Presentation - nuclear weapons, their damaging factors - radiation protection. Presentation on the topic “damaging factors of a nuclear explosion” Characteristics of the source of nuclear damage

Nuclear weapons A weapon whose destructive effect is based on the use of intranuclear energy released during a chain reaction of fission of heavy nuclei of some isotopes of uranium and plutonium or during thermonuclear reactions of fusion of nuclei of light hydrogen isotopes. Explosion nuclear bomb in Nagasaki (1945)

Depending on the type of nuclear charge, we can distinguish: thermonuclear weapon, the main energy release of which occurs during thermal nuclear reaction- synthesis of heavy elements from lighter ones, and a nuclear charge is used as a fuse for a thermonuclear reaction; neutron weapon - a low-power nuclear charge, supplemented with a mechanism that ensures the release of most of the explosion energy in the form of a stream of fast neutrons; its main damaging factor is neutron radiation and induced radioactivity.

Soviet intelligence had information about the work to create atomic bomb in the USA, coming from nuclear physicists sympathetic to the USSR, in particular Klaus Fuchs. This information was reported by Beria to Stalin. However, it is believed that the letter from the Soviet physicist Flerov addressed to him at the beginning of 1943, who was able to explain the essence of the problem popularly, was of decisive importance. As a result, on February 11, 1943, the State Defense Committee adopted a decree to begin work on the creation of an atomic bomb. General management was entrusted to the deputy chairman of the State Defense Committee V.M. Molotov, who, in turn, appointed head nuclear project I. Kurchatov (his appointment was signed on March 10). Information received through intelligence channels facilitated and accelerated the work of Soviet scientists.

On November 6, 1947, USSR Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov made a statement regarding the secret of the atomic bomb, saying that “this secret has long ceased to exist.” This statement meant that Soviet Union has already discovered the secret of atomic weapons, and he has these weapons at his disposal. The scientific circles of the United States of America accepted this statement by V. M. Molotov as a bluff, believing that the Russians could master atomic weapons no earlier than 1952. American reconnaissance satellites have discovered the exact location of Russian tactical nuclear weapons in Kaliningrad region, which contradicts the statements of Moscow, which denies the fact of the transfer of tactical weapons there.

Successful test The first Soviet atomic bomb was carried out on August 29, 1949 at a built test site in the Semipalatinsk region of Kazakhstan. On September 25, 1949, the Pravda newspaper published a TASS report “in connection with the statement of US President Truman about holding a atomic explosion»:

The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "Life Safety"

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Definition Nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction with explosive action, based on the use of intranuclear energy released during chain reactions of fission of heavy nuclei of some isotopes of uranium and plutonium or during thermonuclear reactions of fusion of light nuclei of hydrogen isotopes (deuterium and tritium) into heavier ones, for example, isotope nuclei helium

Among modern means armed struggle nuclear weapons occupy special place- it is the main means of defeating the enemy. Nuclear weapons make it possible to destroy enemy weapons of mass destruction, in short terms inflict on him big losses in manpower and military equipment, destroy structures and other objects, contaminate the area with radioactive substances, as well as provide the available personnel with a strong moral and psychological impact and thereby create a party using nuclear weapons, favorable conditions to achieve victory in the war.

Sometimes, depending on the type of charge, narrower concepts are used, for example: atomic weapons (devices that use fission chain reactions), thermonuclear weapons. Features of the damaging effect nuclear explosion in relation to personnel and military equipment depend not only on the power of the ammunition and the type of explosion, but also on the type of nuclear charger.

Devices designed to carry out the explosive process of releasing intranuclear energy are called nuclear charges. The power of nuclear weapons is usually characterized by TNT equivalent, i.e. such amount of TNT in tons, the explosion of which releases the same amount of energy as the explosion of a given nuclear weapon. Nuclear ammunition by power is conventionally divided into: ultra-small (up to 1 kt), small (1-10 kt), medium (kt), large (100 kt - 1 Mt) and extra-large (over 1 Mt).

Types of nuclear explosions and their damaging factors Depending on the tasks solved with the use of nuclear weapons, nuclear explosions can be carried out: in the air, on the surface of the earth and water, underground and in water. In accordance with this, explosions are distinguished: airborne, ground (surface), underground (underwater).

