Spelling is difficult. When to write and write? Difficulties in spelling soft signs in different verb forms

  • Educational: consolidation of the skill of identifying the infinitive and 3rd person forms, pronunciation and writing of verbs in -tsya, -tsya;
  • Educational: to cultivate attention to the word, discipline, consciousness, through differentiated training to cultivate interest in Russian language lessons;
  • Developmental: promote the development of speech and logical thinking.

Lesson type: lesson explaining new material.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. Announcing the topic and goals of the lesson, making notes on the board and in notebooks.

– What is a verb?
– What is the initial form of the verb?
– What questions does the infinitive answer?
– Listen to Felix Krivin’s grammatical tale and translate it into scientific language. What are we talking about here?

A tale about the infinitive.
The Infinitive looks at how verbs are conjugated and says:
- Eh, is this really the way to hide?
- How? - the verbs ask, - show me!
“I would show you,” the Infinitive laments, “but I don’t have time.”
“We’ll find time for you,” the verbs promise, “what do you want – present, past or future?”
“Let’s have the future,” says the Infinitive, to delay time at least a little, but don’t forget about the Auxiliary Verb. \
The auxiliary Verb is conjugated, only the endings flash. But the Infinitive doesn’t even move a letter. He has the urge to move the letter, why does he need to conjugate himself? He is an Infinitive, he has no time.

3. Differentiated tasks to repeat the material covered:

1) Assignment for 1 (weak) group of students:
– Write out all the verbs in nF from the text (write on the board):

The cockerels have fluttered,
But they didn’t dare to fight,
If you get too cocky,
You might lose your feathers
If you lose your feathers,
There will be nothing to fuss about.

2) Task for 2 (middle) group:

– Copy the sentences and determine the syntactic function of the infinitive (write on the board).

3) For 2 (strong) group of students (orally):

– How do verbs differ? speak And say(in appearance – perfect and imperfect).
– But if you use them in the 2nd person with negation: (and) don't talk; don't tell me then a completely different semantic difference is revealed between them. Which?
– How can you change the verb to find a test word for writing an unstressed vowel at the root of the word? ( By persons, tenses, in the past tense - by gender.) Prove your answer with examples.

4. New material. Spelling -tsya, -tsya.

1. 2 verbs are written on the board. Read them. How are they pronounced? How are they written? Why? Let's break them down by composition.

Learning is learning.

– Conclusion: at the end of verbs you hear -tsa, but we write -tsya or -tsya.
– Why do we write one verb with b, and the other - without b? how to determine where to put b, and where it is not necessary? (Ask a question.)
- Let's compare 3 more words, write them down in your notebooks, skipping 3 lines.

There is some water.

- How do these words differ? The following entry is made:

– Conclusion (we’ll ask a strong group of students to make one): if a word answers the question who or what and is a noun, then -tsa is written at the end, if the word answers the question what to do? and is a verb in an indefinite form, it is written at the end -tsya, and if the word answers the question what does it do? and is a verb in the form of the present tense, singular, 3rd person, then at the end it is written -tsya.

– Reading the rules in the textbook.

4. Fastening:

1. Continuation of writing in notebooks and on the board:

Beauty, admiring, sister, smiling, street, having fun (having fun), flowing (flowing).

This results in the following entry:

2. Game “Who’s last?” Students take turns first naming verbs that are written with ь, then verbs that are written without ь.

3. Differentiated task (pay attention to spelling no. 23):

– 1st group – using cards.

Insert the missing letters where needed, next to the word put the required question.

1. When you hear (…………………) thunder, do not rush to pour out the water.
2. If one fish in the basket is spoiled, all of them will be spoiled (…………………).
3. A friend in need is recognized (……………………).
4. He who is not afraid of death (…………………), shuns the bullet…(…………………).
5. Just as a Russian takes…………by the bayonet, so the enemy shakes………(………………).
6. If he doesn’t work (…………………), then bread won’t be born… (………………).
7. If you work without conscience, you will be ashamed (………………) and will not come (………………).
8. He who studies (…………………) without a book is like drawing water with a sieve.

