Classification of food industry branches. Characteristics of food industry sectors

Geography reader of the highest category, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 28 Rekut A.S. + The driving force is knowledge, intelligence. It has passed the stage of industrialization. Resource-saving technologies. The goal is high quality goods and services. Show Russia's place in the world economy. Debtors use external loans. High population growth is a social problem. Determine the most optimal one. Why semi-periphery? Russia's place in the world economy. The world is in the post-industrial stage.

“Chemical forestry industry” - 9th grade. Volga-Uralskaya. Polymer production. Energy. Siberian. Tolyatti. 8. Which of the listed centers does not have a pulp and paper mill? 6. Which of the listed subjects of Russia has the most forest supply? Plywood production. Water. Central. Raw materials. Production of rosin and turpentine. Koryazhma. Republic of Kalmykia. European North. Extraction of chemical raw materials. 7. Which of the listed timber processing complexes is not located in the Siberian base? 3. What does not apply to basic chemistry? 5. Which of the chemical forest bases is resource-deficient:

"Metallurgy of Russia" - Lead-zinc industry. Find the definition of a metallurgical complex. Ore Energy Consumer. The actual metallurgical cycle is the production of cast iron, steel and rolled products. The metallurgical complex includes ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. Ferrous metallurgy. Several main bases of non-ferrous metallurgy have been formed on the territory of Russia. Copper industry. To study the features of the Russian metallurgical complex. Non-ferrous metallurgy.

"Chemical industry" - Phosphorus fertilizers. Check yourself. Chemical industry. Limestone. Petrochemistry is developing especially intensively (Tobolsk and Tomsk complexes, Omsk, Angarsk). Million Brown and hard coal. Presentation for a geography lesson in 9th grade. The central base is resource-deficient.

"Light and food industry of Russia" - Food industry found almost everywhere where people permanently live. Distillery. Silk. Cotton. Structure of the agro-industrial complex (AIC). One of reasons - problem providing textile and leather production with raw materials. Meat. Brewery. Production of canned milk. Light and food industry. Fishing industry. Using the table, identify the dynamics and trends in the development of individual sectors of light industry. The footwear and apparel industries are positioned with a consumer focus.

“Agro-industrial complex 9th grade” - Study the features of the agro-industrial complex. (Apk). Food industry. Agro-industrial complex. What is APK? Completed by 9th grade student Ekaterina Gruzdova. . Composition of the agro-industrial complex. Target.

Dnipropetrovsk University of Economics and Rights

Department of Marketing

Individual work in the discipline “Regional Economics”

On the topic of: " Kharchova's craftiness »


Student MEK-1-07

Kovriga Elizaveta

Having re-verified:

Litvinenko O.G.

Dnipropetrovsk 2007


Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ...3

1. Industry structure……………………………………………………...6

2. Current state food industry…………………………...10

3. Location of industry enterprises……………………………………13

4. An example of an enterprise operating in modern conditions……..14

5. Main directions of development of the food industry……………….…16

Conclusions................................................. ........................................................ ......19

Bibliography................................................ ....................................21


The food industry is one of the most promising and rapidly developing industries. Today, manufacturers must produce a wide range of products and create new products, taking into account the ever-increasing demands of consumers. To survive in the global market, it is necessary to develop production and reduce costs by increasing business efficiency.

The food industry is one of the largest sectors of the national economy. Its main task is to meet people's food needs High Quality and a varied assortment. The solution to this problem is carried out mainly on the basis of increased production efficiency, acceleration of scientific and technological progress, increased labor productivity, possibly a decrease in prices for raw materials, an increase in the rate of capital turnover, improvement of labor and production. In the mass production of food products, the technological process plays a decisive role.

The modern food industry producing food products should be characterized by sufficient high level equipment, technology and organization of production, the presence of large specialized enterprises and production associations. There must be an improvement in food production, which of course involves the introduction of high-performance equipment, production lines, expanding the range and improving the quality of food products, and the production of food products that are in high demand. The range of food products should be updated as a result of expanding the range and improving the quality of the raw materials themselves.

