Protein diet: “magic” proteins against ravenous appetite. Protein diet products for effective weight loss

Proteins (also called proteins or peptides) are substances that, along with fats and carbohydrates, are the main components of human nutrition. When they enter the body with food, they have a huge impact on the work of many internal organs. Their deficiency is fraught serious problems with health. Therefore, you cannot avoid using them for too long.

Modern dietetics has taken advantage of the ability of these high-molecular compounds to be instantly digested and saturate for a long time and began to use protein products for weight loss. They force extra pounds melt by leaps and bounds and at the same time form a beautiful, sculpted figure, as they activate the growth of muscle mass when playing sports. They deserve to be given close attention.

Effect on the body

If you limit the consumption of fats and carbohydrates in your diet, protein foods will quickly restore order in the body, which will ultimately result in loss. extra pounds. The mechanism for losing weight has long been scientifically proven:

  • is happening effective cleansing the body from waste, toxins and other harmful substances that prevent many organs from functioning fully;
  • strengthening the heart and blood vessels by lowering blood sugar;
  • normalization of insulin function, which leads to intensive combustion glucose absorbed by muscles;
  • control of water balance in the body, removal of excess fluid, which is often the main cause of high weight;
  • maintaining muscle tone, which leads to weight loss, since only fatty tissue is burned, and loss useful substances doesn't happen;
  • improving metabolism, which is necessary when losing weight;
  • decreased appetite, dulled feeling of hunger due to long digestion of protein products.

In addition to losing weight, as a bonus, the protein products included will have a positive effect on a variety of organs and systems of the body. Therefore, when you come out of such fasting, you will feel great.

If you want to know more precisely what will happen to your body, the information in this table will certainly make you a fan of protein nutrition.

A distinctive feature of proteins is that when they enter the body, they are not stored as fat on the sides and are not converted into energy like carbohydrates. All of them are used to restore organs and systems, decomposing into amino acids - another substance that is incredibly useful for humans. Therefore, it is so important to know what protein products are for weight loss and what their main sources are.


Protein products can be animal or plant origin. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, which is why it is so important to eat them in a balanced manner.

  • Animals

Protein products of animal origin are quickly digestible, but they are also quite high in fat, so not all of them are ideal for weight loss. If you choose meat, then chicken, turkey, and rabbit are allowed as part of any diet, but pork and lamb are prohibited. If it is milk, it should be either low-fat or with a minimum percentage of fat.

  • Vegetable

Protein products of plant origin are absorbed by the body much more slowly and worse than animal products. However, they are good for weight loss because they contain virtually no fat.

The following table will provide you with approximate lists of protein products from these two groups:

For health and well-being, you need to eat both types as part of your diet. Therefore, a list of protein products for weight loss, indicating their protein content against the background of fats and carbohydrates, will be useful to you.

We will review these lists below, and you will learn more about the nuances of such diets by reading one of our articles: “” and “”.


To create a list of products for weight loss, you need to consider the following factors:

  • not only the protein content in them, but also its ratio with fats and carbohydrates: for example, there is much more protein in pork;
  • their calorie content: if you eat a piece of goose rich in protein, you will then have to work out hard in the gym to spend the 319 kcal it contains.

Therefore, always refer to the table below if you plan to lose weight using protein products. It takes both of these factors into account.

Meat, offal, egg

Fish and seafood

Milk and dairy products

As you can see, in addition to proteins, many foods contain too much fat or calories, so they are not suitable for weight loss. If only you carefully include them in your diet when you come out of a hunger strike.

Therefore, nutritionists have compiled a more accurate table of protein products for weight loss that can be consumed without fear of gaining extra pounds.

Quite an impressive table, which includes many items. So a protein-based diet cannot be monotonous and boring. Well, those who want to achieve record-breaking results should focus on products in which the amount of protein is simply off the charts and which will definitely make you lose weight.

Top best

Nutritionists name the best protein foods for weight loss, which you can eat in almost unlimited quantities during a diet.

  • Eggs

Chicken eggs are the richest source of protein. To lose weight, you can eat 7 whites and 4 yolks per day. There are diets based on 5 eggs for breakfast during the week.

