English for Universiade volunteers. Volunteer phrasebook

Learning English accelerates many times over if a person finds himself in a foreign language environment. Of course, if you have the opportunity, it would be useful to develop language skills by going to either yourself or sending your children there to study.

Enough basic knowledge and, voila, after a few months you can easily understand English, and after a while you can carry on a conversation perfectly. The “grandfather’s method” even works in relation to learning foreign languages: it is not without reason that they say that in order to teach a child to swim, you need to throw him into the water from a boat and look after him so that he does not drown.

However, today we will talk about an inexpensive way to learn English and travel. Volunteering minimizes the cost of accommodation and food abroad, and also allows you to get into.

Who are volunteers?

Volunteers are volunteers. They voluntarily participate in various international projects without receiving any material benefits. The receiving party undertakes to encourage the work of volunteers as follows:

  • help with obtaining a visa;
  • provide food and accommodation;
  • organize work and rest.

In return, volunteers work 4-7 hours a day on projects important to culture and society: environmental protection, restoration of architectural monuments, archeology, animation in parks, and even caring for the disabled.

The official language of most volunteer camps is English, and native speakers often come. Among the volunteers there are a lot of simple, sociable young people with whom you can easily find a common language. Thanks to this atmosphere and a fairly long immersion in an English-speaking environment (from two weeks to six months), you can learn English inexpensively. The cost of such a trip can be as little as from €200.

How to become a volunteer?

If you are 16-25 years old, then you can easily become a volunteer. If you are 25+, you will have to look for programs for adults. Most often, there are no requirements, so don’t be ashamed of yourself and cast all doubts aside. In order to become a volunteer, you need to go to the website of a trusted volunteer organization, select interesting offers (almost like a tour operator) and contact them with all questions.

Websites of international volunteer organizations

  1. http://www.novoe-pokolenie.ru/ - here they offer perhaps the cheapest volunteer tours to Germany. The author of this article traveled to Germany twice through New Generation. In recent years, the organization has grown and expanded its reach to other countries and added new types of cultural exchange. I recommend!
  2. http://world4u.ru/ - this site was recommended to me by my friends. In my subjective opinion, the Russian volunteer center Mir4U offers a wider range of countries to choose from, even exotic ones.
  3. http://ayavolunteer.ru/ - a story about this organization was shown on Channel One, where the NGO AYA Volunteer center was recommended, first of all, as a volunteer center for adults.

Use this article as a guide to action. Leave your questions and personal experiences of volunteering in the comments.


Greetings / Greetings

Asking the time / Questions about time

Consent / Expression of consent

Refusal / Expression of disagreement

Farewell / Farewell

Starting forms of conversation / How to start a conversation?

Excuse me...


Do you speak English?

Do you speak English?

A little.

A little.

Sorry for interrupting you...

Sorry for interfering...

I would like to speak to you.

I would like to talk to you.

Are you very busy at the moment?

Are you very busy right now?

Could you spare me a moment?

Can you give me a minute?

Can I have a word with you?

Can I tell you one word?

I'll just like to tell you that...

I just wanted to tell you that...

May I ask you a question?

Can I ask you?

Greetings / Greetings

Good morning!

Good morning! (before lunch)

Good afternoon!

Good afternoon (after lunch)

Good evening!

Good evening!

How do you do?








(I’m) glad to see you!

(I'm) glad to see you!

I haven’t seen you for weeks.

I haven't seen you for several weeks.

How are you?

How are you?

How are you doing?

How are you?

Thank you, very well.

Thank you, very good.

Thank you, not so bad.

Thanks, not bad.

Thank you, so-so

Thank you, so-so

(I'm) Fine, thank you

OK, thank you

How are you feeling?

How are you feeling?

I hope you are feeling well

Hope you are feeling well



I'm all right.

Everything is fine.

Not too bad

Not bad

How's your family?

How's the family?





Asking the way / How to find the way?

Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to ...?

Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to...?

Am I right for...?

Am I heading towards...?

Which way is it to...?

How to get to...?