– 2nd group – ex. 638.
– 3rd group – ex. 640.

5. Lesson summary. Collective task. Words for dictation (write only the word number and put + if b is written, and -, if b not written):

1)lock with a bolt; 2) used in a verb; 3) be surprised by the singing; 4) fog is spreading; 5) getting ready for school; 6) you need to take care of your health; 7) will always come in handy; 8) it turns out delicious; 9) winter is ending; 10) surrenders without a fight.

Sample entry:

1) +; 2) -; 3) +; 4)-; 5) +; 6) +; 7) -; 8) -; 9)-; 10) -.

6. Homework: p. 110. ex. 639, find proverbs in the literature textbook that contain spelling No. 23 (students themselves choose a task according to their strength).

I constantly make mistakes in verbs ending in -tsya and -tsya. Help me understand and remember when to write a soft sign and when not.


Incorrect spelling of verbs ending in “-tsya” and “-tsya” is one of the most common mistakes on the Internet, hurting the eyes and spoiling the impression of even the best blogs and other sites. Usually they write an extra soft sign: “I like him,” “nothing will work out for him.” For people who write correctly, the question of whether or not to write a soft sign does not even arise; they do it automatically correctly, without thinking. Therefore, the rule for correct (sorry for some tautology) writing of verbs ending in “-tsya” and “-tsya” is needed only by those who make mistakes. Knowing this “sin” behind you, you need to write a word with “tsya” and “tsya” every time you need to, remember this rule until one day you no longer need it, because you will begin to feel the only correct spelling without resorting to the rule .

Ask a question to the verb (one of these: what does it do? what will it do? what should it do? what should it do?). If there is a soft sign in the question, then it is also necessary in the word. If there is no soft sign in the question, then there is none in the word either.

What does it do? (no soft sign) - Having fun, tumbling, getting married, doing push-ups, studying...

What (will, wants, intends, is going...) to do? (there is a soft sign) - Have fun, tumble, get married, do push-ups, study...

What will he do? (there is no soft sign) - He will come to his senses, pull himself together, strain himself, respond, catch a cold...

What to do? (there is a soft sign) - Come to your senses, pull yourself together, strain yourself, respond, catch a cold...

If there is a soft sign in the question, then it is needed in the word.

If there is no soft sign in the question, then it is not needed in the word.

Sometimes (very rarely) it is impossible to ask a question to a verb (if there is no subject in the sentence). In this case, feel free to write without a soft sign.

It's no good to be young. It’s easy to ask the question about “getting younger”: “what should I do?”, but it’s impossible to ask the question about “it’s not good” - so we write without a soft sign.

And a few proverbs that will help you feel the difference between “-tsya” and “-tsya”.

Don't spit in the well, you'll get drunk.

Anyone who swears without action cannot be relied upon.

What was the point of getting married if rye was not born?

What's the use of boasting about something that isn't fit to be a human?

Work hard - bread will be born.

Learning to read and write is always useful.

The way it is sewn is the way it is worn.

Rather than lie, it’s better to scratch yourself in silence.

If you're afraid of wolves, don't go into the forest.

Surprisingly, many people have difficulty spelling “tsya” and “tsya” in verbs. Moreover, the mistakes made in these endings are striking. We hope our article will help you avoid them.

The rule “tsya”, “tsya” in verbs is studied according to the secondary school curriculum. It's very simple.

Mentally pose a question before the word you are checking. If there is a soft sign in the question, then it is also in the verb.

Examples: “There was steel in the sky (what to do) clouds appear" or "In the morning it is necessary (what to do) wash yourself." In the first and second cases, there is a soft sign in the questions asked. Consequently, it must also be present at the endings of the words “to wash” and “to appear.” The soft sign is not placed in words that ask the questions “what does” and “what will do.” For example: “Earth will soon (what will it do) will be covered with green grass" or "Mom (what does) learning to cook." In these questions there is no soft sign, therefore, it should not be in the words “will be covered” and “studies”.

