How much iron is in shrimp? What are the benefits of shrimp for women and men?

Shrimp have conquered the world's waters, even mastering freshwater reservoirs. Lovers of delicacies can purchase the product at any store.

Although scientists assure that buyers are offered mainly products grown on aqua farms and not related to real shrimp, consumers by and large do not care whether these varieties have branched gills or not, how they lay eggs (this is the essence of the differences), as long as they tasty and healthy.

But not all religious cultures approve of these decapods as food. Islamists have not yet agreed among themselves whether to consider them as permitted food, and Jews categorically do not accept them in their diet.

We’ll talk about the beneficial and harmful properties of shrimp and the use of seafood in cooking in our article!

How to choose a good product

Due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids, free moisture and autolytic enzymes This product cannot be stored, therefore, after catching it, it must be immediately frozen or boiled and frozen. The product is supplied to retail chains boiled-frozen or fresh frozen.

To prevent carcasses from drying out during storage or harmful microorganisms settling on them, Each carcass is covered with ice glaze- after freezing, apply a thin crust of ice.

The buyer is forced to purchase frozen water.

Live shrimp have a varied color, but boiled ones turn red. GOST classifies these seafood depending on size into small, medium and large. They are also divided according to the degree of purification. Freshly frozen crustacean meat is light and elastic, while boiled frozen crustacean has dense white-pink meat.

After catching, decay processes begin in the tissues of the carcass. To stop them, a certain temperature regime is required. For glazed crustaceans this is minus 18 °C.

At higher temperatures, the appearance, taste, and smell deteriorate, consistency, therefore, the quality of shrimp laid out in bulk in open refrigerated display cases, the top layer of which is in contact with the ambient air, is questionable, and it is higher than the required temperature.

Seafood fat is different from warm-blooded animal fat.. It is liquid and has a specific taste and smell. Due to the high content of highly unsaturated fatty acids, it oxidizes during storage from contact with atmospheric oxygen, especially if the product is exposed to sunlight and is stored warm. Therefore, shrimp fat quickly deteriorates under such conditions.

According to GOST, frozen crustaceans can be stored for 4–6 months at a temperature no higher than minus 18 °C, and at a temperature no higher than minus 25 °C:

  • boiled-frozen - 7-8 months;
  • raw frozen - 9-10 months.

About two thousand marine and freshwater shrimp live in nature., but the consumer should only know that they are divided into warm-water and cold-water. The latter are smaller and cheaper, coming from Norway, Lithuania, Estonia, Canada, Denmark.

They contain more nutrients, they feed on natural food in the wild, they have a more refined taste, and they are healthier. Warm-water species (mostly royal and tiger species) are bred on aqua farms. Our country purchases them from Thailand, China, Vietnam, South Asia, Indonesia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Brazil.

When looking through packages of shrimp in refrigerator display cases, evaluating them only by appearance is not enough. The country of origin is also important, because in Europe products undergo strict quality control, but there are more than enough complaints about Asian production.

List of requirements for product:

  • Next to the weight designation on the packaging, the approximate number of individuals is usually indicated contained in a kilogram, as one of the indirect indicators of size. The lower the numbers, the larger the individuals, and the fewer of them per kilogram. When there is no such information on the packaging, there may be all sorts of little things and mis-sorts inside, especially if the package is opaque. If the package contains crawfish without heads, the quantity may be indicated per pound rather than per kilogram.
  • Lumps of snow in packaging- evidence of defrosting and re-freezing of the product.
  • The green head of the crustacean is not a defect, and evidence of feeding on special types of plankton does not affect the quality at all, brown - a sign of pregnancy of an individual - improves taste characteristics, but black - evidence of illness or the fact that the product was defrosted and was warm for some time. This copy must be disposed of.
  • High-quality crustaceans have a curled tail and an even, smooth color. Dark spots on the legs and shells, yellowish meat indicate the advanced age of the individuals, and an unbent tail indicates that the animals died before freezing.
  • The package must indicate the name of the manufacturing organization, full address, and telephone numbers. This is the main sign of readiness to be responsible for the quality of their products.

The crustaceans can also be peeled - completely or partially (down to the tail). On average, per kilogram of seafood without shell there are 2.5–3 kg of unpeeled fish. Here the choice depends on preference.

Some people like the cleaning process, while others do not want to waste time on this and choose the cleaned option. But gourmets say that crustaceans cooked in their shells taste better.

Chemical composition, calorie content, cholesterol, nutritional value, glycemic index

Shrimp is a product of animal origin with a high content of protein, essential fatty acids, and fat-soluble vitamins. Their nutritional value is very high. They, like all crustaceans, are valued for their taste. The energy value of shrimp is 95-110 kcal per 100 gram serving, glycemic index is 0.

On average, boiled and peeled shrimp contain:

  • carbohydrates - 2.2%;
  • fat - 1.7%;
  • protein - 20.6%.
  • water - 46-92%;
  • nitrogenous substances - 5.4-27%;
  • minerals - 0.1-3%.

The constant and high content of nitrogenous substances, represented mainly by proteins, allows shrimp to be regarded as a protein food. They contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids.

By eating only 100 g of product per day, you can meet the body’s need for the following vitamins and microelements:

Shrimp in the diet is a source of healthy high-density cholesterol. Depending on the habitat and method of preparation, 100 g contains 7-250 mg of this substance.

On the pages of our website you will also learn how to properly prepare delicious and valuable seafood!