  • Low-fat kefir

The main protein product for any weight loss system. The protein it contains is easily digestible with minimal total calories. Improves digestion, rids the body of toxins. The extra pounds disappear quite quickly. Protein content - 28 g. All these beneficial properties this protein product formed the basis kefir diet(as an example,).

  • Cottage cheese

A protein product that is very quickly digestible. Provides a feeling of fullness for a long time, which has a positive effect on weight loss. Keeps nails, bones, teeth in good condition. Protein content - 20 g.

  • Natural yogurt

For weight loss, only natural protein products without dyes, sweeteners or other additives are suitable. This yogurt will be stored for no more than 3 weeks.

  • Milk

Compared to meat and fish, milk is higher in this rating because it contains protein, which is absorbed by the body much better. At the same time, you will not be able to lose weight on milk alone, since it does not have a very good effect on the functioning of the stomach. But for preparing protein dishes (the same cocktails) with minimal fat content, this product will be ideal.

  • Meat

First of all, it's chicken breast. 200 grams of meat contains about 40 grams of protein, 2 grams of fat, 200 kcal. An essential protein product for weight loss. Secondly, it's beef. The ratio of main substances is approximately the same, but there is a little more fat. Is an alternative to chicken white meat to diversify your diet while losing weight.

  • Fish

The best protein product is salmon fillet. Contains fats, but much more protein, as well as omega 3 acids. To lose weight, you should treat yourself to this tasty morsel twice a week.

  • Legumes

These are plant protein products that are able to maintain normal muscle mass even during fast weight loss. In addition, they give a long-lasting and pleasant feeling of fullness, so you won’t be hungry.

  • Protein powder/shake

Always keep this top protein diet for weight loss before your eyes when creating a menu. After all, these are the products that should be included in recipes that will make any diet seem like a holiday and not a test.


We invite you to try preparing various dishes from protein products: here there are recipes for soups, salads and main dishes. With such diversity this system losing weight can hardly be called a hunger strike.

First courses

Do you think that making soups exclusively from protein products is impossible? Indeed, traditional first courses are a combination of protein (meat and fish broths) and carbohydrates (a variety of vegetables, cereals, pasta, noodles). But nutritionists never tire of repeating that liquid food improves weight loss results, so it cannot be excluded from diets. So let's learn how to cook first courses from protein products.

  • Spinach soup

Remove the skin from the turkey breast or drumstick. Boil, remove from broth, let cool. Finely chop a package of spinach (frozen product will not spoil the dish), cook in broth for 10 minutes. Separate the meat from the bones, finely chop it, and return it to the broth. Cook the spinach and turkey together for another 10 minutes. Cool the soup, use a blender to puree it, adding 50 ml of skim milk, spices, and 2 cloves of garlic. Eaten hot.

  • Salmon with milk

Pour boiling water over 4 medium-sized tomatoes, remove the skin and finely chop. Peel and chop a large onion. 1 piece grate carrots. Fry with onions, adding tomatoes at the end. Place in a quart saucepan cold water, boil. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Cut 450 grams of salmon fillet into cubes and add to the broth. After 5 minutes, add 500 ml skim milk. After boiling, add spices. Leave for 20 minutes.

  • Meatball soup

Prepare chicken bone broth. Make minced meat from chicken breast, make meatballs out of it. Drop them into boiling broth. After boiling, add 50 grams of chopped bell pepper, the same amount of green beans, greens. Cook for 20 minutes. Serve hot.

Second courses

Main courses made from protein products are the basis of the diet. Recipes include only low-calorie ingredients - specifically for weight loss.

  • Chicken in kefir

Cut 100 grams of selected, fresh chicken fillet, mix with salt, pepper, chopped herbs. Add 50 ml of low-fat kefir, 50 ml of filtered cold water. Place in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Place in a hot frying pan and simmer for 10 minutes on each side.

  • Fried eggs

Break into plastic container 5 eggs. Beat. Microwave for 2 minutes. It turns out healthy and incredibly tasty scrambled eggs. If you want to diversify your weight loss menu, you can add chopped chicken breast and herbs.

