A quick method to lose weight for expectant mothers. Fasting: dangers and pitfalls

Fat people often experience discomfort in society, they are limited in various life opportunities. I was one of them.

I am 29 years old. I work as an employee of the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Nizhny Novgorod Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church of the MP.

In 2015 I weighed 135 kg. Excess weight was the cause of many of my illnesses, including heart failure, high blood pressure, brain spasms, etc.

Excess weight brought me a lot of inconvenience, especially physical. For example, while making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, I encountered many problems - I had to walk a lot, climb high mountains to worship the Great Shrines, or go down into the deep canyon to the monastery. When climbing a mountain, I always felt discomfort, my blood pressure immediately jumped, my head began to hurt, and shortness of breath appeared. I will not hide the fact that in those moments I looked with envy at people who did not have problems with excess weight. They quickly and without any difficulty reached mountain peaks and inaccessible holy places.

There were also certain social complexes: because of my obesity, I was embarrassed to undress on the beach, to meet the opposite sex. Excess weight was the source constant fear become the object of jokes and ridicule. Added to this were difficulties with finding clothes, moving, excessive sweating, moving in transport, etc.

Reflecting on all these problems and complexes, I came to the idea that I need to take charge of myself and, at any cost, lose the prohibitively extra pounds. The implementation of this idea took place in two stages.

First attempt to lose weight using nutritional correction

At the time of setting the goal, reset overweight I weighed 135 kg. This was exactly 2 years ago. The first target in this battle was my nutrition.

  1. I gave up high-calorie foods (of course, at that time I understood little about this, but general ideas still had it).
  2. I excluded from the diet - mayonnaise, bread (I ate a piece of rye once a day for lunch), all kinds of flour products: gingerbread, cookies, pies, etc., sweets: sugar, candy, biscuits, etc., fried, salty, lard, cheeses and other dairy products over 1% fat.
  3. The diet consisted mainly of steamed or boiled food in small quantities.
  4. After 18:00, exclusively vegetables and fruits, freshly squeezed juices, but in very small quantities, literally 1 apple (or other fruit) and a glass of juice.

From February 2015 to May 2015 I managed to lose 35 kg.

The most important thing is to eliminate all the “weaknesses” that we often want to create for ourselves. We constantly want to console ourselves with something. But this is an obstacle to achieving your goal. To lose excess weight, we really have to work hard, because the struggle with ourselves is the hardest, because the forces are equal. Here iron willpower must be developed and prevail. No wonder they say: “beauty requires sacrifice!”

At first, of course, it can be very difficult; you want to eat constantly. But after a week it becomes easier, the diet becomes a habit, thereby developing patience and strengthening willpower. Of course, there were temptations, and very strong ones, especially if it was associated with holidays and birthdays. When relatives and friends invited me to a table with high-calorie foods, I had to constantly stop myself, infringe on myself, and tell my loved ones something like “diet, don’t be offended - I’m working on myself.”

A feeling of lightness in the body appears after about a month of such work. This feeling is exciting and gives strength to new feats in order to achieve the ultimate goal.

He gave me great support in this matter Lent, during which I even refused to eat vegetable oil, fasting, I will say, very strictly.

By May 2015 I had lost 35 kg! In the summer I added to my diet physical work– daily cycling, which helped burn extra calories.

How to lose excess weight: the second stage is “real”

The fall of 2015 brought me illnesses, and I “fell into bed.” The dietary method of eating began to go astray, and by February 2016 I again gained 15 kg.

I understood that diet alone is not enough to lose excess weight. Constant physical activity is required.

I understood that the attitude Orthodox Christian approach to sports should not be reckless, but still moderate. Sport is physical exercise, but for a Christian, the soul is more important. But we must also take care of the body. I was very inspired by the sports examples of priests I knew, as well as saints who were athletes in the past, and this did not harm their spiritual life in the least.

I believe that if sport is only for health (both physical and psychological) - this is quite normal. If fame, honor, money are a distortion, sports here will be a source of pride and vanity.

So, in February 2016, I bought an annual subscription to a fitness club that had recently opened in our area.

From that moment on, my second, “real” stage of losing excess weight and converting fat deposits into muscles began.

At the fitness club, the trainer developed a whole training program for me personally, designed for a week. Four days a week were devoted to strength training, where all muscle groups “worked,” from the chest, arms and back, to the legs. The three remaining days were exclusively for cardio training, which included running, cycling, swimming pool and Turkish bath. Moreover, strength training and cardio alternated with each other to “rest” the muscles.

The diet has also changed. I completely eliminated bread from my diet, began to look at the calorie content of foods, and tried to eliminate unhealthy foods.

The day began with a glass cold water, which must be drunk on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast. I will write more about this.

Drinking water while on a diet

Everyone knows that the human body is 80 percent “filled” with water. The lack of the latter portends many diseases. Drinking water is a necessity of life.

Particular benefits of water are noted during dietary nutrition and physical activity. Water helps accelerate the breakdown of fat cells. If you want to lose weight, you must strictly follow the drinking regime.

A glass of water is needed 30 minutes before each meal. The average amount of drinking clean water for a person is 8 glasses. The “glasses” remaining from the daily norm should be consumed in the intervals between main meals.

No other drinks can replace water when losing weight. Only clean water will help you deal with calories more quickly, speed up metabolism, promote effective cleansing body.

You can even stave off hunger with a few glasses of water!

But let’s return to nutrition, which has become fractional, according to the following scheme:

  • First breakfast 06:30 (oatmeal porridge with water 300 grams, small piece of chicken).
  • Second breakfast 10:00 (fruits and vegetables, maybe a piece of boiled meat).
  • Lunch 13:00 ( full lunch 500 grams).
  • Afternoon snack 16:00 (cottage cheese 200 grams).
  • Dinner 19:00 (boiled meat or steam cutlets without side dish 300 grams).
  • Late dinner 22:00 (a glass of low-fat kefir).

Dietary food during fasting

An athlete needs protein foods. Fasting is a time of “rest” from animal proteins and fats. Like any person, an Orthodox athlete during fasting should think first of all about God, and not about food.

