"Coalition-SV" is capable of hitting the same crater twice. Self-propelled "Coalition": what is unique about the latest artillery installation of the Russian Armed Forces

Tests of the Coalition-SV self-propelled artillery mount (SAU) will be completed in 2020, said Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov. According to experts, the Coalition-SV will become a new generation weapon in the arsenal of the ground forces. Home distinctive feature Self-propelled guns - automation of battle control. In addition, in terms of range and rate of fire, it is far superior to both Russian and Western counterparts. About the characteristics of promising domestic military equipment - in the RT material.

Self-propelled howitzers "Coalition-SV" vitalykuzmin.net

Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov announced the upcoming delivery to the troops of 12 self-propelled artillery units (SAU) 2S35 “Coalition-SV”. The newest howitzers will be tested until 2020. Based on the results of operation, the military department will decide on the adoption and procurement of the “Coalition”.

“We have contracted 12 samples of the Coalition-SV, they will undergo military operation until 2020. In 2020, we will complete state tests and will already make a decision on serial purchases,” Borisov said after visiting Uraltransmash (part of the Uralvagonzavod corporation) - the only enterprise in the Russian Federation that produces self-propelled guns.

The Russian Ministry of Defense signed a contract for the supply of an experimental batch of the Coalition in September 2017. However, then it was a question of purchasing 10 cars. In May 2017, the chief missile forces and artillery of the ground forces, Lieutenant General Mikhail Matveevsky said that serial deliveries of howitzers could begin in 2020.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Defense continues to modernize self-propelled units 2S19 "Msta-S" (in service since 1989). As Borisov noted, the department will maintain the same pace of re-equipment with Msta-SM installations. The Deputy Minister clarified that every year Uraltransmash transfers 36 updated howitzers to the troops. According to Borisov, the ongoing modernization makes it possible to increase the combat qualities of the Msta-S self-propelled guns by 40%.

"Squall of Fire"

"Coalition-SV" (the index "SV" means " ground forces") is designed to destroy large armored targets (artillery, tanks, anti-tank vehicles), missile systems, fortified military facilities and various engineering structures deep in the enemy’s defenses.

"Coalition-SV" in the future should become the main self-propelled artillery gun in ground units Russian army. In particular, the new self-propelled guns are designed to replace the unmodernized Msta-S vehicles in the troops.

Work on the creation of the “Coalition” began in the mid-2000s within the walls of the Burevestnik Central Research Institute. The Coalition-SV project was Russia’s response to the emergence of armed forces self-propelled guns that were superior to the Msta in terms of tactical and technical characteristics.

  • Self-propelled howitzer "Coalition-SV" at the international exhibition "Army"
  • vitalykuzmin.net

In the early 2000s in American army modernized versions of the M109 Paladin self-propelled guns began to arrive, and the German armed forces received the Panzerhaubitze 2000, which, according to foreign observers, are the best in the world self-propelled howitzers in terms of rate of fire (12 rounds per minute).

Modern Western self-propelled guns are capable of firing in a mode known in Russia as a “flurry of fire” (according to NATO classification - MRSI, Multiple Rounds Simultaneous Impact). Self-propelled guns can fire several projectiles from one gun, which fly towards the target along different trajectories.

“Firing in MRSI mode is carried out along a hinged trajectory, and projectiles fly at different angles. On average, three to five shells are fired. The probability of destroying a target using MRSI reaches almost 100%. “Msta” is not capable of this, but the characteristics of the “Coalition” allow it to fire in MRSI mode,” said the director of the air defense museum in Balashikha, military expert Yuri Knutov, in an interview with RT.

According to the expert, “Coalition” is very different from “Msta”, despite the external similarity. New self-propelled gun surpasses its predecessor in firing range (40-70 km versus 25-29 km), rate of fire (15-20 rounds per minute versus 10), ammunition capacity (70-90 rounds versus 50), highway speed (up to 90 km/h versus 60 km/h).

Knutov believes that Burevestnik specialists have created a new generation of weapons that are superior to their Western counterparts.

At the same time, the expert noted that the “Coalition” will be finalized for several more years.

20 rounds per minute

The first photographs of the “Coalition” appeared in 2013, when the testing phase began. Five years ago, the designers equipped the self-propelled gun prototype with two guns in order to increase the rate of fire, but in the end, Burevestnik specialists returned the familiar appearance. On May 9, 2015, at the Victory Parade, the Coalition appeared in a single-barrel version.

  • Self-propelled guns "Coalition-SV" at the military parade in honor of Victory Day, May 9, 2017
  • RIA Novosti
  • Alexander Vilf

“Most likely, double-barreled equipment required additional technical innovations. Tests have shown that this is too complex a solution. In addition, two barrels can increase the rate of fire by a maximum of 1.5 times. It is much easier to put one high-tech barrel and reliable automated systems control system (ACS). Actually, this is what was done,” Knutov explained.

The Coalition is equipped with a 152-mm 2A88 cannon, which can fire up to 20 shells within a minute. On the battlefield, this gives an undeniable advantage over enemy equipment and the counter-battery system. Having fired in MRSI mode, the howitzer immediately changes position.

“The main problem that all designers are struggling with is the lack effective ways cooling the barrel after firing. It is this factor that is the main obstacle to increasing firepower. However, the crew of modern howitzers, including the Coalition, monitors the barrel temperature using special sensors,” Knutov noted.

