The best dietary dishes for every day. Light diets

Say “No!” tasteless food, starvation diets and monotonous nutrition! We present recipes for healthy breakfasts, lunches and dinners that will make your mouth water and want to be prepared immediately!

Food is indispensable for any person on earth, because from it we get everything necessary to maintain the health and development of the body. Trends of the 21st century have led to the fact that food has become a cult: a huge number of shops, cafes, restaurants, and stalls with “goodies” attract millions of people. However, almost all of these food outlets sell products that are harmful to the body, the consumption of which leads to obesity, metabolic disorders and other health problems.

How to eat properly, and what to eat to lose weight? The answer is simple: you need to turn to dietary cuisine. Hundreds of people will immediately say that such food is monotonous and has no taste, but this opinion is wrong. Chefs from all over the world have developed millions of delicious diet recipes for weight loss that will satisfy the needs of women, men and children.

Many people perceive dietary food as part of treatment after an illness, but this is not the case. Healthy eating is a great way to tidy up your body, remove extra pounds, and improve your health.

Every day, in order to stay in good shape, a person must consume more than 70 different substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements, minerals, vitamins.

Animal proteins cannot be replaced with plant proteins. Substances contained in meat and fish allow our body to produce the energy necessary for normal functioning. Animal proteins must be present in the diet of children and adolescents.

Traditionally, Russian cuisine contains a large amount of meat, potatoes, bread, flour products, and also sweets. This diet is familiar to us, but it harms not only our body, but also our figure.

What to eat properly

There are many theories about what you should eat. All of them are based on judgments about the nutrition of our ancestors. People's opinions divided them into those who believe that people used to eat only vegetarian foods, and those who meat food- meat eaters. In any case, everyone believes that he is right and such discussions have been going on for decades.

Dietary cuisine is a balanced and moderate set of food products to maintain the health and beauty of the human body. Nutritionists create a diet program based on the following factors:

  • age;
  • intensity of life;
  • place of residence.

Diet food designed for children is not suitable for an adult.

Creating a diet for weight loss

The principles on which the weight loss diet is based:

  1. Calorie balance. Important factor when drawing up a program for weight loss, because in order to remove extra pounds it is necessary to create a protein deficiency in the body. During digestion, protein breaks down into amino acids, which the human body processes into energy, that is, the absence of this element will force the body to break down fatty tissues and take energy from them. Also, when preparing a diet, you need to adhere to the system: how many calories you consume, how many calories you burn. An active lifestyle allows you to control the constant “destruction” of fat, and dietary nutrition contributes to more effective weight loss.
  2. Diversity. Always need to stick balanced nutrition. Man is an omnivore, and for a normal life he requires a complete and high-quality diet. You should not get hung up on vegetarianism, meat-eating or fruitarianism.
  3. NO to overeating! The first step to losing weight is to accustom your body to eating small portions of food. According to the rules of dietetics, one serving does not exceed 200-350 g for main meals, and for snacks – 50-150 g.

By adhering to the basic principles of dietary nutrition, you can create a convenient meal schedule for yourself, which will subsequently allow you to gain a good figure and good health.

Nutrition with calorie counting

When developing a diet regimen, you should keep calories in mind. Calories are essential for the human body. They help breathing function, pump blood through vessels, work organs, and so on.

To determine the calorie content of foods, you need to know the following values:

  • One gram of protein contains 4 calories;
  • one gram of fat has 9 calories;
  • one gram of carbohydrates – 4 calories;
  • One gram of alcohol contains 7 calories.

Although alcoholic beverages contain calories, they are not nutritious.

To choose a dietary menu for yourself, you must first. Calculating them is simple: one calorie per hour per kilogram of weight. That is, for a person aged 20 to 40 years, 1200 to 1500 kcal per day is required. Of course, the rate of fat burning is different for everyone, it depends on the amount of physical activity, stress and activity of life.

Products to forget about

In their desire to lose weight, some people torture themselves with hunger. It is absolutely impossible to do this. By developing a menu for the week with calculated calories, you will eat right without harming your body and get an ideal figure.

To achieve the desired weight, you will have to forget about the existence of some “harmful for your figure” products, and if you consume them, then in very small quantities:

  • bakery products;
  • sweet;
  • pork, goose and duck meat, bacon, lamb;
  • vegetable and butter, margarine;
  • fatty dairy and fermented milk products;
  • potato;
  • store-bought juices, lemonades, cocktails, cocoa;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • conservation;
  • semi-finished products, smoked and boiled sausages;
  • dried fruits;
  • caviar;
  • nuts.

Such products will not harm your body, but you won’t be able to put your body in order with them either.

Vegetarian Recipes

Vegetarianism is a diet in which a person completely or partially refuses to consume animal products. There are a great many supporters and opponents of a plant-based diet, and it is unlikely that they will ever come to a general consensus. In any case, today there are more and more adherents of vegetarianism, and the number of delicious and interesting recipes that use only plant ingredients is also increasing. For example:

Sweet pumpkin puree. Calorie content 167 kcal per 100 g.

A dietary dessert for three servings will require: 250 g of pumpkin, 50 g of ground walnuts, 125 g of plum jam, sugar and cinnamon to taste.

The dish is very simple to prepare. The pumpkin is cut into cubes and baked in the oven at 180 degrees. After cooking, the pumpkin is crushed into puree, cinnamon and sugar are added to it. Place half of the pumpkin mixture in a deep bowl and add jam as the next layer. Next, the remaining puree is evenly distributed over the surface. The dish goes into the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. Before serving, the dessert is sprinkled with nuts.

Onion soup. Calorie content 32 kcal per 100 g.

To prepare three servings of low-calorie soup, you need the following ingredients: three medium onions, half a head of white cabbage, one carrot, one and a half tomatoes, spices and herbs to taste.

To prepare the soup, first finely chop all the vegetables. The ingredients are placed in water and placed on fire. To make the broth more golden, you can fry the onion a little in olive oil. Onions also go with vegetables. The soup should boil for about ten minutes. After time has passed, reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. Vegetables simmer over low heat for another 30-40 minutes.

Avoiding animal products can lead to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. When creating your diet, be sure to include foods high in iron, iodine, calcium and vitamins D and B12.

Dietary recipes for weight loss at home

In any case, to eat properly you will have to cook at home, since in public catering places you will not be able to control the amount of oil and spices added to your dish.

Nutritionists advise eliminating the use of salt and spices for dishes as much as possible, as they irritate the stomach, causing hunger.

When preparing and eating according to the dietary menu, you need to consider the following recommendations:

  1. You need to eat slowly and calmly. Chewing food thoroughly ensures complete absorption of all necessary elements.
  2. The dish should have an attractive appearance and pleasant taste.
  3. Constantly dilute your diet with various vegetables and fruits.
  4. Dairy products are eaten separately from main dishes.
  5. Should only be prepared for one time.
  6. Three hours before bedtime you should not eat anything.
  7. Fruits and vegetables are consumed separately.
  8. You need to get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

Remember that all products used in preparation must be fresh and clean.

Essential foods for the diet

When preparing meals for weight loss, it is worth remembering a few products that will help you fight extra pounds:

  • Boiled eggs. A regular hard-boiled chicken egg and eaten for breakfast will saturate the body with the necessary amount of protein for a fruitful day.
  • Sauerkraut. Familiar to many from childhood, cabbage normalizes the intestinal microflora, promoting proper digestion.
  • Low calorie yogurt. Dairy product It will not only help you satisfy your hunger while snacking at work, but will also be an excellent salad dressing.
  • Barley. These grains contain a large amount of fiber, which is so necessary for weight loss. It helps improve metabolism and also creates a feeling of fullness.
  • Legumes. A large number of antioxidants contained in beans will charge the body for new achievements.
  • Flax-seed. Ground flaxseed will help you quickly lose 2-3 kilograms in a week. The fiber-rich product is added in small portions to cereals or yoghurts.
  • Celery. A wonderful vegetable that everyone who is losing weight has heard about. Celery rejuvenates the cells of the body, helps normalize digestion, and contains many useful vitamins, minerals and a minimum of calories.
  • Chicken fillet. The most popular lean protein is the best product for dietary nutrition.
  • Avocado. A healthy fruit that will fill the body with fats, minerals and vitamins, but you should not abuse it. The norm for avocado per day is 1-2 slices.
  • Spinach. One serving of this green plant contains 5 types of vitamins, fiber, magnesium and folic acid.

By adhering to the principles of dietary nutrition and counting calories, you can lose extra pounds in just a month.

Recipes with counted calories for homemade

Of course, you can follow a dietary diet by cooking only at home, but not every family member wants to go on a diet. In this case, various tricks are used, because ordinary dishes can be quietly replaced with low-calorie ones. An example of homemade cutlet recipes with calories counted:

Chicken cutlets in a steamer. Calorie content 145 kcal per 100 g.

To prepare seven servings, the following products are needed: 1 kg of minced meat, 2 pcs. onions, 1 pc. celery, 150 g hard cheese, 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise sauce, 2 chicken eggs, spices to taste, water for a double boiler 150 ml.

Finely grated onion, celery stalk, and cheese are added to the minced chicken. All ingredients are mixed, eggs and spices are added there. Small cutlets are formed from the finished mass and placed in a double boiler. The dish is ready in 25-30 minutes.

Pollock fish cutlets. Calorie content 180 kcal per 100 g.

To make five servings of cutlets, you will need the following ingredients: 700 g pollock fillet, 150 g crustless toast bread, one chicken egg, 5 tbsp. l. premium flour, 70 g of vegetable oil, a pinch of potato starch, spices and herbs to taste.

The fillet is passed through a meat grinder along with onions and bread soaked in water. Then the egg and spices are added. Small cutlets are molded from the resulting minced meat and placed in a hot frying pan. The cutlets are fried in oil for 5-8 minutes.

You can reduce the calorie content of the dish by replacing bread with pumpkin or zucchini.

Home-cooked, low-calorie diet meals will help you control the nutrition of everyone in your household.

Recipes for every day

If you decide to switch to dietary ration It is best to immediately develop a complete menu for the week. This approach will help save time searching necessary recipes, and you can immediately purchase the products you need for cooking in the store.

Menu for the week with calories

A calorie-based diet is quite difficult to follow, but it allows you to effectively lose extra pounds. Example of a weekly diet:

Monday at 500 calories

  • Morning: two chicken whites, half a grapefruit.
  • Lunch: 200 g of fresh vegetables.
  • Day: 150 g of boiled chicken fillet, 150 g of vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: 250 ml of freshly squeezed juice.
  • Evening: 200 g vegetable salad with chicken.

Tuesday at 800 calories

  • Morning: 100 g of low-calorie cottage cheese, green tea.
  • Lunch: local fruit.
  • Day: 250 g of stewed vegetables with chicken fillet.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of low-calorie fermented milk drink.
  • Evening: 100 g steamed beef, sweet pepper.

Wednesday at 500 calories

  • Morning: egg white omelet, tea or coffee.
  • Lunch: local fruit salad with yoghurt dressing.
  • Day: 250-300 g of boiled chicken with red or brown rice.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of low-calorie kefir.
  • Evening: 150 g beet salad, 100 g steamed fish.

1000 calorie Thursday

  • Morning: 120 g of cottage cheese, tomato, tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: a glass of low-calorie fermented milk drink.
  • Day: 80 g buckwheat, 60 g boiled chicken fillet, 100 g fresh vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: half a grapefruit, green tea.
  • Evening: a slice of cereal bread, 50 g steamed chicken, tomato.

800 Calorie Friday

  • Morning: 150 g oatmeal, 70 g berries, coffee drink.
  • Lunch: 100 g carrot salad.
  • Day: 80 g buckwheat, steamed fish cutlet (50 g), 100 g vegetables, natural juice.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit.
  • Evening: 150 g of boiled beef, 70 g of fresh vegetables.