If we consider Lent, then this is the spring time, when hypovitaminosis reigns everywhere and the body is weakened. The consequences of introducing a diet without cottage cheese, eggs, or poultry may manifest itself in the form of fatigue and decreased vitality.

That's why Lenten table should also have variety and include fresh vegetables and fruits.

The ban on the consumption of animal food will not be very noticeable for the athlete if he introduces plant sources of protein into his diet - nuts, seeds, legumes (beans, peas, chickpeas).

Do not forget that nuts and seeds are high-calorie foods (about 700 kcal per 100 grams), so moderation in their consumption is extremely important: 40 - 50 grams per day will be quite enough.

Beans and peas are favorites among plant foods in terms of protein content, and in addition, fiber and vitamins. Bean dishes are tasty, nutritious and healthy.

Protein shakes based on plant proteins, such as soy, can be a kind of lifesaver during fasting. They allow you to continue to increase muscle mass, feel a surge of strength and recover faster after intense physical activity.

Results of moving towards the goal of “losing excess weight”

Day after day, the desire to be slim, combining sports and diet, increasing strength loads and training willpower bore fruit. By the grace of God, this time I was able to lose weight from 115 kg to 85 kg. Now the weight has stabilized and is no longer decreasing.

Each person is built differently. Someone can eat everything indiscriminately and not add more extra pounds. And someone (like me) is designed in such a way that every piece eaten brings extra weight, and here you have to strictly monitor what you eat and try to “work off” the excess in the gym on time. This is a fun, lifelong willpower workout.

So, to summarize, I would like to highlight significant achievements that losing weight brought me:

  1. Physical well-being has improved: headaches have disappeared, blood pressure has stabilized, and shortness of breath has disappeared. Now I can easily climb a mountain, dig up a garden, etc., without experiencing any difficulties.
  2. I gained self-confidence, which allowed me to have closer contact with society, invite people to communicate, make new friends, be in the center of the company, and not remain in the shadows, as was the case before. And, finally, communicate with the opposite sex without any complexes or embarrassments.
  3. The dietary regimen developed over 2 years strengthened willpower, making it clear that happiness in life does not lie in excessive food consumption. This diet allows you to stop yourself from various food temptations in time, and confidently say to yourself: “no!”
  4. Exercise and diet have inspired me to continue this lifestyle. The process is not completed, but continues.

An Orthodox Christian must remain a Christian everywhere - and in gym and by the refrigerator. I really hope that my story will inspire people who are overweight to do a feat that will make them happy... with God!

Sergei Bakhtin

When you wake up in the morning, don’t be lazy, stretch in all directions, do the “bicycle” exercise, and stand up. Lean forward, left, right, and once again, twice. Now drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of honey.
Water with honey and exercise will help your intestines work and give you energy for the whole day.

71 rules for losing weight

1. Breakfast is everything

Research conducted by scientists has shown that those who do not eat breakfast eat much more during the day.

2. In the morning – sweets

You really want to eat something sweet, satisfy your desire! But, in the morning, at breakfast. Do you want some sweets? Eat just one! Do you want some cake? Satisfy this desire too, but only with a small piece.

3. Rhythmic eating

Don't want to be tormented by sudden pangs of hunger? Then try to eat every 3-4 hours, and there will be no hunger attacks. Take this as a rule for losing weight, less calories, less excess weight!

4.Vegetable salad is dangerous

How is this possible? Vegetables are not prohibited by any diet; on the contrary, they are recommended! They have all the vitamins available! This is all correct, of course!
Raw vegetables are not beneficial after 4 pm. Since at this time they are poorly digested by the body and can even cause pain in the intestines or abdomen.

5. Snack should be healthy

On your desktop, you should always have an apple or . If you feel hungry, please eat a carrot or an apple.

6.Fruit rule for weight loss

Eating fruit should be your rule, your ritual. Twice a day, you just have to do it. Fruits and berries can be eaten for breakfast, or second breakfast, as well as in the afternoon, but not at dinner (they may start to bloat).

7 .Pickles

Pickles stimulate the appetite and are usually excluded from all weight loss diets. But! Cucumbers are low in calories: 100 g of pickled cucumbers contain 12 kcal. And yet, they contain fiber, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And that's not all! Cucumbers are great for curbing sweet cravings. Just don't abuse it! One cucumber and that's it!

8. Water will save you from hunger

There is a feeling that you seem to want to eat, drink a glass. Sometimes we, or rather our body, confuses the feeling of thirst with the feeling of hunger. We drank some water and the feeling of hunger subsided.

9. Nice company

If possible, eat in company more often: with friends, with colleagues. What does this give? It has been scientifically proven, and you yourself have probably noticed that people eat much less when in company.

10.Magical properties of seeds

You can talk for a very long time about the benefits of sunflower seeds, pumpkin and flax. But, since we are struggling with excess weight, we will only touch on this side. These seeds will help remove excess cholesterol from the body. In addition, peeling seeds has a psychotherapeutic effect. It's like a kind of meditation! This process captivates a person so much that he forgets about food. But don’t overdo it, seeds are also a source of fat.
You can prepare a very healthy mixture from the seeds:
You need to mix equal amounts of sunflower, flax and pumpkin seeds. Eat 1 tablespoon of the mixture. You can add the mixture to yogurt, it’s tasty and healthy. And most importantly, you won’t want to eat for a long time.

11.Fish is a dietary product

Fish contains a huge amount of useful substances, and fish is easily absorbed by the body. So do not deny yourself such a valuable product. Fish should be included in your diet once or twice a week.

12.Sleep rules

You need to sleep at least 8-12 hours, scientists say. But this is a controversial issue. You need to sleep as much as your body needs. The main thing is to get enough sleep! A person who does not get enough sleep feels overwhelmed and tired. To cheer up, he drinks coffee, tea and snacks, which ultimately contributes to excess weight gain.

13. You can relax on the weekend

All week you fulfilled all the requirements: woke up correctly, ate with discipline. Pamper yourself on the weekend, just don’t overdo it, otherwise all the results won’t be worth a damn.