According to foreign sources, all processes in the Coalition, including loading ammunition and loading, are automated. ABOUT high level automation is evidenced by the number of crew - three people (versus five - for Panzerhaubitze 2000 and four - for latest version M109).

In addition, the combat module of the Coalition is “non-residential”, and the crew, like in the T-14 Armata tank, is placed in a special armored capsule. In the opinion of foreign analysts, Burevestnik specialists incorporated advanced Western developments into the self-propelled guns.

“Russia could really borrow a lot. But the peculiarity of the Coalition is that, despite the high degree of automation, its crew is able to control the self-propelled guns the old fashioned way - manually. Unlike the best Western self-propelled guns, the mechanical control channel in the Coalition is preserved, and if the electronics fail, the self-propelled gun will not turn into a pile of metal,” Knutov emphasized.

The first owner of the “Coalition,” as Russian and foreign experts expect, will be the 1st Army, recreated in 2015. tank army, stationed in the Western Military District (WMD).

The “Coalition” will go specifically to the formations on the western borders. In the east of the country it is powerful weapon redundant. This does not mean that Moscow is preparing to start a war. The nature of current threats requires that the most modern weapons Russia held in the western regions,” Knutov emphasized.

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The concept of twin artillery systems originated almost at the beginning of the 20th century. The first prototype of the self-propelled guns was built in 1976. The prototype of the self-propelled guns is the only prototype that was also tested on the topics “object 316” (prototype of the self-propelled gun “Msta-S”), “object 326” and “object 327”. During testing, guns with different ballistics were installed on a rotating platform turret. In the presented configuration - with a cannon from the Giatsint self-propelled gun - the vehicle was tested in 1987.

The "object 327" self-propelled gun was developed as a competitor to the "Msta-S" self-propelled gun, but being quite revolutionary, it remained an experimental self-propelled gun. The self-propelled gun was distinguished by a high degree of automation - reloading of the gun was carried out routinely by an automatic loader with the gun located externally with the ammunition rack placed inside the self-propelled gun body. During tests with two types of guns, the self-propelled gun showed high efficiency, but preference was given to a more “technological” model - 2S19 Msta-S.

Crew of this product was located in an isolated fighting compartment in the bow of the hull, while the fighting compartment with a fully mechanized ammunition rack was located in the central part of the hull of a modified T-72 main tank chassis. The change to the T-72 suspension was minor - they simply moved the rollers apart...

Testing and design of the self-propelled guns were discontinued in 1987. The name of the object “puck” was unofficial. The second copy of the self-propelled gun with the 2A37 gun from the Giatsint self-propelled gun has stood at the training ground since 1988 and is preserved in the Uraltransmash PA museum.

In the 90s, the concept of a promising self-propelled gun, having undergone a number of changes, continued its development in our country and abroad. Promising foreign self-propelled guns "Crusader" (USA). Self-propelled guns "PzH 2000" (Germany) were tested with varying degrees of success. An automatic control system similar in concept and characteristics to these systems was developed in our country in the 80s and 90s by FSUE Uraltransmash, as well as by a number of other enterprises.

However, like its foreign counterparts, it did not have qualities that would provide them with radical advantages over existing modernized models of serial self-propelled guns.

A return to this topic occurred some time later within the framework of the Coalition-SV R&D project - the development of a promising Russian self-propelled artillery installation. The main contractor is: JSC Central Research Institute "Burevestnik" (Nizhny Novgorod). Co-executors: OJSC Uraltransmash, OJSC TsNIIM, OJSC Uralvagonzavod. Since the late 1980s, a study has been conducted to improve the efficiency of self-propelled guns on the topic of research work "Uninhabitability"

Within the framework of the topic, a number of research projects were carried out to determine optimal level interspecific unification of promising artillery weapons large caliber Ground Forces and Navy.

In terms of unification, the task was set rational use in artillery equipment, technical solutions, elements, units and systems common to both the Navy's gun systems (ships and coastal defense) and the Ground Forces' self-propelled artillery guns.

At the end of 2006, one of the prototypes of the Koalitsiya-SV self-propelled artillery mount was demonstrated, made using developments on the Msta-S self-propelled gun and the chassis of the main tank "Object 195".

It is worth noting that modern howitzers are designed to conduct short-term (the time of safe stay at one firing position is up to 1 minute) high-intensity fire with changing firing positions. They move into position, deliver high-intensity fire at distant targets, then move to another position before the enemy can return fire. With the increasing automation of fire control of modern artillery and the widespread introduction of radar reconnaissance equipment for detecting firing positions, the reaction time of enemy artillery as part of reconnaissance and fire systems operating in real time, and, accordingly, the time of safe presence of self-propelled guns at a firing position is significantly reduced. The way to overcome these problems is to create artillery systems with non-traditional design and layout schemes that provide a significant increase in firepower (and, accordingly, a reduction in the time the self-propelled guns are in the firing position), the implementation of which is included in the new generation of domestic self-propelled guns.

In the provided sample:

  • Crew - 2 people (in the final version of the self-propelled guns layout)
  • Chassis:
    • experimental prototype - 6-roller tracked chassis of the self-propelled gun "Msta-S", created on the basis of the T-72 tank.
    • in the subsequent version (not presented to the public) - a 7-wheel tracked tank similar to the base of the "Object 195" tank.

