Bricks made from trash. Making bricks from waste is a business that makes the planet cleaner

The use of brick as a building material has been used since ancient times. Today, brick is considered one of the most basic types of construction materials. But in construction work they learned to use both solid brick and broken brick, which also gained wide popularity among many construction companies in Russia.

Application area

Red brick scrap is commonly referred to as the waste that results from the production of bricks. In addition, broken bricks are formed as a result of the demolition of buildings and structures. They found a brick for such a battle wide application. It is customary to sprinkle it on roads, pits, and also use it for sprinkling areas intended for parking lots and asphalt areas. In addition, broken bricks are used as backfill in places such as swampy soils, which are later used for the construction of new houses.

The use of broken bricks is used in such cases as?

  1. Broken bricks are used to pave roads to give them shape. Broken bricks are used both in construction work and gardening. But mostly broken bricks have found their use for temporary road repairs in the autumn-winter period.
  2. Concerning road works, then broken brick, like broken concrete, is used as the main and irreplaceable means for dealing with holes and potholes on the roads.
  3. If construction is planned in swampy areas, then broken bricks will be used as bedding for construction.
  4. On summer cottages broken brick is used as a drainage system for the construction of ponds or wells.

In addition, broken brick is an excellent means of providing heat and sound insulation. Therefore, it is very often used in construction work during the construction of walls, filling the inside of the wall with this material.

Sales of broken bricks

As for the sale of broken bricks, it is carried out not only by companies specializing in the production of bricks themselves, but also by other companies that directly deal with the sale of ore materials.

Broken bricks are sold according to the approved price list. But it is always worth keeping in mind that there are cases when the cost of this building material may change, usually due to the volume of the order and the availability of delivery. Broken bricks are delivered to their destination using special equipment, which must have a high carrying capacity.

Just a hundred years ago, the word “brick” did not evoke a variety of definitions. In modern terms, a brick was a product made from baked clay. These are the good old building material, which is still considered the most reliable and “noble”. In the 20th century, the meaning of this word expanded significantly, because a variety of bricks began to appear. For example, white silicate brick based on quartz sand and lime. In Soviet times, such material was used very widely. He didn't demand high temperatures for production, and therefore was cheaper. True, the consumer perceived it as a kind of “ersatz”, a kind of “plebeian” replacement for normal ceramic bricks. And this despite the fact that in low-rise construction new material has proven itself well. It was quite durable and reliable. But, unfortunately, he was not “friendly” with fire and water.

Development modern technologies gradually led to different types bricks began to appear as if from a cornucopia. In principle, a “brick” began to be called any product of a rectangular shape that could be lifted with one hand.

Some craftsmen manage to make “bricks” from sand and cement - without any autoclave treatment. Special molds are used for this. Once - and you're done! For individual construction, this method is not so bad. You can organize such a mini-production in your yard and make similar “bricks” alone. Then lay out the wall alone. Just a sight for sore eyes!

But still, as we understand, normal material should be produced at enterprises, and not in a handicraft way. And here the issues of economy are already important. Ceramic brick - for all its advantages - is still a costly material. There is no talk of mass use these days, no matter how the consumer views it. About five years ago, calculations were made in our region that showed that the cost of a brick house would be at the level of 40 thousand rubles per square meter. That is, no “economy class” made of brick is possible. Of course, there are various combined options using insulation: “layered” masonry, “well” masonry. But, as we understand, this is not the same at all. “Nobility” here is already imaginary, for appearances. And the reliability of such structures generally raises serious doubts.

Some manufacturers, meeting consumer demands, specialize in the production of porous and hollow bricks that do not require additional insulation. But even builders have complaints about this material. Its strength is less, and in addition it is vulnerable to moisture.

From the point of view of construction, the main advantage of brick is the reliability of such a design and the relative ease of installation, which does not require the use of any complex devices. After all, the technology for constructing brickwork has practically not changed for thousands of years, since the time of King Nebuchadnezzar. This is why it is usually attractive to individual developers because, having mastered some skills of laying bricks on mortar, you can lay out the wall yourself.

In our country, where there are a lot of “handy” men, citizens on their plots would build houses and other buildings to their hearts’ content if they had plenty of this material at hand - reliable and, most importantly, inexpensive. However, here one thing with the other - reliability and low cost - does not merge in any way.

A good ceramic brick is expensive for the average Russian in any case. Sometimes I would like to whip up something, but it’s expensive. We have to look for a cheap replacement. And a cheap replacement, as we understand, is not reliable.

