.

A wide range of issues that partly fall under such definitions as occultism, mysticism, magic, etc.

"Positive" mysticism

Classic definition of esotericism

The term "esotericism" comes from the Greek word "esoterikos", which means "inner", "secret", "hidden".

Initially, this concept was used to denote secret knowledge, accessible only to a select few, initiates, as opposed to exotericism, meaning openness to all, accessibility to all. True esotericism is always associated with something secret, communicated only to a few. These people had to first go through lengthy training and self-improvement. Instructions in esoteric teachings, as a rule, were given orally, and the transfer of basic principles, their interpretations and traditions also took place.

If we turn to the history of mankind, we will see that these two types of knowledge have existed since ancient times. One was exoteric, the other esoteric. The first type of knowledge was accessible to the general public; anyone could possess it. Not everyone could master the second type of knowledge, since its acquisition was associated with significant difficulties, hardships and dangers of a very different nature.

Esoteric knowledge was taught in the mysteries. The word "mysteries" comes from the Greek "muo", which means "to close the mouth." Those guilty of divulging the secrets of the mysteries could be punished by death. This is the definition of the mysteries given by H. P. Blavatsky in her work “Isis Unveiled”:

“Mysteries are Greek teletai, or completion, which is analogous to teleuteia or death. These were rituals usually kept secret from the profane1 and the uninitiated. In these rituals, through dramatized performances and other methods, the origin of things, the nature of the human spirit, its relation to the body, and methods for purifying it and returning it to a higher life were taught. Physics, medicine, the laws of music, divination were taught in the same way... The sacred mysteries were enacted in ancient temples by dedicated hierophants for the benefit of training the candidates... As Plato and many other sages of antiquity confirm, the mysteries as schools of ethics were highly religious, moral and beneficial... Their secret meaning explained to candidates for initiation and embodied in philosophical doctrines.”

The famous American researcher of ancient traditions M.P. Hall wrote:

“The Mysteries were the guardians of a transcendental5 knowledge so profound and incomprehensible to all but the most exalted intellects, and so powerful that it could only be revealed to those whose personal ambitions were dead and who had devoted their lives to the selfless service of humanity.”

Mysteries existed in almost all ancient countries. Here are some of them:

  • Mysteries of Asar-Hapi in Egypt;
  • Bacchic and Dionysian rituals in Ancient Greece;
  • Orphic mysteries, the main plot of which was the love of Orpheus and Eurydice;
  • The Eleusinian Mysteries were held in honor of Ceres (Demeter, Rhea or Isis) and her daughter Persephone;
  • Persian Mysteries dedicated to the cult of Mithra;
  • Mysteries of the Druids of Britain and Gaul and others.

At the dawn of Christianity, many ideas of the pagan world, including the institution of the mysteries, passed into the new religion. In Christianity there were the Mysteries of Jesus and the Mysteries of the Kingdom, in which special conditions were also imposed on those seeking initiation to acquire knowledge. Christianity, closely connected with Jewish, Persian and Greek beliefs, with a touch of the older beliefs of India and colored by Egyptian thought, was a later branch of the general religious trunk. Therefore, it carried within itself a confirmation of ancient legends and placed at the disposal Western peoples basic ideas of ancient teachings.

The origins of esoteric knowledge should be sought in the Vedas - the oldest sacred scriptures known to humanity today. Philosophers and thinkers of ancient times came to Egypt and the East for this knowledge: Herodotus6, Thales7, Parmenides8, Empedocles9 and Pythagoras10. It was there that Moses11 acquired his wisdom and Jesus spent the young years of his life. Students from all countries flocked there.

Aurobindo Ghosh, a prominent Indian mystic scholar, believed that the Vedas were replete with allusions to secret teachings and mystical philosophy. He wrote that the Vedas are a secret religion corresponding to the Orphic and Eleusinian beliefs ancient Greece. “The hypothesis I propose is that the Rig Veda itself is the only significant document extant to us of the early period of human thought, from which the Eleusinian and Orphic mysteries have survived only as fading relics, when the spiritual and psychological knowledge of the human race, for reasons that It is now difficult to determine whether they were hiding behind the veil of specific material forms and symbols, blocking the meaning from the uninitiated and revealing it only to the initiated. One of the guiding principles of mystics is holiness and mystery, self-knowledge and true knowledge of the gods. They believed that this wisdom was unsuitable and, perhaps, fraught with danger for the ordinary human mind and that, in any case, if revealed to a rude and unrefined spirit, it could be perverted and become the subject of abuse,” he wrote.