But there are also nuances. The rules of the Russian language indicate that the basis of a sentence or its main members are the subject or predicate in the initial form. However, often, especially in colloquial speech, there are sentences without a subject or without a predicate. What to do in this case, because without a subject it is impossible to pose a question and decide on the correct spelling of the ending “tsya” or “tsya” in the verb? Particular difficulties arise when writing words denoting action in the third person singular. For example: “Working hard will always come in handy.” In this example, the word denoting action in the third person is “useful,” that is, we are talking about a person who is not participating in the conversation and is not defined in any way. The verb in this case is general in nature, without referring to anyone specifically.
In such a situation, you just need to remember the rule: if it is impossible to put a question before a third-person singular verb, then the soft sign is not used.

Sometimes in sentences there are two words in a row denoting an action. For example: “The student is trying to study.” Many people make the mistake of asking one question to two words: “trying” and “learning.” For example, the question "what does it do" assumes in this situation in both cases to write the ending “tsya”, but this will be incorrect. You need to be more careful and take your time. A question is asked about one word "what does it do"- “trying”, and by the second "what to do"- study.

The grammar of the Russian language is very complex and therefore differs from most European languages. To write correctly and competently, you need to know the rules, as well as read more fiction.

This opus is dedicated to all those strong, independent individuals who love to write illiterate nonsense and talk about the fact that they don’t need to be taught, they have already achieved everything. “If you are so smart, where is your money?” – the wounded literate man will ask. You know, one Irish social network has a certain system of fines for basic grammatical violations. If you exceed the limit, you will say goodbye to your page forever. It is clear that this social network is not successful and will soon close, since the Irish are a capricious people, and they really don’t like it when some “bastard teaches life, if you are so smart, go one on one”! But such a rule would be worth introducing to all social networks.

Language is one of the foundations of statehood. When a people loses it, it loses its history, its heritage. This is to say it nicely. And if you really go off the rails and tell it like it is, then learn to distinguish between the cases of writing -TSYA and -TSYA! At least this! So as not to embarrass yourself! Even a fifth grader writes better! There is no "Grammar Nazi" bias here: this is an elementary attempt to point out the most common problems when writing. If you want to write an angry comment, write it correctly, without mistakes. The author will be pleased.

P.S. If you find something incorrectly written in the text, it’s not me - it’s all Masons, 2 classes of parish and alcohol. What right do I have to write all this? And who if not BroDude?!

This, so to speak, is the quintessence of all the mistakes made by millions when writing. For everyone, “Grammar Nazi” is a symbol of the struggle for the purity of the language (God, how scary it is to write “purity” next to the word “Nazi.” I know, I know, that’s what it’s all about.) Like Joan of Arc for the French during the Hundred Years War . Although Zhanna couldn’t write at all, thank God.

In fact, everything is simple to the point of banality:
– “-tsya” is written if the verb answers the question “what does it do?”;
– “-tsya” is supposed to appear in a verb if it answers the question “what to do?”

– What DOES Bartholomew DO?
– Bartholomew is expanding in the gateway.
– What should we DO then?
- EXPAND with him.
- I don't want.
- You WILL have to.

A soft sign is generally an insidious thing. How many words were distorted by his presence/absence. Therefore, “b” is important and must be placed:
- in the indefinite form of the verb, called the beautiful word “infinitive”: “to smear oneself”;
– at the end of a 2nd person singular verb of the present or future tense: “You show off as a “prior” in front of your friends; you have sex in a Priora without friends”;
– after consonants in imperative forms. True, there are exceptions - “y” and “g”: “Lie down on the couch, gently lie down. Then rinse your mouth and spit”;
– in a reflexive particle (suffix) standing after a vowel sound: “I’ll get drunk”, “I’ll puke”, “I’ll pass out”.

In other cases, “b” is not placed in verb endings (What does it do? - Placed with heroin). He likes to blow his nose in front of young ladies, but “he blows his nose in his hand.”

