Development and implementation of measures aimed at preserving objects necessary for the sustainable functioning of the economy and the survival of the population in wartime. Stability of technological processes

    taking urgent measures to carry out urgent work at energy facilities, heating networks, to provide fuel to power plants and boiler houses;

    creation of a reserve of autonomous energy supply sources at life support facilities for the population and hazardous industries.

6. Gas safety.

    strict control over compliance with the rules of operation of gas equipment, carrying out the necessary repair work;

    prohibition of filling gas cylinders from mobile gas filling installations and ensuring control over their technical condition;

    production of safety devices for the use of gas in everyday life and at work,

    organizing the work of a service for the prevention and control of gas use in residential buildings.

7. Radiation safety.

    carrying out a set of legal, organizational, engineering, technical, sanitary and hygienic, preventive, educational, general educational measures And informational;

    strict control over the implementation by government bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, public associations, individuals and legal entities of measures to comply with norms and regulations in the field of radiation safety;

    implementation of radiation monitoring throughout the republic, implementation of state programs to limit exposure of the population from sources of ionizing radiation.

8. Operational reliability of buildings And structures,accident prevention.

Inspection of objects;

» taking measures to resettle residents from dilapidated and dilapidated residential buildings;

Ensuring major repairs of housing, schools and demolition of buildings beyond repair.

9. Safety of transport operation.

    ensuring the reliability of freight and passenger transportation by road, river, sea, rail and air transport;

    control over compliance with the rules for the transportation of hazardous and hazardous materials

Proper maintenance of highways and their engineering structures, roadways of streets in populated areas and technical means of traffic control;

High demands on the quality of training of vehicle drivers.

10. Seasonal emergencies: spring, pre-winter and winter.

» carrying out proactive measures to protect the population and territories from natural emergencies (frosts, storm winds, drought, snow storms, blizzards, etc.).

11. Protection from mudflows and landslides, floods and inundations, the condition of dams, dams, river beds.

    ensuring guaranteed safety of the population and economic facilities from floods, floods, avalanches, mudflows, landslides, landslides, hazardous atmospheric phenomena and minimizing damage when they occur;

    timely and complete implementation of a set of measures to protect economic facilities and settlements from floods in accordance with developed regional programs,

    construction of anti-mudflow and other protective structures in accordance with general protection schemes;

    ensuring the operational reliability of existing anti-mudflow complexes and other protective structures.

12. Caspian Sea: level changes and surge phenomena.

    ensuring reliable protection of the population and economic facilities from flooding and flooding by the waters of the Caspian Sea;

    ensuring a stable economic condition and development of the Atyrau and Mangistau regions;

    organizing the construction of housing for the resettled population;

    conservation of oil wells falling into the flood zone;

    ensuring the environmental safety of the sea and adjacent territories.

13. Natural, man-made and domestic fires; readiness to extinguish them.

    implementation of preventive measures;

    compliance with safety standards and regulations;

    widespread introduction of technical fire extinguishing means;

    improving the activities of the forest fire surveillance service.

14. Anti-epidemic measures.

    preventing epidemics of infectious diseases and mass poisonings of people;

    preventing the importation and spread of especially dangerous and quarantine infections;

    introduction and lifting of quarantine and restrictive measures

15. Improving the information, communication and warning system.

    ensuring sustainable management in the prevention and response to emergency situations;

    timely notification and constant informing of the population, central and local executive bodies of military units of the Civil Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the event of a threat or occurrence of natural disasters, accidents and catastrophes on the territory of the republic, as well as during a special period;

    improving the operational duty service of the ASF;

    modernization of technical means of warning, communication, automation of information,

    organization of information flows between management bodies of the State System of Prevention and Action in Emergency Situations, as well as disaster areas.

16. Creation of emergency rescue services and units.

    ensuring a set of measures for the preparation and implementation of the first actions for emergency response to emergency situations for the timely implementation of emergency measures by the ASF and other government bodies in the event of the threat and occurrence of emergency situations;

    technical equipment of units and their training.

17. Training of managers, specialists and the population; personnel training; knowledge promotion; work with the media.

    ensuring general training of the population, managers of enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, workers and employees, pupils and students, children in preschool institutions for actions in emergency situations and establishing control over their training;

    development and implementation of training programs and methods, manuals for preparing the population, specialists, and managers of all levels for emergencies.

18. State and local financial, logistical, food and medical reserves for emergency situations.

Creation of the necessary quantity and range of material, technical, food, medical and other resources for the life of the population, carrying out emergency rescue and emergency restoration work, the normal functioning of economic facilities in the event of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters (Reserves must be created in advance).

19. Automated information and management system in emergency situations.

Ensuring automation of management processes and information support at all levels (republican, regional, departmental and facility).

    accumulation of large volumes of information (risk passports of territories and economic facilities, information about the forces and means of the State Emergency Service, preventive and operational action plans of government bodies for prevention and action in case of emergencies, etc.);

    efficiency of providing complete information about emergencies and making management decisions in a short time (based on modeling emergency development processes) to eliminate the consequences.

20. Action plans of central and local executive bodies.

Plans must ensure timely and adequate actions in the event of a threat or emergency.

21. Targeted programs.

Programs must provide for a comprehensive, scientifically based, effective and financially secure implementation of measures in the field of prevention and response to emergency situations.