H.P. Blavatsky also believed that the origins of ancient wisdom should be sought in India. She wrote that India is the cradle modern humanity and that even ancient egypt I owe all my achievements to India. She pointed out that the first king of Egypt, Menes, abandoned by the Brahmins, emigrated along with all his supporters from India; at the same time, he passed through Iran, Arabia and reached Cairo.

What knowledge was taught in the mysteries? Despite the external diversity and variety of forms of the mysteries, a certain commonality of basic ideas can be traced in them. H. P. Blavatsky shows that the One Esoteric Doctrine was taught in the mysteries - Ancient Religion Wisdom. Its synonyms are Esoteric Philosophy, Occult Science, Divine Wisdom (Theosophy), Secret Doctrine.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, in the main work of her life, “The Secret Doctrine,” speaks about esotericism:

“The true philosopher who studies Esoteric Wisdom is completely freed from personalities, dogmatic beliefs and special religions. In addition, Esoteric Philosophy reconciles all religions and, removing from each its outer shell, human, indicates the identity of the root of each with the basis of every other great religion. It proves the necessity of the Divine and Absolute Principle in Nature."
  • layman - a person who is completely ignorant in this area.
  • hierophant - literally “one who explains sacred concepts” (theos. dictionary).
  • Plato (V-IV centuries BC) is the greatest Greek philosopher, whose works are known throughout the world. He was a student of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle.
  • doctrine - teaching, scientific concept.
  • transcendental - (from Latin - to step over) - means such aspects of existence, the surrounding world, which cannot be directly registered by our senses through experience, experiment, since they exceed the limited sphere of the visible dense world. They are known by man through contemplative comprehension.
  • Herodotus (5th century BC) - ancient Greek philosopher, historian, geographer. According to Cicero, Herodotus is the “father of history.”
  • Thales from Miletus (VII-VI centuries BC) - ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician, founder of natural philosophy.
  • Parmenides (VI-V centuries BC) - founder of idealistic philosophy. The main thing in his philosophical beliefs is the identity of thinking and being. Lived in Ancient Greece.
  • Empidocles from Agrigentum (5th century BC) - ancient Greek philosopher, poet, doctor, politician.
  • Pythagoras (VI century BC) - ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher. The founder of the Pythagorean school - a religious, ethical and philosophical brotherhood.
  • Moses (XIII century BC) - leader, legislator and creator of the religion of the Jews, who is credited with the authorship of five books (Pentateuch), Old Testament and many miracles during the exodus of the Jews from Egypt.
  • Rig Veda is the first and most significant of the four Vedas.

Knowledge that was previously secret

The term “esotericism” can now have a much broader meaning - something that has gone from being secret to being publicly available. Periods periodically come in the history of mankind when certain part esoteric knowledge is revealed to the broad masses. And although this knowledge, widely publicized and published, has actually ceased to be esoteric in the classical sense of the word, yet among the general public it passes under the concept of “esotericism” due to its unorthodoxy1 and the novelty of ideas that cannot be subsumed under the prevailing views of religion, philosophy, science or ideology of his time.

In our time, Theosophy, set forth by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky in the “Secret Doctrine” and the Teaching of Agni Yoga (Living Ethics), received by humanity from the Great Teachers through the Russian people - Helena Ivanovna and Nicholas Roerich, have become such knowledge that is widely open to all. Today, books of esoteric content can be purchased and studied by everyone, regardless of their level of readiness for this important step. Therefore, independent wandering in esoteric spaces without observing certain conditions developed in ancient times that were imposed on a student striving for esoteric knowledge, and without focusing on serious sources, is not always useful and effective.

Occultism, mysticism, magic

A wide range of issues that partly fall under such definitions as occultism, mysticism, magic, etc.

