Kefir diet for weight loss for 10 days. Kefir diet - health improvement and weight loss in one glass

A trip to the sea is just around the corner, but you haven’t had time to get your body in shape yet? Do you urgently need to go on a diet, but you don’t want to harm your health with quick diets?

An excellent combination of fast and effective reduction weight and stomach health is the kefir diet.

Useful properties of kefir in diet

Kefir is a natural dairy product that is obtained as a result of fermentation caused by lactic acid bacteria. This product enriched with vitamins A and B, calcium and potassium, proteins, as well as carbohydrates and fats, which are easily absorbed by the body.

So, why does our body need kefir:

  • To replenish the body's reserves of nutrients;
  • To improve digestion;
  • To normalize intestinal microflora;
  • To quickly break down unnecessary fats in the body;
  • To accelerate the removal of excess salts;
  • To remove waste and toxins;
  • For more quick exchange substances;

Kefir also boasts its properties of satisfying hunger without extra calories.

From this we can conclude that kefir not only gives results in weight loss, but also perfectly heals the body as a whole.

Making kefir at home

As practice shows, products from the store, despite everything beneficial properties, described in advertising, do not always benefit their consumer. Therefore, in some cases it is easier to make kefir yourself, which will help increase the percentage of effectiveness of the diet due to its content more useful microelements and bacteria.

Today, making kefir is a task that does not require much effort. Fungus or starter culture for making homemade kefir can be purchased at almost any store. Depending on the choice of fermentation product - sourdough or fungus - the ratios of products may vary, however correct instructions, including the quantitative ratio, will be indicated on the packaging.

However, you still need to know the basics. So, to make homemade kefir we will need: two liters of milk (it is advisable to choose milk with the lowest fat content) and one bottle of starter. First, boil the milk and then cool it to room temperature.

The starter must be diluted in large quantities milk until it is completely dissolved. Then pour the starter into total mass milk, mix and pour everything into a bottle. In order to get full-fledged kefir, the liquid must be left for a day, occasionally stirring the contents by shaking the bottle. If you do everything correctly, you should end up with unusually soft homemade kefir.

Now, having verified the benefits of the kefir diet and even learned about the recipe self-cooking product, you can choose the most suitable kefir diet for yourself.

Kefir diet from Larisa Dolina

This is one of the most famous diets today. This diet is designed for a week, during which you can lose from four to six kilograms. Before starting a diet, you should begin to gradually reduce the amount of food consumed per day so as not to harm the stomach by sudden fasting.

All foods described in the diet should be divided into 5 meals, the last of which should not take place later than six in the evening.

Diet menu

Monday: 6 medium-sized jacket potatoes, half a liter of kefir. Drink at least one and a half liters of clean water throughout the day.

Tuesday: Half a kilo chicken breasts, cooked without spices and salt, half a liter of kefir, one and a half liters of water during the day.

Wednesday: 200 grams of cottage cheese with minimal calorie content, half a liter of kefir, one and a half liters of water throughout the day.

Thursday: 200 grams of sour cream, half a liter of kefir, one and a half liters of water during the day.

Friday: A kilogram of apples, half a liter of kefir, one and a half liters of water during the day.

Saturday: 1 liter of kefir, 2 liters of water.

Sunday: Two liters of water - a liter of mineral water, a liter of regular water - distributed throughout the day.

After finishing the diet, you should gradually return your usual food to your diet, and not jump on everything. This diet helps maintain results for a long time, but the desired effect cannot be achieved without physical activity. Therefore, it is recommended to do at least exercise in the morning, targeting all muscle groups.

Diet for three days

This strict diet means that you can only drink kefir for three days. One and a half liters of kefir are divided into equal parts and consumed throughout the day. The last appointment should not be later than seven in the evening. It helps you lose three to four kilograms, but due to its severity, it is not suitable for everyone.

This diet is absolutely contraindicated for people with the following symptoms:

  • Kidney failure;
  • Impaired functionality of the endocrine system;
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular systems.

Just like in the previous diet, achieve results without physical exercise will be impossible.

Nine day diet

This is a strict diet, and, as in the previous case, only people with perfect health can use it. Food is divided into 5 meals, the last of which should be no later than seven in the evening.

The entire diet course is divided into three periods of three days:

  1. One and a half liters of low-fat kefir;
  2. One and a half kilograms of apples (preferably not green, since due to their acidity they cause a feeling of hunger);
  3. One and a half liters of kefir with a fat content of 3%.

The quantity of products is designed for 3 days, that is, one and a half liters of kefir for three days is half a liter of kefir per day. Physical activity is a mandatory criterion for achieving results.

Comfortable kefir diet for a week.

The essence of this diet is that the same foods are consumed throughout all seven days, and at the same time.