22. Legislative and regulatory framework. Content:

In the ongoing process of legislative reforms, it is necessary to highlight the sphere of protection of the population and economic facilities from natural disasters and catastrophes into an independent area of ​​legal regulation, to develop a number of legislative and regulatory acts for the legal support of the State system for the prevention and response of emergency situations.

23. Organization of scientific research in the field of emergency situations. Content:

    creation of scientific foundations and methods for preventing and eliminating the consequences of emergencies;

    creation of a regulatory and technical base for carrying out protective measures;

    intensification of work on the development of scientific foundations and methods for regional and local monitoring of the dynamics of the activity of dangerous natural phenomena, information systems;

    creation of data banks and knowledge bases on the problems of natural phenomena;

    creation of an inventory of hazardous natural phenomena and sources of their formation;

    studying the patterns of formation and spread of dangerous natural phenomena and man-made disasters.

24. International cooperation. Content:

Prevention and elimination of emergencies is impossible without close cooperation with international organizations and partner countries. It is necessary to establish business contacts with foreign countries on the problems of protection from natural disasters, accidents and catastrophes, to organize joint cooperation in the prevention and elimination of natural and man-made emergencies.

25. Market economy and emergency situations: Contents:

Emergency prevention and organization of work to eliminate their consequences in market conditions

26. Military measures.

Preparation of civil defense for functioning during a special period (secret).


This program to ensure the livelihoods of the population and the safety of the functioning of economic facilities of the Republic of Kazakhstan should provide guidance in activities on these issues.

The management team needs to take it as a basis when developing plans for the prevention and response to emergencies of a natural and man-made nature, identifying key indicators that ensure the development and control of the functioning of business facilities.

Basic measures and activities aimed at preserving and increasing the sustainability of the functioning of facilities

Sustainability of facility operation in emergency situations— this is the ability of an object to perform its functions (plans, programs) in the conditions of the occurrence of emergency
emergency situations, the use of weapons by the enemy, terrorist acts and restore disrupted production in the shortest possible time.

Main measures taken to preserve objects

Civil defense measures to improve the sustainability of economic facilities

Factors influencing the sustainability of the functioning of an economic object

Stability of facility management

Balance of power;
. state of control points;
. reliability of communication nodes;
. sources of labor force replenishment;
. the possibility of interchangeability of the facility's management team.

Stability of protection of the facility's production personnel

The number of structures that can be used for shelter and their protective properties;
. capacity of protective structures (PS), taking into account possible overconsolidation;
. the maximum number of workers who will need to be sheltered;
. the number of missing places in the ZS and other shelters;
. the presence of premises in the upper floors for shelter from hazardous substances that are heavier than air (such as chlorine);
. the ability to quickly remove people from workshops and other work areas in the event of an accident at the facility or a neighboring enterprise, as well as in response to an “Air raid!” signal;
. radiation attenuation coefficients of various buildings and structures in which workers will be located;
. provision of personnel and their families with personal protective equipment;
. the state of the drinking water supply system and the ability to provide food in emergency situations;
. availability of means to provide first aid to victims;
. readiness of the facility to accommodate and protect vacationers in the suburban area.

Stability of technological processes

Specifics of production during an emergency (change in technology);
. partial cessation of production (switching to the production of new products, etc.);
. possibility of replacing energy carriers;
. the possibility of autonomous operation of individual machines, installations and workshops of the facility;
. stocks and locations of hazardous chemicals, flammable liquids and combustible substances;
. methods of accident-free shutdown of production in emergency situations;
. condition of gas supply systems.

Sustainability of logistics

Sustainability of external and internal energy sources;
. sustainability of suppliers of raw materials and components;
. availability of backup, backup and alternative sources of supply.

Sustainability of the facility's repair and restoration service

Availability of design and technical documentation for restoration options;
. provision of labor and material resources.

Basic measures taken to preserve economic assets

The main measures to preserve objects that are essential for the sustainable functioning of the economy and the survival of the population in wartime, which are carried out in peacetime, are: development of scientific and methodological foundations for increasing the sustainability of the functioning of economic objects and infrastructure that support life -population activity in wartime; carrying out urban planning activities, placing and developing economic and infrastructure facilities in compliance with the requirements of building codes and regulations and other duly approved regulations on civil defense and protection from natural and man-made emergencies; advance implementation of a set of organizational, engineering, technical and other special measures to ensure the timely transfer of facilities to work in wartime conditions; ensuring the uninterrupted functioning of medical institutions and accident-free shutdown of enterprises with civil defense signals; development and preparation for the implementation of measures for complex (light and other types) camouflage of objects; development and implementation of preparatory work determined by the characteristics of the objects (including the creation and equipping of the necessary civil defense formations and their training) to ensure the liquidation of the consequences of damage to objects by modern means of attack and restoration of the functioning of the objects; implementation of measures to improve the sustainability of energy and water supply, logistics and transport support for facilities in wartime; implementation of measures for engineering and other types of protection of facility personnel and their life support.

Activities for light and other types of camouflage

Light camouflage of urban and rural settlements and objects included in the blackout zone, as well as railway, air, sea, road and river transport, is carried out in accordance with the requirements of current standards for the design of light camouflage of urban and rural settlements and objects economy and infrastructure, as well as departmental instructions on light camouflage, developed taking into account the operating characteristics of the relevant modes of transport and approved by ministries and departments in agreement with the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Measures for other types of camouflage include: the use of object protective systems, aerosol curtains, false whites (laser, thermal, radar), electronic interference, green spaces, camouflage networks.