Products without harm to your figure

The mere thought that in order to follow the rules for losing weight, you will have to give up delicious foods, many are horrified. But don't fall into depression prematurely. There are delicious foods, and there are a lot of them, that are not only tasty, but also able to fully satisfy your hunger, and even make your waistline lose weight!
Magic products that will improve your health and help you gain a slim figure:

14.The magical power of pineapple

16. Sorceress pear

Pears are rich in potassium, an insoluble fiber. Besides that. That pear has a beneficial effect on work digestive system, it also helps remove heavy metals, waste and toxins from the body. And removing toxins is one of the conditions for losing weight. Pear is ideal for a snack.

17. Oatmeal is a source of energy

One of the most useful products, including the fight against it, is, of course, oatmeal. Oatmeal is rich in complex carbohydrates, which provide the body with energy. Cereals create a feeling of fullness for a long time. They are an irreplaceable product in dietary nutrition.

18. Omelette is an ideal breakfast option

For a lower calorie content, you can use just a white or one whole egg and one white. Add 2-3 tablespoons of low-fat milk to the eggs, add salt to taste and pour into a heated frying pan with a small amount vegetable oil. Can be cooked in the microwave.

19. Curd cheeses

Curd cheeses are rich in calcium and protein and make you feel full. In addition, they are low in calories: 30 g - 38 kcal.

20.Freshly prepared juices and the rule for losing weight

Drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange or carrot juice, you won’t feel like eating for a long time. These juices are rich in pectin. Pectin is needed to stabilize metabolism, and it also reduces cholesterol in the body.

21. Useful bird

Can't do without a sandwich? Instead of sausage, boil chicken or turkey. Fewer calories and no chemicals.

22.Light sandwich

A tasty and, most importantly, healthy sandwich will turn out if you use mustard or low-calorie curd cheese instead of butter. Low-calorie cottage cheese contains 15 kcal, mustard 10 kcal, and 1 teaspoon of butter - 40 kcal.

Salads should be dressed with a light sauce so as not to add calories.

Example of a light sauce:

1 tablespoon of soy sauce must be mixed with 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil and 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Stir and light and healthy sauce ready.

24. Sauerkraut

Doctors advise obese patients to eat sauerkraut. Why? Sauerkraut helps digestion; the fiber it contains binds carbohydrates and helps them leave the body faster.
Sauerkraut is considered the number one product in the diet of people struggling with excess weight.

25.Healthy fats

Make it a rule for yourself to lose weight and not only to include nuts and seeds in your diet. They have an encouraging effect on the body. But don't overuse it! Eat 6-7 nuts and 2 tablespoons of seeds per day.

26.Green tea

Cup of green loose leaf tea regulates blood sugar levels. An excellent way to combat subcutaneous fat. Of course, remember to take reasonable measures.

27. Chili pepper

Scientists from California have concluded that chili pepper helps burn fat cells in the body. Capsaicin, which is part of hot peppers, eliminates obesity because it reduces calorie intake and reduces the volume of fatty tissue.
Capsaicin is an alkaloid found in various types Capsicum capsicum.
But it should not be consumed in large quantities.


Ginger speeds up metabolism, add it different dishes. This is a very popular weight loss product.

29 Coffee

You will have to give up coffee with cream or milk. Drink regular black coffee (without sugar).

30.Honey instead of sugar, as a rule!

Don't like tea without sugar? Use honey instead. Honey is excellent folk remedy obesity treatment.

31.Diet products

Artificial additives included in dietary products increase the feeling of hunger. Therefore, it is better not to eat them.


It is better to take non-fat varieties of cheese. Processed and processed foods are especially rich in fats. soft cheeses. They should be excluded from the diet altogether.

33. Hot dinner

Unfortunately, many of us prefer not to cook in the evening and prefer to dine on salads and sandwiches. It's better not to do this! Evening is that time of day when the body simply needs hot food. What if you're tired? Don't have the energy or time to cook? A simple vegetable soup is what you need! Or fish, steamed or boiled. Chicken fillet It will also be an ideal option for helping to reduce excess weight.

34. No alcohol!

Alcoholic drinks are very high in calories! And it’s better not to use them! By the way, in many diets, the main rule for losing weight is the complete exclusion of alcohol.

35. Broth is healthier than soup

Can't do without soup for lunch? Replace it with broth, without cereals and vegetables.
There are fewer calories, and the body will be full. Why not a way to lose weight?

36. Vegetables and protein with half carbohydrates

Lunch and dinner should be half vegetables. And the second half should consist of proteins and carbohydrates. It would be nice in equal shares. Protein is present in meat and fish. Carbohydrates: rice, pasta. In this situation, your diet will be balanced.

37. Avoid flavor enhancers

Flavor enhancers make you want to eat much more, which means you gain weight rather than lose weight.
When purchasing products, read the labels more carefully and do not buy products that contain flavor enhancers.

38. Bad French fries

French fries are a harmful product. But. If you really really want it, prepare it yourself, making it less harmful.
Sliced ​​potatoes can first be boiled until half cooked, and then dipped in boiling fat for 2 minutes.
There is another option. Cook in an air fryer. Dip potatoes cut into thin slices in vegetable oil, and then, shaking off the fat, place it on the grill of the air fryer, install the program and that’s it.

39. Low-calorie drinks

In the evening and as an afternoon snack, you can drink low-calorie drinks: 1% kefir or whey. This way you will save on calories.

40. Harmful drinks

Avoid lemonade, cola and packaged juices. This is the right step towards lightness and slimness!

41.Drink water

Drink at least 2 liters of water per day, not counting soup and other drinks. And then you will absolutely eat less. Drinking water should be your rule for weight loss and health.

42.Herbal teas

Replace regular tea with herbal tea. Herbal teas reduce hunger.


When you brew coffee or tea, add a little cinnamon. Cinnamon can burn fat. But. Only without adding sugar, otherwise there will be no effect.


Meat is a healthy product and should be included in the diet. But no more than 3 times a week

45. Lemon is a lifesaver

If you couldn’t resist eating fatty foods, lemon will help. Eat a couple of slices of lemon, it will help break down fats. If you do not have strict contraindications, then it is recommended to drink 150–200 g of water with a slice of lemon every morning on an empty stomach, which helps burn excess weight and improve digestion.

