What is fashionable in Europe among young people. What worries today's youth? Social media makes children unhappy

Boys and girls in adolescence are engaged active search themselves, so they tend to try everything at once and often change their ideals.

Some find refuge among representatives of various subcultures, such as rockers, goths, emo, and so on. This significantly affects their worldview and style of clothing and behavior.

In addition, many young people are beginning to become seriously interested in extreme species sports: skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing alpine skiing and roller skating, cycling.

Particularly ardent fans of adrenaline take part in street racing on cars or motorcycles.

There are those who choose a quieter activity, such as photography, handicrafts, games, regular fitness, yoga, Pilates. All this is now very popular among young people.

Fashionable clothes

When talking about fashion trends among women, one cannot ignore youth fashion. For the most part, girls do not have the opportunity to spend huge sums on clothes, shoes and accessories, so they limit themselves to shopping in mass market stores.

The most popular brands are Zara, Mango, Pull&Bear, Sisley, H&M, Savage, Yours, Sela and many others.

When it comes to footwear, teenagers prioritize comfort over beauty, which is why many girls prefer ballet flats instead of high-heeled shoes. Snickers, Ugg boots, sneakers, sneakers, Martins, Grinders can be safely called unisex shoes, which are in the wardrobe of most teenagers around the world.

In cold weather, young people prefer to wear long sweaters, sweatshirts and jeans. This season, vests, chunky knit sweaters or bright clothes with images of cartoon characters and cool inscriptions are trendy. Girls often prefer skinny jeans with a low rise. It is fashionable among young men to wear lowered pants, and an important attribute is the exposed underwear of famous brands.

As for outerwear, down jackets with fur trim on the collar, short jackets, and sheepskin coats do not lose their relevance. Young ladies, wanting to stand out from the crowd and emphasize their femininity, prefer the style of the 50s-60s - classic raincoats, trapeze coats with short sleeves. Seen less and less on city streets

“What young people have gone!” is heard from all sides. And those who say this think that modern youth don’t care about anything. And young people today, due to the specifics of the time, on the contrary, are much more concerned about more problems than even two or three decades ago.
Modern youth are interested not only in what has always interested them at all times - not only love, sex, sports and entertainment. Young people today tend to go to extremes. Does the person play sports? This means that he is working on himself until he loses his pulse. Does the young man like beer and vodka? This means that he enjoys his favorite drinks beyond measure. Young people do not know when to stop in what really interests them.

Modern technologies

Another pronounced difference of the modern generation is the attention to the development of cutting-edge technologies. Young people love to follow the latest trends in the world of technology, and they know by heart technical specifications mobile phones, not to mention computers and their capabilities. Young people are heavily influenced by social networks, which simply absorb every second child from the very beginning. early age and entangle adults in their web. The modern generation is too concerned about how many likes their page visitors will give to their photos and how many friends they have lost today. They collect virtual friends and forget about real ones. That's why, modern technologies leave a big imprint on what concerns young people today. Young people are increasingly immersed in virtual reality, forgetting to live here and now. That's why most of them don't want to study or work - live in virtual reality much more interesting and simpler.

Healthy lifestyle

However, young people care not only about entertainment; education and sports also have status for them. Young people continue to want to study so that
achieve success, and also want to play sports in order to be like their idols. A healthy lifestyle is important only for 40% of young people, which is alarming; of these 40%, the majority choose football or dancing. Combat types the arts are less popular, but aikido, karate and boxing also enjoy some popularity among young people. In addition, training in gym or their modern version called WorkOut using a horizontal bar and parallel bars.

Education and culture

The level of education today is much higher and interest in learning is also great, since everyone dreams of career growth: Young people are well aware that a diploma often opens doors to the world of the rich. But besides this, you need to understand that the main thing is not a diploma, the main thing is the desire for self-education, clear goals and hard work. The culture of the modern generation as a whole has remained the same
on an ambiguous level, as in previous times - there are those who develop spiritually, read, go to the theater, and there are those who quietly degrade over a bottle of beer or a computer.

The choice is yours!

On the one hand, today's youth are very different from past generations, as, of course, from future ones. Different times - different lifestyle. On the other hand, the values ​​remain the same, they are just buried somewhere under layers of information and virtual entertainment, and to strive for them or to calmly float with the flow of time is the choice of each of us.

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What are modern youth interested in? Top 8 popular modern hobbies

You can often hear that modern youth no longer as capable as she was in the time of our grandparents. That today's young people are very lazy and stupid and incapable of anything. That they are not interested in anything except computer games and their iPads and smartphones. This constantly affects young people. It hurts that the older generation does not know how to understand the new hobbies of the young. Is this really true?

Of course not. With the modern development of science, physics, chemistry and the Internet, young people have more opportunities to realize their creative potential.

Below are the top most common hobbies among young people.

1. Extreme sports.

Modern youth are very fond of extreme actions that are life-threatening. Many young people lack thrills. They enthusiastically jump with parachutes or go down the mountain slopes on snowboards. Some young people like to fly hot air balloon from a hill or overcome river canyons without the help of floating devices

2. Backtracking (traveling without comfort with a backpack on your back)

The word backtracking comes from English backpacking- backpack. Young people travel independently without specific plans. A popular method of transportation among them is hitchhiking. Young people spend the night wherever they can stay (guest houses, cheap hostels, campsites, etc.). And they eat at local eateries or from local residents. In short, they survive as best they can.

3. Weaving jewelry from rubber bands.

Recently, an interesting hobby came to our country from Japan - weaving jewelry, bracelets, and various keychains from rubber bands. The results are amazing and make fun, colorful crafts. How to weave animals from rubber bands, in detail with instructions, photos and video tutorials, can be read at the link.