Health Benefits

The benefits of this product are undeniable - it contains many vitamins and beneficial microelements:

  • provitamin A improves vision, prolongs skin youth;
  • vitamin A, which, together with B vitamins, is necessary for the excellent condition and health of nails and hair;
  • vitamin C is a natural immunity booster;
  • and E protect and cleanse blood vessels;
  • protein maintains and restores muscle structures, promotes collagen production, which maintains skin elasticity;
  • the rich microelement composition (manganese, fluorine, iron, zinc, sulfur, etc.) improves blood circulation, helps cleanse the body of toxins, removing remnants of drugs, salts, heavy metals, supports the functioning of the thyroid and other glands, and improves hormonal levels.

Features of the effect on the body

To question the benefits of shrimp meat for humans would be simply blasphemy. People who regularly include seafood in their diet are less likely to catch colds, are less susceptible to allergies, and the condition of their skin, hair and nails indicates that they do not need additional portions of vitamins and microelements.

For men and women

Men often see the usefulness of shrimp only as a snack for beer. It’s unlikely that they know that the meat of these decapods contains selenium and zinc, which enhance potency, and amino acids contribute to the production of testosterone. Vitamin E, included in the composition, has always been considered a vitamin of female beauty, in parallel prolonging the good state of reproductive function.

In combination with their high nutritional value, these seafood can be effectively used as part of a diet for weight loss. You will be satisfied with a small portion, and the complex of vitamins and microelements in the composition will not allow the skin to sag when body parameters decrease, and will protect against cellulite.

Is it harmful for pregnant and lactating women?

A pregnant woman lives for two people, so she needs increased portions of nutrients. By including shrimp in your diet, all these needs can be met. Iron contained in shrimp is also beneficial - warns anemia, which often occurs during pregnancy.

Hemoglobin will be normal, the expectant mother will be healthy, and the baby will begin to fully develop. The main thing is not to get carried away to such an extent that you develop an allergy to seafood. The diet should be varied; a 100-gram portion of crustaceans per day will be enough. It is better to avoid seafood during lactation.

What are the benefits for children?

For a growing body, 3–4.5 g of protein per kilogram of weight is needed per day (and for adults - only 1–2 g). With a lack of weight, after operations and illnesses, with a decrease in immunity, the need for protein increases. It can be easily replenished with seafood, supplementing or replacing fish and meat in the diet. Unsaturated fatty acids help the growing body build cellular structures and synthesize hormones, leveling out the fluctuating hormonal levels.

On our website you will learn about the beneficial substances contained in it, and several unusual recipes for its preparation!

If the product is in shell, it will need to be peeled. To do this, first the head is torn off, then the shell is removed, starting from the wide end, moving towards the tail. The legs will come off when the “armor” is removed. The esophagus is then removed. To do this, use a sharp knife to make a cut along the back and pull out the dark vein.

Shrimp should not be eaten raw., and of all the ways to prepare them, the simplest is boiling. The main thing is to do it correctly so that they do not lose their taste and do not lose useful components.

If you overdo it and overcook, then instead of tender, tasty meat you can get “rubbery” pieces of an incomprehensible taste. To make it delicious, seafood must be immersed in boiling water, which is pre-salted, add spices.

Cook until the crustaceans float to the surface (usually 3–5 minutes), turn off and set the pan aside for a quarter of an hour. After the time has passed, the delicacy is taken out, sprinkled with olive oil, and flavored with spices.

Before eating, heat boiled-frozen crustaceans and season them with spices. First, they are washed with running cold water. There is no need to defrost - just wash off the ice glaze and rinse it from possible debris. Cleaned crustaceans are immersed in boiling water with spices for a minute. If they are in the shell, they should remain in boiling water longer - about two minutes.

Store the product frozen, do not defrost in advance. If you are going to cook, immediately before cooking, you need to remove the crustaceans from the freezer, wash off the ice shell and immediately put them into processing. You need to prepare such a volume that it is enough for one time.

It is better to eat protein foods in the afternoon. Shrimp will be a good dish for lunch or dinner. Uncleaned specimens are eaten by hand. If the crustaceans are completely ready to eat, use a fork. The neck, which makes up 33–45% of the carcass weight, is eaten.

When you include shrimp in your diet when losing weight, you can eat up to 300 g per day., if combined with green vegetables. For diabetics, the standards are more limited - no more than 100 g per day once a week and only after consultation with your doctor. Healthy people can consume 100–200 g daily.

From this video you will learn even more interesting facts about the dangers and benefits of shrimp and other seafood:

Use in cooking

Boiled crustaceans, both cold and hot, are served as an independent dish, used in salads, sauces, soups, grilled, baked. There are many easy-to-prepare dishes you can make with shrimp.

  • Fried shrimp. This delicate dish must be made quickly to ensure that the crustacean meat remains tender, so the ingredients must be prepared in advance. Fry cleaned carcasses (400 g) in olive oil
  • Shrimp in the microwave. They prepare quickly. Defrost a kilogram of shrimp, rinse, and place in a microwave-safe bowl. Pour mixture of 2 tbsp. spoons of water, 0.5 tbsp. spoons of salt and 2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce. Shake well to mix everything.

    Place in the microwave, turn it on at full power for 3 minutes. Then remove, stir and cook for another 3 minutes. Remove the container, drain off the excess liquid, sprinkle the delicacy with lemon juice and serve.