In modern language, the concept of “esotericism” is often conceptualized and used significantly differently than before. Today it means not only its classical meaning, but also a wide range of problems that partly fall under such definitions as occultism1, mysticism2, magic3, expansion of consciousness, alternative medicine, frontier sciences, complex thinking, holistic4 view of the world, metaphysics5, etc. d. The transmission of such information was previously allowed only to a few teachers; Only selected students could receive their instructions. Adhering to the classical meaning of the term “esotericism”, it can also include ways and methods of developing personal consciousness, familiarizing with comprehensive world knowledge and achieving health human body, soul and spirit. The esoteric approach differs significantly from other approaches to the same problems: it is unorthodox in relation to the dominant ideological system. Esoteric postulates do not fall within the framework of the generally accepted system of knowledge; they are not yet the usual routine of life, for example, in those cases when we turn to the holistic model of the world or to the eastern schools of knowledge - such as Vedanta6, Yoga7 or Ayurveda8.

Esotericism in its explanations is not based mainly on rational analysis, logical thinking and materialistic perception of the world and man, despite the fact that these methods of cognition are also important. These functions of the left hemisphere of our brain relate mainly to the processes of the earthly material plane, which, acting on the five senses of the average person, provide him with information about objects visible world. But how fatal can be the absolutization of these functions of the left hemisphere of our brain, the conviction that only with their help is it possible to achieve higher knowledge and happiness. The average person’s internal, spiritual abilities, which are provided by the right hemisphere of the brain, are in an undeveloped, dormant state, as a result of which he does not live entirely in reality, perceiving the world one-sidedly. Eastern philosophy calls such an incomplete, distorted perception of the world illusory (Maya). This spiritual blindness is the main disaster of modern humanity, bringing it untold suffering and even bringing it to the brink of disaster. The zones of the right hemisphere have flexible, subtle properties that make it possible to comprehend the hidden meaning of life processes with the help of intuition, imaginative and associative9 thinking, etc.

Moreover, the path to true and comprehensive understanding can only be achieved when qualities that are not related to the functions of the cerebral hemispheres - peacefulness, compassion and love - are developed. These qualities are mainly associated with the activity of the awakened heart, with the so-called heart psychic center.

It is necessary to supplement the functions of the external sense organs with internal spiritual development in order to lead humanity out of the current impasse. The ways and methods of this spiritual development are given in Theosophy and especially in Agni Yoga (Living Ethics).

  • occultism - (from Latin occultus - secret, hidden), common name teachings that recognize the existence of hidden forces in man and the cosmos, inaccessible to ordinary people, but accessible to people who have the necessary knowledge and training. The scope and content of the occult has varied throughout history. A number of phenomena previously considered purely occult (for example, magnetism in the Renaissance, gravity in astrology, hypnotism in the 18th century, subtle human energies, aura) later moved into the realm of science. These facts and the development of science allow us to say with confidence that most of the phenomena of the occult will be explained and accepted by science.
  • mysticism - (Greek mistikos - mysterious), sacred (sacred) religious practice aimed at achieving direct supersensible communication and unity with God in the experienced ecstasy of revelation, as well as a system of knowledge that allows this practice to be carried out. Often mysticism is not very accurately called everything that seems incomprehensible and mysterious.
  • magic - (lat., lit. " Great Science"). The modern understanding of magic, as a rule, comes down to practical application hidden and hidden secrets nature, influencing people, events or phenomena through the so-called “subtle energies”. This is witchcraft, spells, magical rituals that can have an impact on nature and humans. White magic is free from selfishness, lust for power, ambition and self-interest and is entirely aimed at creating kindness and justice. Its antipode - black magic - is opposite in all these parameters. A black magician is a person who has taken an unrighteous path, making his karma heavier by many orders of magnitude.
  • “...like everything violent, magic reaches its darkest manifestations. The very border between black and white magic becomes elusive in its complexity. Therefore, on the path to the future, all magic should be put aside (Fiery World 2, 249).”