Saturday at 1200 calories

  • Morning: oven-baked egg white omelet, tea or coffee.
  • Lunch: 100 g cabbage salad.
  • Day: 200 ml of vegetable soup, 100 g of boiled chicken fillet, 70 g of fresh vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit, 50 g hard cheese.
  • Evening: 200 g of baked fish with vegetables.

1000 Calorie Sunday

  • Morning: boiled egg, 100 g of fresh vegetables.
  • Lunch: 100 g fruit salad.
  • Day: low-fat cream soup, a slice of toast bread, natural juice.
  • Afternoon snack: three squares of dark chocolate, tea without sugar.
  • Evening: 150 g of boiled chicken fillet, 100 g of stewed vegetables, tea.

Remember that for normal digestion you need to consume at least two liters clean water per day.


A few examples of dietary breakfast:

1. Oatmeal is a great breakfast. This wonderful porridge contains complex carbohydrates that will help you fill up and get the right “dose” of energy.

It's easy to prepare oatmeal: pour in the cereal warm water, put the container in the microwave or on the fire. 10 minutes and breakfast is on the table. You can diversify oatmeal with fruits, honey, and berries.

2. Buckwheat is a favorite product of those losing weight and athletes. Buckwheat porridge cleanses the body of harmful deposits and is completely absorbed.

Porridge is prepared in three ways:

  • cook over a fire in the usual way, but without adding butter or milk;
  • pour boiling water over the flakes for 8 minutes;
  • steam.

3. Kefir cocktails or smoothies will become a fashionable and healthy food for weight loss. They are easy to prepare and all you need is a blender, low-fat kefir or drinking yogurt and fruit. Mix everything and beat.

4. Low-fat cottage cheese with fruits or herbs will perfectly complement your diet.

5. Treat yourself in the morning and prepare a fruit salad. You can put any fruit in it, but don’t forget that grapefruit burns calories, and banana, on the contrary, contains them in abundance.

If you don’t want to calculate the calorie content of each dish yourself, you can use or recipes with ready-made calculations. For example:

Pumpkin pancakes. For two servings of pancakes you will need:

  • pumpkin – 150 g;
  • large pear – 1 pc.;
  • rice flour – ¼ cup;
  • semolina – ¼ cup;
  • baking powder – 1.5 tsp;
  • ground almonds – 15 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • cream 33% - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cane sugar – 100 g;
  • honey – 2 tsp;
  • cinnamon – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • cardamom – 0.5 tsp;
  • ground nutmeg – 0.5 tsp;
  • salt, vanillin, mint - to taste.

This dish contains 198 kilocalories per 100 grams. product.

To make the pancakes, you first need to peel and slice the pears and place them in a saucepan. Pour 500 milliliters of water over the pieces, add sugar, nutmeg, cardamom, cinnamon, vanilla. Bring to a boil and reduce flame temperature. Leave the pears on low heat for 40 minutes. Beat eggs with cream, add grated pumpkin, semolina, rice flour, almonds. Mix everything carefully and let the dough rest.

Fry in a frying pan on both sides. Serve with hot pear slices.


Diet lunch can also be varied. You can experiment with cooking meat and fish, treat yourself to baked potatoes and soups. For example:

Stew in a pot

It is very simple to prepare: several pieces of meat are cut and placed at the bottom of the pot. It is covered with zucchini, cabbage, herbs, peppers or tomatoes on top. Everything is filled with low-fat kefir, so that it does not reach the edge by one phalanx of the finger. Afterwards the pot is placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. After 40 minutes, lunch is ready.

Dietary analogue of creamy puree soup - cheese soup

Vegetables are stewed in olive oil. After stewing, add low-fat processed cheese in small pieces to the broth. After the cheese has melted, it is mixed with vegetables.

It is also worth noting that not everyone has the opportunity to dine at home. For many, this meal occurs at work, and since dietary nutrition must be adhered to constantly, it is better to take something ready-made with you.

Lunches for work


Low-fat cottage cheese is mixed with the white of one egg, 200 milliliters of milk and 50 g of oatmeal. The mixture is whipped with a blender and then poured into a baking dish. Bake at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Vegetable pancakes with beans

In this dish, canned beans act as an addition, and the pancakes themselves are prepared as follows: carrots or zucchini are grated. Egg and semolina are also added. You can cook the pancakes in a dry frying pan or in the oven.

Recipes for working with calculated calories

Vegetable rolls

For preparation you will need:

  • rice paper – 8 sheets;
  • funchose noodles – 12 g;
  • chicken fillet– 75 g;
  • medium carrot - half;
  • medium cucumber - half;
  • lettuce – 4 leaves;
  • green;
  • sesame or olive oil.

The dish is designed for two people and contains 172 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.

The rice paper is moistened and placed on a towel to remove excess moisture. The noodles are poured with boiling water and brewed for the time indicated on the package. Boiled breast, carrots and lettuce are cut into strips and placed in a bowl. Noodles and oil are also added there. All ingredients are mixed and laid out on rice paper. The rolls are crowded together. Lunch is ready.


Diet okroshka made with kefir is extremely popular during the hot summer. You can add almost any vegetables to it, and not only kefir, but also mineral water, brine or broths can serve as a dressing. Perfect for replacing regular soup.

Recipe for okroshka on kefir with chicken. For preparation you need the following ingredients:

  • low-calorie kefir – 2 l;
  • greens – 10 g;
  • chicken fillet – 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • cucumber – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • spices to taste.

The chicken fillet is boiled for 15-20 minutes, after cooking the meat is cooled and chopped with a knife. All vegetables are also cut into cubes. The ingredients are placed in a saucepan and poured with kefir. Spices and herbs are added. Diet soup can be served.

Depending on the ingredients and your imagination, the calorie content of okroshka will vary, but 100 grams of soup usually contains no more than 200 kcal.

You can also cook even more low-calorie soup based on mineral water. Ingredients for four servings:

  • mineral water – 1.5 liters;
  • jacket potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • fresh radishes – 4 pcs.;
  • doctor's sausage – 150 g;
  • boiled chicken egg – 3 pcs.;
  • low-fat sour cream – 100 g;
  • low-calorie kefir – 100 ml;
  • herbs, spices - to taste.

Sausage, cucumber, radishes, eggs, peeled potatoes are cut into cubes and poured into a pan. The greens are chopped and also added to all ingredients. Spices, sour cream and kefir are added, and mineral water is poured on top. The soup is thoroughly mixed. Bon appetit!


A diet dinner can be a delicious treat for your family. You can use fish, meat, vegetable salads and much more for it.

The main thing to remember is that the last meal should be no later than three hours before bedtime. If you feel hungry, drink low-fat kefir or a glass of water.

Baked mackerel

Ingredients for 1 serving. The dish contains 138 kcal per 100 grams of product. To prepare you need:

  • mackerel – 1 piece;
  • low-fat yogurt – 100 g;
  • half a small orange;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • greens, salt, black pepper - to taste.

Cooking fish is very simple. The mackerel is thoroughly washed, and parallel cuts are made on the carcass. The zest is removed from half an orange and the juice is squeezed out. For the marinade, mix yogurt, seasonings, juice and orange zest. The mackerel is coated with marinade and packed in foil. The dish is prepared for 30 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Fillet in batter

Ingredients for 2 servings. Such diet dinner contains 151 kcal per 100 grams of product. To prepare you need:

  • chicken fillet – 400 g;
  • chicken egg – 1.5 pcs.;
  • rice flour – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • spices to taste;
  • mayonnaise sauce – 2 tbsp. l.

The chicken fillet is washed, cut into pieces for chops, and beaten with a culinary hammer. For the marinade you need to mix the sauce, spices, crushed garlic. Brush the mixture on both sides of the chops and let the meat stand for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, roll the pieces in rice flour and then in beaten eggs. Fry in mustard or olive oil. Canned peas are perfect as a side dish for this dish.

Looking at examples of dishes, you can immediately understand that dietary food can be tasty and interesting.

For children

When dealing with your nutrition, do not forget about your children. Due to millions of types of chocolate, candies, as well as delicious burgers, hot dogs and pizza, the problem of childhood obesity has become acute in our time. Many young mothers will say that obesity in teenagers is normal. However, excess weight in childhood will negatively affect the condition of joints, bones and internal organs in the future.

A dietary menu designed for an adult is absolutely not suitable for a child’s body.

You can imagine the following menu for 5 days


  • Breakfast: semolina pancakes, fruit.
  • Lunch: egg salad with hard cheese, compote.
  • Lunch time: light soup with meat broth, meatballs with buckwheat.
  • Evening: fruit salad, jelly.
  • Breakfast: omelette cooked in the oven, compote.
  • Lunch: vegetable roll.
  • Lunch time: baked potatoes with liver, vegetable juice.
  • Evening: muesli with dried fruits, tea.
  • Breakfast: salad with seafood, natural juice.
  • Lunch: cottage cheese with pieces of fruit or berries.
  • Lunch time: chicken broth, vegetable stew.
  • Evening: cereal porridge, carrot salad.
  • Breakfast: potato pancakes with sour cream.
  • Lunch: fruit smoothie.
  • Lunch time: borscht with chicken broth, a slice of toast bread.
  • Evening: buckwheat porridge with milk.
  • Breakfast: cheesecakes, herbal decoction.
  • Lunch: fruit, yogurt.
  • Lunch time: fresh cabbage soup, tomato, tea.
  • Evening: cottage cheese with fruit, oatmeal.

Of course, you can create a menu for reducing your child’s weight yourself, but it is better to contact a qualified nutritionist who will not only develop a weight loss program, but also add mandatory physical activity and a complex of vitamins to it.

Dietary recipes for a slow cooker

The multicooker is a technical device that has won the love of millions of women all over the planet. With its help, you can easily and quickly prepare dishes of any complexity, while maintaining all the nutritional properties of the food.

Dietary meals prepared in a slow cooker allow you to lose weight with pleasure. Times when in order to lose extra pounds you had to constantly eat boiled vegetables and pickled apples have long since sunk into oblivion. Now you can create tasty, healthy, and most importantly low calorie dishes using a multifunctional kitchen appliance.

Advantages of using a multicooker for preparing diet food

  • Products retain vitamins and nutrients.
  • The dishes have excellent taste.
  • No oil required for cooking.
  • Constantly maintaining the temperature allows you to avoid reheating food.

A multicooker is a “smart” device that will allow you to eat healthy even for people with a minimum amount of free time.

Many simple steamer recipes can be found in specialized books and inserts that come with your kitchen aid.

Buckwheat porridge. Calorie content 335 kcal per 100 g.

For one serving you only need 125 g of buckwheat and salt to taste.

Cooking buckwheat in a slow cooker couldn't be easier. To make the porridge tasty, you need to pour it into a bowl and pour hot water. Set to “Porridge” mode for 20 minutes.

Lenten cutlets. Calorie content 128 kcal per 100 g.

Ingredients for five servings: 200 g of fresh mushrooms, 100 g of carrots, one glass of rice, half a liter of water, 50 ml of olive oil, breadcrumbs.

The cutlets are prepared as follows: the rice is thoroughly washed and poured into the multicooker bowl, then chopped mushrooms and carrots are added. Add spices and set the multicooker to cook rice for 30 minutes. Then we take out the cooked rice, cool it and form small cutlets. Before frying, roll the cutlet in breadcrumbs on both sides.

Wheat-pumpkin porridge. Calorie content 104 kcal per 100 g.

For three servings you will need:

  • peeled pumpkin – 375 g;
  • washed millet – 100 g;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • cane sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • butter – 35 g;
  • a glass of water;
  • milk – 300 ml.