  • Shrimp in garlic sauce. Remove half a kilogram of crustaceans from the freezer and place in cold water. While they are defrosting, make the sauce: mix 4 chopped garlic cloves, 2 teaspoons ground pepper, 1 teaspoon. salt, 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice, 2 tsp. cognac

    Dry the thawed carcasses, put them in a baking bag, pour the sauce into it, and shake the bag well to mix the contents. Place the bag in the refrigerator for at least an hour, or up to overnight. Then shake the contents into a hot frying pan with oil and fry for 5 minutes.

And from this video you will learn another interesting recipe and master class on cooking shrimp from the chef:

The benefits of shrimp have been studied and proven by practice, but even if you don’t take into account the low calorie content combined with high nutritional value and usefulness, they are simply very tasty.

Crustaceans can be included in the menu of adults and children, pregnant women, because shrimp will not cause harm. They will benefit everyone, saturating the body with vitamins and microelements, giving a charge of vigor and good mood.

Shrimp are crustaceans from the order Decapoda. Widely distributed throughout the seas of the whole world, many species have mastered fresh waters. The size of adult specimens of different representatives varies from 2 to 30 cm. In the seas of the Russian Far East, the shrimp fauna includes more than 100 species. Many representatives of this group are objects of industrial fishing.

They are usually sold sorted simply by size. The larger they are, the more expensive they are. Small, only 3-7 cm in length, and inexpensive include deep-sea shrimp, which, for the most part, are boiled freshly caught and frozen.

First of all, if the shrimp's head is black, it means the shrimp is bad. If there are white stripes on the shrimp, it means that it is frozen somewhere, and you can’t take it either. If the shell is dry, it means the shrimp is old.

An ideal shrimp should be slightly moist, without white spots, and have a pleasant color.

Black spots and black rings on the legs mean the shrimp is old or spoiled. If you put such a shrimp in a frying pan, it will fall apart into mush. If the shrimp has yellow spots or bumps, it means they tried to get rid of the black spots with a chemical solution. If there are dry white spots on the shrimp, it means it is frozen.

Shrimp calories

Shrimp is an excellent dietary product, 100 g of which contains 97 kcal. Due to their high protein content and low fat content, they satisfy hunger well without adding extra pounds to your figure. 100 g of boiled shrimp - 95 kcal. Quite high calorie content of shrimp fried in breading. It is 242 kcal per 100 g. In large quantities, this dish can cause excess weight. 100 g of shrimp baked with sauce contains 175 kcal and you shouldn’t abuse them either. An alternative option for preparing tasty, healthy and low-calorie shrimp is steaming. 100 g of this dish contains only 99 kcal.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of shrimp

Shrimp is a very protein-rich product. Accordingly, they contain all the essential amino acids. Shrimp also contain large quantities of iodine, which is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones. They also contain all the fat-soluble vitamins. This is vitamin , , , .

Shrimp contain calcium, which is useful for the thyroid gland, immune system, hematopoiesis, kidney function, building the muscle system and bone tissue. Potassium is essential for the cardiovascular system. Zinc affects the synthesis of hormones, improves the condition of the skin and nails. Sulfur is also important for skin, hair and nails, regulates the functions of sweat and sebaceous glands, improves immunity, reduces allergic reactions, promotes the construction of connective tissue, including the valve apparatus of the heart, membranes of venous and arterial vessels, and articular surfaces.

Shrimp has the highest cholesterol levels. In second place is chicken, and fish has no cholesterol at all.

Dangerous properties of shrimp

A special danger that lies in shrimp is the presence of arsenic in them. As a marine creature, shrimp are capable of accumulating heavy metals, so it is very important to know where exactly it was caught.

According to the findings of scientists cited by, king prawns brought to Russia from Asian countries were grown artificially with the help of antibiotics, growth stimulants and unnatural feed. This applies not only to this type of seafood. Experts claim that today 50% of imported fish products are obtained in an artificial environment. Note that after the publication of this manual in Sweden, sales of some types of seafood were halved.

Excessive consumption of shrimp leads to the appearance of cholesterol plaques, which provoke blockage of blood vessels and atherosclerosis, since shrimp is the record holder among seafood for cholesterol content. This risk can be minimized by eating shrimp along with vegetables and herbs, which can remove cholesterol from the body.

The video will tell you about the beneficial and harmful properties of shrimp and their types. It also contains a video recipe from the chef.

Shrimp are Crustaceans that belong to the order Decapods. Widely distributed in the seas of the whole world, however, some species also live in fresh waters. The average lifespan of these marine inhabitants is 2-6 years, it largely depends on the habitat. Adults reach a length of 2-30 cm.

There are warm-blooded and cold-blooded shrimp. Warm-blooded animals are larger and have an exotic appearance. The largest are tiger shrimp, which can reach a length of 36 centimeters. Their name comes from their special coloring - the presence of black stripes on the shell. Cold-blooded shrimp are smaller in size, but they are more beneficial for the body; Their cost, as a rule, is cheaper than warm-blooded ones. These seafood have a short shelf life, so immediately after catching they are heat treated or frozen.

The shell of crustaceans contains astaxanthin, a substance that belongs to carotenoids. This is what gives the shrimp its bright pink color. It is believed that seafood with a brighter color is tastier and of higher quality. But you shouldn’t jump to conclusions right away. Sometimes fish farm owners artificially color the inhabitants of their farms.

Nowadays, shrimp have ceased to be a food that is available only to a select few. Whole shrimp in the shell or their meat can be seen in any store, and the price for them is quite affordable.

Chemical composition

Shrimp, like other seafood, is rich in easily digestible protein. Its digestion occurs very quickly, which facilitates the absorption of a sufficient amount of product components into the blood.