46.Salt is not your ally

Try to consume as little salt as possible. It is advisable to generally reduce its use to the necessary minimum. Add salt instead of salt to fish, meat and salads soy sauce. Read more about the salt-free diet, there are 5 options, and if you are interested in the Japanese salt-free diet, then.

Joy in movement for excess weight loss

“Movement is life!” And no one doubts this.

47. Correct morning

Scientists have long proven that those who do exercises or run in the morning eat much less during the day than those who do not. If you want to be slim, then here’s another rule for losing weight: run in the morning, or at least do exercises.

48. Playing sports should be fun

Exercising is a sure and reliable way to lose weight. But sport should be fun!
Playing sports just because you need to, as if it were an obligation, is a useless activity.

49. Regularity is the main thing

If you do exercises or exercise occasionally, you will not get a positive result. Exercises must be done daily. And since you have decided to play sports, please do it twice a week.

50.Brush your teeth and lose weight

While brushing your teeth, combine business with pleasure: train your thighs and belly. You can pull your stomach in and let go, rise on your toes and lower yourself. We repeated it several times. It was great to brush your teeth and do your exercises!

51. Music is a faithful assistant

In the morning, turn on your favorite music and dance! While dancing, brew coffee and prepare breakfast. This will lift your spirits and tighten your muscles.
Get up at the ironing board and dance too! The result is amazing!

52. Cooking and losing weight

Scientific research has proven that when you cook (breakfast, lunch, dinner), you lose weight!
When you cook, you constantly move around the kitchen, chopping, stirring. With all this, you burn 120 kcal per day. Of course, with the condition that you don’t chew constantly.

53. Muscles should be toned

Muscles must be trained, as they expend energy even when they are at rest.

Little tricks to help you lose weight

Sometimes little tricks can quench your hunger. And they are a great way to lose weight, lose a couple of kilograms.

54. You need to eat consciously

You should always eat slowly and consciously, enjoying the taste of food. If you want chocolate, eat a small piece. Do you want more? Pamper yourself more, the main thing is to have fun! The main thing is pleasure! Stop if he's not there

55. You need to eat at the table

You shouldn’t eat “nahoda”, even if you are eating an apple. Only when sitting at the dinner table will you be clearly aware of what you are eating. Even a cupcake eaten on the spot will not be perceived by the brain as a meal. Therefore, you will eat much more than your body needs.

56.The aroma will relieve hunger

The aroma of orange, cinnamon or vanilla signals to the brain that you have eaten something. Buy scented candles and set them on fire, this way you will deceive your body. A great way to lose weight! And what is not a rule!?

57. Switch your attention

Are you hungry? Try to switch your attention, get distracted! Chat online or talk on the phone. Or maybe there is an interesting program on TV? Look! And you won’t notice how the feeling of hunger will disappear. Here's a little trick to get rid of hunger!

58.Not large packages

Try to buy all products in small packages. What do we do when we open a big box of cookies or marshmallows? We eat everything! Great temptation!
Let this be your rule: buy products in small packages.

59.Go on a visit with a full stomach

If you go on a visit with an empty stomach, your hungry body will attack salads with mayonnaise, fatty meat, cake and other goodies. And what is the result? And the result won’t keep you waiting long! Tomorrow you will find that your weight has increased by 1.5 - 2 kg! So, you can’t go on a visit with an empty stomach.

60.Tight skirt and tight trousers

One way to avoid gaining extra pounds when going on a visit is a little trick. Which? You probably already guessed it? Wear a tight skirt or tight pants. The waistband of your skirt or trousers will start to cut into your waist and this will keep you from eating an extra piece or eating too much.

Smart snacks

61. Willpower is above all else

At work, your partner offers you a snack, some tea with your family fried pies. And they give off such a fabulous aroma! Refrain, even if you can't bear it.

62. Don’t cut yourself some slack.

When you go shopping, and there are so many temptations around, so many goodies on display, your eyes widen! You need to keep your eyes peeled, and don’t be tempted by goodies. Carry nuts with you, they will save you from a sudden feeling of hunger.

63. Cooking correctly

It's no secret that fried food is harmful. Deep-fried food is also no less harmful. Give preference to steamed or stewed food. A great way to lose weight!

Keep hunger under control

Hunger must always be kept under control. Follow this rule - this is a great way to lose excess weight.

64.Sweets or jam?

Craving something sweet? I don't want fruit! So what should I do? Eat a small piece of whole grain bread with plum jam. This way you will “kill two birds with one stone”. You will suppress your appetite for sweets and improve your digestion.

65.Make the right choices

I didn’t have it on hand plum jam, but I don’t have the strength to deny myself sweets. Eat marshmallows or marshmallows. These products have fewer calories than, for example, milk chocolate. One piece contains approximately 170 kcal.
Marshmallow is considered the safest sweet.

66. Instead of sweets, tea

After you've eaten, you want to eat some candy, what should you do? Don't rush to reach for candy! Drink a cup of green tea with a spoon of honey.

67. Raw vegetables and herbs

Use daily raw vegetables and greens are an ideal option for fighting hunger and a great way to lose excess weight.
Vegetables and greens consist of plant fibers, which, when they enter the stomach, swell there. So I don’t want to eat!

68. Seasonings

Garlic salt, curry, allspice, their intense odors, entering our brain, contribute to the slow absorption of food and enjoyment of it. And as a result, we usually eat less. Make it a rule to eat and always put these spices on the table. Let this be your basic rule for losing weight.

69. Take a break

It happens that there are so many urgent things that need to be done urgently. And then, as if from underground, a feeling of hunger arises and grows. The stress hormone, cortisol, tried. Cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands when the body experiences stress.
Take breaks from work, and this will help avoid a huge feeling of hunger.

70. I brushed my teeth and forgot about food

Very often in the evenings, before going to bed, suddenly, out of nowhere, a feeling of hunger arises. I need to go to bed already, but I want to eat. Instead of running to the refrigerator, brush your teeth. The smell of menthol will dull the feeling of hunger. Here is another rule or way to lose weight.