  • holistic - from Greek. holos - whole, whole.
  • metaphysics - translated from ancient times. Greek as “that which is after physics” - a section of philosophy that studies the original nature - reality, being and the world as such. This name was first given by Aristotle's students to the records of his discussions about the speculatively comprehended principles of being.
  • Vedanta - here this word means one of the main schools of Indian philosophy.
  • Yoga - in this context, this word means one of the Indian philosophical schools.
  • Ayurveda is a part of Vedic teachings. Literally translated from Sanskrit. it means "knowledge of life."
  • associative - established by the connection between individual representations, by virtue of which one representation causes another.

The literal translation of the word “esoterics” from Greek is “internal,” and is used to denote spiritual, mystical processes hidden in the hearts of people. If a person understands that he is not only a body, that his real nature is immortality, freedom and an endless creative process, if a person analyzes his real essence and tries to live in the spiritual world, then he can safely be called an esotericist. Over the years, completely different people in different parts of the planet have formed their own methods of self-knowledge and self-realization, including psychology, religion, yoga, magic, etc. There are so many of these methods (and their combinations) that those who have just realized their true nature are simply lost and don’t know where to start...

In order to help you choose the right Path or realize your own, this site was created. So that every beginner, practitioner or master can find their own path, reinforce their experience with new knowledge or help those who need tips. It is intended for seekers and free people.

Esoterics- this is a teaching, a body of knowledge intended only for initiated people who carry this secret within themselves and do not have the right to spread it beyond the boundaries of their knowledge. The concept of esotericism comes from the Greek word “esoterikos”, which means hidden, internal. The teaching contains everything that was collected, accumulated, stored for centuries, passed on from generation to generation and improved in the culture of different peoples. Esotericism is the process of cognition of the surrounding world and existence, cognition of oneself as a part of the whole. Each person carries a secret within himself, and it should belong only to him - this is the true meaning of esotericism. (The philosopher gave/gave the meaning of the word esoterics)

Esotericism- a very important and interesting area of ​​​​human knowledge. This knowledge has always existed, it has accompanied the entire history of mankind, of course, developing and changing. But most people's access to this knowledge has always been limited. Now is the time when the degree of this limitation is rapidly decreasing, and we are lucky in this.

The modern approach of philosophical and natural sciences divides esotericism into a number of parts: historical, philosophical, natural science, religious, ethical, medical, psychological, etc. In ancient times, all these aspects represented an inextricable whole.

The concept of esotericism can be considered in several of the following meanings, which we will do:

The classic definition of esotericism is a secret teaching accessible only to a select few, initiates.

Now publicly available knowledge that was previously secret.

A wide range of issues that partly fall under such definitions as occultism, mysticism, magic, etc.

"Positive" mysticism. Classic definition of esotericism

The term "esotericism" comes from the Greek word "esoterikos", which means "inner", "secret", "hidden".

Initially, this concept was used to denote secret knowledge, accessible only to a select few, initiates, as opposed to exotericism, meaning openness to all, accessibility to all. True esotericism is always associated with something secret, communicated only to a few. These people had to first go through lengthy training and self-improvement. Instructions in esoteric teachings, as a rule, were given orally, and the transfer of basic principles, their interpretations and traditions also took place.

If we turn to the history of mankind, we will see that these two types of knowledge have existed since ancient times. One was exoteric, the other esoteric. The first type of knowledge was accessible to the general public; anyone could possess it. Not everyone could master the second type of knowledge, since its acquisition was associated with significant difficulties, hardships and dangers of a very different nature.

Esoteric knowledge was taught in the mysteries. The word "mysteries" comes from the Greek "muo", which means "to close the mouth." Those guilty of divulging the secrets of the mysteries could be punished by death. This is the definition of the mysteries given by H. P. Blavatsky in her work “Isis Unveiled”:

“Mysteries are Greek teletai, or completion, which is analogous to teleuteia or death. These were rituals usually kept secret from the profane1 and the uninitiated. In these rituals, through dramatized performances and other methods, the origin of things, the nature of the human spirit, its relation to the body, and methods for purifying it and returning it to a higher life were taught. Physics, medicine, the laws of music, divination were taught in the same way... The sacred mysteries were enacted in ancient temples by dedicated hierophants for the benefit of training the candidates... As Plato and many other sages of antiquity confirm, the mysteries as schools of ethics were highly religious, moral and beneficial... Their secret meaning explained to candidates for initiation and embodied in philosophical doctrines.”