This is an explosion produced at an altitude of up to 10 km, when the luminous area does not touch the ground (water). Air explosions are divided into low and high. Severe radioactive contamination of the area occurs only near the epicenters of low air explosions. Infection of the area following the trail of a cloud significant influence does not affect the actions of personnel.

The main damaging factors of an air nuclear explosion are: air shock wave, penetrating radiation, light radiation, electromagnetic pulse. During an airborne nuclear explosion, the soil in the area of ​​the epicenter swells. Radioactive contamination of the area, affecting fighting troops, is formed only from low air nuclear explosions. In areas where neutron munitions are used, induced activity is generated in the soil, equipment and structures, which can cause injury (irradiation) to personnel.

An aerial nuclear explosion begins with a short-term blinding flash, the light from which can be observed at a distance of several tens and hundreds of kilometers. Following the flash, a luminous area appears in the form of a sphere or hemisphere (in a ground explosion), which is a source of powerful light radiation. At the same time, a powerful flow of gamma radiation and neutrons, which are formed during a nuclear chain reaction and during the decay of radioactive fragments of nuclear charge fission, spreads from the explosion zone into the environment. Gamma rays and neutrons emitted during a nuclear explosion are called penetrating radiation. Under the influence of instantaneous gamma radiation, atoms are ionized environment, which leads to the emergence of electric and magnetic fields. These fields, due to their short duration of action, are usually called electromagnetic pulse nuclear explosion.

At the center of a nuclear explosion, the temperature instantly rises to several million degrees, as a result of which the charge material turns into a high-temperature plasma that emits X-rays. The pressure of gaseous products initially reaches several billion atmospheres. The sphere of hot gases of the luminous region, trying to expand, compresses the adjacent layers of air, creates a sharp pressure drop at the boundary of the compressed layer and forms a shock wave that propagates from the center of the explosion in various directions. Since the density of the gases that make up fireball, much lower than the density of the surrounding air, the ball quickly rises upward. In this case, a mushroom-shaped cloud is formed containing gases, water vapor, fine particles soil and a huge amount of radioactive explosion products. Upon reaching maximum height The cloud, under the influence of air currents, is transported over long distances, dissipates, and radioactive products fall to the surface of the earth, creating radioactive contamination of the area and objects.

Ground (above-water) nuclear explosion This is an explosion produced on the surface of the earth (water), in which the luminous area touches the surface of the earth (water), and the dust (water) column is connected to the explosion cloud from the moment of formation. Characteristic feature A ground (above-water) nuclear explosion is a strong radioactive contamination of the area (water) both in the area of ​​the explosion and in the direction of movement of the explosion cloud.

Ground-based (above-water) nuclear explosion During ground-based nuclear explosions, an explosion crater is formed on the surface of the earth and severe radioactive contamination of the area both in the area of ​​the explosion and in the wake of the radioactive cloud. During ground and low air nuclear explosions, seismic explosion waves occur in the ground, which can disable buried structures.

Underground (underwater) nuclear explosion This is an explosion produced underground (underwater) and characterized by the release large quantity soil (water) mixed with nuclear explosive products (fission fragments of uranium-235 or plutonium-239). The damaging and destructive effect of an underground nuclear explosion is determined mainly by seismic explosion waves (the main damaging factor), the formation of a crater in the ground and severe radioactive contamination of the area. There is no light emission or penetrating radiation. Characteristic of an underwater explosion is the formation of a plume (column of water), a base wave formed when the plume (column of water) collapses.

Underground (underwater) nuclear explosion The main damaging factors of an underground explosion are: seismic explosion waves in the ground, air shock wave, radioactive contamination of the area and atmosphere. In a comulet explosion, the main damaging factor is seismic blast waves.

Surface nuclear explosion A surface nuclear explosion is an explosion carried out on the surface of the water (contact) or at such a height from it that the luminous area of ​​the explosion touches the surface of the water. The main damaging factors of a surface explosion are: air shock wave, underwater shock wave, light radiation, penetrating radiation, electromagnetic pulse, radioactive contamination of the water area and coastal zone.

The main damaging factors of an underwater explosion are: an underwater shock wave (tsunami), an air shock wave, radioactive contamination of the water area, coastal areas and coastal objects. During underwater nuclear explosions, the ejected soil can block the riverbed and cause flooding of large areas.

