Preparations for hogweed. How to get rid of hogweed on a plot using folk remedies

You will need

  • - rubber gloves;
  • - pruning shears or scissors;
  • - flammable liquid;
  • - matches;
  • - herbicides;
  • - bayonet shovel.


Hogweed grows very quickly and has enormous vitality. It can reach gigantic sizes (up to four meters high). In the morning there is enough dew on this plant that you can wash your hands or wash your face. But under no circumstances should you approach the hogweed; if you touch this beauty, you risk getting severe burns. Hogweed releases toxic substances into the atmosphere that can cause painful conditions: headache (sometimes to the point of loss of consciousness), nausea and vomiting. This plant is especially dangerous during flowering.

To get rid of this weed forever, it is better to use various methods, so you will increase the likelihood of a successful result. Prune flowers in small areas and at the initial stage of flowering. The main thing is to use precautions, since hogweed juice if it comes into contact with the skin can cause a burn. Be sure to wear rubber gloves on your hands, a raincoat or some kind of material on your clothes that will prevent the juice from being absorbed into your clothes. Grab the umbrella from the bottom and cut off all the flowers using scissors or pruners.

The next way to deal with it is burning. Thanks to this, you will destroy the weed seeds during the ripening period. Do not miss the moment of this event (before the fruits in the largest umbrella begin to ripen). This method requires accuracy and special care. Pour flammable liquid over the plant umbrellas and set them on fire. Move away, as during the burning period the hogweed will release harmful essential oils. Observe fire safety, do not allow juice to get on clothes or exposed areas of the body.

Before hogweed begins to flower, treat the plants with herbicides; later treatment will be less effective. The concentration of herbicides used should be double or even triple the prescribed instructions. The effect will be achieved after two or three such treatments with a break between them of two weeks. Abundantly moisten generative shoots, leaf rosettes, and inflorescences with herbicides.

You can use the manual individual method. In early spring, when the plants are just starting to grow, it’s time to go out into the garden with a bayonet shovel. It is very important to use a well-sharpened tool. Cut down the place where the hogweed grows (just below the root collar). If you cut down the weed higher up, a few dormant buds may remain on the root, and the plant will grow again and produce seeds.

Hogweed is a common weed that is very difficult to get rid of. The danger of this plant is its juice, which causes burns on the skin after exposure to the sun. In addition, it spreads very quickly throughout the entire area, destroying other crops. Let's consider how to deal with hogweed in a summer cottage, its main harm, as well as the prevention of its occurrence.

Dangerous properties of hogweed

Every experienced gardener knows that it is urgent to remove hogweed from the site the first time it appears. It grows extremely quickly and can survive in all weather conditions. In addition, the plant is dangerous to humans and other crops, and also has other dangerous properties. These include:

  1. When hogweed juice gets on the skin, its protective layer is damaged. And exposure to ultraviolet radiation on damaged areas causes deep burns.
  2. If you inhale the vapors of the plant for a long time, you can get a serious burn to the lungs, as well as poisoning.
  3. In areas of land where hogweed grows, almost all crops die.
  4. Even after removing the hogweed stems from the soil, its seeds ripen and continue to be sown.
  5. Just one plant bush can produce 70 thousand seeds per season.
  6. Hogweed is able to grow until all the seeds are completely ripe. Even if you cut off the top or root, it will grow again.
  7. The hogweed bush is capable of dispersing its seeds within a radius of five kilometers. They are also transported over long distances by birds, people and vehicles.

Therefore, if you notice hogweed on your or a neighboring plot, you must immediately begin fighting it.

The most effective ways to combat hogweed

To get rid of hogweed on your site once and for all, you should simultaneously use several methods to combat it. The most effective means include:

These are the most effective methods for getting rid of hogweed on your site. However, when using them, it is necessary to follow the deadlines for destroying the plant, as well as protect the skin and respiratory tract from its poisons.