What you can eat:

  • Vegetables, including in the form of salads (seasoned only with olive oil);
  • Lean meats, such as turkey or chicken;
  • Apples;
  • Eggs;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Buckwheat porridge, prepared without salt, oil, spices and other additives;
  • And, of course, kefir.

Throughout the day you need to drink at least one and a half liters of clean still water.

Diet with fruits

The most common of them are diets with kiwi and avocado.

Kiwi diet

Kiwi contains many vitamins and microelements that not only break down fats and normalize metabolism, but also help improve immunity and make your skin more youthful and beautiful. The role of kefir in this diet is as follows: it should cleanse the body of harmful substances, and also improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

There are two options for this diet:

  • Eat one kiwi per day, washed down with a glass of kefir (or make cocktails) with an interval of three hours. Throughout the day you need to eat no more than 4 pieces of kiwi.

  • You can separate the intake of kiwi and kefir with intervals of an hour between them. That is, eat one fruit an hour before taking kefir.

The diet lasts four days. Again, it is designed only for people without serious illnesses.

Avocado diet

This diet involves taking a cocktail three times a day. This cocktail is very easy to prepare and will not be difficult for anyone. You need to peel the fruit, remove the pit, after cutting it. Mash half the fruit and put it in a blender, and then pour in a glass of kefir. Mix everything in a blender. As a supplement, you are allowed to drink pure kefir, but no more than twice a day. The duration of this diet is three days.

With such a diet, you will not only be able to effectively lose weight, but also saturate your body with many beneficial vitamins contained in avocados.

Diet on kefir and meat

This diet consists of three stages of three days:

  • In the first three days, only kefir is allowed to be eaten, but without quantitative restrictions. If you are tired of constantly slurping on kefir or you constantly feel hungry, you are allowed to add a small handful of dried fruits (in addition to raisins) to your drink.

  • Next comes the apple marathon - they can be consumed raw, baked, grated or in juice form. There are also no quantitative restrictions. This fruit has many beneficial properties, for example, it helps eliminate toxins, improves kidney function, and cleanses the body, normalizing its functioning. Therefore, in addition to losing weight, you will also receive a small bonus in the form of improving the health of the body as a whole and saturating it useful vitamins and microelements.

  • And to top it off, three unforgettable days with chicken await you. It can only be consumed boiled or steamed, no oil or excess fat. You are allowed to consume no more than 300 grams per day, which should be divided into three to four servings. To drink, you can use pure still water, freshly squeezed juices and green tea.

What is common to all diets is the complete exclusion from the diet (and not only during, but also after the diet) of the following products:

  • Sausages, including frankfurters;
  • Flour products;
  • Confectionery;
  • Fast food products;
  • Sweets;
  • Carbonated drinks and alcohol;
  • Smoked meats;
  • Marinades;
  • Foods high in salt.

Also, in no case should we forget about physical activity: Only in fairy tales can you do nothing and achieve the desired effect. Many of the diets listed, due to their strictness, are not suitable for heavy exercise. However, simple morning exercises definitely won't do any harm.

We wish you good luck in your endeavors!

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Quick results with kefir in 7 days

Summer has already arrived and it is time to go to the beach. What about those who did not manage to “lose weight by summer”? A kefir diet will help you get your shape in order. In just a week you can achieve excellent results.

Using this system you can lose up to 10 kg of excess weight. As the name suggests, kefir will be the basis of the diet for these days. Sample menu diets with kefir, photos of girls before and after the diet, see this article.

The basis of the kefir diet for a week

This kefir diet belongs to mono-diets. Kefir will become the basis of the diet, but adding other products to it is not only possible, but also necessary. Otherwise there may be a shortage nutrients in the body.

It is important to follow the rule: all products, including kefir, must be low-calorie. A low-fat 1% drink is ideal. For one day you will need from half to one and a half liters of kefir and from 100 to 400 g of other products.

The Kefir Seven-Day Diet is based on the following principles:

  • You don't need to drink kefir alone. Add other low-fat foods to it.

Short duration - one week.

  • Daily food intake: 1.5 l. low-fat kefir and up to 400 g of other products, divide into six meals. Always sit down at the table at regular intervals.
  • During the diet, sugar, salt, black tea and coffee are prohibited.
  • Kefir contains a lot of proteins and is almost completely free of carbohydrates. It requires a large amount of energy to digest it. But the calories do not come from food. Therefore, when consuming a large amount of kefir, the body begins to actively consume its fat reserves.

The benefits of kefir

Kefir – extremely useful product. It contains lacto and bifido bacteria in high concentrations, which have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It is quickly digested, and beneficial substances are immediately absorbed.

Kefir contains many vitamins and minerals. In addition, it contains special substances that prevent the development of dangerous diseases (for example, linoleic acid).

Kefir also contains lactoferrins. These are protein compounds that support the functioning of bone cells in the body.

For all its benefits, kefir has very few calories, so it is often used as a main product during diets.