The technology of modern food production is increasingly becoming mechanical; its effectiveness primarily depends on the equipment used, which is increasingly modernized. The food and processing industry remains the largest and most vital sector of the economy. In conditions market economy The efficiency of the food industry is achieved through high specialization of production and improved management. Deepening specialization requires not only providing production with technologies using modern achievements scientific and technological progress, but also monitoring the quality of raw materials and finished products.

So what is the role of the food industry? Leading role. It is due to the fact that it makes a significant contribution to the creation logistics base of all social production, and also produces most material assets designed to meet the needs of the population. We can say with confidence that providing the population with quality food products is one of the main directions of social economic development any state. Ukraine, of course, has all the prospects and opportunities for creating a highly developed food industry that can satisfy domestic food needs and provide significant cash income from its sale on the world market. Before writing this work, I highlighted the main tasks: highlight the structures of the food industry, show modern level development of this industry, characterize the territorial organization of the industry by economic region.

Regarding the relevance of this topic, we can say that a powerful food industry must be created in Ukraine to ensure the normal functioning of its population, renew and preserve its health, and develop the export of domestic products. It follows from this that the development of the food industry should become one of the priority areas of our country’s economic policy. And the final result of the activity of the entire agro-industrial complex will provide a significant increase in its efficiency, and will also become a reliable source of replenishment of the state budget and significant cash flows into the “wallet” of our country.

1. Industry structure

The main part of the food industry belongs to the processing industries. However, there are also enterprises that are included in the extractive branches of this industry: this is the production of fish, table salt, and some types of wild food plants. Used in the food industry various ways processing of food raw materials. They must ensure the safety of food consumption for human health, improve their taste and commercial qualities, nutritional and biological value, what if almost the most important link in this chain. Indeed, in their natural form, many food products are not acceptable for consumption: they either contain components that are harmful to health, or are poorly absorbed by our body. (For example, beans may contain highly toxic cyanides; natural components of legumes (soybeans) are unusual types of sugars (stachylose), which cause increased gas formation in the intestines, and proteolytic enzyme inhibitors, which sharply reduce the digestibility of protein from these products.

Such deficiencies can be eliminated by heat treatment, for example cooking. However, heat treatment, being an extremely important method of preparing food raw materials, can also have a negative impact on the biological value of the finished product. Thus, products containing proteins and reducing sugars are extremely sensitive to high temperature, under the influence of which the active combination of reducing sugars with certain amino acids, such as lysine, occurs. This leads to a sharp decrease in the usefulness of the product for humans). Traditional food production technologies do not always ensure the absolute safety of ready-to-eat products. Thus, it has been established by statistics and certainly by in-depth analysis that during the traditional salting of meat products using saltpeter, in some cases a toxically significant amount of nitrosamines (strong carcinogens) is formed in them. And making wine at home is associated with the accumulation of methyl alcohol(until 3%). By changing technological processing, significant improvements in food quality can be achieved. For example, by special processing of milk, you can significantly increase its shelf life (up to 1 month or more) and resistance to thermal effects, inactivate or remove lactose from it, due to the presence of which some of the population cannot tolerate milk.

Using special techniques (bacterial fermentation) from alcoholic drinks methanol can be removed; enrich the oil with vitamins and prevent its rapid burning, reduce its calorie content. When smoking products using special methods, it is possible to remove components from the smoke that have carcinogenic properties, but retain those that form the special taste of smoked products and ensure their shelf life. When processing raw materials at food industry enterprises, a number of sequential operations are usually used, which form the basis of the technology. For example, when grinding wheat, flour and bran are obtained as a result of the influence of a number of mechanical factors. For getting vegetable oils They are extracted from sunflower, cotton, and olive grains using special solvents or the pressing method. The virgin crude (unrefined) oil is then purified using alkaline solutions, adsorbents or by evaporation (refining process). The production of products such as sausages, mayonnaise, margarine, bread, and other products of complex composition mainly involves mixing several ingredients taken in strictly defined proportions. At the same time, finished food forms can be obtained both as a result of mechanical mixing of ingredients, and through certain chemical reactions; certain substances are involved in the formation of color, taste, smell, aroma of food products; they also have other important specific property- bactericidal effect.