The peculiarity of the Coalition-SV self-propelled gun is that it has two gun barrels at once. Double-barreled self-propelled guns "Coalition-SV" were built before, but they were small-caliber anti-aircraft guns, and the howitzer "Coalition-SV" has a six-inch caliber, which is considered the limit for field artillery. Everything above this caliber belongs to the reserve artillery of the main command.

A self-propelled gun with a twin artillery mount provides an increase in the rate of fire due to the possibility of simultaneous loading of two barrels, which brings the 2S36 "Coalition-SV" closer in fire performance to reactive systems volley fire(MLRS) while maintaining the accuracy of the rifled barrel system. At the same time, the dimensions and weight are kept close to the corresponding dimensions and weight of the traditional single-barrel system.

Increasing the firing efficiency, especially in the “fire raid” or “flurry of fire” mode (foreign term multiple rounds simultaneous impact MRSI), is achieved by the maximum rate of fire at one target by firing shots at different charge numbers (using a variable modular propellant charge) at different elevation angles of the gun mount barrels . At the same time, all shells in a burst can approach the target almost simultaneously, which ensures an extremely high probability of hitting it.

The stability of the ballistic characteristics of all numbers of the variable charge is guaranteed by the uniform fixation in the charging chamber of a caseless variable modular propellant charge on the piston of the sliding bolt-rammer (i.e. at the bottom of the chamber) regardless of the number of modules in a particular charge.

Mobility is currently considered one of the the most important characteristics modern military equipment, and therefore it is not surprising that the creators self-propelled gun"Coalition-SV" took care of its comparative compactness and, accordingly, mobility.

The Koalitsiya-SV self-propelled gun is much lower than the 2F66-1 transport and loading vehicle. As a result, the double-barreled Coalition-SV can be easily transferred not only to the An-124 Ruslan, but also to the Il-76.

Layout of self-propelled guns 2S36 "Coalition-SV"

The workplaces of the crew members of the Coalition-SV howitzer are located in a computerized control module, which is located in the bow of the chassis.

The crew, consisting of 2-3 people, exercises full control over the processes of loading, aiming and firing. The control module is equipped with on-board tactical target selection, positioning and navigation systems. Based on the readings of instruments and sensors, the crew constantly monitors general condition vehicle and the amount of ammunition by type of shot. The development of a new family of ammunition for a promising self-propelled gun was carried out within the framework of the Coalition-BP R&D project.

Loading mechanisms provide automatic selection of the required types of projectiles (high-explosive fragmentation (with a gas generator), active-reactive, guided, smoke, etc.) and modular charges. It is possible to use different variable charges (for example, from one to six pieces). Modular variable charges significantly expand the firing capabilities of the double-barreled self-propelled gun "Coalition-SV".

The Coalition-SV howitzer has a pneumatic loading mechanism and a microwave propellant charge ignition system.

The Coalition-SV crew is located in the turret; here it is housed in a separate armored capsule, like in an Armata tank.

Each workplace crew members are equipped with a complex of remote control of automated fire and instrument monitoring of all operations on displays with a single information and command system. Information and control communication channels between the crew workstations in the control module and the weapons module are duplicated. There are main crew hatches, an evacuation hatch, as well as a technological hatch for transfer to the weapons module.

Installation of the control module in the bow of the hull allows the crew to be accommodated in the least dangerous place combat vehicle.

The main armament is located in the turret, where a twin artillery installation and ammunition with a mechanized loading system. All ammunition is located in a special storage box behind the turret. And the loading of the guns goes on automatic mode- the same as modern tanks. By the way, the loading circuit was copied from the experimental Black Eagle tank.

The engine is located at the rear of the vehicle.

For self-defense, a 12.7 mm Kord anti-aircraft machine gun is mounted on the roof, and 81 mm electrically controlled smoke grenade launchers are installed on the sides of the turret.

The modular solution of the weapons and control departments as independent layout units that perform a specific function makes it possible to reduce the number and enhance the protection of the crew, including from weapons of mass destruction, as well as improve the conditions of interaction and the crew’s performance.

Serial products are planned to be manufactured using the chassis of a promising Russian tank(Armata). The new chassis (seven road wheels per side) has significantly best characteristics in terms of load capacity, mobility, suspension qualities that reduce the vibrations of the artillery mount when firing.

The layout of the self-propelled gun 2S36 "Coalition-SV" uses layout solutions and is unified with the promising "Armata" tank not only in the chassis, but also in the engine and main hull elements.

Transport-loading vehicle for double-barreled self-propelled artillery mount 2S36 "Coalition-SV"

The 2S36 "Coalition-SV" howitzer may be part of a self-propelled artillery complex, which also includes an armored ammunition carrier. Thus, the maintenance of a promising self-propelled gun will be provided by a sufficient number of personnel, despite its significantly reduced crew. Maintenance operations for the promising double-barreled self-propelled gun "Coalition-SV" can be automated to the maximum extent.

After the release of the double-barreled "Coalition-SV" on firing position The gun is fired after automatic targeting of the target by the fire control complex under the control of crew members via displays. Ammunition is supplied from automated ammunition racks to the gun at the entire range of pointing angles.

Mechanisms in the module ensure automatic selection of the required types of projectiles and modular charges. The complex of life protection units purifies the incoming air from the harmful effects of powder gases and weapons of mass destruction and fully ensures comfortable working conditions for the crew.