Measures to protect water supply systems and sources

Newly designed and reconstructed water supply systems supplying individual categorized cities or several cities, including categorized cities and objects of special importance, must comply with the requirements of current standards for the design of engineering and technical measures for civil defense. In this case, these water supply systems must be based on at least two independent water supply sources, one of which should be underground. If it is impossible to provide power to the water supply system from two independent sources, it is allowed to supply water from one source with the construction of two groups of head structures, one of which should be located outside the zones of possible severe destruction. To ensure a guaranteed supply of drinking water to the population in the event of failure of all head structures or contamination of water supply sources, it is necessary to have reservoirs that ensure the creation of at least a 3-day supply of drinking water at a rate of at least 10 liters per day per person. All existing water wells for water supply to urban and rural settlements and industrial enterprises, including those temporarily mothballed, as well as those intended for irrigation of agricultural land, must be registered by the authorities for civil defense and emergency situations with the simultaneous adoption of measures to equip them with devices that allow water to be supplied for household and drinking needs by pouring into mobile containers, and wells with a flow rate of 5 l/s or more must also have devices for collecting water from them with fire trucks.

Increasing the sustainability of energy supply systems, gas and heat supply systems

The main measures to increase the stability of energy supply systems are: construction and operation of electrical power structures, power lines and substations in accordance with the requirements of regulations on civil defense; creation of backup autonomous sources of electricity of a wide range of capacities, which in peacetime will operate in regional electrical systems under peak conditions; creation of the necessary fuel reserves at power plants and preparation of thermal power plants to operate on reserve types of fuel; preparation for the reception of electricity from ship electrical installations in port cities and preparation of onshore devices to ensure the reception of electricity and its transmission in transit; taking into account all available additional (autonomous) sources of power supply (on-site, reserve regional, peak, etc.) in order to supply production areas where, due to technological conditions, work cannot be stopped in the event of a disruption of the centralized power supply, as well as facilities priority life support for the affected population: production of the necessary equipment and devices for connecting these sources to the networks of facilities; looping the electrical distribution network and laying power lines along various routes with connecting the network to several power sources.

Measures to protect food, food raw materials and fodder, farm animals and plants

To measures to protect foodproducts, raw materials and fodder include:
. organization of storage of stocks of raw materials, food and fodder in warehouses, elevators, storage facilities with increased sealing, ensuring their protection from radioactive and chemical substances and biotoxicants;
. development and implementation of containers and packaging materials that do not have a toxic effect on food;
. creation and improvement of special vehicles that protect food, raw materials and fodder during transportation in conditions of environmental contamination with radioactive and chemical substances in wartime;
. the use of underground salt mines for long-term storage of food and fodder;
. creation of reserves of preservatives and materials for primary processing and preservation of meat products in wartime conditions;
. Providing meat and dairy industry enterprises with equipment for packaging meat products, including vacuum packaging.

To the main protection measuresfarm animals and rasthenias include:

Development of a network of veterinary and agrochemical laboratories, plant and animal protection stations, as well as other specialized institutions and preparing them for work in wartime conditions;
. carrying out preventive veterinary, sanitary, agrochemical and other measures, development and implementation of biological methods for controlling pests of agricultural plants;
. accumulation of disinfection agents for the treatment of agricultural plants and preparations for emergency prevention and treatment of farm animals;
. development and implementation of improved methods of mass immunization of farm animals;
. equipment of special sites on farms and complexes for veterinary treatment of infected (contaminated) animals;
. preparation for the mass slaughter of affected animals and disinfection of the resulting products, as well as for the disposal and burial of affected farm animals;
. equipment of protected water intakes on farms and complexes to provide animals with water;
. adaptation of agricultural machinery for processing affected animals, plants and finished products, as well as for disinfecting areas and structures. At
Due to radioactive contamination of the area, livestock premises must ensure the continuous stay of animals in them for at least two days. During this period, it is necessary to have protected supplies of feed and water.

Measures to ensure the sustainability of logistics supply systems

Ensuring the sustainability of ma systemsmaterial and technical supply up tois achieved:
. advance development of mutually agreed upon actions of all participants in the supply process in order to prepare for the wartime transition to a unified scheme of activities of supply and sales organizations located in a given territory;
. cooperation of supplies and interaction of sectoral and territorial systems of material and technical supply; development of interregional cooperative
connections and reduction of long-distance transportation;
. development of backup and backup options for logistics for cooperation in production in case of violation of existing options;
. creating reserves of material and technical resources in organizations, establishing optimal volumes of their storage, rational placement and reliable storage;
. restrictions during a special period on the supply of material resources to categorized cities and accelerated
shipment of finished products from these cities, as well as redirection of goods in transit, taking into account the situation after an enemy attack;
. protection of raw materials, materials and finished products, development and implementation of packaging that ensures their protection from contamination, as well as means and methods of decontamination;
. accumulation of reserves of material assets for production and technical purposes for restoration work;
. development of the suburban area for the deployment of bases, warehouses, and storage facilities in wartime.