However, progress does not stand still. Many countries are now paying attention to waste from industrial and energy enterprises as a source of raw materials for the production of inexpensive materials. For example, in the USA, about eight years ago, they developed a technology for producing so-called “green” bricks from ash and ash. In terms of its properties, it is in no way inferior to ceramic brick - it is just as durable and reliable, and can withstand both heat and cold without problems. But at the same time – several times cheaper. In addition, the mass production of “green” bricks makes it possible to profitably dispose of industrial waste, of which 50 million tons accumulate in this country annually.

There is, of course, nothing new here. It’s just that the era dictates its conditions. Manufacturers tend to be conservative in such matters. The use of recycled materials is perceived as something secondary and “unclean”. Digging through waste, it seems, is not a “lordly thing.” That is, this problem is, first of all, not technological, but psychological. Typically the waste was used as an additive for road construction. Now the question is being raised about producing specific products based on them. And we must believe that time works for this approach. After all, for mass production“green” bricks do not need to be dug in quarries. On the contrary, such production allows us to cleanse nature of rubbish.

The same trend is visible in our country. Ashes and slags are still in Soviet times used in road construction. And materials such as cinder blocks and slag concrete are very well known to our consumers. True, their production is still of a semi-handicraft nature.

A “serious” manufacturer works, as before, with the material that is extracted in quarries. But in any case, time will take its toll. In Omsk, for example, they have already started producing “green” bricks from the ashes and slags of thermal power plants. A very significant precedent.

To consolidate this trend, it is necessary for science to have its say on this issue. It should be noted that at the Institute of Chemistry solid and mechanochemistry of the SB RAS have long been, so to speak, looking closely at industrial waste. For example, the rubble of metallurgical enterprises in Kuzbass is generally considered by the Institute’s specialists as a “Klondike” for our construction industry. In particular, samples of refractory brick with a density of 2 G/CM3 and linear dimensions of 380X130X120 were obtained from metallurgical scrap using silicate binder. According to the leading specialist of the Institute, Vladimir Poluboyarov, industrial waste quite suitable for the production of inexpensive bricks and even decorative tiles (“artificial granite”).

The resulting brick is in no way inferior in strength to ceramic bricks and is just as reliable in operation. However, it will, of course, be cheaper. Savings are achieved mainly due to the fact that the production of such bricks does not require high temperatures. 300 degrees Celsius is enough to obtain a product with acceptable strength characteristics. While for firing ceramic bricks it is necessary to “provide” at least 900 degrees Celsius. Let us note that in our time energy consumption is one of the main items of production costs. And these costs will certainly only increase. In this regard, traditional ceramic bricks should be perceived as a “relic of the past.” And the fate of numerous brick enterprises, according to by and large, is a foregone conclusion – as energy prices rise, nothing good will come their way. And a new, more progressive one will make its way in any case. According to Vladimir Poluboyarov, if the technology proposed by the Institute were widely used, we would get a “penny” building material, in no way inferior to “noble” brick.

It is clear that investors who have invested huge amounts of money in brick production (and there are already at least 15 brick factories in the NSO) would not be at all happy with such competition. At the same time, we do not think that the Russian consumer is so spoiled that he would perceive a “green” brick (we will use this term) with skepticism and distrust. If in the provinces citizens build their own houses and garages from substandard materials (it’s cheaper that way), then good quality inexpensive material would be received positively. There is no doubt about it. Scientists are ready to contribute to this process. It was up to the producers. Technically, nothing prevents you from setting up automated lines in production that works with

Making bricks from waste as a business

IN last years Large industrial enterprises are often blamed for environmental damage. Apparently, this is why business ideas that combine mass production with benefits for the environmental situation on the planet are now increasingly appearing. One of these business ideas can be called the production of building materials from waste from other industries, or, simply put, from garbage.

Let's look at one of the already existing types production of similar building materials - bricks and blocks from recycled materials.

How can “garbage” be used to make bricks?

I would like to immediately note that all examples of the production of bricks and blocks from various waste industrial production are at the startup level. But all this is more than promising projects, each of which can grow into highly profitable business.

And I immediately want to consider why such a business has great prospects:

Cheap raw materials. What will become the raw material for the manufacture of your products is considered by other manufacturers as waste that needs to be disposed of, spending their own resources on this. Offer waste removal services to such businessmen or municipal organizations, and you will provide yourself with cheap raw materials.