Shrimp are a source of vitamin D. 100 grams (boiled) contain about 32% of the daily value of this important component. Vitamin D ensures the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and also regulates their levels in the blood.

If we compare shrimp and other products, then, for example, they contain almost 100 times more iodine than beef. So 100 g of this crustacean contains the daily norm of this element and 2.5 norms of potassium. By eating 200 grams of seafood per day, you can easily replenish the daily requirement of the human body for copper and cobalt.

Fresh shrimp are low in calories: 100 g of them contain 73-107 kcal (it all depends on the type). This seafood is on par with potatoes, low-fat fish, and bananas in terms of calorie content. Cooking shrimp increases their calorie content. Boiled crustaceans contain about 100 kcal, and fried or baked ones become even more high-calorie. They can become an alternative dish for allergy sufferers, as they are a non-allergenic product.

Table 1. “Chemical composition of shrimp”
Compound Contents per 100 grams
18.9 g
2.2 g
77.2 g
Ash 1.7 g
135 mg
260 mg
220 mg
450 mg
60 mg
2200 mcg
2100 mcg
850 mcg
110 mcg
110 mcg
100 mcg
12 mcg
10 mcg
38 mcg
0.01 mg
1.4 mg
0.06 mg
0.11 mg
13 mcg
1 mg

Useful properties

Benefits for the Heart

The level of “good” in the blood increases, and the level of “bad” decreases. Serious cardiac pathology is caused by an excessive amount of “bad” cholesterol. They also have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system - they destroy harmful homocysteine ​​molecules that impede blood flow and damage blood vessels. This type of crustacean is characterized by a high content of and, which help human blood vessels remain elastic and healthy, prevent the possibility of heart attacks and reduce blood pressure.

Cancer Prevention

Selenium, which is part of shrimp, prevents the formation of cancer cells, inhibits their growth, and also kills weakened, old cells, with a broken gene apparatus. This trace element is also capable of activating the activity of glutathione peroxidase, which has anticarcinogenic properties. There is information that the fatty acids contained in shrimp normalize metabolic processes, reducing the risk of colorectal cancer.

Benefits for the nervous system

Fatty acids have a positive effect on cognitive functions of the brain. The high content of omega-3 fatty acids helps prevent decline in the quality of mental activity and provide protection against Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Scientists at Columbia Medical Center have proven that fatty acid compounds help reduce blood levels of amyloid beta, the protein found in amyloid plaques that occur in Alzheimer's disease. With the regular presence of fatty acids in the diet, the risk of these terrible diseases is reduced by 30%. In addition, omega-6 and omega-3 acids improve your mood and help prevent depression. Magnesium contained in shrimp has excellent anti-stress properties.

Antioxidant properties

Shrimp - excellent. The carotenoid substance they contain, regularly entering the body, promotes the formation of new tissues and cells, prolonging their youth, and helps reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Antimicrobial properties

Chitin, found in the shell of a crustacean, has antimicrobial properties and helps the rapid healing of cuts and wounds. Also, thanks to this, it is used in dentistry and the food industry.

Benefits for bones

Strong aphrodisiac

Shrimp are a strong aphrodisiac. Their high content of selenium, iodine, protein, and vitamins normalize hormonal levels, improve mood and give strength. Thanks to this, both men and women have increased sexual desire.

Benefits for women

During pregnancy, every woman is concerned with issues of balanced nutrition. Nutritionists advise pregnant women to include seafood in their dishes, the beneficial properties of which contribute to the favorable development of the fetus. The rich mineral composition improves metabolism, having a beneficial effect on the endocrine system, the appearance of nails and hair.

Shrimp are an irreplaceable source of microelements not only during pregnancy, but also during menopause.

Benefits for men

Seafood is very beneficial for the body of the stronger half of the population, and shrimp is no exception. In ancient Rome, crustaceans were part of the dishes for the patricians; they allowed them to stimulate their male power due to their zinc and selenium content. Fatty amino acids are involved in the biosynthesis of the main male hormone - testosterone. After dinner, where the menu included shrimp and accompanying products, such as vegetables, rice and white wine, a romantic continuation is guaranteed.

Using shrimp

In cooking

Shrimp are an accessible and at the same time exquisite table decoration that is accessible to almost everyone. What dishes can you add them to? Of course, salads - in them, tender, cold and almost melting in the mouth crustacean meat, together with spices, fully reveals its unique delicious taste. They can also be added to main courses. Some gourmets make soups from shrimp. And of course, just regular shrimp without any ingredients are common.

Recipes from different chefs differ in the variety of flavorings added and the cooking time. What is the secret to cooking shrimp? How to cook them so that the meat is completely cooked and tasty?

Proper defrosting of the product plays an important role in cooking. There are rules that will allow you to retain more nutrients in it:

  • You cannot defrost shrimp at room temperature, in the microwave, or throw them frozen into water. The optimal preparation of the product for cooking is gradual defrosting and thawing in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.
  • A less “correct” but also effective way of defrosting is to place the seafood in a colander and leave it in cold water for 15 minutes. Then you need to change the water and let the shrimp sit for another 20 minutes.
  • After defrosting, the seafood should be rinsed in running water. Before throwing it into boiling water, you need to dry it on a paper napkin.

Let's move on to the recipe itself. First, boil the water. Its quantity is determined in the ratio of 1 part shrimp - 2-2.5 parts water.