As part of the Coalition-SV complex (self-propelled guns/TZM), it is possible to implement a fully automated system for loading ammunition on board, loading and firing, ensuring a high rate of fire. Introduction into the complex of an armored transport-loading vehicle (TZM), equipped with an automated subsystem for loading and moving ammunition, which allows the crew to reload all the necessary shots on board the 2S36 howitzer in a few minutes

Very interesting option This 2S36 "Coalition-SV" howitzer is an articulated version. The first section in it is the self-propelled gun itself, but the second, in fact, is a transport-loading machine for more than 200 rounds.

From the engine located in the first section, the power flow is transmitted to the second. Thanks to the presence of the second body, the damping time of oscillations after a fired shot is significantly reduced. In addition, terrain maneuverability increases sharply.

But there is also the option of a charging machine on a wheeled platform.

When discussing options for placing the Coalition-SV self-propelled gun on a tracked or wheeled platform, a representative of JSC Central Research Institute "Burevestnik" noted that the tracked platform is more stable when firing than the wheeled one and does not require extension of the supports. At the same time, he did not rule out that in connection with the transition to wheeled platforms, the Ground Forces will need Coalitions on wheels.

OJSC KamAZ has unveiled 3D models of the promising 152-mm self-propelled artillery system on a wheelbase being developed, created as part of the Coalition-SV-KSh development work. The Motovilikha Plants enterprise (Perm) also participated in the creation of a wheeled version of the self-propelled howitzer.

The chassis chosen for the base was from the KAMAZ-6560 Tornado family of heavy-duty vehicles. This chassis is already in use in the armed forces as a base for the Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile and artillery systems. At the same time, for use in a self-propelled artillery installation, the Tornado vehicle has undergone some changes. First of all, the chassis frame has undergone modifications. When firing, this unit is subject to enormous loads, which required strengthening it. In addition, some other parts of the chassis were changed. These modifications were associated with the installation of a large-sized gun turret.

It should be noted that the creation of the KAMAZ-6560 vehicle actually gave the green light to the development of a self-propelled artillery mount on a wheeled chassis. The chassis available before the appearance of the Tornado could not be the basis for self-propelled guns with characteristics at the level of the new Coalition-SV-KSh. KAMAZ-6560 has a payload capacity of about 24 tons, which made it possible to use this chassis as the basis for a new combat vehicle.

After special modifications to the chassis to ensure the transport base complies with the approved technical requirements A prototype chassis was manufactured and sent to the enterprise where the promising 152-mm artillery system will be mounted.

KamAZ-6560. Source: a2goos.com

Simultaneously with the strengthening of the chassis frame, the Coalition-SV-KSh project applied some additional solutions to ensure the operability of the combat vehicle. As can be seen from the available materials, the chassis is additionally equipped with four lowered outriggers. Thus, a self-propelled howitzer should fire not from wheels, but from strong supports. According to the calculations of the project’s authors, it should take approximately one and a half minutes to bring the self-propelled gun into combat position after arriving at the position. During this time, the outriggers are lowered, the operation of the tower systems is checked, etc. The wheeled chassis allows you to quickly move the self-propelled gun into a traveling position after firing and leave the position.

This is a picture of a 3D model in the first study of the installation of a 152 mm artillery system. An armored gun turret is installed on the chassis platform. The fighting compartment is made uninhabited. It houses an automated ammunition stowage system, an automatic loader, and a 152mm 2A86 howitzer. Unlike the Koalitsiya-SV self-propelled gun on a tracked chassis, the turret of a wheeled self-propelled howitzer has one gun, not two.

Power point

The power plant is a single 1200-horsepower diesel turbopiston engine A-85-3A (sometimes designated as 2A12-3, 12CHN15/16 or 12N360). Motor life is at least 2000 hours. Weight up to 5 tons. MTU volume up to 4 m3. There is a possibility of modernization. In terms of size, weight and power characteristics, the new product should surpass the best foreign models of engine-transmission units. It should be noted that the rated engine power is 1500 hp, up to 1200 hp. a restriction was introduced, which significantly increased the service life.

The engine was developed by the Chelyabinsk GSKB Transdiesel, and will be produced at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant. The diesel four-stroke, X-shaped, 12-cylinder with gas turbine turbine supercharging and air intercooling, liquid cooling, the 12N360 engine passed the entire range of tests, from endurance to running, back in 2011.

Technical characteristics of the A-85-3A (12N360) engine for the Koalitsiya-SV self-propelled guns

  • Engine type - four-stroke, X-shaped, 12-cylinder with gas turbine turbine supercharging and intermediate air cooling.
  • Mixture formation system - direct fuel injection
  • Engine power without resistance at inlet and outlet, kW (hp) - 1103 (1500)
  • Rotation speed, s-1 (rpm) - 33.3 (2000)
  • Torque reserve,% - 25
  • Specific fuel consumption, g/kW*h (g/hp*h) - 217.9 (160)
  • Weight, kg - 1550
  • Specific power, kW/kg (hp/kg) - 0.74 (1.0)
  • Overall power, kW/kg (hp/kg) - 1026 (1395)
  • Specific gravity, kg/kW - 1.32
  • Length, mm - 813
  • Width, mm - 1300
  • Height, mm - 820

The 12N360 engine is a fully developed engine, not a bench engine at all, it was exactly the same one that was installed on our promising tanks (object 195), which underwent State tests not so long ago. In part power plant The testing was completed successfully, the engine had no complaints - despite the fact that the tests were very tough.

Artillery unit of the 2S36 "Coalition-SV" howitzer

Double-barreled 152 mm howitzer 2A86 with two-way automatic supply of ammunition. The cannon system is the basis of the installation being developed for large ships of the Navy.