The pumpkin is cut into pieces, crushed to a pulp, and fried in a slow cooker for 15 minutes at 160 degrees. To prevent the pumpkin from burning, you must first add oil to the cooking bowl. After frying, cereal, milk, water, salt, and sugar are added to the multicooker. Everything is thoroughly mixed. In the porridge mode, the dish cooks for 50 minutes. Afterwards, the porridge is mixed and left in the device in the heating mode for another half hour.

Pumpkin Delight

A great way to diversify your diet menu is to add pumpkin dishes. This wonderful vegetable has a low calorie content - only 25 calories per 100 grams of product, and also contains a large amount of vitamins and fiber.

Recipe examples

Air porridge

A simple dish will require a minimum amount of time and effort from you. To prepare, cut 0.5 kg of peeled and washed pumpkin into small pieces and place in a steamer bowl. Add half a glass of water and 150 g of dried fruits, sprinkle everything on top with sugar. Cooking takes place in the “Stew” mode for 40 minutes. When the pumpkin is ready, use a blender to grind all the ingredients. Calorie content: 210 kcal per 100 grams.

Pumpkin with honey

For a sweet low-calorie dish you will need: half a kilo of peeled pumpkin, 200 g of sweet apples, 200 g of natural honey, 100 ml of water.

Cut the pumpkin and apples into slices and place on a baking sheet in the order pumpkin, apples, pumpkin. Pour honey on top of the ingredients and add water. 2 hours in the oven at 160 degrees and your dessert is ready.

Eggplant Recipes

You can treat yourself to eggplant dishes, because 100 grams of this vegetable has only 28 kcal.

Popular eggplant recipe for dietary nutrition - casserole. For three servings you will need:

  • eggplant – 250 g;
  • half a large sweet pepper;
  • 0.5 medium-sized onions;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • low-fat yogurt – 50 ml;
  • one clove of garlic;
  • olive oil – 0.5 tsp.

The eggplant should be cut into slices, the peppers and onions into rings, and the garlic into slices. The egg is beaten with yogurt and spices. Pour oil into the bottom of a baking bowl and place vegetables in rows. Pour the mixture into a slow cooker and bake for an hour at 100 degrees. 100 grams of the dish contains only 44 kcal.

You can also make juicy eggplants cutlets, which are an excellent substitute for their meat “brothers”.

To prepare four servings of cutlets you will need the following ingredients:

  • eggplants – 0.5 kg;
  • hard cheese – 50 g;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 1.5 cloves;
  • white bread – 50 g;
  • breadcrumbs – 50 g.

The eggplants are chopped with a knife and fried in a frying pan. Cheese and garlic are grated on a fine grater and added to the cooled eggplants. Eggs and bread, previously soaked in water or milk, are also added to the minced meat. The mixture is salted, spices and crackers are added. Everything is thoroughly mixed. Cutlets are formed from the prepared minced meat and fried in a frying pan on both sides.

Dishes with zucchini

For any low calorie diet They use zucchini, as they contain only 17 kcal per 100 g of fresh vegetable.

Some people follow a separate zucchini diet for weight loss. With this diet, you can lose 5 kilograms in a week.

Recipes with zucchini calories:

The easiest way to cook zucchini for a couple. The vegetable is cut into rings and placed in a slow cooker. 15 minutes on the “Steam” mode and dinner is ready.

This zucchini dish contains only 9 kcal per 100 grams.

Zucchini cream soup

To prepare five servings you will need: half an onion and a carrot, a pinch of cumin, 15 g of butter, half a kilo of peeled zucchini, half a liter of low-fat broth, herbs and spices to taste.

Melt the butter in a saucepan, first add chopped onions and carrots. Then chopped zucchini and spices are added. Frying all ingredients lasts 5 minutes. The broth is poured in. Cook the soup until the zucchini becomes soft. After cooking, the dish is whipped with a blender and sprinkled with herbs before serving. Calorie content 34 kcal per 100 g.

Diet salads

Many people know that salads are not just hearty dish for the holiday table, and also a wonderful tool for fighting extra pounds. Of course, “Olivier” and similar salads cannot be classified as dietary salads, since they usually contain heavy foods.

Dietary salads are made from easy-to-digest and assimilate vegetables and fruits that are low in calories and fat. Such food is quickly prepared, and most importantly allows you to lose extra pounds in short terms. Simple recipes will help you not to spend a lot of time preparing dishes, but to enjoy life.

Cabbage salad “Simple” known to many since childhood. For it you will need:

  • fresh white cabbage – 250 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • apple – 1 pc.;
  • green;
  • olive oil;
  • spices to taste.

The first step is to clean all vegetables and fruits from peels and seeds. The cabbage is finely chopped, and the carrots and apple are chopped on a fine grater. All ingredients are mixed with spices and oil. Bon appetit!

If you want a more “substantial” snack, you can prepare a diet chicken salad. For example, « Warm salad with chicken fillet and vegetables". It is low in calories and perfectly satisfies hunger.

For preparation you will need:

  • chicken fillet – 220 g;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • celery – 30 g;
  • sweet pepper – 150 g;
  • olive oil – 2 tsp;
  • sea ​​salt – 2 g.

It's very easy to prepare. Vegetables must be thoroughly washed and cut into strips. Boil the chicken fillet, cool, and then chop with a knife.

Add oil, vegetables and garlic to a heated frying pan. Let it simmer a little and add the chicken. Fry the salad for 7 minutes, add herbs and spices a minute before readiness.

The salad can be served not only as an appetizer, but also as a main course.


Even a strong-willed person will want to “break” the diet and eat a cake, pastry or bun at a holiday. But nothing bad will happen if the delicacy is baked according to a recipe for weight loss. Diet baking is a great way to please yourself and diversify your nutrition program.

Simple recipes for delicacies for weight loss:

Cottage cheese pie

In order to cook delicious pie you need to take half a kilogram of low-fat cottage cheese, three tablespoons of semolina, sugar, 30 g of buckwheat flour, three chicken eggs.

First you need to knead the cottage cheese with semolina, flour and sugar. Add beaten egg whites to the dough. The dough is laid out on a baking sheet; future baked goods can be decorated with fruits or berries on top. Bake for 35 minutes at 180 degrees. 100 grams of dessert contains 137 kcal.

Brownie with chocolate

For dessert you need: 250 g dark chocolate, 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, 5 chicken eggs, 150 g rice-wheat flour, 50 g cocoa, 120 g nuts. To improve the taste, you can add cinnamon, vanillin and sugar to the dough.

To make brownies, you first need to melt the chocolate in a water bath, and then mix it with cottage cheese, beaten egg whites, cocoa, as well as sifted flour and chopped nuts. The base is ready.

The mixture is placed in a baking dish and placed in an oven preheated at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. 100 grams of baked goods contains 324 kcal.

Diet baking can become the basis of a diet for weight loss. Eat deliciously and surprise others with an ideal figure.


While losing weight, you should not deny yourself treats. Many recipes for dietary desserts will allow you to diversify your menu and will be excellent snacks between main meals.

An excellent substitute for classic sweets will be jelly. You can prepare it in different ways, so you won’t get tired of this dessert.

To cook low calorie dessert jelly-based will require the following ingredients:

  • low calorie sour cream – 800 g;
  • gelatin – 30 g;
  • cane sugar – 200 g;
  • fruit to taste – 150 g.

Making jelly is very simple. Gelatin is dissolved in warm water, then thoroughly mixed with sour cream and sugar. Half of the resulting mixture is poured into a plate. Pieces of fruit are placed in it. The rest of the sour cream and gelatin mass is added.

The dish must be refrigerated for 8 hours.

The delicious dessert contains only 140 kcal per 100 g of product.

Baked fruits will be healthy desserts during the diet. There is only one way to prepare such delicacies - they need to be baked in the oven. Apples, pears in combination with citrus fruits will delight you during a strict diet, because 100 grams of the dish contains approximately 75 kcal.

Of course, don't forget about fruit salads. Eating this low-calorie dessert for lunch will give you the energy you need for the whole day.

You can use any berries and fruits for the salad, but do not forget that the portion for one meal should not exceed the size of your palm.

Dietary recipes from cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is one of the most popular products among those who want to lose weight. It is included in almost all developed dietary programs, as it allows you to saturate the body and contains a large amount of useful substances.

Cheesecakes, pies, smoothies - all these dishes can be found in nutrition programs for weight loss. Based on low-fat cottage cheese, they carry minimum quantity calories and allow you to quickly get rid of extra pounds.

You can use cottage cheese in different ways: simply mixing it with herbs or fruits, baking it, whipping it in a blender, adding it to salads and main dishes. In any case, it will not do any harm to your figure.

Nutritionists advise consuming cottage cheese with different percentages of fat during the diet.

An example of a dietary sweet with cottage cheese:


To prepare you will need: half a kilo of low-fat cottage cheese, two tablespoons of sugar, 1 pack of gelatin, fruit to taste.

The cottage cheese is mixed with sugar using a blender, dissolved gelatin and pieces of fruit are added. Mix everything thoroughly. Place the mixture into muffin tins and refrigerate for 8 hours.

This dish can be prepared not only as a dessert, but also as a main course. To do this, you need to replace fruits with vegetables, and sugar with salt and spices.


You can also make nutritious dietary smoothies based on cottage cheese.

It is important to know that you cannot completely replace regular food with smoothies. This wonderful drink can only be consumed twice a day.

Even a child can prepare a smoothie, and it is not necessary to make drinks based on cottage cheese. Cocktails are mixed from milk, curdled milk, yogurt and juices.

Rules for preparing diet smoothies

  • Only fresh and low-calorie foods are selected.
  • Ice “steals” the taste of berries and fruits. If you want to drink a cold drink, you can simply chill the ingredients before preparing.
  • It is better to dilute the finished cocktail with juices or fermented milk products.
  • Sugar or sugar substitutes should not be added to smoothies.

Cocktail recipes for weight loss

  1. Mix two tablespoons of blackcurrant with 50 grams of cottage cheese. Pour the mixture with a glass of pineapple juice, add a spoonful of honey. Calorie content – ​​94 kcal per 100 ml.
  2. 4 strawberries, 50 g banana, 100 ml kefir, one tablespoon of steamed oatmeal, beat in a blender. Sprinkle ground on top walnuts. Calorie content - 99 kcal per 100 ml.

There are many ready-made recipes smoothies for weight loss, but you can always come up with your own smoothie.

Books of diet recipes

Of course, it is impossible to list all possible recipes for losing weight, but the best of them are collected in the following books:

  • "Recipes. Dietary and vegetarian dishes";
  • “Modern food. Desserts for those losing weight";
  • “Modern food. We eat and lose weight”;
  • “We lose weight with style.”

The books outline all the principles of proper nutrition for weight loss. Also in these publications you can find calorie tables.

Losing weight does not mean eating only cabbage or chewing boring boiled breast. There are a lot of interesting dietary dishes that will help diversify your diet, make it tasty and healthy. The most interesting, but easy-to-prepare recipes for soups, drinks, salads and desserts will make losing weight interesting and won’t make you feel hungry. With them, losing weight will be much easier, the diet will smoothly move from a test to a way of life.


General principles of preparing dietary dishes

Low-calorie diet meals for weight loss mainly consist of vegetables, dairy products, lean meat, poultry, and fish. For cooking, gentle heat treatment methods are used: grilling, boiling, stewing, baking. A multicooker, which combines several functions, will be a good help in the household. Baking bags, regular foil, various molds, and non-stick frying pans will also come in handy.