The famous American researcher of ancient traditions M.P. Hall wrote:

“The Mysteries were the guardians of a transcendental5 knowledge so profound and incomprehensible to all but the most exalted intellects, and so powerful that it could only be revealed to those whose personal ambitions were dead and who had devoted their lives to the selfless service of humanity.”

Mysteries existed in almost all ancient countries. Here are some of them:

  • Mysteries of Asar-Hapi in Egypt;
  • Bacchic and Dionysian rituals in Ancient Greece;
  • Orphic mysteries, the main plot of which was the love of Orpheus and Eurydice;
  • The Eleusinian Mysteries were held in honor of Ceres (Demeter, Rhea or Isis) and her daughter Persephone;
  • Persian Mysteries dedicated to the cult of Mithra;
  • Mysteries of the Druids of Britain and Gaul and others.

At the dawn of Christianity, many ideas of the pagan world, including the institution of mysteries, passed into the new religion. In Christianity there were the Mysteries of Jesus and the Mysteries of the Kingdom, in which special conditions were also imposed on those seeking initiation to acquire knowledge. Christianity, closely connected with Jewish, Persian and Greek beliefs, with a touch of the older beliefs of India and colored by Egyptian thought, was a later branch of the general religious trunk. Therefore, it carried within itself a confirmation of ancient legends and transferred the basic ideas of ancient teachings to the disposal of Western peoples.

The origins of esoteric knowledge should be sought in the Vedas - the oldest sacred scriptures known to humanity today. Philosophers and thinkers of ancient times came to Egypt and the East for this knowledge: Herodotus6, Thales7, Parmenides8, Empedocles9 and Pythagoras10. It was there that Moses11 acquired his wisdom and Jesus spent the young years of his life. Students from all countries flocked there.

Aurobindo Ghosh, a prominent Indian mystic scholar, believed that the Vedas were replete with allusions to secret teachings and mystical philosophy. He wrote that the Vedas are a secret religion corresponding to the Orphic and Eleusinian beliefs of ancient Greece. “The hypothesis I propose is that the Rig Veda itself is the only significant document extant to us of the early period of human thought, from which the Eleusinian and Orphic mysteries have survived only as fading relics, when the spiritual and psychological knowledge of the human race, for reasons that It is now difficult to determine whether they were hiding behind the veil of specific material forms and symbols, blocking the meaning from the uninitiated and revealing it only to the initiated. One of the guiding principles of mystics is holiness and mystery, self-knowledge and true knowledge of the gods. They believed that this wisdom was unsuitable and, perhaps, fraught with danger for the ordinary human mind and that, in any case, if revealed to a rude and unrefined spirit, it could be perverted and become the subject of abuse,” he wrote.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, in the main work of her life, “The Secret Doctrine,” speaks about esotericism:

“The true philosopher who studies Esoteric Wisdom is completely freed from personalities, dogmatic beliefs and special religions. In addition, Esoteric Philosophy reconciles all religions and, removing from each its outer shell, human, indicates the identity of the root of each with the basis of every other great religion. It proves the necessity of the Divine and Absolute Principle in Nature."

H.P. Blavatsky also believed that the origins of ancient wisdom should be sought in India. She wrote that India is the cradle of modern humanity and that even ancient Egypt owes all its achievements to India. She pointed out that the first king of Egypt, Menes, abandoned by the Brahmins, emigrated along with all his supporters from India; at the same time, he passed through Iran, Arabia and reached Cairo.

Knowledge that was previously secret

The term “esotericism” can now have a much broader meaning - something that has gone from being secret to being publicly available. Periods periodically occur in the history of mankind when a certain part of esoteric knowledge is revealed to the general public. And although this knowledge, widely publicized and published, has actually ceased to be esoteric in the classical sense of the word, yet among the general public it passes under the concept of “esotericism” due to its unorthodoxy1 and the novelty of ideas that cannot be subsumed under the prevailing views of religion, philosophy, science or ideology of his time.