An important place in food production belongs to processes based on bacterial and non-bacterial fermentation of food raw materials. The first include processes that occur, for example, during salting cabbage, preparing wine, during the production of feta cheese, cheese, beer, etc. The second includes those processes that occur in food raw materials due to own enzymes, for example, when ripening meat, minced sausage, as well as when using chemically pure enzymes added artificially to food raw materials. Also, one of the important methods of processing food raw materials in the food industry is canning. Such methods of processing food raw materials as, for example, sterilizing filtration (used in the production of beer, wine, fruit juices), tenderization (use electric current to soften meat and accelerate its ripening), the use of ultra-high frequency currents for rapid heat treatment, industrial frequency currents to accelerate certain processes in sausage production.

Food industry enterprises have their pros and cons. A huge plus is the high profitability and quick payback of the enterprise. Therefore, many entrepreneurs decide to open a food production enterprise.

Features of the Russian food industry

The food industry has always been an attractive area for investment, since companies involved in the production of food and beverages are more resistant to crisis events than other industrial sectors. Stable cash flow, conditioned minor changes consumer demand, allow the food industry to withstand long periods of recession. Production of food products in the form finished products and semi-finished products are closely related to agriculture, which acts as a supplier of raw materials. The food industry is also inextricably linked with trade.

Oddly enough, the least attractive from the point of view of investment are enterprises producing bread and bakery products. The reason for this is the orientation of Russian citizens towards purchasing traditional varieties of bread and the presence of a mechanism for state regulation of prices for this type of product. In addition, this industry is of a territorial-local nature, the market is divided, and business development with the aim of expanding geography is impractical. One way to increase profitability and provide additional income is to develop related industries, for example, confectionery.

The most attractive for both domestic and foreign investors is the production of confectionery products, since they Lately are invariably in consumer demand. IN Western countries On the contrary, the trend of proper nutrition is becoming increasingly popular, so interest in confectionery products there has sharply decreased.

Global trends in the efficiency of investments in the food industry

Food is needed every day, so the food industry is the most liquid.

International stock indices, which demonstrate changing directions and the current position of the market, show that over the past five years, food industry companies have shown growth comparable only to that of companies producing high-tech products. The most popular among modern buyers are innovative products, which meet trends in the consumption of healthy and healthy foods.

The prices of shares of companies involved in the production of food additives, for example, those that are able to fight oxidative stress, increasing the antioxidant defense of the human body at the genetic level. Growth is led by global product manufacturers using microalgae technology, as well as natural substances that promote health and well-being.

Thus, by investing in food companies, it is possible to achieve stable profits even during periods of general economic downturn.

Food industry

The food industry is a set of production of food products in finished form or in the form of semi-finished products, as well as tobacco products, soap and detergents. In the agro-industrial complex, the food industry is closely linked with agriculture as a supplier of raw materials and with trade. Some branches of the food industry gravitate towards raw material areas, others - towards consumption areas. Food industry sectors

Soft drink industry Wine industry Confectionery industry Canning industry Pasta industry Oil and fat industry Butter and cheese industry Dairy industry Flour and cereal industry Meat industry Brewing industry Fruit and vegetable industry Poultry industry Fishing industry Sugar industry Salt industry Alcohol industry Tobacco industry Bakery industry

Food industry enterprises have their pros and cons. A huge plus is the high profitability and quick payback of the enterprise. Therefore, many entrepreneurs decide to open a food production enterprise. No plant or factory can count on a quick return on investment.

And in the food industry - please! Sometimes enterprises pay for themselves in just a few months, and then bring good profits. The big disadvantage of this area is the use of raw materials that have a limited shelf life and shelf life. Sometimes you have to work directly from the wheels, or organize competent refrigeration and storage facilities.