Basic principles:

  1. Minimum fat. One spoon of oil contains about 120 kcal, which is 12-15% of the average daily requirement energy value losing weight woman. Fats must be added strictly using a scale.
  2. Minimum sugar. Sweets not only have a high calorie content, but also affect fluctuations in blood glucose levels and provoke severe and sudden hunger. It is better to use fresh and dried fruits, berries or natural sugar substitutes as sweeteners in dietary dishes.
  3. Minimum wheat flour, starch. In the diet for weight loss, the presence of whole grain baked goods is allowed, rye flour, bran, oatmeal. But it’s better to cook others dietary dishes.

It is important to avoid store-bought sauces. Even low-calorie mayonnaise contains a lot of fat, ketchups are filled with sugar and starch. And the taste enhancers included in the composition awaken the feeling of hunger and reduce the benefits of dietary dishes. A weight watcher should absolutely remove this from their diet.

Recipes for first dietary dishes

The first dietary dishes for weight loss should be present in the diet; they fill the stomach, create a feeling of fullness, but at the same time contain few calories. There are even special diets based on soups. Cold dishes are refreshing in the hot summer and loaded with vitamins. Hot soups will help you warm up in the winter, delight you with the assortment, and make the menu varied.

In dishes for weight loss, it is not advisable to combine potatoes with cereals, pasta or legumes. If the soup is with noodles or beans, then it is better not to add the starchy tuber. You can safely use potatoes in recipes for vegetable cabbage soup and borscht.

Onion soup with cabbage

Onions – 6 pcs.
Cabbage – 800 g
Pepper – 2 pcs.
Celery stalks – 4 pcs.
Tomatoes – 2 pcs.
Herbs, spices to taste

Measure out 2.5 liters of water, pour into a saucepan, and bring to a boil. Cut the onion into cubes, add to the pan, and simmer for 5 minutes. Chop the cabbage, cut the pepper, celery stalks and add everything to the onion, lightly add salt to the soup. Boil for 5 minutes, add chopped tomatoes. Simmer the dish over low heat until all the vegetables are cooked. At the end, add pepper, fresh herbs, bay and other spices to your taste.

Diet okroshka

Fresh cucumbers – 3 pcs.
Boiled eggs – 2 pcs.
Radishes – 10 pcs.
Boiled chicken – 200 g
Green onion – 1 bunch
Dill – 1 bunch
Low-fat kefir – 600 ml
Plain or mineral water – 400 ml
Lemon – 0.5 pcs.

Peel the eggs, cut into cubes, pour into a saucepan. Disassemble the chicken into fibers or chop it too. It is advisable to remove skin and fatty pieces. Chop all the vegetables and herbs and combine. Mix kefir and water, you can take mineral water with gas, add salt, pepper, squeeze out lemon juice, stir. Add filling to the main products of a dietary dish. Serve chilled and store in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Green borscht “Summer”

Chicken (fillet) – 250 g
Potatoes – 2 pcs.
Carrots – 1 pc.
Onion – 1 pc.
Sorrel – 2 bunches
Dill – 0.5 bunch
Eggs – 3 pcs.

Rinse, cut the chicken fillet into pieces, place in a saucepan, add 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil. Remove any foam that forms, reduce heat, and simmer the broth for 15 minutes. Peel the onions and carrots, cut into cubes, add to the pan. Add salt. Peel the potatoes, cut into pieces, add the first vegetables after boiling. Cook until potatoes are soft. Wash the sorrel and dill, cut into pieces, add to the almost finished soup. Taste for salt, add if necessary, season with pepper and bay leaves, bring to a boil, turn off. Cover the pan and leave the diet dish for 10 minutes. When serving, add chopped boiled egg to the plate.

Main course recipes

Dietary main courses are not prepared from potatoes, fatty meat, pasta from soft wheat varieties. They mainly consist of vegetables, lean meats or poultry, and legumes are welcome.

Chicken diet cutlets

Fillet – 500 g
Egg – 1 pc.
Bell pepper – 1 pc.
Carrots – 1 pc.
Onion – 1 pc.
Garlic – 2 cloves
Salt, pepper

Remove the seeds from the pepper pods, cut the vegetable into cubes, and place in a bowl. Grind the garlic, onion, and chicken fillet through a meat grinder. Add carrots cut into small cubes and one raw egg. Season the minced meat with spices and stir. Make small round cutlets of 50-70 g each, place in a baking dish, cook the dish in the oven for 25 minutes at 180 degrees. Or place on a steamer tray and cook for 20-25 minutes after the water boils.

Diet stewed cabbage with liver

Liver – 300 g
Cabbage – 800 g
Onion – 100 g
Carrots – 100 g
Oil 1 tbsp. l.
Spices, herbs, garlic to taste

Pour a spoonful of oil into a large frying pan, cauldron or saucepan so that it lightly greases the surface, and place on the stove. Chop the onion, grate the carrots coarsely, and lightly fry. Rinse the liver. If the product is beef, then cut into strips. If the liver is chicken, then just in pieces, as you like. Add to vegetables, fry for 1-2 minutes. Chop white cabbage. You can use a special grater or knife, add a little salt and mash with your hands. Transfer the vegetable to total weight, stir, cover and simmer in your juice until done. Two minutes before the end, season the dish with pepper, garlic, herbs, and add salt.

Note: It is better to fry foods for dietary dishes in coconut oil. It is much healthier and emits fewer harmful substances when heated.

Ratatouille (oven recipe)

Eggplants – 250 g
Zucchini (zucchini) – 250 g
Onions – 170 g
Olive oil – 10 g
Bell pepper – 100 g
Tomatoes – 800 g
Parsley, spices, vinegar to taste

Cut the onion into cubes, pour into a frying pan with the recipe oil. Lightly fry. Remove the seeds from the bell pepper. Cut into cubes and add to the onion. Cut two tomatoes in half, grate the pulp, remove the skin. Add the tomato mixture to the pan, cover and simmer the vegetables until the peppers are soft. Cut the eggplants, zucchini and remaining tomatoes into circles. Add spices and salt to the vegetables in the pan. Squeeze the garlic if desired and season with vinegar for added spice. Place half in a baking dish and even out the layer. Arrange pieces of vegetables, alternating eggplants with tomatoes, zucchini, place on edge. Place the remaining bell pepper vegetable mixture on top and smooth out. Bake the dish for 35-40 minutes at 180°C.

Diet desserts

To add sweetness and improve the taste of dietary dessert dishes for weight loss, fruits and berries are used, and sugar substitutes can be added. They are natural and synthetic. Of the natural types, stevia-based products are the most common. It is important to use honey more carefully. Of course, it is healthier than white refined sugar, but it also has a high calorie content.

Important! Whatever low-calorie fruit dessert is, it is recommended to consume it in the first half of the day or at least before 16.00. Otherwise, the dish will slow down weight loss.

Baked Apples with Cinnamon

Apples – 3 pcs.
Cinnamon – 1 tsp.
Honey – 1.5 tsp.

Wash the apples; it is advisable to choose dense fruits of the same size. Using a knife, cut the stub from the back side, making a funnel, but do not pierce through. Put 0.5 tsp in each apple. honey, sprinkle the cuts with ground cinnamon. If desired, you can make the holes larger and fill them with cottage cheese or low-fat cream cheese. Place a piece of foil on the bottom of the pan, place the apples, and bake the dessert dish until soft in the oven. Temperature 200°C.

Berry ice cream

Yogurt – 100 g
Any berries – 100 g
Honey – 1 tsp.

Place the washed berries in a blender bowl. If they have pits, for example, cherries, then remove the pits. Blend until smooth. Add yogurt, honey, beat again. Leave for 40 minutes in freezer. Remove, stir quickly, place in ice cream molds, and freeze.

Curd dessert with banana

Cottage cheese – 300 g
Banana – 2 pcs.
Lemon juice – 10 ml
Milk – 100 ml
Gelatin – 8 g

Combine milk with gelatin and stir. Leave to swell, the time indicated on the package. Sometimes gelatin is instant, it just needs to stand in the liquid for 5-10 minutes. If the product is ordinary, then the time increases to half an hour. Peel bananas, break into pieces, sprinkle lemon juice so that the fruit does not darken. Mash well with a fork or beat with a blender. Combine with cottage cheese, stir thoroughly. Melt gelatin in milk until liquid state, you can do this in a microwave oven or in a water bath. Combine with cottage cheese, beat well to make it fluffy, pour the mixture into small molds, glasses or bowls. Refrigerate for 2.5-3 hours until set.

Diet salad recipes

For some reason, when losing weight, it is customary to consume fresh salads in incredible quantities. Vegetables are undoubtedly healthy, but it is better to combine them with protein foods. This is the only way they will fill you up, won’t stretch your stomach, and will completely replace a full meal for lunch or dinner. The best options for supplements are eggs, chicken, fish, dairy products.

Diet Caesar salad recipe

Boiled chicken or turkey – 100 g
Cherry – 6 pcs.
Lettuce leaves – 80 g
Boiled quail eggs – 4 pcs.
Boiled yolk – 1 pc.
Garlic – 1 pc.
Lemon juice – 1 tsp.
Mustard – 1 tsp.
Natural yogurt – 30 g

Place the washed lettuce leaves on a flat plate. Slice chicken or turkey and place on top. Add cherry tomatoes and quail eggs, cut into quarters, arrange nicely. For the sauce, grind mustard with lemon juice, chopped garlic and yolk, dilute it all with natural yogurt, add salt to taste. Season the diet salad and serve immediately.

Lady salad recipe

Boiled chicken fillet – 200 g
Fresh cucumbers – 250 g
Greens – 1 bunch
Canned green peas – 150 g
Sour cream 10% – 100 g

Chop the boiled fillet, cucumbers and herbs, pour into a bowl. Add green peas, salt and season with sour cream. You can replace it with natural yoghurt and stir.

“Cipollino” salad (simple recipe)

Boiled eggs – 4 pcs.
Green onion – 1 bunch
Sour cream – 70 g
Salt, pepper

Chop green onions and boiled eggs, pour into a bowl, you can additionally add dill or parsley. Salt, pepper, season with sour cream, stir.

Video: Diet salad in 15 minutes

Diet drinks

Water is one of the main components of proper weight loss. But you don’t always want to use it. The solution is low-calorie, tasty and fat-burning drinks. They are usually prepared with the addition of citrus fruits, herbs, various types of tea or low-fat fermented milk drinks.

Water "Sassi"

Cucumber – 1 pc.
Water – 1.5 l
Lemon – 0.5 pcs.
Mint – 5-10 leaves
Ginger – 10 g

Wash the cucumber and lemon, cut into slices, pour into a 2-liter jar or carafe. Add grated fresh ginger root. Wash the mint, tear it, put it in a jar. Pour in cold purified or spring water, close and place in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. It is better to prepare Sassi water in the evening, so that you can drink it all day in between meals.

Ginger green tea

Ginger – 15 g
Lemon – 2 slices
Green tea – 1 tsp.
Boiling water – 500 ml

You can brew ginger tea in a thermos, a French press (for coffee), or just in a jar. Grate the ginger, cut off two lemon slices with peel, place in a used container, and pour boiling water over it. Cover and leave for 5 minutes. Add green tea leaves and stir. Leave for another 20-30 minutes. Green tea should not be brewed with boiling water, as this destroys the beneficial substances and produces bitterness. Use cold or warm in the morning, you can add a teaspoon of honey.

Kefir fat burning cocktail

Kefir – 200 ml
Cinnamon – 0.3 tsp.
Dry ground ginger – 0.3 tsp.
Pinch of red pepper

Combine all the ingredients of the kefir cocktail, stir, leave for 10-15 minutes so that the spices release their esters and aroma. Stir again, drink instead of snacks or to satisfy sudden hunger. It is useful to drink a fat-burning cocktail at night.