Preparing transport for sustainable operation in wartime

Preparation of the country's transport system for sustainable operation in wartime is carried out with the aim of ensuring military, evacuation and economic transportation with the integrated use of all types of transport.

Ensuring the sustainable functioning of all types of transport in wartime is achieved by:
. preparation for duplication of transportation and wide maneuver by modes of transport;
. development and improvement of transport communications and the most important structures on them in order to eliminate bottlenecks and increase their throughput and carrying capacity;
. construction of connecting lines and bypasses of categorized cities, industrial centers and the most important transport hubs to overcome hotspots of destruction and infection zones;
. preparation for the creation of duplicate bridge crossings and the organization of crossings over large water barriers and flood zones;
. reliable provision of vehicles and transport facilities with electricity, fuel, water and other necessary means and materials;
. preparation for loading and unloading operations at connecting points of various types of transport, as well as for the deployment of temporary transshipment areas near probable areas of communication disruption;
. advance preparation for the restoration of transport facilities, especially the main facilities of railway stations, sea and river ports, berths, bridges, tunnels, overpasses, as well as to compensate for losses in vehicles and service personnel;
. microfilming and preservation of planned, technical and technological documentation for the production of products subject to duplication;
. advance preparation and accumulation of the necessary equipment and appropriate personnel for organizing production in new places.

Measures to duplicate the production of critical products and vital schemes, to strengthen intersectoral cooperation are taken into account in civil defense action plans as part of the mobilization plans of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

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- 620.50 Kb
Introduction 2
1. Calculation of town loads 3
2. Selecting the number, power and installation locations of transformer substations 4
3. Selecting the circuit and route of the electrical network voltage

over 1 kV

4. Electrical calculation of the network above 1 kV 10
5. Mechanical calculation of overhead line wires above 1 kV 12
6. Planning and calculation of distribution network up to 1 kV 17
7. Selection of surge protection products 23
8. Specification of main equipment and materials for the construction of an electrical network 24
9. Estimated and financial calculation of the electrical network of a military camp 25
10. Conclusion 26
12. List of used literature and sources 27

NVVIKU 1402.25.01.PZ
Number . Scheme development

power supply

military camp

Stage Sheet Sheets
Change uch. Sheet dock Subp. Date
KP 1 28
Completed Akmazikov N.V.
Checked Meshcheryakov I.I.


The course project on the topic “Power supply of a military camp” is the development of a technical design for the supply line and distribution network of a military camp.

As initial data for the design, a general plan of a military camp with specifications, a topographic map of the area with existing power lines and indicated coordinates of the camp under construction, as well as a building plan with specifications of premises and equipment are issued. In addition, the construction site and climatic conditions, and technical conditions for connecting the designed network to the local power system (coordinates of connection points, rated voltage of the existing line and permissible voltage loss in the designed branch) are indicated.

1. Calculation of town loads

Determining the design power of the electrical receivers of a military camp is the main task when designing an electrical network. Design loads of buildings are determined depending on the installed (nominal) load power P at according to the formula:

P r =0,9 ּ 11.9=10.7 kW

Where Ks demand coefficient, taking into account non-simultaneous switching on, load unevenness, efficiency. consumers and network losses.

At the technical design stage, in the absence of detailed data on electrical receivers P at determined by the average specific load power P beat at 10 m 2 building area separately from lighting and power loads:

R beat = P × S,

where S building area in m 2 taking into account the number of floors.

P beat =40 ּ 792/1000=31.7 kW

The calculation of the load of the town as a whole is carried out according to the formula, where the value of the total power is substituted, since I calculate transformer substations based on its values:


where K nm = 1 for mains voltage up to 380 V.

TO nm = 0,9 for distribution network voltage 6…20 kV.

TO nm = 0,81 for supply network voltage 6…20 kV.

S calculation =0,9 ּ 1549.89=1394.9 kVA

The calculation table of town loads is given in Appendix 1

2. Selection of number, power and installation locations

transformer substations

The number and power of transformer substations (TS) are selected based on economic considerations, depending on the surface load density of the town as a whole. To find the number of transformer substations, it is necessary to first determine the optimal power of the transformer substations, at which the total calculated costs are minimal. EE is determined by the formula:

where G surface load density of the town, kVA/ha;

S wholesale =24 3 37,9 2 =270.72 kVA

K is a coefficient that depends on the rated voltage of the distribution network, the specific length of the line per 1 hectare of area, the permissible voltage loss in the network, the wire material, the cost of constructing transformer substations and distribution networks, deductions for repairs and maintenance.

Surface load density is determined by the formula:

, kVA/ha,

where S town area.

G=1394.9/36.75=37.9 kVA/ha

Coefficient K at a voltage of 380/220 V, load density 10...60 kVA/ha, specific line length 0.2 km/ha and aluminum wires is assumed to be 20...24.

The number of substations is determined depending on the optimal power of the transformer substation using the formula:

N=1394.9/270.72=5.16~ 6 pcs

The area of ​​the town, in order to select a more optimal number of TPs, is taken equal to 36.75 hectares.

First zone:

Р=353.7 kW

Q=139.4 kVar

cos j = 0,93

Since cos j within the permissible limits, then it is not advisable to use the heat exchanger in this zone.

According to the calculated data, we select the transformer TM-400 6/04, with a power of 400 kVA.