Also, the disadvantages include very close control by Rospotrebnadzor authorities. Main types of food production: - bakery, - pasta, - sugar, - starch and syrup, - confectionery, - alcohol and alcoholic beverages, - non-alcoholic beer, - oil, fat and margarine production, - winemaking, - canning of fruits and vegetables , - concentrates.

Features of the Russian food industry

Features of the Russian food industry - an example The food industry is the main processing industry within the agro-industrial complex.

Based on the nature of the raw materials used and the principles of location, the food industry can be combined into the following groups.

The first group is industries focused on raw materials. Their weight finished products less than the weight of the original raw material. In addition, many types of raw materials are not subject to long-term transportation and storage, such as sugar beets, fruits or milk. The most important industries in this group are: canning, tea, sugar, cereals and butter.

When producing granulated sugar from beets, the waste is about 85%. It is not difficult to calculate the costs of transporting raw materials. During long-distance transportation, the quality of beets quickly deteriorates; they break easily and rot. In 1855, a confectionery factory was founded in Moscow by the French Sioux. After 1917 it was nationalized and given the name "Bolshevik". In the 1990s. it again became a private enterprise, and the majority stake belongs to the French company Danone. The technology was updated and the production of many new types of confectionery products was mastered. The fishing industry is distinguished by the peculiarities of its raw material base and has not only stationary production (onshore fish canning factories), but also mobile production on floating fish factories. 90% in This fish catch comes from sea fishing.

The second group includes industries that use raw materials that have already been processed. They focus on the consumer. This is pasta. bakery, confectionery, tea-selling, brewing industries.

The third group is enterprises of the meat-processing, dairy and flour-grinding industries, located both in production areas and in consumption areas.

Main purpose of the food industry

The main purpose of the food industry is food production. Its development makes it possible to eliminate differences in the food supply of the population associated with unequal natural conditions districts. Food concentrates, canned food, frozen vegetables and fruits do not deteriorate during transportation and long-term storage. The food industry is closely related to agriculture. Based on the nature of the raw materials used, the industries included in it are divided into two groups. The first group includes industries that use unprocessed raw materials: cereals; dairy; sugar; tea room; canning; fish

The second group includes such industries that use processed raw materials, such as: tea distribution; confectionery; bakery; pasta.

The food industry is found almost everywhere where people permanently live. This is facilitated by the wide distribution of raw materials used and the widespread consumption of food products. Nevertheless, there are certain patterns in the location of the food industry.

The placement of food industry enterprises is based on taking into account their specific characteristics.

Enterprises producing perishable and non-transportable products are located in areas of consumption.

Enterprises that process raw materials that are not transportable and cannot withstand long-term storage are located in areas where these raw materials are produced (enterprises in the canning, dairy, wine-making, fishing and other industries).

Enterprises that are particularly resource-intensive in production are also located in areas with raw material bases. These include sugar factories and oil mills.

Food industry - a set of enterprises engaged in the production of raw materials, materials and products aimed at satisfying nutritional needs population. The agro-industrial complex is a complex conglomerate of enterprises and organizations whose goal is to produce, process and bring products to final condition. The productivity and degree of development of agriculture has a direct impact on the quality and productive capabilities of various sectors of the food industry.

Main elements of the Russian food industry

The priority direction in the country is livestock farming. This industry provides about 65% of valuable raw materials, from which all kinds of food products are subsequently produced.

There are two main directions:

  1. Meat and dairy segment;
  2. Dairy farming.

The climate and food supply are acceptable only in the European part of the state, where the main production centers are concentrated. Almost 70% of all meat raw materials are replenished through pig farming. Pork is an expensive product, but it is always of excellent quality and is in demand among consumers.

Branches of the food industry in Russia

Facilities producing products depend on the raw material base and consumer factors. There are three main areas in the country’s food industry:

  1. Enterprises in the dairy sector, starch, molasses, sugar, and canned food of plant origin gravitate toward sources of raw materials. For example, in the south there is a large ASTON concert, where oil is produced. Sugar is actively produced in the Caucasus region;
  2. Objects bakery production distributed relatively evenly throughout the country. Linking is carried out on a consumer basis;
  3. Flour mills are located only near the places where raw materials are extracted. The situation is similar with the meat and fish industries.