I've lost my way.

I'm lost.

You're going in the wrong direction.

You are going wrong.

I'm afraid, I've no idea.

I'm afraid I don't know.

Which is the shortest way?

What is the shortest route?

How far do you think it is?

How far is it in your opinion?

It’s a very long way from here.

It's very far from here.

It’s over two kilometers, I think.

I believe it is at least two kilometers.

Which is the best way to get there?

What's the best way to get there?

What bus must I take?

Which bus should I take?

Let me show you the way to the bus stop.

Let me take you to the bus stop.

What's the name of this street?

What's the name of this street?

Where's the bus stop, please?

Can you please tell me where the bus stop is?

Does number 10 stop here?

Does the tenth bus stop here?

Which bus must I take to ...?

What bus could I take to...?

How often do buses run from here?

How often do buses go here?




Asking the time / Questions about time

What's the time, please?

Please tell me what time it is.

It’s five o’clock.

Five o'clock.

It's exactly six.

Exactly six o'clock.

It's half past three.

Half past four.

It's a quarter past two.

Fifteen minutes past three.

It's five to seven.

Five minutes to seven.

It's five past seven.

Five minutes past eight.

Could you tell me the right time, please?

Can you tell me the exact time?

What time is it?

How much time?

It's twelve noon (midnight).

Twelve o'clock day (night).

Oh, is it as late as that?

Oh, it's already so late!

Is it nine already?

Is it already nine o'clock?

My watch is ten minutes slow (fast).

My watch is ten minutes behind (fast).

My watch has stopped.

My watch has stopped.

We have plenty of time.

We have a lot of time.

He's late today.

He's late today.

Am I too early?

Am I too early?

You're late.

You're late.

Hurry up!

Hurry up!

Be quick!


What’s the date today?

What date is today?

What was the date yesterday?

What was the date yesterday?

Today is the third of May.

Today is the third of May.

What's today?

What day of the week is it today?

Today is Monday.

Today is Monday



Gratitude. Possible answers / Gratitude. Possible answers

Thank you. /Thanks.

Thank you.

Thank you very much. /Many thanks.

Thank you very much.

Thank you for...

Thank you for...

Thanks you for your help.

Thanks for your help.

I'm very much obliged to you.

I'm very much obliged to you.

I'm very grateful to you.

I'm really grateful to you.

Thanks for the invitation.

Thanks for the invitation.

Thanks for the present.

Thanks for the gift.

You are welcome.

Please. / My pleasure.

It was a pleasure.

Please. / My pleasure.

The pleasure is mine

Please. / My pleasure.

Don't mention it.

Do not mention it.

Thank you for coming.

Thank you for coming

You help been most helpful.

You helped me a lot.

Please, thank your sister for me.

Please thank your sister for me.



A:Thank you ever so much.

B:Don't mention it.

A: Thank you for everything.

B: You're welcome.

Acquaintance. Introducing people. Possible answers /

Acquaintance. Representation of people. Possible answers



What is your name?

What is your name?

My name is...

My name is...

What is his name?

What's his name?

His name is .... .

His name is.... .

What is her name?

What's her name?

Her name is .... .

Her name is.... .

I would like you to meet my husband

Let me introduce you to my husband

I would like you to meet my wife

Let me introduce you to my wife

Allow me to introduce Mr. T. to you.

Let me introduce you to Mr. T.

Let me introduce you to him.

Allow me to introduce you to him.

May I introduce myself.

Let me introduce myself.

We"ve met before.

We've met before.

I know you.

I know you.

I want you to meet Mrs. A.

I'd like to introduce you to Mrs. A.

Have you meet Mrs. R.?

Have you met Mrs. R. yet?

Pleased to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Glad to meet you.

Very nice.

Mister Brown, I believe?

Are you Mr Brown?

I don’t think we have met before.

I don't think we've met before



Questions about origin, nationality, language / Questions about origin, nationality, language

What country do you come from?

What country did you come from?

I come from the U.S.A.

I came from the USA.







South Africa.

South Africa.