Since there are consumers of category 2 in the zone, the transformer substation will contain 2 transformers.

Second zone:

Р=150.32 kW

Q=31.77 kVar

cos j = 0,97

j = 0.97 is within acceptable limits.

Transformer TM-160 6/0.4 is used. Since category 2 consumers are located in the zone, there will be 2 transformers at the transformer substation.

Third zone:

Р=479.19 kW

Q=170.33 kVar

cos j = 0,94

The compensating device is not used, since cos j = 0.94 is within acceptable limits.

The transformer used is TM-630 6/0.4, with a power of 630 kVA.

Since category 2 consumers are not located in the zone, there will be 1 transformer at the transformer substation.

Fourth zone:

Р=220 kW

Q=112.94 kW

cos j = 0,88

Since cos j less than 0.93, then the compensating device UK1-0.4-75 U3 will be used. cos j = 0,98.

The transformer used is TM-250 6/0.4, with a power of 250 kVA. Since category 2 buildings are located in the zone, there will be 2 transformers at the transformer substation.

Fifth zone:

Р=132.8 kW

Q=85.83 kVAR

cos j = 0,83

Since cos j j = 0,96.

Sixth zone:

Р=127.47 kW

Q=83.37 kVAR

cos j = 0,83

Since cos j less than 0.93, then the compensating device UK1-0.4-50 U3 will be used. cos j = 0,96.

The transformer used is TM-160 6/0.4, with a power of 160 kVA. Since category 2 buildings are located in the zone, there will be 2 transformers at the transformer substation.

Location of substations TP 1 6

TP 1

Job description

The course project on the topic “Power supply of a military town” is the development of a technical design for the supply line and distribution network of a military town.
As initial data for the design, a general plan of a military camp with specifications, a topographic map of the area with existing power lines and indicated coordinates of the camp under construction, as well as a building plan with specifications of premises and equipment are issued. In addition, the construction site and climatic conditions, and technical conditions for connecting the designed network to the local power system (coordinates of connection points, rated voltage of the existing line and permissible voltage loss in the designed branch) are indicated.


Calculation of town loads
Selecting the number, power and installation locations of transformer substations
Selecting the circuit and route of the electrical network voltage
over 1 kV
Electrical calculation of the network above 1 kV
Mechanical calculation of overhead line wires above 1 kV
Planning and calculation of distribution network up to 1 kV
Selection of surge protection products
Specification of main equipment and materials for the construction of an electrical network
Estimated and financial calculation of the electrical network of a military camp
List of used literature and sources

    In August 1975, on the basis of the cycle of airfield and special construction, the Faculty of Construction and Operation of Airfields (Automotive Equipment) was formed, and in 1988, the Faculty of Construction and Operation of Airfields was separated from this faculty. Colonel Lazukin Vladimir Fedorovich was appointed head of the faculty.

    The faculty trained specialist officers in the construction and operation of airfields, the operation of protective structures and staff officers with the qualification “engineer”. In 2001, the faculty was renamed the Faculty of Engineering and Aerodrome Support.

    From 1975 to 1985, the duration of training in the specialty: command tactical construction and operation of airfields and airfield equipment with the qualification “engineer for the construction and operation of airfields” was 4 years, and since 1985 - 5 years.

    Since 1983, the training of officers began in the specialty “Heat and water supply and technical systems” with the qualification of an electrical engineer, with a training period of 5 years. Since 1993, these specialties have been combined into the specialty “Power systems of Air Force facilities”, qualification - electrical engineer.

    Since 1978, the training period for the specialty: “command tactical rear aviation” with the qualification “special equipment operation engineer” was 4 years. In 1992, this specialty was transferred to the established branch of the school in Borisoglebsk, with a training period of 5 years. In 1999, the specialization “Staff and organizational-mobilization work”, as a specialty, was re-introduced at the faculty. From the same year, the recruitment of cadets for this profile was carried out in the main specialty of the faculty: “Use of units and organization of engineering and aerodrome support for aviation flights” with the specialization “Staff and organizational and mobilization work.” Later, enrollment in this specialty was stopped, and in 2016, the faculty resumed enrollment in the specialty “Human Resources Management.”

    Currently, specialists are trained in three specialties:

    Construction, operation, restoration and technical coverage of roads, bridges and tunnels. Qualification: engineer, training period 5 years.

    Heat and energy supply of special technical systems and facilities. Qualification: engineer, training period 5 years.

    Personnel management. Qualification: management specialist, training period 5 years.

    The faculty trains specialists for the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation, other law enforcement agencies and foreign countries. Graduates of the faculty carry out the construction, reconstruction and operation of airfields, buildings, communications and facilities of the airfield complex, perform responsibilities for organizing and maintaining fortification structures of command posts of the Russian Aerospace Forces in constant combat readiness, organize effective management of services and units in daily activities and when performing special tasks.

    The Faculty is proud of its graduates. A graduate of the faculty in 1994, Captain Igor Vladimirovich Yatskov, for the courage and heroism shown in the performance of official and military duty, was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously) by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2000.

    From 1988 to 2016, the faculty trained graduates who received a gold medal - more than 50 people, diplomas with honors - more than 300 people. Recent graduates of the faculty, who graduated with honors from the academy, having successfully defended their dissertations, occupy high positions in the departments of the faculty, continue and enhance the glorious traditions of the officer corps of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    The scientific potential of the faculty increases due to the defense of dissertations by adjuncts and applicants. Currently, the faculty employs: 2 doctors of science, 4 professors, 30 candidates of science and 18 associate professors.