  • Baked fish

Drizzle salmon fillet lemon juice, sprinkle with dried herbs and spices, bake in the oven on foil until cooked.


Salads made from protein products are indispensable for any weight loss system. They are nutritious, healthy, and contribute to menu diversity. Allows you to cook your own dinner a quick fix and at the same time not gain extra pounds.

  • Protein salad

Boil 3 soft-boiled eggs, chop chicken breast (150 g), chop 50 g of squid. Mix everything thoroughly.

  • Asparagus salad with chicken

Boil 3-4 inflorescences in one container with 100 g of chopped asparagus and 300 g of chicken breast. Grind 2 fresh cucumber medium size and 60 grams of celery root. Mix everything thoroughly. Add 2 tablespoons canned green peas. Add chopped boiled and already cooled products. Season with 4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar.

Choosing recipes for your protein menu, carefully look at what products are listed in them. Sometimes allowed olive oil or lean lamb, but these should be exceptions to the rules, indulgences, so that the diet does not seem completely debilitating.

But fats and carbohydrates in pure form are strictly prohibited. So there should be nothing floury, sweet or fried in such a diet.

To lose weight with protein foods, you need to know how to use them correctly. Some useful tips will allow you to reduce your weight by an impressive amount.

  1. Meat protein products are best consumed boiled. To diversify the diet, stewing, baking and steaming are allowed.
  2. During the diet, in addition to protein foods, the body must receive fiber in order to burn as quickly as possible excess fat and ensure proper functioning of organs. Therefore, you definitely need to eat greens, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, cereals, and whole grain bread.
  3. Many people ask what protein foods can be eaten at night: an hour before bedtime, you are allowed to drink a glass of low-fat kefir or natural yogurt. Everything else is prohibited.
  4. Sweet dairy products (yogurt, curds with fillings), mayonnaise, sauces and other protein substitutes are harmful to health and do not contribute to weight loss.
  5. In one meal, the body can absorb only 30 grams of protein, no matter how many eggs, for example, you eat. Daily norm for men it is about 2 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of weight, for women - only 1 gram.
  6. To improve the absorption of proteins by the body, you can put into practice the principles fractional meals. According to them, food is taken up to 6 times a day in small portions.
  7. Dinner must be no later than 19.00.
  8. If you go in for sports while losing weight on protein products, you will not only reduce your waist size, but will make your butt firmer and your breasts firmer, since protein is an excellent building material for muscle tissue with sufficient physical activity.

As for specifically each protein product that can promote weight loss, the features of their use as part of the diet are conveniently collected in the following table:

Now you know what protein foods include, and what products you need for quick, and most importantly, healthy weight loss.

It is also important to remember that such diets are still a serious shock to the body. Therefore, firstly, they must continue or, but nothing more. Secondly, it is recommended to use such a figure correction system no more than once every six months, and even less often in case of health problems.

Protein diet- one of the most popular programs losing weight. It is the most physiological way to lose weight. When following the Dukan protein diet, there is no feeling of hunger, so it is very easy to stick to it. At the same time, the extra pounds go away very quickly, and after the end of the diet they do not return.

Basic principles of the Dukan protein diet

You should stick to this diet plan for several months. Reviews about the protein diet indicate that people get used to proper nutrition so easily that can calmly abide by these principles throughout his life. Pierre Dukan, the developer of a protein diet for weight loss, believes that to achieve optimal weight you need to limit carbohydrate foods and fats as much as possible, and eat protein foods.

Dukan protein diet rules

  • You need to drink a lot. Minimum quantity The amount of water you drink per day should be 1.5 liters;
  • You should include three tablespoons of oat bran in your diet every day. Bran should be consumed raw with water. This is a necessary measure to prevent constipation accompanying protein nutrition;
  • Be sure to walk a lot;
  • During the first and second steps of the diet, take additional vitamin preparations;

Four steps of the Dukan protein diet

First step

This stage of the protein diet for weight loss is called the attack. At this stage you can lose up to 6 kg. The duration of the first step depends on your initial weight. If you plan to lose up to 10 kg, the duration of the first period should be 3 days, if you want to lose weight by 10-20 kg - 5 days, more than 30 kg - 10 days.