71. Calories and diets

When a person goes on a diet with the goal of simply losing excess weight, then the goal of the diet is to reduce calorie intake, and in addition to physical activity and amazing results are achieved. In simple words “Eat less, move more”!
Lose weight for your health!

© “In a feminine way” | Diets

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Many women are interested in how to drink kefir to lose 12 kg in a week? It must be said that this is quite real, because... losing weight on kefir is considered fast diet, and also low-calorie.

But you must remember that this method of losing weight is quite strict, although effective; if you wish, you can lose from 5 to 14 kg in 7 days.

But you shouldn’t abuse your body like that; after all, it’s better to lose 14 kg gradually, over one or two months, otherwise health problems cannot be avoided.

The essence of this diet is simple - you need to consume kefir, but not just as you please, but at certain hours and in a certain volume.

Does this diet have any contraindications?

This type of diet should not be used by those who suffer from dairy intolerance. In addition, such a strict diet can harm nursing women and people with heart and vascular diseases.

But as a preventive measure, fermented milk products are not only healthy, but also delicious!

How to use kefir to lose weight? You can use the fastest and most effective diet, designed for three days.

As simple as it is, it is also effective and allows short term get rid of a few extra pounds.

You need to drink from 1 to 1.5 liters of this product per day, dividing the daily intake into 6 doses. This means that every 2.5 hours you need to drink 1 tbsp. kefir

Many who have tried this diet on themselves claim that during this time you can lose from 2 to 4 kg of weight. The greatest effectiveness can be achieved if you combine such a diet with exercise.

Every person in our country knows who Larisa Dolina is and many remember her as a woman in a “body”. However, now the figure of this pop star deserves all sorts of praise, and experts say that Dolina lost weight precisely on the kefir diet.

Unlike Alla Pugacheva, she did not come up with it herself, but successfully used the development of the famous nutritionist D.V. Saikov. This diet is designed for seven days.

Diet for a week

The first day consists of 0.5 liters of low-fat kefir and 3 large potatoes baked in the oven.

The second day consists of 0.5 liters of kefir and 0.5 kg of cottage cheese.

The third day consists of 0.5 liters of kefir and 0.5 kg of any fruit.

The fourth day consists of 0.5 liters of kefir and 0.5 kg of chicken, steamed or boiled without salt.

The menu of the fifth day is completely the same as the menu of the third day.

The sixth day consists entirely of water. Can be consumed mineral water, only without gas.

The menu of the seventh day completely repeats the menu of the third day.

With enormous willpower, this diet can be extended up to 14 days, but it is no longer recommended, because... she already delivers a quick and accurate blow to extra pounds. This diet allows you to get rid of 10-12 kg in 7 days.

Diet for week No. 2 The first day consists of 1.5 liters of low-fat kefir and 1 kg of any fruit.

The second day consists of 1.5 liters of kefir and 4 large potatoes baked in the oven.

The third day is considered fasting. It consists of only 1.5 liters of kefir and the same amount of mineral water.

The fourth day consists of 1.5 liters of kefir and 0.5 kg of low-fat pork or chicken, steamed, boiled or baked in the oven.

The fifth day consists of 1.5 liters of kefir and 1 kg of apples.

The sixth day consists of 1.5 liters of kefir and 1 kg of vegetables. Vegetables can be eaten in their pure form, or you can prepare a salad, but without adding salt.

The seventh day is a fasting day and completely repeats the menu of the third day.

In principle, you can see that the diet of this diet is quite gentle, and fasting days only two. Of course, everyone’s results are different, but if you believe the reviews, you can lose an average of up to 4 kg.

If you actively engage in sports while eating this way, you can reach the mark of 6 kg per week.

But if you want to lose weight without harming your health, it is better to follow the principle “the slower you go, the longer you will eat” and choose a simple and gentle diet designed for 21 days.

You can rest assured that the result of your efforts will be obvious - such a diet will allow you to get rid of 10-14 kg of excess weight.

Here, just like in the first diet, you need to eat 6 times a day, every 2 hours. As for the products themselves, in addition to the kefir itself, you can eat everything except the following products: sugar, potatoes, black and white bread , fatty fish and meats.

By eliminating these foods, you can eat whatever you want, not forgetting to consume kefir after every meal. This is how you can easily and simply acquire a beautiful, slender figure.

Until now, many are sure that the question of how to lose excess weight can be solved in two ways: you need to eat less and move more. Not surprisingly, such a prospect is terrifying, and they generally refuse to lose weight, leaving everything as it is. In fact, this is a very simplified rule, which in such a formulation has lost common sense.

Any weight loss program always involves fractional meals. Why should you eat often during the day? The answer lies in the peculiarities of metabolic processes. Each of its cells requires nutrition, as well as the removal of decay products from it. Actually, our body works in exactly the same way at the macro level. If these processes take place without failures, regularly, in sufficient volumes, then we can talk about normal metabolism, weight, and health.

The liver feeds the cells. For each cell, it produces the substances it needs and delivers them. We need to ensure regular flow to the liver nutrients, as well as oxygen and water for their further synthesis. Assimilating the elements necessary for life, the cell releases toxic products into the intercellular space that appear after the synthesis of nutrients. From there they are excreted through the bloodstream to the liver and kidneys, which are responsible for their disposal. Therefore, it is important to maintain water balance in order to maintain sufficient level removal of decomposition products.

When we eat, not only gastric juice is released, but also bile. To release it, a small amount of fat, about a teaspoon, is required. Therefore, if you eat frequently, the body will use up more fat reserves.

With normal fractional meals per day, a person on average uses about 100 g of fat to process the food received. Accordingly, weight loss without harm to health should be approximately 3 kg per month. If you lose more - leaves muscle mass and water. This leads to the development of various diseases.


The very first recommendation for those who plan to lose weight at home is to eat five to six times a day. Why exactly this much, and not more and not less? The indicator is derived from the characteristics of the body’s functioning.

How the body works

It is believed that gallbladder has a volume of about 200 ml, while the liver produces almost a liter of bile during normal activity. Therefore, to ensure optimal circulation of the substance, the gallbladder must fill and empty at least five times a day.