4. Unusual games.

Socks is a game where young people fill part of a sock with some cereal (rice or buckwheat) and then start throwing it around. A team usually has three players, but two are possible. Players throw socks to each other with their hands at knee level. If one of the players decides to kick himself, then this will result in a fine, that is, a kick from all players.
These are the fun games that today's youth play.

5. Quilling

Many young people are interested in making pictures from rolled paper strips.

How much patience they must have. After all, how many twisted pieces of paper must there be to make, for example, any flower?

6. Photographing with light.

It's called - freezelight. This is a hobby for unusual photographers. Objects or patterns are “drawn” in a completely darkened room. To do this, the camera is placed on a long tripod, then a long exposure is created and then different drawings fall into the camera's field of view. Incredibly beautiful photographs are produced, which the creators post with great pleasure on social networks and collect “likes”.

7. Learning foreign languages

Today's young people have greater mobility and often travel around different countries, and without knowledge of the language - nowhere. It is believed that Chinese became the most studied among other languages.


What is this? You could say that this is creating different figures from balloons.

Every day young people find new hobbies that captivate them. It turns out that modern youth are very advanced and not as lazy and one-sided as we often hear from the generation of the last century.

Social media
A real boom recent years became social networks. Probably, there are no longer any young people (and now among the adult and even older generations) who do not have a page on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and other social networks, or those who at least did not think of creating one. The whole country is enthusiastically looking for their first school love, communicating with classmates, sending postcards, looking through photographs.

The Internet is expanding its audience. Now it is fashionable to keep blogs online - original diaries where you can express your opinion, talk about your thoughts and feelings, post your songs, poems, stories, photographs, drawings. For many, blogs have become a means of self-expression, and for others - free advertising of their ideas.

Passion for the East and eastern culture distributed from high speed. And in our city and republic there are more and more sushi bars and cafes that offer cuisines of oriental peoples. Oriental dances, literature, philosophical teachings are in fashion, tourist destinations, languages.

Fitness, dancing, sports
In the past, physical education could not boast such popularity. However, now watch your physical fitness has become a sign of good manners and a sign of attention to one’s health and appearance. Swimming or aerobics, ballroom dancing or salsa - everyone chooses a hobby to suit their taste.

Cinema and music
Cinema, as one of the main ways to have fun, remains a leader among modern hobbies. One of the reasons is the versatility of this art. The film industry can satisfy almost any taste. If you want to watch Bondarchuk, or if you want to watch Jarmusch, there’s no problem with the choice.

Music is a familiar element of human life. But if earlier it often served an applied purpose - it was used for dancing or to diversify a long journey, now music has become a way to show one’s individuality. The ability to understand modern musical culture has become a characteristic of any developed person.

The boom in consumer lending has led to the fact that a car has become quite affordable for many. Now a car is not a means of transportation at all, but an opportunity to show off to friends and acquaintances. True, this hobby is not cheap.

The emergence of stores with a rich assortment of exotic products, the names of which we have never even heard of, is gradually turning people into gourmets. Even with a set of the most common products, you can now cook something overseas. Cook rice with vegetables and sauce and invite friends to this dish, calling it risotto.

Contrary to popular belief, Russians still love to read. Everyone's tastes and preferences are, of course, different. But today both classics and modern literature remain popular. Thanks to good advertising of some (perhaps not the best) books, reading and discussing what they have read has become a fashionable activity in Russia. Moreover, it is now easier to get books: all new items can be bought in stores, borrowed from the library, or simply downloaded on the Internet.

Somehow unexpectedly it turned out that modern animation has become the most interesting and extensive genre of pop culture. Several large animation festivals are held in the country and abroad, and cartoons often become hits on file-sharing Internet networks.

Computer games
If a few years ago only teenagers and young people were fans of computer games, now adults are also interested in toys. There are so many games now that everyone will find something to suit their taste. Some people like to fight monsters, some like to build houses and raise families, some like economic strategies.

Not so long ago, the interests of those who are now considered the older generation were strikingly different from what modern youth are interested in. Significant technical and information progress has given rise to the most interesting hobbies, and uninterrupted access to worldwide network helps make it easier to find your favorite activity.

A striking difference can be observed even among different age categories of young people. So what exactly interests modern schoolchildren, students and other representatives of progressive youth?

Interests of modern schoolchildren

Unlike eternally busy students, schoolchildren have a large number free time. However, not everyone spends it usefully: most young people of middle and older age school age prefer to lead a virtual lifestyle. Thus, one of the most popular types of entertainment among young people studying in general education institutions is spending time at the computer. Series, computer games, as well as other virtual entertainment, draw young people in like a cobweb.

Hobbies of modern students

Despite the frequent lack of free time, most students take a moment to have fun, as scientists have proven that relaxation is the most important component of studying. Young people receiving higher education, there are many recreational options available: entertainment venues, debate clubs, local dating, popular among Americans, as well as many other types of entertainment.

At the same time, receiving freedom from their parents, young people often go to great lengths. At the same time, most students manage to really arrange for themselves interesting vacation, having minimum quantity funds.

Problems of modern youth

Laziness is considered to be one of the main problems of modern youth. However, no one dares to say with complete confidence that young people are 100% lazy. Youth initiative groups organize communities of interests, the main goal of which is the mutual exchange of experience. In addition, in countries former USSR there are a huge number of youth public organizations who are active.

Proper government support will help expand your choice of leisure activities. And where there is a choice, a huge number of opportunities appear!



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