At this stage, you are allowed to consume foods until you feel full at any time. You can only use products specified in the diet. Try to include liver in your diet, beef tongue, poultry, beef, seafood. Cook foods without using fat: stew, bake, steam, grill. You can also include raw or boiled eggs and lean ham in your diet. If you want to eat dairy products, buy low-fat ones. Plant foods should be limited as much as possible. At this stage, only pickled cucumbers and lemons can be included in the protein diet menu. Spices can be used in small quantities, and garlic, onion, vinegar and salt can be safely consumed.

Second step

The second stage of a protein diet for weight loss involves alternating proteins and vegetables. The alternation pattern (number of days) depends on your weight. If you want to lose up to 10 kg, the alternation scheme should be from 1:1 to 3:3, if more than 10 kg - 5:5.

Not all vegetables can be consumed at this stage. Allowed are cucumbers, all types of cabbage, tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, green beans, sweet pepper, celery. You can periodically eat beets and carrots. The menu can also include vegetable oil, low-fat cream, soy cream (1 tablespoon each), 30 g of low-fat cheese, dry wine, but on one day you can only choose two products from this list. You can use spices, gherkins, garlic, vinegar, canned fish. Don't forget about two tablespoons of bran.

Third step

During this period, the achieved results are consolidated. The duration of the period depends on the number of kilograms lost. For every kilogram lost, allocate ten days of such nutrition.

Basic rules of the third stage:

  • consume 2.5 tablespoons of bran daily;
  • one day of the week should remain protein;
  • twice a week you can afford a high-calorie breakfast, but these days should not be consecutive;
  • add fruits, bread, cheese to your protein diet menu every day, and twice a week include a side dish of rice, potatoes or pasta in your diet.

Fourth step

This stage is the exit from the diet. Reviews about the protein diet confirm the developer’s opinion that such a regimen can be followed absolutely without difficulty. There are much fewer restrictions in the fourth stage. One day of the week should remain protein. Consistently consume bran in the specified amount.

Protein diet menu: example for one day

The protein diet for weight loss is quite long, and it simply doesn’t make sense to write out a menu for all days. But based on an approximate meal plan for one day, you can understand the principle itself, and then create a suitable meal plan for all days of your weight loss program.

Protein day:

  • breakfast - an omelet of 3 eggs (we use only whites), lightly salted salmon, greens, and tea;
  • second breakfast - oat bran(two spoons), low-fat yogurt;
  • lunch - boiled chicken with rosemary, garlic and lemon;
  • afternoon snack - boiled shrimp;
  • dinner - salmon steak, low-fat kefir.

Protein-vegetable day:

  • breakfast - zucchini pancakes, omelet, green onions, tomatoes, low-fat cottage cheese;
  • second breakfast - yogurt and fruit;
  • lunch - steamed tuna, side dish of stewed vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - vegetable salad(use any permitted vegetables);
  • dinner - grilled beef with stewed cabbage and eggplants.

All days of the weight loss program should be structured according to this scheme. Choose the dishes you like best!

The protein diet (some names may include the Atkins diet, the Kremlin diet) is one of the most common diets, in which a weight loss of 4 to 8 kilograms is observed within 14 days.

How the protein diet works

The basic principle of a protein diet- increasing the diet of foods containing large amounts of protein by reducing carbohydrates.

How does this work?

The body, deprived of the influx of carbohydrates, begins to suffer from hunger (despite protein foods). To correct the situation, the body begins to actively deplete hidden reserves of carbohydrates, then it synthesizes protein reserves, after which fat is broken down.

At first glance, everything is quite simple. However, a protein diet is not so safe if you do not take into account all the rules and recommendations for its use.

Before you start a protein diet, weigh all its pros and cons and see if this diet is right for you and whether it will harm your health.

Pros of a protein diet

  • rapid weight loss;
  • varied diet (you won’t get tired of the same foods!);
  • The extra pounds won't come back soon.