And finally, securing the material. If the word “infinitive” is as alien and incomprehensible to you as the word “adequacy” was to Gauguin Solntsev, then there is a simpler way:

“-sya” is a reflexive particle, short for “oneself”. Say this form in full, and everything will immediately become clear:
“He likes to lather himself before a date,” - you won’t say “lather.” This is not Old Russian.
“You need to wash yourself so as not to get infected with gangrene,” - “wash” cannot be written; "infect".
“Women bathe in the bathhouse.” - “Women bathe themselves.”
“Kuzma came to the bathhouse - the women ran to hide.” - “We ran to hide ourselves from the accursed Kuzma.”

Let's look at the material we studied based on the good old VIA song with the self-explanatory title “KhZ”:

Friends, let's figure it out (what to do? - sort it out)
And negotiate, (negotiate)
Who, when and with whom to have intercourse, (to have intercourse)
So as not to break off. (there is no such word “OblamyvaT”)
But when we agree (what will we do?)
And we'll figure it out (same thing)
Then we'll have some fun
And... well, you get the idea.

Now let’s remember school and do an exercise to reinforce the material. Insert a soft sign where necessary.

Stepanida was offered to star in a film with light content.
Ferapont wanted to get drunk. But the local police officer forbade him to approach the stall.
Panteleimon is attracted to Genevienne. Genevienne is shy at first, but later gives in to the persistent Panteleimon.
A lazy fatty's roof will become leaky...
He doesn’t spit into the residents’ well. Residents know not to spit there... It will come in handy...to drink some water.

Lesson is over for today, goodbye!

The indefinite form of a verb, also known as the infinitive, is a grammatical form that lives by its own norms and rules. She also has special spelling rules regarding the use of a soft sign before -sya. 4th grade students must remember these rules, which will become the basis of their literacy.

Rules and rules in verbs - main points

To understand whether a soft sign is written at the end of a verb or not, just ask a question about the word. If it is an infinitive, then it answers the question what to do? or what to do?, and you definitely need to put a soft sign in front of xia. This will mean that the verb is in the indefinite form

For example:

The first sticky leaves began to appear on the trees (what should I do?).

If the verb answers other questions, namely, what does it do? or what will he do?, then the soft sign is not placed, since it is not an infinitive, but is in the third person form (regardless of whether the singular or plural is used).

For example:

The yellowed leaves will soon (what will they do?) fall off the trees.

In fact, with sja and sya in verbs, everything is not as simple as it might seem. So, there are sentences without subjects, that is, asking a question to the mysterious verb with -sya will not work. It is necessary to remember that in this case it must be written without a soft sign. For example: Study - it will always come in handy!

Difficulties in spelling soft signs in different verb forms

The main difficulty is to always mentally ask a question to a verb - this is really more difficult than it seems, which means it’s easy to make a mistake.

The second difficulty is when the verb forms in -sya come after each other in a sentence - there is a temptation to put a soft sign in both cases, or, again for two verbs at once, to abandon it. Meanwhile, as in the general case, the question should be raised, because situations are different.

Simple example:

Vova tries to laugh, although he is in pain.

Some people put a question only to the first verb, and write the same ending in the second, but the example makes it clear that this is a mistake.

It is very important to correctly determine the form of the verb using a question, which can sometimes cause difficulties for students. That is why it is recommended to practice this skill until it becomes automatic, which is only possible through repeated repetition and persistent execution of the exercises.

It helps to remember the rule well by understanding its nature. So, if you look at verbs of the third person or those in the indefinite form, you can see that the former are written without a soft sign at the end, and in the latter it is present. That is, in fact, the suffix -sya added to the word does not change the essence of what is happening.

In fact, this suffix can easily be replaced with the word “yourself,” so that in case of doubt, you can double-check yourself in this way, dividing the verb into two words. So, the word learn is easy to divide: teach yourself, obviously we are talking about an infinitive, that is, a soft sign is needed.

What have we learned?

The soft sign at the end of verbs with the suffix -sya depends on the form in which these verbs appear. If this is a third person, singular or plural, then there should be no trace of a soft sign before this suffix. If this is an infinitive, then it is necessary. You can check the form of verbs using special questions, and if the question cannot be asked, as in sentences without a subject, then by default the verb is written without a soft sign. Following such a simple rule is often still difficult, so additional methods can be used to check the grammatical form of the verb. But still, the main one is the question, everything else is auxiliary options.

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