However, in order to lose weight, it is important to maintain the volume and quality of what you eat. At the main meal, the amount of food should fit in two palms. At the same time, we exclude low-health foods from the diet: baked goods, sugar and, if possible, sugar-containing products.


Do not try to completely eliminate sugary foods, otherwise you will harm your body. Glucose is an essential substance for the normal functioning of our brain. Its deficiency causes slow reactions, difficulty thinking, despondency, fatigue and depression.

It is enough to eat a teaspoon of honey and one piece of candy a day. We definitely include porridge and other things in the menu complex carbohydrates.


We reduce the amount of fat consumed to 25 g at a time with five meals a day. When there is a shortage of incoming fats, the body begins to consume what it has stored in reserve.

Your diet should be structured so that you eat complex carbohydrates in the morning, which provide energy for the day. For lunch - dairy products, thermally processed vegetables and fruits, vegetable soups. For dinner - proteins (eggs with vegetables, cottage cheese, fish, meat).


It doesn’t matter whether you are planning to lose excess weight or simply switch to a healthy diet, you need to ensure that toxins are removed from the body. To do this, it is recommended to follow a diet for one day, but not resort to fasting.

It is believed that excess carbohydrates and crude fiber lead to intestinal dysbiosis, which a special diet helps get rid of. To do this, you need to sit on thermally processed vegetables and fruits all day: light soups, baked fruits, vegetable stews.

Salads made from raw fruits are not suitable due to the fact that they contain a lot of moisture. Once in the body, such fiber carries out only mechanical cleansing, but does not absorb toxins. Only a dehydrated substance is capable of this.

A vegetable diet day will help to cleanse the body and lose excess fat without harm to health, which should be carried out according to the following rules:

  • you need to eat them five times a day;
  • season food with a teaspoon of vegetable oil each time;
  • For the last meal, you can prepare a salad of raw fruits and herbs; they will carry out the final mechanical cleaning.

In a day, without harm to your health, you will lose about 300 g. If more, it means a lot of water has been lost, and its amount needs to be replenished.

Water mode

About 70% of breakdown products are removed from the body by the liver. But these are only fat-soluble toxins. Water-soluble ones are utilized by the kidneys, approximately 25% of the total volume. But this process requires a sufficient amount of water. Therefore, in order to lose excess weight without harm to the body, it is necessary to monitor your water balance.

Liquid can come not only from clean water, but also with soups, juices, including freshly squeezed ones, compotes, tea, coffee. There is an opinion that decoctions and freshly squeezed juices are more food than drink. Other experts argue that water is absorbed faster if it is transported along with minerals and vitamins, so it must be drunk in the form of juices and vegetable soups. It should be at least one and a half liters per day, including first courses. People with heart disease are advised to drink no more than a liter of fluid.

Remember that a lack of water can lead to various diseases: disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels and the heart (including increased wear and tear), deterioration in the transportation of useful substances and the disposal of toxic ones.

Motor activity

The question of how to effectively lose weight can be solved not only through nutrition, but also by increasing physical activity. To do this, it is advisable to go to the gym and exercise under the supervision of a trainer. He will pick up suitable program, will adjust it as you progress. But there are some nuances that you can and should control yourself.

First of all, you need to control your sweating - it leads to severe violation water balance. And we remember that with a lack of water, the blood thickens, toxins are less easily removed from the body, oxygen is poorly transported, and it is harder for the heart to work.

People who are very overweight need to be especially careful. They're even at peace goes strong load on the heart, joints, tendons. Therefore, they should start with swimming, but if they wish and have a professional trainer, they can also start with training in the gym, where it is good to localize the load, eliminating unnecessary pressure on the joints.

You should not focus on the difference in weight between the beginning and end of the workout. It can be significant, but it occurs mainly due to a decrease in the amount of water in the body.

Most of the fat is burned during the rest period, when the muscles gradually recover after exercise. The more muscle there is, the more fat is used to maintain it. Therefore, you should not be afraid to pump up too much; additional volume will only benefit you.

Proper sleep

Here we come to another important component in the question of how to properly lose weight - proper rest and sleep. If you want to join the ranks of those who have lost weight, evaluate your sleep pattern: how much sleep you sleep a day, when you go to bed, under what conditions you rest, what wakes you up in the morning.

It is believed that the ideal time to go to bed is sunset. As soon as it gets dark outside, the body begins to prepare for rest: body temperature drops, heart rate slows down, and the effect of stress hormones stops. All this is the work of melatonin - the sleep hormone. Restoration of the body and, accordingly, weight loss takes place during the period of deep sleep.

  • Sleep should be 6.5-8.5 hours a day.
  • Try to go to bed and get up at the same time. It is advisable to go to bed when it gets dark outside, and not to extend your day with artificial lighting, which reduces the level of melatonin production.
  • The room should be relatively cool; in such conditions, metabolism accelerates. But do not overdo it, as it is difficult to fall asleep in a room that is too cold, which shortens the duration of sleep.
  • It is advisable to sleep in the dark, this is the only way to achieve normal melatonin synthesis. Scientists have calculated that the risk of obesity among those who sleep in pitch darkness is 21% less than among those who like to sleep with light.
  • Turn off the TV, computer and gadgets half an hour before going to bed. This way you give your nervous system time to calm down and turn off your brain faster, which will delight you with calm and pleasant dreams.
  • Listen to yourself when you wake up. If you have Bad mood, heavy thoughts - this indicates upcoming depression, which often becomes the cause of obesity.
  • Try to wake up with the sunrise. If you get up closer to lunch, you will feel unwell, feel exhausted, and lack energy, which is also often replenished through food.

Of course, there are so-called “owls” and “nightingales”, but it is believed that it is better to stick to the “lark” mode.

Weight loss by category

For a teenager

Sometimes reset heavy weight required for a teenager. In this case, we must take into account that his body is still growing, he cannot use mono and no-carbohydrate diets, or fasting. This can cause illness. Therefore, a balanced diet, physical activity and the exclusion of crackers, chips, fast food, and soda are suitable for a teenager. The diet should be rich in lean meat and fish, fruits, vegetables, cereals, low-fat dairy products, and eggs.