Menu for the week

The basis of the diet for this week will be 1% low-fat kefir. Drink up to 1.5 liters per day, adding up to 400 g of other low-fat foods. Basic menu on the kefir diet by day of the week:

Monday: kefir with the addition of a portion of baked potatoes.

Tuesday: kefir and low-fat cottage cheese.

Wednesday: kefir with fresh fruit(except grapes and bananas).

Thursday: kefir plus boiled chicken breast.

Friday: kefir and fresh fruit.

Saturday: fasting day. In addition to kefir, it is allowed to consume only non-carbonated mineral water(up to 1.5 liters per day).

Sunday: kefir with fresh fruit.

This menu is the base. There are various modifications of the diet based on it:

  • Protein. Make two of the three days on which you are supposed to eat fruit “meat days.” Include up to 400 g of lean meat, such as veal, in your diet these days.
  • Hungry. Its essence is to increase the amount of kefir you drink to two liters, and reduce the amount of other products to 100 g per day.
  • Apple. Add six apples per day to the basic set of products (one for each meal). They can be not only fresh, but also baked and pureed. You can alternate apple and kefir days: from Monday to Wednesday, drink 1.5 liters of kefir, from Thursday to Saturday, eat three kilograms of apples. Sunday is a fasting day, you are allowed to drink only still water.

Kefir nutrition refers to express diets. It allows you to achieve good results in short time, but you should resort to it no more than once every six months.

Contraindications for the use of the diet

The kefir diet is very strict and involves large dietary restrictions. Therefore, it is recommended for use only by absolutely healthy people.

  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Age up to 16 years;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Impaired kidney and liver function;
  • Heart diseases vascular system;
  • Diabetes and other metabolic disorders;
  • Lactose intolerance.

Results before and after applying the diet in the photo

The results of the kefir diet are impressive. You can lose as much as 10 kg in a week. Below are photos of those who were able to lose significant weight using this diet.

Quitting the kefir diet for 7 days

Within a week, the body gets used to small portions and limited quantity food. Therefore, it is important to know how to get out of it correctly. Immediately after finishing the diet, do not indulge in high-calorie foods. Increase portions and expand the menu gradually.

For a month, refrain from:

  • Sweets, confectionery and flour products;
  • Fried fish and meat;
  • Alcohol.

This diet is very fast and effective. It will help you quickly get your figure in order and lose up to 10 kg. Try it and you will be pleased with the results.

How did Larisa Dolina lose weight on kefir?

The kefir-based diet has a short time frame, which is why it is so attractive to many. In this case, the effect of minus 7 kg is achieved by the end of the week. You will need some courage and desire to win. If you are ready for this, then this diet is for you! Everything here is very strict and steep - so my advice is to weigh your strengths at the start.

Most likely, the singer has tried several different diets. A great variety of them have actually been created, however, not all of them lead to the desired effect, and many of the achieved results are lost immediately after completing the diet.

This is why there is such mistrust of diets. Our diet helped Larisa Dolina completely change her image and inspire a huge number of people - victory is possible!

It is based on kefir.

So, kefir as the basis of Larisa Dolina’s diet

This in itself is an excellent fermented milk product. It contains many useful substances, amino acids, enzymes and vitamins. This is a product loved by many, it is tasty and healthy. For our diet, low-fat kefir is used - 1% fat content, at most 1.5%. Losing weight with kefir is easy!

There is another subtlety to using kefir - the longer the kefir sits, the stronger it becomes and has a different effect on the body.

Kefir is easily digestible, improves the formation of gastric juice, normalizes intestinal microflora and stimulates peristalsis.

If one-day kefir can help in cleansing the intestines, then three-day kefir, exactly the opposite, has a seriously strengthening effect. And it's the same product!

Your actions on the diet

The diet lasts a week, and during this time up to seven kilograms can be lost. The entire daily dose should be divided into six doses evenly. Last time You can eat in the evening no later than 18-00.

Be sure to read

Diet of the star Svetlana Khodchenkova

Sugar and salt are excluded from the diet. Drink boiled water all this time, no more than half a liter per day. Take vitamins so that the body receives less stress, because any diet - and especially such a strict one as this one - is perceived by the body as stress.

And you can sometimes - coffee, if you are a coffee lover, as well as herbal teas - not forbidden. Let me remind you – unsweetened. Aromatic coffee - in the morning, and tea, please, before each individual meal, a cup.

You can also take it with fruits and vegetables and kefir before starting the diet. Don't overeat before going on a diet like you did the last time.

There is a subtle point here - if you are afraid to eat little, not eat anything after 6 pm, give up a lot of what you usually eat - then maybe you shouldn’t start?

The main menu of Larisa Dolina's strict kefir diet

The description is given by day of the week.

First day

0.5 liters of high-quality low-fat kefir and 400 grams of boiled or baked potatoes.