By the way, the protein diet is popular among athletes as it helps build muscle mass through excessive protein consumption.

Cons of a protein diet

1.Imbalanced diet.

Due to a lack of carbohydrates and fats, the body is deprived of many valuable minerals, vitamins and microelements. The result is severe fatigue, insomnia, dry skin, brittle hair and nails.

However, do not be alarmed in advance. At correct selection products for the daily diet and following all the rules, such manifestations can be avoided.

In the process of losing weight, the body actively gets rid of fluid, which significantly increases the load on the kidneys. Therefore, during the diet it is recommended to drink as much liquid as possible (preferably mineral or purified water).

But if kidney problems exist initially, it is better to avoid using a protein diet.

3. Contraindications for a protein diet.

  • elderly people (due to the risk of blood clots in the blood vessels);
  • for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for gout.

In order to prevent health problems from occurring and achieve the desired result, you need to correctly create a menu.

Before dieting, you should consult your doctor! A high protein diet can be detrimental to your health!

Protein diet menu

What you need to create a menu:

This is done taking into account the personal characteristics of the body and lifestyle. A nutritionist will help you calculate the daily calorie level you need personally.

2.Choose the right products for your daily diet.

To do this, you need to use special tables on the content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in various products.

3.For compilation correct menu It is necessary to study the list of products recommended for a protein diet, and those that should be abandoned.

Products prohibited on a protein diet:

  • sweet fruits (citrus fruits, peaches, bananas, etc.);
  • vegetables with a high starch content (corn, potatoes);
  • vegetables with a high sugar content (beets, carrots, etc.);
  • beef (or any other red meat);
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • sweets and confectionery baked goods;
  • fatty dairy products.

Menu option for a protein diet


  1. 10-15 minutes before meals - a glass of water.
  2. Coffee with milk (or a glass of tea).
  3. 1 cottage cheese or low-calorie yogurt.
  4. Fruits - pears, apples, plums - will help curb hunger until lunch.


  1. 10 minutes before meals - a glass of water.
  2. Lean fish soup, two slices of black bread.
  3. 100 grams of baked veal or fish, salad of 2 tomatoes, tea with 3 dried fruits.

Try not to salt your food!

Before dinner, you can satisfy your hunger with vegetables or fruits or drink a glass of kefir.


  1. In 10 minutes - a glass of water.
  2. 250 grams chicken meat without skin, baked in the oven, vegetable salad.
  3. Two slices of black bread.

If you feel hungry between main meals, you can drink green tea with mint.

Protein diet plan and rules

1. Conduct an “audit” in the kitchen.

Ruthlessly get rid of foods that are not recommended for a protein diet to avoid temptations.

2.Make an individual menu in advance, taking into account the above recommendations.

Try not to deviate from the menu and strictly adhere to it. Each meal should include a portion of protein and additional foods.

The menu should not be completely carbohydrate-free, otherwise it can harm your health!

3.Make a meal plan.

Meals should occur 4-6 times a day. The first dose is half an hour after getting up. The last one is 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Once a week you can “take a break” from the diet and eat a small portion of your favorite product that is not on the list. This will help avoid breakdowns.

4.Drink plenty of fluids.

This will avoid dehydration, constipation and metabolism.

You need to drink liquid in small portions at regular intervals (about 1.5-2 liters per day).

5.Take vitamins.

The deficiency of nutrients formed in the body due to the limited consumption of fats and carbohydrates must be compensated by taking special vitamin complexes and minerals.

6. Don't overdo it.

A protein diet should be practiced no more than 2-3 times a year. Moreover, the break should be at least 2-3 months.

7. Connect the gym.

It has been proven that a protein diet is most effective when combined with training and sports.

The protein diet is a clear favorite among meal plans to help you lose weight. However, in any discussion, interested parties inexorably diverge into two camps: some idolize quick effect protein diet and the ease of following it, others are full of skepticism because possible problems with health caused by abundant consumption of proteins. Everyone is right in their own way, but a protein diet can be an excellent tool for weight loss if you know how to use it.