Development of food industry sectors

IN pre-revolutionary Russia The first enterprises were formed for the subsequent development of the food industry. The most developed were considered to be flour milling, sugar, oil, alcohol and distillery production lines. All segments developed quite actively.

The first blow to the economy came during the First World War. At that time, productivity in all areas fell by 3 to 5 times. It took several decades for all industries to fully recover. To produce high-quality raw materials, collective farms and agricultural cooperatives were formed.

During World War II, the food industry again fell into decline. However, in the post-war period, agriculture and prerogative industries were among the first to be restored. The country grew and developed rapidly. The food industry had difficulty meeting the needs of the population. Growing mismanagement and incorrect distribution of resources led to the fact that by the beginning of the 90s, the national economy was losing up to 40% of finished products and raw materials.

Light and food industry of the world

The food and flavoring industry is complex in its structure. Currently, several major groups have formed around the world. Basic industries that offer products for further processing (flour milling, sugar, dairy, fish, meat) are presented in the form of agricultural formations, places for slaughtering livestock and fishing. Such products can either go directly to the market or be transported to more complex markets. technological processes enterprises.

In the food and flavoring industries around the world, powerful concerns have emerged that produce high-quality products with a name. For example, Nestlé, Coca-Cola, Unilever and many others.

Each corporation owns a huge number of enterprises scattered throughout the world. Each country forms a complex of enterprises in the industrial sector according to the characteristics of its economy, the country's potential, climate and various resources.

Today, the countries with the most advanced food industry are: Australia, Argentina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, Chile, China. It is worth mentioning separately the countries that are engaged in the sale of exotic goods (tea, tobacco, pearls, exotic varieties of fish, seafood, fruits, snapdragon, vegetables). The most famous of them: Uganda, India, China, Japan, Iceland, Thailand, Tanzania, Peru, Mozambique.

It is worth mentioning the fact that production in these countries is built on rather primitive principles. Most products are created in basic production facilities and then transported to regions where there is the highest demand for goods of this type.

Bakery and pasta industry

In 1999, the production of bread and bakery products amounted to 8.9 million tons or 108% of the 1998 level. Bread and bakery products are one of the main affordable food products in the diet of Russian citizens. The baking and pasta industry increased production volumes compared to last year.

Significant output growth continues pasta at enterprises in St. Petersburg (200%), Pskov region (210%), Tver region (262%), Moscow region (226%), etc. Currently, the consumer market is supplied with pasta products from domestic producers. The demand for bread and bakery products was satisfied everywhere, and the utilization of enterprise capacities did not exceed 50%.

The main problem in the baking industry is the continuing deterioration in the financial condition of the industry as a whole, caused by non-payments. A significant share in the delay in payments for bread is occupied by departments budgetary organizations, such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Health of Russia.

The production of pasta in 1999 amounted to 679 thousand tons or 122% compared to 1998. In the vast majority of regions there is a stable growth in domestic production, which is associated with the financial crisis and a reduction in imports of pasta. A significant increase in production (from 34 thousand tons to 64 thousand tons) occurred in September, when its growth was 188% compared to the previous month, which was caused by the rush demand for pasta.

Flour production at flour milling industry enterprises in 1999 amounted to 12.2 million tons with an increase in production output over the year by 9%. The third quarter of 1999 was characterized by a steady increase in the output of finished products at flour mills. In September of this year, there was an increased demand from the population for flour, especially high grades, which allowed many enterprises in the industry to establish rhythmic, uninterrupted work. The massive supply of grain from the new harvest stopped the shortage of grain raw materials and, as a result, production output increased by 1.5 times. Buckwheat and rice are widely consumed types of cereals.

The total capacity of flour milling industry enterprises was 20.3 million tons per year. However, capacity utilization remains low.