For physical activity, classes in a sports section or gym are suitable.

It is important to first consult a doctor and determine the cause of obesity in order to exclude possible serious illnesses. It is advisable that the weight loss process also take place under the supervision of a physician or parents.

For men

Peculiarity male body The fact is that for them the minimum calories needed per day are 1800 units. This must be taken into account when planning your diet. They also need exercise in the gym, but in this case you can safely work on the mass, building up muscles. They will help you burn faster excess fat. Therefore, it is recommended to focus on proteins in the diet.

To ensure that the weight goes away steadily and the lost kilograms do not return, men are recommended to follow these rules:

  • Stick to your diet.
  • Do not drink alcohol or processed foods.
  • Minimize the amount of salt.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

For women

Representatives of the fair sex lose weight according to the same principles, only with some nuances. So, their minimum amount of calories per day is 1200 units. Therefore, they also need to adjust their diet and start doing physical activity. Classes must take place at least three times a week. This can be not only cardio exercises, but also strength exercises.

I would like to warn girls who engage in self-torture and go hungry or sit on strict diets for a long time. Such weight loss gives only a temporary effect, and after switching to the usual regimen, everything lost sometimes comes back with additional kilograms.

Be especially careful to adhere to special systems nursing mothers and pregnant women need nutrition. Their diet must contain enough nutrients. It is strictly forbidden to use various drugs, biological supplements for weight loss, magnets and other devices. Massages and wraps are used with caution, which in other situations give an excellent effect, complementing basic weight loss measures.

Today, the problem of extra pounds is very large and relevant. A large number of people have a desire to solve it, but do not know how to lose excess weight.

You should approach weight loss very seriously and thoughtfully. This whole science, compliance with the rules of which will allow you not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to improve the health of the body as a whole.

Components of the weight loss system:

  • Real analysis of the situation.
  • The correct preparatory stage.
  • Choosing the most suitable weight loss method.
  • The right way out of losing weight.
  • Retention of obtained results.

What is excess weight and how to determine it

How to lose excess weight? Before doing this, you should figure out what it is and whether you really have it.

Excess weight is a disease characterized by an increase in body weight due to subcutaneous fat deposits. The concept of excess weight is far from a subjective assessment.

Determination methods:

  • Calculation of body mass index according to Quetelet.
  • Using special floor scales.
  • Along the fold on the stomach.
  • According to Broca's system.

All these calculation methods are based on statistical averages. Don't forget about individual characteristics structure of every person. For greater accuracy in establishing or to refute the diagnosis, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Causes of the disease

How to quickly lose excess weight? Before you begin to eliminate this problem, it is worth determining the causes of its occurrence:

  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Physical inactivity.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Wrong diet.
  • Stress.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Having bad habits.
  • Chronic lack of sleep.

Having determined the reason for the appearance of extra pounds, the weight loss procedure should begin with their elimination. Without eliminating the source of the problem, it is unrealistic to get rid of the hated kilograms and centimeters forever.

How to lose weight quickly and effectively - 10 techniques

There are a huge number of ways to lose weight. They are based on proper balanced nutrition, systematic physical activity, consumption of vitamins and various procedures. But let’s try to figure out how to properly lose excess weight and correctly compare all these techniques.

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Eating colored vegetables and fruits.
  3. Carrying out various cosmetic procedures.
  4. Fat burning baths.
  5. Systematic physical activity.
  6. Performing resistance exercises.
  7. Visiting saunas and cryosaunas.
  8. Auxiliary vitamins.
  9. Psychological mood.
  10. The ability to listen to your body.

There are many different ways to lose weight. Having selected the maximum allowable for your health, you can begin the process of losing weight.

Features of nutrition when losing weight

In the 21st century, there is a wide variety of information about diet programs for weight loss. Collateral healthy eating to lose excess weight is to follow certain rules, counting calories in foods and the correct ratio of nutrients in the diet.

Proper nutrition for weight loss is based on the following principles:

  • The energy value of food must correspond to the energy expenditure of the body.
  • The chemical composition of substances must correspond to the individual physiological needs of the body.
  • Maximum variety of diet.
  • Proper diet.

When asking the question “How to lose excess weight through nutrition?”, you need to monitor the nutritional value of foods. This implies chemical composition food, its content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber.

How to increase the effectiveness of exercises for weight loss?

How to lose excess weight at home and still achieve good results in a short period of time? Exercising at home can be just as effective as going to the gym. If you follow all the rules of the weight loss complex, increasing the effectiveness of exercises will not create much difficulty.

Basic rules:

  • Proper diet and nutrition.
  • Regular and moderate training with a gradual increase in load.
  • Drinking water during exercise.
  • Fresh air during training.
  • Warm shower after class.
  • Sportswear.
  • Warm-up and after the training process.
  • Working out all muscle groups in a complex manner.
  • A variety of exercises.

When creating a workout program for weight loss at home, it is impossible to do without strength exercises and cardio exercises. The most effective workouts for weight loss are those done in the cross-fit style.

Having familiarized yourself with the basic rules that promote rapid weight loss, you should begin the training process itself.

Rules for losing weight for the stronger sex

Ways to lose excess weight for men at home are no different from the universal rules. The only slight difference is based on the psycho-emotional state.

So, how can a man lose weight at home and where to start? This is a moral motivation: awareness of the presence of excess weight and the need to eliminate it.

Action plan:

Low calorie dietary food with a frequency of eating every two hours in small portions.

Morning exercises and jogging. One of the most effective ways When losing weight, cardio training is considered. The initial duration of running is 25-30 minutes daily with a gradual increase in time up to 1 hour. After jogging, it is recommended to perform stretch exercises on the thigh muscles.

Enriching the body with water. The daily amount of fluid consumed should be at least 2 liters. In the morning you should drink 1 glass of melt water. This regimen will improve the metabolic process in the body.

Quitting bad habits. This will allow you to reduce the number of calories you consume, restore nervous system and relieve shortness of breath during exercise.

Physical activity. It is recommended to carry out training 2-3 times a week aimed at eliminating extra pounds and giving muscle tone body. The peculiarity of training for men is the ability to use heavy weights when performing exercises. This training system will help transform excess weight into a voluminous, sculpted male body.