The water needs to be salted and spices added to it. The most common are parsley, black peppercorns, and dill. Sometimes a bay leaf is added, but you need to remember that it will add excessive toughness to the shrimp. But it all depends on your preferences.

After the water boils, you can put shrimp in it. Make sure that the dish does not “run away”, as crustaceans may foam slightly during cooking and rise to the surface. Tender and soft shrimp meat cooks very quickly - as soon as the shrimp boil and float, after 1.5-2 minutes you can remove them with a slotted spoon or drain the water. The cooking time for larger seafood products increases slightly - about 2-3 minutes. It is very important not to overcook - otherwise the meat will become a “rubbery” consistency and instead of enjoying it, you will only need to chew the elastic hooks. The meat of properly cooked shrimp is very tender and practically melts in your mouth. Once the seafood is removed from the water, it must be cooled and cleaned. If desired, you can sprinkle a little herbs before serving.

It is important to know how to properly peel a shrimp in order to eat it. First, it is imperative to free it from its shell. To do this, you need to pick it up with its belly up and tear off its head. Then you need to take the shrimp by the upper part with one hand and by the tail with the other, pull slowly by the back part and the shell will slide off the body. After this, you can enjoy the taste of crustacean.

The paws may contain caviar, which some gourmets eat. It is no less tasty than the shrimp itself.

When cleaning a shrimp, it is necessary to remove the “vein”, which is the digestive organ. It may contain grains of sand, and the taste is sometimes bitter. Of course, we expect completely different sensations when feasting on shrimp.

Shrimp, regardless of their type, can be cooked not only in water. For example, many seafood in Italy are cooked with cream or milk in an unrefined form. In Japan and China, in order to eliminate the specific “fish spirit”, green tea is used to prepare shrimp. Its leaves are added to the water just before boiling. In this case, the shrimp need to be cooked a little longer. And as a result, the meat will not be tasteless and “rubbery”, but, on the contrary, with an additional zest. In Russia, many people boil shrimp in vodka or beer. The most common ingredients added to the liquid when cooking crustaceans are bay leaves, salt, black pepper, lime, lemon, vegetable oil, cloves, garlic, tarragon and dill.

All of the above tips can be used for gas or electric stoves. You can also cook shrimp in the microwave. But in this case there is no consensus on the required cooking time. Some believe that these seafood should be kept in the microwave for 12 minutes, and it should be turned on at full power. Others are of the opinion that only two minutes is enough for such a procedure. Still others stick to the golden mean; they cook seafood on medium power for 5-7 minutes. But almost everyone agrees that frozen shrimp can be cooked in the microwave without water, because the melted ice will completely suffice.

Sometimes frozen-boiled shrimp are not cooked at all, because they are already cooked after being caught. You can just wait until they are completely free of ice, sprinkle them with ice, sprinkle finely chopped herbs on top and serve. Sometimes shrimp are “warmed up” by steaming. All of the above cooking methods are correct and acceptable.

For weight loss

Shrimp are low in calories, they contain almost no sugar and fat, but due to their high protein content they perfectly satisfy hunger. Therefore, this seafood is one of the most preferred types of food. The high content promotes hemoglobin synthesis and has a positive effect on the nervous system, which is important during weight loss.

There is a special shrimp diet that will help you not only improve your figure, but also improve the condition of your skin and hair. With this diet, you need to eat about 350 grams of boiled shrimp meat per day. If you really want fried food, then only cook it in vegetable oil and no more than 100 grams. You can eat vegetables with this crustacean, with the exception of potatoes, legumes and corn. You can eat greens in unlimited quantities. Green apples, citrus fruits and wild berries are allowed. Liquids allowed are water, citrus juices, pineapple, apple, pomegranate, and skim milk.

The duration of such a diet is 7-10 days. It is not suitable for people suffering from liver pathology or chronic allergies. It is advisable to discuss the need for such a diet with your doctor if you have problems with the thyroid gland.

In cosmetology

When eating sea crustaceans, the condition of hair, nails and skin improves due to the presence of vitamin A in their composition. But they are used for cosmetic purposes not only as food. Contained in the shell allows you to slow down the aging process, prevent the occurrence of wrinkles, and normalize immune reactions. It is used for cosmetic correction because it does not leave scars on the skin.

Chitosan also has other excellent qualities: it creates a protective layer on the skin, protecting it from moisture loss. It also prevents from the aggressive effects of environmental factors and is perfectly absorbed by the body.

There is a whole series of different cosmetics based on chitosan: creams, lotions, masks, powders. Scientists are developing technologies that plan to use chitosan nanoparticles in new skin care products.

Selection rules

The best option is to buy shrimp immediately in the harbor after unloading from the ship. But, unfortunately, few people live in such a place. The majority of people choose this seafood in markets or stores, where they are available in chilled, canned or frozen form.

The healthiest ones are fresh frozen shrimp, because in this form they retain the components included in it to the maximum. But most often you can find frozen boiled seafood on our shelves. It is best to buy it frozen in a block.

In order to fully enjoy the benefits and taste of shrimp, you need to carefully examine their appearance. They should definitely smell a little like the sea and look fresh. What else should you pay attention to when choosing?