Meat industry

Meat gastronomy products include various types of sausages, frankfurters, sausages, bacon, deli meats, ham, pates, etc. These products occupy the fourth position in the scale of products that are in constant demand among the population, behind vegetables, fruits, dairy and bakery products.

The meat gastronomy market is diverse - the range of products here is very wide. At the same time, the number of brands and varieties presented on the market continues to increase: if by the end of 2005 there were 5 thousand varieties of meat gastronomy products on the Russian market, then by the end of 2006 their number increased to 5.5 thousand, i.e. on 10%.

Even more impressive over the past year has been the increase in the number of products per outlet - the increase in the assortment that consumers need. Thus, the number of varieties of meat gastronomy presented to customers to choose from has increased by more than 25%.

The range of meat gastronomy products is being expanded in retail outlets of all formats. To a lesser extent, this is typical for hypermarkets, supermarkets and discounters, where the choice of meat gastronomy products is already quite wide. The assortment in small grocery stores and pavilions is increasing at a faster pace. food industry region economic

The structure of consumption of meat gastronomy products has remained quite stable over the past two years. The most significant changes can be noted in the sausage sector. Thus, the share of popular and affordable boiled sausages has decreased and increased specific gravity more expensive semi-smoked and raw smoked sausages.

Meat market experts believe that large Russian meat processing enterprises are beginning to lose their positions, and their place is being taken by young and fast-growing companies. Thus, two years ago, the unknown company Vegus now occupies fifth position in the ranking on the Moscow market of meat gastronomy products (5.9%). In 11th place is the Bogatyr company (its share in the Moscow market is 4.1%), which a year ago was not included in the ranking of the 20 largest companies. Contenders for leading positions in the market include the Rublevskie Sausages and Delicacies Trade House, Snezhana, and Borodin's Sausage House, which occupy 12th, 13th and 14th positions in the Moscow market ranking.

At the same time, the Cherkizovsky meat processing plant lost about 4% of its market share compared to last year, the Tsaritsyno company moved to 6th position in the ranking, the Ostankino meat processing plant - to 7th, and the Tagansky meat processing plant - to 10th .

This trend corresponds to forecasts that in 5-7 years the leading positions in the market will be taken by young dynamic companies capable of introducing brands aimed at specific consumer groups to the market.

As the market develops, the needs and expectations of consumers become increasingly differentiated. For manufacturers, this means fragmentation of market segments and consumers have completely special requirements for each of them. Respondents note that now the time has come when buyers select a manufacturer based on the taste of the products they produce. These areas refer to regions that meet the needs of other areas. The number of regions in which there is a shortage of locally produced meat products significantly exceeds the number of supplying regions. The regions of the Central and Northwestern federal districts have the greatest export potential, while in the remaining districts of Russia there is a lack of domestic production.

This situation is explained by the concentration of large meat processing plants in the Central and Northwestern Federal Districts. Large meat processing plants have a significant advantage over regional enterprises in the form of a developed marketing system: studying sales markets, developing a promotion strategy, the presence of national brands, price positioning of products intended for sale in the regions, which allows them to displace local producers from regional markets.

In the conditions of competition with market leaders, regional enterprises do not fully use their capacities and their obvious advantages: consumer loyalty to local producers, the ability to work on their own raw materials, i.e. they underestimate their own development potential.

In many regions, the share of meat gastronomy products from local producers accounts for only 15% to 30% of the market capacity, the remaining volumes belong to industry leaders. At the same time, 40-60% of the regional population prefer products from local manufacturers. Thus, in a number of areas, a situation arises where meat processing plants, without their own development strategies, give up to 30% of the market to competitors. With the increase in the volume of imported products, the volume of exports increased.

The increase in the volume of imported meat gastronomy products is explained by the increase in population demand for it.

The increase in exports indicates that the products of leading Russian meat processing plants are popular abroad, and enterprises are establishing relationships with foreign companies to sell part of their products.