A variant of a twin artillery mount with the shell and charge storage located under the artillery mount (ship's below-deck version).

Despite the growing importance of aviation in the field modern combat, the artillery does not give up its positions and retains its role effective remedy hitting any targets - from infantry to fortifications. One of its most important types is self-propelled artillery units (self-propelled guns). They are often used for fire support of troops on the battlefield, for artillery preparation before storming enemy positions, as well as for mining dangerous areas of defense and destroying enemy minefields. Implementation latest technologies provides self-propelled artillery units with high accuracy, rate of fire and mobility. The significance of self-propelled guns in the realities of typical regional conflict our time has increased significantly.

One of the most anticipated new products, which general public could see one of the recent Victory Parades in Moscow, the newest self-propelled artillery mount 2S35 “Coalition-SV”. This machine has a long and complicated story creation.


In 1989, the 2S19 Msta-S self-propelled howitzer was put into service. In terms of its main characteristics, it was in no way inferior to its foreign analogues. But over time, everything changed: the firing range of foreign self-propelled guns increased to 40 kilometers (with some ammunition), and the Burevestnik Central Research Institute (Nizhny Novgorod) began to develop a new artillery system, called Msta-SM. In parallel with them, specialists from this research institute developed several multi-barreled artillery systems.

At the beginning of 2003, designers already had sufficient developments to create a double-barrel howitzer self-propelled system. In 2004, its tests began, as a result of which they decided to abandon the double-barrel layout. Installing two barrels at once on one machine seriously complicated and increased the cost of the design. It was these works that gave rise to a new project, later called “Coalition”.

The project officially started in 2006. The first two were made in 2013 prototypes, and the next - the first batch of self-propelled guns of ten vehicles.

By 2020, this 152-mm self-propelled howitzer should replace the outdated Akatsiya and Msta self-propelled guns.


The Coalition-SV self-propelled gun is built on the basis of the main Russian T-90 tank. In the future, they want to transfer it to the base of the Armata universal combat platform, as well as create a wheeled version.

The self-propelled gun is made according to a turret design and the structure of its hull generally repeats the layout of the T-90 hull. The hull consists of three compartments: power, combat and control compartments. The control compartment is located in the bow of the hull; it houses the driver-mechanic and machine control devices. Nearby are places for the gun commander and gunner.

The fighting compartment is completely uninhabited; it is located in the middle part of the hull. Loading and formation of a shot occurs fully automatically, without the participation of the crew. Loading is separate. The crew is completely separated from the fighting compartment, which increases its safety and also protects it from powder gases. The control module is computerized, all information is displayed on displays. The vehicle commander and gunner's positions are equipped with operations control systems. At their positions, the commander and gunner can receive information about the surrounding terrain, aim the gun, receive target indications via a special communication channel and calculate corrections for firing. They can do all this at any time of the day.

At the rear of the vehicle there is a power compartment with an engine and transmission. A 152 mm rifled howitzer is located in a rotating turret. The tower also houses a smoke jamming system and laser warning sensors.

On the muzzle of the gun there is muzzle brake. The gun is loaded automatically, and the projectile can be loaded into the gun at any angle of inclination: there is no need to lower the barrel onto the loading line. The loading mechanism is pneumatic. The shot is fired using a microwave charge.

The loading mechanism significantly increased the rate of fire of the Coalition-SV. The rate of fire of the installation is 1.5 times higher than the Msta and Akatsiya self-propelled guns. The gun's ammunition capacity ranges from 50 to 70 shells. Self-propelled guns can use high-explosive fragmentation shells, guided projectiles, the flight of which can be adjusted using information from the GLONASS system, as well as projectiles special purpose: smoke, lighting, incendiary.

The self-propelled gun is capable of firing at a range of up to 70 kilometers. "Coalition-SV" can operate in the "flurry of fire" mode, in which it produces large number shots at the same target, but along different trajectories, due to which the shells hit the target almost simultaneously. The vehicle can be prepared for shooting at as soon as possible and leave the position one minute after it ends.

A special vehicle based on KamAZ was created for Coalition-SV, which can transport and unload ammunition. It only takes 15 minutes to top up your bookmaker from this machine.

On the roof of the self-propelled gun turret there is a machine gun mount with a KORD machine gun. It is controlled remotely, its elevation angle is 75 degrees. The installation contains a guidance system and a laser rangefinder.

The armor of the artillery hull is bulletproof steel.

They plan to put the “Coalition” into service in brigades of the Russian Ground Forces.

Machine modifications

Now the self-propelled guns are based on the T-90 tank, but some experts believe that the universal Armata platform will be much better suited for these purposes. However, there are several more options - for example, a KamAZ-6560 all-terrain vehicle can be used as the base of a self-propelled unit. The cross-country ability of the wheeled version will most likely be lower than the tracked one, however, it should be much more mobile and have a serious advantage in speed.

There is information about experiments with the charge for this weapon. A new charge created on the basis of a substance with a high energy capacity can significantly increase the firing range. But there has been no official confirmation of this yet.

There is another option for this installation. It consists of two articulated vehicles: the first is an self-propelled gun, and the second is a transport-loading vehicle, which the installation carries on a trailer. Thanks to this scheme, the loading time of an artillery mount is reduced several times and the maneuverability of the complex is significantly increased.

It is also planned to install Koalitsiya-SV self-propelled guns on warships.