High-altitude nuclear explosion A high-altitude nuclear explosion is an explosion produced above the boundary of the Earth's troposphere (above 10 km). The main damaging factors of high-altitude explosions are: air shock wave (at an altitude of up to 30 km), penetrating radiation, light radiation (at an altitude of up to 60 km), X-ray radiation, gas flow (scattering explosion products), electromagnetic pulse, ionization of the atmosphere (at altitude over 60 km).

Cosmic nuclear explosion Cosmic explosions differ from stratospheric explosions not only in the values ​​of the characteristics of the physical processes accompanying them, but also in the physical processes. The damaging factors of cosmic nuclear explosions are: penetrating radiation; x-ray radiation; ionization of the atmosphere, resulting in a luminescent air glow that lasts for hours; gas flow; electromagnetic pulse; weak radioactive contamination of the air.

Damaging factors of a nuclear explosion The main damaging factors and distribution of the energy share of a nuclear explosion: shock wave - 35%; light radiation – 35%; penetrating radiation – 5%; radioactive contamination -6%. electromagnetic pulse –1% Simultaneous exposure to several damaging factors leads to combined injuries to personnel. Weapons, equipment and fortifications fail mainly due to exposure to shock wave.

Shock wave Shock wave (SW) area sharply compressed air, spreading in all directions from the center of the explosion at supersonic speed. Hot vapors and gases, trying to expand, produce a sharp blow to the surrounding layers of air, compress them to high pressures and densities and heat them to high temperature(several tens of thousands of degrees). This layer of compressed air represents a shock wave. The front boundary of the compressed air layer is called the shock wave front. The shock front is followed by a region of rarefaction, where the pressure is below atmospheric. Near the center of the explosion, the speed of propagation of shock waves is several times higher than the speed of sound. As the distance from the explosion increases, the speed of wave propagation quickly decreases. At large distances, its speed approaches the speed of sound in air.

Shock wave The shock wave of medium-power ammunition travels: the first kilometer in 1.4 s; the second in 4 s; fifth in 12 s. The damaging effect of hydrocarbons on people, equipment, buildings and structures is characterized by: velocity pressure; excess pressure in the front of the shock wave movement and the time of its impact on the object (compression phase).

Shock wave The impact of shock waves on people can be direct and indirect. With direct impact, the cause of injury is an instantaneous increase in air pressure, which is perceived as a sharp blow, leading to fractures, damage internal organs, rupture of blood vessels. With indirect exposure, people are affected by flying debris from buildings and structures, stones, trees, broken glass and other items. Indirect impact reaches 80% of all lesions.

Shock wave At excess pressure kPa (0.2-0.4 kgf/cm 2), unprotected people can receive minor injuries (minor bruises and contusions). Exposure to shock waves with excess pressure kPa leads to moderate damage: loss of consciousness, damage to the hearing organs, severe dislocations of the limbs, damage to internal organs. Extremely severe lesions, often with fatal, are observed at excess pressure above 100 kPa.

Shock wave The degree of damage to various objects by a shock wave depends on the power and type of explosion, mechanical strength (stability of the object), as well as on the distance at which the explosion occurred, the terrain and the position of objects on the ground. To protect against the effects of hydrocarbons, the following should be used: trenches, cracks and trenches, reducing this effect by 1.5-2 times; dugouts 2-3 times; shelters by 3-5 times; basements of houses (buildings); terrain (forest, ravines, hollows, etc.).

Light radiation Light radiation is a stream of radiant energy, including ultraviolet, visible and infrared rays. Its source is a luminous area formed by hot explosion products and hot air. Light radiation spreads almost instantly and lasts, depending on the power of the nuclear explosion, up to 20 s. However, its strength is such that, despite its short duration, it can cause skin burns ( skin), damage (permanent or temporary) to the organs of vision of people and fire of flammable materials of objects. At the moment of formation of a luminous region, the temperature on its surface reaches tens of thousands of degrees. The main damaging factor of light radiation is the light pulse.

Light radiation Light impulse is the amount of energy in calories incident on a unit surface area perpendicular to the direction of radiation during the entire glow time. The weakening of light radiation is possible due to its screening by atmospheric clouds, uneven terrain, vegetation and local items, snowfall or smoke. Thus, thick light weakens the light pulse by A-9 times, rare light by 2-4 times, and smoke (aerosol) curtains by 10 times.