By the way! Cinnamon is not always in store-bought bags. Often the manufacturer is disingenuous and uses more cheap analogue– cassia. It is not harmful, it also gives a pleasant aroma, but it does not have a lot of beneficial properties and fat-burning effects, like natural cinnamon tree bark.

Video: Fat burning smoothie

Dietary sauces for various dishes

Ketchups, mayonnaise, butter are the main enemies of a slim figure. It is very important to find a worthy replacement for them. The right dressing for salads, pasta, and meat will make even the most modest dish tastier, will not increase calorie content, and will prevent breakdown.

Yogurt dressing for salads, meat, poultry, fish dishes

Natural yogurt – 100 g
Lemon juice – 10 ml
Mustard – 5-10 g
Salt, pepper, garlic to taste

For diet sauce, it is advisable to use natural Greek yogurt. Add lemon juice and mustard to it and stir. Salt and pepper to taste, you can add herbs and chopped garlic, depending on the composition of the dish to which the dressing will be added.

Tomato sauce recipe

Tomatoes – 400 g
Bell pepper – 100 g
Onion – 50 g
Apple – 100 g
Olive oil – 1 tsp.
Salt, pepper to taste

Chop the onion and fry in a teaspoon of olive oil. Scald the tomatoes, remove the skin, cut into pieces, add to the onion. Chop the apple and pepper too, add to the vegetables, bring to a boil and cook in the released juice until soft. Grind the vegetables in a blender and bring to a boil again. Season with salt and add pepper for spiciness.

Low-calorie pesto sauce for any dish

Basil – 50 g
Parmesan – 50 g
Garlic – 3 cloves
Pine nuts – 1 tbsp. l.
Olive oil – 3 tbsp. l.

The amount of oil in the diet Pesto sauce is reduced. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly chop the juicy basil and garlic. Place it all in a blender bowl and blend until smooth. Add Parmesan, butter and pine nuts. Beat for 10-15 seconds. Serve Pesto with dietary dishes of cereals, meat, poultry, and fish.

Limitations, fatigue and bad mood are exactly what a person usually faces when losing weight. But this doesn't always happen. There are techniques that allow you to lose weight without fasting, easily and comfortably. Such diets are called light. They allow you to eat tasty, satisfying meals, without wasting time on preparing complex dishes, and at the same time lose weight. Won't prevail constant feeling hunger, so your mood will be excellent throughout the diet.


How to choose a diet

Easy weight loss is a relative concept. Some find it difficult to prepare individual dishes for themselves; they are willing to undereat just to avoid having to go into the kitchen one more time. Some people cannot stand hunger; they are ready to eat any food in order to feel full and satisfied. In the northern regions, there are problems with purchasing quality vegetables and fruits, and some cannot follow the prescribed menu due to financial problems.

This is why a simple and easy diet for one person can be difficult for another. When choosing a suitable technique, you first need to focus on your own taste habits, desires and capabilities.

Protein diet: the most satisfying

This diet is called light because following it does not cause a feeling of severe hunger, the menu is varied, interesting, and satisfying. It is allowed to use salt, various sauces, and spices, but you should not abuse them. In large quantities, seasonings inhibit weight loss, retain water, and contribute to the appearance of edema.

Additional products:

  • low-fat kefir, cottage cheese;
  • grain bread, bran, crackers;
  • unsweetened fresh fruit;
  • chicken breast, lean fish;
  • herbs, seasonings, aromatic herbs;
  • rolled oats, buckwheat, pearl barley, millet.

The total amount of additional products should not exceed 1 kg per day. You can drink water, vegetable and unsweetened fruit juices, compotes, tea and coffee.

Sample menu for the day

It is advisable to eat porridge in the morning. All main meals should be accompanied by fresh vegetables or salads. The principle of constructing the menu is very simple, vegetables for salads and soups are selected at your discretion, only potatoes are limited.

Menu for the day

Breakfast: oatmeal porridge, 1 carrot
Lunch: zucchini pancakes, tea
Dinner: cabbage soup, fresh salad, 100 g boiled chicken, compote, a slice of bread
Afternoon snack: apple, natural yogurt
Dinner: stewed vegetables, herbs, 100 g baked or stewed fish
For the night: kefir

Light kefir diet

Light and healthy kefir diets allow you to lose weight very quickly. They have a huge number of variations, differ in duration, diet, and results. Dairy products contain protein and calcium; they will help restore the intestinal microflora, cleanse the organ, and improve its functioning.

The basis of the diet is low-fat kefir, up to 1%. It can sometimes be replaced with natural yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese up to 5%. Mono-diets involve the use of only dairy products. They are consumed for 1, 3, 5 or 7 days. Further weight loss can be dangerous. But there are mixed systems, for example, from Larisa Dolina.

Contraindications: pregnancy, gastrointestinal diseases.

Kefir diet option from Larisa Dolina

In a week of eating this way you can lose up to 5-7 kg. Important point- exclusion of salt. From the very first days, the body will begin to get rid of excess water. Every day you need to consume 0.5 liters of kefir and an additional product. Every day he is his own. You need to eat in small portions, strictly before 18.00.

Additional products for the week

Monday: 400 g potatoes
Tuesday: 400 g cottage cheese
Wednesday: 0.5 kg fruit
Thursday: 0.5 kg chicken
Friday: 0.5 kg fruit
Saturday: 1.5 liters of water
Sunday: 0.5 kg of fruit or the same amount of vegetables

Important! For any kefir diet you need to drink at least 2 liters of water. The liquid will help cleanse the body and speed up weight loss.

Salt-free diet: varied and satisfying

The diet is easy because you don’t need to limit yourself in anything. You can eat absolutely any low-fat dishes, but without adding salt. As a result, the load on blood vessels, heart and liver is reduced, excess water leaves the body, and weight rapidly decreases. Fresh dishes fill you up well, and you rarely feel hungry. Weight loss is directly related to the strictness of the menu; it can range from 3 to 8 kg per month.

Prohibited products:

  • smoked meats, sausages, canned food;
  • any ready meals, semi-finished products;
  • confectionery, sugar;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • pasta and other flour products.

The basis of the salt-free diet is vegetables, poultry and meat, fruits, fish and dairy products. Bread and cereals should be limited. Instead of salt, other spices are added to dishes: pepper, ginger, dried and fresh herbs. Salads, meat and fish dishes go well with lemon juice.

Sample menu for the day

To create a daily diet, you can adhere to standard nutritional principles: eat often and in small portions, drink water in between.

Breakfast: omelette, milk tea
Lunch: apple
Dinner: borscht with chicken, crouton
Afternoon snack: natural yogurt or cottage cheese
Dinner: baked fish, cabbage salad or other vegetables

If you need to lose weight quickly, then you can take the famous Japanese diet as a basis. With its help, it is easy to get rid of 7-8 kg in 2 weeks, but the diet is strict, the menu does not tolerate deviations.

Video: Elena Malysheva about the salt-free diet

The number of different diets is growing every day. For anyone looking to lose weight, there is a wide choice. However, upon closer examination, you understand that most of the diets consisted of monsters - in other words, you cannot name a person who offers either only proteins, then only cereals, or even leading a half-starved lifestyle. Yes, the weight will come off, but at what cost!

For those who understand that the fat accumulated over the years cannot be shaken off in a couple of weeks, light diets have been invented. The main principles of any light diet are moderation and adherence to the diet. Eat little and often - 5-6 times a day, eating no more than 200 g of food at one time. The diet should be complete with a predominance of vegetables and fruits containing fiber. Those with a sweet tooth will have a hard time, but you can replace sweets with much healthier and no less tasty dried fruits, honey and nuts. A variety of store-bought sauces, chips and similar unhealthy products, as well as sweets, sausages and processed foods must be excluded from the diet during the diet, and then consumed as rarely as possible.

All light diets have one important requirement in common - reducing salt in dishes to the required minimum. Try cooking without any salt at all. Unbearable? Salt the food on your plate. Prepare “tasty salt” by mixing ground, roasted sesame or pumpkin seeds with coarse salt (preferably sea salt). Herbs and spices will also help in the fight against salt addiction.

Many easy diets often involve giving up proteins, carbohydrates or fats, but this is wrong. Without each of them, the human body cannot function normally. There is a solution: replace simple carbohydrates with complex ones, eat lean meat, seafood and dairy products as proteins. From fatty fish you can get the animal fats necessary for the body. And don't forget to look into the departments healthy eating- now there is a huge selection of a wide variety of vegetable oils, from affordable to exotic. They are all useful!

Physical activity is another important component of any light diet. After all, whatever one may say, if you consume more than you spend, the weight will never go away... And sitting at the monitor or in front of the TV, you gain weight almost from a glass of water. Therefore - movement, movement and movement again! Fortunately, fitness clubs with various attractive programs are now a dime a dozen, just don’t be lazy.

If you are ready to give up your usual goodies and are determined to make changes to your usual lifestyle, we are pleased to offer you safe and effective easy diets that will help you lose extra centimeters and kilograms without resorting to harsh radical measures.

Light diet"Week"

This diet allows you to create a menu yourself, offering a list of permitted foods. It is recommended to eat food 3-5 times a day. Products can be baked, steamed, boiled, stewed. The main rule is that dinner should be eaten 4 hours before bedtime and no snacks after that. The amount of salt and sugar in dishes must be strictly controlled. It is advisable to avoid sugar in favor of a small amount of honey. You can drink any drinks except any sweet drinks. Alcohol is strictly prohibited. As, indeed, confectionery and baked goods, any fatty and fried foods.

Permitted products include skinless chicken breast, veal, any low-fat fish, seafood, boiled eggs, low-fat milk and fermented milk drinks, grainy cottage cheese, low-calorie cheese. All vegetables are also allowed, except potatoes, sweet and sour varieties of berries and fruits, lean porridges made from pearl barley or buckwheat, soups, borscht, cabbage soup, lean or in a weak low-fat meat broth, rye, grain and bran bread, but not more than 100 g per day. day.

Sample menu of a light diet for weight loss

Breakfast options: porridge with vegetables; leafy vegetables and boiled eggs; grainy cottage cheese and low-fat kefir.
Second breakfast options: sweet and sour fruits; 1 toast and tea with 1 tsp. honey; vegetable salad and water.
Lunch options: vegetable soup, lettuce, slice of cheese, toast and tea; 150 g of boiled chicken fillet, green vegetable salad and freshly squeezed juice; borscht, fruit salad without dressing and tea.
Dinner options: buckwheat porridge in water without adding oil, vegetable salad and rosehip decoction; vinaigrette, seasoned olive oil, and tea; fish baked with vegetables, leafy vegetables and tomato juice.
Before bed: mint tea; mineral water without gas; green tea with a slice of lemon.

By choosing options to suit your taste and strictly following the rules and recommendations of this diet, you may well lose 1-2 kg in a week.

Weekly light diet

Agree, not everyone may like the process of creating their own menu, as it requires a lot of thought. It is much easier to act according to the already proposed menu. You can stick to such a diet without harm to the body for a very long time; in the future, you can independently plan your diet and express your culinary fantasy. This diet may well become the basis for new eating habits. In the first week of such a diet, you are guaranteed to lose 2 kilograms or even a little more, and if you increase physical activity, you will begin to lose weight even faster.

To achieve your goal, you will have to exclude most grains from your diet. This, of course, won’t really please porridge lovers, but there’s nothing you can do about it.
This diet involves avoiding many sweet fruits, such as bananas and grapes, as well as potatoes. It is better to give up white bread, replace it with rye bread, and consume it in moderation. All alcohol is strictly prohibited, as it increases appetite. In other respects, this light diet is really easy.

Sample menu

Breakfast: 50 g cheese, 2 eggs, natural juice.
Dinner: vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
Afternoon snack: tea and apples.
Dinner: peaches, 1 cup. kefir.