Full information about the car is not yet available.

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Head of the press service of the Western Military District, Colonel Igor Muginov reported that this year the long-awaited replenishment should come to the district - self-propelled howitzers or self-propelled artillery mounts (SAU) "Msta-SM" and "Coalition-SV". "Msta" enters service with the district units stationed in the Moscow region. A more advanced “Coalition” will be moved to our western borders.

"Msta-SM" - howitzer with difficult fate. It is a deep modernization of the Msta-S self-propelled guns, which came into service in the artillery in 1989. Its effectiveness is 4-5 times higher than the efficiency of the previous generation Akatsiya self-propelled guns. However, this development was stopped due to the switch of the Yekaterinburg Ural Transport Engineering Plant to the creation of the Coalition-SV self-propelled guns. But later, when the more powerful Coalition was prepared for testing, the interrupted development continued. And the howitzer, designated 2S19M2, was put into service in 2012. The presence in the army of two self-propelled guns, solving the same problems, is explained by the fact that their prices are significantly different. And for the same money you can produce more Msta self-propelled howitzers.

As for the self-propelled gun 2S35 "Coalition-SV", the tests of which are being completed, it turned out to be the most effective self-propelled howitzer, exceeding the characteristics foreign analogues 1.5−2 times. This is largely due to the fact that in the West the creation of this type of weapons was frozen 1.5-2 decades ago.

The 2S35 self-propelled gun is designed to destroy tactical nuclear complexes, artillery and mortar batteries, tanks and armored personnel carriers. As well as air defense and missile defense systems, control points, field fortifications and to impede the maneuvers of enemy reserves in the depths of his defense.


Development began in 2006 at Uraltransmash and at the Burevestnik Central Research Institute. Several options were considered during the preliminary design process. Single-barreled and double-barreled. Howitzers are placed on wheeled (KAMAZ) and tracked (T-90) chassis. Subsequently, when the newest platform “Armata” appeared, preference was given to it. Although by this time several samples of single-barrel self-propelled guns based on the T-90 tank had been built and tested. In the future, it is planned to switch to Armata.

"Coalition-SV" combines the advantages of the platform and the weapon based on it. The result is an self-propelled gun with unique characteristics. "Armata" provides the howitzer with the highest level of protection. Moreover, this protection has four degrees of repelling attacks.

  1. Ensuring stealth in the optical, infrared and radar ranges. A whole range of means are used here - from stealth technology and measures to reduce thermal radiation to the use of aerosol clouds that establish a visual, thermal and radio curtain.
  2. Active protection, which is the destruction of incoming missiles and shells. To destroy shells and missiles, grenades installed in mortars located along the perimeter of the gun turret are used. Grenade fragments flying at an angle of 20 degrees intercept enemy ammunition within a radius of 15-20 meters. A high-precision machine gun is also used, which, based on guidance from the radar, is capable of hitting even sub-caliber shells with a high probability.
  3. Dynamic armor protection. It is a complex heterogeneous structure of armor, due to which there is a destructive and deflecting effect on the incoming projectile. Also, in the event of a breakdown, the Armata’s armor does not produce fragments.
  4. Internal protection. The crew of the self-propelled gun is located in an armored capsule, where all the electronics are located. The engine compartment is separated by an armored partition. The ammunition is located in a container located behind the gun. The automatic cannon is located in the turret, where there is no crew.


The main weapon of the 2S35 self-propelled gun is the 152-mm howitzer 2A88. The length of the rifled barrel is 52 calibers or approximately 7.5 meters. The gun has a modular (cap) loading - the flammable charge and the projectile are not united by a cartridge case, but are fed into the chamber separately. At the end of the barrel there is a traditional muzzle brake, which reduces recoil when firing.

There is an automatic loading device operating on a pneumatic principle. Thanks to this, it was possible to increase the rate of fire to record levels, which exceed 15 rounds per minute. In this case, the loading machine does not require the barrel to be returned to its original position; reloading is carried out in any of its working positions. There is semi-official information that during testing it was possible to achieve a rate of fire of 22 rounds per minute. However, 15 is also a lot; no other howitzer has such results. Such a high rate of fire would not be possible without an effective barrel cooling system. According to the developers, it is radically different from the existing ones.

Rate of fire is an extremely important characteristic for self-propelled guns. After the howitzer starts firing, the enemy detects its coordinates and opens fire to suppress it. Therefore, it is extremely important to quickly fire a sufficient number of shells to guarantee suppression of the target and change position.

The ammunition load includes up to 70 projectiles, both conventional high-explosive fragmentation and active-reactive guided missiles, created on the basis of the Krasnopol projectile. The flight path is controlled using GLONASS. The projectile is equipped with a solid propellant accelerator, as well as four aerodynamic rudders and four retractable stabilizers.

A number of parameters of the new self-propelled guns are kept secret. In particular, it is not indicated whether the ammunition includes a projectile with a semi-active laser homing head. In principle, such shells are available among various modifications of the Krasnopol.

However, the firing range indicators have been released. And they are record-breaking - the new active-reactive guided projectile "Coalition-SV" flies 70 kilometers. In this case, it is possible to direct projectiles along different trajectories in such a way that they all converge at one point.

The charge is ignited electromagnetic pulse Microwave.

The 2F66−1 transport-loading vehicle was also developed for the self-propelled guns based on the KamAZ vehicle. It is capable of delivering up to 90 charges. The loading time of the self-propelled gun is less than 15 minutes.