Light radiation To protect the population from light radiation, it is necessary to use protective structures, basements of houses and buildings, and the protective properties of the area. Any barrier that can create a shadow protects against the direct action of light radiation and prevents burns.

Penetrating Radiation Penetrating radiation is the flow of gamma rays and neutrons emitted from the area of ​​a nuclear explosion. Its duration of action is s, the range is 2-3 km from the center of the explosion. In conventional nuclear explosions, neutrons make up approximately 30%, and in the explosion of neutron weapons, % of Y-radiation. The damaging effect of penetrating radiation is based on the ionization of cells (molecules) of a living organism, leading to death. Neutrons, in addition, interact with the nuclei of atoms of some materials and can cause induced activity in metals and technology.

Penetrating radiation Y radiation photon radiation (with photon energy J) resulting from a change energy state atomic nuclei, nuclear transformations or particle annihilation.

Penetrating radiation Gamma radiation is photons, i.e. electromagnetic wave, carrying energy. In the air it can travel long distances, gradually losing energy as a result of collisions with atoms of the medium. Intense gamma radiation, if not protected from it, can damage not only the skin, but also internal tissues. Dense and heavy materials such as iron and lead are excellent barriers to gamma radiation.

Penetrating radiation The main parameter characterizing penetrating radiation is: for y-radiation, dose and radiation dose rate, for neutrons, flux and flux density. Permissible doses of radiation to the population in wartime: single dose for 4 days 50 R; multiple times during the day 100 R; during the quarter 200 R; during the year 300 RUR.

Penetrating radiation As radiation passes through environmental materials, the radiation intensity decreases. The weakening effect is usually characterized by a layer of half weakening, i.e. such a thickness of material, passing through which radiation decreases by 2 times. For example, the intensity of y-rays is reduced by 2 times: steel 2.8 cm thick, concrete 10 cm, soil 14 cm, wood 30 cm. Civil defense structures are used as protection against penetrating radiation, which weaken its effect from 200 to 5000 times . A pound layer of 1.5 m protects almost completely from penetrating radiation.GO

Radioactive contamination(contamination) Radioactive contamination of air, terrain, water areas and objects located on them occurs as a result of fallout radioactive substances(RV) from the cloud of a nuclear explosion. At a temperature of approximately 1700 °C, the glow of the luminous region of the nuclear explosion stops and it turns into a dark cloud, towards which a dust column rises (that’s why the cloud has a mushroom shape). This cloud moves in the direction of the wind, and radioactive substances fall out of it.

Radioactive contamination (contamination) Sources of radioactive substances in the cloud are fission products of nuclear fuel (uranium, plutonium), unreacted part of nuclear fuel and radioactive isotopes formed as a result of the action of neutrons on the ground (induced activity). These radioactive substances, when located on contaminated objects, decay, emitting ionizing radiation, which is actually a damaging factor. The parameters of radioactive contamination are: radiation dose (based on the effect on people), radiation dose rate, radiation level (based on the degree of contamination of the area and various objects). These options are quantitative characteristics damaging factors: radioactive contamination during an accident with the release of radioactive substances, as well as radioactive contamination and penetrating radiation during a nuclear explosion.

Radioactive contamination (contamination) Radiation levels at the outer boundaries of these zones 1 hour after the explosion are 8, 80, 240, 800 rad/h, respectively. Most of the radioactive fallout, causing radioactive contamination of the area, falls from the cloud within an hour after a nuclear explosion.

Electromagnetic pulse Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a set of electric and magnetic fields resulting from the ionization of atoms of the medium under the influence of gamma radiation. Its duration of action is several milliseconds. The main parameters of EMR are currents and voltages induced in wires and cable lines, which can lead to damage and failure of electronic equipment, and sometimes to damage to people working with the equipment.

Electromagnetic pulse In ground and air explosions, the damaging effect of the electromagnetic pulse is observed at a distance of several kilometers from the center of the nuclear explosion. The most effective protection against electromagnetic pulses is shielding of power supply and control lines, as well as radio and electrical equipment.