The protein diet captivates with its variety! Valuable proteins that help load the body to capacity and force it to waste the hated fat stored on the hips are found in meat, fish, eggs, nuts and even legumes and some vegetables. Considering that the appetite on a protein diet naturally decreases, you can finally approach weight loss calmly and even like a gourmet.

Protein diet: who plays the leading role?

No one will make a discovery by suggesting that the main component of a high-protein diet is protein (simply put, protein). Protein is the most important macronutrient, that is, one of the main nutrients, necessary for human life. Proteins are also called proteins, and, in turn, a number of polypeptides are proteins, since alpha amino acids in the molecular composition are connected by a stable peptide bond.

In the cells of living beings, the roles of proteins are extremely diverse. Enzyme proteins are responsible for biochemistry and metabolism; other types of proteins are used in the formation and maintenance of the integrity of the cytoskeleton (the “framework” of the cytoplasm in multicellular organisms).

Proteins are involved in immune reactions, communication between cells and cell division. Most proteins are “multi-functional” - they simultaneously provide benefits on different fronts of the body. The human body constantly needs many amino acids for development, growth and health, but not all of them are able to synthesize on their own. This is why protein foods are so important: proteins are fermented during digestion, turning into amino acids, which are either part of their own proteins human body, or decay further, releasing the energy necessary for the continuation of life.

Insufficient intake of proteins from food causes various malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs: the structure of the liver changes, hormonal background, the cycle of functioning of the secretory organs. Protein deficiency can also result in decreased performance, poor memory, constant feeling fatigue, heart pain and arrhythmia. It is especially dangerous to abstain from protein when high level physical activity- the body has nowhere to take the material necessary to maintain the muscles in order. In addition, a diet with a deliberately low protein content can negate the benefits of other macronutrients: with a lack of enzymes, a number of acids and vitamins are simply not absorbed.

Almost all protein foods contain hidden fat, in addition, a diet completely free of carbohydrates is extremely dangerous for health - in a protein diet the amount of carbs is reduced as much as possible, but they are not completely eliminated. The accounting of incoming carbohydrates is based on a simple mathematical principle - each product is assigned its own carbohydrate index in points. To get a lot of protein without overdoing it with carbohydrates, adherents of the Kremlin diet simply count these units throughout the day.

A modest amount of carbo in a protein diet for weight loss should not be avoided for another reason - if carbohydrates are supplied in small quantities along with protein, then their absorption naturally slows down. Therefore, a protein diet throughout the day evens out the total, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels. This makes it possible to avoid outbreaks of hunger that accompany consumption. fast carbohydrates and fats (it is especially easy to notice this effect in the example of sweets or fast food - easily digestible components are quickly transformed into glucose, which leads to the release of insulin and bouts of ravenous appetite after a seemingly hearty lunch at a diner).

A comfortable feeling of fullness is one of the advantages that made the protein diet for weight loss so popular...

A striking example is, which has gathered many followers, including among Hollywood stars. The duration of the “classic” protein diet, based on a strictly prescribed meager nutritional plan, should not exceed two or four weeks. However, if you understand and accept the basic principle of a protein diet and independently build your daily diet according to it, avoiding fast carbohydrates and preferring proteins, vegetables and fruits, a high protein diet turns into a lifestyle. The main thing is not to forget about the second important part of the protein diet, no less important than the food itself.

Protein diet: movement is a must!

It is known that losing weight quickly is generally not difficult: you just need to stop eating. The harmfulness of this advice is fully manifested when fasting in the name of slimness leads to binge eating at the end of an exhausting diet and, as a result, the rapid return of lost weight with such suffering.

Strict diets (and this is almost half of all existing diets for weight loss), sharply limiting the consumption of any food, including protein, have one not obvious, but rather insidious effect. With a lack of proteins, muscles deprived of “supply building material» succumb to dystrophic changes quite quickly. This gives a short-term result in the form of weight loss, but in the long term it “looses” the muscular corset so that it is simply unable to maintain good shape, and any weight loss does not lead to the appearance of a beautiful, toned body.