I'm from Italy.

I'm from Italy.





I live in Germany.

I live in Germany.

This is my first visit to Russia.

This is my first trip to Russia.

I’ve never visited other countries.

I've never been abroad.

How long are you going to stay in Russia?

How long are you going to be in Russia?

I hope to stay here for a few weeks.

I hope to stay here for a few weeks.

What nationality are you?

What is your nationality?

Are you Russian or Ukrainian?

Are you Russian or Ukrainian?

I'm Russian.

I am Russian.

My mother is German by nationality.

My mother is German by nationality.

He is an American subject.

He is a US citizen

Do you speak English?

Do you speak English?


in German?


in French?


in Spanish?


in Russian?

Can you speak Japanese?

Can you speak Japanese?


in Chinese?


in Hindi?

Just a little.

A little.

A little.

A little.

I only know a few words.

I only know a few words.

I don't speak English.

I don't speak English.

My English is very poor.

My English is very bad.

I speak English badly.

My English is poor.

You speak good English.

You speak English well.

You speak English with a slight (strong) Russian accent.

You speak English with a slight (strong) Russian accent.

You pronunciation of English is practically faultless.

Your English pronunciation is almost error-free.

What languages ​​can you speak?

What languages ​​do you speak?

Where did you learn English?

Where did you study English?

How long have you been learning English?

How long have you studied English?

I’ve been learning it for almost three years.

I studied it for almost three years.

Let's talk Russian.

Let's talk in Russian.

What’s that called in Russian?

What is this called in Russian?

What’s the Russian word for ‘hot’?

What does 'hot' mean in Russian?

I can’t remember the Russian word for “stadium”.

I can’t remember how to say “stadium” in Russian.

Let's look up this word in my dictionary.

Let's look up this word in my dictionary.

How do you spell it?

How is it written?

Would you speak a little slower?

Speak a little more slowly.

What does this word mean?

What does this word mean?

How do you pronounce it?

How do you pronounce it?

This is a slang word.

This is a slang word.


Invitations. Making arrangements / Invitation. Make an appointment.

Come over and visit us.

Come visit us.

Come to see us tonight.

Come see us this evening.

Come and see me on Sunday.

Come see me on Sunday.

Come to my birthday party.

Come see me for my birthday.

Come to dinner.

Come for dinner.

Drop in.

Come in.

I want to invite you to lunch.

I would like to invite you to lunch.

Call any day you like.

Call anytime.

How about coming with us to the club?

Let's go to the club with us?

Would you like to have some coffee?

Would you like to have some coffee?

Would you like to come for a walk?

Would you like to take a walk?

Would you care to come to my place and have a drink?

Would you like to come over to my place for a drink?

How about going for a cup of coffee?

How about a cup of coffee?


Consent / Expression of consent



Yes, indeed.

Yes, indeed.

Yes, that's true.

Yes, that's right.

That's right.


That's alright.

Everything is fine.

I'm sure of that.

I'm sure of it.

I'm absolutely certain of that.

I am absolutely sure of this.

I see.

It's clear.




Okay, okay.

Very well.

Very good.

That's a good idea.

This is a good idea.

I quite agree with you.

I completely agree with you.

With pleasure.

With pleasure.

There's something in that.

There's something to it.

I don't mind.

I don't mind.

I agree with you.

I agree with you.

That's do nicely.

This will do just fine.

By all means

Of course.

Of course.


Refusal / Expression of disagreement



Certainly not.

Of course not.

Not a bit.

Not at all.

Not at all.

Not at all.

Not for the world.

No way.

I'm not sure of that.

I'm not sure about that.

Why on earth?

Why would that be?

I don’t quite agree with you.

I don't quite agree with you.

That's hardly do.

This is unlikely to work.

Under no circumstances.

Under no circumstances.

I can't agree with you.

I can't agree with you.

By no means.

Of course not.

Of course.



A: May I?

B:By all means./Certainly not.

A:Can I?

B: Of course. / Of course not.


Congratulations. Good wishes / Congratulations. Best wishes.