The situation that arises when nuclear weapons are used in areas of destruction. A source of nuclear destruction is a territory within which, as a result of the use of nuclear weapons, there have been mass casualties and deaths of people, farm animals and plants, destruction and damage to buildings and structures, utility, energy and technological networks and lines, transport communications and other objects.

Zone of complete destruction The zone of complete destruction has at its border an excess pressure at the front of the shock wave of 50 kPa and is characterized by: massive irretrievable losses among the unprotected population (up to 100%), complete destruction of buildings and structures, destruction and damage to utility, energy and technological networks and lines, as well as parts of shelters civil defense, the formation of continuous rubble in populated areas. The forest is completely destroyed.

Zone of severe destruction The zone of severe destruction with excess pressure at the shock wave front from 30 to 50 kPa is characterized by: massive irreversible losses (up to 90%) among the unprotected population, complete and severe destruction buildings and structures, damage to utility, energy and technological networks and lines, the formation of local and continuous rubble in populated areas and forests, preservation of shelters and most anti-radiation shelters of the basement type.

Zone of medium destruction Zone of medium destruction with excess pressure from 20 to 30 kPa. Characterized by: irretrievable losses among the population (up to 20%), medium and severe destruction of buildings and structures, the formation of local and focal debris, continuous fires, preservation of utility and energy networks, shelters and most anti-radiation shelters.

Zone of weak destruction The zone of weak destruction with excess pressure from 10 to 20 kPa is characterized by weak and moderate destruction of buildings and structures. The source of damage in terms of the number of dead and injured may be comparable to or greater than the source of damage during an earthquake. Thus, during the bombing (bomb power up to 20 kt) of the city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, most of it (60%) was destroyed, and the death toll was up to people.

Impact ionizing radiation Personnel of economic facilities and the population falling into zones of radioactive contamination are exposed to ionizing radiation, which causes radiation sickness. The severity of the disease depends on the dose of radiation (exposure) received. The dependence of the degree of radiation sickness on the radiation dose is shown in the table on the next slide.

Exposure to ionizing radiation Degree of radiation sickness Radiation dose, disease-causing, glad peopleanimals Mild (I) Moderate (II) Severe (III) Extremely severe (IV)More than 600More than 750 Dependence of the degree of radiation sickness on the radiation dose

Exposure to ionizing radiation In the context of military operations with the use of nuclear weapons, vast territories may be in zones of radioactive contamination, and the irradiation of people may become widespread. To avoid overexposure of facility personnel and the public under such conditions and to increase the sustainability of facility operation national economy in conditions of radioactive contamination, wartime is set permissible doses irradiation. They are: with a single irradiation (up to 4 days) 50 rad; repeated irradiation: a) up to 30 days 100 rad; b) 90 days 200 rad; systematic irradiation (during the year) 300 rad.

Exposure to ionizing radiation Rad (rad, abbreviated from the English radiation absorbed dose), an off-system unit of absorbed dose of radiation; it is applicable to any type of ionizing radiation and corresponds to a radiation energy of 100 erg absorbed by an irradiated substance weighing 1 g. A dose of 1 rad = 2.388 × 10 6 cal/g = 0.01 J/kg.

Exposure to ionizing radiation SIEVERT is a unit of equivalent radiation dose in the SI system, equal to the equivalent dose if the dose of absorbed ionizing radiation, multiplied by the conditional dimensionless factor, is 1 J/kg. Since different types of radiation cause different effects on biological tissue, the weighted absorbed dose of radiation, also called equivalent dose, is used; it is obtained by modifying the absorbed dose by multiplying it by the conventional dimensionless factor adopted by the International Commission on X-ray Protection. Currently, the sievert is increasingly replacing the obsolete physical equivalent of the X-ray (PER).

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The presentation on the topic “Nuclear weapons and their damaging factors” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Subject of the project: life safety. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 10 slide(s).

Presentation slides

Slide 1

Nuclear weapons

Completed by: life safety teacher Savustyanenko Viktor Nikolaevich G. Novocherkassk MBOUSOSH No. 6

Slide 2

Slide 3

Damaging factors

Shock wave Light radiation Ionizing radiation (penetrating radiation) Radioactive contamination of the area Electromagnetic pulse

Slide 4

Shock wave

The main damaging factor of a nuclear explosion. It is an area of ​​sharp compression of the medium, spreading in all directions from the explosion site at supersonic speed.