A high-protein diet avoids this risk—if you follow it muscle mass practically no reason to suffer. However, another point is relevant: if a lot of protein comes from food, but the body is not subjected to sufficient and regular physical activity, excess proteins that are not in demand for muscle recovery begin to form nitrogenous compounds. The body does not need them, and it begins to actively remove them, overloading the kidneys.

Scientific studies have demonstrated that the combination of a protein diet with a passive lifestyle leads to swelling of the kidneys, growth of the collagen membrane around the capillaries and acidification of the urine. All these factors provoke the occurrence of urolithiasis. Therefore, doctors are sure: using large quantity Protein foods must be combined with a sufficient supply of water, vegetables and fruits. The fluid they contain, fiber, and other components that promote digestion and detoxification can reduce the load on the kidneys and minimize the risk of unpleasant “stones” and other diseases.

Any protein diet for weight loss must be accompanied by physical activity. Everyone chooses an activity to their liking - fitness, bodybuilding training, morning jog, aerobic exercise during the day (simple walking). It is important that the muscles do not stand idle, and the kidneys do not groan under the yoke of urea. A protein diet combined with movement will make your body truly attractive, not just slim.

Before and after: on a protein diet, the results come gradually, but consistently!

Protein diet menu: protein-rich dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner

Protein breakfast: options for inspiration

  • Grain cottage cheese with a spoon of low-fat sour cream
  • Omelette
  • Boiled eggs
  • Scrambled eggs and ham
  • Boiled meat with whole grain bread
  • Kefir or milk, bran and nuts (almonds or pine)
  • Brynza or ricotta with berries

Protein lunch: options for inspiration

  • Tofu with stewed vegetables
  • Steak and green salad
  • Grilled seafood
  • Lentil soup with vegetable broth
  • Turkey steaks with beans or beans
  • Quinoa with mushrooms
  • Grilled fish fillet with cucumber salad

Protein dinner: options for inspiration

  • Apple slices or celery with peanut butter
  • Yogurt with nuts and berries
  • Chicken fillet grilled with salad of vegetables and hard cheese
  • Bean burger with vegetable salad
  • Falafel with lettuce

Among huge number newfangled diets, the protein diet is quite popular today, which is ideal for those who want to get rid of excess weight, but cannot live without his favorite meat. Protein diet for those who want to short terms return form.

The essence of a protein diet.
The protein diet is designed for fourteen days and is expressed in the unlimited consumption of protein foods such as meat, eggs, fish, low-fat cottage cheese, and the exclusion of foods containing carbohydrates and fats (potatoes, pasta, flour, grains, butter). The protein diet menu allows consumption in small quantities vegetables and fruits. In addition, by adhering to a diet, you will have to forget about alcohol and sweets.

Those who have tried the protein diet on themselves unanimously claim that in two weeks it helps to get rid of up to eight kilograms of excess weight. This is explained quite simply. Carbohydrates are a source of glucose, which, in turn, provides our body with energy. In the absence of carbohydrate and fatty foods in the diet, the body is forced to use its own fat reserves to provide itself with energy. Due to this, weight loss occurs. Therefore, this diet is aimed at creating a deficiency of carbohydrates and an excess of proteins in the body, thereby activating the process of losing weight. At the same time, a diet that is specially designed for this type of diet, influencing the digestive rhythm, contributes to a sharp restructuring of metabolism. To maintain the achieved results while on a protein diet, you need to monitor your diet, limiting the consumption of salt, sugar, flour and confectionery products.

Disadvantages of a protein diet.
Like any other, a protein diet has its own negative aspects, despite the advantages. It is no secret that an unbalanced nutrition program is fraught with serious consequences, so this principle of nutrition cannot be taken as a basis, because in addition to excess weight, the body will lose the most important vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Sufficiently long-term consumption of protein foods against the background of a lack of carbohydrates leads to rapid fatigue and insomnia. In addition, the health of hair and skin suffers from this, which gradually lose their attractiveness. A protein diet is a kind of stress for our body, so this diet can be used again no earlier than two to three years later.