Opportunity to win tenders. If you have to participate in tenders to start a business, then you will have on your side that you will improve your production environmental situation in the region, and provide the market with affordable building materials.

Wide the target audience. The building materials you produce will be of interest for low-rise construction, the creation of sewer systems, the construction of workshops and production premises etc. Demand will be ensured at an affordable price, which is 10-15% lower compared to traditional building materials.

The prospects are opening up great. Now let’s look at how they are already being implemented in practice.

Examples of brick production from secondary waste:

Now let's look at several options for using waste for brick production:

— Brick from boiler ash

This technology developed at the University of Massachusetts, has proven successful, and is now being implemented in construction work in the Indian city of Muzaffarnagar. Boiler ash (70%) is used as raw material, to which clay and lime are added. Before this, boiler ash was simply buried in the ground. And now it can cost you a comfortable home.

— Blocks from construction waste

The following example relates to the production of wall blocks, not bricks. Production was organized in Vladivostok, where a plant was created for the production of building materials from construction and industrial waste. All this waste is fed into a shredder, crushed, turned into a homogeneous mass, after which blocks are formed from them for the construction of buildings.

— Paper bricks

The last example is still under development. From waste paper production and clay, a mass is created from which bricks are formed, then fired in a kiln. The technology was developed at the University of Jaen, and according to reports from their researchers from of this material it is possible to create reliable low-rise energy-efficient houses. True, such bricks have lower strength than traditional ones, which requires additional solutions in reinforcing the walls of the future building.

The business idea of ​​making bricks from waste is an industry that requires research courage, technical savvy and entrepreneurial genius. But if you manage to implement such a project, then you will be able to take a dominant position in the emerging market. And if you prefer a fully developed production of building materials, then it makes sense to start producing foam concrete blocks and other traditional wall materials.

In recent years, large industrial enterprises have often been accused of causing environmental damage. Apparently, this is why business ideas that combine mass production with benefits for the environmental situation on the planet are now increasingly appearing. One of these business ideas can be called the production of building materials from waste from other industries, or, simply put, from garbage.

Let's look at one of the already existing types of production of such building materials - bricks and blocks from recycled materials.

How can you use “garbage” to make bricks?
I would like to immediately note that all examples of the production of bricks and blocks from waste from various industrial production are at the startup level. But all of these are more than promising projects, each of which can grow into a highly profitable business.

And I would immediately like to consider why such a business has great prospects:

Cheap raw materials. What will become the raw material for the manufacture of your products is considered by other manufacturers as waste that needs to be disposed of, spending their own resources on it. Offer waste removal services to such businessmen or municipal organizations, and you will provide yourself with cheap raw materials.

Opportunity to win tenders. If you have to participate in tenders to start a business, then you will have on your side that with your production you will improve the environmental situation in the region and provide the market with affordable building materials.

Wide target audience. The building materials you produce will be of interest for low-rise construction, the creation of sewer systems, the construction of workshops and industrial premises, etc. Demand will be ensured by an affordable price, which is 10-15% lower compared to traditional building materials.

The prospects are opening up great. Now let’s look at how they are already being implemented in practice.

Examples of brick production from recycled waste

Now let's look at several options for using waste for brick production:

Brick made from boiler ash
This technology was developed at the University of Massachusetts, has proven to be successful, and is now being implemented in construction work in the Indian city of Muzaffarnagar. Boiler ash (70%) is used as raw material, to which clay and lime are added. Before this, boiler ash was simply buried in the ground. And now it can cost you a comfortable home.

Blocks from construction waste
The following example relates to the production of wall blocks, not bricks. Production was organized in Vladivostok, where a plant was created for the production of building materials from construction and industrial waste. All this waste is fed into a shredder, crushed, turned into a homogeneous mass, after which blocks are formed from them for the construction of buildings.

Paper bricks.
The last example is still under development. From paper production waste and clay, a mass is created from which bricks are formed, then fired in a kiln. The technology was developed at the University of Jaen, and according to reports from their researchers, reliable low-rise energy-efficient houses can be created from this material. True, such bricks have lower strength than traditional ones, which requires additional solutions in reinforcing the walls of the future building

The business idea of ​​making bricks from waste is an industry that requires research courage, technical savvy and entrepreneurial genius. But if you manage to implement such a project, then you will be able to take a dominant position in the emerging market. And if you prefer a fully developed production of building materials, then it makes sense to start producing foam concrete blocks and other traditional wall materials.

Address: Tovarnaya, 57-V, 121135, Moscow,

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