Have a good time!


Good luck!

Good luck!

All the best!

All the best!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I wish you happines!

I wish you happiness!

I wish you luck!

I wish you good luck!

I wish you health!

I wish you good health!

My best wishes!

My best wishes!

Here's to you!

Your health! (toast)

My congratulations to you!


My best wishes to you!

My best wishes!

May all your dreams come true!

I wish all your dreams come true!

I hope you have a good rest!

I wish you a good rest!

I hope you have a good time!

I wish you a good time!

Have a good journey!

Have a nice trip!

To friendship!

For friendship!

To co-operation!

For cooperation!

Happy landing!

Happy landing!

Thank you for your congratulations!

Thank you for your congratulations!



Farewell / Farewell



So long!






Good night!

Good night!

See you soon!

See you soon!

See you tomorrow!

See you tomorrow!

See you later!

See you!

See you again!

See you soon!

All the best!

All the best!

Good luck!

Good luck!

I hope to see you soon.

I hope we meet soon.

I hope we'll meet again.

I hope we meet again.

Till we meet again!

See you again!

Write to us.

Write to us.

Here's my address.

Here's my address.

I must go now.

I have to go.

I must be going.

I have to go.

I’m sorry to see you go.

It's a pity that you are leaving.

You’re not in a hurry, are you?

You're not in a hurry, are you?

I've enjoyed seeing you

I was glad to see you.

Come back soon.

Come back soon.

Remember me to your wife.

Say hello to your wife.

Give my regards to your sister.

Say hello to your sister.

English is rightfully considered an international language, and everyone should know it at least at an elementary level. Therefore, English teachers will never be left without work. What could be more interesting than doing what you love and traveling the world?

In this article we will talk about all the internship and volunteer opportunities in different countries for English teachers in the fall of 2016.


The English teacher training college organization offers teachers with higher education to undergo an internship or volunteer program in the rural and alpine regions of Austria, teaching children and adolescents English. After submitting an application, a potential employee will be asked to take a language proficiency test, since the job requires a “Native” level, that is, the applicant must be fluent in English. Volunteers are provided with accommodation in a dormitory and three meals a day, and are also compensated for travel expenses. In addition to all of the above, interns are paid a salary. The applicant determines the duration of stay in Austria independently. You can apply for participation in the programs at any time through the organization’s website.

Czech Republic

The Czech organization “EnglishStay” invites everyone to practice teaching English as part of an annual volunteer project. Two week-long programs are planned for autumn 2016: from October 9 to 14 in the region of Southern Bohemia, at the medieval castle of Hrádek, and from November 13 to 18 in Western Bohemia, at the Selský Dvůr estate. The next “expeditions” will take place in the winter and spring of 2017. Young professionals are given the opportunity to travel around the Czech Republic, live in the most beautiful architectural monuments and teach English to Czech schoolchildren and students. Basic requirements: a high level of knowledge of English and a valid Schengen visa. A total of 15 volunteer teachers are required for each week-long program. The organizers pay for accommodation, meals and transfers from Prague to the program venue. Applications are accepted until the end of September using an online form on the organization’s website.


The Chinese organization Volunteer English Teacher, or VET for short, is looking for volunteers from all over the world to teach English to children in rural schools throughout the year in the Yangshuo and Guangzhou region of southern China. The volunteer chooses the period of work, but it must be at least 1 week. The teacher is required to teach two 40-minute English lessons per day. In return, the volunteer is provided with housing and food. The main requirement for candidates is a good knowledge of English; higher education in the specialty is not necessary, but will be an advantage. To apply for participation in the volunteer program, you need to contact the organization by email - [email protected].


The Thai organization "SEE Tefl" invites young teachers to a paid 4-month internship in schools in the Chiang Mai region in the north of the country. Upon arrival, selected candidates undergo two weeks of training and then begin full-time work in one of the Thai schools for 4 months. The next internship starts on September 26. The young specialist is provided with accommodation, food and a monthly salary of 650 euros. A total of 60 to 70 teachers are required. Requirements for an intern: a diploma in the specialty, certificates of language proficiency, a valid international passport. Applications are accepted until September 5 by email [email protected]. In addition to interns, the organization also welcomes volunteers who will assist teachers. The next internship starts on April 17.