Breakfast: oatmeal with milk, fruit, tea.
Dinner: light vegetable soup, 1 handful of nuts.
Dinner: a piece of boiled meat, cabbage salad.

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, juice.
Dinner: boiled chicken or rabbit with raw vegetables.
Afternoon snack: fruit, tea or coffee.
Dinner: kefir, a little cottage cheese.

From Thursday you can repeat the menu, replacing meat with fish.

Light diet for 2 weeks

With this fairly simple diet, you will lose no more than 1-3 kg per week, but this result will remain for a long time

Diet menu for every day
Breakfast: 1 slice of black or bran bread with a thin layer of butter, 2-3 tbsp. grain cottage cheese, 1 apple and 1 cup of unsweetened tea.
Lunch: 2 pcs. biscuits, 200 ml kefir.
Dinner: soup with broccoli, onions, tomatoes and herbs, cooked in a weak meat broth, 1 slice of boiled beef (chicken breast or fish fillet), 1 apple or pear, 1 cup. mineral still water.
Dinner: half a serving of buckwheat or any other porridge and a vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil.
Before bed: 1 cup of green unsweetened tea.

Diet "Easy weight loss"

It is also designed for 2 weeks and is based on recommendations for proper nutrition, with the help of which you can not only lose up to 10 kg in 14 days, but also consolidate the results obtained by developing the habit of eating right. This diet is designed for 3 meals, but the products offered for the day can be divided into 4-5 meals.

First week

Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs (hard-boiled or soft-boiled), coffee or tea without milk and sugar.

Breakfast: 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of fresh herbs, seasonings, garlic, if desired, tea or coffee without milk and sugar.
Dinner: 200 g vegetable salad, seasoned with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, a piece of boiled, fried or baked fish.

Breakfast: 100 g of low-fat cheese, tea or coffee without milk and sugar.
Dinner: 200 g of fish, cooked in any form, 1 apple.
Dinner: 175 g tuna in its own juice, 250 ml tomato or vegetable juice.

Breakfast: 150 g of buckwheat porridge, tea or coffee without milk and sugar.
Dinner: 200 g boiled beef, 2 medium-sized apples.
Dinner: 200 g vegetable salad, seasoned with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner:

Dinner: vegetable broth soup, 100 g poultry fillet.
Dinner: 175 g tuna in its own juice, 1 piece of whole grain bread.

Breakfast: 100 g of boiled rice, tea or coffee without milk and sugar.
Dinner: 1 any fruit except bananas, grapes and peaches.
Dinner: 200 fish, cooked in any form.

Second week

Breakfast: 200 g of natural low-fat yogurt, tea or coffee without milk and sugar.
Dinner: 200 g boiled beef.
Dinner: 250 g cabbage, stewed with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil.

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, tea or coffee without milk and sugar.
Dinner: fresh cabbage salad, vegetable broth soup.
Dinner: 1 boiled poultry breast, 250 ml tomato juice.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner: kefir, cabbage, cucumbers in any quantity.

Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 2 medium sized tomatoes.
Dinner: 100 g boiled rice.
Dinner: 200 g fish, cooked in any form, 1 cup. low fat kefir.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner: boiled poultry fillet.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner: any vegetables boiled, stewed, baked or fresh, except potatoes.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner: fish cooked in any form.

Agree, the diet is varied and not boring. You certainly won't have to suffer from hunger.

Effective light diet “Homemade”

This diet belongs to the category of long-term diets, it lasts 6 weeks. At this time, you should completely eliminate all fried and fatty foods, sugar, baked goods and alcohol, as well as any fast food products from your diet. Methods for preparing dishes from permitted products should be given special attention. Products must either be boiled or steamed, or baked or stewed. The diet includes lean meat, fresh vegetables, fruits and dishes made from them, fermented milk products, most importantly
The requirement for products is freshness. During the diet, it is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of water daily, which will be a way to get rid of hunger. Those who cannot do without sweets are allowed to eat a spoonful of honey.

Most of those who have tried this diet say that it is easy to maintain, since the menu is quite varied. In addition, the long duration of the diet ensures that the lost weight goes away forever, and does not return some time after the end of the diet. On average, during the diet you can lose from 4 to 6 kilograms.
Since a homemade diet is a balanced nutritional system, you can stick to it almost all your life.

Sample menu homemade light diet for a few days

Option #1
Breakfast: 1 piece of bran bread with butter and cheese, tea without sugar.
Dinner: vegetable stew with beans, unsweetened tea.
Afternoon snack: 100 g of flakes, seasoned with unsweetened yoghurt.
Dinner: 1 boiled egg, boiled breast, 1 cup. orange juice.

Option No. 2
Breakfast: 1 piece of bran bread with butter and cheese, not sweet tea.
Dinner: buckwheat porridge without oil, unsweetened tea.
Afternoon snack: fruit salad with yogurt.
Dinner: boiled eggs, a glass of orange juice.

Since there are quite a lot of permitted products, you can use them to prepare a large number of different dishes that will significantly dilute the diet menu without reducing its effectiveness.

The light diets we offer allow you not only to experiment with foods and use your imagination when creating a menu, but also to be convinced once again that light diets can be not only healthy, but also very tasty.

Eat varied and healthy and be healthy!

Larisa Shuftaykina

With a light diet you can easily lose up to 10 kg! No fasting or strict prohibitions! Find out about the 5 easiest diets, a diet for the lazy, the cheapest diet and get effective tips to maintain weight!

An easy method for losing weight is based on the principles of following a diet and controlling the quantity (and quality!) of food consumed. Diets of this type do not require strict prohibitions and have nothing to do with fasting, therefore they provide good results without negative impact for your well-being. The weight is lost gradually, which guarantees its retention in the future.

Pros and cons

Weight loss systems designated as “light” are a suitable option for those who have been hesitant to lose weight for a long time due to their own lack of will. Light diets are also indicated if it is not possible to adhere to a strict diet due to the need to constantly replenish energy. The benefits of easy weight loss are obvious:

  1. Feeling of calm and satiety.
  2. Duration no more than a week.
  3. Possibility of frequent repetition.
  4. A chance to become 3-10 kg lighter without much effort.
  5. Maintaining weight in the long term.

The disadvantage of light diets is the insufficient caloric content of the diet. In this regard, it is recommended to limit physical activity. Excessively intense training is prohibited.


The diet, even if it is light, causes a kind of stress to the body, and is therefore not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. Weight loss regimens should be treated with caution in the presence of chronic diseases in the acute stage, gastrointestinal pathologies, diabetes mellitus and disorders of the cardiovascular system.

You can repeat light weight loss programs once every six months.


  1. Exclusion from the diet harmful products containing preservatives, dyes, trans fats.
  2. Refusal of any alcoholic beverages.
  3. Sufficient drinking regime (at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day).
  4. Modest portion sizes.
  5. Eating at least 4 times a day.
  6. Refusal to eat after 19:00.
  7. Elimination of overeating.

Skipping breakfast and eating a large dinner is a crime that promises to slow down your metabolism!

Any easy technique losing weight dictates giving up:

  • fatty and fried;
  • too spicy and salty;
  • flour and sweet.

Do not overload the body with meat products, fatty fish, and eggs. The diet is recommended to be based on:

  1. Bifidobacteria contained in natural yogurt and kefir. Regular consumption of fermented milk drinks helps to gently cleanse the body of toxins and waste, improve digestion and smooth weight loss.
  2. Proteins, since they are considered a valuable “building material” for the body, help in natural weight loss.
  3. Fiber and vitamins C. Eating vegetables and fruits containing them is a sure step towards proper absorption of the nutrients found in proteins.

An effective diet for every day

Following the principles of healthy eating helps you lose weight without much effort. A simple regimen is also recommended to prevent future weight gain. The menu is designed for 1500 kcal:

  • Breakfast: a slice of whole grain bread, a banana smoothie.
  • Snack: natural yogurt.
  • Lunch: light soup, stewed vegetables, steamed cutlet.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit slice.
  • Dinner: steamed vegetables, baked skinless chicken.

Fruit and vegetable program “for the lazy”

The easiest diets

Low calorie

The reduction in calorie content of the diet occurs by reducing portions, on average, by a third and the calorie content of food consumed to 1300 kcal/day. It is better to replace an ordinary plate with a saucer, and the usual tablespoon with a teaspoon. You will have to give up junk food, alcohol, coffee, as well as appetite-stimulating pickles, spices, and marinades.

The list of foods allowed by the diet includes:

  • lean fish and seafood;
  • lean meat;
  • bran bread;
  • vegetables with a low glycemic index (cabbage, celery, bell peppers, beets, cucumbers, zucchini);
  • cereals (pearl barley and buckwheat);
  • sweet and sour berries and fruits;
  • low-fat fermented milk drinks;
  • unsweetened tea.

Dishes made from healthy foods should be steamed or baked. Welcome fractional meals. Chew food thoroughly and slowly. The diet can be followed for 3 days, but the one designed for a week is more effective. During this time you can lose up to 6 kg.

The diet is called by experts one of the easiest and most effective. Reducing the daily calorie content of the menu by just 200 kcal is enough to start an active weight loss process.


It is quite justified that it is considered mild, since no significant changes in the diet are provided. You will only have to give up salt, which retains fluid in the body, interfering with natural weight loss. Porridges and soups should be salted only before serving, that is, directly on the plate. Even better is to replace the salt with garlic, lemon juice or spices.

Refusal of foods whose salt content cannot be controlled will help speed up weight loss: sausages, chips, sausages, canned food, etc. If you follow the rules, weight loss will be at least 4 kg per week.


The effectiveness of the diet is due to a decrease in carbohydrate foods in the diet, due to which the body begins to more actively get rid of fat reserves. It is quite comfortable, since you don’t have to go hungry. You are allowed to consume meat, fish, dairy products and eggs in unlimited quantities. But you will have to give up flour, confectionery and pasta. Cooking dishes in “harmful” ways and using oil is prohibited.

There are many options for protein diets. The diet developed by the French nutritionist Pierre Dukan is considered the most effective. During the “active” phase of his system, which lasts up to 7 days, the pounds come off quickly and easily. Sometimes you can become 8 kg lighter. The daily menu is as follows:

  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs from 3 eggs, a piece lightly salted fish(preferably salmon), coffee or tea.
  • Snack: no more than 70 grams of oatmeal, low-fat yogurt.
  • Lunch: boiled beef or veal.
  • Afternoon snack: boiled shrimp or crab meat.
  • Dinner: seafood, salmon steak, low-fat fermented milk drink.

Be sure to consume 1.5 liters of water per day and oat bran.

Within protein weight loss You can follow a different diet:

  • In the morning - omelet with herbs or oatmeal with apples, coffee.
  • After 20 minutes - mint tea.
  • For lunch - creamy meat soup or fish soup, fresh vegetable salad and fruit.
  • As a snack – salad or low-fat cottage cheese.
  • For dinner - steamed cutlets and cauliflower or a salad of bell peppers, tomatoes and fish.
  • Before going to bed - a fermented milk drink with low fat content.

Important! It is not safe to stick to a protein diet for more than a week. Otherwise, the body may be subject to stress that occurs as a response to carbohydrate deficiency.


The essence of this light diet option is simple: 20 minutes before each meal, you need to drink one or two glasses of still water and refrain from drinking for several hours after eating. Pure liquid improves metabolic processes, due to which the weight loss process occurs gently and naturally. Plus, a stomach filled with water needs significantly less food.

Significant dietary restrictions are not required. It is enough to give up harmful products, primarily sausages and flour products, and alcohol.