Precautions when destroying hogweed

In order to destroy the plants once and for all, and also not to harm your own health, when fighting the weed, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Do not uproot or prune the plant in windy weather. The seeds will quickly spread throughout the entire area, and there is a higher risk of inhaling the poisonous hogweed juice.
  2. It is necessary to carry out measures to destroy hogweed in special clothing using personal protective equipment. If there are no such devices, you can get by with a gauze bandage, as well as closed clothing, over which a plastic raincoat is worn.
  3. Do not leave uprooted or mown plants on the ground. Hogweed is an extremely resilient plant, and its seeds ripen even without consuming nutrients and moisture from the soil.
  4. You should not carry out procedures to destroy hogweed during its flowering or fruit ripening period. This is ineffective. It is best to uproot or treat young plants.

Folk methods of combating hogweed

Before the advent of chemicals to kill hogweed, gardeners fought the weed using traditional methods. One of the most effective and popular is black film. She should cover the area of ​​soil on which the hogweed grows. Lack of access to the sun will eventually lead to the death of the plant.

It is also effective to combat hogweed with salt. This method involves watering an area of ​​soil with a warm saline solution. You can also simply sprinkle soil on the ground at the rate of 1.5 kg of salt per square meter of soil. However, salt makes the soil unsuitable not only for the growth of hogweed, but also other plants. Therefore, it is better to use this method for treating paths and paths, as well as the soil around the site.

You can also get rid of hogweed on your property using folk remedies using vinegar. This product is a good and affordable alternative to expensive chemicals. To prepare the solution, you need to mix a liter of water, a liter of vinegar, 2 sachets of citric acid, 50 ml of alcohol and 4 tsp. dishwashing detergents. These ingredients must be mixed, poured into a sprayer, and the hogweed bushes in the area treated with the solution.

Hogweed, a plant that came to us from the Caucasus more than 70 years ago, actively continues to expand its range, capturing more and more new territories. Summer residents and gardeners claim that hogweed poses a real threat:

  • for cultivated plants in our gardens and fields;
  • for people (especially children and the elderly);
  • for local flora and fauna.
In a number of countries (Germany, France, Estonia, Russia, etc.) even special programs to combat this plant have appeared.

Did you know? After habitat destruction, invasive vegetation is the second major threat to our planet's biodiversity. Globally, US$1.4 trillion is spent annually on invasive plant control.

The question of what hogweed is, why it is scary and how to drive it away has become unexpectedly relevant for many of our contemporaries.

What is hogweed and how did it come to us?

Hogweed (Latin name - Herácléum) is a representative of a separate genus of the Apiaceae family (more than 60 species). Hogweed plant - biennial (sometimes perennial) plant, blooms only once. The stem is ribbed, hollow, purple in color, from 1.5 to 3 m tall.

The yellow-green trifoliate leaves are up to 1.5 m long. The inflorescences (umbrellas) reach up to 80 cm in diameter. One plant has from 80 to 100 thousand white or pink flowers (bloom in July-August). The seeds ripen from July to September and remain viable for two to three years. The root system is taproot.

Among the hogweeds there are non-poisonous plants (Siberian, dissected, shaggy, etc.) and poisonous (Montegazzi, Sosnovsky).

Did you know? The Roman scientist Pliny named it after Hercules because of the rapid growth of shoots and for its size (stems with a height of 3 to 6 m have been recorded). The Russian name comes from the word “borscht” (in the 16th century, this word meant something jagged). Among the plants of this genus there are edible ones - Siberian hogweed. It was from it that a dish was cooked, which was called borscht because of its main ingredient (over time, beets and other vegetables took the place of hogweed). In Western Europe, hogweed is called "Bear's Paw".

The most widespread plant in our region is Sosnovsky's hogweed (in honor of the scientist who studied this plant in the Caucasus). Distinctive features of the plant:

What is the danger of hogweed

Sosnowski's hogweed is dangerous for both people and plants. The danger lies in the accumulation of active furocoumarins and essential oils in all parts of the plant.

Did you know? Sosnovsky's hogweed has been actively cultivated as a silage crop in the USSR since the 1940s. Despite the fact that the plant imparted a bitter taste to milk and meat, the experiments were completed (abandoned) only during the period of perestroika.

The consequences for a person may be:

Consequences for plants:

  • the juice with essential oils remains in the stems of the hogweed, saturates the soil and inhibits the germination of plants of other species, providing its own seeds with nutrients;
  • tall stems with wide leaves do not leave sunlight for competitors (they catch up to 80% of the light).