    The faculty has everything necessary for high-quality training and education of future officers of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation; it is a friendly, united, efficient military team with great creative potential.

  • 31 departments of survey and design of airfields provide general professional training in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard 05/08/02 in the specialty Construction, operation, restoration and technical coverage of highways, bridges and tunnels within the framework of specialization No. 3 Construction (reconstruction), operation and restoration of state airfields aviation. After a series of reorganizations, from October 1, 2001, the department of airfield survey and design included the department of airfield design and the department of buildings and structures. The department provides education and training for cadets in 17 academic disciplines of the general professional cycle, and supervises educational practices, course projects and final qualifying theses.

    The department is 80% staffed by persons with academic degrees and titles who have rich professional and teaching experience. Every year, the teaching staff of the department updates the fund of educational and methodological materials, including electronic textbooks and manuals.

    One of the priority areas of activity of the department is research work. Every year, the department’s team carries out several research projects in the interests of further improving the engineering and airfield support for state aviation. Much attention is paid to inventive and rationalization work with the active involvement of cadets within the framework of military scientific activities.

    The management of the department pays great attention to the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel within the framework of full-time postgraduate studies and through competition in the scientific specialty 02/20/06 - military construction complexes and structures.

    Every year, a scientific company operator is assigned to the department to conduct scientific research.

    The main task of the department is to develop professional and military-professional competencies in students that allow graduates to occupy primary officer positions in divisions and units of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation.

    Department of Engineering and Aerodrome Support.
    The Department of Engineering and Aerodrome Support was formed in 1975 as part of the “Construction and Operation of Airfields” cycle of the Voronezh Military Aviation Technical University, which provides comprehensive specialized training for military civil engineers. The original name of the department was “Construction and operation of airfields.” The department was staffed with teaching staff through the appointment of officers from the troops and the most trained graduates of the construction department of the Leningrad Military Engineering Red Banner Institute named after. A.F. Mozhaisky. In 2002, the Department of Construction and Operation of Airfields, merged with the Department of Road Machines, was renamed into the 32nd Department of Engineering and Aerodrome Support.

    The department is headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Colonel Popov Alexander Nikolaevich.

    Currently, the department graduates in the specialty “Use of units and operation of engineering and aerodrome support for aviation flights” and is staffed by highly qualified teaching staff with rich military and combat experience, as well as experience in scientific and teaching activities. More than 80% of teachers have an academic title and an academic degree. The department is taught by an honored worker of higher education, 2 honorary workers of higher professional education, and a number of teachers have been awarded government awards.

    Disciplines taught: “Engineering and airfield support for combat operations of aviation of the Russian Armed Forces”; “Operation of state aviation airfields”; “Operation and technical cover of transport facilities”; “Engineering networks and equipment of state aviation airfields”; “Reconstruction of state aviation airfields”; “Technology for the construction of highways and transport facilities”; “Mechanization of transport construction”; “Operation of machines for the construction and operational maintenance of airfields”; "Industry Economics"; “Economics and management of energy enterprises”; “Organization, planning and management of transport construction”; “Economic and mathematical methods for designing transport structures”; “Metrology, standardization, certification”; "Life Safety"; "Ecology"; "Military airfields"; “Thermomechanical equipment of autonomous power plants”; “Fundamentals of computer-aided design of transport structures and software systems”; “Technology for the construction (reconstruction) of road bridges.” The department organizes educational and production practices, military internships, and the development of final qualifying works.

    Along with the educational process, the department conducts a wide range of scientific research within the framework of assigned research projects of the 1st and 2nd categories. The area of ​​scientific research carried out at the department covers the problems of protecting aviation bases, improving design solutions for construction technology and restoring destroyed airfields, economic justification for decisions made, operational maintenance and current repairs, diagnosing the condition of airfield pavements. The department's teams of authors are successfully developing new and revising existing regulatory documents in the field of engineering and airfield support. Teachers constantly participate in the implementation of operational tasks of the Civil Code of the Russian Aerospace Forces. The department carries out targeted work to train scientific and pedagogical personnel through adjunct courses and competitions. Over the past five years, the department has trained a Doctor of Science and 6 Candidates of Science. The educational and material base of the department is equipped with modern technical means, instruments and equipment and is constantly being improved.

    Department of Protective Structures.

    The department was created in 1982. Graduates of the specialty perform responsibilities for organizing and maintaining in constant combat readiness fortification structures (means of generation, distribution and conversion of electrical and thermal energy, ventilation and air conditioning, water supply and sanitation) control points of the Russian Aerospace Forces.
    Between 1988 and 1995 Engineers graduated in the military specialties “heat and water supply and technical systems” and “electrical systems”. The first head of the department is Ph.D. Vasilyev V.I. (from 1982 to 1998), graduate of VIKI named after. A.F. Mozhaisky.

    Currently, the department is headed by a candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, colonel Zvenigorodsky Igor Ivanovich.