Sri Lanka

The public English language school “SVS” in Sri Lanka in the town of Nugegoda near the country’s largest city, Colombo, is waiting for volunteer teachers throughout the year. The minimum period of participation in the volunteer program is 3 months. Requirements for volunteers: high level of English language proficiency, preferably education in a specialty. Teachers will teach lessons (30 academic hours per week) for various age groups: both children and adults study at the school. Volunteers are provided with accommodation in cottages, three meals a day and a daily cash allowance. Programs start 4 times a year: in early January, mid-April, early July and late September. You can submit an application at any time through the online form on the language school website. Travel expenses are not paid, but the school management helps volunteers with visa applications and provides transfers from Colombo airport.


This year, the Indian organization “SECMOL” (“Students’ educational and cultural movement of Ladakh”) in the Ladakh region in northern India, from September to December, accepts volunteer English teachers to teach student members of the organization. SECMOL's activities are aimed at creating a comfortable atmosphere for conducting various research among young professionals and students, especially in the field of chemistry and astrophysics. To successfully integrate into the global scientific community, aspiring Indian scientists need a high level of English. Volunteer teachers are required to teach two to three lessons a day to groups of students of varying language levels. The minimum period for which volunteers come to Ladakh is 3 weeks. The organizers provide accommodation on campus, meals and a small cash allowance. Applications must be submitted by email ( [email protected]), and you can join the program at any time between September and December.


Newly graduated English teachers can gain professional experience in Colombia. The Columbian English language school “Institute Connections” in the town of Ibague, near the capital, is waiting for volunteers throughout the year to teach from 1 to 4 lessons a day for children and adults. In return, the organization provides volunteers with accommodation in a cottage with all the conditions, meals and free attendance at Spanish lessons. Each volunteer determines the length of stay at school independently, but the minimum period is 2 weeks. The school also helps those who want to work with obtaining a visa. Applications are accepted using the online form on the website.


The main goal of the project is to ensure that volunteers do not experience difficulties at events where knowledge of English is required.

Project Description

As we all know, many events require volunteers. But a bright smile and a great mood are sometimes not enough. Many volunteers who want to attend any grandiose international event are forced to refuse due to the language barrier. ">


As we all know, many events require volunteers. But a bright smile and a great mood are sometimes not enough. Many volunteers who want to attend any grandiose international event are forced to refuse due to the language barrier. "English for Volunteers" is a project that will help solve this injustice.

At the initial stage, the project is planned to be organized on the basis of the volunteer center of the Kuban State Agrarian University.

Kuban State Agrarian University is an international university, thanks to which in the ranks of the university’s volunteer center there are many people with knowledge of the English language. All of them are ready to contribute to the development of volunteerism and pass on their knowledge to others. In implementing the project, non-standard teaching methods that we are accustomed to will be used. The main difference is that the training will be done by the same volunteers who well understand the thinking of a volunteer and know the frequently used phrases that a volunteer needs. In simple words, teach only what is really needed!

In one academic semester, it is planned to achieve a volunteer’s knowledge of the English language, which will be sufficient to realize their capabilities at events where knowledge of a foreign language is an important selection criterion.

Project results


The project is amazing with its results.

Over the course of one semester, we were able to teach our volunteers a lot without resorting to standard teaching methods. We created new games, situations and even made videos that helped us take a different look at the English language.

Previously, many guys tried to avoid a foreign language, but now they not only attend classes to learn English, but also speak it fluently both at the volunteer center and outside it.

But most importantly, thanks to our foreign language lessons, many volunteers were able to attend events on an international scale. They easily passed the interview and performed their functions, even such complex ones at first glance as settling foreign guests. And what was previously impossible for them is now a favorite thing to do.

That is why the number of project participants increased from 20 people to 53.