First aid for burns

If hogweed juice gets on your skin, you must:

  1. Rinse the affected area with plenty of water (if possible, with laundry soap).
  2. Pour vodka, cologne, furatsilin or manganese solution over the damaged area of ​​skin.
  3. Treat with panthenol.
  4. Limit sun exposure.
  5. Go to the doctor.

Important! If the lesions are large, blisters form, or juice gets into the eyes and mucous membranes, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is not recommended to apply bandages to a hogweed burn; treatment is prescribed as for burns.

If a small area of ​​skin is damaged and you are far from home, you need to hold the affected area under running water for 20 minutes, then cover the burn with a thick cloth from the sun and immediately go home, or if the affected area is large, go to the hospital.

Precautions when working with hogweed

It is necessary to combat hogweed in compliance with safety rules. Hogweed is a dangerous opponent, and before you start fighting it, you need to take care of the appropriate equipment:

  • waterproof suit with hood;
  • rubber gloves and boots;
  • safety glasses;
  • respirator.
It is best to fight hogweed in June, when there is no heat (and no inflorescences). In July - August, it is better to work in a special suit early in the morning or in the evening, when there is no heat. Mow, trim - in cloudy weather or high humidity.

Important! When fighting hogweed, it is not recommended to wear fabric gloves, because the sap of the plant (and even dew from it) will saturate the fabric and harm you. You can also get burns through a shirt, T-shirt and other woven items.

How to deal with hogweed in a summer cottage, methods of control

With regular care of your summer cottage or garden, if you find a young sprout of hogweed, it can be easily neutralized. If the garden is neglected and thickets of this plant have formed, then the fight will not be so easy.

There is no need to delay it - the hogweed will actively multiply and occupy new spaces.

Many years of experience of gardeners and summer residents will tell us how to deal with hogweed.

Trimming buds

Fighting hogweed in a small summer cottage by trimming the buds is the best way. Grasping the trunk with a rubber-gloved hand, you need to cut off the buds and flowers of the central umbrella.

Do the same with second-order umbrellas (if any) - cut them off to the base. By depriving a plant of flowering, you get rid of hundreds of thousands of seeds.

This method has disadvantages:

  • the most dangerous. When pruning, sap and dew may splash or drip onto the head, face, or hands;
  • in the presence of large thickets, it requires a lot of effort.

Burning a plant

If the flowering time has been missed and the seeds have set, an effective method is used - they burn the plants along with the seeds when they ripen. You should also not delay it - the seeds should not ripen in the central umbrella.

Removing hogweed using this method requires maximum precautions:

  • carefully pour kerosene or gasoline on umbrellas with seeds;
  • set fire in calm weather and be prepared if the flame begins to spread to other plants (have shovels and water nearby);
  • when essential oils burn, caustic smoke will appear, which can cause poisoning (have respirators, gas masks);
  • Be careful not to get hogweed juice on your skin.

Plowing and weeding

In early spring, moldboard plowing will help cope with overwintered hogweeds. If the surviving plants begin to grow back from the roots, repeat the plowing. In autumn, plowing against hogweed is contraindicated - the remaining seeds will fall into the ground and germinate.

You can go “hunting” with a shovel for young shoots of hogweed. It is necessary to cut down the shoots below the growth point (5-10 cm below the root collar). Weeding every 3 - 4 weeks (hogweeds shoot shoots in spring and summer) also gives good results.

Mowing bears fruit only before the plant blooms (used when the hogweed thickets are extensive). All cut stems are burned in heaps.

Greetings, dear readers! In today’s article, I propose to familiarize yourself with the remaining three questions regarding hogweed, namely:

  1. Weaknesses and strengths of the plant in terms of distribution;
  2. How to get rid of hogweed;
  3. Benefits of hogweed.

I won’t bore you with the introduction and will start from the first point.