Another negative aspect of the protein diet is that when eating protein foods, muscle protein is destroyed first, and only then fat. In addition, increasing the duration of a protein diet can cause kidney dysfunction. How more quantity protein received by the body, the more intensely the kidneys have to work, and, consequently, the body begins to lose fluid faster.

Also this type diet leads to increased cholesterol levels and calcium deficiency.

Contraindications for a protein diet.
This type of diet is not recommended for people with impaired functioning of the kidneys, liver, heart, digestion (dysbacteriosis, chronic pancreatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis), suffering from gout. In addition, this diet is not recommended for elderly and very obese people, since protein increases blood clotting and increases the likelihood of blood clots. An absolute contraindication to a protein diet is also pregnancy.

Compliance with the diet.
The effectiveness of a protein diet is achieved only if its basic rule is followed - strictly adhere to the diet, since it is with this option that a restructuring of metabolism occurs. The diet does not tolerate substitutions or rearrangements in products and menus, as this can create additional stress for the body and slow down the process of weight loss. The only thing that is not prohibited is the ability to change the serving size. That is, if you cannot eat the specified portion size, you can divide it into several meals or reduce the portion (instead of three carrots, eat two, etc.).

Protein diet menu for two weeks.

Lunch: three hard-boiled eggs, boiled cabbage salad, seasoned vegetable oil(preferably olive), 200 g of tomato juice.
Dinner: fried or boiled fish.


Lunch: boiled or fried fish, vegetable salad with cabbage, seasoned with vegetable oil.
Dinner: 200 grams of boiled beef, 200g. kefir

Breakfast: unsweetened black coffee with one cracker.
Lunch: large zucchini fried in vegetable oil, apples.
Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs, 200 grams of boiled beef, fresh salad from cabbage with the addition of vegetable oil.


Lunch: one raw egg, 3 boiled carrots. with vegetable oil, hard cheese - 15g.
Dinner: fruit.

Breakfast: raw carrots – 1 pc. with lemon juice.
Dinner: big fish fried or boiled, 200g tomato juice.
Dinner: fruit.

Breakfast: black coffee without sugar.
Lunch: 1/2 boiled chicken, fresh cabbage or carrot salad in vegetable oil.
Dinner: two hard-boiled eggs, a glass of fresh carrots, grated with the addition of vegetable oil.

Breakfast: unsweetened tea - a glass.
Lunch: 200 grams of boiled beef, fruit.

Breakfast: unsweetened tea.
Lunch: 200 grams of boiled beef, fruit.
Dinner: Dinner menu from any previously described day, except Wednesday.

Breakfast: black coffee without sugar.
Lunch: 1/2 boiled chicken, fresh carrot or cabbage salad, seasoned with vegetable oil.
Dinner: boiled eggs - 2 pcs., a glass of fresh carrots, finely chopped with vegetable oil.

Breakfast: pureed fresh carrots with lemon juice.
Lunch: boiled or fried fish, 200 g of tomato juice.
Dinner: fruit.

Breakfast: black coffee without added sugar.
Lunch: one raw egg, boiled carrots (3 pieces), seasoned with vegetable oil, 15 grams of hard cheese.
Dinner: fruit.

Breakfast: black coffee with crackers.
Lunch: zucchini fried in vegetable oil, apples.
Dinner: two boiled eggs, 200 grams of boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad with vegetable oil.

Breakfast: unsweetened black coffee with crackers.
Lunch: boiled or fried fish, vegetable salad with fresh cabbage, seasoned with vegetable oil.
Dinner: 200 grams of boiled beef, 200 g of kefir.

Breakfast: black coffee without sugar.
Lunch: one hard-boiled egg, boiled cabbage salad with vegetable oil, 200 g of tomato juice.
Dinner: boiled or fried fish (large).

  • Since the menu is rich in proteins, you should follow a diet, that is, the last meal should not be too late.
  • During the protein diet, you must adhere to the drinking regime, drinking at least one and a half liters of still mineral water.
  • Almost everyone loses weight on a protein diet, but the effect will be more significant if the menu suggested by the diet is combined with exercise in the gym.
  • Before following a protein diet, you should consult with specialists and undergo a medical examination.