In 2006, 30 countries supplied meat gastronomy products to Russia. The share of 7 countries sending sausages for the period January-October 2004 accounted for 81%.

Meat gastronomy products are supplied to Russia in a variety of assortments. The main share in the import volume is occupied by vacuum-packed sausages and sausages, boiled sausages come from Poland, Finland and Germany, and raw smoked brisket and bacon come from Belgium.

Dairy and butter industry.

The dairy and butter industry has developed in Soviet time with the growth of the urban population. Enterprises for the production of whole milk products - milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir - have been created in all economic regions and industrial centers of Russia.

In 1999, there was a decrease in the production of certain types of dairy products compared to 1998, which is primarily due to a reduction in the number of cows.

In the dairy industry, the main reason for the decrease in output is the reduction in milk production in agricultural enterprises and the decrease in its supply for industrial processing. Milk production decreased in 81 regions compared to the same period last year Russian Federation.

The continuing decrease in the supply of raw materials for industrial processing did not allow dairy industry enterprises in 1999 to stabilize the production of dairy products and ensure its growth. Resources for industrial processing in 1999 decreased compared to the same period last year by 2.3% (767 thousand tons) and the production of animal butter amounted to 257 thousand tons, or 18 thousand tons less than last year, whole milk products - 5421 thousand tons or 47 thousand tons more than in 1998

In these conditions, many enterprises are taking measures to maximize the involvement of raw materials in industrial processing, their integrated and rational use, and the production of more competitive products with improved quality and presentation, longer shelf life.

The annual reduction in the production of dairy products has a negative impact on the economic and financial performance of dairy industry enterprises.

The shortage of working capital is especially acute during the season of mass milk processing, when it is possible to additionally attract raw materials to increase the production of dairy products. The debt of dairy industry enterprises to agricultural producers alone for raw materials (milk) as of July 1, 1999 amounted to 5.2 billion rubles.

Production of whole milk products in Russia in last years continues to increase. In 2002, the increase in production volumes was 10.95%, in 2003 - 5.07, in 2004 - 2.96%.

In table Figure 1 shows the production of whole milk products in terms of milk in 2004 by federal districts of the country.*

Table 1

Federal District Production of whole milk products in terms of milk
2004 By 2003, % Region's share, %
Total for Russia 8723398 102,96 100,00
Central 3162045 104,03 36,25
Northwestern 1026383 101,73 11,77
Southern 877507 102,62 10,06
Privolzhsky 1769527 100,80 20,28
Ural 685809 104,20 7,86
Siberian 1002059 104,07 11,49
Far Eastern 200068 103,87 2,29

All federal districts managed to exceed the previous year's figures.

Among the particularly distinguished ones are the Central, Ural and Siberian, which ensured an increase in the output of dairy products compared to 2003 by more than 4%. The largest producing regions of milk and dairy products are the Central and Volga districts, the total share of which in the total production of dairy products in Russia exceeds 56%. In Fig. Figure 1 shows the shares of the main regions producing whole milk products in the all-Russian output for 2004.

Fishing industry.

It is a complex set of enterprises, institutions and organizations. The fishing industry complex is understood as a combination of interconnected and interdependent industries and institutions for the production of fish and seafood, their processing and related industries. The fishing industry complex includes: a fishing fleet, repair and port bases, fish processing enterprises, refrigerated storage facilities, container and network knitting enterprises, and fisheries research institutes. Fisheries have also developed widely in inland waters. This development turned out to be impossible without comprehensive fishing and reclamation work. The food industry is more connected with agriculture than other industries, as it receives raw materials from it (grain, milk, potatoes, sugar beets, seafood, meat, fruits, etc.) and is part of the agro-industrial complex. Intersectoral connections between the food industry and mechanical engineering, energy and other industries are of great importance.