The problem of excess weight among the fairer sex

When wondering how a woman can lose excess weight by training at home, she should understand that losing weight at home is not particularly different from losing weight in the gym. A prerequisite for successful training is motivation.

The main components of a weight loss system for women at home:

Diet is the foundation of the fight against excess weight. You can use any dietary nutrition system that is individually suitable for your body, or you can create it yourself, based on the 5 principles of nutrition for weight loss.

Cardio training. Frequency - 3-4 per week, lasting from 40 to 60 minutes. Options: cycling, jogging, swimming, active ball games, etc.

A set of exercises. Additional weight is used in the form of dumbbells, barbells or other improvised objects. Performing strength exercises will help preserve muscle tissue from destruction and give it tone and definition. Therefore, a training plan should be drawn up taking into account exercises for all muscle groups.

Additional specialized nutrition. This is not necessary, but in order to slightly speed up the weight loss process, you can take sports nutrition. Proper use of such drugs will solve the problem of excess weight in the shortest possible time.

All features of weight loss are suitable for every woman, regardless of age and weight category. There are only specifics on how a pregnant woman can lose excess weight, for example. After all, strength and cardio exercises should be performed with minimal stress. And about the use sports nutrition there is no question at all. Also, a pregnant woman is prohibited from fasting and a strict diet. But first things first.

How to lose excess weight during pregnancy

The concepts of “pregnancy” and “weight gain” are closely related. The main thing is that the number of kilograms gained is within the normal range. Being overweight while pregnant has an adverse effect on both the woman’s body and the health of the fetus.

When determining the presence of excess weight, you should immediately begin to eliminate it. The question arises about how to lose excess weight during pregnancy without harming your health.

Nutrition rules. For pregnant women, strict dietary nutrition, fasting or mono-diets are unacceptable. It is recommended to switch to fresh vegetables and fruits, steamed and oven-cooked dishes. Eliminate fried foods, smoked foods, flour products and pickles from your diet. You should definitely eat foods fortified with folic acid, calcium and iron. It is also worth monitoring the amount of water consumed.

Physical activity. During a normal pregnancy, they have a number of advantages. When asking the question of how a pregnant woman can lose excess weight, a complete answer cannot be found without light physical activity. They prevent the development of gestational diabetes and improve overall physical and emotional state women.

Exercises on a fitball are considered very useful and effective. It is recommended to start gymnastics on a fitball between 12 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. At this stage, the risk of miscarriage is minimal, and general condition women normalizes, toxicosis decreases.

Classification of exercises on a fitball for pregnant women according to their functional effects:

  • Losing excess weight.
  • Strengthening muscles.
  • Stretching and flexibility.
  • Relaxing effect.
  • Training the deep muscles of the perineum.

When starting any set of exercises, a consultation with a gynecologist is a must. Without a specialist, it is impossible to figure out how a pregnant woman can lose excess weight without harm to her health. After all, no matter how many benefits gymnastics brings, there are also contraindications to physical activity for expectant mothers. Vigilance and care for your body and the health of your baby is a woman’s main goal.

How to lose belly fat. Nutrition and sports

I am faced with the problem of how to lose excess belly weight. large number people. The problem of extra centimeters in the abdominal area is associated with poor diet and lifestyle.

The belly fat loss system is no different from general rules weight loss. Balanced diet in combination with strength training will help you achieve a flat and sculpted stomach.

Nutrition rules. Minimum quantity fats and flour products. Sweet and salty foods should be excluded from the diet. It is not allowed to drink immediately after eating. Dinner - no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Exercise. Daily exercises with a gradual increase in load. One workout should include exercises for several muscle groups. Frequency of execution: 3 sets of 25-30 repetitions. The exercises are performed smoothly. Constantly control your breathing during exercise and exhale with effort. During exercise, the abdominal muscles are constantly under tension. To speed up the metabolic process, you need to drink clean water throughout your workout.

List of the most effective exercises:

  • Rotation of the hoop.
  • Abdominal exercises.
  • Twisting with leg lifts.
  • Ragged run.
  • Plank.
  • "Fold".

Additional ways to lose excess weight at home from the abdominal area:

  • Cleansing the intestines and skin.
  • Dealing with stressful situations.
  • Complete rest.
  • The use of cosmetics to combat subcutaneous fat.
  • Wraps and masks.
  • Massage.
  • Sports nutrition.

All this together will allow you to get rid of extra centimeters on your waist in a short period of time and improve the health of your body as a whole.

A set of exercises for losing belly fat at home

Fitness classes at home have a number of advantages: no need to adapt to the work schedule of a sports club, budget savings, and no embarrassment during training. The only negative is the lack of exercise machines and sports equipment for more intense training of all muscle groups.

When compiling a set of exercises, we take into account the complexity and variety of physical activity.

Exercise 1. Shaping the waist. Rotation of a gymnastic hoop or on the “Twist” simulator. 3 sets of 3 minutes.

Exercise 2. Press. Horizontal body position. Simultaneously raising the body and legs up. Hold at the top point of contact for a couple of seconds. 4 sets of 20 times.

Exercise 3. Torso rotation with a bodybar. Engages the external oblique abdominal muscles. standing, lower limbs apart, weighted stick on shoulders behind. By turning the torso alternately to each side, the pelvis is fixed in a stationary state. 4 sets of 20 times.

Exercise 4. Leg raises. It can be performed both on uneven bars and on the horizontal bar. Execution technique: the body is fixed on the uneven bars on the forearms, the legs are raised, bent at the knees, to chest level. On the horizontal bar we perform a hang with our toes raised to the bar. Exercises are performed with abdominal tension at the final point of contact with the crossbar. 5 sets of 15 reps.

Exercise 5. Plank. An exercise that works all the muscles of the body. The technique involves fixing the body on the forearms and toes. The body is perfectly straight. 3 passes of one minute each.

By performing this set of exercises to lose belly fat, you will achieve rapid decline weight training at home is quite possible even without the presence of exercise equipment. Success lies only in self-discipline, adherence to basic rules and regular training. This will allow home fitness to turn into effective tool losing weight.