Slide 5

Light radiation

A stream of radiant energy including visible, ultraviolet and infrared rays. It spreads almost instantly and lasts up to 20 seconds, depending on the power of the nuclear explosion.

Slide 6

Electromagnetic pulse

A short-term electromagnetic field that occurs during the explosion of a nuclear weapon as a result of the interaction of gamma rays and neutrons emitted during a nuclear explosion with atoms of the environment.

Slide 7

Depending on the type of nuclear charge, we can distinguish:

thermonuclear weapons, the main energy release of which occurs during a thermonuclear reaction - the synthesis of heavy elements from lighter ones, and a nuclear charge is used as a fuse for a thermonuclear reaction; neutron weapon - a low-power nuclear charge, supplemented with a mechanism that ensures the release of most of the explosion energy in the form of a stream of fast neutrons; its main damaging factor is neutron radiation and induced radioactivity.

Slide 8

Soviet intelligence had information about work on creating an atomic bomb in the United States, which came from nuclear physicists who sympathized with the USSR, in particular Klaus Fuchs. This information was reported by Beria to Stalin. However, it is believed that the letter from the Soviet physicist Flerov addressed to him at the beginning of 1943, who was able to explain the essence of the problem popularly, was of decisive importance. As a result, on February 11, 1943, the State Defense Committee adopted a decree to begin work on the creation of an atomic bomb. General management was entrusted to the deputy chairman of the State Defense Committee V. M. Molotov, who, in turn, appointed I. Kurchatov as head of the atomic project (his appointment was signed on March 10). Information received through intelligence channels facilitated and accelerated the work of Soviet scientists.

Slide 9

On November 6, 1947, USSR Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov made a statement regarding the secret of the atomic bomb, saying that “this secret has long ceased to exist.” This statement meant that the Soviet Union had already discovered the secret of atomic weapons, and it had these weapons at its disposal. The scientific circles of the United States of America accepted this statement by V. M. Molotov as a bluff, believing that the Russians could master atomic weapons no earlier than 1952. American reconnaissance satellites have discovered the exact location of Russian tactical nuclear weapons in the Kaliningrad region, contradicting claims by Moscow, which denies that tactical weapons were deployed there.

Slide 10

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  • Shock wave Shock wave Light radiation Light radiation Penetrating radiation Penetrating radiation Radioactive contamination Radioactive contamination Electromagnetic pulse Electromagnetic pulse The damaging factors of a nuclear explosion are:

    Shock wave This is the main damaging factor. Most of the destruction and damage to buildings and structures, as well as mass casualties of people, are usually caused by its impact. This is the main damaging factor. Most of the destruction and damage to buildings and structures, as well as mass casualties of people, are usually caused by its impact. REMEMBER: Protection from a shock wave can be provided by depressions in the area, shelters, basements and other structures. REMEMBER: Protection from a shock wave can be provided by depressions in the area, shelters, basements and other structures.

    Light radiation This is a stream of radiant energy, including visible, ultraviolet and infrared rays. It is formed by the hot products of a nuclear explosion and hot air, spreads almost instantly and lasts, depending on the power of the nuclear explosion, up to 20 seconds.

    The strength of light radiation is such that it can cause burns on the skin, damage to the eyes (temporary blindness), and fire of flammable materials and objects. REMEMBER: any barrier that can create a shadow can protect you from the direct effects of light radiation. It is also weakened by dusty (smoky) air, fog, rain, and snowfall.

    This is a stream of gamma rays and neutrons emitted during a nuclear explosion. The impact of this damaging factor on all living beings is the ionization of atoms and molecules of the body, which leads to disruption of the vital functions of its individual organs, damage to the bone marrow, and the development of radiation sickness. This is a stream of gamma rays and neutrons emitted during a nuclear explosion. The impact of this damaging factor on all living beings is the ionization of atoms and molecules of the body, which leads to disruption of the vital functions of its individual organs, damage to the bone marrow, and the development of radiation sickness. Penetrating radiation

    On the morning of August 6, 1945, three American aircraft, including the American B-29 bomber, carrying on board a 12.5 km atomic bomb called “Baby”. Having reached a given altitude, the plane launched a bombing mission. A fireball formed after the explosion. Houses collapsed with a terrible roar, within a radius of 2 km. caught fire. People near the epicenter literally evaporated. Those who survived received terrible burns. People rushed to the water and died a painful death. Later, a cloud of dirt, dust and ash with radioactive isotopes descended on the city, dooming the population to new victims. Hiroshima burned for two days. The people who arrived to help its residents did not yet know that they were entering a zone of radioactive contamination, and this would have fatal consequences. Hiroshima.