    Thanks to the efforts of the department’s staff, a training and laboratory base for the specialty, a computer class and the first training programs were created. A new stage in the development of the specialty began when military education was given the task of transitioning to the State educational standards of higher professional education of the first generation. Since 1996, preparation has begun in accordance with the State Standard of Higher Professional Education “Energy supply for enterprises”.

    Since 2011, training of cadets has been carried out according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education of the third generation in the direction 13.05.01 “Heat and electrical supply of special technical systems and facilities”, specialization – “Operation of energy supply systems for special facilities”.

    Central air conditioner Autonomous diesel power plant

    Main distribution board Refrigeration machine

    Main types of professional activities:

    • oorganizational and managerial;
    • ooperational.

    Graduates begin their service by performing the duties of an engineer of a department of the operational unit of a protected control point, an engineer-dispatcher (shift) of an operational unit of a protected control point.

    The educational and material base of the department consists of modern classrooms and educational laboratories, equipped with numerous energy systems for general industrial purposes and equipment for technical systems of special structures from real objects.

    PZ on an autonomous air conditioner PP for electrical devices

    Study of power transformer design Automation software

    The cadets' internships are carried out at energy facilities (transformer substations, boiler houses, electrical and heating networks, ventilation systems, etc.) of the academy and industrial enterprises of the city. The internship is carried out at protected control points of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

    Over the period from 1988 to the present, about 600 engineers have been trained for energy supply of special structures and aviation facilities. Graduates of the energy specialty are always in demand in various fields of military and civilian activity. Many of them became the main power engineers of objects of various purposes and levels of complexity.

    The teaching staff includes experienced military teachers, specialists in various fields of energy, science and technology. The department also employs highly qualified civilian teachers who concurrently teach at related departments of leading technical universities in Voronezh.

    The specialty is included in the Educational and Methodological Association of Russian Universities for Education in the Field of Energy and Electrical Engineering at the National Research University (Moscow Energy Institute).

    The department purposefully carries out educational work in study groups, which are assigned to tactical leaders - teachers of the department. Graduates of the specialty are distinguished by high moral and psychological preparation. For their courage in eliminating emergency situations during combat duty, 2001 graduates A. Karavansky and N. Sinibabnov were awarded government awards.

    The main directions of scientific work of the department: automatic control of ventilation and air conditioning systems; improvement of technical systems and power supply systems of facilities; improvement of military education. More than 30% of the specialty cadets participate in the military-scientific circle of the department.

    In 2003, 2007 and 2013 the specialty successfully passed the state examination. The Department of Protective Structures, being one of the leading educational and scientific divisions of the Academy, successfully solves the problem of training highly qualified specialists for the Russian Aerospace Forces.

    Specialty: Personnel management (Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and equivalent bodies of the Russian Federation) Specialization: Staff and organizational-mobilization work Qualification: specialist in the field of management Duration of training: 5 years

    The provision of aviation flights involves many services and units, for the effective management of which, interaction, maintenance of combat and mobilization readiness, and organization of daily activities, professional management structures are required - headquarters, which include modern technical management tools and, most importantly, specialist managers.

    This is exactly what graduates who graduate from the academy with a degree in Human Resources do. They serve in the directorates and headquarters of units and formations of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

    The main areas of professional activity of graduates are:

    • ensuring effective management of the daily and combat activities of the military unit;
    • maintaining and improving combat and mobilization readiness;
    • work with military personnel and civilian personnel of a military unit;
    • conducting organizational, staffing and mobilization work;
    • organization of military service, security of military service and countering terrorism in a military unit.

    To successfully master a specialty and solve the problems of professional activity, a graduate must have a high staff culture. To do this, it is necessary to have such qualities and abilities as self-organization, punctuality and pedantry, an analytical mind, a broad outlook and erudition, a penchant for the humanities, combined with information literacy, including in the field of modern information technologies, good knowledge of the Russian language, organizational abilities, teamwork abilities, sociability.

    From the first days of training, cadets of the specialty “Personnel Management” are involved and actively participate in military scientific work, conducting research on problematic issues of managing the daily activities of units, organizational and mobilization work, combat training, military service, and work with military personnel.

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    In the dim light of a polar day, a column of tracked vehicles crawls along the snow-covered tundra in a dotted line: armored personnel carriers, all-terrain vehicles with personnel, fuel tanks and... four mysterious vehicles of impressive size, looking like mighty iron coffins. This is probably what, or almost this, the journey of a mobile nuclear power plant to the N military facility, which guards the country from a potential enemy in the very heart of the icy desert, would look like...

    The roots of this story go, of course, to the era of atomic romance - to the mid-1950s. In 1955, Efim Pavlovich Slavsky, one of the luminaries of the USSR nuclear industry, the future head of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building, who served in this post from Nikita Sergeevich to Mikhail Sergeevich, visited the Leningrad Kirov plant. It was in a conversation with the director of LKZ I.M. Sinev first proposed the development of a mobile nuclear power plant that could supply electricity to civilian and military facilities located in remote areas of the Far North and Siberia.

    The preliminary design of the station appeared in 1957, and two years later special equipment was produced for the construction of prototypes of TPP-3 (transportable power plant).

    One of the main factors that the authors of the project had to take into account when choosing certain engineering solutions was, of course, safety. From this point of view, the design of a small-sized double-circuit water-cooled reactor was considered optimal. The heat generated by the reactor was removed by water under a pressure of 130 atm at a temperature at the reactor inlet of 275°C and at the outlet - 300°C. Through the heat exchanger, heat was transferred to the working fluid, which was also water. The resulting steam drove the generator turbine.