It is not without reason that it is called light: in the morning and at lunch you can eat your usual foods, slightly limiting portions and refusing too fatty foods. It’s also not worth over-salting. There is only one rule - kefir for dinner.

Kefir has a number of advantages that make it an indispensable product for easy weight loss:

  • low in calories;
  • rich in protein;
  • saturates well;
  • normalizes intestinal function.

Small tricks can help make the diet easier:

  1. You should not drink kefir, but eat it with a small spoon.
  2. For satiety, you can add sweet and sour fruits or bran to it.

The menu for one day looks like this:

  • Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal, a sandwich with cheese, tea with honey.
  • Snack: compote or tea, marshmallows or marshmallows.
  • Lunch: rice with cutlet, salad, juice.
  • Afternoon snack: fruit slice.
  • Dinner: kefir with a spoonful of bran.

Simple, effective programs

For 3 days

Detox for fast weight loss

Following a simple cleansing program will help the body recover by normalizing the functioning of internal organs and systems. For maximum results, preparation is needed. A few weeks before the detox, foods that are too high in calories are eliminated from your diet. There is a gradual transition from fried and fatty foods to products of plant origin. During preparation, it is wise to avoid alcohol, sweets and baked goods.

  1. Drink 2 liters of purified water.
  2. Eat often and in small portions.
  3. Give preference to products containing vitamins.

During a detox diet, the following are completely excluded:

  • sugar;
  • coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • salt;
  • flour.

Food intake by day is distributed as follows:

  • Breakfast: apple-grapefruit salad, a glass of rosehip infusion.
  • Snack: fruit and vegetable salad with vegetable oil, carrot juice.
  • Lunch: a portion of steamed brown rice, boiled chicken, a mix of fresh tomatoes and carrots with sour cream, herbal tea.
  • Dinner: banana, a handful of grapes or a quarter of grapefruit, kefir.
  • Breakfast: pineapple, orange and apple salad, grape juice.
  • Snack: a portion of oatmeal, tea.
  • Lunch: baked potatoes, fresh tomato, stewed fish, carrot juice.
  • Dinner: a mix of apple, kiwi and banana with the addition of yogurt.
  • Breakfast: kefir, a handful of grapes or an apple.
  • Snack: fruit and vegetable salad with vegetable oil, tomato juice.
  • Lunch: a portion of brown rice, boiled chicken, asparagus or fresh tomato, herbal infusion.
  • Dinner: salad of kiwi, grapes and banana, kefir.

Contraindications to the detoxification system are gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, and heart disease. The program is also not suitable for pregnant and lactating women.

Express mode on simple products

The menu of the regime is meager, but thanks to the use of sufficiently satisfying foods, you will not feel hungry. In three days you will be able to become 4-5 kilograms lighter. The menu is the same:

  • On an empty stomach: a glass of clean water.
  • Breakfast: a glass of warm milk with a spoonful of cocoa and honey.
  • Lunch: grapefruit.
  • Half an hour later: boiled meat, tomato-cucumber salad with pepper.
  • Afternoon snack and dinner: vegetable broth with rye crackers.

During the day, drink still water. To add flavor, you can use a slice of lemon or a mint leaf.

Intensive program “-4 kg”

You will have to eat strictly according to the menu, without replacing a single product. In between meals, you should drink clean water at room temperature. It's better to use a straw and enjoy the process. Fast diet suitable for real gourmets, as it is based on products with a “zest”.

Day one

  • Breakfast: freshly squeezed Orange juice, boiled egg.
  • Lunch: boiled turkey meat, vegetable salad with low-fat cheese.
  • Afternoon snack: apple.
  • Dinner: a portion of pasta with shrimp, spinach.

Day two

  • Breakfast and lunch: oatmeal with skim milk.
  • Afternoon snack: pear.
  • Dinner: a portion of spaghetti, steamed turkey meatballs.

Day three

  • Breakfast: a slice of low-fat cheese, dry bread.
  • Lunch: a portion of green mix with the addition of boiled chicken.
  • Afternoon snack: peaches.
  • Dinner: lasagne with low-fat cheese, green salad with olive oil.


The diet menu includes delicious dishes that fill you up well. The only rule is not to use salt, sugar and butter during cooking. Even honey is prohibited. Spices should be replaced with lemon and herbs.

Day one

  • Breakfast: a portion of lean beef and buckwheat porridge, green tea.
  • Snack: kiwi and apple.
  • Lunch: a portion of lean fish, carrots and cabbage.
  • Afternoon snack: homemade low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese.

Day two

  • Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal, a slice of cheese, a slice rye bread, tea.
  • Snack: half a grapefruit.
  • Lunch: soup with lean broth, a piece of baked chicken.
  • Afternoon snack: cabbage and carrot mix with herbs.
  • Dinner: a portion of cottage cheese and a glass of kefir.

Day three

  • Breakfast: steam omelette quail eggs with spinach, orange juice, several pieces of dried apricots.
  • Snack: plums or pears.
  • Lunch: lean puree soup, mix of bell pepper and tomato.
  • Afternoon snack: rye crackers, kefir.
  • Dinner: baked fish, stewed cabbage, herbal infusion.

Delicious weight loss with prunes

The main product of the diet is prunes. It is low in calories, contains many trace elements and has a mild laxative effect. Along with getting rid of excess weight, prunes promise high-quality cleansing of the intestines and strengthening of the heart.

The menu for this light diet looks like this:

First day

  • Breakfast: boiled egg, tea, 2 prunes.
  • Lunch: lean soup, a slice of rye bread, a handful of walnuts, 8 pcs. prunes
  • Dinner: baked fish, egg, tea, orange.

Second day

  • Breakfast: a slice of cheese, 2 prunes.
  • Lunch: weak broth, a slice of rye bread, a piece of boiled beef.
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, 4 prunes, green tea.

Third day

  • Breakfast: a slice of rye bread, a slice of cheese, a slice of ham, 3 prunes.
  • Lunch: lean soup, rye bread, tomato, boiled potatoes, 2 prunes.
  • Dinner: a slice of rye bread, low-fat kefir, 5 pcs. prunes

There is no feeling of hunger and associated discomfort due to the variety of the menu.

For 7 days


Nutrition with this diet is a complex of mono-diets:

  1. Day one is potato day. Divide 1 kg of boiled potatoes into equal portions and eat them, combining them with vegetables and herbs.
  2. Day two - cabbage. Divide a medium-sized head of white cabbage into 5 equal parts and use it in any form: stewed, baked, boiled or fresh. Plus, you can eat cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers.
  3. Day three is fruity. You can eat apples, grapefruit, apricots, pears, kiwi, pineapples, oranges. It is allowed to prepare salads and smoothies.
  4. Day four is meat day. Lean meat in any form is shown in unlimited quantities: stewed, boiled, baked, steamed.
  5. Day five is fish day. Seafood and fresh vegetables are allowed in unlimited quantities.
  6. Day six – fermented milk. 1 liter of any fermented milk drink is recommended per day. You can eat low-fat cottage cheese without restrictions.
  7. The seventh day is cereal day. In 5 meals you need to consume 300 grams of any cereal.

Throughout the week you need to drink as much clean water as possible. Best choice– melting. Sometimes it is allowed to add unsweetened green tea and half a teaspoon of honey to your diet. Unsweetened coffee is allowed a couple of times a week.


The advantage of the regime is the ability to create a menu at your own discretion, using permitted products:

  • lean meat;
  • any fish;
  • boiled eggs;
  • grainy cottage cheese, low-calorie cheese;
  • skim milk and fermented milk drinks;
  • vegetables;
  • sweet and sour fruits;
  • buckwheat and pearl barley porridge;
  • soups with low-fat broth;
  • bran and rye bread (no more than 100 grams per day).

The ban is imposed on:

  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • packaged juices;
  • alcohol;
  • confectionery;
  • fried and fatty foods.

Restrictions are also placed on salt. Only ready-made dishes can be salted. Sugar consumption is controlled no less strictly. If you really want to sweeten your tea, it is better to give preference to honey.

The diet menu is as follows (compiled based on your own taste):


  • porridge with low-fat milk or water, a mix of carrots and cabbage;
  • boiled egg and leafy vegetables;
  • low-fat kefir and granular cottage cheese.

Second breakfasts

  • fruits;
  • toast and tea with honey;
  • cucumber and radish salad.
  • a slice of cheese, rye bread toast, low-fat broth soup, tea;
  • steamed chicken fillet, green salad, freshly squeezed juice;
  • soup with weak meat broth, green salad, tea.
  • buckwheat in water, vegetable salad, rosehip decoction;
  • vinaigrette with olive oil, tea;
  • fish with vegetables, tomato juice.

Before bed

  • mint tea;
  • mineral water without gas.

By adhering to the proposed light diet, you can unnoticed and benefit your body by becoming 2-4 kg lighter in a week.


Her diet is balanced. Losing weight is painless and does not cause harm to the body. This system doesn't get boring. On the contrary, over time it can easily become a habitual way of eating.


  • Breakfast: egg, slice of ham, low-fat yogurt, tea.
  • Lunch: vegetable mix, carrot-beet stew with prunes, apple juice.
  • Snack: low-fat broth, herbal infusion.
  • Dinner: skinless turkey fillet, slice of cheese, low-fat fermented milk drink.
  • Breakfast: rye bread, tea, orange.
  • Lunch: green salad with boiled shrimp, steamed beef, low-fat yogurt.
  • Snack: weak meat broth, fruit juice.
  • Dinner: boiled country potatoes, steamed broccoli, rye bread.
  • Breakfast: a slice of ham, low-fat cottage cheese, coffee.
  • Lunch: stewed potatoes with the addition of white cabbage, boiled mushrooms with herbs, kiwi.
  • Snack: vegetable broth, tea.
  • Dinner: steamed fish fillet, low-fat kefir.
  • Breakfast: oatmeal with banana, coffee.
  • Lunch: egg, steamed chicken fillet.
  • Snack: freshly squeezed juice.
  • Dinner: cabbage and bean stew, fresh vegetable salad, rye bread.
  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese, egg, mint tea.
  • Lunch: beetroot and carrot mix with olive oil, boiled brown rice with soy sauce.
  • Snack: tea, rye bread.
  • Dinner: a glass of low-fat milk, cottage cheese, a slice of cheese.
  • Breakfast: corn flakes with skim milk, coffee.
  • Lunch: egg, piece of boiled beef, low-fat fermented milk drink.
  • Snack: freshly squeezed carrot and apple juice.
  • Dinner: green salad with cabbage and olive oil, rye bread, kiwi, unsweetened compote.


  • Breakfast: steam omelette with herbs, a slice of cheese, green tea.
  • Lunch: cabbage and carrot mix with lemon, pilaf with mushrooms, fresh citrus fruit.
  • Snack: mint tea.
  • Dinner: a piece of boiled beef, a glass of low-fat milk.

Every day you need to drink from 1.5 to 2.5 liters of clean water.

The cheapest diet is oatmeal

Oatmeal is a wonderful breakfast available to every family. It contains a large amount of slow carbohydrates. Their smooth absorption guarantees a feeling of fullness until lunch. Oatmeal contains no fat, but contains large quantities of vitamins E and B, minerals and a lot of fiber. No wonder that oat diet gained popularity. With its help, you can easily get rid of extra pounds and improve your body health.

Oatmeal performs 3 essential actions for gentle weight loss:

  • removes toxins;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

For those on an oatmeal diet, there is no point in fearing “diet depression,” characterized by fatigue, low mood and drowsiness. Oatmeal can activate brain activity and have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Losing weight with oatmeal is:

  • satisfying;
  • appetizing;
  • budget.

The diet can last from three to seven days. In the first case, the diet is called fasting. The menu recommended for it is represented by the use of oatmeal during main meals. It could be porridge, cookies or cereal. The main thing is a minimum of sugar and salt. Drinks allowed are water and tea.