  • The freshness of the shrimp is indicated by its elasticity and low moisture content. Too dry a shell indicates old age.
  • There should be no spots on the sea crustaceans. Black rings or spots on the paws indicate that they are spoiled or old. When cooked, such individuals will turn into mush. Yellow spots indicate that sellers tried to hide the presence of black spots using a chemical solution.
  • White stripes on seafood indicate that it is frozen.
  • There is nothing wrong with a shrimp having a green head - it has just been feeding on plankton for a long time. A brown head indicates that this is a female and she is pregnant - such shrimp are much healthier.
  • If the sea crustaceans are brown or yellow, then this is evidence that they have been lying on the shelf. Do not buy bright or almost red with an orange tint, because they are most likely simply tinted to give it a marketable appearance.
  • Shrimp in the form of a frozen lump occurs if it has been defrosted and re-frozen.

When making a purchase, be sure to pay attention to the shelf life, otherwise there is a risk of purchasing a damaged product. It is better to cook shrimp immediately after purchasing. But if there is a need to store them, it is better to do this in the freezer.

Additional facts

Shrimp lovers will be interested in learning a few interesting additional facts about them:

  • Many species of shrimp are hermaphrodites—they can change sex from male to female throughout their lives.
  • As they grow, they molt and exchange their old shell, which has become uncomfortable, for a more spacious one.
  • They can easily accumulate toxic substances.
  • King shrimp are grown primarily on farms. For this purpose, growth stimulants and antibiotics are used. They contain very few nutrients.
  • One type of shrimp is the so-called “shooting” shrimp. With their claws they can make a click so loud that the fish located nearby die from it.

Harm and contraindications

Shrimp is a safe product and can be given even to children. It may be contraindicated unless a person is allergic to seafood. But they should not be abused, like many other foods.

The environmental situation in the world does not inspire optimism. Therefore, there is no certainty that the shrimp lying on the table grew in absolutely healthy conditions. In addition, they are not only sea, but also river, and they are very different from each other in composition and beneficial properties. Some fishermen and suppliers stuff shrimp with antibiotics and various additives that have a negative effect on the body when consumed.

Sea crustaceans absorb various toxic substances well and accumulate them. They contain cadmium, mercury, lead and other heavy metals, which are extremely dangerous for the human body. Due to the dishonesty of carriers and suppliers of goods, when transportation and storage rules are not followed, sometimes seafood, which is healthy in itself, can become dangerous and cause poisoning.

Shrimp is an amazing, tasty and nutritious product. Do not abuse them, follow the rules of choice and they will only bring you benefit.

Shrimp is a healthy and, most importantly, vitamin-rich seafood product. They contain a huge amount of fatty acids (omega-6, omega-3), amino acids and vitamins (A, E, D, PP, B12). For humans, shrimp are useful for containing the following substances: sodium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, selenium, manganese, iodine and potassium - they are vital for the normal functioning of the body.

Distinctive advantages of this type of product:

Low calorie;

A large amount of nutrients;

Preventing the formation of blood clots in blood vessels and their regeneration.

How to choose shrimp

To choose the right shrimp, first of all, you need to know their varieties:

Warm water (live in the seas of the Northern Hemisphere);

Cold-water (live in tropical seas).

Their differences are visible to the naked eye, the inhabitants of cold waters are much smaller in size (5-7 cm) than their counterparts from warm seas, they reach sizes of up to 20-30 cm, which, by the way, is due to the high cost of the latter. However, many experts argue that the level of healthfulness and taste of cold-water shrimp is much higher. The best shrimp will be those whose habitat was along the coastline of the North Atlantic, the coast of Brazil or the Baltic.

Avoid purchasing if:

The shrimp are encased in an ice crust or simply with a large ice content;

The shrimp meat is soft, slightly cloudy or yellowish - this indicates the considerable age of the shrimp. Choose only individuals with elastic flesh of a soft pink color;

The shrimp's tail is unbent. This sign immediately makes it clear that the death of the crustacean occurred even before the heat treatment procedure.

If you purchase this type of seafood in packaging, then pay attention to the information provided by the manufacturer (place of fishing, where it was produced and packaged, and most importantly when), as well as the numbers 60-90 or 90-120, they indicate the approximate number of shrimp in the package , accordingly, the higher the number, the smaller the shrimp themselves.

How to cook shrimp

Shrimp are famous for their ease of preparation. Most often they are consumed boiled; to do this, you must first defrost the product and then rinse it in cold water. Place the required amount of crustaceans in boiling salted water and cook until they float to the surface (3-5 minutes). The main thing in this matter is not to overcook the product, otherwise the taste will suffer.

There are a huge number of recipes for preparing shrimp, and here a lot depends on the options for serving the finished dish, whether it will be a salad, an appetizer, or maybe a soup. For example, you can fry shrimp.

The simplest option would be to pour lemon juice over the (pre-defrosted, washed and peeled) shrimp and sprinkle with herbs (dill, parsley, etc.). Let marinate for half an hour, and then, in a preheated frying pan, fry in oil (3-5 minutes). There is a more complex recipe. Pour vegetable oil into a large frying pan and heat it up, add the shrimp (you don’t need to peel it) and fry slowly. In a deep bowl, mix 75-100 ml of beer, salt to taste, finely chopped garlic and seasoning, and then pour the resulting mixture into a frying pan and cover it with a lid. Leave everything to simmer for 2-3 minutes. Remove the lid, evaporate the excess liquid, stirring the dish constantly, and serve; you can sprinkle the finished dish with herbs to taste.

How to eat shrimp

If you are served shrimp as an appetizer, and not as one of the ingredients of the dish, then you should eat them with your hands. To quickly get rid of the shell and not damage the meat, you need to do the following:

1. With one hand, grab the shrimp by the head, turning the carcass belly up.

2. Remove the paws (the paws may contain caviar, it is also edible, like meat).

3. Tear off the head and pull the shell by the tail.

How to properly and quickly peel shrimp

4. You should still have a soft pink piece of meat in your hands, bon appetit!

When eating shrimp in its pure form, be sure to place on the table a deep container with water and lemon juice diluted in it. This liquid is necessary for rinsing your hands while eating; lemon juice perfectly removes the smell of seafood.