In modern language, the concept of “esotericism” is often conceptualized and used significantly differently than before. Today it means not only its classical meaning, but also a wide range of problems that partly fall under such definitions as occultism1, mysticism2, magic3, expansion of consciousness, alternative medicine, frontier sciences, complex thinking, holistic4 view of the world, metaphysics5, etc. d. The transmission of such information was previously allowed only to a few teachers; Only selected students could receive their instructions. Adhering to the classical meaning of the term “esotericism,” it can also include ways and methods of developing personal consciousness, joining comprehensive world knowledge and achieving the health of the human body, soul and spirit. The esoteric approach differs significantly from other approaches to the same problems: it is unorthodox in relation to the dominant ideological system. Esoteric postulates do not fall within the framework of the generally accepted system of knowledge; they are not yet the usual routine of life, for example, in those cases when we turn to the holistic model of the world or to the eastern schools of knowledge - such as Vedanta6, Yoga7 or Ayurveda8.

Esotericism in its explanations is not based mainly on rational analysis, logical thinking and materialistic perception of the world and man, despite the fact that these methods of cognition are also important. These functions of the left hemisphere of our brain relate mainly to the processes of the earthly material plane, which, acting on the five senses of the average person, provide him with information about the objects of the visible world. But how fatal can be the absolutization of these functions of the left hemisphere of our brain, the conviction that only with their help is it possible to achieve higher knowledge and happiness. The average person’s internal, spiritual abilities, which are provided by the right hemisphere of the brain, are in an undeveloped, dormant state, as a result of which he does not live entirely in reality, perceiving the world one-sidedly. Eastern philosophy calls such an incomplete, distorted perception of the world illusory (Maya). This spiritual blindness is the main disaster of modern humanity, bringing it untold suffering and even bringing it to the brink of disaster. The zones of the right hemisphere have flexible, subtle properties that make it possible to comprehend the hidden meaning of life processes with the help of intuition, imaginative and associative9 thinking, etc.

Moreover, the path to true and comprehensive understanding can only be achieved when qualities that are not related to the functions of the cerebral hemispheres - peacefulness, compassion and love - are developed. These qualities are mainly associated with the activity of the awakened heart, with the so-called heart psychic center.

1 - occultism - (from Latin occultus - secret, hidden), the general name of teachings that recognize the existence of hidden forces in man and the cosmos, inaccessible to ordinary people, but accessible to people who have the necessary knowledge and training for this. The scope and content of the occult has varied throughout history. A number of phenomena previously considered purely occult (for example, magnetism in the Renaissance, gravity in astrology, hypnotism in the 18th century, subtle human energies, aura) later moved into the realm of science. These facts and the development of science allow us to say with confidence that most of the phenomena of the occult will be explained and accepted by science.

2 - mysticism - (Greek mistikos - mysterious), sacred (sacred) religious practice aimed at achieving direct supersensible communication and unity with God in the experienced ecstasy of revelation, as well as a system of knowledge that allows this practice to be carried out. Often mysticism is not very accurately called everything that seems incomprehensible and mysterious.

3 – magic – (Latin, lit. “Great Science”). The modern understanding of magic, as a rule, comes down to the practical application of the hidden and secret secrets of nature, influencing people, events or phenomena through the so-called “subtle energies”. This is witchcraft, spells, magical rituals that can have an impact on nature and humans. White magic is free from selfishness, lust for power, ambition and self-interest and is entirely aimed at creating kindness and justice. Its antipode - black magic - is the opposite in all these parameters. A black magician is a person who has taken an unrighteous path, making his karma heavier by many orders of magnitude.

“...like everything violent, magic reaches its darkest manifestations. The very border between black and white magic becomes elusive in its complexity. Therefore, on the path to the future, all magic should be put aside (Fiery World 2, 249).”

4 - holistic - from Greek. holos - whole, whole.

5 - metaphysics - translated from ancient times. Greek as “that which is after physics” - a section of philosophy that studies the original nature - reality, being and the world as such. This name was first given by Aristotle's students to the records of his discussions about the speculatively comprehended principles of being.

6 - Vedanta - here this word means one of the main schools of Indian philosophy.

7 - Yoga - in this context, this word means one of the Indian philosophical schools.

8 - Ayurveda is part of the Vedic teachings. Literally translated from Sanskrit. it means "knowledge of life."

9 - associative - established by the connection between individual representations, due to which one representation causes another.