    Nagasaki. Three days after the bombing of Hiroshima, on August 9, the city of Kokura, the center of Japanese military production and supply, was to share its fate. But because bad weather The city of Nagasaki was the victim. An atomic bomb with a power of 22 km, called “Fat Man,” was dropped on it. This city was destroyed in half. Unprotected people received burns even within a radius of 4 km.

    According to the UN: In Hiroshima, 78 thousand people died at the time of the explosion, and in Nagasaki, 27 thousand. Japanese documentary sources produce much larger figures - 260 thousand and 74 thousand people, respectively, taking into account subsequent losses from the explosion. In Hiroshima, 78 thousand people died at the time of the explosion, and in Nagasaki, 27 thousand. Japanese documentary sources produce much larger figures - 260 thousand and 74 thousand people, respectively, taking into account subsequent losses from the explosion. This is what the misuse of nuclear energy leads to. This is what the misuse of nuclear energy leads to.

    Nuclear weapons

    and its damaging factors

    The presentation was made by: SIRMAY Yana Yurievna, life safety teacher,

    MBOU "Tompon Multidisciplinary Gymnasium", 2014

    Nuclear weapons

    • What are nuclear weapons
    • Types of explosions.
    • Damaging factors of a nuclear explosion.
    • Nuclear source

    What are nuclear weapons?

    Nuclear weapons are explosive weapons of mass destruction based on the use of intranuclear energy, instantly released as a result of a chain reaction during the fission of atomic nuclei of radioactive elements (uranium-235 or plutonium-239).

    The power of a nuclear weapon is measured in TNT equivalent, i.e. mass of trinitrotoluene (TNT), the explosion energy of which is equivalent to the explosion energy of a given nuclear weapon and is measured in tons,

    Atomic bomb explosion in Nagasaki 1945

    Types of explosions







    Damaging factors of a nuclear explosion

    Shock wave

    Light radiation







    Shock wave The main damaging factor of a nuclear explosion. This is an area of ​​​​sharp compression of air, spreading in all directions from the center of the explosion at supersonic speed. The source of the air wave is high blood pressure in the explosion area (billions of atmospheres) and temperatures reaching millions of degrees.

    The hot gases formed during the explosion, rapidly expanding, transfer pressure to neighboring layers of air, compressing and heating them, and they, in turn, affect the next layers, etc. As a result, a high-pressure zone spreads in the air at supersonic speed in all directions from the center of the explosion.

    Thus, during the explosion of a 20-kiloton nuclear weapon, the shock wave travels 1000 m in 2 seconds, 2000 m in 5 seconds, and 3000 m in 8 seconds. The front boundary of the wave is called the shock wave front.

    Directly behind the shock wave front, strong air currents are formed, the speed of which reaches several hundred kilometers per hour. (Even at a distance of 10 km from the explosion site of a 1 Mt ammunition, the air speed is more than 110 km/h.)

    The damaging effect of hydrocarbons is characterized by the magnitude of excess pressure.

    Excess pressure is the difference between the maximum pressure at the shock front and normal atmospheric pressure, measured in Pascals (PA, kPA).

    To characterize the destruction of buildings and structures, four degrees of destruction are accepted: complete, strong, medium and weak.

    • Complete destruction
    • Severe destruction
    • Medium damage
    • Weak destruction

    The impact of a shock wave on people is characterized by mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe injuries.

    • Mild lesions occur at excess pressure of 20–40 kPa. They are characterized by temporary hearing impairment, mild contusions, dislocations, and bruises.
    • Moderate lesions occur at excess pressure of 40–60 kPa. They manifest themselves in contusions of the brain, damage to the hearing organs, bleeding from the nose and ears, and dislocations of the limbs.
    • Severe lesions are possible with excess pressure from 60 to 100 kPa. They are characterized by severe contusions of the whole body, loss of consciousness, fractures; damage to internal organs is possible.
    • Extremely severe lesions occur when excess pressure exceeds 100 kPa. People experience injuries to internal organs, internal bleeding, concussions, and severe fractures. These lesions are often fatal.
    • Shelters provide protection from the shock wave. In open areas, the effect of the shock wave is reduced by various depressions and obstacles. It is recommended to lie on the ground with your head in the direction from the explosion, preferably in a depression or behind a fold in the terrain.