Weaknesses and strengths of Sosnovsky's hogweed in terms of distribution

To begin with, some features of Sosnovsky's hogweed:

  • flowers are pollinated by insects, but self-pollination is also possible;
  • this is a moisture-loving plant, but does not tolerate stagnant water;
  • seeds germinate after stratification. That is, cold, snowy winters are what is needed for good germination of hogweed seeds;
  • the plant is fast-growing and strong: it quickly obscures the light of its neighbors and simple light mulch will not prevent its germination.

The strengths of hogweed are as follows:

  1. Hogweed grows for as many years as it takes to produce seeds. If you simply mow down the above-ground part of the plant and do not take other measures to exterminate it, the plant will grow back every year and try to produce seeds. So one plant can attempt to bear fruit for up to 12-15 years. If nothing interferes with the plant, then 2-3 years pass from seed germination to the formation of a new batch of seeds.
  2. The number of seeds from one plant is enormous: from 20 thousand to 70 thousand seeds ripen
  3. Seeds remain viable for about 5 years, and some even up to 15.
  4. On the surface of the seeds there are essential substances that, when released into the soil, inhibit other plants. This gives the aggressor a head start, since other plants do not shade the germinating hogweed seeds.
  5. Seeds can be transported up to 2 kilometers by wind. Seeds are also carried by birds and animals; they can attach to the wheels of cars, tractors and to the soles of shoes. Basically, hogweed seeds fall off next to the plant within a radius of 4 m.
    Another way to move seeds over long distances is through rivers. If hogweed grows near a river, its seeds are transported over long distances thanks to water.
  6. After cutting the umbrellas (or the whole plant with a flowering umbrella), the seeds can ripen and fall off.

Weaknesses of hogweed

  1. Usually, after flowering and ripening of the seeds, the hogweed dies. Very rarely, the same plant can remain alive and produce stems the following year.
  2. The root is a taproot, but hogweed does not reproduce vegetatively. If you cut off only the top part of the plant, the dormant buds that are located on the stem root will wake up, new stems with flower stalks will grow, but this is not vegetative propagation. Fortunately, hogweed does not reproduce by rhizomes, like wheatgrass, sow thistle, thistle and similar weeds.
  3. Hogweed usually dies when water stagnates in the area.
  4. Under a thick layer of soil - from a depth of 25-30 cm - the seeds do not germinate, or germinate very rarely.
  5. Like any other plant, hogweed needs sunlight to grow.

How to get rid of hogweed

Hogweed does not have one vulnerable position. The lack of vegetative propagation is compensated by the abundance of seeds suitable for propagation. Animals are reluctant to eat hogweed. Although goats, sheep and, if I’m not mistaken, pigs, may well eat the young leaves of this plant. At the same time, they trample the plants themselves with their hooves, which inhibits their growth.

Taking into account the persistence of hogweed, a set of measures is used, consisting of the following methods:

  • chemical;
  • agrotechnical;
  • mechanical;
  • biological.

Particularly comprehensive measures are needed in heavily polluted areas. If there are a few hogweeds on your site or several plants grow near the site, then dealing with them is relatively easy. If you have a large area that is completely overgrown with this weed, then the matter will drag on longer.

General rules when working with hogweed:

  • carry out all activities in protective clothing in compliance with the rules described in the previous article;
  • if umbrellas are cut, they must be burned, since the seeds can ripen in them even after cutting. When the plant is burning, move away from the fire, as essential oils from the plant are released into the air, which can also be harmful to health. Also remember about fire safety.

How to get rid of hogweed in a small area?

Digging up the stem root. A difficult method, but effective, since after removing the stem root the plant will no longer grow. The seeds, of course, will germinate if they are there, but there will be no adult plant. You can’t do without a shovel here; the stem root grows quite deep underground (30 cm or even more).

A similar method is cutting off part of the stem root with dormant buds . The plant is pruned with a sharp shovel approximately 15-20 cm underground. Cutting is done so that fewer dormant buds remain on the plant. After a week or two, you need to walk around the area again and see if there are any new plants. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Young hogweed plants It is easier to pull it out by hand (rubber gloves are required), since the root has not yet gone very deep. On the other hand, the plant may break off due to fragility. It is best to carry out this procedure after rain. Plus, you can pry up the root with a small spatula.