Shrimp salad recipes

Today, there are hundreds of salads with shrimp. The tender meat of these crustaceans goes well with most types of greens, vegetables and even fruits. Salad "Coral" (with shrimp and tomatoes), salad "Yolochka" (with shrimp and smoked meats), salad with shrimp and melon - this is only a small part of the huge number of salads, recipes for which can be found on the World Wide Web and any housewife can do them . We will focus on the most popular, recently, and most delicious.

Beer shrimp recipe

We present to your attention the recipe for Caesar salad with shrimp:

1. Fry defrosted, washed and peeled shrimp in olive oil.

2. Cut the loaf into cubes (2x5 cm approximately) and also fry in olive oil.

3. Take lettuce leaves, wash them, let the water drain and cut them as desired.

4. Take tomatoes and cut into slices.

5. Serving the salad.

6. Place chopped lettuce leaves, sprinkle croutons, shrimp and tomato slices on top; then the next layer using the same technology (lettuce leaves, sprinkle croutons, shrimp and tomato slices on top) and so on until the ingredients run out.

7 Sprinkle everything on top with finely grated cheese.

8. Prepare the sauce.

9. 2 Art. Mix tablespoons of olive oil with mustard, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar.

10. Salt and pepper the resulting mixture to taste.

11. Add 30 grams of finely grated cheese and mix. The sauce is ready.

12. Pour the sauce over the salad or serve separately.

Bon appetit!
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The benefits and harms of shrimp are taken into account by most people when preparing their diet. The seafood delicacy has many advantages, is a storehouse of useful substances, and its use is limited by only a few rules. These crustaceans are consumed salted, pickled, fried, fresh, or steamed, strengthening the cardiovascular and nervous systems, immunity, and improving overall health thanks to the properties of the product.

Chemical composition of shrimp

Although initially the attitude towards shrimp meat was unfair, it was considered harmful, the study of the chemical composition and properties emphasized the value of the raw material. Crustaceans are recognized suppliers of iodine among other marine life.

Shrimp also contain:

  • essential amino acids;
  • compounds of cobalt, manganese, molybdenum;
  • microelements magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium;
  • provitamin A, vitamins D, E, C, group PP, B.

Shrimp meat is recognized as a storehouse of healthy protein, which not only maintains body muscle tone, but is also necessary for the formation of collagen, which maintains elastic, young skin. And the mineral balance, the presence of Omega-3 acids, and other properties of shrimp prevent the development of many diseases, strengthen bones and the circulatory system.

Nutritional value and calorie content of shrimp

Marine arthropods belong to dietary products, the calorie content of which often depends on the degree and type of processing.

The calorie content of the popular king and tiger prawns is not much different: 86.9 and 90 kcal per 100 g, respectively.

The benefits of shrimp meat are complemented by the opportunity to eat deliciously without harming the body through hunger strikes or monotonous and nutrient-poor foods.

How much cholesterol is in shrimp?

Shrimp contain a large amount of cholesterol, being the leaders among seafood in this property. 100 g of crustacean meat contains 160–190 mg of cholesterol, but no more than 2.2 g of fat. These properties are an indication that the benefits of eating arthropods for many are greater than the harm. After all, they do not create conditions for the synthesis of cholesterol in the human body. On the contrary, healthy unsaturated acids and the absence of saturated fats provoke cleansing of blood vessels.

Important! In reasonable quantities, even bad cholesterol is necessary for the body to function normally. It promotes the proper functioning of the brain, digestive system, hormones; its properties are necessary for the formation of cell membranes.

Useful properties of shrimp

The benefits of shrimp for the human body have been studied not only theoretically, but also experimentally. When cooked correctly, seafood is very tasty, which is a pleasant bonus to its valuable properties.

  • during a diet;
  • to strengthen muscles and bones;
  • with immunodeficiency;
  • in the process of recovery from a protracted illness.

It is enough to consume 100 g of the product as part of a salad so that the body receives the daily requirement of zinc, selenium and iodine necessary for normal functioning.

The benefits of shrimp for women

Women need to include healthy seafood in their diet. Thanks to their properties, crustaceans will make your hair thicker, your nails stronger, eliminate mood swings, and normalize hormonal levels within a few days of consumption.

The mineral composition will help improve metabolism and get rid of obesity. It is recommended that pregnant women consume shrimp in normal quantities to maintain their health, supplying the fetus with all the vitamins and microelements necessary for development. During and after menopause, seafood, due to its beneficial properties, will become the most accessible source of microelements.

What are the benefits of shrimp for men?

The benefits of shrimp for men were recognized back in the days of Ancient Rome. They were used as a potency stimulant. Due to its low calorie content, food is quickly absorbed and does not burden the stomach, allowing amino acids, selenium and zinc to stimulate testosterone biosynthesis, positively affecting sexual function.

Advice! To achieve a positive result, you need to ensure that the seafood used is fresh. They should smell and look good before cooking.

The product will be harmful if it has been frozen repeatedly, as evidenced by properties such as blackened heads, odor and unhealthy spots.

Shrimp for the elderly

The health benefits and harms of shrimp for older people are controversial.