    The reactor core was designed in the form of a cylinder with a height of 600 and a diameter of 660 mm. 74 fuel assemblies were placed inside. As a fuel composition, we decided to use the intermetallic compound (chemical compound of metals) UAl3, filled with silumin (SiAl). The assemblies consisted of two coaxial rings with this fuel composition. A similar scheme was developed specifically for TPP-3.

    In 1960, the power equipment created was mounted on a tracked chassis borrowed from the last Soviet heavy tank, the T-10, which was produced from the mid-1950s to the mid-1960s. True, for the PAPP the base had to be lengthened, so the energy self-propelled vehicle (as all-terrain vehicles transporting a nuclear power plant began to be called) had ten rollers versus seven for the tank.

    The power of the station's turbogenerator is 1.5 thousand kW, however, its three steam generators can produce steam with a pressure of 20 atm and a temperature of 285 ° C in an amount sufficient to obtain power at the turbine shaft of up to 2 thousand kW. Of course, like any nuclear reactor, the TES-3 reactor “produced” a huge amount of radioactive radiation, therefore, during the operation of the station, an earthen rampart was built around the first two self-propelled vehicles, which protected personnel from radiation.

    In August 1960, the assembled PAES was delivered to Obninsk, to the testing site of the Physics and Power Engineering Institute. Less than a year later, on June 7, 1961, the reactor reached criticality, and on October 13, the power start-up of the station took place.

    Testing continued until 1965, when the reactor completed its first campaign. However, this is where the history of the Soviet mobile nuclear power plant actually ended. The fact is that, in parallel, the famous Obninsk Institute was developing another project in the field of small-scale nuclear energy. It was the floating nuclear power plant "Sever" with a similar reactor. Like TPP-3, Sever was designed primarily for the needs of power supply to military facilities. And so, at the beginning of 1967, the USSR Ministry of Defense decided to abandon the floating nuclear power plant. At the same time, work on the ground-based mobile power plant was stopped: the floating nuclear power plant was transferred to standby mode. At the end of the 1960s, there was hope that the brainchild of Obninsk scientists would still find practical application. It was assumed that the nuclear power plant could be used in oil production in cases where large amounts of hot water need to be pumped into oil-bearing layers in order to raise fossil raw materials closer to the surface.

    We considered, for example, the possibility of such use of floating nuclear power plants at wells in the area of ​​the city of Grozny. But the station failed to even serve as a boiler for the needs of Chechen oil workers. The economic operation of TPP-3 was considered inappropriate, and in 1969 the power plant was completely mothballed. Forever.

    Surprisingly, the history of Soviet mobile nuclear power plants did not end with the death of the Obninsk Volga Nuclear Power Plant. Another project that is undoubtedly worth talking about is a very curious example of Soviet long-term energy construction. It began in the early 1960s, but it brought some tangible results only in the Gorbachev era and was soon “killed” by radiophobia that sharply increased after the Chernobyl disaster. We are talking about the Belarusian project “Pamir 630D”.

    The mobile Pamir nuclear power plant was intended for military needs - power supply to air defense radars in conditions when the standard power supply systems would be destroyed by a missile attack. (However, like most military products, Pamir had a second – civilian – purpose: use in areas of natural disasters).

    Therefore, with a relatively low reactor power (0.6 MW(e)), high demands were placed on its compactness and, especially, on a reliable cooling system.

    After many years of research, the designers created for Pamir a unique gas-cooled reactor based on nitrogen tetroxide, operating in a single-circuit design. It could operate on one load of fuel for up to five years.

    Years followed experiments and tests, and those who conceived the Pamir in the early 1960s were able to see their brainchild in metal only in the first half of the 1980s.

    As in the case of TPP-3, Belarusian designers needed several machines to place their floating nuclear power plant on them. The reactor unit was mounted on a three-axle MAZ-9994 semi-trailer with a lifting capacity of 65 tons, for which the MAZ-796 acted as a tractor. In addition to the reactor with bioprotection, this block housed an emergency cooling system, an auxiliary switchgear cabinet and two autonomous 16 kW diesel generators. The same MAZ-767 - MAZ-994 combination also carried a turbogenerator unit with power plant equipment.

    Additionally, elements of the automated control and protection system were moved in the bodies of KRAZ vehicles. Another such truck was transporting an auxiliary power unit with two hundred-kilowatt diesel generators. A total of five cars.

    "Pamir-630D", like TPP-3, was designed for stationary operation. Upon arrival at the location, the installation crews installed the reactor and turbogenerator units next to each other and connected them with pipelines with sealed joints. The control units and backup power plant were placed no closer than 150 m from the reactor to ensure the radiation safety of personnel. The wheels were removed from the reactor and turbogenerator unit (the trailers were mounted on jacks) and taken to a safe area. All this, of course, was in the project, because the reality turned out to be different.

    Click on the picture to enlarge

    The station successfully passed factory tests, and by 1986 two Pamir nuclear power plants had already been manufactured. But they did not have time to go to their places of duty. After the Chernobyl accident, in the wake of anti-nuclear sentiment in Belarus, the project was closed, and all eight finished trailers with equipment went under the knife.