Modern science has great potential for increasing food production, including increasing soil fertility, using biological resources sea ​​waters, the widespread use of solar energy and the achievement of selection and genetics to improve varieties of agricultural crops and breed more productive breeds of animals, increase the range of goods, and better and safer for public health processing of agricultural raw materials in food production. The presence of consumers for food industry products and the variety of raw materials determine the widespread distribution of enterprises in this industry. The food industry consists of two categories of industries, different in scale and location. One group of food industry production - enterprises of the sugar, butter, wine, cereal, tea, canning and fishing industries - is located closer to the sources of raw materials. For example, meat processing plants are created in places where livestock farming is developed, so it is profitable to transport meat rather than livestock. Factories for the production of canned fish are located in port cities. Another group of food industry enterprises - enterprises in the baking, pasta, confectionery, and brewing industries - are located mainly in places where products are consumed (in large populated areas). Thus, the development and location of food industry enterprises is determined by: the location of the population, the specialization of agriculture and the conditions of transportation of finished products. The variety of raw materials and the availability of food consumers determine the widespread distribution of food industry enterprises. But in some places they serve the needs of the local population, in others they create products for many parts of the country.

Liquor industry

The production of raw alcohol from food raw materials in 1999 amounted to 63 million decaliters, which is 33% higher than in 1998, vodka and liquor products - 128 million decaliters, which is 44 million decaliters more than in 1998.

1993-1997 characterized by a decrease in the production of alcohol and liqueurs. This is due to the fact that the Russian market has been overwhelmed by a wave of imported vodka and alcohol.

The sharp decline in the production of alcohol and liqueurs is due to the fact that the federal law established an excise tax on alcohol for production alcoholic products in the amount of 80%, which led to a 5-fold increase in price. Without working capital, enterprises were practically stopped.

Tea industry

The active formation of the tea market in Russia took place in the early - mid-90s. Moscow and St. Petersburg acted as tea centers with representative offices of the largest tea suppliers to Russia. Regional companies located in major cities Russia, acted as distributors of leading companies.

The 1998 crisis affected the tea market. Despite the rise in prices, tea sales increased between September and December 1998, which was mainly due to the outflow of purchasing activity from other drinks (coffee, juices). At the same time, the following pattern was observed - the sales volumes of loose leaf teas and expensive elite varieties were decreasing and the demand for granulated tea, cheaper and of lower quality, was growing. Granulated tea in the fall of 1998 accounted for 80-90% of all tea sales (according to the analytical department of RIA RosBusinessConsulting, 1998).

Teas from Kenya are appearing on the market. At the beginning of May 2002, a delegation from the Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA Ltd), the largest Kenyan tea exporter, came to Russia. The management of KTDA Ltd considered Russia as one of the promising markets due to a significant increase in the consumption of bagged tea.

The Kenyans negotiated with the companies “Orimi Trade”, “Golden Elephant”, “May”, “Grand”. It is profitable to buy Kenyan teas - they are cheaper than Ceylon teas and are almost as good in quality. But Russian packers intended to use it as a component for blended varieties. Positioning this tea as a separate product required large investments in advertising.

The modern market for tea products has its own characteristics; It is no longer individual producing countries that stand out, but specific brands of tea.

The Russian tea market today is significantly consolidated. The four leading manufacturers in terms of sales volume (see figure) include two Russian operators: Orimi Trade LLC (St. Petersburg) and May Company OJSC (Moscow), as well as two international companies; Ahmad Tea Ltd. (UK) and Unilever (UK-Netherlands). Tea brands largest producers are presented in table. 1. (according to the analytical department of RIA "RosBusinessConsulting", 2006)

Salt industry

The salt industry includes 10 enterprises for the extraction of table salt. In 1999, the volume of production of table salt amounted to 3182 thousand tons, or 144% of the 1998 report. At the same time, only 40% of the available capacity was used. The reason for the weak utilization of capacity is the decrease in the number of concluded contracts for the supply of salt for production needs for enterprises in the chemical, energy, metallurgical and other industries.

To improve the industry's performance, in 1992 the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a decree "On the development of table salt production", which provided for the necessary measures to create additional capacities. However, since 1995, centralized capital investments financed from the Federal budget for the food and processing industry have not been allocated.