Product in small quantities:

  • strengthens bones;
  • protects against infections;
  • normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • stabilizes blood pressure.

That is, arthropod meat will help cope with most problems typical of a certain age, unless there are contraindications from the attending physician caused by the properties and composition of seafood or individual intolerance.

Can pregnant and lactating women eat shrimp?

Pregnant and lactating women should be especially careful when it comes to quality nutrition. Nutritionists insist on the benefits of seafood and its weekly consumption by this category of people. During both pregnancy and lactation, vitamins and polyunsaturated acids strengthen the mother’s body, stimulating the development of the fetus and the proper growth of the baby.

Is it possible to give shrimp to children and at what age?

Pediatricians' opinions on the benefits of shrimp in children's diets differ only with regard to the age at which the product can be included in the diet. Most of them insist on 3-4 years, and then the baby’s portions need to be increased gradually. For the first time, after consultation with a pediatrician or doctor, the child should try one chopped shrimp, after which he should be supervised for at least 24 hours.

The damage caused by crustaceans is evidenced by:

  • sudden loose stools;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • the appearance of rashes;
  • causeless runny nose.

If there are no contraindications from a doctor or an allergic reaction, after reaching 5 years of age, the child is allowed to give no more than 30–50 g of shrimp per day, which is equivalent to eating 100 g of fish or veal.

The portion for a teenager increases to 70–80 g. Dishes prepared for children are flavored with sour cream sauce or lemon, but not with spices, because of which their properties are enhanced and can cause harm to the child.

Are marinated shrimp healthy?

Marinated shrimp contain the least amount of calories without losing their beneficial properties during cooking. They contain the same microelements, protein and vitamins as fresh raw materials. When consumed in this form, dietary arthropod meat serves as a natural protector of the body, strengthening it and improving resistance to disease.

Advice! Marinated crustaceans will acquire an even better taste without loss of quality if you keep them in the refrigerator for about a day before serving. During the cooking process, bay leaves, olive oil, and herbs are used to enrich the taste of the dish.

Features of eating shrimp for diseases

The composition of beneficial crustaceans includes a unique antioxidant astaxanthin, which exceeds the effectiveness of similar substances found in fruits. It protects the body from premature age-related destruction, neutralizes stress, and helps treat arthritis, gout, rheumatism and other common diseases. Moreover, the benefits of king prawns and smaller specimens are the same.

For diabetes

People suffering from diabetes are recommended to consume shrimp. Iodine from arthropod meat will strengthen the body and help internal organs function properly. The dietary product is easily digested and cleanses the body of food waste and toxins. The daily portion of shrimp should not exceed 100 g, since the abundance of cholesterol combined with minerals can neutralize the effects of medications taken, causing harm to health.

For pancreatitis

Treatment of the pancreas is inextricably linked with adherence to a strict diet and certain dietary restrictions. During an exacerbation of pancreatitis, it is better to avoid marine crustaceans. After normalization of indicators, the diet is replenished with healthy shrimp as an ingredient in cutlets, soufflé, and puree soup.

For gastritis and stomach ulcers

The reasons that force you to refuse treats if you have a stomach ulcer or gastritis due to the harm they cause are:

  • exacerbation of the disease;
  • increased acidity;
  • allergic reaction;
  • improper preparation.

Only boiled shrimp, served without excess salt, spices, or lemon juice, which will lead to irritation of the stomach walls and increased secretion of gastric juice, will be beneficial. Served in a salad with boiled peas and a variety of vegetables, steamed or boiled shrimp will only bring benefits due to their properties.

How many shrimp can you eat per day?

Throughout the day, healthy adults are recommended to eat no more than 100–120 g of shrimp; the norm for sick, elderly people and children is up to 100 g. Optimal is 50–75 g. It is advisable to diversify the diet, alternating healthy meat with other products.

Important! Before the first use, you need to find out if you are allergic to seafood. The presence of rashes, swelling, and runny nose is a signal that you need to immediately consult a doctor.

How to cook shrimp

Shrimp are mostly sold frozen, so it is important to properly bring them to an edible state.

The beneficial properties of the product will be preserved if the following rules are observed:

  1. Thawing should occur gradually, over about 10–12 hours.
  2. It is prohibited to use a microwave to quickly achieve results.
  3. A frozen delicacy thrown into hot water loses its value.
  4. Shrimp spoil easily, which makes it impossible to leave them at room temperature for a long time.

It is best to resort to gradual defrosting in the refrigerator, gradually lowering it from the top shelf into the lower vegetable compartment, or placing it in a colander in a pan of cold water, changing it every 20-30 minutes.

Advice! Before cooking, the benefits increase if the shrimp broth is drained and the shrimp themselves are dried with a paper towel. When choosing them in a store, it is better to give preference to unpeeled crustaceans.

Harm of shrimp and contraindications

Like any healthy seafood, crustaceans can cause harm if consumed in excessive quantities. The danger is posed by cholesterol and heavy metals, which are becoming more and more abundant in sea waters every year. Many people suffer from seafood intolerance due to excess protein in them, which leads to problems in the gastrointestinal tract and allergic rashes. Shrimp grown on private farms, where hormonal drugs, growth stimulants, and antibiotics are used to achieve quick results, can cause particular harm.


The benefits and harms of shrimp do not depend on their size or where they are grown. Small individuals have no less useful substances than the largest of them - the royal ones. Moreover, the daily consumption of shrimp is limited to 100 g of pure meat. The product is useful to everyone with some restrictions, thanks to it the state of health improves significantly.

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