Second day

0.5 liters of the same kefir and 400 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

Third, fifth and seventh days

0.5 liters of kefir and 400 grams of preferably any fresh fruit, but not bananas and grapes.

Fourth day

0.5 liters of kefir, low-fat boiled chicken meat about 400 grams.

Sixth day

Mineral still water, bottle.

Exercise is encouraged

In addition to the diet itself, physical exercise is encouraged.

The next week following the diet is strengthening. Food products that are easily digestible and low-fat, exclude alcohol, sweets and starchy foods. Do not make any supplements or changes to your diet.

Good luck and courage to you!

A kefir diet helps you easily reduce weight to the desired figure. The basic principle is to take 1.5 liters of fresh low-fat kefir. Divide it into portions and take it all day. It is recommended to drink filtered water to help the body cleanse itself faster. Strong tea, salt, coffee and sweet foods are excluded from the diet. The results will be noticeable immediately if you follow the basic principles.

Kefir diet for fast weight loss quite effective. The dairy product cleanses the body and restores the functions of the gastrointestinal system. Fresh kefir contains different types of bacteria and calcium. Even during limited nutrition the intestines work efficiently. Thanks to vegetables and fruits, the body receives an additional source of vitamins and microelements.

The disadvantage of the diet menu is the scarcity of the diet. Due to the refusal of other food, the body is deprived of nutrients. Weakness, dizziness and indigestion may occur with prolonged adherence to the diet menu. The transition to the previous diet should be smooth, otherwise the excess weight will return after a while.


There are diets of different durations. To lose excess weight quickly, follow a diet menu for 1 to 5 days. At this time, you have to satisfy your hunger with kefir and limit yourself to food. A kefir diet for 7 days allows you to gradually lose weight, because in addition to dairy products, others are introduced into the diet. Dietary nutrition for a month and a nine-day program are considered the most correct and balanced.

For 1 day

The diet for 1 day is quite simple. Kefir with a volume of 1.5 liters is consumed every 3 hours. A whole milk product has a diuretic effect, so it takes from 1 to 3 kg per day.

For 3 days

During this period, you are allowed to drink 1.5 liters of fermented milk product and plain water. The interval between doses is a couple of hours. If there is an important event ahead, then a kefir diet for 3 days will help you quickly lose weight up to 4 kg.

For 5 days

A fermented milk product remains a daily drink. Additionally, the diet contains 3 apples, 3-4 prunes and 1 kg of vegetables. It is allowed to combine products and make salads without oil. The kefir diet excludes salty and sweet foods for 5 days.

For 7 days

The 7-Day Meal helps you lose weight quickly if you stick to the basic principles. Main ingredient dietary ration kefir remains. Products for 1 day: 5 boiled potatoes and fermented milk drink.

Every day they add in strict sequence:

  • Day 2 - 250 g chicken meat;
  • Day 3 - 200 g beef;
  • Day 4 – 170 g fish;
  • Day 5 - 5 medium apples or vegetable salad.

Diet for 2 last days- filtered water. IN diet menu For a week, all products are boiled before consumption. Nutrition helps you lose extra 5 kg. A more strict menu contains 5 apples and a fermented milk drink. If you exercise additionally, you can lose 10 kg of weight.

For 9 days

The menu is quite strict and monotonous. Kefir and apples are consumed according to a certain pattern. During the first 3 days, drink enough 2% kefir to quench the unpleasant feeling in the stomach (1.5-2 liters). It is imperative to drink still water. From days 4 to 6 inclusive, choose one of the proposed products. This can be 1 kg of vegetables, apples or 300 g of boiled chicken fillet.

Create the optimal menu for yourself and follow it throughout the entire period. From days 7 to 9, they return to drinking low-fat kefir and purified water. If you strictly follow the recommendations, a kefir diet for 9 days will allow you to lose 8-9 kg.

For 2 weeks

Dietary nutrition is based on the use of fermented milk drink and other products. One item is added daily, and from the second week they start over:

  • 10 pieces of dried fruits;
  • oven-baked potatoes - 6 pcs;
  • any fruits - 5 pcs;
  • chicken fillet - 850 g;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 1 liter of purified water;
  • 5 pieces of any fruit.

You need to eat food in equal portions, only before 6 pm. In addition to the diet, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines with laxatives or enemas. If you stick to the menu, you will be able to improve your skin condition and lose 10-14 kg in 2 weeks.

For a month

To gradually lose excess weight, you need to balance your diet. The nutritional system for the month is to follow some rules:

  • Take 1 liter of kefir daily.
  • You are allowed to drink no more than 1 liter of other liquid.
  • Add salt to small quantities for ready meals.
  • Eliminate bread and sweet foods from the diet.
  • Replace fried and fatty foods with boiled meat and fish.

Kefir diet for losing belly fat will not harm healthy person, but it will be beneficial. If you follow a diet for a month, your figure will become slim and your body healthy.