"Coalition-SV" is equipped with an automated fire control system. It allows you to automatically select a target, aim at it and fire until it is completely destroyed. ACS integrated into unified system tactical level control, which allows you to receive target designation data from other vehicles or command posts via a digital secure channel. This system allows the howitzer to operate day and night and adjust fire both to the crew and remotely from the command post when the crew is not in the command compartment of the self-propelled gun.

The self-propelled gun turret is equipped with a remote-controlled 12.7 mm machine gun, equipped with an automatic guidance system via a television channel and a laser range finder. The kit includes 200 rounds.

The advantages of this self-propelled gun include its low weight - 48 tons, as well as a large power reserve, high speed and passability.

The best howitzers NATO is 20 kilometers behind

It is pointless to compare the American M109A6 self-propelled gun with the development of Uraltransmash. Entered into service in 1963, it has, of course, been modernized several times. The latest M109A6 PIM upgrade entered service in 2012. However, as a result, the rate of fire remained equal to 4 rounds per minute, and the range did not exceed 30 kilometers. The essence of the changes boiled down to saturating the car with electronics. Also, quite recently, the hydraulic drive of the implement control was replaced by an electric one. At the same time, loading remained semi-automatic. The 400-horsepower engine was replaced with a 500-horsepower one, “transplanting” the howitzer to the M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle. The platform, produced since 1981, also cannot be classified as a new word in armored vehicles.

Quite decent self-propelled guns are made in Germany, South Korea and Great Britain.

The Germans were prompted to create the PzH-2000 self-propelled gun, which fits perfectly into the 21st century, by their reluctance to settle for an American “antique” - the M109A6 Palladin self-propelled howitzer - which for many years was in service with the Bundeswehr. The howitzer was created over the course of 10 years, its mass production began in 1998.

She has very serious characteristics. 155 mm gun with 60 rounds of ammunition. The automated loading device provides a rate of fire of 8-10 rounds per minute. At the same time, active-missile projectiles are capable of flying 50 kilometers. The control system allows targeting and firing in semi-automatic and automatic modes. Target designation and fire correction can be carried out from the command post.

The layout of this self-propelled gun differs from the Coalition-SV. The engine is located in the front part of the tracked chassis, the turret with the gun is shifted as far as possible to the stern.

A high degree of automation allows firing by a crew of three, while the regular crew consists of five. Full composition required for the deployment of self-propelled guns. For comparison: for the deployment of three American self-propelled guns M109, total firepower which is equal to one German installation, requires at least 24 people.

South Korea, located in close proximity to its restive northern neighbor, needed an effective self-propelled howitzer like air. And it was done by 1998. The K9 Thunder self-propelled gun was developed by Samsung.

The caliber of the gun is 155 mm. The loading system is semi-automatic. Thanks to the intensive work of the crew, the first 3 shots are completed in 15 seconds. However, then the speed drops, and the rate of fire is 6-8 rounds per minute. Maximum firing range rockets the same as the Germans - 50 kilometers. But the ammunition load is more modest - 48 shells. Just like in Coalition-SV, it is possible to send projectiles to one target along different trajectories. It is possible to fire nuclear warheads.

The British did not intend to fight in Europe at the end of the last century. Therefore, their AS90 self-propelled howitzer is made with desert operation in mind. And she passed the tests in Saudi Arabia.

Initially, the 155 mm howitzer had a short barrel, which is why the firing range did not exceed 30 kilometers. After replacing the barrel, the rockets began to fly 40 kilometers. In operation since 1995.

The howitzer is equipped with modern electronics that allow automated target designation. It is possible to fire directly. However, there is no automatic charging; work is currently underway to create a corresponding machine.

Successful self-propelled guns also include the Chinese 155 mm howitzer PLZ-05, which in many ways resembles the Russian Msta-S. But in a partially modernized form. Thanks to this, it was possible to increase the firing range to 40 kilometers with a good rate of fire of 8 rounds per minute. PLZ-05 entered service in 2007.

Performance characteristics of self-propelled guns "Coalition-SV", PzH-2000 (Germany), K9 Thunder (RK),AS90 (UK), M109A6PIM (USA)

Combat weight, t: 48 - 55 - 47 - 45 - n/a

Crew: 3 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5

Gun caliber, mm: 152 - 155 - 155 - 155 - 155

Barrel length, calibers: 52 - 52 - 52 - 52 - 39

Ammo: 70 - 60 - 48 - 48 - 40

Firing range, km: 40 - 30 - 30 - 30 - 22

Missile firing range, km: 70 - 50 - 50 - 40 - 30

Rate of fire: rds/min: >15 – 10 – 8 – 6 – 4

Engine power, l. s: 1500 - 1000 - 1000 - 660 - 500

Maximum speed on the highway, km/h: n/a — 60 — 67 — 53 — n/a

Cruising range on the highway, km: n/a - 420 - 480 - 420 - n/a.

Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov announced the upcoming delivery to the troops of 12 self-propelled artillery units (SAU) 2S35 “Coalition-SV”. The newest howitzers will be tested until 2020. Based on the results of operation, the military department will decide on the adoption and procurement of the “Coalition”.

“We have contracted 12 samples of the Coalition-SV, they will undergo military operation until 2020. In 2020, we will complete state tests and will already make a decision on serial purchases,” Borisov said after visiting Uraltransmash (part of the Uralvagonzavod corporation) - the only enterprise in the Russian Federation that produces self-propelled guns.