A weekly oatmeal diet is more effective in cleansing the body and normalizing weight. You won’t have to spend much, since the main dish is still oatmeal. Plus, allowed necessary for the body vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Dieting is easy.

Day one

  • Z-k: oatmeal on water.
  • O-d: oatmeal with water, low-fat yogurt.
  • U-n: oat flakes with skim milk.

Day two

  • Z-k: oatmeal cookies, half an apple.
  • O-d: oatmeal with water, a mix of carrots and cabbage with the addition of herbs.
  • U-n: oat flakes and low-fat kefir.

Day three

  • Z-k: oat flakes with skim milk.
  • O-d: porridge with milk, apple.
  • U-n: oat flakes, kefir 1%.

Day four

  • Call: oatmeal, tea.
  • O-d: cereal with milk, radish and cucumber salad.
  • U-n: porridge and kefir.

Day five

  • Z-k: half an orange, porridge with water.
  • O-d: porridge with water, carrot and cabbage salad with the addition of a green apple.
  • U-n: porridge with skim milk, steamed prunes.

Day six

  • Z-k: apple, oat flakes with milk.
  • O-d: oatmeal porridge with water, a mix of radish, tomato and cucumber.
  • U-n: porridge with water, low-fat yogurt.

Day seven

  • Z-k: cereals with milk, banana.
  • O-d: oatmeal with skim milk, cabbage and radish salad with lemon juice and herbs.
  • U-n: flakes on water, kefir 1%.

How can you lose weight on buckwheat?

Buckwheat is one of the most healthy and nutritious foods. It is considered a leader among cereals in terms of the content of microelements, vitamins and vegetable protein that is easy to digest. The fiber content in buckwheat is several times higher than in rice or oats. Deserves special attention low calorie content cereals and its ability to rid the body of toxins. This explains its demand as a dietary product. Plus, porridge modes are inexpensive and easy, since cooking does not require special skills.

Cooking buckwheat for any diet is not worth it. The porridge that has been steamed is useful. For one glass of cereal, take 2 cups of boiling water. It is better to infuse buckwheat in a thermos at night. The next morning it will be ready to eat.

The buckwheat diet has advantages:

  • fast saturation;
  • gentle bowel cleansing;
  • improved digestion;
  • improvement of skin and nails condition;
  • reduction of cellulite;
  • high rate of weight loss;
  • effectiveness of weight loss.

On average, on a buckwheat diet you can see a weight loss of 4-7 kg per week, but sometimes you can lose 10 kg.

Express mode

Buckwheat and again buckwheat, prepared by steaming without butter and milk. You can eat porridge in unlimited quantities, as well as drink clean water. If you have an unbearable feeling of hunger or a desire to eat sweets, it is permissible to treat yourself to half a teaspoon of natural honey, 2 pcs. prunes or 1 apple. The menu can be diluted with a glass of low-fat kefir.

Weekly system

  1. For each day, buckwheat is steamed in a well-known way.
  2. You can eat any amount of porridge. The so-called “gentle” diet allows you to independently control the amount of food eaten.
  3. You are allowed to drink clean water.
  4. Additionally, vegetables (except potatoes), fruits (except bananas) and low-fat or low-fat fermented milk products are introduced.
  5. The last meal should occur 3 hours before bedtime.

Possible daily diet:

  • Breakfast: steamed buckwheat, half a glass of natural yogurt, apple.
  • Snack: a handful of berries or kiwi.
  • Lunch: 100 grams of boiled fish, mixed vegetables, green tea with lemon.
  • Afternoon snack: apple.
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge, steamed vegetables, tea.

Quitting the diet

The correct way out of the diet regime is very important, even if the diet of a particular light diet seems nourishing and varied. Its duration should correspond to the duration of the weight loss event. You should switch to your usual diet gradually, introducing prohibited foods in small portions. The following principles must be taken into account:

  1. Self-control. The body, starved during a diet, will certainly want to replenish the spent reserves. You should not pounce on sweets and flour products, or return to eating sausages and alcohol. The first few days should be as light as possible: porridge with water, fruits and vegetables, honey instead of sugar.
  2. Fractional meals. During the process of losing weight, you have to reduce portions, so the stomach narrows somewhat. If you start overeating the next day after finishing the light regimen, you will not be able to avoid problems with your health. It is better to continue to eat 4-6 times a day.
  3. Sufficient drinking regime. Every day you need to drink about 2 liters of pure water or mineral water without gas. This will help the body function normally and not break down after the diet.
  4. Refusal to eat 3 hours before bedtime. Every weight loss system insists on this. By adhering to this simple rule, you will be able to maintain the result and not gain kilograms again.
  1. Buckwheat. On the morning of the first day of departure, the porridge should be replaced with fruit salad. The next day, instead of a low-fat fermented milk drink, you can drink kefir or medium-fat yogurt. Over the course of five days, you need to gradually introduce eggs, fish, and only then meat into the menu.
  2. Oatmeal. The menu on the first day of release should contain more vegetables and fruits. Then you can introduce cottage cheese casserole and healthy sweets in the form of marshmallows and honey. Fish is allowed on the third day, meat - only after 5 days. It is better not to consume fatty, smoked and spicy foods at all, but if you really want to, then only after 2 weeks.
  3. Belkovoy. Breaking a carb-restricted diet without gaining weight is no easy feat. You need to understand that you need to introduce carbohydrates into your diet gradually, without exceeding daily norm at 60 grams. In the first days, you can add a portion of buckwheat porridge to the menu, and from the third day - pasta made from durum wheat. If overeating occurs, the next day should be a fasting day. After a week, you can start eating 30 grams of dark chocolate per day.

How to maintain weight

You can maintain the results achieved with a special diet by physical activity in the post-diet period. The most common exercise for women is cleaning the house. She burns up to 50,000 kcal per year, which is equivalent to 83 chocolates!

In terms of efficiency, regular house cleaning is comparable to going to the gym.

An equally simple way to increase the effectiveness of a diet and maintain the results after it is running. This is a pleasant and easy weight loss exercise that improves the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Daily jogging should last from 10 to 40 minutes. You should run on an empty stomach. Before training, you need to replenish your body's water supply by drinking a glass of green tea.

Cycling exercises are a real salvation for those who want to maintain weight. If you ride regularly, you can continue to improve your figure, getting rid of 5-8 kg in a month. Plus, there will be a reduction in cellulite in “problem” areas and modeling of the figure. The duration of skating to achieve this result must be at least 1.5 hours. You should drink while cycling plain water, mineral without gas or fruit compote without sugar.


If your appetite has run wild at the wrong time, you can resort to interesting ways to “deceive” it:

  1. Eat coleslaw or a few green apples.
  2. Use vitamin-rich greens more often in cooking.
  3. Dissolve half a teaspoon of honey in your mouth.


Light salads


Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • a bunch of sorrel;
  • a bunch of lettuce leaves;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 green apple;
  • a little honey.


  1. Tear clean and dry lettuce leaves into small pieces and place in a salad bowl.
  2. Cut the peeled and cored apple into thin strips, pour over lemon juice and place in a salad bowl.
  3. Add clean and dried sorrel.
  4. Sprinkle with lemon and add honey.
  5. Mix.


Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 0.5 kg of white cabbage;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 sour apple;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • half a bunch of parsley;
  • a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar;
  • 5 ml vegetable oil;
  • salt on the tip of a knife.


  1. Finely chop the cabbage, place in a deep bowl, add salt and mash with your hands. Add vinegar.
  2. Peel the carrots and cut into strips.
  3. Peel the apple from the core and also cut into strips.
  4. Finely chop the parsley and onion.
  5. Add ingredients to cabbage, pour oil, stir.


Ingredients for 3 servings:

  • 0.5 kg of zucchini;
  • 0.4 kg boiled chicken breast;
  • a handful of walnuts;
  • 0.2 kg spinach;
  • 30 g parmesan;
  • red onion;
  • olive oil;
  • 60 ml lemon juice;
  • a pinch of fresh mint.


  1. Cut clean zucchini into cubes, discarding peel and seeds. Marinate in lemon butter sauce for 10 minutes.
  2. Chop the mint and spinach and place in a salad bowl.
  3. Cut the onion into half rings.
  4. Grind nuts and cheese.
  5. Cut the boiled breast into cubes.
  6. Place nuts, cheese, herbs and onions in a salad bowl. Mix.
  7. Add chicken and zucchini. Mix again.

"Fat burning"

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 100 grams of tofu;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • 8 black olives;
  • a little lemon juice;
  • a tablespoon of olive oil;
  • 4 ml soy sauce.


  1. Chop the onion, cut the cucumber into small cubes.
  2. Finely chop the tofu.
  3. Grind the olives.
  4. Mix the ingredients in a deep glass container, pour over the oil and sprinkle with lemon juice. Mix.

"Dietary vinaigrette"

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 0.3 kg boiled carrots;
  • 0.3 kg baked beets;
  • 0.1 kg of boiled beans;
  • 0.1 kg canned peas;
  • spoon of olive oil;
  • a bunch of any greenery;
  • a little black pepper.


  1. Cut carrots and beets into cubes. Place in a salad bowl.
  2. Add beans, peas and herbs. Mix.
  3. Add olive oil and pepper. Mix.


Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • a pair of chicken breasts;
  • a pack of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 0.2 kg of Chinese cabbage;
  • a handful of boiled corn;
  • a bunch of any greenery;
  • unsweetened yogurt.


  1. Boil chicken breasts, cool, cut into strips.
  2. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork.
  3. Shred the cabbage.
  4. Place the prepared ingredients in a salad bowl, add corn and pour over yogurt.
  5. Stir, add greens.

Lenten broth

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 1 onion;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 1 celery root;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 kohlrabi.


  1. Cut large vegetables into 2 halves, leave small ones whole. Place in a saucepan, add water.
  2. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low.
  3. Cook until the vegetables become very soft.
  4. Strain the finished broth.

Diet soups


Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 80 g celery root and 2 stalks;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 0.3 kg of white cabbage;
  • 1 piece leeks;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • salt on the tip of a knife.


  1. Cut the washed vegetables: cabbage, peppers, celery root and carrots into strips, tomatoes into cubes, celery stalks into slices.
  2. Peel the potatoes and chop into cubes.
  3. Cut the leeks into half rings.
  4. In a frying pan with a little oil, fry the carrots and celery root.
  5. Place a pan of water on the fire. At the point of boiling, add potatoes. Cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Add the carrots and celery root, celery stalks, cabbage and pepper to the pan. Cook for 10 minutes. Add a little salt.
  7. Add tomatoes. Cook for 7 minutes.
  8. Turn off the heat, add chopped garlic. Leave for half an hour.

“Light with buckwheat”

Ingredients for 5 servings:

  • 10 cups vegetable broth;
  • 5 tablespoons of buckwheat;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 10 champignons;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • 5 ml vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of pepper.


  1. Fry onions and mushrooms in oil.
  2. Bring the broth to a boil, add onions and mushrooms with the remaining oil.
  3. After boiling, add chopped potatoes and carrots.
  4. After 15 minutes, add buckwheat, pepper and herbs.
  5. Cook for 20 minutes over low heat.

Green puree soup

Ingredients for 3 servings:

  • 150 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 130 grams of broccoli;
  • 30 grams of leeks;
  • 50 ml water;
  • pepper to taste.


  1. Blanch the broccoli, separated into florets, in lightly salted boiling water (5 minutes).
  2. Add boiled and diced chicken, leeks and pepper to the broccoli. Cook for no more than 10 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat. Using a blender, puree the ingredients.
  4. Bring to a boil over low heat. Pour into a plate.