Diet options

Nutritionists offer several kefir-based diets. They differ in duration and degree of severity. If the body is severely restricted during the diet, it means that less time is allocated for it. The most gentle is the kefir diet for 7 days or more. It contains low-calorie foods, so the body can easily switch to normal nutrition.


The diet is quite simple and does not require strict restrictions on food intake. Buckwheat and kefir are consumed simultaneously. The kefir diet is designed for 3 days. The basic principle of dietary nutrition is daily intake of kefir and buckwheat porridge in any quantity. To make the porridge dietary, you need to pour boiled water over it in the evening and cover with a lid. You can eat buckwheat in the morning. Recommended to take vitamin complex to diversify your diet.

With apples

The diet is particularly strict. You can drink kefir and eat 6 apples throughout the day. Follow the diet for 3, 7 or 9 days. In the latter case, you can follow a special scheme: 3 days on apples, 3 on kefir and again on apples. The menu helps you lose 1 kg of excess weight per day.

With vegetables

Daily meals consist of any vegetables in unlimited quantities and fermented milk products. It is allowed to bake, boil vegetables or eat them raw. Potatoes are not included in the food system because they are high in calories. You can drink herbal tea and clean water. The diet is followed for up to two weeks.


The daily diet consists of 1 liter of kefir and 1.5 kg of cucumbers. The fermented milk product should be of medium fat content, and the cucumbers should be small. It is recommended to purchase a complex of vitamins at the pharmacy to maintain the body. The results are noticeable immediately - 3 kg will be lost in 3 days.


The system resembles a cucumber-kefir diet. It can be observed for no more than three days. The diet consists of 1 liter of fermented milk product and 4 medium-sized beets. Add a teaspoon of sour cream or sunflower oil to the beet salad.


To effectively lose weight, the daily diet consists of 3 large potatoes and 1.5 liters of fermented milk drink. Potatoes can be baked in the oven or boiled without salt. The products are divided into 3 parts and consumed. Between meals you are allowed to drink purified water. If you follow this system, you will be able to lose 5 kg in 3 days.

With porridge

The main menu consists of sour milk and cereals (one type). Other low-calorie foods are also allowed on the menu:

  • for breakfast 250 ml of kefir and 200 g of porridge without sweeteners;
  • for lunch vegetables, 200 ml of kefir and 180 g of boiled fillet;
  • for dinner 1 fruit, 220 g of cottage cheese and 200 ml of kefir.

Sour diet dairy product and oatmeal can be followed for 7-14 days. It helps the body cleanse itself and improve digestion. The porridge is simmered over low heat. It should not contain oil or salt. If you stick to the diet, you will be able to lose 5-6 kg.

On dairy products

The milk-kefir diet consists of whole milk, curdled milk and kefir. One of the proposed drinks is taken at intervals of 2 hours. There is a separate kefir diet, which contains low-fat cottage cheese and kefir. 350 g of cottage cheese and a fermented milk drink are allowed per day. After leaving the diet, the body will get rid of 7 kg in a week.

With fruit

The menu for the whole day is kefir and fruit. You can choose 6-7 ripe fruits and combine them with each other. The permissible amount of kefir should be drunk before 6 pm. The kefir-banana diet deserves special attention. Due to the high nutritional value, there is no urgent need for food. You can make a cocktail and add a pinch of cocoa for taste.

Quitting the diet

To maintain a slim figure, you need to start eating right. You need to add one product daily. A varied but low-calorie menu is preferable. Vegetables, fruits and cereals are added in small portions. The diet remains the same - food is divided into six small portions.

Salt is added in moderation to avoid swelling. Sweet foods, alcoholic and carbonated drinks remain prohibited foods. Proper nutrition will always keep your body in the right shape.


Not everyone can use the suggested recipes. For rheumatism, stomach diseases and kidney failure, long-term use of kefir is contraindicated. Dietary food will be harmful during pregnancy, rickets, anemia and increased acidity stomach.

There are many variations of the kefir diet. Depending on the duration and degree of severity, you can lose from 3 to 10 kg.

Experimenting with different types dietary nutrition, you will be able to choose the most suitable for the body. This will not only allow you to lose excess weight, but also cleanse yourself of toxins.

The kefir diet for reducing belly fat has many advantages. It can be used if there are no contraindications for health.

Useful video about the buckwheat diet


Many people know the beneficial properties of fermented milk products. It is used in cosmetology, dietetics and medicine for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Kefir tidies up the gastrointestinal tract, speeds up metabolism, and promotes hair and nail growth. Many pop and show business stars are on a kefir diet because it allows them to lose weight. extra pounds in a matter of days.