The Russian Ministry of Defense signed a contract for the supply of an experimental batch of the Coalition in September 2017. However, then it was a question of purchasing 10 cars. In May 2017, the head of the missile forces and artillery of the ground forces, Lieutenant General Mikhail Matveevsky, said that serial deliveries of howitzers could begin in 2020.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Defense continues to modernize the 2S19 Msta-S self-propelled guns (in service since 1989). As Borisov noted, the department will maintain the same pace of re-equipment with Msta-SM installations. The Deputy Minister clarified that every year Uraltransmash transfers 36 updated howitzers to the troops. According to Borisov, the ongoing modernization makes it possible to increase the combat qualities of the Msta-S self-propelled guns by 40%.

"Squall of Fire"

“Coalition-SV” (the index “SV” means “ground forces”) is designed to destroy large armored targets (artillery, tanks, anti-tank vehicles), missile systems, fortified military installations and various engineering structures deep in enemy defenses.

"Coalition-SV" in the future should become the main self-propelled artillery gun in the ground units of the Russian army. In particular, the new self-propelled guns are designed to replace the unmodernized Msta-S vehicles in the troops.

Work on the creation of the “Coalition” began in the mid-2000s within the walls of the Burevestnik Central Research Institute. The Coalition-SV project was Russia’s response to the appearance in the Western armed forces of self-propelled guns that were superior to the Msta in terms of tactical and technical characteristics.

In the early 2000s, the American army began to receive modernized versions of the M109 Paladin self-propelled guns, and the German armed forces received the Panzerhaubitze 2000, which, according to foreign observers, are the best self-propelled howitzers in the world in terms of rate of fire (12 rounds per minute).

Modern Western self-propelled guns are capable of firing in a mode known in Russia as a “flurry of fire” (according to NATO classification - MRSI, Multiple Rounds Simultaneous Impact). Self-propelled guns can fire several projectiles from one gun, which fly towards the target along different trajectories.

“Firing in MRSI mode is carried out along a hinged trajectory, and projectiles fly at different angles. On average, three to five shells are fired. The probability of destroying a target using MRSI reaches almost 100%. “Msta” is not capable of this, but the characteristics of the “Coalition” allow it to fire in MRSI mode,” said the director of the air defense museum in Balashikha, military expert Yuri Knutov, in an interview with RT.

According to the expert, “Coalition” is very different from “Msta”, despite the external similarity. The new self-propelled gun surpasses its predecessor in firing range (40-70 km versus 25-29 km), rate of fire (15-20 rounds per minute versus 10), ammunition capacity (70-90 shells versus 50), highway speed (up to 90 km /h versus 60 km/h).

Knutov believes that Burevestnik specialists have created a new generation of weapons that are superior to their Western counterparts.

At the same time, the expert noted that the “Coalition” will be finalized for several more years.

20 rounds per minute

The first photographs of the “Coalition” appeared in 2013, when the testing phase began. Five years ago, the designers equipped the self-propelled gun prototype with two guns in order to increase the rate of fire, but in the end, Burevestnik specialists returned the newest self-propelled gun to its familiar appearance. On May 9, 2015, at the Victory Parade, the Coalition appeared in a single-barrel version.

  • Self-propelled guns "Coalition-SV" at the military parade in honor of Victory Day, May 9, 2017
  • RIA Novosti
  • Alexander Vilf

“Most likely, double-barreled equipment required additional technical innovations. Tests have shown that this is too complex a solution. In addition, two barrels can increase the rate of fire by a maximum of 1.5 times. It is much easier to equip an SPG with one high-tech barrel and reliable automated control systems (ACS). Actually, this is what was done,” Knutov explained.

The Coalition is equipped with a 152-mm 2A88 cannon, which can fire up to 20 shells within a minute. On the battlefield, this gives an undeniable advantage over enemy equipment and the counter-battery system. Having fired in MRSI mode, the howitzer immediately changes position.

“The main problem that all designers are struggling with is the lack of effective ways to cool the barrel after a shot. It is this factor that is the main obstacle to increasing firepower. However, the crew of modern howitzers, including the Coalition, monitors the barrel temperature using special sensors,” Knutov noted.

According to foreign sources, all processes in the Coalition, including loading ammunition and loading, are automated. The high level of automation is evidenced by the crew size - three people (versus five for the Panzerhaubitze 2000 and four for the newest version of the M109).

In addition, the combat module of the Coalition is “non-residential”, and the crew, like in the T-14 Armata tank, is placed in a special armored capsule. In the opinion of foreign analysts, Burevestnik specialists incorporated advanced Western developments into the self-propelled guns.

“Russia could really borrow a lot. But the peculiarity of the Coalition is that, despite the high degree of automation, its crew is able to control the self-propelled guns the old fashioned way - manually. Unlike the best Western self-propelled guns, the mechanical control channel in the Coalition is preserved, and if the electronics fail, the self-propelled gun will not turn into a pile of metal,” Knutov emphasized.

The first owner of the “Coalition,” as Russian and foreign experts expect, will be the 1st Tank Army, recreated in 2015, stationed in the Western Military District (WMD).

The “Coalition” will go specifically to the formations on the western borders. In the east of the country such powerful weapons are redundant. This does not mean that Moscow is preparing to start a war. The nature of current threats requires that Russia keep the most modern weapons in the western regions,” Knutov emphasized.