    Light radiation

    Light radiation is a stream of radiant energy, including ultraviolet, visible and infrared regions of the spectrum.

    It is formed by explosion products heated to a million degrees and hot air.

    The duration depends on the power of the explosion and ranges from a fraction of a second to 20-30 seconds.

    The strength of light radiation is such that it can cause skin burns, eye damage (up to

    blindness). Radiation leads to massive fires and explosions.

    Protection for a person can be any obstacle that does not allow light to pass through.

    Penetrating radiation

    ionizing radiation

    The radiation that is created

    at radioactive decay, nuclear transformations and forms ions when interacting with the environment various signs. Basically it's a stream

    elementary particles that are not visible or felt by humans. Any nuclear radiation interacting with various materials, ionize them. The action lasts 10-15 seconds.

    There are three types of ionizing radiation - alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. Alpha radiation has a high ionizing but weak penetrating ability. Beta radiation has less ionizing power, but greater penetrating power. Gamma and neutron radiation have very high penetrating power.

    Protection against penetrating radiation is provided by various shelters and materials that attenuate radiation and neutron flux.

    Note the difference in protective potential between gamma and neutron radiation.

    Radiation (radioactive)

    contamination of the area

    Among the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion, radioactive contamination occupies a special place, since it can affect not only the area adjacent to the explosion site, but also the area tens and even hundreds of kilometers away. large areas and on long time contamination may be created that poses a danger to people and animals. The fission products falling from the explosion cloud are a mixture of approximately 80 isotopes 35 chemical elements middle part periodic table Mendeleev's elements (from zinc No. 30 to gadolinium No. 64).

    Since during a ground explosion a significant amount of soil and other substances are involved in the fireball, when cooled these particles fall out in the form of radioactive fallout. As you move radioactive cloud, radioactive fallout occurs in its wake, and thus a radioactive trace remains on the ground. The density of contamination in the area of ​​the explosion and along the trace of the movement of the radioactive cloud decreases with distance from the center of the explosion.

    The radioactive trace, with the direction and speed of the wind not changing, has the shape of an elongated ellipse and is conventionally divided into four zones: moderate (A), strong (B), dangerous (C) and extremely dangerous (D) contamination.

    Radioactive contamination zones





    Danger zone


    Strong zone





    Nuclear explosions in the atmosphere and in higher layers lead to the formation of powerful electromagnetic fields with wavelengths from 1 to 1000 m or more. Due to their short-term existence, these fields are usually called an electromagnetic pulse (EMP). The consequence of exposure to EMR is the burnout of individual elements of modern electronic and electrical equipment. The duration of action is several tens of milliseconds.

    Potentially poses a serious threat, disabling any equipment that DOES NOT HAVE A PROTECTIVE SCREEN.

    Electromagnetic pulse (EMP)

    Nuclear source

    This is an area directly exposed to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion.

    The source of nuclear damage is divided into:

    Full zone


    Zone of strengths


    Medium zone


    Weak zone



    Depending on the type of nuclear charge, we can distinguish:

    Thermonuclear weapons, the main energy release of which occurs during a thermonuclear reaction - the synthesis of heavy elements from lighter ones, and a nuclear charge is used as a fuse for a thermonuclear reaction;

    Neutron weapon - a low-power nuclear charge, supplemented with a mechanism that ensures the release of most of the explosion energy in the form of a stream of fast neutrons; its main damaging factor is neutron radiation and induced radioactivity.

    Participants in the development of the first thermonuclear weapons,

    who later became Nobel Prize laureates

    L.D.Landau I.E.Tamm N.N.Semenov

    V.L.Ginzburg I.M.Frank L.V.Kantorovich A.A.Abrikosov

    The first Soviet aviation thermonuclear atomic bomb.

    RDS-6S bomb body

    Bomber TU-16 –

    atomic weapon carrier