Express weight loss

The diet consists of consuming kefir for 5 days. You should drink more than 2.7 liters per day. It is forbidden to eat or drink anything other than kefir. If it is difficult to adhere to the rules, it is allowed to use green tea with lemon balm or jasmine 2 times a day. Please note that the load on the body will be enormous; during this time you will lose 1-1.2 kg every day. During the first two days, dry mouth, apathy, and loss of strength are possible. If things don’t improve by the third day, stop the diet.

Youth diet

The technique was developed for young boys and girls. You need to stick to the diet for 3 days, then move on to a different composition of products. The diet is designed for 6 days, during which it is possible to lose up to 5 kg. Drink at least 4 liters of liquid per day, of which 2 liters are kefir.

1-3 day

  1. Breakfast: 90 gr. ground oatmeal, 350 ml. kefir, 3 apples, berries, 550 ml. kefir
  2. Second breakfast: 100 gr. tuna in own juice, 1 cucumber, 450 ml. kefir
  3. Lunch: 150 gr. boiled beef or chicken, Iceberg salad in unlimited quantities, broccoli or beans, 400 ml. kefir
  4. Dinner: 150 gr. lean fish, 1 tomato, 300 ml. kefir
  5. Late dinner: 550 ml. kefir

4-6 day

  1. Breakfast: 170 gr. cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 1.8%, 100 gr. natural yogurt without additives, 400 ml. kefir
  2. Second breakfast: 50 gr. flax bran, 130 gr. tuna, 450 ml. kefir, 1 grapefruit.
  3. Lunch: 220 gr. steamed veal, vegetable salad, 450 ml. kefir
  4. Dinner: 3 soft-boiled eggs, 600 ml. kefir
  5. Late dinner: 550 ml. kefir

You can go on a diet once a month. You should completely abstain from alcohol for the entire period, as it causes hunger, retains water and is excessively high in calories.

The diet will allow you to lose 11-12 kg. Throughout three weeks you need to drink 2 liters of kefir per day. The following products are allowed to be consumed:

  • lean fish: pike, pollock, pelingas, carp, cod, bream, sea bream;
  • lean meat: veal, beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit, pork (once a week);
  • dairy products with a fat content of no more than 1%;
  • fruits without restrictions;
  • All vegetables except potatoes and tomatoes.

On day 21 you will have to forget about baked goods, sweets, cereals and cereals, and nuts. You should not eat salty, spicy, sweet or fried foods. Prepare dishes in your own juice using an oven, multicooker, or double boiler.

Drink at least 4 liters of liquid per day, with 2 liters of kefir.

The consumption of packaged juices, coffee, compote, and fruit drinks is not allowed. Drinks should not be sweet. If you have a juicer, prepare fresh citrus juice every morning.

Sports diet

The technique is more suitable for people actively involved in sports. Once a month you need to arrange a fasting week, which is scheduled by the hour. It is recommended to reduce the load due to lack of energy value products.

  1. Breakfast: 2 soft-boiled eggs and 450 ml. kefir
  2. Second breakfast: 2 pears, 100 gr. flax bran, 450 ml. kefir
  3. Afternoon snack: low-fat fish baked in foil, 2 cucumbers, 1 tomato, 500 ml. kefir
  4. Lunch: 50 gr. medium-ground oat bran, 1 banana, slice of low-fat cheese, 400 ml. kefir
  5. Dinner: salad of Chinese cabbage, tomatoes and celery, 200 gr. kefir
  6. Late dinner: 1 liter of kefir with chopped dill.

It is important to drink 3 liters of liquid per day, not counting kefir. Acceptable drinks include fresh juices, herbal tea, and tomato juice.

Sailor's diet

The method consists of alternating kefir with other healthy products.

The first two days you need to eat eggs, cottage cheese, chicken, vegetables, fruits and cereals. Drinks allowed include coffee without sugar and milk, green tea, and freshly squeezed juice.

For the next two days you drink one kefir at the rate of 2.2 liters per day.

After this, “bright” days begin again, which allow absolutely any fish and seafood, beef, veal, rabbit and even pork, into the diet. In this case, you need to drink at least 3 liters of water. Any other drinks are prohibited.

After 6 days, you start all over again, periodically adding 1 liter of kefir per day to the “light” days. It is recommended to maintain the diet for no more than one month; after the third week, the body is depleted, even despite the large amount of proteins in the diet.

Model diet

Weight loss is designed for 8 days. Everything that is allowed to be eaten can be expressed in 4 words: kefir, cottage cheese, apples, water.

  1. On the first day you eat green apples at the rate of 2.5 kg/day.
  2. The second day consists of drinking kefir every 1.5-2 hours. You should drink 2.4 liters of fermented milk product per day with a fat content of no more than 0.1%.
  3. On the third day, you are allowed to eat cottage cheese (no more than 1.8%) in unlimited quantities.
  4. On the fourth day, you drink only water; you can indulge in a mug of green tea with natural honey, but not more than once a day.