If the plant blooms , then you can remove the inflorescences in the flowering phase - maximum at the beginning of fruit formation, preventing them from ripening. Secateurs with elongated handles will help protect yourself from getting juice on your skin and clothes. Over time, side shoots with inflorescences may appear on the plant, so you will have to inspect the plants from time to time. Remember that seeds can ripen on a cut stem, so there is only one way out - to burn the cut umbrellas.

These are all mechanical methods of getting rid of hogweed, which take a lot of effort and time. There are different opinions about their effectiveness, however, they are quite applicable in a small area with a small number of hogweeds.

Agrotechnical control methods include mulching and deep plowing followed by sowing fast-growing industrial crops, cereals or planting potatoes. The second method will require more time and effort.

Mulching. One of the most effective ways to combat Sosnovsky's hogweed is to use dense black film (film thickness of at least 100 microns). It is necessary to block the light for the hogweed with dense material. The film must be spread over the surface where the hogweed grows, and applied with something heavy so that it does not lift it. You can lay soil, boards, and heavy construction waste on top of the film. It is advisable to prune the plants first. This method allows you to get rid of not only hogweed, but also other weeds. In one season, using this method, it is quite possible to get rid of this weed. Seeds also suffer from such covering, and if some survive and germinate, then it is easier to deal with young plants than with adults.

The biological method is the use of insects that damage the inflorescences of hogweed. For us, ordinary gardeners, this method will not work.

Well, the chemical method is the well-known harmful herbicides. Cannot be used on a personal garden plot. Are you striving for natural and ecological farming?..

I will not talk about how to get rid of hogweed in large areas, since I have not done this. A lot of interesting things can be found on the Internet; agricultural scientists have some experience. But, if you want to start organic farming, then be careful with many tips: herbicides are often recommended, which is not acceptable in organic farming. One of the good collections of information is the website “About Sosnovsky’s hogweed”, only here they also mention methods that are unacceptable in organic farming. Be careful!

Prevention from hogweed in the garden:

  • You cannot bring soil to the site from places where hogweed grew, since the probability of getting its seeds is simply enormous.
  • Keep an eye on your areas and don’t give the weed the opportunity to “register” in them.
  • Do not under any circumstances grow it as an ornamental plant. The plant is beautiful, but it does much more harm than good.

And it would be nice if hogweed were banned for planting on an industrial scale.

Benefits of hogweed

It is interesting that once they wanted to use hogweed as feed for cows, they began to cultivate it as a plant for making silage. But the cows did not really want to eat adult plants, and if they did, they gave tasteless milk, which also did not ferment well. The idea of ​​using hogweed as feed for cows was abandoned, but the plant itself remained and took root very well. Considering that he was not considered an aggressor for a long time, they did not fight him. Only in 2012, hogweed was removed from the State Register of Breeding Achievements. Yes, achievements are achievements... Well, only those who do nothing make mistakes; after all, they wanted the best.

You've probably heard this story more than once. But even now, in addition to extermination measures, they are considering ways to use Sosnovsky's hogweed for human benefit. For example, they are conducting research on the possibility of making cardboard from this plant. Of course, the process of “transforming” hogweed into cardboard is long, using various chemicals, which is unlikely to have a good effect on the environment near the factories (I hope the factories use purification filters). On the other hand, hogweed grows faster than trees, and the process of obtaining cardboard from trees and from hogweed, if I understand correctly, is similar.

Another option for using hogweed is the production of biofuel. Yes, this option is also being studied.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this weed gets the green light again. If the fields with the plant are in some isolated places, then it may not be a problem, but what if they are near settlements and rivers?

As they say, here you should rely only on the awareness and conscience of scientists and entrepreneurs. In the meantime, the situation is that we must fight hogweed, otherwise it will rid us of a wide variety of plants.

That's all for today. I tried to tell you how to get rid of hogweed in the article. Our site was not heavily overgrown with hogweed, so we used mechanical methods: we mainly used digging up stem roots. But, from the point of view of a lazy eco-gardener, the best method is mulching with a thick film. You will have to leave the area overgrown with hogweed under the film for the entire season, but it will be worth it.

How do you get rid of hogweed?

Finally, a video discussion about hogweed and methods of getting rid of it:

Good luck to you!

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