Then from the fifth to the eighth day you start over. The diet greatly depletes the body, refrain from mental and physical activity, move less and rest more. As soon as you feel unwell, immediately stop losing weight and switch to a gentle method.

Do you love kefir and want to lose weight with it? If your goal is to lose weight short terms resort to express weight loss. When until important event or beach season There is enough time left, use the three-week method. For those who are actively involved in sports, the youth, sports or Mary Poppins diet is suitable. Monitor your health and stop losing weight if you feel the slightest discomfort. It is advisable to consult a doctor to identify contraindications.

Video: losing weight with kefir fasting day

Kefir is often used in weight loss. This product is ideal for fasting days. It is useful for digestive system, rich in proteins, contains valuable bacteria, it is a low-calorie and affordable drink. It can be combined with a variety of foods: vegetables, cereals, fruits, but kefir mono-diets are especially effective.

  1. Efficiency. Everyone loses weight on kefir. At the right approach intensive weight loss cannot be avoided.
  2. Availability and cost-effectiveness. Kefir is inexpensive, sold everywhere, you can always choose a product to suit your taste and with the desired fat content. People, even those with very limited means, can go on a kefir diet.
  3. Versatility. The product has very few contraindications, is suitable for everyone, and can be consumed in large quantities.
  4. Convenience. Taking kefir with you and consuming it anywhere and at any time is not a problem.
  5. Satisfaction. Fermented milk drinks contain a sufficient amount of protein, they perfectly satisfy hunger and fill you up.
  6. Reducing the volume of the stomach due to fractional nutrition.

Despite all the advantages, the kefir diet for 3 days is considered difficult. Not everyone can withstand it. That is why you need to approach it consciously, choose the right moment, and be sure to study all the intricacies.

Video: Kefir diet. Subtleties of carrying out

Basic rules of the kefir diet

For weight loss, it is advisable to use kefir with low fat content. This will allow you to keep your average daily caloric intake within 800-900 units. It is also important to pay attention to the expiration date of the product. The fresher the drink, the more it contains beneficial bacteria. Basic rules of the kefir diet for 3 days:

  1. Drink 1.5 liters of fermented milk drink per day. If a product with 0.1% fat content is used, the amount can be increased to 2 liters.
  2. Kefir is divided into 5-6 equal parts and consumed at regular intervals.
  3. It is not advisable to drink kefir and water at the same time. The liquid should be drunk between drinks of fermented milk drink. Clean water 1.5-2 liters should be consumed per day.

Important! Kefir has a pronounced diuretic and cleansing effect, which will be especially active in the afternoon. This causes some inconvenience, so it is advisable to carry out the diet on weekends.

How much weight can you lose?

On average, a diet takes from 2 to 4 kg. It is recommended to weigh yourself on an empty stomach in the morning on the fourth day. But it is worth remembering that the bulk of the lost kilograms is water. Weight loss also occurs by cleansing the intestines and reducing the amount of food eaten. No more than 1 kg of pure fat is consumed. Considering that the fat is quite light, the volumes melt before our eyes. Many people change one clothing size within 3 days of the diet and fasten old jeans at the waist.

Kefir diet options

When adding other products, the effectiveness of the diet decreases. But sometimes this is the only way to get to the end and endure. Typically, 1 liter of the drink is left in the kefir diet and 0.5-1 kg of another product is added to it, but only one. What you can use:

  • apples (green up to 1 kg);
  • low-fat cottage cheese (up to 500 g);
  • buckwheat (up to 200 g of cereal);
  • fresh cucumbers (up to 1 kg).

It is allowed to add fresh herbs and some seasonings, but in small quantities.

To make losing weight not boring, or Protection from breakdowns

Drinking pure kefir is quite difficult for more than one day. To get to the end without breaking down, you can resort to some tricks:

  • instead of kefir, use low-fat yoghurts, whey, sourdough, or replace part of the drink with low-fat cottage cheese;
  • it is allowed to use sugar substitutes without calories, the taste of the drink will be much more pleasant;
  • It’s easy to make a wonderful dessert from kefir, sugar substitute and gelatin, which will diversify a boring menu;
  • Spices will help enhance the weight loss effect and diversify the taste of the product: cinnamon, ginger, pepper.

Advice! Often added to kefir oat bran, which also promote weight loss, enhance the effect of diets, cleanse the intestines and expel all excess from the body. Together with them, the usual product will turn into cereal yogurt.

Video: Benefits of low-fat kefir for weight loss

Who is not suitable for the kefir diet?

You should not choose this diet for those who do not like kefir or are simply indifferent to it. Almost any person drinks a glass of fermented milk drink, but only true lovers can endure a 3-day kefir diet.

There are few contraindications; most people can lose weight on dairy products, and this will only bring benefits. The main contraindications to the diet are individual intolerance to the product and renal failure. People with diseases of the digestive system should be especially careful about the kefir diet. The diet is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

If you are not tired of the drink after three days, you can try the kefir diet for 7 days. It is much easier to bear, the menu is more varied and more fun. If, on the contrary, difficulties arose or the willpower was only enough for 1 day, then the distance traveled can be considered a fasting day. Despite the lack of results, it will bring benefits to the body in the form of cleansing of toxins.

Kefir is a fermented milk product that is very beneficial for the body. Kefir can be used to prevent many diseases and to treat them. Consumption of kefir promotes rapid recovery of the body after serious illnesses.

Kefir helps improve the functioning of the nervous and vascular system. But kefir has a particularly good effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Kefir will be of great help in stabilizing the functioning of the intestines, for example, it will relieve a person of the tendency to diarrhea. For patients with chronic gastrointestinal diseases, kefir will help stop nausea and heaviness in the pancreas.

In addition to the gastrointestinal system, kefir helps with anemia, scrofula, chronic diseases respiratory system, such as exudative pleurisy, pulmonary tuberculosis.

Kefir is widely used as a basis for diets for many diseases. Kefir diets are used for hypertension, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, nephritis, urolithiasis without phosphaturia, insufficient blood circulation.

There are several options for kefir diets.

Kefir mono-diet

According to this diet, you need to drink 1-1.5 liters of fresh kefir for three days. Do not consume any more foods. The diet is designed for 3 days. Allows you to lose 3-4 kg of excess weight.

Winter kefir diet

The menu for this diet is as follows:
Breakfast - sauerkraut salad, omelette, coffee with milk, or semolina porridge, egg, sandwich with butter, tea with honey.
Afternoon snack – a glass of kefir, or an apple and a piece of cheese.
Lunch – vinaigrette, chicken soup, stewed carrots, a slice of bread, or mushroom soup, stewed meat with cabbage.
Lunch – 1 glass of kefir cocktail, or baked apples.
Dinner – fried vegetable oil fish, baked potatoes, tea, or carrot and prune casserole, tea with honey.
Before going to bed - a glass of skim milk, yogurt, or kefir.
The diet is designed for three days, no more. The weight you can lose with this diet depends on individual characteristics body.

Unloading kefir diet

Breakfast – a glass of kefir. You can add a slice of dried bread to it.
Afternoon snack – a glass of juice or kefir, two apples.
Lunch – 200 g boiled fish, sauerkraut vegetable salad, vinaigrette.
Lunch - fruits ( apples are better), a glass of kefir.
Dinner – 1-2 apples, a piece of cheese, or carrot casserole, bread.
Before bed - a glass of milk or kefir.
The diet is designed for one day. The diet helps to return to normal after heavy feasts during the holidays. If you apply this diet after festive table then excess weight will not appear. In addition, the use of this diet will not allow the body to get used to overeating, which will prevent the appearance of excess weight in the future.

9-day kefir diet

Days 1-3 – 1% kefir in any quantity, 100 g of boiled, unsalted rice.
Days 4-6 – 1% kefir in any quantity, 100g boiled unsalted chicken fillet.
Days 7-9 – 1% kefir in any quantity.
fresh apples in any quantity.
The diet will save you from extra 8-9 kg. You need to get out of this diet gradually. You should not suddenly start eating high-calorie foods in large quantities.

5-day kefir diet

7:00 – unsweetened tea
9:00 – medium plate of grated carrots, seasoned with vegetable oil.
11:00 – 200 g of boiled white chicken or beef.
13:00 – apple.
15:00 – 1 hard-boiled egg.
17:00 – apple.
19:00 – prunes, 10 pcs.
21:00 – a glass of kefir, an “Iodine-Active” tablet
The main requirement of the diet is strict adherence to meal times. You can lose up to 5 kg.

Weekly kefir diet

Day 1 – 1.5 liters of kefir and 5 boiled potatoes.
Day 2 – 1.5 liters of kefir and 100 g of boiled chicken (preferably white) meat.
Day 3 – 1.5 liters of kefir, and 100g of boiled lean meat (preferably veal or beef)
Day 4 – 1.5 liters of kefir and 100 g of boiled low-fat fish.
Day 5 - 1.5 liters of kefir and vegetables and fruits (except for grapes and bananas which are too high in calories).
Day 6 – 1.5-2 liters of kefir.
Day 7 – mineral, preferably still, water in any quantity.

All products must be prepared without sugar and salt. The number of kilograms lost depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The diet should be repeated no more than once every 2-3 months. The daily dose of kefir should be drunk in a glass at intervals of 3-4 hours. Kefir does not have to be the same; for example, you can drink regular low-fat kefir in the morning, then bifidokefir, and in the evening - fruit kefir. You can drink water. It is better to buy a mineral or regular bottle in the store. drinking water, you can also drink spring water. You cannot drink tea and coffee.

Have you tried this diet? We will be grateful to you for review!